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Web Designing Trends in 2016

As time inches forward with each passing year, many new web designing trends loom on the horizon. The new year also brings plenty of new tools, workflows, and best practices for constructing usable layouts. One can easily predicts web designing trends by analyzing some interesting web designing stats. So, let’s first look at infographic of web design stats that influence designing trends: Stay Informed­ Effective Website Designing: Stats and Principles

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Here are 6 web design trends (and plenty of great examples) that designers will be seeing a lot of in 2016: 1. CSS3 will finally impact layouts CSS3 Browser support has been increasing over the past couple of years, and we are finally reaching a stage where some of the fancy new CSS3 layout modules can be safely used. Obviously, there is a place for fallbacks and polyfills, but the likes of CSS3 Flexbox can be handled by the latest releases of all the popular web browsers. It is safe to say that the likes of Flexbox will not be revolutionising the allure of layout in any dramatic sense– Flexbox provides an easier solution to a layout paradigm that has been in use on the web for a long time now– but, it’ll make for faster­rendering web pages that are easier to maintain, and lots of fewer hacks, so it’s possible that we will see much more creativity in layout as a result. Stay Informed­ Importance of Usability Testing in Website Designing­ Infographic 2. Fewer Photos, more Illustration Now those period has end where a good proportion of sites feature a photo header that stretches across the viewport. We are expecting this to be in the form of illustration over photography, because with illustration it is often simpler to place yourself in a scene than it might be when a photograph features horribly perfectly manicured, well­dressed models. I can hear you protesting that that's exactly what your life is like, but for the majority of people it's a falsehood that doesn't align with their own experiences, and they're wise to the differences! 3. Designing in Modules and Components Web design is moving toward component and modular design instead of mocking­up entire comps and layouts for a particular web­page. Often, these components involve web designing how the navigation will be laid out, how the search function will work, etc. We have matured into knowing that we have repeated elements on different screens, and that these elements should be designed both so that they work independently but can still work with the rest of the website. Not only are we more concerned about how these components look in terms of design, but they all carry their individual functionalities with it too. Designing with components and modules allows the same functionality to be replicated no matter where it appears on the site.

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4. Parallax Scrolling Post the year 2010, the web designing industry has picked up pace. In the year 2016, the industry aims to bring in new ways to create a fruitful experience for the user. One such technique is the parallax scrolling. In simple terms, it refers to an animation technique where the movement of the background images that are further back is slower than those images that are relatively nearer creating an illusion of a 3D experience in a 2D interface. This feature was used in console games in the early 1980s but recently has been adopted by the web designing industry to create a better user experience. Since 2011 this technique has been used by most designers in their respective websites to create better interface using minimum resources. In 2016, this trend is expected to be upgraded and used more effectively and efficiently. Stay Informed­ 10+ Responsive Web Design Tools to Speed Up The Work Flow

5. Card design Along with being visually appealing, websites need have a lasting impression on the user. The amount of content on the web is higher than ever. The user is bound to reach the end of his/her attention span if the content is presented as one bulky package. To cope with it, the concept of Card Design is being implemented throughout the web. Popularized by Pinterest and implemented by entities like Coca Cola and Trello, this concept deals with division of the whole content into small chunks of contents that are presented along with features like multimedia and social media syncing. The page is filled with perfectly aligned

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rectangular (sometimes square, make polygon to be specific) with each box having content based upon the user’s behaviour, preference, location etc. 6. Material design will dominate Limitations have never been a preference of the web designing trends. Every trend has to be superseded by something better. Developing on the card design concept, Google has created a phenomenon called the material design. This takes the card design concept a step forward. This design involves the use of 3 axes in order to design a better experience for the user. Elements such as depth, shadow and thickness is portrayed by this design and has earned Google appreciation from its users. Conclusion: If you follow above mentioned trends in the year 2016, you will definitely have major advantage over your competitors. PixelCrayons always follow these trends while designing its websites; therefore, our designed websites are always appreciated for their creative design, search engine visibility and performance. If you have any query related to web designing and development, feel free to contact us.

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