
BACKGROUND OF THE PROBLEM The web is a complicated graph, with millions of websites interlinked together. In this paper, we propose to use this web site graph structure to mitigate flooding attacks on a website, using a new web referral architecture for privileged service (WRAPS). WRAPS allows a legitimate client to obtain a privilege URL through a simple click on a referral hyperlink, from a website trusted by the target website. Using that URL, the client can get privileged access to the target website in a manner that is far less vulnerable to a distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) flooding attack than normal access would be. WRAPS does not require changes to web client software and is extremely lightweight for referrer websites, which makes its deployment easy. The massive scale of the web site graph could deter attempts to isolate a website through blocking all referrers. We present the design of WRAPS, and the implementation of a prototype system used to evaluate our proposal. Our empirical study demonstrates that WRAPS enables legitimate clients to connect to a website smoothly in spite of a very intensive flooding attack, at the cost of small overheads on the websites ISPs edge routers. We discuss the security properties of WRAPS and a simple approach to encourage many small websites to help protect an important site during DoS attacks. Existing System: In Existing system First, the capability distribution service itself could be subject to DDoS attacks. Adversaries may simply saturate the link of the server distributing capabilities to prevent clients from obtaining capabilities. The problem becomes especially serious in an open computing environment, where a service provider may not know most of its clients beforehand. WRAPS distributes capabilities through a referral network. In many cases, the scale of this referral network will make it difficult for the attacker to block clients from being referred to a target website by other sites. Second, all existing capability-based approaches require modifications to client-side software


Computer resource got unavailable to its intended users. Client cannot get preferential access to a websites. Attackers can launch a DDoS attack by simply destroying the packets.

LITRATURE OVERVIEW The survey provides a historical view and uncovers gaps in existing research. The sophistication of the DDoS attack tools has kept on improving with time. Therefore a historical study of DDoS attacks also gives a good overview of the various techniques that are used in orchestrating such attacks. Title : DDoS-DATA project

Author : W. J. Blackert This paper provides an overview of the DDoS-DATA project and discusses analysis results for the Proof of Work, Rate Limiting and Active Monitor mitigation technologies considered both individually and when deployed in combinations. The goal of DDoS-DATAs is to use analysis to quantify how well mitigation technologies work, how attackers can adapt to defeat these technologies and how different it can be combined. There are a different types of options are available for analyzing computer network attacks and mitigation strategies. One of them is closed form analysis and another one is real world test bed. The former one may be the most desirable form, but it requires many simplifying assumptions. But the later one is an excellent approach to understand attack dynamics. In this paper the authors presented analysis results for a 500+ node target network, three mitigation technologies and a specific attack scenario. In this paper the DDoS-DATA is examining the relationship between mitigation technologies and computer network attacks. By using the analysing methods, the authors developed a detailed understanding of the interaction between DDoS mitigation technologies and


Title : Path Identification Author : Abraham Yaar A Path Identification Mechanism to Defend against DDoS Attacks. Pi has many unique properties one of them, it is a per-packet deterministic mechanism: each packet traveling along the same path carries the same identifier. They used trace route maps of real Internet topologies to simulate DDoS attacks and validate their design. This model consists of two phases: The learning phase and the attack phase. Pi Marking Scheme: They present a Pi Marking Scheme that should deploy on the internet routers, this section contains the subparts they are Basic Pi Marking Scheme, IP Address Hashing, Edge Marking in Pi, and Suppressing nearby Router Markings. The basic marking scheme is a simplest marking scheme; they proposed an n-bit scheme where a router marks the last n bits of its IP address in the IP Identification field of the packets it forwards. then break the fields in to 16/n different marking sections and use its modulo as the index in to the section of the field mark. Filtering Schemes: The Pi filter has many uses that detect the spoofed IP addresses. The main filtering schemes are TTL unwrapping and Threshold Filtering. The attacker can modify the initial TTL of its packets to have the first hop router start marking in any one of the 16/n sections of the IP Identification field. The victim server can examine the TTL value and use it to find the oldest marking in the packet after it receives a packet. The victim can use this value to unwrap the bits of the packet by rotating them thus the oldest marking is always in the most significant bit position. There is no matter what initial value the attacker chooses for its packets TTL, the markings are always justified so that the oldest marking in the packet appears in a constant location. This is called TTL Unwrapping. In the filtering strategy one type of attack is the Marking Saturation attack, here a large number of attackers spread throughout the Internet all send packets to a single victim in the hope of having the victim classify every marking as an attacker marking, and thus drop all incoming packets. A common solution in proposed systems is a traceback mechanism that contains information of routers mark on packets enroute to the victim, who can then use that information to reconstruct the path that the packets

