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Web Marketing Brilliance

Web Matters!

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Why us?

Chris Hall

• 20+ years Marketing

• 10 years Digital Marketing

• Created and ran Web building and marketing agency 12 years

• 15 years socially active on the Internet

• 3,500 followers on Twitter

Carol Mann

• 20+ years overseas property professional

• Built first CRM in 1986

• Created and run overseas property agencies

• CIM trained in digital marketing

• 15 years socially active on the Internet

• 1,400 followers on Twitter

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Chris and Carol are partnered with the

Richmond Green Group of companies

who also own RGM Global and OPP

They run

which is a digital marketing agency dedicated EXCLUSIVELY to

property professionals

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The World Wide Web... what is it?

Nothing more than a fast route to people

The trick is finding the right route in a better, faster way than anyone else!

So how do we do that?

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The reasons you are here...

What? Why? How?

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Internet MarketingSOSTAC®

Situation – Where are we now? = RESEARCH

Objectives – Where do we want to be? = TARGET

Strategy – How are we going to do it = METHODS

Tactics – What tools do we use? = MARKETING MIX

Actions – What skills do we need? = IMPLEMENTATION

Control – How do we monitor it all? = MANAGEMENT

The SOSTAC planning system is a marketing planning system created by marketing author PR Smith

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The core of Web marketing

Emotional Appeal

This is the secret to ‘brilliance’

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Use emotional appeal to...

• Expand your market reach

• Attract qualify and ‘close’ new business

• Communicate with key stakeholders - clients, staff etc.

• Raise awareness of your business

• Build reputations and create PR ‘buzz’

• Deliver better and more timely customer service

• Sell more product

• Enhance the lifetime value of your customers

• Showcase new services

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SITUATIONWhere are we now?

This should be a collection and review of information about your external environment and

internal processes and resources in order to inform the strategy


So you can answer...

• Is what we are going to do right and appropriate?• Have we got the resources to do it?


• Research – research – research

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Situation analysis

Situation reviewInternal capabilities, immediate competitive environment [customer demand, competitor activity,

supplier relationships], wider environment – PEST [politics, economy, social, technology]

Marketing audit / effectivenessLeads, sales, customer retention, audience share, brand enhancement, customer service

Internet effectivenessWebsite effectiveness, [visits to your website, repeat visits, duration, subscription rates, conversion rates,

awareness], PR, SEM [search engine marketing]

Internal resource analysisFinances, technology, human, structure of the company, processes, CRM [Customer/client

Relationship Management] technical and physical

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ObjectivesWhere do we want to be?


It is important to quantify your sales and/or lead generation targets, segmented (where possible) by category and market. i.e. Retirement / young families / investors (chairman etc.)


Try to define the number of customers you’d like to serve online - and set ‘levels’ for their satisfaction.


Effectiveness in this area can be gauged by the number of unique visitors you receive, and the extent to which those visitors engage with your site.


Done right, your digital strategy should result in considerable cost savings, enabling more efficient service delivery, lower transactional costs, streamlined administration, and all but eliminating the need for printing and postage.


In fact, ‘sizzle’ refers to increased project / property / resort awareness and perception. Both of which are a whole lot easier to measure online.

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Broad objectives

• Acquisition

• Conversion

• Retention

• Growth

• Cost


• Acquire and convert new customers

• Retain existing customers

• Develop customer relations

• Provide existing customers with better services and communication tools

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Examples of online objectives

Think about the benefits of the internet channel so that these benefits can be turned

into objectives.

• Increase property reservations online by 5% per month by digital marketing -

how... Website functionality review – updates, usability of booking system etc.

• 10 new clients per month from website – how... SEM

• 2% of existing clients buy 1 more property – marketing

• 50 more registrations per week – how...offline ad

• 2 downloads per day of our brochure – how...change position of data capture box

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• Segmentation, targeting and positioning

• Analysis, development, implementation

• OVP – Online Value Proposition

• Strategic agility... Response to change and marketplace dynamics

• Tools – email, mobile, software, CRM etc.

• Monitor competitor strategy

• Test usability of your website

• Budget should be flexible to reassign priority of spend

• Tracking

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Tactics: Integration and Tools

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Tactics – How?

• Digital marketing mix

• Digital campaign schedule

• Communication methods

• Social networking

• Social Media

• Contact strategy

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• Responsibility– Project management– Co-ordination– Who does what and when?

• Internal resources and skills– Can we do it?– Have we got knowledge?– Have we got the technology?– Have we got the time?

• External agencies– Do they have the resources?– Do they understand my marketplace?– Can I trust them?– Can we afford it?– Get a contract

I got this badge for helping a property

developeracross the Internet

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Assess whether strategy and tactical objectives are

achieved and how improvements can be made...

– Analytics

– Customer surveys

– Testimonials

– Frequency of reporting

– Technical systems

– Process of reporting and actions

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Brilliance doesn’t just ‘happen’

It costs...

YOUR TIME – to do it yourself

• You have to work really hard to truly understand the Internet AND using digital

marketing in a highly targeted way to achieve your goals

YOUR MONEY – to use someone else

• Or you have to pay someone who does know to do it

However even if you are going to pay for Web marketing, it is still necessary to understand

what is going on so you are in control and can make educated decisions about what is

happening and truly understand all that ‘stuff’

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Thank you

Question time!

If you have any further questions visit us on

stand 568 or call

Chris: +44 (0)7525 155144

Carol:  +44 (0)7767 785813

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