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ContentsHow to enhance your spiritual connection............................................................................................3Thought being spiritual was easy? Time to think again!........................................................................3What does ‘being spiritual’ actually mean?...........................................................................................4Acceptance is the answer......................................................................................................................5How spirituality strengthens your mind-body connection....................................................................5Discovering your ‘true self’....................................................................................................................5The journey to your inner–self starts here............................................................................................7Your true soul is waiting........................................................................................................................7Your path to healing..............................................................................................................................8True healing for soul happiness.............................................................................................................9Controlling your emotions...................................................................................................................10Why you are emotionally triggered.....................................................................................................11What is an emotional trigger?.............................................................................................................11What does our body do in response to emotions?..............................................................................12Meeting unmet needs.........................................................................................................................13Developing False Personas..................................................................................................................13What causes an automatic emotional response?................................................................................14How can we change the status quo?...................................................................................................14Your Super Human Spiritual Body.......................................................................................................14Transmuting your three major blocks to success................................................................................16Rewrite your story...............................................................................................................................16Archetypes and energy........................................................................................................................17What are the primary archetypes?......................................................................................................17How archetypes relate to our attitude................................................................................................18What can prevent our growth?...........................................................................................................18How the chakras relate to spiritual well-being....................................................................................19The Emotional Freedom Technique.....................................................................................................20EFT—The Information Highway...........................................................................................................21Emotions & the EFT Process................................................................................................................22Why is maintaining clear energy channels important?........................................................................22Why Is EFT Important?........................................................................................................................23Self-Regulation & EFT..........................................................................................................................24Addressing self-destructive beliefs......................................................................................................25Connecting to our true selves..............................................................................................................26Clear the past and make way for the future........................................................................................27Find Your Purpose with the Soul Awakening Academy.......................................................................28How spirituality can help you become a better coach.........................................................................28Enhancing your spiritual connection to help your clients enhance theirs...........................................28

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Your journey is only just beginning......................................................................................................30

How to enhance your spiritual connectionLet me ask you a few questions: Have you ever woke up with that feeling, deep inside your stomach, that something isn’t quite right with the world?Have you ever thought you are destined for ‘something else’, but never quite been able to put your finger on what it is? Has your quest for love, success or material wealth left you feeling empty and unfulfilled? Do you ever feel like you don’t quite belong or fit in, even though you have surrounded yourself with the people you love and the things you want? Can you honestly say you feel completely at ease with who you are and comfortable in your own skin? Do you have difficulty accepting people, places and things exactly as they are, or get frustrated when they don’t go the way you want them to? Do you feel grateful for the things you have in your life, or are you always wanting more? When you look in the mirror in the morning, do you like the person staring back at you?

If, when you look deep inside yourself, you can find only a negative response to some –or all – of the questions above, the chances are your spiritual condition is in need of a tune-up. Inner peace and true happiness come when we are in spiritually well. Conversely, when our path to spiritual freedom is blocked, we allow our self-limiting beliefs to win, which can manifest itself in damaging behaviour patterns or self-sabotaging. It is the purpose of this ebook to help you unblock your path to spiritual freedom, to reconnect and enhance your spirituality by rewiring your inner channels of gratitude, excitement, wonder and joy. Your true spiritual self is an abundant source of energy and tapping into it creates wholeness, peace of mind and a renewed sense of purpose in life. Spirituality is your awareness and appreciation of the energy or lifeforce which drives you. It is the way you embrace and live the values, beliefs and principles which motivate and inspire us to live a happy, exciting and fulfilling life. By appreciating what you’ve got and aligning yourself with these aspects of your true self, your life will become enriched with a spirituality you never knew you had.It will allow you to clear your past, rewrite your present and create a better future, which features the best version of yourself.

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Thought being spiritual was easy? Time to think again!Spirituality is big business in modern culture.Wherever you go, you come across new ways to enrich your life, with new methods of healing and transforming your existence popping up on an almost daily basis. As we move into the New Age movement, or the Age of Enlightenment (or whatever you want to call it), it’s hard to navigate through what’s real and helpful, and what really isn’t.

I look at some ‘spiritual’ people and ‘non-spiritually’ acclaimed people with confusion at times. How can we tell what is legitimate from what is just self-serving?You can almost believe from looking around that it is more of a fashion statement to be spiritual these days! But do these people actually live by their principles? Are they really any happier? Maybe they are not sure yet what they are looking for but are simply hoping to find some peace in their world, and that is a right we all have – to find and maintain our true path in life.So, should spiritual people have principles, and how should these be dictated? For me, the hardest principle to live by is fully seeing and understanding the bigger picture, especially when things start to spiral out of control or they don’t go your way. When you have to face into extremely tough life challenges and life-changing decisions, or even everyday crises like how to put food on the table, that is when you realise how far along your path of self-actualisation you really are.Spiritually-curious people like myself can have a really tough time being human. This is because being human means coming up against emotional challenges that test you to your very core.If that core craves being something more because it recognises it is capable of something more, then people, situations, life etc will keep testing the arse off you until you finally surrender to your divine purpose.

What does ‘being spiritual’ actually mean?Spirituality can mean so many different things to different people, but from my experience over the past 20 years it’s been mainly about discovering who I really am. This is what I feel it means to be spiritually aware, because it’s a journey that begins deep within as you take a good look at who you are in all your glory, pain, suffering and victories.Shadow work can play a huge part in becoming spiritually aware, but what does this actually entail? Well, exploring spirituality means addressing, accepting, forgiving, honouring and loving all of the worst most vulnerable, even demonic part of yourself – this may sound alarming, but we do all have them, each and every one of us has the capacity for evil and we need to accept that. If you’re not ready to work with this truth, then you’re not ready to do the work and get on the way to really understanding yourself (sorry to be a party pooper!)

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The Oxford Dictionary defines spirituality as ‘the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things’, ‘the shift in priorities that allows us to embrace our spirituality in a more profound way’, and ‘a deep sense of spirituality that connects them to the natural environment’. So, we can view spirituality as purely a moving away from the human conditioning that has evolved from a material, egoic state of being. This is a natural state for most of us human beings who have grown up in a culture that breeds religious dogma, social conditioning and competition of material wealth and these states of mind can be hard habits to break.

When we look at this from a psychological needs point of view such as the, Barret Values Stages of Psychological Development which takes Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs even further along the evolutionary path. We are said to be in a stage of differentiating between eight years old than at 24 years old, where we are motivated by respect and recognition having our value of security met. We then move into the evolutionary stages of freedom and autonomy to meaning and purpose and eventually onto self-less service. This evolutionary process has it values defined by the ages and stages of our physiological development.Shifting your perspective towards a more service-oriented mindset focuses on transmuting your emotional hurts into something that is a gift or an opportunity for growth. The spiritual path is a testing path but no more difficult than the human ego path you may already be on, yet what it does allow for is a chance to make sense of yourself and your reason for being here, which is ultimately what spirituality is all about.And always remember, in nature there are no mistakes – the bigger question is what can you make from all your trauma, pain and suffering. How can you make these elements of your life work for you and not against you?

Acceptance is the answerThe key thing is to stop trying to control everything and believe that everything is just as it should be, that the river of your life is running in the right direction. If you can accept people, places and things exactly as they are, you will no longer get frustrated by them. The pain you feel comes from self-actualising rather than by seeing situations clearly. You need to ask yourself this question, am I honouring my true feelings or masking them with human intention?Ignoring the message that life is trying to send you or trying not to read the writing on the wall is a blocker to feeling your way round your spirituality and true-path – start believing in your own intuition and let the true messages of your life flow.

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The Soul Awakening Academy can help you enhance your spiritual connection at core level for life-changing transformation. It doesn’t matter whether you are already on your healing path or just starting out, we can achieve amazing things together.

How spirituality strengthens your mind-body connectionLife comprises a rich and varied pattern. It’s packed with ups, downs, in-between, successes, upsets and disappointments, to name just a few. And, of course, we all face a few dead ends from time to time. Yet it is not what we are facing, but how we face it that drives our success and life achievements.No matter how strong and resolute a character you are, every single one of us is cursed with self-limiting thoughts and confidence concerns.