take from the attacker through the Internet, despite IP address spoofing

Title : IP Packet Marking Author : Cheol Joo Chae Here the IP Packet Marking, the proposed approach including node append, node sampling and edge sampling. The intermediate routers mark the IP Packets with additional information, thus the victim can easily traceback the source of such attack packets. The node sampling approach can reduces the overhead by the probabilistic marking of IP packets. The edge sampling approach marks an edge of the network topology instead of just the node. Messaging: In the messaging techniques the router information about the next node contain propose that ICMP message chase techniques IETF as techniques has to create and transmit representative. In ICMP message chase techniques router ICMP station chase mallet for creating the destination address of packet to be transmitted and middle system takes advantage of information that is collected if attack is detected collecting relevant information and chase station. CONCEPT EXPLANATION PROPOSED SYSTEM: In this paper, we propose to use the web site graph structure to mitigate flooding attacks on a website, using new web referral architecture for privileged service (WRAPS). WRAPS has been constructed upon the existing web site graph to protect websites against DDoS attacks, WRAPS has been constructed upon the existing web site graph, elevating existing hyperlinks to privilege referral links. We also discussed a simple approach to encourage many small websites to help protect an important website and facilitate the search for referrers during DoS attacks.


A website (the target) is protected by the edge routers of its ISP (Internet Service Provider) or organization, the routers inside its local network, and a firewall directly connected to or installed on the sites web server.

WRAPS grants privilege URL to trusted clients, through that URL, the client can establish a privileged channel with that website (referred to as target website) even in the presence of flooding attacks.


1.LOGIN This is a module mainly designed to provide the authority to a user in order to access the other modules of the project. The unauthorized person cannot access the network. 2.Protection Mechanism OF privilege period A website (the target) is protected by the edge routers of its ISP or organization, the routers inside its local network, and a firewall directly connected to or installed on the sites web server. The target website shares a secret long-term key k with its edge routers on the protection perimeter. Using this key, the website periodically updates to all its edge routers a shared

verification key. We call a period between updates a privilege period. Specifically, the verification key used in the privilege period t is computed as , where h is a

PRFfamily indexed by the key k. Fig. 1. (a) Privilege acquisition and (b) privileged channel establishment, where _i is client is capability token and 22433 is the privilege port. Here, we use a Class C network as an example. . Privilege acquisition 1. A client that desires privileged service from a website first applies for a privilege URL online. This application process is site-specific and so we do not discuss it here, but we presume that the client does this as part of enrolling for site membership, for example, and before an attack is taking place. 2. In period t, if the website decides to grant privilege to a client i, it first interacts with the firewall to put is source IP address IPi onto a whitelist of the privilege port. It then constructs a privilege URL containing a capability token where bt is the one-bit key field for period t and pi is a priority class (say, for illustration, also 1 bit in length). The website uses the standard http redirection to redirect the client to this privilege URL. . Privileged channel establishment

1. Edge routers drop packets to the website addressed to the privilege port of that website. 2. According to the position and the length _ of a capability token, an edge router takes a 3. string _with _ bits from every TCP packet. Denote a substring from the e1th bit to the e2th bit on _ by _e1; e2_. A router processes a packet from a client i as follows:

Translate the fictitious destination IP address to the target websites IP address. Set the destination port number of the packet to the privilege port. Forward the packet. Else Forward the packet as an unprivileged packet. 3. Routers inside the protection perimeter forward the packets toward the target website, according to the ports of these packets.3 4. Upon receiving a packet with a source IPaddress IPi and to the privilege port, the firewall of the website checks whether IPi is on the ports whitelist. If not, the firewall drops the packet. 5. Using the secret key, the web server or firewall translates the source IP and port of every packet emitted from the privilege port to the fictitious (IP, port) containing the capability token. Note that no state information except the key needs to be kept during this process. To allow the update of privileged URLs to clients, there exists a transition period between privilege period t and t + 1 during which both k(t) and k(t+1) are in use. This transition period could be reasonably long to allow most privileged clients (who browse that website sufficiently frequently) to visit. A website can also embed in its web pages a script or a Java applet that automatically reconnects to the server within that period.4 Once visited by a privileged client i, the website generates a new privilege URL using kt 1 and redirects the client to that URL. To communicate to edge routers which key is in use, both website and edge routers keep 1bit state for privilege periods. A period is marked with either 0 or 1, and the periods marked with 0 alternate with periods marked with 1. The website sets the 1-bit key field on a privilege URL to the mark of its corresponding privilege period. Edge routers identify the verification key in use according to the key field on a packets IP header. A website can remove a clients privilege by not updating its privilege URL. Standard rate-limiting technology such as stochastic fair queueing [38] can

