
Outline for Sabbath School Teachers with ideas for group discussion inspired by the Teachers’ Edition of the Sabbath School Lesson prepared by the General Conference SS ministry.

Lesson n. 0814 - 20 November 2020

Worship in Education

Key texts:Genesis 1:26,27; Isaiah 11:1-9; 2 Timothy 3:14-17; 1 Kings 4:29-34; John 14:17; 1 Corinthians 2.

Principle Themes to Explore

1. Education must be a permanent process for growth and redemption.

1. A fundamental task of education is to reproduce the image of God in us.

1. Jesus is the teacher and model we should listen to and imitate in order for us to be recreated in His image. The Bible is the principle textbook.

Suggestions for Teaching

Ask yourself how you can be motivated to engage in permanent education.

Possible questions for sharing and discussion

1. What education can effectively reproduce the image of God in us?

1. Why can the Bible and only the Bible be the principle textbook?

1. Which educative processes can contribute to reproducing His image in us?

1. How can we make our church an educational institute for everyone?

1. How can we make our services, and witnessing, moments of learning for others?

Group Objectives


I and my brethren:

Be instruments of God for our brethren to help them grow into the image of God.


I and the Word:

Facilitate the participation of everyone in the discussion of this important subject.


We, in service and witnessing:

As a group commit yourselves to making your Gospel witnessing a moment of learning for others.

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