Page 1:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

Integrated STEM Unit Snapshot

Unit TitleLife Science: Weather Technology

NGSS Performance Expectation

3-ES S2.1 Represent data in tables and graphical displays to describe typical weather conditions expected during a particular


NGSS Disciplinary Core Ideas

ESS2.D: Weather and Climate Scientists record patterns of the weather across different times and areas so that they can make predictions about

what kind of weather might happen next. Climate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions vary

over yearsNGSS Science &

Engineering Practices1: Asking questions2. Developing and using models3. Planning and carrying out investigations4. Analyzing and interpreting data5. Using mathematics and computational thinking6. Constructing explanations and designing solutions7. Engaging in argument from evidence8. Obtaining, evaluating, and communicating information

NGSS Crosscutting Concepts

Patterns Patterns of change can be used to make predictions

MSDE STEM SOP Learn and apply rigorous STEM content

Students will be able to evaluate ways meteorologists measure weather elements by designing and using their own weather instrument. They will collect data to see changes and patterns in weather.

Integrate STEM content Analyzing data and recognizing patterns in temperature, precipitation, etc. (math) of weather conditions

(science) Designing, building, and improving (Engineering) their own instruments (technology) to measure (math)

weather conditions (science) Interpret and communicate info from STEM

Creating a presentation based on the patterns and conditions of the data they collected. Use their data to summarize the seasonal conditions of their area and predict how the data would change if

the same unit was repeated at another time within the year.This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 1

Page 2:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

Engage in inquiry Using a variety of resources during the explore process Evaluating the structure and purpose of already made weather instruments in order to design their own

Engage in logical reasoning Giving logical responses to teacher questioning and exit card. Why is it important to record weather

data? Designing and building weather instrument using reasonable materials and time frame. Making sense of the information they have learned to describe the seasonal conditions and predict how

the data may change for another season. Collaborate as a STEM team

Evaluating example design plans to discuss pros and cons, agreeing on appropriate materials and design plans, working together to build the instrument within a given time frame all by respecting each other’s opinions and working together.

Troubleshooting instrument issues throughout the data collection period Creating a group presentation using powerpoint.

Apply technology strategically Using technology appropriately during research and creating a presentation Analyzing the technology of tools already designed Mimicking and altering the technology of tools already made in order to make their own that will fulfill

the same purpose

Enduring Understandings Design and develop a weather station and use the instruments to collect data over a 2-week (minimum) period. At the end of the observation time, students will display the changes in weather using a variety of graphs.

Essential Questions How can weather conditions be observed, measured, and described?How can tools materials and skills be used to carry out a task?

Transdisciplinary Connections Science: Understanding how weather is measured and the importance of weather patternsTechnology: Analyzing and utilizing technologyEngineering: Building and using a thermometer, wind gauge, or anemometerMath: Displaying numeric data in graph form to compare and show change.

This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 2

Page 3:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

5 E Components Activity

DAY 1: (45 minutes)Engage: 10 mins

Activate prior knowledge through questioning while exploring a variety of weather tools and monthly temperature and precipitation averages of the local area.

Display or hand-out page 1 of the Weather Instrument Cards to each group of students. Remind (or explain) that technology is the practical application of science to solve practical problems.

Ask students to share their prior knowledge by asking them if they know or can predict what this kind of technology is for using the think-pair-share method.

Through questioning, lead students to the idea that they are all tools used to measure elements of weather.

Explore/Explain: 25 mins Students will analyze the

monthly averages data to draw conclusions about weather patterns

Students will combine prior knowledge, experience, and this information to make a list of reasons why tracking weather is important.

Display or distribute copies of the monthly averages for your local area via ( )

Allow students time to analyze and discuss the data. Ask students questions like which month is coldest? Warmest? Driest? Wettest? Listen carefully for misconceptions or misunderstandings of vocabulary words. It is important students understand what average, precipitation, and temperature mean.

Have students make a list of reasons why they think this information is important. Ask each group to share their lists to combine in one class list. As each group shares, other groups

should evaluate their own list to not repeat ideas.

Extension: 10 mins Instead of thinking about

weather on a short-term or daily life basis, students will recognize a global challenge if weather patterns change

Depending on student responses above, reiterate the importance or ask what happens if the pattern changes over time?