also be used to control the volume of traffic produced by individual privileged clients in case some of them fall prey to an adversary, as capability-based approaches do [33]. An option to block a misbehaving privileged client within a privilege period is to post that clients IP to a blacklist held by the websites ingress edge routers. This does not have to be done in a timely manner, as the rate-limiting mechanism is already in place. In addition, an adversary cannot fill the router blacklist using spoofed IPs because the blacklist 3.Referral Protocol For WRAPS When a website is under a flooding attack, legitimate but asyet- unprivileged clients will be unable to visit that site directly, even merely to apply for privileged service. The central idea of WRAPS is to let the trusted neighbors of the website refer legitimate clients to it, even while the website is under a flooding attack. The target website will grant these trusted neighbors privilege URLs, and may allow transitive referrals: a referrer can refer its trusted neighbors clients to the target website. We discuss the relation between web sitegraph topology and the deployment of WRAPS . A privilege referral is done through a simple proxy script running on the referrer website. A typical referrer website is one that linked to the target website originally and is willing to upgrade its normal hyperlink to a privilege referral link, i.e., a link to the proxy. This proxy could be extremely simple, containing only a few dozen lines of Perl code as we will discuss in Section 5, and very lightweight in performance. The proxy communicates with the target server through the referrers privilege URL to help a trusted client to acquire its privilege URL. The target server publicizes an online list of all these referrers and the neighbors it trusts (Section 7.5), and only accepts referrals for privileged service from these websites. Only clients trusted by referrers are given privilege URLs for the target server. Such trusted clients should be those authenticated to the referrer website in a way so as to give the referrer confidence that the client is not under the control of an attacker. For example, the referrer might employ a CAPTCHA to gain confidence that the client is driven by a human user. With the proliferation of Trusted Computing technologies (e.g., [39]), the referrer could obtain an attestation to the software state of the client, and form a trust decision on that basis. Similarly, if the client computer can be authenticated as managed by an organization with trusted

security practices, then this could provide additional confidence. The referrer might even

trust the client on the basis of its referral from a trusted neighbor, though from the point of view of the target server, admitting transitive referrals in this way expands the trust perimeter substantially. A middle ground might be to give directly referred clients a higher priority than indirectly referred ones. Below, we describe a simple referral protocol, which is illustrated in Fig. 2: 1. A client i trusted by a referrer website r clicks on a privilege referral link offered by r, which activates a proxy on the referrer site. 2. The proxy generates a reference, including the clients IP address IPi and priority class pi it recommends, and sends the reference to the target server through a privileged channel established by purlr, rs privilege URL to the target website. As we discussed in the previous section, edge routers of the target website will authenticate the capability token in purlr. 3. Upon receiving rs reference, the target website checks its list of valid referrers. If rs IP does not appear on the list, the website ignores the request. Otherwise, it generates a privilege URL purli for client i using IPi and pi, embeds it to an http redirection command and sends the command to referrer r. 4. The proxy of referrer r forwards the redirection command to client i. 5. Running the redirection command, client is browser is automatically redirected to purli to establish a privileged channel directly with the target website. Discussion. An important issue is how to contain trusted but nevertheless compromised referrers who might introduce many zombies to deplete the target websites privileged service.5 One mitigation is to prioritize the