When you meet a self-limiting thought head on and it rips the rug from under your feet, the important thing to consider is how to react. You have two choices – you can either continue on the road to self-destruction, or you can stand up to it, look it square in the eyes and send it on its way.By learning how to strengthen your mind/body connection, you will be able to listen to the subtle clues your body is sending you.Your body releases hormones which are chemical reactors responding to the experiences, thoughts and feelings you are having at any given moment. Your body has specific energy centres than run vertically up the spinal cord and nervous system. This is called your Chakra System. Your chakras act like plug sockets that fire up with emotional stimuli. For instance when you receive negative feedback or experience rejection, you may feel a tightening sensation in the gut. This is your Solar Plexus Chakra which governs the ego, self-worth, your identity and drive. By becoming aware of these energy centres or chakras, you will be able to discern your emotions and work through them so you make better choices and learn more about yourself as you do.

Discovering your ‘true self’One of the fundamental parts of any spiritual journey is that at a point in time, you will be asked to give up who you think you are. However, the ‘call’ rarely comes in an obvious form.In fact, for most people, the invitation to reawaken to their true essence can be to reclaim the sacred masculine or feminine energy within them, but comes wearing a brilliant disguise.

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The awareness of the higher self, or ‘true self’, is a universal experience that happens when someone is relaxed and deep in meditation. The true meaning of this awareness is known as the true self, inner-wisdom, higher self or oneness and it is a spiritual gift that absolutely everybody can tap into.You can use this technique in a state of deep meditation to access the wisdom of the true self. Just do the following:

Take some nice, slow, deep breathes. Take you awareness from outside of yourself, to inside yourself. Notice the sensations of the body as you breathe into the heart centre. Take your awareness into the ground below you and connect with Mother Earth. Imagine your feet become roots as penetrate the earth’s crust. Your roots spread far and

wide and anchor to the core of the earth. Imagine you sink into the Earth, your Mother’s arms. Your home. Feel the unconditional love from your spiritual Mother, Gia/Mother earth. Feel her embrace.

An embrace a loving Mother gives her child. No matter what you have or haven’t done all is welcome here. You are in a place of non-judgement. you are in a place of unconditional love.

Let this feeling take over you completely for as long as you want. Send it through your body head to toe and out through your heart so it reaches several feet from your body. cocoon yourself in this energy.

Next in your mind’s eye, visualise a five-pointed star that is set in an orb of violet light or deep blue and is circled by a shining ring of gold.

Allow it to penetrate the third eye, the spiritual eye and enter the inner realms. When you feel this star has penetrated your third eye ask your true self to come forward

and ask for the wisdom you seek. You may see images, symbols, signs or you may just feel a sensation of some sort. You may

experience nothing at all until later. You may dream. Remember nothing is a coincidence.

During meditation, you just have to concentrate at a point midway between the eyebrows and focusing them on a point right in front of your thumb while holding your arm extended above you. You needn’t be too exact; what matters most is keeping your attention between the eyebrows.Now, to discover your true self, just keep calling on your inner wisdom for guidance. You will be able to tune into the different frequency of harmony and recognise the messages that show up once you are free enough of static. To catch anything that is coming to you, get on the same frequency – there you will catch it.Just as an aside, it doesn’t matter how you define it – ‘it’ doesn’t care!

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Accessing your true self is not always about having beliefs but it’s more about having faith in some innate intelligence, force, or presence that can help you see with crystal clarity how to live your life in alignment with your highest good. Most of us will have called upon incarnations of the Goddess, Spirit, Jesus, and other expressions of the Creative Principle of the Universe at some point in our lives. But what really matters most is understanding and engaging with the light behind the form.This light shines when we allow it to shine from every one of us – we all have it. So, the greatest challenge and teaching for us every day is to listen to your true self and let your light shine. That is the deepest, most profound part of your transformation.

The journey to your inner–self starts hereNormally, the presence of God (in whatever form we believe) or a higher power is the inner light that lives within us all. The actual experience of God, absolute consciousness and Divinity is not a far-off reality, rather it’s an ever-present experience that is available in every moment – the journey to inner light actually starts here.Many world religions and science seem to have created a division between the world of spiritual truth and this physical reality. It is entirely possible to bridge the gap created and the knowledge of how to make the journey is available to all.Many of the sacred temples, spiritual traditions, spiritual paths, myths, gods and goddesses represent the journey to this inner light.

They are made to serve as the external representations of what we always had within us and not as something different, separate and apart from us – they serve as reminders.Enlightenment is not an event that happens outside our body – it is not metaphysical but rather the key lies in the brain and nervous system right within our bodies. We do not have to delegate spiritual awakening to those who withdraw from the world and devote all their effort and time to the spiritual life; instead, spiritual awakening is a mystical science that can be facilitated and understood by modern science and this is beginning to corroborate and be uncovered.The perception of the inner light referred to in the last couple of sutras is stated many times in a variety of the greatest spiritual literature of the world. This is overdone in such a way that the deeper meaning of the inner light is overlooked or lost. Some of the deeper meaning that we have lost along the journey is the fact that the light within us is seen as just flowery and poetic symbolism. These descriptions see the light as purely symbolic.

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However, the true meaning of the inner light from this context is not symbolic. It is rather seen as the light perceived during moments of spiritual experience and surrendered meditation. It is not separate or different from the Divine Source but as a concrete ‘form’ of the divine in human expression.The inner light is the background consciousness that we always have in us. It is the essence of our being. The light is not always alone, it is usually followed by the primordial sound, which is a different aspect of the same thing. This primordial sound is the steady ‘Om’ of the vibration of manifest creation. It is usually perceived internally.

Your true soul is waitingNo matter what you are trying to do, your soul is always waiting for you to get involved and help. There is a huge difference between your soul and your ego. While your ego is the image of yourself and your social mask, your soul is what defines who you are truly down below all the titles and labels. It is divine, eternal and inherently worthwhile. When you meet with your soul each day, you will have a better life and you will struggle less while taking action. You will feel a greater sense of satisfaction, empowerment, freedom, joy, purpose, passion and inner peace. Meet with your soul and love and accept yourself deeply no matter the situation you find yourself.Unfortunately, we’re not taught how to meet with the waiting soul over the years and instead we’re being controlled by the worries, fears, and constant chatter of our ego. Since your soul is waiting already, meeting it can take a little patience and you will get to the place of strength and safety within you. Below are some ways to get more in touch with your soul and enhance your spiritual connection, which will have a deep impact on your well-being, happiness, and life:

Spend time in natureNature can have a soothing effect on us as it reminds us to slow down, take deep breaths and lastly soak up the present moment. Some of the things you can do is to run on the beach, do stretches by the water, go for a bushwalk, or lay in the grass at the park.

Write a journalThis is exactly like writing a traditional diary just that you are going to go deeper. You can write down some questions like ‘What is preventing me from achieving my dreams?’ and ‘Where am I stuck?’ write down those feelings and thoughts of yours in your soul journal.

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Take yoga classesTaking yoga is a beautiful way to meet with your waiting soul and to align your mind with your body. You will surely get a chance to cultivate a lasting sense of inner peace and silence your mind to carry along with you for the rest of the day as you focus your attention on your positioning and breathing.

MeditateWhen you take yourself out of the noise of the world and your personal circling thoughts and internal worries, then you have time to meet with your waiting soul. You can meditate for five minutes with a soul-soothing mantra.

Take long walksThis may be simple to do but it may be the best way to clear your mind. While taking a long walk, pay attention to what is around you and appreciate everything through new eyes of awe.

Your path to healingWhether you are on healing path or want to discover your own healing abilities the healing path starts from your very self.Going through your own form of pain, trauma, illness, loss or grief can make one turn to a life of purpose and service. When you finally find the healing path that suits you, you’ll be able to restore balance for yourself and for others. Whether you decide to make this your career path or not, simply by changing yourself you will have a positive impact on others around you. As you become more empathetic, intuitive and sensitive to your own needs and the needs of others you will notice your relationships changing for the better.Healing in whatever form, Coaching, Reiki, EFT, hands-on healing, hypnotherapy or any other technique stimulates our subtle energy system to support and boost the body’s ability to heal and balance itself. This balanced state of energy healing system helps to create a powerful transformation on spiritual, physical, mental, and emotional levels.

