Page 1: Week Nine - T Junee Presentation-2

Digital Research and Publishing(ARIN6912)

Masters of Publishing

University of Sydney, Australia

Presentation by: Tiffanny Junee

Copyright 2010

Page 2: Week Nine - T Junee Presentation-2

Historical context of scientific publishing & economics: printing press to digital age & the Open Access Movement.

New ways of disseminating scientific data and results: from social software to social knowledge

New waves of knowledge to come: downloadable beliefs & the knowledge economy

Innovative possibilities for arrangement of data and information: cutting the trees of knowledge

Epistemologies not quite associated with the printing press: future of classification (folksonomy, blogs, tags metadata)

Cutting the trees of knowledge: Social Software, Information Architecture and their epistemic consequences

- Michael Schlitz, Frederick Truyen and Hans Coppens (2007)

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If production of knowledge is always a social process, what are the implications of social media?

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How has social media changed the production of knowledge?


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How has social media changed the production of knowledge?


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Bibliography• Castells, Manuel (2001), ‘The Internet Galaxy: Reflections on the Internet, Business and Society, Oxford University Press Inc,

New York, NY, USA• McLuhan, M., & Fiore, Q. (1967) The Medium is the message, New York, Bantam• McLuhan, Marshall (1962), The Gutenberg Galaxy, University of Toronto Press, Canada• Nishant Shah, (2009)’ Present, tense: Future classrooms’ in Teacher Plus magazine, 5 December 2009, ‘Perspectives’

[accessed 17 and 22 September, 2010:]• Castells, M. (1996)‘Prologue: the net and the self’ in his The rise of the network society, Vol 1: The information age: economy,

society and culture, Blackwells, Oxford, 1996, pp1-13• Castells, Manuel (1997), ‘Communal heavens: identity and meaning in network society’ in The power of identity: the information

age – economy, society and culture, Massachusetts: Blackwell, pp5-67 • Rigby, Ben.(2008), Mobilizing Generation 2.0 – A Practical guide to using Web 2.0 Technologies to Recruit, Organize, and

Engage Youth, John Wiley & Sons, California, USA.• Schlitz, M., Truyen, F., & Coppens, H. (2007), ‘Cutting the trees of knowledge: social software, information architecture & their

epistemic consequences’, Thesis Eleven, 89 (1), 94. [183]• Shirky, Clay (2003), ‘Social Software and the Politics of Groups’, Internet Week, 10 March 2003 [accessed: 28 August, 2010

and 22 September, 2010]• Shirky, Clay (2008), Here comes everybody: the power of organising without organisations, Allen Lane, London.• Solis, Brian (2008), ‘Introducing the Conversation Prism’, blogpost 2 August, 2008 [accessed: 17 September 2010]

General References:• Social Software ( and • Wiki’s ( [accessed 21 September, 2010]

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