Page 1: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

The Glory BannerCross of Glory Lutheran Church (ELCA), a Wildfire Congregation December 2015

Wednesday, December 2 ~ 8:15am50 + and Friends

Saturday, December 5 ~ 11:30amW/ELCA Smorgasbord

Thursday, December 10 ~ 1:00pmCross of Glory Blood Drive

Sunday, December 13 ~ 10:00am(One Service)

Advent Choir Service and Festival of FoodsSunday, December 20 ~ 10:00am

(One Service)Crosswalk Christmas Concert and LunchThursday, December 24 ~ Christmas Eve

Worship4:00pm and 10:00pm

The days are surely coming, says the LORD, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the


Page 2: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

house of Judah.  In those days and at that time I will cause a righteous Branch to spring up for David; and he shall execute justice and righteousness in the land.  In those days Judah will be saved and Jerusalem will live in safety. And this is the name by which it will be called: ‘The LORD  is our righteousness.’ Jeremiah 33: 14-16

Promises FulfilledThe days are surely coming. But how long, O Lord? The days are surely coming. But what about these days in which we find ourselves? What about today, and yesterday, and last week? What about terror and hunger and fear and grief and hopelessness? When will Judah be saved or Jerusalem live in safety or Paris be without fear? Or closer to home, what about the lost and lonely and fearful that walk through the doors of Cross of Glory every week, looking for help, hungry for both a word of grace and an act of love, a few dollars for food or rent or diapers. The days are surely coming. Soon would be good.

It was a different world, the day of Jeremiah, but maybe not as different as we think. Like us they were foolish and fearful, slow to trust in God’s abundance, inclined to hoard and exclude. Like us they were too ready to accept a bargain with powers and principalities, forgetting that God brought them out of bondage into freedom, not Wall Street. Like us their hearts were often broken by the suffering of so many yet it was easier to blame the stranger than look at their own choices and institutions.

Jeremiah called his people to look deeply into what they had built, the ways in which their own leaders and institutions had gone astray. The enemy was not outside the gate but within, and throughout his ministry Jeremiah called the people to turn back, to walk God’s path, to execute justice and righteousness in all the land. At the same time, especially as their world unravels, Jeremiah speaks a word of hope, a word of promise. The days are surely coming.

In our day it is as tempting as ever to blame the other, to look for the root of our problems beyond our shores or religion or skin color. It’s often easier to get lost in the darkness then to heed our call to be light. Yet for us as a Lutherans the call to work for justice and peace in all the earth was issued to us at the very beginning, in our baptisms. As the pace to buy, buy, buy accelerates this time of year, I am reminded of all those who make and fill and pack and haul and sell. So many of those who work


Page 3: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

in manufacturing and distribution and retail experience injustice on an almost daily basis. Most of the work is part time with low pay and few or no benefits. Schedules are changed constantly, making family life challenging. While we are quick to speak of sin in some arenas of our lives, we have chosen to imagine that the market and those who steer and control it are free from such brokenness and self-interest.

If Judah is to be saved and Jerusalem live in safety, we must reimagine our economics and make work with dignity a higher priority. National policies around things like health care and sick leave matter, but we must also rebuild a strong and vital labor movement. There is simply no other tool in our economic system to balance the scales and rebuild an economy that serves people rather than the other way around. Workers organizing in unions and worker centers across the country are beacons of hope for their families and communities. They are standing against staggering odds and working together around a vision of the world as it should be. Our Advent call is to stand with them. The days are surely coming, says the Lord. Peace, Pastor Doug


Sunday Bible Readings for December

December 6: Isaiah 40:1-11 ~ Comfort, comfort my people, a voice cries out in the wilderness, make straight the way of the Lord.December 13: Esra 1:1-4; 3:1-4, 10-13 ~ Return from exile and rebuilding the temple.December 20: Luke 1:5-13, 57-80 ~ John the Baptist’s birth; blessed be the God of Israel who has looked favorably on his people.December 24: Luke 2:1-14 (15-20) ~ Birth of Jesus.December 27: Mark 1:1-20 ~ John the Baptist, Jesus announces the kingdom, calls the disciples.