Finding the perfect healing path to your inner light helps to:

Clear blocks caused by stress or trauma Identify the parts of the body that may be in need of balance and healing Advance personal growth Enhance learning and social function Achieve optimal wellness and success in one’s daily life

Here is a daily meditation technique that can be used to get you on the healing path to inner light:

Hold awareness in the light and breathe

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Create a peaceful and sacred space using things such as candles, incense, music, oils (optional)

Sit down with spine straight and state your intention – with the natural light being your source of emotion, thought and action

Begin breathing in a slow & comfortable rhythm Allow natural and comfortable breath; your body should be in a relaxed and focus moment

by now Imagine a beautiful golden flame in the energy of heart; you can do this by feeling it, seeing

it or just having faith Allow light to fill your heart and create a ray of light that moves up behind your eyes and

breathe Let the light continue to flow from your heart down to your torso, legs and the soles of feet Now, breathe the light around your shoulders, fingers, and tips of fingers, arms and into

your palms from the heart Back to heart, breathe the light gently through your throat, and hold it behind eyes Direct the light back into a sacred Well and allowing it to flow back as your eyes, brow, lids

and forehead relax Do not hurry from here, you’re motivating the Third Eye/Divine Eye. Then, bring the light through your Crown Chakra and up. Imagine that it is passing through

stars, moon, clouds, and sun. Let it flow down around and through you from here and then breathe

Now, every cell in your body accepts the light and they will order and love it with every breath you take. Repeat the above several times and breathe. Begin or end your day with this meditation. This will help your intuition and focus. Now you have energised yourself, all the events of the day will flow in this source and direction.

True healing for soul happinessTrue healing is an honest channel to one’s happiness and it is more than mending a broken heart. It can help you to uncover limiting beliefs, eliminate damaging behaviour patterns or self-sabotaging, to enhance your spiritual connection. True healing for soul happiness involves constant examination of the different elements of self, although the closing of emotional wounds is obviously part of the healing process.

What is True Healing?Permanent or long-lasting healing comes when we bring balance to our multi-dimensional self. This form of healing is done on all levels of the body including soul, emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. True healing cannot occur if any one of these levels is not amended and brought into balance. Like four legs to a table, one cannot be happy if the soul that holds one’s life is not balanced, stable, and secure.

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If we do not know anything about healing and awareness, then something will manifest in our life in order to bring awareness to the aspect that needs shifting. These manifestations can come in different forms and can be in a negative form in most cases. Life’s lessons or circumstances will repeat itself again until wisdom is obtained, the message is fully integrated and healing has occurred.

Understanding True HealingTo understand the true healing for soul happiness on what needs to be brought into balance or healed is to take a look at your life starting from the physical level. Look at your physical self and ask, is it healthy? Do you feel pain anywhere? Does it feel relaxed? Does it feel clean? Is it hungry, or thirsty, warm or cold? Are your muscles tight or relaxed? Your body is the vehicle and the communication tool for your spiritual self. So, you can call your body the Kingdom since it is your vehicle and communication device. You should be able to ask who is running your Kingdom. Is it your emotions, body or mind? The goal here is to allow your soul to run your kingdom. When we tap into our bodies, thoughts, emotions, and spirit we will be able to have power over who is in control of our Kingdom.We all want happier, more fulfilling lives and this means love, beauty, eternal peace, and bliss which are completely undisturbed by outside circumstances. Anyone can access this state of true healing which lies deep down inside of us with sincere intent. This state of reflecting our true essence, our eternal self.

Controlling your emotionsEmotions are energy in motion. They are the energy of your internal processes and hormonal activity. Your body is constantly processing information and all the while, you are completely unaware. Right now, your heart is pumping blood throughout your body to keep you alive.

Your kidneys are excreting waste keeping your blood levels at perfect homeostasis. Your hypothalamus is regulating your body temperature so you don’t overheat. And your brain is signalling hormones to interplay in your body and create sensations like happiness, anxiety, and fear. All your senses, even the ones of which you are not totally aware, are talking to the environment. Is it safe? Is it unsafe? Can you sense the mood in the room? Science has proven that these physiological responses occur by study of neuroscience. Neuroscience has proven that every single one of us has an energy taking place within our bodies, brains, and cells during every second of every day. And with over 50 trillion cells, it’s easy to imagine the intense energy we all hold. However, not everyone has the ability to feel this energy or become self-aware enough to recognise the signals and language of the body. Instead, we bypass the awareness of the feelings created by our emotions. This leads us to act out. Your emotion has generated a hormone release eliciting a response from your body.

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This sends out a signal that we can interpret as love, joy, safety, comfort or bliss, or on the other end, fear, anxiety, low self-esteem, victimisation, etc.

Why you are emotionally triggeredTime is not a concept that exists in the brain. You can recall a memory that happened 10 years ago and feel like you are reliving it in the here and now. And something that happened as recently as yesterday can feel like it happened a lifetime ago.Our early memories imprint themselves into our brains. And our subconscious mind or our deeper mind is responsible for holding most of it. This part of our brain is like the data bank of our hardwiring. It is the super storage system which never gets full and continues to store our memories.All of your experiences, memories, thoughts, feelings, in fact, anything that has ever happened to you in life is stored in your great data bank the subconscious mind. Our imprinting and conditioning start as early as in the womb. And up until the age of seven, we are said to be in a theta brain wave state that’s much like a hypnotic trance.At this stage, we are simply absorbing all of the information being thrown at us. We are like a sponge taking it all in without necessarily making sense of it all. We store this information, even though we don’t realise it.Have you ever seen a toddler observing their mum and dad talking or arguing? Of course, they don’t understand all the facts of the discussion or argument, but they absorb and store it nonetheless.As babies, we use our senses to determine our environment by picking up on the moods of others, their facial expressions, and their emotions. The phrase ‘happy mother, happy baby’ does indeed hold some truth. As described by the work of Dr Bruce Lipton, our environment determines everything. How we interpret our environment and the world we live in determines how we feel.

Do we feel safe, loved, valued, and respected? Or do we feel unsafe, fearful, alone, untrusting, and taken for granted? Much of how we view the world is determined by how we interpret our environment.

What is an emotional trigger?From birth to the age of seven, our foundations are being set by those around us:

Is it safe to be here? Is it safe for me to be me? Can I trust people? Can my parents provide for me? Are my needs being met? Am I important? Can I trust my family?

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Where do I belong?

The list goes on and on.During our first seven years, when our first spiritual centre, the Root Chakra, is opening, we develop our sense of trust and begin developing our sense of identity. During our next seven years, we spend our days figuring out how we feel about ourselves in relation to others as our second spiritual centre, the Sacral Chakra is opening.From ages seven to 14, we begin to explore how we feel about ourselves in the world we’re coming to recognise:

Do I fit in? Am I acceptable? Who accepts me and who doesn’t? What am I comfortable with? What group accepts me? What behaviour gets me accepted? What do I have to do to get my new needs met now that I am no longer a young child?

This stage is marked by the desire to belong to a group, tribe, family, or community to feel a sense of safety and belonging.As our third spiritual centre, the Solar Plexus Chakra is opening between the ages of 14-22, our actions really begin to take precedence. What do we believe is possible for us and our futures? With all the imprinting we’ve done so far, they now start to show themselves in ways that can either make or break us. We may project our imprints to try and make a name for ourselves. It is how we get recognition form our peers, parents, colleagues, and friends.

What does our body do in response to emotions?How do we know we are being triggered by our unconscious thoughts? After all, as we previously discussed there’s so much we perceive, even if we do not notice it.Our first step to becoming aware of our responses, is to become self-aware.Our brain contains the limbic system, the system responsible for emotions, memories, and possibly our instincts. We also have a system called the reticular activating system, which is responsible for alerting us to the possibility of danger, whether it is really there or not. These alerts let us know to be vigilant in case the danger is really there, and are important in keeping us safe while we assess our surroundings. The danger the brain perceives may come from a variety of sources of emotional upset or trauma, and they can influence how we see our external environment.Anxiety has grown into a worldwide pandemic. Many of us live in poverty, trauma, and work in such terrible conditions that our nervous system is always under attack.