Give students time to read NASA’s Climate Kids meaning of climate change.

Evaluate: 5 mins Review exit cards with the

purpose of finding prior knowledge and misconceptions. Look for

Exit Card: Why is it important for meteorologists to record weather data and track patterns?

This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 3

Page 4:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

domain specific vocabulary used correctly/incorrectly. Some students may need more direct instruction during the rest of the unit based on what they already know.

DAY 2: (45 minutes)Engage: 5 mins

Students will activate prior knowledge by revisiting picture cards from yesterday.

Give each pair of students page 1 and 2 of the Weather Instrument Cards. Explain that they are the same tools discussed yesterday, but now they will be given name and descriptions.

Allow students time to reason and match the weather tool cards with their correct descriptions.

Explore/Evaluate: 15 mins While exploring the

information presented in a video, students will self-correct their matching choices.

Prompt students to evaluate their matching choices while viewing an informational video. Show students the video “Weather: Changes and Measurement” from Discovery Education. (13 minutes)

Teacher’s Note: Discover Education requires a login, but it is free to join!

This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 4

Page 5:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

Explore/Explain: 25 mins Students will explore a

variety of resources based on the weather tool they have been assigned.

They will work collaboratively to critique the given plans in order to create their own logical design.

The design template will assess their understanding of the purpose and function of the assigned tool and require them to explain their reasoning.

Divide students into groups to design and build an assigned weather tool. Teacher’s note: You need at least 5 groups, one for each weather group. The thermometer

and barometer group will be able to use their tools to see changes in temperature or air pressure as far as high or low, but will need an actual thermometer and a reputable online resource for numerical temperature and air pressure readings.

Explain to students that they will read a variety of ways to build their weather tool and then will create their own design.

Provide each group with a Design Template and a few sample designs (See Teacher Resource links). The teacher may want to also give students a list of available classroom supplies that includes empty cans and containers, plastic wrap, plastic straws, rubber bands, cardboard, tape, markers, scissors, disposable cups etc.

Give students time to work through the Ask, Imagine, and Plan parts of the Engineering Design Process as described by Engineering is Elementary. (See link in Resources if you are unfamiliar with this process.)

DAY 3: (45 minutes)Engage: 5 mins

Students will refresh their memory by reviewing their work from yesterday.

Give students a short time to review their ideas from yesterday in preparation to share them with someone new.

Explain: 25 mins Each student will get the

opportunity to explain their design plan to a group of students that are not in their original group.

Re-group students so there is one representative from each instrument in a group. Students will teach their classmates about the instrument they have been assigned and how they will design it.

During presentations, assess students’ understanding through anecdotal notes. At the end of each presentation, tell students to share their feedback while the presenters take notes on

their reflection sheet. (Weather Instrument Self-Reflection)

Evaluate:15 mins Students will evaluate their

own understanding by After all presentations, have students meet again with their instrument group. Give time for students to

share their feedback and alter their design plans, however they see fit.This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 5

Page 6:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

completing a self-reflection. Groups will be able to

receive and utilize feedback from their peers to better their designs.

Day 4: 45 mins

Explore/Explain Students will use their

design to create their tool and collect their first set of data.

Teacher Set-Up: Based on materials requested, set up work stations for each group with necessary equipment. Some tools may need to be kept outside for data collection, have a designated spot ready.

Students should create their own weather tool using their design template and any adjustments they made after the peer review. Show students where to set-up their finished tools. Teacher can assess the create step of their engineering process using anecdotal notes on how well they are participating, collaborating, and following their plan.

Distribute a data collection sheet to each student. Explain that they will only need to record the date and data for their tool for right now.

Give students time to make their first observation in their weather tool groups. This will require extra teacher attention the first time to make sure that it runs smoothly.

Thermometer group will need to use a real thermometer. Barometer and anemometer groups should confirm their data with a weather website, such as local, before sharing with the class.

After observing and recording results, the teacher should lead a class sharing session for students to get the data from the other weather tools.

2 (or more) Weeks:Engage/Explore:

Students will collect data using their weather instrument

Explain Students will share their

data with the class and make notes of changes from previous data.