privileged clients: those who are referred by a highly trusted referrer6 have higher privileges than those from a less trusted referrer. WRAPS assures that the high-priority traffic can evade flooding attacks on the low-priority traffic. Within one priority level, WRAPS rate limits privileged clients traffic. The target website can also fairly allocate referral quotas among its trusted neighbors. This, combined with a relatively short privilege period for clients referred from referrer websites, could prevent a malicious referrer WANG AND REITER: USING WEBREFERRAL ARCHITECTURES TO MITIGATE DENIAL-OF-SERVICE THREATS 207 5. A compromised referrer can also frame their clients and have them blacklisted by the target website. However, this threat is less serious than the introduction of malicious clients, as it only affects those using the referrers service. 6. Such a referrer could be a party which is known to implement strong security protections and therefore is less likely to be compromised. Fig. 2. Referral protocol, where _r is referrer rs capability token, _i is client is capability token, and 22433 is the targets privilege port. Here, we use Class C network as an example. from monopolizing the privileged channel. The target website may update a reputation value for each of its trusted neighbors. A malicious privileged client detected will be traced back to its referrer, whose reputation will be negatively affected. 4.Brute-Force Attacks on a Short Capability An adversary may perform an exhaustive search on the short MAC in a privilege URL. Specifically, the adversary first chooses a random MAC to produce a privilege URL for the target website. Then, it sends a TCP packet to that URL. If the target website sends back some response, such as synack or reset, the adversary knows that it made a correct guess. Otherwise, it chooses another MAC and tries again. This threat has been nullified by our protection mechanism. The firewall of the target website keeps records of all the websites privileged clients and only admits packets to privilege port from these clients. If the adversary uses its real IP address for sending probe packets, the website will not respond to the probe unless the adversary has already become the sites privileged client. If the adversary spoofs a privileged clients IP address to penetrate the firewall, the websites response only goes to that client, not the adversary. Therefore, the adversary will never know whether it makes a correct guess or not. We must stress here that this approach does not introduce new

vulnerabilities. Only a client trusted by the target website directly or referred by trusted neighbors will have its IP address on the firewalls whitelist. The storage for the whitelists is negligible for a modern computer: recording a million clients IP addresses takes only 4 Mbytes. Therefore, our approach does not leave an open door to other resource depletion attacks. The performance of filtering can also be scaled using fast searching algorithms, for example, Bloom filters [40] that are capable of searching for entries at link speed.7 To prevent a compromised referrer from attacking the whitelist, a target website can set the quota of the number of referrals a referrer can make in one privilege period. The adversary may attempt to cause information leaks using probe packets with short TTLs: those packets will not reach the target website; however, a router that drops the packet within our protection perimeter will bounce back an ICMP error datagram, from which the attacker can tell whether the packets IP/port pair has been translated. The problem can be fixed by refilling the TTL values of the packets when they enter the ISPs LAN to ensure that they will reach their destinations, as described in Section 4.2. A more serious threat comes from idle scanning [41], a technique that enables the adversary to scan a target server through a legitimate client. Some operating systems maintain a global counter for generating IP identifiers (IPID) for their packets. This allows an attacker to probe the target using the clients IP address: if the server responds, the client will bounce back an RST packet; this can be inferred by probing the client with two packets (such as ICMP echo), one before the RST and the other after it, which reveals the increment of the IPID value from the packets the client responds to the probes. Such a technique is not very easy to use in practice, as it requires that the client does not send out other packets between the two probes. Nevertheless, it poses a threat to WRAPS in that it enables an adversary to search for a privileged clients capability. Note that the threat is not specific to our approach. Because idle scanning poses a more general threat outside our context, system administrators have been advised to properly set their firewalls to fend off the attack [41]. Many OS vendors have also patched their systems to make them less vulnerable to such a threat: for example, Solaris and Linux adopt peer specific IPID values, and Open BSD can randomize its IPID sequence [41]. Given these efforts, we expect that this attack will be less likely to happen in the future. In addition, the web server protected by WRAPS can detect the clients with a vulnerable OS when they are registering for privileged service or being referred from referrers, and take proper measures such as notifying their owners of the threat, setting bandwidth quota for these clients, or even making them less privileged

