Page 1:  · Web viewFinal picture- evaluation. For my final project, I wasn’t to sure of what sort of photography I wanted do for this project, so I had

Final picture- evaluation

For my final project, I wasn’t to sure of what sort of photography I wanted do for this project, so I had to take some time looking at different sort of photography that I would like do so I started to look at different images and artists, some of the artist that I have been looking at are ‘Xetobtye, Tommy Ingberg, Jerry Uelsmann and Thomas Barbey’ which are all artists that create surrealism image so from that I then knew that I wanted to create an image the same way that theses artists have created and all the artists that I have been looking at are the ones at have influenced me to create this sort of image from the same style that they have worked with. The reason I have chosen surrealism for this project, is I really like the way that the images have been created, I know that they all have edited their images so get the surreal look. When looking at their images, they are really effective the way the message is really clear by looking at the work. For example, when looking at Thomas Barbey’s image of the couple underwater the message I get when looking at the image is that people say they are always together, which is shown by walking into the light and they are underwater which then effects us when looking as we know that we can breathe underwater so they want to die together. From looking at the other entire image that the artists have created, I then have been thinking of many different images that I could like to try and create. But I have had to add a twist to the idea of surrealism so then I am not just recreating an image that has already been done. So for my final image I have come up with the idea of ‘dreams’. Dreams affect a lot of people, as everyone has a dream they want to achieve. This dream is that I would like to go to Hawaii, which is the one place I want to go and visit but I have other places that I would like to go and visit and even different dreams that I would like to do when I’m older. In this image I have then created an images of a picture about Harlow as that’s were live and then I have put a doorframe in the photo with Hawaii in the middle. I have chose a doorframe as you have to walk through to get to the next room, so the message with that is just to open the door and walk through to the next side. I have a silhouette people I the photo looking by the doorframe but then its like the sun is shining through which then there is a shadow behind him. But I have added a white outline of the shadow and doorframe that makes it stands out. The final outcome, I am very happy with the way that is has turned out, I think it is clear to understand and I’ve have made the image my own with my twist. I have asked many different people what they think, and the most of the time I get that it is really effective and then I know that the middle is my dream so then they start to think of their dream and was life could take them. This is the sort of effect that I wanted to impact from looking at this image. The way I am going to present my work is going to print the image A2 size and then have it put on a board ready for the exhibition. Work hard, and the door to your dreams will open, all you have to do is walk through!

Page 2:  · Web viewFinal picture- evaluation. For my final project, I wasn’t to sure of what sort of photography I wanted do for this project, so I had

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