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What do we do with these fears? How should we react? And what are the root causes of our problems? Behind every fear is yet another fear. We might have underlying fears of failure, abandonment, shame, rejection, and even humiliation. These fears typically stem from the unmet needs of our inner child and how we ‘parent’ that inner child now that we are adults. Does the inner child crave self-love? Nurturing? Acceptance, or something else? Becoming aware of how you support yourself during stressful times will bring you one step closer to achieving emotional mastery as they relate to your emotional responses.

Meeting unmet needsWhat is your deepest emotional wound? What has been the most prominent theme or emotional pattern you have experienced?These are significant problems no doubt, but how did you plan to escape them? It’s clear that Prince Charming, or a lottery win, aren’t options, so what else can you do? What have you used before?Thinking back to your childhood, what was your unmet need?Did dad work long hours preventing you from seeing him? Did that cause you to think you weren’t important enough?In cases like those listed above, we might meet our unmet needs by trying to be perfect or by overachieving. This can lead us to volunteer to overwork ourselves in order to search for the recognition we didn’t receive as a child. Take the example of the late Robin Williams. Before he was a famous actor, he only got his mother’s attention when he made her laugh. As a result, he spent his entire life making other people laugh in a desperate attempt to feel the love, acceptance, and recognition he didn’t always receive as a child.What we can learn from these kinds of examples is that the only person who can meet your unmet needs is you.

So, what could it be like if you were to rid yourself of all of the childhood beliefs you’ve saddled yourself with? What could happen if you loved yourself? If you could go back in time, what would you want to hear from your family that could help change your path?

Developing False PersonasHow we value ourselves in terms of recognition and terms of validation ourselves, come from various unmet needs of the younger child. We may come to form a false persona that gets projected into the world, and that persona is known as our Ego. During this stage, we may hear the internal voice younger negative imprinting that we’ve absorbed from authority figures like our parents, grandparents, siblings or those closest to us. And that voice can either be supportive and nurturing, or negative and critical.

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The messages you have received so far will determine your position in life at this age and what you believe is possible for yourself. And how you treat people will be evident on what you are telling yourself about how you need to win or lose in society, at your job, and in your critical relationships.Eventually, we will find ourselves elevating to a place of both opportunity and transformation. This is a special type of transformation. And it is one that occurs in the heart centre.As we move along our path in life we may reach a point in time when we start to look inwards for the answers we seek. We may realise that our past is blurring our vision of the future and we need to clear the past to make way for the future.

What causes an automatic emotional response?Stemming from every emotion is a need that has been left unresolved. Too often, we are so completely and utterly unaware of what our needs really are that we repeat a toxic cycle of negative behaviours and experiences that produce equally toxic outcomes. We may feel like we have little power or control over our lives when we do this and may need help finding our way back to self-security. Evidence shows that our experiences and our belief systems can be passed through our DNA. Our genetic programming can then be passed down to future generations, much like how our ancestors have passed down theirs. It is likely, however, that you aren’t aware of what information your lineage holds unless you dig deep into your family’s genealogy.

How can we change the status quo?We are constantly trying to achieve the next level in our growth. We try to be the best husbands, wives, parents, friends, bosses or employees in an effort to live the lives we so deeply want. Unfortunately, being introduced to stressful situations forces us to revert back to the behaviours we don’t necessarily like about ourselves.

Have you ever found yourself scolding your children the way your mother did? Perhaps you made previous strides to overcome this behaviour and have reverted to it in a time of great duress. Some behaviours are so deeply rooted in our subconscious that even in our journey to accessing our higher selves, we trigger something that reminds us of an early and unmet developmental need. This reminder may then manifest as an emotional reaction we may not be proud of.

Your Super Human Spiritual BodyIt goes without saying that the heart is an extraordinary organ. Not only does it give and receive blood and oxygen to sustain our human body and our physical lives, but it also emits the biggest electromagnetic field (also called a resonance field). This field is 500 times stronger than the brain and produces its own hormones and neurotransmitters.

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These distinct biological functions signal hormone production for the rest of the body. Studies conducted by the Heart Math Institute show the effects of the auras of two people engaged in conversation. The study shows that auras, or electromagnetic fields, reach out and merge with each other while in a conversation. What does that mean? It means that not only do we communicate verbally, we also communicate through frequency. This communication can either be harmonious or incoherent. And it all serves a greater purpose in our relationships.

Cells, Balance, and RejuvenationThanks to our cells, we are in non-verbal communication all of the time. They are constantly communicating with each other while performing the necessary functions to keep our bodies in a state of peaceful homeostasis.Though we are conscious most of the time, we are not in control of many of these functions. We do not verbally instruct our bodies to perform the duties that keep us alive, nor do we “think” these functions into existence. It all just happens automatically. So, who is in control? What is keeping us together? And what is pulling strings to make sure we stay alive?Is there an invisible force that was sparked into action the day we were made? Or is it an invisible force that knew exactly how to create our body so that everything moves fluidly without issue? Clearly, we weren’t made in some haphazard fashion. We aren’t typically born with an ear for a foot or a toe for a nose. However, we are born with something that has created our body to keep us alive and perform the job of one billion cells every second while rejuvenating each cell when necessary.Every so often we have new hair, new skin, or even a new liver. This is because our cells replace themselves every so often. We’re constantly upgrading, reproducing, replacing and maintaining. When we consider all of this, it’s no wonder why we only use five per cent of our conscious brain. We need to conserve the rest of our energy for decision making and automatic functions. And should anything not fall in the scope of our present and ‘awake’ thoughts, those duties then fall to subconscious mind.

Part of the duties of the subconscious is to lessen the burden of a fully active mind. As we learn and grow, certain things become automatic with time. Take learning a new skill for example. The first part of learning is a very conscious process as we need to concentrate or focus on the task at hand. Once we have learned it and we do not need to concentrate as deeply, the newly acquired skill becomes an ingrained pattern that we fulfil almost effortlessly. Certain things like tying our shoelaces, driving a car, brushing our teeth are so ingrained within us that we do them without thinking. And the subconscious acts as yet another invisible force that helps to keep us going.

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Hormones, energies and other systemsIn addition to our heart centre, conscious, and subconscious, we also have a system called the endocrine system. The endocrine system works to regulate many of our most vital internal processes. This system is made up of glands (called endocrine glands) that produce chemical messengers called hormones. As we discussed earlier, the hormones help to keep our bodies in balance. The endocrine system, however, is a larger part of the body’s main control system and is located where the chakras or energy centres are located.Our chakras are energy vortices located at the cross over points of nerve fibres called a plexus. They are located on or in the area of the endocrine gland which makes them highly sensitive to the internal and external environment. As the ancient Chinese and Vedas describe it, it is said that we have an invisible energy system within us called Qi or Prana. This energy system is a vital force that keeps us healthy, balanced, and in tune with our surroundings.Our chakras, auras, or energy fields as they are sometimes called, span several feet from our bodies and does the nonverbal communication for us. We rely on them to pick up on cues from another person and determine whether or not we agree with their frequencies. When we meet someone new we must determine what we think about them. Are they safe, genuine, and trustworthy? Or does something feel “off” about their presence? Our energies allow us to leave our conscious minds out of this process and rely on other sources for a change. And we might find that most of the time, our energies are right about some people from the very beginning.

Transmuting your three major blocks to successFor many of us, growing into emotionally and spiritually-mature beings has been a lifelong challenge.Our society has influenced our development so much so that health and wholeness are not passive milestones, but goals we must actively work to meet.

On some level, each of us aspires to reach emotional and spiritual understanding. We seek maturity, comprehension, and inner peace. And as we navigate our own spiritual natures, we turn more and more towards self-development to do this.The Soul Awakening Method uses several concepts surrounding spiritual growth and development to help you more easily develop into a wholly integrated and empowered individual.We will use our chakras and our early developmental experiences to explore our motivations and current behaviours. We will then use this newfound understanding to identify our level of consciousness and ultimately, our unreleased potential.