5.Overhead on Edge Router We evaluated the performance of a referrer website when it is making referrals to a website

undera flooding attack. Our

Fig. 6. (a) Experimental setting. (b) The cumulative distributions of connection delays in the presence of referrals. The distribution of connection delays describes how fast a referrer web server can accomplish the connection requests from its web clients when it is providing referral services. For example, the figure shows that more than 90 percent of connections were completed within 365 microseconds, even when the server was serving up to 200 concurrent referral requests. experimental setting was built upon the setting for bandwidth-exhaustion attacks, as illustrated in Fig. 6. We added two computers, along with the original client, and connected them through a 100-Mbit switch to the router. One of these three computers acted as a referrer web server and the other two were used as clients. On every client, a script

simulated clicks on the referrer websites privilege referral link. It is capable of generating up to 100 concurrent referral requests. One client was also continuously making connections to the referral website to collect connection statistics. The attackers kept on producing TCP traffic of 1.14 Mpps to saturate the victims link. The experimental results are presented in Fig. 6, which demonstrate the cumulative distributions of connection delays (to the referrer website) in response to the number of concurrent referral requests. The results were obtained from 10,000 connections for each number of concurrent clicks, ranging from 0 to 200. Through the experiment, we found that making referrals adds a negligible cost to the referrer website. Even in the situation when 200 trusted users were simultaneously requesting referrals, the average latency for connecting to the referrer website only increased by less than 40 microseconds. The distribution of connection delays describes how fast a referrer web server can accomplish the connection requests from its web clients when it is providing referral services. For example, the figure shows that more than 90 percent of connections were completed within 365 microseconds, even when the server was serving up to 200 concurrent referral requests. a privilege referral hyperlink. Therefore, the rate of referral requests will not be extremely high in practice. In this case, it seems that the normal operation of the referrer website will not be affected noticeably by our mechanism.

Module DiagramPath Construction


Path Construction

Packet marking procedure


Marking Value(x)


Packet Marking

Router maintenance






TPN Generation

Retrieve Encoded Values

Decode Values


ER DIAGRAMcid cname username pwd



Acces to site

Request privelage

Grant request

Web server referar

rname quali rid


lo g i n

r e q u e s


fo r

p r iv il e g e

g r a n t c l i e n t

p r iv i le g e w e b s e r v e r

c h a n n e l

e s t a b l i s h m

e n t

a c c e s s

t o


e b s i t e

lo g o u t


c li e n t 1 ip a d d r e s s p o r t n u m b e r l r r l o e e o g q f g i n u e r o ( ) e s t p r i v i le g e ( ) r a l r e q u e s t ( ) u t ( )

r e f e r r e r r e f e r r e r 's l is

t ( )

c h e c k v a l i d r e f e r r e r s g r a n t r e fe r r a l ( ) s e n d r e f e r e n c e ( )

e b s e r v e r 1 ip a d d r e s s p o r t n u m b e r g r a n t p r iv il e g e ( ) c h a n n e l e s t a b l i s h m a c c e s s t o s i t e ( )


e n t (



c l ie n t 1


r e fe r r e r



e b s e r v e r 1

lo g i n ( )

r e q u e s t g r a n t

r e f e r r a l

r e fe r r a l ( ) r e q u e s t p r i v i le g e


h e c


v a li d r e fe r r e r s



g r a n t

s e n d r e f e r e n c e p r iv il e g e

a c c

e s s

t o

s i t e

lo g o u t



c l i e n t 1

2 :

r e q u e s


r e f e r r a l : r e fe r r e r

3 :

g r a n t

r e f e r r a l ( )

1 : lo g i n ( ) 4 : r e q u e s t p r i v i le g e 9 : lo g o u t 5 : c h e c k v a l i d r e f e r r e r s ( )

7 :

g r a n t

p r i v i le g e 6 : s e n d r e f e r e n c e



e b s

e r v e r 1

DATA FLOW DIAGRAM Data Flow Diagram:

Request referral


Web referer

Grant referral

Channel Establishment

If validate user or not

Web server



Packet Generation



TPN Generation

Technique used or algorithm used Savage et al suggest probabilistically marking packets as they traverse routers in the Internet. More specifically, they propose that router mark the packet, with low probability (say, 1/20,000), with either the routers IP address or the edges of the path that the packet traversed to reach the router.

For the first alternative, analysis shows that in order to gain the correct attack path with 95% accuracy as many as 294,000 packets are required. The second approach, edge marking, requires that the two nodes that make up an edge mark the path with their IP addresses along with the distance between them (the latter requires 8 bits to represent the maximum hop count allowable in IP). This approach would require more state information in each packet than simple node marking but would converge much faster. They suggest 3 ways to reduce the state information of these approaches into something more manageable.