Page 4: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

Dear Friends in Christ,

Well, it’s begun…actually, it apparently began over a month ago, according to the ads on TV, the flyers and catalogs in the mail, and the decorations in the stores that showed up IN OCTOBER!

Of course, I’m talking about “The Christmas Season” – that frenzy of shopping and commercialism that just seems to become more overwhelming and joy-sapping each year! If I hear one more reference to Black Friday, I may just snap.

That’s why I’m writing this to ask if you believe, as I do – you, as Christian Believer; you, as someone who certainly understands that Christmas – at least the Christmas we choose to celebrate – in the famous words from the Grinch, “perhaps, means a little bit more.”

If you agree, then I’d like to suggest just one more thing – this year, would you join me in finding some new ways to celebrate this Christmas season? You see, I believe that when we’re called to be good stewards as Christians, that applies to all aspects of our lives, not just what we choose to give to church through our tithes and offerings, but in every way we choose to spend the gifts with which God blesses us. I believe that God wants to guide, bless and multiply every way in which we contribute to the world around us – through our charitable giving, through our volunteer efforts, through the gifts we give to others, and through the ways in which we interact with everyone we meet. I like to use the term “generous living” to describe this lifestyle. Every Sunday, at the 11:00 service, we end by praying together, “Lord, help me be your hands and feet to everyone I meet.” To me, that’s the true definition of stewardship, and it’s also the perfect sentiment for Christmas.

Let me suggest a few ways in which you might choose to exercise this new way of celebrating Christmas, either as an individual, or together with your family members:

By volunteering your time and energy in some way to help those in need. You’ll find a small tree in the entrance area at church that’s loaded with some suggestions for you to consider. If you like one of those, simply pull it off and take it with you, and jot your name(s) on the space underneath, so we know you made that choice. By filling in those spots, you’ll help “decorate” that tree through your acts of love and care for others.

By considering some alternative gifting options, instead of trying to find “that special gift” for Dad, Grandma, or your coworker that will probably


Page 5: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

end up in a bottom drawer or dusty shelf once again this year. Here are a few to consider:

o Purchase a gift that will make a huge difference in the lives of people around the world through the ELCA Good Gifts program. See the bulletin inserts and the catalogs placed throughout the church for more info, specific ideas, and prices. The gift of a goat, a water well, some baby chicks, honey bees, or a mosquito net are just a few of the many, many choices.

o Purchase a gift for the Community Emergency Assistance Program’s “Toys of Joy” event. Take one or more ornaments from the W/ELCA sponsored tree by the welcome kiosk, purchase the gifts and bring them in unwrapped for delivery to CEAP by Dec 15.

o Consider a gift of yourself – bake some cookies for a shut-in neighbor; help a friend with some yard work or home repairs; take your kids or grandkids to a local retirement home and sing Christmas carols; write cards and letters to soldiers stationed away from home; or think of some way you can make a real difference in the life of another person, and then do it!

o Make a year-end special donation to the charitable organization of your choice. God doesn’t just want us to honor Him through our church giving, but with every dollar we give to help others! If you aren’t sure about a particular charity, and need help determining if they’re a worthy cause, just ask Pastor Doug, the church office, or myself for help to check them out.

o Have you or someone you love been impacted by a serious illness? Consider a donation in their name to organizations like the American Heart Association, the American Cancer Society, or other similar choices.

You might also want to include your kids and/or grandkids in a conversation about how you choose to spend your money and celebrate Christmas in these new ways – you may be pleasantly surprised at how the younger generations have a heart for helping people and making a difference in the world.

Friends, I wish for you and your family a joyous, loving, and festive Christmas time, and I pray that, together, we might find some ways to bring the love shown by God’s Gift of His Son, Jesus, to the people around us. He really is “The Reason for the Season!”

In Christ, Ed Dedman


Page 6: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

Holiday Luncheon Youth Fund RaiserDecember 20, 11:30 a. m.