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The release of negative habits and energy are essential to our growth and success. And to enable us to move forward, we will need to identify and remove the barriers to our energy that are not yet flowing as they should.It is only when we upgrade ourselves and our consciousness that we may contact the higher centres of our awareness and live according to the deep wisdom we hold. Our experiences lead to our behaviours. And our primary behaviours and personalities eventually give rise to the archetypes with which we identify ourselves.

Rewrite your storyHow has your archetype become your fixed behavioural pattern and why? Would you like to rewrite this behaviour pattern by rewriting your story?Taking an objective view of yourself right now, which ‘archetype’ are you most associated with? Are you:

The good mother The dutiful carer The doting wife The victim The abandoned child The fixer The healer The rebel Something else?

The Soul Awakening Method is designed to help clear out the conditioning and false expectations placed upon you so far. Our unique form of therapy helps you to find your authenticity and connect to your soul’s purpose and give you balance within each of the seven main stages.

Archetypes and energyOur archetypes ultimately reflect how we feel about ourselves and whether or not we believe we deserve love, self-care, and worthiness.

Your inner connections can allow you to use your current archetype as a stepping stone towards higher development and consciousness. As you gradually accept more responsibility in your life, you may feel more empowered and engaged with your surroundings. To master the archetypes is to master yourself. And to master yourself is to master your energy.Our archetypes can free us from our negative thoughts and feelings to awaken our divine potential. They can illuminate the lesser-known corners of our souls to reveal brilliance and strength. As a source of emotional, physical, and spiritual power, they can help free us from fear if we can learn to overcome them.

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Our challenge? To face the archetypes and recognise the opportunity to develop our personal power thereby making its divine potential our own.The goddess Kali holds the power of the saboteur. It is a destructive archetype found in each and every one of us and like all archetypes, is a two-sided coin. The opposite end of the saboteur’s destruction is rebuilding and rebirth. And though the saboteur can use its destruction for harm, its energy can be used to dismantle the negative areas of your life so they can later be fixed or healed. All archetypes have two faces. And it is within your power to learn to use each to your advantage.Many of our most powerful talents are not known from birth. You aren’t born knowing how to paint, or how to heal, or how to love those around you so deeply. However, you can learn these things much like you can learn courage, faith, and confidence.Our divine potential beckons us to rise above our most basic needs for physical survival. We are called to grow, but cannot do so with our current intellect alone. We must look for the deeper truths, many of which are found in the archetypes. To fulfil our divine potential and resolve the smaller issues present at work or at home, we must work at a higher plane of consciousness. It is your duty to soar past reason and find understanding behind the symbolism of your experiences and archetypal stories.Once you are able to read the symbolism in your life, you will see the positive results in your choices.

What are the primary archetypes?It is important to note that archetypes are inherited—they are not developed. Our archetypes are massive library archives with significant contributions from all humans who have lived before us. These archetypes give rise to our personalities, which can be numerous in any single person. Dr Hal and Sidra Stones’ work on subpersonalities shows that a person is indeed capable of hosting hundreds of personalities or ‘masks’. Their work suggests that the subpersonalities are energies that are subtle in nature and aren’t within the conscious mind’s grasp.

As part of the unconscious, these archetypes work to give rise to our primary selves and our disowned selves, a theme we also see in Carl Jung’s work. Jung went on to define several primary archetypes:

The Mother The Father Persona Anima & Animus The Self

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The Ego The Shadow The Hero The Wise Old Man The Child

How archetypes relate to our attitudeArchetypes are not only linked to our emotional and physical well-being. They are linked to our attitudes and self-reflections as well. What is a thought becomes energy. And when we feel good about who we are, we create a space for good things to come. Conversely, when we fail to give ourselves the love we are due, we open spaces to foster negativity and self-doubt. Your thoughts do not just control your feelings, they control your outside experiences as well.Both people and events offer us the opportunity to live out how we see ourselves. Every situation is a new challenge, and with each new challenge, we’ve received a gift from our higher spiritual perspective. We have a guideline to view our highest potential, and the ability to see what is good and pure within us. And it is with this guideline or template that we can change our ideas about ourselves and understand that we truly are deserving of love, respect, and compassion.To do this, we must examine our attitudes where they are and change them when necessary. The negative must become positive and we must lighten the load where it is heavy. When we do this, other people will pick up on our vibrations and confirm our good feelings about ourselves.What we want to make of our lives is our choice and our choice alone. We can use every experience to learn and grow, or we can dwell in our shame and rejection. Remember that what you think or feel about yourself and others will always be reflected, and your energy will not lie on your behalf.That is the working principle by which archetypes and their chakras function within our systems. Whenever we experience problems with any issue in particular, like self-love, we reflect it in our energy. The troubled energy has been lowered and will need work to be restored.

What can prevent our growth?We humans possess a natural desire to grow. This natural desire has been exacerbated with our increased exposure to technology and modern advancements. Even so, we still face barriers when it comes to reaching our potential. Our main barrier? Fear.All of our experiences are stored in our subconscious minds. It is here that the information collected from both external and internal sources is processed at a rate of 400 billion bits of data per second.The mind is constantly collecting data from our senses. Sound, smell, sight, taste etc are all received and interpreted automatically so our efforts are geared towards survival, procreation, and other habits essential to the continuation of our species.

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While your subconscious focuses on the automatic interpretation and physiological responses of your body, your conscious mind is responsible for your logical thoughts made in your awareness. What makes it to the conscious mind is only a fraction of what goes on in your unconscious mind that is always at work keeping your body functioning.Our thoughts and perceptions trigger the release of several chemicals and hormones within our bodies. In childhood, our development is almost entirely unconscious as we have little knowledge or control of our desires, needs, or path forward. Later in life, we grow more accustomed to making choices for ourselves, while bearing in mind those choices bear consequences. The conditions we faced earlier in life, including our support systems and our exposure to nurturing homes and environments, will determine how comfortable we are with risk, change, and progress.People with childhoods met with less supportive developmental environments are less likely to feel comfortable in healthy environments. Instead, they become comfortable with pain, anxiety, poverty, abuse, sub-par conditions at work, and poor relationships. Environments that are typically considered unacceptable for others are what they deem as comfortable for themselves. Exploring new relationships or settings may not be ‘safe’, so they become comfortable in their discomfort by scanning their subconscious for similar situations and the coping methods they’ve used to deal with them before. This familiarity keeps them stuck and fearful. And for as long as their fear is greater than their desire to find new coping strategies or better outcomes, they will remain in the stagnant state, unable to move forward.

How the chakras relate to spiritual well-beingUnderstanding your chakras and the influence they have over your physical, energetic and emotional health can be revolutionary in the way you live your life from here on in. It can show you how your energy, physical, mental and emotional well-being has defined your life. So, let’s discover more about each chakra.

The First Stage – Root Chakra (foundations)In this line of inquiry, we invite you to dig deep and assess your current life’s situation, the possibilities, the challenges and opportunities.Imagine you had the task of building your own house. First you would need to make sure the foundations were in place to support you as you build your house from the ground up.For anything to be sustainable and weather the challenging conditions life might throw at you, you will need to construct your life on solid, supportive, stable foundations.If, for any reason, your foundations don’t fully support your hopes, dreams and wishes, then this is the perfect opportunity for you to become the best architect and create a masterpiece, your life.How do we relate this to coaching?

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Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the life you want. Feeling that you are worthy of love, money and success. We look at the foundations your life is built upon, do they feel secure, stable or shaky and week? What blocks do you have? What goals do you have? What hidden beliefs do you have currently creating your life as it is now?

The second stage – Sacral Chakra (emotions)At this stage, your foundations are in place and you are thinking of your next step. This is your outlook on life via your emotions relationships, creativity and intimacy and how well you handle challenges. This line of questioning is designed to help you understand your emotions.How do we relate this to coaching? Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the relationships, fulfilment, enjoyment and even the body you want. At this stage we look at your values, emotions and relationships.

The third stage – Solar Plexus Chakra (power)In step three of this line of inquiry to enhance your spiritual connection, we are required to really focus on our internal self-belief system. By using self-inquiry you can discover where your true authentic power lies and where you are giving away.In this step, we outline the inner voice, strengths and self-determination.How do we relate this to coaching? Here we look at transmuting your blocks to having the success and recognition you want. We look at your self-belief, motivation, what you identify with, how you project yourself into the world, your success and limiting beliefs.