The first approach is to XOR each node forming an edge in the path with each other. Node a inserts its IP address into the packet and sends it to b. Upon being detected at b (By detecting a 0 in the distance), b XORs its address with the address of a. This new data entity is called an edge id and reduces the required state for edge sampling by half. Their next approach is to further take this edge id and fragment it into k smaller fragments. Then, randomly select a fragment and encode it, along with the fragment offset so that the correct corresponding fragment is selected from a downstream router for processing.

When enough packets are received, the victim will receive all edges and all fragments so that an attack path can be reconstructed (even in the presence of multiple attackers). The low probability of marking reduces the associated overheads. Moreover, only a fixed space is needed in each packet.Due to the high number of combinations required to rebuild a fragmented edge id, the reconstruction of such an attack graph is computationally intensive according to research by Song and Perrig . Furthermore, the approach results in a large number of false positives. As an example, with only 25 attacking hosts in a DDoS attack the reconstruction process takes days to build and results in thousands of false positives.

Accordingly, Song and Perrig propose the following traceback scheme: instead of encoding the IP address interleaved with a hash, they suggest encoding the IP address into an 11 bit hash and maintain a 5 bit hop count, both stored in the 16-bit fragment ID field. This is based on the observation that a 5-bit hop count (32 max hops) is sufficient for almost all Internet routes. Further, they suggest that two different hashing functions be used so that the order of the routers in the markings can be determined. Next, if any given hop decides to mark it first checks the distance field for a 0, which implies that a previous router has already marked it. If this is the case, it generates an 11-bit hash of its own IP address and then XORs it with the previous hop. If it finds a non-zero hop count it inserts its IP-hash, sets the hop count to zero and forwards the packet on. If a router decides not to mark the packet it merely increments the hop count in the overloaded fragment id field.

Advantages It supports multiple attacker environments. The rectified packet marking algorithm gives the exact attack graph. In this system it trace out the hackers host-id.


The feasibility of the project is analyzed in this phase and business proposal is put forth with a very general plan for the project and some cost estimates. During system analysis the feasibility study of the proposed system is to be carried out. This is to ensure that the proposed system is not a burden to the company. For feasibility analysis, some understanding of the major requirements for the system is essential.

Three key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY SOCIAL FEASIBILITY

ECONOMICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the economic impact that the system will have on the organization. The amount of fund that the company can pour into the research and development of the system is limited. The expenditures must be justified. Thus the developed system as well within the budget and this was achieved because most of the technologies used are freely available. Only the customized products had to be purchased.

TECHNICAL FEASIBILITY This study is carried out to check the technical feasibility, that is, the technical requirements of the system. Any system developed must not have a high demand on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands on the available technical resources. This will lead to high demands being placed on the client. The developed system must have a modest requirement, as only minimal or null changes are required for implementing this system. SOCIAL FEASIBILITY The aspect of study is to check the level of acceptance of the system by the user. This includes the process of training the user to use the system efficiently. The user must not feel threatened by the system, instead must accept it as a necessity. The level of acceptance by the users solely depends on the methods that are employed to educate the user about the system and to make him familiar with it. His level of confidence must be raised so that he is also able to make some constructive criticism, which is welcomed, as he is the final user of the system.


To evaluate the design of WRAPS, we implemented it within an experimental network with Class C IP addresses. We utilized SHA-1 to generate a MAC [42] for privilege URLs. The web server we intended to protect had Linux on it and an Apache http server that was configured to listen to both ports 80 and 22433. The latter was the privilege port. We built the protection mechanism into a Click software router [4], [43] and the TCP/IP protocol stack of the targets kernel, using Linux netfilter [44] as the firewall. We constructed the referral protocol on the application layer, on the basis of simple cgi programs running on referrer and the target websites. In this section, we elaborate on these implementations. 5.1 Implementation of the Protection Mechanism WRAPS depends on the targets ISPs edge routers to classify inbound traffic into privileged and unprivileged, and to translate fictitious addresses of privileged packets to the real location of the service. It also depends on routers inside the websites local network to protect privileged flows. We implemented these functions in a Click software router. Click is a modular software architecture for creating routers developed by MIT, Mazu Networks, ICSI, and UCLA [45]. The Click software can convert a Linux server into a flexible and pretty fast router. A Click router is built from a set of packet processing modules called elements. Individual elements implement certain router functions such as packet classification, queuing, and scheduling [4], [43]. A router is configured as a directed packet-forwarding graph, with elements on its vertices and packet flows.