Immediately following the 10:00am Crosswalk Christmas Concert, we will have a wonderful Christmas luncheon catered by Carol Knutson. The menu is Roast Loin of Pork, Mushroom Sauce, Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Herb Green Beans, House Salad, Fresh Baked Rolls/Butter Patties, New York Cheese Cake with Strawberry and Blueberry Sauce.

All profits will go to support our youth ministry Summer camp expenses. Suggested donation is $15.00.

There will be a sign-up sheet in the Sunday bulletin or call the church office, 763-533-8602, if you would like to attend.


Dec. 20, 2015, 10:00 amCrosswalkChristmas Concert

Come enjoy the sounds of the season with a blend of contemporary and traditional Christmas music.

Stay after the concert for a delicious Holiday luncheon. Please sign up in advance of your intention to attend the luncheon.

Page 7: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

Sunday Morning Ministers

Ushers:8:30 a.m.

Allan Knudsen Dave HengelMasayuki Ionue Ryan BaileyRyan Bailey Dick MeroDon Custer

10:30 a.m.

Dan Aulwes Don Halverson

Communion Servers:12/6 Judy Lewis

Georgie ProctorBritta MaddoxJohn & Deb Groettum

12/20 John & Kim SchoffstallMaranda Schoffstall

Lay Lectors:

12/6 Georgie Proctor 12/13 Julie Aulwes12/20 Jodi Quiner12/27 Marian Priest

Coffee Servers:12/6 OPEN12/13 Festival of Foods12/20 Holiday Luncheon12/27 Al & Linda Knudsen

Judy Lewis

Articles for the January, 2016 Glory Banner should to be turned in to Sue Vukelich by December 8th.


Page 8: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

50 + and FriendsOur Holiday season has us

going to Turtle Lake on December 2nd for Tourco’s Christmas party. We’ll have lunch, gifts, prizes and Ole and Lena’s Christmas. There will be time to try our luck at our favorite games. This trip is full.

The New Year starts off on January 6th at the Old Log Theater to see “The Wedding Singer.” Robbie Hart is New Jersey’s favorite wedding singer until his girl leaves him at the altar. See what happens as he tries to make every wedding as disastrous as his own. We have a choice of beef short ribs, tilapia or boneless chicken breast for lunch.

February 17th brings us the music of John Denver at the Plymouth Playhouse. We start at the Green Mill for their buffet lunch of baked chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, coleslaw, Jell-O, bread, butter, coffee and iced tea.

On March 18th we will extend St. Patrick’s Day at the Paramount Theater in St. Cloud, we’ll hear the “Ring of Kerry” play and sing the Irish tunes and watch the St. Paul Irish Dancers do their high-stepping

jigs. We’ll go to the Texas Roadhouse for their sirloin steak or barbecued chicken breast before the concert.

Plan to come with us whenever you can!

Marian Priest

Cross of GloryGolf League

The Cross of Glory Golf League celebrated the end of the year with its annual banquet. It was held on September 24th at Maple Tavern in Maple Grove (no Spotted Cows were seen). Winners were Dan Aulwes, Joe Aulwes, and Steve Langemo. Their names will be added to the Wayne Rowley memorial winners plaque displayed at Church.

We are in need of at least four new golfers for the spring. Matches are played at Pheasant Acres Golf Course in Rogers on Thursday night, with tee times between 5:00 and 5:30pm. An organizational meeting will be held about the first week in


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April, 2016. Contact John Groettum if interested at 763-360-1865.

Women of the ELCA

The Circles will meet on the

third Tuesday, December 15th.

Community Needs Circle meets at 9:30am in the Fellowship Hall; the Glory Circle meets at 12:00pm in the Fellowship Hall; and the Mission Circle meets in a member’s home at 12:30pm. We will have the Hostess and Bible study leaders listed in the December Happenings.

W/ELCA Bible StudyThe Bible study is a one

session study. It is written by Valora K. Starr. Ms. Starr is the director for Discipleship for Women of the ELCA. She also serves as Coordinator of Women of the ELCA Global Education Network and administers the scholarship program.