The fourth stage – Heart Chakra (love)The questions here are designed to be self-directed, allowing us to see how well we nurture ourselves. In this next step, we outline our desires, gratitude and unconditional love —the very essence of soul awakening. The questions come from within are directed to our innermost selves.How do we relate this to coaching? Here we are at love, forgiveness and gratitude. When we step in to the vibration of love all your blocks will dissipate. When we truly learn to value ourselves and

appreciate our own worth by recognising our strengths and appreciating what we have to offer the world we are able to live a more self-directed life. You are able to tap into an unseen resource, that is the creative force that creates and holds all thongs together. In this high vibration you are able to become a co-creator of your life.

The Emotional Freedom TechniqueEFT, or the ‘emotional freedom technique’ is an effective, research-based tool designed to help clients get better themselves. Largely based on the work of ancient Chinese acupuncturists, discovered well over 5,000 years ago, EFT supports the claims of what many have known for a long time—that emotional trauma is a large factor in the development of disease.

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EFT was developed by Gary Craig, a Stanford engineer who wanted to help people who couldn’t find relief from traditional medicine or psychological treatment. As a self-administered alternative treatment, EFT was designed to help those who were struggling with their emotional health.

Who Invented EFT?The idea of EFT isn’t entirely a new one. Between 1980 and 1990, Dr Roger Callahand, an American psychologist, began developing a way to heal both physical and mental ailments by finger tapping meridian points. Based at least partially on the Chinese concept of Chi, this specialised "tapping" was done on the hands and upper body. Callahand believed that when a person thinks about an emotional problem and the experiences and thoughts that come with it, they are entering a “thought field”. In this thought field, one would create an “imaginary though quite real scaffold, upon which we may erect our explanatory notions”.Callahand believed this treatment could alleviate a variety of issues including anxiety, PTSD, addiction, etc. He went on to call this treatment ‘Thought Field Therapy’ or TFT.Working under Dr. Callahand during the development of TFT, Gary Craig, the inventor of EFT, developed his simplified own approach towards treating similar ailments. In Craig’s approach, one would need to tap on all the major points regardless of the time or the specific problem. Since Craig’s approach was simpler and required less time for assessment, treatment was faster.

How Does EFT Work?As explained by Gary Craig himself, it is best to think of our bodies as an electrical source. This electrical source, like any other, relies on circuits. In his EFT Discovery Statement, Craig notes that, “the cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system”Essentially, the interrupting these circuits that are so critical to our health result in both emotional and physical distress.

And for as long as the interruption or blockage persists, we will continue to feel this distress and they may eventually get worse.The negative emotions may being to pile on causing a disastrous build-up. This kind of build-up of negative emotions attract even more negativity into our lives and can even fester into very obvious imbalances with our physical self.Does this mean we should avoid our negative emotions? Quite the opposite. Instead of denying our negative emotions, it is important that we allow them to flow properly process through our bodies. Emotions can be stored in our mind-body system. To prevent this from happening, we need to learn to experience and release them in a healthy way.

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Within each of us is a meridian system that carries energy throughout our bodies. Think of the meridian system as vital energy channels that can be barred by negative emotions. To remove stress, anxiety, and even our inhibitions, we must first remove the barriers to our energy.The tapping techniques featured in EFT dissolve these barriers, or energy blocks on the face or body.

EFT—The Information HighwayOur energy channels double as information highway constantly absorbing information about our lives as we go. Our friends, family, experiences, surroundings, etc, are all picked up as we walk through our lives, even if we don’t realise it. Sometimes, the information we consume becomes too much for us to handle because we are made to store as much of that information as we can. They become memories and experiences that shape us to be who we are. EFT works to help us process not only negative emotions, but also the overload of information we’ve consumed throughout our everyday lives. EFT sorts through all of the excess data and energy we’ve picked up to help us direct our attention inward to a current problem to avoid an ‘overload’ or a ‘crash’.Instead of energy and electrical channels, it may be easier, if not more therapeutic, to think of the energy blocks as rain falling on a windshield. Every so often the raindrops need to be swiped away by the windshield wipers. No matter the pace the drops must be cleared regularly to maintain a clear view. If the rain drops accumulate, so much that we cannot see what is ahead of us in order to safely move forward disaster is only around the corner.

Emotions & the EFT ProcessTraumatic events become stressful to process and can be even more difficult to release causing us to feel overwhelmed. And because emotions are directly tied to our subconscious, tapping releases our unprocessed emotions by shifting it from the subconscious state to the conscious one. This clears the barriers to our energy and prevent physical manifestation.Unfortunately, many develop adverse coping mechanisms to deal with these consuming feelings.

We may bury them in our subconscious, distract ourselves with any number of things, or outright ignore them even if the memory only comes up for a second. This limits our ability to release our trauma and even restrict our energy meridians or channels making it all the more difficult to heal.Without adequate and healthy release, these emotions will continue to rise to our subconscious, even for the smallest of triggers. Balance is necessary to restore peace.

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Why is maintaining clear energy channels important?Energy can either be in excess or deficient. Too much stress causes excess energy while ignoring emotional trauma causes deficiencies that may block the proper flow of our meridian. With enough strength, energy disruptions can even go against their nature in the reverse order. When this happens, we feel like we’re not ourselves. We feel like we’re being counterproductive or self-destructive. When our energy works in the opposite direction it should, we find that we feel we are working against ourselves, our progress, and our healing.Our body is wired to protect us. Two of the most vital organs for our protection are the heart and the brain. When presented with information, our bodies accept the information and interprets it. There is debate as to whether the information is sent to either the heart first for the brain to send out emotional responses or vice versa. In either case, our bodies label the information that feels threating as negative emotions and so, in addition to whatever negative emotion we’re feeling we may also become fearful. Once this has happened, we then work to protect ourselves from whatever caused the negativity.With every fearful response, our brains release hormones that will result in either a ‘fight’ or ‘flight’ response. When we respond with ‘flight’, we run away from the troublesome situation. With ‘fight’, we battle through the situation. Typically, we respond in the way that has a higher chance of survival.Fear alone is enough to disrupt our energy channels that affects not only us, but our environment as we will then emit this reaction into our environment. This goes even further to create a cycle.Sending out fear signals more fear to come back to us, as is the Law of Attraction. If this kind of cycle is not broken, we start to see individuals develop maladjusted patterns of behaviour like negative view of oneself and poor treatment of othersEFT clears the energy blockages that such responses create and opens the opportunity to review these events in a new light. With EFT, we can take control of our own emotions, behaviours, and life situations. It cleanses us of energy disruptions, blockages, and damaging self-images that are results of painful experiences. By using EFT, we push out the barriers to our energy channels and instead make room for more peace, more happiness, and more love.The founder of EFT, Gary Craig encourages practitioners to use what are called ‘reframes’ to help move forward a client’s progress. To be able to use these reframes, the following need to be in place:

The client must be open to moving forward The practitioner must have experience using reframes

The reframes work to shift clients from a place of unhappiness, anxiety, fear, etc, to a place of better health and self-care.Through EFT, clients forge a deeper bond with one’s Spirit that nourishes us in a way that is not possible with blocked energy circuits.

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By clearing our meridian system of the unwanted and unhealthy residue of trauma, one can live a fuller life with free flowing energy. 