traversing its edges. A prominent property of Click is its modularity which makes a Click router extremely easy to extend. We added WRAPS modules to an IP router configuration [4], [43] which forwards unicast packets in compliance with the standards [46], [47], [48]. WRAPS

elements planted in the standard IP forwarding path are illustrated in Fig. 3. We added five elements: IPClassifier, IPVerifier, IPRewrite, Priority queue, and PrioSched. IPClassifier classifies all inbound packets into three categories: packets addressing the websites privilege port 22433 which are dropped, TCP packets which are forwarded to IPVerifier, and other packets, such as UDP and ICMP, which are forwarded to the normal forwarding path. IPVerifier verifies every TCP packets capability token embedded in the last octet of the destination IP address and the 2-octet destination port number. Verification of a packet invokes the MAC over a 5-byte input (four for IP, one for other parameters) and a 64-bit secret key. The packets carrying correct capability tokens are sent to IPRewrite, which sets a packets destination IP to that of the target website and destination port to port 22433. Unprivileged packets follow UDP and ICMP traffic. Both privileged and unprivileged flows are processed by some standard routing elements. Then, privileged packets are queued into a high-priority queue while other packets flow into a low-priority queue. A PrioSched element is used to multiplex packets from these two queues to the output network interface card (NIC). PrioSched is a strict priority scheduler, which always tries the high-priority queue first and then the low-priority one, returning the first packet it finds [4], [43]. This ensures that privileged traffic receives service first. Though we explain our implementation here using only two priority classes, the whole architecture can be trivially adapted to accommodate multiple priority classes. On the target server front, netfilter is used to filter incoming packets. Netfilter is a packet filtering module inside the Linux kernel. Users can define their filtering rule sets to the module through iptables. In our implementation, the target website first blocks all access to its privilege port. Whenever a new client obtains privilege, a cgi script running on the web server adds a new filter rule to iptables, explicitly permitting that users access to the privilege port. Direct utilization of iptables may potentially cause the performance degradation of netfilter when there are many privileged clients. Our general approach, however, could still scale well by replacing iptables with a fast filter such as a Bloom filter. Research on this issue is left as our future research. To establish a privileged connection, packets from the target web server to a privileged client must bear the fictitious source address and port in that clients privilege URL. In our implementation, we modified the target servers Linux kernel to monitor the privilege port (22433). Whenever a packet is emitted with that source port, the kernel employs the secret key and the MAC to generate a capability token, and embeds this token into last octet of the source IP field and the source port field. This address translation

can also be done in the firewall, and configured to support more than two priority classes. 5.2 Implementation of the Referral Protocol The referral protocol is performed by two simple scripts running on the referrer and the target websites. The script on the referrer acts as a proxy which is activated through privilege referral links accessible to the trusted clients of that website. A privilege referral link is a simple replacement of a normal hyperlink. For example, a normal hyperlink to eBay ( can be replaced with a privilege hyperlink on PayPal where is the proxy written in perl.

PERFORMANCE EVALUATION We evaluated the performance of WRAPS under intensive bandwidth-exhaustion attacks. Our experimental setting included 6 computers: a Pentium-4 router was linked to three Pentium-4 attackers and a legitimate client through four Gigabit interfaces, and to a target website through a 100Mb interface. We deliberately used Gigabit links to the outside to simulate a large group of ISPs edge routers which continuously forward attack traffic to a link on the path toward the website. Under the above network setting, we put WRAPS to the test under UDP and TCP flooding attacks. In the UDP flooding test, we utilized Clicks UDP generators to produce attack traffic. Three attackers attached to the router through Gigabit interfaces were capable of generating up to 1.5Mpps of 64-byte UDP packets, which amounts to 0.75Gbps. On the other hand, the 100Mb channel to the web server could only sustain up to 148,800pps of 64-byte packets. As such, the flooding rate could be set to 10 times as much as the victims bandwidth, and so these attackers could easily saturate the victims link. On the legitimate client, a test program continuously attempted to connect to the target website, either to port 80 or to a privileged URL which was translated to port 22433 by the router, until it succeeded. The overall waiting time for a connection attempt is called connection time. We computed the average connection time over 200 connection attempts. Our experiment compared the average connection times of unprivileged connections (to port

