Page 1:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Community Engagement

Activity GuidebookHow to request Resist


Page 2:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Step 1: E-mail [email protected]

Step 2: In the e-mail, state what kind of materials you’re looking to give away (t-shirts, stickers, brochures, flyers, etc.) You can also rent out Resist Banners. We won’t always have everything in stock, but we will do our best to accommodate your request!

Step 3: Send your request at least 4 weeks in advance of when you need the materials.

Step 4: Take pictures at your events/activities and post on your social media, make sure to tag @ResistTobaccoKs

Page 3:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Activity 1: You’re Spending How Much?!Everyone knows that paying for cigarettes can add up. As tobacco products get more and more expensive, people's money is going up in smoke! This activity raises awareness that smoking not only costs you your health, but also hurts your wallet!

Chapter members needed: 1+ Prep time: 1 hour Supplies needed: Paper/poster board, markers, calculators, Wi-fi, Social


Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Do your research: You need accurate information, so find out what the average price of a pack of cigarettes is in your community.STEP 2 – Add it up: Figure out how much it would cost someone to smoke a pack-a-day for one week, one month, one year, or longer! For example, if a pack costs $9, that comes to $3,285 a year!!!STEP 3 – Spread the word: Now that you know how much smokers spend on cigarettes, find a creative way to spread your message. You could include ideas for what that money could buy instead (like 365 movie tickets, 20 iPods, etc.). Make posters or flyers to hand out in your school or community. Get permission, if you need, from an appropriate adult. Optional idea–ask a math teacher to make this activity part of a class.STEP 4 – Let people react: Find ways for people to react! Have them write reactions on large pieces of paper and hand them on the wall in a busy location at your school. Share facts on Facebook or Tweet about it.STEP 5 – Report back: Tag Resist in your social media posts to get recognition!

Page 4:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Activity 2: Give ’em Something to Talk AboutThere are some shocking statistics about tobacco, like 1,200 people die each day in the U.S. from tobacco-related illnesses. But there are also positive things to point out, like 90% of Kansas teens don't smoke! Create flyers and posters that send a strong message about the dangers of Big Tobacco and build awareness that youth are fighting back. Give your schools and communities something to talk about!

Chapter member needed: 1+ Prep time: 1 Supplies needed: Paper/poster board, markers, copy machine, Resist

Stickers, Tobacco Free Kids Campaign Fact Sheets

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Choose your message: What do you want people to know? You can use quotes from tobacco executives, statistics, or something else that will get people’s attention. Check out The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets ideas!STEP 2 – Get the word out: Create eye-catching flyers, make lots of photocopies, and pass them out EVERYWHERE! You can also hang posters to in visible places around your school or community center. Get permission, if needed, from the appropriate adults.STEP 3 – Call to action: You got people talking, now get them to do something! Host a table to distribute information, get people to join your Chapter, and/or sign a petition. Include action steps for people to take on your flyers (like attending your next meeting).STEP 4 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of what you did on your Social Media and tag Resist to get recognition for your amazing work!

Page 5:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Activity 3: Magnified Warning LabelsEver notice that tobacco products only have small, hard-to-notice warning labels?! It's time to magnify the truth about tobacco products and really warn people about its dangers.

Points earned: 200 Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 1 Supplies needed: Poster board, markers, masking tape, maganize cutouts

(optional), tobacco ads, The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Research: Spend some time researching the ingredients found in cigarette smoke (there are over 4,000 chemicals!). You’ll be shocked to see what’s in them!STEP 2 – Create awareness: Make warning label posters. You may want to make these look similar to nutrition labels and list some of the toxic ingredients in cigarette smoke.STEP 3 – Show and tell: Display your posters in high traffic areas, like the cafeteria or near convenience stores. Get permission if you need, from the appropriate adults.STEP 4 – Roll the film: Take lots of pictures of your posters and people’s reactions to reading the labels. Send pictures later to local media or decision makers (like your mayor or state representative) to let them know what your Chapter is doing to fight Big Tobacco!STEP 5 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media to receive recognition state-wide!

Activity 4: Create Your Own Billboard

Page 6:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Create a human billboard with people (like your Chapter members) or use cups in a chain link fence to get your tobacco prevention message the attention it deserves!

Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 1 Supplies needed: Poster board or t-shirts, markers, colorful plastic cups (for

a chain link fence billboard)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – What do you want to do?: Decide if you want to create a human billboard or a chain link fence billboard. A human billboard consists of many poster boards that, when held side by side, spell out a message. A chain link fence billboard consists of cups placed in a chain link fence that spell out a message in large letters. Whatever you decide, make sure to get permission from the appropriate adults.STEP 2 – What’s your message?: Choose an important and catchy message. Remember, most billboards don’t have many words, so keep your message short and to the point! Here are some sample messages (that you can use!):

Wake up to the Truth, Big Tobacco Targets Youth! Secondhand Smoke, Makes us Choke!

Or you can come up with your own message using statistics and numbers, like 61 thousand kids under the age of 18 alive in Kansas today will die prematurely from smoking.

STEP 3 – Create buzz: After you pick your message and prepare your billboard, choose a good time and place to put it up! If you do a fence billboard, have your Chapter members spell your message out in the fence using bright plastic cups.STEP 4 – Call to action: You got people talking, now get them to do something! Encourage them to join your Chapter, learn more about tobacco on! To do this, host a table by the billboard, put information on the billboard itself, etc.STEP 5 – Picture time: Choose a Chapter member to take pictures of your work and the reaction of anyone who passes by. The pictures can later be sent to local media or decision makers (like your mayor or state representative) to spread the message even further. Make sure to be environmentally friendly by cleaning up and recycling plastic cups, and signs after your activity.STEP 6 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and tag Resist to receive recognition for your great idea!

Activity 5: Secondhand Smoke Stinks!

Page 7:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Tobacco smoke doesn't just smell bad, it can be dangerous to everyone, especially little kids who might be around smokers. It's time to get the word out about the dangers of secondhand smoke!

Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 1 Supplies needed: Paper/poster board, markers, calculators

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Brainstorm: Brainstorm a clever way to communicate a message about secondhand smoke. Example: choose a statistic mentioned on The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets, “Harms of Tobacco.� A sample message might be: “Sure, this garbage can smell, but at least it won’t kill 53,000 people every year like secondhand smoke.”STEP 2 – Design and show your posters: Create your posters and place them in typically “smelly” areas, like around garbage cans, in the locker room, in bathroom stalls, etc. Get permission, if you need, from the appropriate adults.STEP 3 – Picture time: Take pictures of the posters and all the creative places you posted them. Photos can be sent to local media, and posted on your Social Media!STEP 4 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and tag Resist to receive recognition and support!

Activity 6: Flash MobAre you ready to do something out of the ordinary to raise awareness about tobacco? A flash mob should do the trick! Surprise people in a busy area with a sudden performance and a powerful message.

Chapter member needed: 5+ Prep time: 2

Page 8:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: Paper/poster board, markers, Bluetooth speakers (optional)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Location, location, location: Choose a busy area to stage your flash mob, like a downtown area or the school cafeteria. Make sure to secure permission before planning this event.STEP 2 – Choose your message: As a group, decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to expose how Big Tobacco targets youth? Inform people about the dangers of smoking? Or tell everyone about your Chapter? Make the message simple and memorable.STEP 3 – Plan your activity: Be creative! Think about the details. Remember, a flash mob is all about surprising people and getting their attention in a fun way. Recruit volunteers!Will your group:

Break out into a dance? Hold up signs that spell out your message? Come up with a cheer that everyone shouts at the same time? Drop down to the ground while some people remain standing to share the message?

Your Chapter members may want to coordinate signs or outfits on the day of the flash mob or give your audience a flyer following your flash mob that includes your message, or post your signs in school. Get school official permission, if needed.

STEP 4 – Take the stage: On the day of your planned flash mob, take your places and make sure everyone knows their role. Cue the music (or have a chosen signal), raise your signs, start dancing, and make your statement in a big way!STEP 5 – Report back: Make sure someone takes photos or film a video during your flash mob. Share to social media and tag Resist to receive state-wide coverage over your innovative activity!

Activity 7: Graffiti WallCreate a graffiti wall for people to post their thoughts about tobacco and how it affects them. They can write a message to a loved one who smokes or a note exposing how Big Tobacco targets young people.

