
Graphics Packages

Overall task : -

To use several vector based software program to create a logo. (see below)

To use software to manipulate images

Bronze 2

Task 1 – Drawing (Vectors and Bitmap)

Drag the drawing packages from below;


(Drawing Package)

(Corel Draw) (Fireworks)

(OpenOffice Draw)

(Paint) (Adobe Photoshop)

(Wikipedia) (Mozilla Firefox) (Frog)

(Windows Media Player) (PowerPoint)

(Openoffice Writer) (Microsoft Word) (Internet Explorer)

Task 2

Drag the correct meaning against the type of graphic;

(The picture does not blur or become pixilated when zoomed in. ) (Vector Graphic)

(Picture becomes blurry/pixelated when zoomed in.)

(Bitmap Graphic)

Task 3

Which image is Vector and which is Bitmap?



Bronze 3.1

 Task 4

You will be making your own personal logo which you will put into your website in a future project. Makesure the logo is simple and is vector based. It should include your name in the logo and one sentence that sums you up. An example of a logo is below. Make sure you save the logo in your INGOTS 3.1 folder and call it “My logo”

Task 5

Print screen below your finished logo


Task 6

You now need to REVIEW your logo. To do this you need to get feedback from 3 other people abou the logo and fill in the table below with the answers they provided. Don’t’ worry if you have got things wrong with your logo at this point.

Question to ask

Person 1 feedback

Person 2feedback

Person 3 feedback

Are the words correctly spelt?




Could I have used a better piece of software




How could I have achieved a better finish?




Out of 10 how nice would you say the finished product is? 10 being the best mark.




Task 7

You now need to fill in the table below with your own thoughts to the questions provided.


Your answer

Do you feel that your logo is suited to the Olympics and why?

I do because it is a picture of donuts and people will be eating them in the olympics.

What software did you use and what tools did you find useful when creating your logo?

I used marcromedia fireworks.

What tools did you find hard to use and why?

Changing the colour was hard.

What do you wish that your software could do?

Make things in 3d.

What improvements do you think you can make to your logo?

Make it more detailed.

Task 8

In your previous assessment section you created a logo, you now need to explain how you collaborated with other pupils in your class.

We shared other peoples logos to the class and talked about them.

Task 9

State any 3 targets for yourself after doing all the tasks necessary in the logo task.

· Make it 3d

· Make it more detailed

· And add more color

Task 10

You will now be creating another logo for anything you want. I suggest that you do a logo based on one that already exists.i.e BMW. Remember, Vector graphics only.

Before you create it, you will need to plan it. Do this by answering the questions in the table below.



Who/what is the logo for?


What colours will you put in the logo

Bright colours

What text do you want in the logo

Ferrari feel the speed

What font will your text be in?

No font

What general shape will your logo be?


How many different shapes do you want in your logo?


Task 11

You will now need to create this logo and insert a picture of the original logo and newly created logo into the table below. Make sure you save your logo in your Bronze 3.1 folder and call in “own logo”

Original Logo

Newly created Logo

Task 12

Look back at your plan in task 3. Have you included everything you planned for? If not what did you change and why?

Task 13

Abhishek Bachan and Ashwayia Rai have been married for over a year now and want to make a website of their own to show their best pictures of themselves together.

You need to do the following, detailed in the table below.



Find 2 pictures of each of them individually from the internet and save them into your user area in a folder called “Abhishek and Ashwaryia”

Give the file names a suitable name and write them down in the answer box.

Ashwaryia 1

Aishwarya 2

Abhishek 1


What is the file size of each image(…kb)

112 kb 250kb

86kb 127kb

Reduce each filesize to at least half its original size so that when it is put up on the website, the webpage and images load up quicker.

What are the file sizes now?

48kb 196kb

50kb 39kb

Choose one image of Ashwariya and insert it in the box to the right. Type what the file size is.(kb)

112 kb

With the same image reduce the file size so that its quality goes noticeably bad. Insert that image to the box on the right. Type what the file sized is.(kb)

48 kb

With the same image reduce the file size as much as you can with the image staying exactly the same below. Write down the smallest file size you can take it down to(kb).

Insert the image in the box to the right.


Name 3 different file extensions for graphics




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