Why Is EFT Important?Like all living things, humans thrive in productive environments. A productive environment can come in many forms. Whether it’s a happy, healthy home or an uplifting workplace or even just a quiet place that one can clear one’s head and heal mentally, a productive environment is essential to good health.However, before a person can truly thrive in such a productive environment, they must first be productive themselves and they must be in-sync with what’s happening around them. Our being is centred around the vibrations of the universe. If something either within us or around us is off, we feel it on many levels.For example, think of a time you met someone who felt ‘off’ or for a reason you couldn’t quite name, you just did not have a good feeling about this person. A possible explanation is that your frequency did not pair well with theirs, and it is also possible that you or they had one or several energy blockages that is the root cause of this.Every cell in our body operates on a frequency that helps make up an overall resonance that is all our own. These are sometimes called ‘vibratory signatures’ and can vary on a cellular level, organ-tissue level, or in or between people. Because these all have their own frequencies or vibrations, these vibrations are susceptible to falling out of tune when something goes wrong like an excess of emotion. And it is not just people who can vibrate out of tune, either. Our organs can as well and in some cases of illness, the ailment can be alleviated or eliminated if maintain clear meridian pathways.We connect with everything – or at least our bodies try. It is up to us to continuously clearing our energy blockages so that we may continue to be in tune with ourselves, our surroundings, and even each other. The basis of any kind of healing lies in the natural vibrations we emit and absorb. By using EFT, we can maintain the clarity of those meridian pathways that are so crucial to our nature.Emotions that are a result of trauma cannot properly be integrated into our beings. They throw off our meridians so much, that we cannot integrate them enough to overcome their vibrations.Therefore, in order to heal, a higher vibration is necessary to restore peach to the vibration that is currently out of sync. Practitioners do this by fixing the intention to shift the out-of-tune organ to its proper vibration by pairing it with the vibrations of none other than the Universe itself.

Feelings of either hopelessness or perhaps even helplessness are all kept within our subconscious. We keep them as memories, either whole or fragmented, that manifest as bodily sensations of any one of the senses. We may smell something that reminds us of an old negative experience and relive it that way. Or perhaps we will see a familiar-looking person that gives us goose bumps because they so closely resemble someone from our past; a face buried away from conscious awareness.

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Holding on to such memories and the negative consequences they produce on our emotional channels prevent the body from finding balance again.Certain emotional triggers that we’ve become sensitised to because of our trauma can regress our behaviour back to the time we felt helpless or hopeless. We either avoid situations that remind us of the trauma or repeat our helpless reactions instead of performing healthy ones which also prevent our progression on several levels including the spiritual one. Suppressing bad memories may have worked as a child as you lived in a controlled environment. However, now as an adult who needs to go out into the world to fulfil your basic needs (work to earn income for food, interact with friends and families, etc) you’ll encounter much more variable stimuli that can trigger these feelings.Instead of walking through life avoiding our trauma triggers, we can use EFT to regain control of our environment and the stimuli they present to eliminate the unpleasantness of the triggers. Learn to view your triggers as an open opportunity for healing by clearing your channels.

Self-Regulation & EFTAs described by Steven Stosny PhD, self-regulation, when speaking about emotions, “is the ability to calm yourself down when you're upset and cheer yourself up when you're down”. He goes on to describe the three motivations for any emotion at any age level, approach, avoid, or attack.In the approach motivation, we want more of something. In the avoid motivation, we’d like to get away from something so we ignore, withdraw, reject, or dismiss it. In the attack motivation, we undermine, destroy, insult, or criticise something we really don’t like. When we find ourselves in the avoid or attack motivations, we’re more at risk for energy blockages.Infants and young children who grow up in dysfunctional families may have a tremendously difficult time coping than those from emotionally stable families. They develop poor coping habits that undermine their ability to self-regulate—a critical skill for lifespan development. But as Vinaya Rajan PhD points out, “researchers have found that self-regulation skills can develop with practice and can be taught in the classroom” as well as later in adulthood.It is also possible that the same the inability to self-regulate serves, at least in part, as a basis of other mental disorders like anxiety, depression, and perhaps even narcissism. Because EFT is a self-administered help tool, it is yet another way to learn to self-regulate on an emotional level while clearing meridian pathways on a spiritual level for physical and mental health. Users of EFT often report feeling surprisingly calm after completing it. For self-regulation via EFT, the most important thing to remember during EFT is to capture the feeling, hold it steady, then call out and identify the feeling to perform a releasing technique.

When one is triggered (by encountering a smell, sight, sound, etc. that’s associated with the trauma) they may become immediately uncomfortable. They might experience anxiety, be overcome with sadness, fear, anger, or any other feeling of unrest. During these times, one might use EFT to self-regulate.Sometimes, we may not be aware of our triggers. We can find ourselves being unusually sensitive to certain words, sights, or events without ever knowing why.

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To successfully identify our triggers, it is important that we remain self-aware enough to observe our own behaviours. What do you think upsets you? What makes you scared, anxious, or angry? Why does this upset you?Whether it’s panic, stress, sadness, fear, or anger, find the feeling and stay with it just long enough to address them. Do not repress them. Do not dismiss them. Take them head on so that you can dispose of them for good. Your emotions are meant to be processed with which means you are meant to be in control. Centre yourself and remember that you are the one in control here.

Addressing self-destructive beliefsOur experiences shape our beliefs, and our beliefs shape our worldviews. In terms of our energy, such beliefs and their resulting actions can cause very damaging blockages. These blockages can manifest into physical symptoms that affect our health all because of our negative but closely-held self-views.Our hard beliefs define us and help create our environment. By entertaining harsh beliefs about our reality, we unknowingly invite more of the negativity to our lives. The limits we place on ourselves for intimacy, worth, trust, love, and confidence become real and it becomes harder to break free of them. This limits our ability to keep healthy, balanced relationships. We close off our minds so much, that when something bad happens, we think we deserve it and that this is further proof that we are undeserving. Interestingly enough, we will only do this for the bad. This thinking will not allow us to confirm the good about ourselves, no matter how frequently it occurs because we’ve built our identity around our trauma.How many self-sabotaging beliefs do you hold? You may be aware of a few but how many more are there?It is possible to regain control. We can correct our beliefs and ultimately, regain control our environments and spiritual health. Let’s start by taking a look at a few unhealthy beliefs we might have about ourselves:

I don’t deserve this I am not smart enough

I hate myself I’m not good enough I do not try hard enough I’m trapped and there’s nothing I can do I deserve to be treated poorly I am not safe

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I am not worthy I cannot be loved I cannot be less than perfect I don’t belong anywhere I am not/cannot be a good person People like me cannot be happy This isn’t for me

In order to be healthier individuals we must take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to us to heal. We can do this in a few steps:

Have the desire to heal Find your inner positivity Actively shift your thinking from “victim” to “empowered” while using EFT Clear your energy channel blocks Repeat as necessary to maintain health

Connecting to our true selves In order to connect to our true self, we need to understand who we are. This includes our state of mind, our body, our DNA and what influences each of them.You are one of a kind, and none will come after you. If you conditioned your mind to believe in yourself, the world would change. There is so much that you can change by simply believing you are magnificent. You have unlimited potential and there are unlimited possibilities, you can shape and create your reality and consequently your world will be different. It is possible to have more love and compassion in your life. We all possess a Heart Chakra, also known as’ Anahata’ or ‘Sanskrit’ (this Heart Centre also means unhurt). When we allow the essence of love to flow into our hearts, we then learn to accept, love anew, and forgive. We realise what love really is only by working with the energy of our heart. It helps balance our energy and enables us to experience the power of love in our lives. This love can heal all the hurts that we have experienced in our life, whether intentional or not. According to the Heart Math Institute, our heart is the source of the largest electromagnetic field in our bodies and is 5,000 times stronger than that of the brain. It can even be felt by the people around you.

Science has also shown us that the heart has its own ‘mind’, called neuro-intelligence. This means that it does not just pump the blood through the body, it also has another role in our lives.Everything in the physical world is made of fields of electrical energy. To heal ourselves, we must connect to these fields and, in turn, the fields connect to all other energies and help us raise our vibration.

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We can now change the long-held belief that the brain is the ‘master organ’ when it comes to decisions. The heart is also fundamental to our direction in life. Recently, there has been a rapid shift in the conscious world as we know it and human beings are now in the Golden Age of Aquarius. In this age, we look for the truth in each of us to create understanding and unity. In the world, lies the authentic truth which is true, pure and resonates in all our spirits and it is this truth which drives us to seek ourselves and achieve more. Most people do not stand in the truth. Instead, they allow fear, falsehoods, and lack dictate their lives’ directions. However, if we stood in this truth even for just a day, we could create a renewed energy and consciousness to do more than we can imagine. Now is the moment to rewrite our stories and set our souls free The centre of the galaxy puts out waves across the universe causing us to evolve slowly and a similar thing occurs within the cells of our body, putting away vibrations in the body to ensure that the body operates as a whole and in unison.As the wave of consciousness moves towards the centre of the galaxy, the planet consciousness starts to expand, vibrate at a higher frequency, and evolve much faster than it did before. The moon and the sun also affect our vibrations. However, we are also affected by seven planets on a daily basis despite the fact that they cannot be seen with our naked eyes. As you know, the moon is in orbit around the Earth. The Earth in turn, orbits the sun and the sun orbits Sirus, which is the brightest star in our sky. For ages, they have been moving away from each other. However, in the recent past, they have started coming together and opening the doors for the golden age which is, in turn, bringing us into higher consciousness.