Chapter member needed: 2+

Page 9:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Prep time: 2 Supplies needed: Long roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers,

strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Advertise and organize: Before you post your graffiti wall in a public place, tell people what it is, where it’ll be posted, and when they can sign it. Get permission, if you need, from the appropriate adults. Choose designated times (like during lunch) to allow as many people to sign as possible.STEP 3 – Build Partnerships: Recruit people from your school art club to help you kick-off your Graffiti Wall. If people see something interesting and eye catching, the more likely they are to engage!STEP 2 – Provide guidelines: Be clear about what you want people to post. Your Chapter may decide you only want messages to loved ones affected by tobacco, or specifically about Big Tobacco. Whatever you decide, you should make guidelines clear, and have Chapter members sign the wall first to set an example.STEP 3 -Sign away: Have someone monitor the wall to answer any questions, make sure there’s enough room to sign, markers are available, etc. Hand out a flyer about Resist promote your Chapter. STEP 4 – Take pictures: Assign someone to take photos of the completed wall and post it in a public place. A Chapter member can use quotes from the wall and submit them with pictures to get local media coverage (like from your community or school newspaper), or send them to a decision maker or tobacco company executive.STEP 5 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and tag Resist to promote your activity and your chapter!

Activity 8: Numbers CampaignStatistics are powerful, but they can be hard to visualize. Use your creativity to help people understand shocking tobacco statistics and drive your point home.

Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 2

Page 10:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: Props to create a visual number representation, flyers, posters, t-shirts (optional), The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Brainstorm: Come up with numbers that are significant and say something about tobacco or “About 4 in 10 high school students have ever tried smoking in Kansas” on one number that will be meaningful to your school or community.STEP 2 – Rally: Bring your Chapter members and other people in your community together to collect props (4 out of 10 people wear black and the other 6 wear light colors). STEP 3 – Display your props: Find a place to display your props and create flyers or posters explaining the significance of the number. Chapter members can even make t-shirts with that number and wear them while handing out information about Resist.STEP 4 – Take it further: Your Chapter may decide to use this activity as a call to action. Ask them to sign a petition or write a letter to a school or decision maker (like your mayor or state representative) requesting their support for youth who are fighting Big Tobacco or support for a certain policy.STEP 5 – Show everyone: Make sure to take pictures. Send letters and pictures to public officials and to local or school newspapers to raise awareness of Resist and the dangers of tobacco.STEP 6 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and be sure to tag Resist to spread awareness state and nation wide!

Activity 9: Big Tobacco Said What?!?Big Tobacco executives have made some outrageous and offensive statements, often targeting teens! This is your Chapter's chance to expose these awful and real quotes, and educate your community.

Chapter member needed: 5+ Prep time: 1

Page 11:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: Computers, paper and pens, poster board, refreshments (optional)

Doing the activity

STEP 1- Planning: Find a date, time, and location with computers for Chapter members to come together and do some research.STEP 2 – Start Searching: On the chosen date, have Chapter members start looking through Big Tobacco’s online documents. Work in groups to brainstorm key words that can be searched ahead of time.STEP 3 – Find the most outrageous: Have blank poster boards hung around the room. As people find outrageous quotes, have members write them on the poster board for everyone to see. Make sure to note their source, too. Leave enough time at the event to share quotes with one another and choose the most shocking ones.STEP 4 – Share: Hang the posters in a highly visible place in your school or community for everyone to see. If you have another event coming up or want to recruit new Chapter members, share the details on the poster.STEP 5 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and be sure to tag Resist to receive Recognition!

Activity 10: Don’t be Fooled by Other Tobacco Products!Tobacco companies always find new ways to target youth. One of their latest tactics is to promote other tobacco products (OTPs) that are cheap, colorful, and flavored like candy or fruit! Get to know what OTPs are and warn people about how Big Tobacco is using new products to hook young people. Get the word out through a PSA, posters, or flyers.

Chapter member needed: 4+ Prep time: 1

Page 12:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets, video camera (for PSA), props (for PSA), paper/poster board (for posters/flyers), copy machine (for flyers)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Get informed: Use The Tobacco Free Kids Campaign Fact Sheets to get familiar with other tobacco products and talk about the messages Big Tobacco sends to youth. Notice your group’s reactions, especially if anything gets people outraged.STEP 2 – Choose a message: Decide as a group what you want to focus on and consider the things that got people most outraged. Basic messages can be “Wake up to the truth,” “Big Tobacco still targets youth!” or “New flavors, same deadly product!” Make it simple and memorable.STEP 3 – Get organized: How will you reach your audience? Do you want to create a PSA? Posters? Flyers? When and where will you share this information? Get permission, if you need, from the appropriate adults.STEP 4 – Make it: Pick 1-2 key facts to highlight in your PSA/poster/flyer.

For a PSA, Write your script, collect your props, choose the actors, and shoot! See Activity 15 for additional tips.

For a poster or flyer, Create a poster or flyer using eye-catching words or pictures. Keeping things simple and bold usually works best. See Activity 2 for additional tips.STEP 5 – Get the word out: Make sure lots of people see your creation!