Evaluate Students will make changes

to improve or repair their designs as the observations

Allow students time each day to record and share their data. Prompt students to compare data to the previous day’s data, noting any increases, decreases, or similarities and asking what are the effects of these changes.

Remind students that the engineering process never ends. Students may need to repair or change parts of their tools as the observation period continues. You can use the Design Improvement Worksheet to assess these changes.

Throughout the observation period, the teacher may wish to accompany observation times with science lessons based on their curriculum. Some possible ideas that would extend students thinking and apply to their learning includes:

States of Matter/Conservation of Matter/Water Cycles Comparing student data to published weather reports Analyzing weather data in other regions Types of Precipitation Severe Weather

This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 6

Page 7:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014


Students understanding can be continued through further topic studies.

Students will represent their final data in the form of charts and graphs using PowerPoint.

Seasonal Changes At the end of the observation period, students can work in small groups or individually to complete the

power point weather report.

Differentiation : This section describes ways to modify the lesson for diverse learning styles.The most effective way to differentiate this lesson is to strategically group students for their weather instrument assignments. The anemometer instrument is the most difficult to collect data because students have to be very proficient in math and see the relationship between time and distance (revolutions) to calculate speed. Students with special needs could be placed in a group altogether, so that the teacher can scaffold each activity and read the information text to them or can be dispersed among other groups to be supported by peers. The thermometer and barometer group will both be able to use their tool to see changes in the temperature or air pressure, but will need to consult a real thermometer for temperature and online resource for air pressure for numerical reasons. For this reason, teachers may choose to assign the thermometer group to students who may struggle with the design and building process and assign students to the barometer group who have competent computer and internet skills.The final presentation can also be differentiated by offering more or less template support for graphs and charts within the PowerPoint template.

Resources: This section contains links to materials that are intended to support content instruction in this lesson.Links to anemometer designs:

Links to wind vane designs:

Links to barometer designs: template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 7

Page 8:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Integrated STEM Lesson Plan: R. Bruno 2014

Links to rain gauge designs:

Links to thermometer designs:

Elementary Engineering Design Process:

This template has been adapted from “STEM Centric Unit and Lesson Template” from MSDE retrieved from: 8

Page 9:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Weather Instrument Cards

R. Bruno 2014

Page 10:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Weather Instrument Cards

An instrument that is used to measure air pressure and predict changes in weather.

An instrument used for measuring temperature in degrees Fahrenheit or Celsius.

An instrument that is used for measuring the amount of precipitation in a given time.

An instrument that is used to measure the speed of the wind, usually by determining the revolutions per minute.

An instrument used to show the direction of the wind usually displayed on an elevated structure.

R. Bruno 2014

Page 11:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Self-Reflection & Peer Review

Name: _______________________________________________ Date: _______________

Design a Weather ToolASK: Circle the tool that you were assigned to design and build.

Thermometer Barometer Anemometer Wind Vane Precipitation Gauge

How will your tool help you measure an element of the weather?







What have others done? Are there ideas you want to use or change? Why?











R. Bruno 2014

Page 12:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Self-Reflection & Peer Review




















R. Bruno 2014

Page 13:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Self-Reflection & Peer Review

Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________

Weather Instrument: Self-Reflection

I was responsible for explaining the __________________________.

Check how you feel about each part of your explanation How well did you explain…

Not so well Okay Very wellWhat your tool measures

Your group’s design

Suggestions I received:



Name: _____________________________________________________ Date: ____________Weather Instrument: Self-Reflection

I was responsible for explaining the __________________________.

Check how you feel about each part of your explanation How well did you explain…

Not so well Okay Very wellWhat your tool measures

Your group’s design

Suggestions I received:



R. Bruno 2014

Page 14:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Weather Data Collection

Date Temperature:◦F/◦C

Wind Speed:

Wind Direction:

Air Pressure:


Name: _______________________________________________ Date: ______________

R. Bruno 2014

Page 15:… · Web viewClimate describes a range of an area’s typical weather conditions and the extent to which those conditions

Design Improvement

Weather Instrument: ____________________________________ Date : _______________

We need to make a change to our weather instrument because…



Our Plan:






Weather Instrument: ____________________________________ Date : _______________

We need to make a change to our weather instrument because…



Our Plan:






R. Bruno 2014

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