This month’s study is a little different than what we usually have. The title is IMAGINING. Read Luke 1:26-55. She divided the study into four parts. A set number of verses for each section, followed by discussion.

W/ELCA Annual Christmas Smorgasbord

Our Smorgasbord will be Saturday, December 5th. Punch is at 11:30am followed by devotions, lunch and entertainment. All women are welcome!

Our entertainment this year will be Allen and Matt ~ a father and son duo who share a passion for music, especially classic country, gospel and hymns. They enjoy entertaining while encouraging their audiences with positive, uplifting messages. Of course, there will be time for Christmas Carols!

In December, at the Smorgasbord, we will learn who has been praying for us this year. We


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will also fill out slips for a new prayer partner. If you have not participated before, think about it. Some send their partner a birthday card, anniversary card, and on other holidays. This is strictly your choice; the important thing is that you pray for your partner during the year. You never know when your partner could need your prayers!

Toys of Joy Toys for Joy, formally,

The Giving Tree for CEAP’s Christmas Store will be up through December 6th.

There are ornaments on the tree for gift suggestions for ages infant to 18 years old. Or you may buy something your child or grandchild would like. Bring your unwrapped gift and put it in the box by the tree.

The dates for registration are December 1, 2, and 3. Parents must register their children. A time is given for parents to shop on December 15, 16 or 17.

Community Needs Circle

Cross of GloryBlood Drive

December 10, 20151:00~7:00pm For appointments,

call 1-800-RED-CROSS or go online

and enter sponsor code CrossofGlory or

Contact Sue at the church office at 763-533-8602.

New “RapidPass” available!Make your appointment and visit to

complete your health history BEFORE you come to the drive.

Only available the day of the drive.

Festival of FoodsDecember 13th

It’s been a tradition for members of Cross of Glory to share some of their Holiday family favorites. Do you have a special recipe that you’d like to share with us? All are welcome to participate!


Page 11: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

A signup sheet will be by the Welcome Center.


Page 12: Web viewThe days are surely coming, says the Lord, when I will fulfil the promise I made to the house of Israel and the house of Judah. In those days and at that

To my COG Family,Thank you for all the great and wonderful thoughts and prayers and

many cards I have received and “felt.” When you no longer have any family, it feels so good that you know how great COG family is and always there with cards and prayers. You all know who you are and of course thank you to Pastor Mork for his visits. God’s blessings to all.

Bev Hovde

Dear Cross of Glory friends:Thank you for your continued prayers, visits and the beautiful plant.

It helps make it all better!Gil Hartlage

I want to thank everyone for your prayers, phone calls, and cards following my recent surgery. Pastor Doug and Lois Tollefsrud for her visit and the beautiful plant. You are all so very special.

Arlene Kosek

Cross of Glory Office Hours:Monday through Thursday, 8:00am ~ 4:00pm

Contact us at:Phone: (763) 533-8602E-Mail: [email protected]



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Cross of Glory Lutheran Church Standard Mail5929 Brooklyn Boulevard U.S. PostageBrooklyn Center, MN 55429-2583 PAIDVolume 2015 – Issue 12 Twin Cities, MN

Permit No. 1412 Change Service Requested

Worship at Cross of Glory on Sundays 9:00 a.m. ~ Traditional Worship10:00 a.m. ~ Coffee Fellowship

10:30 a.m. ~ Sunday School/Safari Search11:00 a.m. ~ Crosswalk Contemporary Worship

To watch worship services:

Cross of Glory Staff:Lead Pastor: Bookkeeper:

Rev. Doug Mork ~ Mike Edstrom ~ [email protected] [email protected]

Minister of Crosswalk Ministry: Administrative Assistant:Rev. Mark Hostetler ~ Sue [email protected] [email protected]

Organist:Rev. Dr. Allan Mahnke ~ [email protected]

Director of Senior Choir:Keith J. Williams ~ [email protected]



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Rev. Christian Vincent [email protected]


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