For a PSA, Once you’ve got your finished PSA, post it on YouTube, your local cable access channel, on Facebook, etc.

For a poster or flyer, Put your posters up in high-traffic places around your school or community. For flyers, make lots of photocopies, and post them EVERYWHERE! Or if you’re handing flyers out, choose one day where your team covers the whole school or neighborhood together!STEP 6 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media to receive recognition state-wide. Make sure to share the link to your video on Facebook or YouTube!

Activity 11: Resist…Have a Field Day With It!Who doesn't love a field day? Whether it's tug of war, the 100-meter dash, or a long jump competition, there's a way for everyone to participate. Hold a field day with Olympic-style events with a theme of Resist.

Chapter member needed: 10+ Prep time: 2

Page 13:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: Sports equipment (soccer balls, basketballs, shot put, Frisbees, stopwatch, etc.), measuring tape, poster board for signs, outdoor field or gymnasium, free prizes for winners

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Plan ahead: Get approval from the appropriate adult (like your athletic department) to host this event and let them know what you need. Once you find a day, also choose a rain date in case the weather is bad.STEP 2 – On your mark: Start planning the different events you want to host with Chapter members. Have the supplies you need for each activity you choose.Step 3 – Get Set: Make signs about the event with the specifics, like a catchy title, date, time, and location.STEP 4 – Go: On the day of the event, make sure Chapter members know their role (like measuring distances, running a stopwatch, coordinating matches between contestants) so that everything runs smoothly.STEP 5 – Show appreciation: Congratulate the winners of each activity with prizes from Resist! Clean up and return anything that was borrowed after the event.STEP 6 – Remember, always take pictures: Have members take plenty of pictures during the field day. Pictures can later be used in the school or local newspaper, and posted on your Social Media.STEP 7 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and tag Resist to receive recognition for your hard work!

Activity 12: Does Big Tobacco Make the Grade??Big Tobacco spends $12.8 BILLION a year on advertising their deadly products. These ads are often placed on the front doors or windows of convenience stores, where many young people go each day. This isn't a coincidence, tobacco companies actively target youth, often using colorful ads at the eye level of small children. Students get report cards based on school work, so now we're going to give tobacco companies report cards on their performance!

Page 14:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 3 Supplies needed: Paper/poster board, markers, calculators, Resist


Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Plan and decide: How many and which stores do you want to survey? Decide who will visit which store and when. Make sure you print plenty of report cards to fill out.STEP 2 – Observe: Before you go inside, look around and check out the ads outside. When you go in, say “hi” to the person behind the register and explain what you are doing and why. You can say something like, “Hi, I’m a youth leader from [school/organization] and we’re learning about tobacco advertising to help make the community healthier.” If you want, you can give them a Resist Flyer. It always helps to have more people on your side. Then, check out the inside of the store for ads.STEP 3 – Share your concerns: Compile your reports and present your findings to decision makers, media, and your school or community organization. If a retailer in your community scored well, recognize them for their positive impact on the community! But remember, even if a retailer did not score well, this is because of Big Tobacco and the retailer should not be blamed.STEP 4 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media page and Tag Resist to receive recognition.

Activity 13: Butts Out!Cigarette butts in parks and playgrounds are not only an eyesore, but set a bad example for young children. Here's your chance to not only clean up your community, but also to raise people's awareness about this issue!

Chapter member needed: 2+ Prep time: 3 Supplies needed: Clear trash bags, gloves, refreshments (optional), Resist

Banner, Resist Flyers and brochures.

Page 15:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Doing the activity

STEP 1 -Which park do you want to clean?: Decide on a local park or playground to clean up. It can even be your school grounds. Make sure you get permission from your school principal or local parks and recreations department.STEP 2 – Recruit: Choose a date and recruit as many people as possible for the butts clean-up. The more people the better!STEP 3 – Call to action: Have flyers and Resist Flyers and brochures on hand the day of the event so that everyone knows that this is more than just an environmental issue. You can even have people sign a petition that you create or ask them to contact elected officials to raise awareness about this problem.STEP 4 – Be prepared: Have all your clean-up supplies ready on the day of your event, and get started!STEP 5 – The more, the merrier: Have of Chapter members ready on the day of the event to instruct volunteers, distribute gloves, or stay by an info table.STEP 6 – Celebrate your accomplishment: End the clean-up with a thank-you to participants, a viewing of the butts collected, and something fun such as refreshments. After the clean-up, consider keeping the cigarette butts you collected in a closed, clear container. This can be a powerful visual to increase awareness about the problem. Take pictures to send to decision makers or the media.STEP 7 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your activity on your Social Media and tag Resist to receive state-wide attention!