Clear the past and make way for the futureSpiritual coaching resets your spirit, mind, and body system to help you return to a more balanced state, thereby eliminating any risk of diseases. The therapy resets your cellular memory and the information held in your quantum hologram and also erases all unhealthy echo patterns, ensuring that your hologram and cellular memory is filled with healthy patterns. This process ensures that all unhealthy interference is removed to enable the downloading of beneficial, healthy information to your physical body. The Soul Awakening Method of spiritual coaching is, ‘healing with pure energy at the subatomic level’. This is what makes it effective in healing all levels of the body and spirit and this process of healing can start with something as small as an act, thought, an image, or a memory, with that small event then creating a huge ripple effect on the whole body.

Your vibration eventually becomes your reality. You begin as a source of energy and continue to be a source of energy in the physical expression. Everything around you is a vibration that takes form.

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You are all wired to create your reality through the law of attraction and quantum theory and you also have at your disposal, thoughts that are the language of the brain and emotions that are the language of the body.Your thoughts are the electrical charge in your quantum field, your feelings, on the other hand, are your magnetic charge. A combination of feelings and thinking creates an electromagnetic field that influences all the atoms in your body and your surroundings.Once you can reset the negative beliefs, perceptions, and expectations and feed your system with positive thoughts and affirmations, your conscious mind starts to find new opportunities that were hitherto unavailable. You also get to attract like-minded people to help drive your vision forward, according to the law of attraction discussed above.Moreover, you now lack the inhibitions that pulled you back earlier when you decided to work to make your dreams a reality and you feel free, energetic, and motivated to fire up your dream. Everyone that lives on this planet needs to be his or her true self and accomplish the mission for which he or she was sent to Earth. The one thing that makes you different from animals is that you have a purpose and a destiny that you are made to reach.

Find Your Purpose with the Soul Awakening AcademyHere at the Soul Awakening Academy, we embrace those who want to lead a more fulfilling life and discover their true potential. We embrace those that want to find their purpose, passion and meaning, and to be of service to others whilst still living an abundant life. If you feel you have reached a point in your life or career where you feel a need to fulfil that part of you that craves to tap into your spiritual gifts and healing abilities, you are at the right place.

How spirituality can help you become a better coachWe are here to help you enhance your healing abilities by training as a Spiritual Life Coach or Energy Healer and help you create a business and brand through the power of your self-discovery journey. With a unique style of training, the Soul Awakening Academy offers you a chance to learn about the latest developments in healing and transformational coaching. Taking our extensive knowledge and skills from the field of NLP, hypnotherapy, positive psychology, life coaching, spiritual healing, biomedicine and acupuncture, you will be able to learn from personal experience of working with clients using these modalities and also experience the uniqueness of our style of healing and coaching.

Enhancing your spiritual connection to help your clients enhance theirsAs a Soul Awakening Coach, you’ll learn the distinct skill of sitting with your client not only face-to-face but soul-to-soul.

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You’ll learn to practice empathy and compassion in order to build rapport and a supportive connection between you and your client. And as Coaches, we value this connection above all others.Your job is to help guide your clients by Soul Awakening Method, so they can enhance their own spiritual connection to clear the past for a better future.

Identifying the Active Parts of Your ClientThe first step of the Soul Awakening method is to use the process of S.O.U.L Life Satisfaction model. Here we focus on what is “activated” and “alive” in the client and what old beliefs or conditioning is holding this in place. We use unique methods of helping the client discover what they are passionate about in life, what are their interests? What activities do they find inspirational? By listening to your client’s story as we work individually on each Chakra we discover our client’s hidden needs, thoughts and feelings, we can connect with them on a deeper level to offer this guided support as we help them become aligned to their hopes, dreams and wishes.

Clarify Your Understanding of Your ClientThe second step is to clarify or check your understanding of your client’s current and future wants and needs. One of the most effective ways to do this is to verbally reflect back what you are hearing the client says. The purpose of reflection is to create empathy, compassion, and helpful, trusting space. So when you as a Soul Awakening Coach, use verbal conformational feedback, you allow the client to verify their truth and what is real for them while also confirming you understand what they’re saying. In the end, you both come out of each session with a better understanding of your new direction.Reflection can be extremely powerful if the other person has made themselves vulnerable to you. Even if you are confident you’ve heard and understood every word your client has said, they may still benefit from some confirmation and understanding that you are 100% in the moment with them.

Be patient with your clientThe third step in this process is to take your time—always.It is important to remember that when the client begins to reveal their story to you, they may only be disclosing the tip of the iceberg, the stuff on the surface. Your client will need to feel safe and supported by you. And until they feel that, they may be sussing you out with their senses and intuition until you have gained their trust.This part of the process cannot be rushed. It takes time, patience, and skill on your part as a Soul Awakening coach. This can be done either silently or by offering verbal feedback and reflection where possible. The key and most important thing here is to be fully present with the client. Be

wholly invested in being there with them and commit yourself to exploring, supporting, and helping them through their feelings and needs.

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Be confident with vulnerability – be vulnerable tooDuring your sessions, you may find that you become vulnerable too. And it’s important that you let go of the need to ‘fix’ your client. You may feel a well of your own emotions rising within you, especially if parts of their story resonate with your own. , it is OK to be honest to take a minute of time out if you need to. As a coach, you too are human.Obviously, the session is not about you. The session is about your client, another human being who needs your help. You may fill over with emotions from time to time which is okay, important, and completely understandable. What you’re displaying is empathy, proving you are actively putting yourself in the shoes of your client.Vulnerability, or the act of bearing your emotions, is OK as it allows your client, or even a friend, to see you walking hand-in-hand with them with honesty and a genuine spirit. By asking them for a mere moment to process their story or their traumas, you are showing them that you are a leader and that they can feel safe with you.

Let the client tell their story – encourage detailsAs a Soul Awakening Coach part of your duty is to give the client as much time as they need to tell their story, checking in from time to time if need be. And by exercising active listening, you’ll be able to recognise the following signs that signal when they are done:You can feel their sense of relief. You may be able to feel their energy relax at the end of their story.You can see their body relax. You may see your client sink into their chair more or even sigh. This is evidence that they’ve finished and feel a bit more at ease with you.They will tell you. Your client may say, “Wow, I didn’t know where all that came from!” Take this as a job well done! Try checking in and asking if there’s anything else they would like to share.Be sure to exercise your part of the exchange with good timing and rapport skills. The last thing you want as a coach is to have your client feel rushed or as if they have burdened with their vulnerability. You never know when it is the first time they have ever shared such painful experiences with someone.

Exercise Soul Awakening skillsAs Soul Awakening Coach will be taught the skills and the tools necessary to gently guide your clients through their journey of self-discovery. With the proper training, you too will be able to light the path of your clients to their true selves so they can release the struggles of their pasts and create a better future.

Your journey is only just beginningStudying the Soul Awakening Method will give you a solid foundation upon which to enhance your spiritual connection to build a new, exciting and fulfilling new purpose in your life.

After experiencing your own soul awakening, you can share our message with others and guide them to implement and achieve positive changes in their own lives, bringing about deep transformation and healing for both you, and your clients.

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As you have discovered, our method uses a unique blend of holistic coaching and spiritual techniques to immerse you in an in-depth study of holistic life coaching.But your journey doesn’t end here, we offer a range of complementary courses and training to fine-tune your skills and experience, so you can carry on helping others to find their true calling and awaken their soul.

To find out more about the Soul Awakening Academy and how we can help you along your journey to becoming a spiritual life coach with the power to transform people’s lives, go to:

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