80) with those of privileged connections (through capability tokens). Figure 2 describes the experiment results. Note that the scale of Y-axis is exponential. As illustrated in the figure, average connection times of both normal and privileged channels jumped when the attack rate hits 150kpps, roughly the bandwidth of the target websites link. Above that, latency for connecting to port 80 kept increasing with the attack rate. When the attack rate went above 1Mpps, these unprivileged connections no longer had any reasonable waiting times; e.g., a monstrous 404 secondswas observed at 1.5Mpps. Actually, under such a tremendous attack rate, we found it was extremely difficult to get even a single packet through: an attempt to ping the victim server was effectively prevented, with 98% of the probe packets lost. Connections through the privileged channel, however, went very smoothly: the average connection delay stayed below 8 milliseconds while the attack rate went from 150kpps to 1.5Mpps. Comparing this with the latency when there was no attack, we observed a decent increase (0.8ms to 8ms) for the connections under WRAPS protection, versus a huge leap (0.8ms to 404,000ms) for unprotected connections. WRAPS requires modifying edge routers to add mechanisms for capability verification and address translation. This potentially affects it deployment. However, compared with other capability-based techniques , our approach does not require changes to core routers and clients, and therefore could be easier to deploy than those techniques. It is also possible to avoid changing edge routers by attaching to them an external device capable of performing these tasks at a high speed.

CONCLUSION DDoS flood attacks continue to harass todays Internet websites. Our research shows that such threats could be mitigated through exploring the enormous interlinkage relationships among the websites themselves. In this paper, Improvement of Siteranks with a Rewarding Link from an Important Website we propose WRAPS, a web referral infrastructure for privileged service, that leverages this idea. WRAPS has been constructed upon the existing web sitegraph, elevating existing hyperlinks to privilege referral links. Clicking on referral links, a trusted client can get preferential access to a websites under a flooding attack. Many important websites are interconnected by hyperlinks. A website with a high siterank is very likely to have some neighbors that are also highly ranked. Searching these neighbors neighbors may further discover other important websites. In this way, we can construct a protection tree for an important website inductively, as follows: the website is at the root, and an important site which neighbors an said, our research indicates that an important site might also have many outbound links to those who link to it: on average, a top 10 website in the CSIRO data set connects to about 334 such neighbors. These links are widely perceived as trust transfer from the important site to another site, as discovered by studies in operations research. Since other studies show that the topology of other domains such as .com bears a strong resemblance to that of the .gov domain, we conclude that important commercial websites are likely to have many trusted neighbors.

Future Enhancement:

Perhaps different from the websites in the .gov domain, a commercial website will not trust most of its neighbors. That said, our research indicates that an important site might also have many outbound links to those who link to it: on average, a top 10 website in the CSIRO data set connects to about 334 such neighbors. These links are widely perceived as trust transfer from the important site to another site, as discovered by studies in operations research [56], [57]. Since other studies show that the topology of other domains such as .com bears a strong resemblance to that of the .gov domain [53], we conclude that important commercial websites are likely to have many trusted neighbors. 7.4 Referral Depth With a large number of neighbors, an important website could be very close to many other websites in the domain. This was justified in our empirical analysis. We found that the average distance between an important website and another website is very short. The figure shows that the average distance from any website in the domain to an important website is between 1.5 and 2. In other words, starting from any website, a legitimate client could reach its target website in one or two referrals. We further studied the distribution of such referral depths. Fig. 9b gives an example using the most important website (the one with the highest siterank). We can observe from the figure that more than 50.3 percent of the websites are only one hop away from the site and the other 48.4 percent of sites are two hops away. In total, almost 99 percent of the websites are within two hops to the target site.

Another avenue for an important website to increase the number of its referrers is to use its high siterank as an asset to attract small websites. Trust can be established in this case through some external means, for example, a contract. The reward the website offers to its referrers could be as small as a reciprocal link. A websites siterank uses interlinkage structure as an indicator of the sites value. A link from one site to another site is interpreted as a vote for the latters importance. This vote is weighed by the importance of the voter, which is indicated by its siterank. Therefore, a link from an important website will greatly improve the siterank of an unimportant site. We observed this improvement from CSIROs .gov data set. As an example, we added a rewarding link from the second most important site to six unimportant websites.


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