Activity 14: Say It Through a PSACreate your own Public Service Announcement (PSA) with your Chapter to get the message out about the dangers of tobacco. You could focus on the tobacco industry, the health effects of smoking, other tobacco products, or promote your chapter.

Points earned: 200 Chapter member needed: 1+ Prep time: 3

Page 16:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets, video camera, props (optional)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Choose a message: As a group, decide what you want to focus on. Do you want to expose how Big Tobacco targets youth? Inform people about the dangers of smoking? Or tell everyone about your Chapter? Make your message simple and memorable.STEP 2 – Get ready: Come up with creative ideas for how you want to get your message across. Maybe you want to write your own song or rap? Identify the facts you need for your PSA, like from The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets. Make sure your point is clearly communicated so that people will remember it! Write your script, collect the props you may need, and choose actors.STEP 3 – Lights, camera, action: Shoot your PSA! Get permission, if you need, from the appropriate adults.STEP 4 – Edit away: To keep your audience’s attention, PSA’s should only be 30 seconds long — like a TV commercial. After filming, edit it to make sure the message is focused, your facts are accurate, and all your messages can be clearly seen or heard. You may need to re-shoot certain parts, so budget for extra time!STEP 5 – Get famous: Post your PSA on YouTube, share the links on Facebook and tag Resist so that everyone gets the message. If your school has a TV network, submit it for broadcasting. You can also see if your local cable access channel will play it.STEP 6 – Report back: Post the YouTube link, pictures, and a description of your work on your various forms of social media and tag Resist to help spread the message.

Activity 15: Paint a Picture, Sing a Song, Snap a Photo!Art contests are a great way for people to use their talents to send a powerful and creative message. Promote an anti-tobacco or pro-resist themed art contest to get people to stand up to Big Tobacco!

Chapter member needed: 4+ Prep time: 4

Page 17:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: The Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids Fact Sheets video camera, props (optional)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Set the ground rules: As a Chapter, you’ll want to decide the details for the contest, like when entries are due, how they should be submitted, if you’ll have prizes, what kind of art to accept (drawings, songs, poetry, photos), etc.STEP 2 – Get the word out: Create posters and/ or flyers to advertise your contest. Get permission, if needed, from the appropriate adults to hand them out. Include all the rules and details. STEP 3 – Judging panel: Choose criteria for judging, review your entries, and award prizes! Even if you choose not to have prizes, make sure to recognize your winner(s). Make a morning announcement or get permission to display the winning entry at your school or community center!STEP 4 – Show and tell: Tell the Resist community about your contest. Take photos of some entries and feature them on your Chapter page on your social media, especially the winners! You could even submit the winner’s piece to local media.STEP 5 – Report back: Post pictures and a description of your contest on your social media and tag Resist to share with all Resist followers!

Activity 16: The Resist Mission – Introduce ResistThese fun and easy activities are a great way to get your Chapter members more involved with Resist! They can also be ideas for quick activities to host at your school or in your community to get others involved and raise awareness.

Chapter member needed: 5+ Prep time: 1 Supplies needed: Resist stickers, Resist flyers, Resist brochure, Resist


Page 18:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Choose your missions: To earn 10 points, your Chapter needs to accomplish 5 missions. Decide together which ones you want to do from the list below:

List reasons to stay smoke-free. Write an acrostic poem (where each letter of Resist starts a line of the poem). Create a wordsearch with Resist Tobacco and other tobacco related words in it. Submit a column for your school newspaper or community newsletter that uses

Resist as a theme. Describe a healthy, smoke-free community. Use words that tobacco companies use to market their products to young people. Write things people can buy for the price of a pack of cigarettes. Write and perform a song using the word, “Resist” Broadcast a message about Resist the morning announcements. Videotape resist tobacco advertisements in your community. Create a banner for Resist and get at supporters to sign it. Write or stencil Resist Tobacco all over the sidewalk of your school or by your

community organization in sidewalk chalk. (This may require principal/school administration approval).

Create art with Resist in it. Get an administrator to post a shout-out link on your school’s or

organization’s website.

STEP 2 – Promote Resist: Some missions can be a part of a Chapter meeting, while others are perfect opportunities to get more youth involved. Some are also great ways to raise awareness Resist tobacco in your whole community! Not everyone knows Resist’s mission is, so make sure you have information to hand out!STEP 3 – Report back: Post pictures, videos, web links, or other proof of your social media and make sure to tag Resist to get recognition.

Activity 17: Tell Big Tobacco What You Think!Big Tobacco executives have made some outrageous and offensive statements about their main target: teens. Expose tobacco executive quotes in your school and community, and urge your peers to speak out and fight back!

Chapter member needed: 3+ Prep time: 1

Page 19:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Supplies needed: Provided: Posters with Big Tobacco's quotes, stickers, postcards, buttons Chapters need to get: Markers, tape, Chapter member sign-up sheet and pens, camera, and video recorder if you're doing videos (Note: Cell phone cameras and videos are okay to use if permitted)

Doing the activity

STEP 1 – Create your action plan: Get permission to put up posters at your school or community center on day 1 and

to set up a table or reserve an area (e.g. in a common area like a cafeteria) on day 2. You will use this area to take photos and/or videos, give out post cards and buttons, and answer any questions about your Resist chapter.

(OPTIONAL) Research other tobacco executive quotes and use these quotes for the activity and create your own posters (after getting the appropriate permission).

Decide which Chapter members will be running this activity and determine where and when you want youth to take action and how you’ll let them know.STEP 2 – Create buzz and get people curious: On day 1, post tobacco executive quote posters all over your school or community center before youth arrive. Make sure you put them in places where everyone will see! You can even write them up on whiteboards and read them during your morning announcements.STEP 3 – Get people to speak out: On day 2, post Resist’s response stickers on the posters before youth arrive. Make an announcement and let people know the time and place for youth to speak out and take action. Set up the activity area, and post one of each of the tobacco executive quote posters in this area.STEP 4 – Respond to Big Tobacco:

In the activity area, hand out postcards and tell people to write their response. Then, take pictures of individual youth with their response, or get them to take

pictures of themselves holding their postcard. Let students know that pictures of their responses will be used for a rally at the State

House on Kick Butts Day in March. Encourage others to join Resist and explain to them that member are young leaders

who choose to do positive things and not smoke. Let teens know about how your chapter is fighting back against the tobacco industry.

Page 20:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


We know that we are targets for Big Tobacco Companies deceitful marketing tactics and we REFUSE to fall into their


Activity 18: Grow the Movement!Big Tobacco may have billions of dollars to market their deadly products, but The Resist Movement is growing in numbers and influence to build a tobacco-free generation! The Resist Movement is made up of young people across Kansas who are passionate about fighting Big Tobacco and we want this movement to grow!

This activity gets Chapters to recruit other youth groups or schools to become Chapters to grow The Resist Movement.

Chapter member needed: 3+ Prep time: 2 Supplies needed: Resist flyers, Resist Brochures, Resist Banner, Laptop

with internet connection (optional)

Doing the activity

Step 1 – Identify possible recruits: Look at the schools and youth organizations in your area. Think of schools and/or organizations that you have connections with (through friends, relatives, church/synagogue, coworkers, sport teams, etc.) and add

Page 21:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


them to your list as well. Check Resist staff to see if they have a Chapter already. If they don’t, add them to the list of possible groups to recruit.Step 2 – Strategize and plan: How will you recruit Chapters? Will you make a presentation? Conduct a training? Invite them to an event? Have one-on-one conversations? Create a plan before you reach out so you know what you want to do and what you can offer.Step 3 – Make Contact: Reach out to one or some members of the group to ask if they can attend your presentation or event. Use different ways to contact them – email, phone calls, and in-person meetings are good examples.Step 4 – Make your pitch: Now that you have your audience, make your pitch! Tell them why they should become a part of The Resist Movement and how easy it is to do so. If possible, have a computer with you to sign them up on the spot (Registration available at in the contact us section.) Step 5 – Celebrate! Post pictures and a description of your activity and welcome the new Chapter(s) on your social media websites!Step 6 – Follow-up: Once the new Chapter(s) are signed up, check in with them to see how they are doing and encourage them as they get started. You may want to pair up with them in the future to do joint activities together.

Feel free to contact the resist staff at [email protected] if you have any questions, or want to learn more about existing Chapters or potential Chapters in your area.

We will use activism to expose and encourage others to RESIST Big

Page 22:  · Web viewLong roll of paper (or several poster boards), markers, strong tape, glitter, magazine pictures Resist Stickers to decorate your wall Doing the activity STEP 1 – Advertise


Tobacco’s manipulative marketing tactics!

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