  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    Desi n as a toolhow does it actually work ?

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham



    1> what we say

    2> how we say it3> where we say it

    4> when we say it

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    1> What we saySt Michaels is a broad friendly church with a

    lively vicar and a modern outlook, driven bytraditional Christian values. We seek to be a spiritual haven from theeveryday pressures of life in a beautifulchurch buildin ."

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    2> How we say itClearly, consistently and Christian

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    3> Where we say it:

    At all touchpoints

    a. Webb. Verbalc. Print

    d. Eventse. Conversationsf. News

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    4> When we say it:At all times

    1> Predicted/planned2> Opportunistic

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    How does the site visually work ?

    BIG headline

    Neat and tidy rid

    1> This site is created to look like a ma azine, full, bi boldand ener etic but still with traditional Christian ima es andvalues.

    2> The colours are the colours of the Church buildin andrepresent the visual of the structure of the buildin .

    3> Its messa e is all about Welcome with a lot oin on

    for EVERYONE n the community.

    4> Pictures are chosen that represent the Church and thecon re ation but its important that the pictures are a hi hpercenta e of what you see, acres of words will switchpeople off in this medium.

    5> Keep the typeface reasonably lar e as not everyonehas reat eyesi ht. Be clear , concise and consistent in themessa es. Keep the typeface consistent. Avoid any ashyimmicks like drop shadows and outlines, they are not

    pretty and only confuse the viewer.

    6> Have a consistent style runnin throu hout the site inlayout, same elements in the same place ever ytime.


    Picture and core messa e

    Sub contentsThe fold

    Si n offs


  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    Key to the visuals1. Clarity

    2. Consistency

    3. Control !

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    So what John?Where were we in the oo le universe ?


  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    NUMBER 7 !!!

    So what John?Where are we now in the oo le universe ?

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    So what John?Where are we now in the oo le universe ?

    The church is now number 1 for searches that are more local to our location( which is what we want as we had a clearly dened radius of attraction)

    NUMBER 1 !!

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    Mr TP

    Print as well ! * - - 0 0 -0 -0 - 5

    0 -0 0 - 7 - - 7 - 9 *09 7

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    W6#99 90/,"6 &99 '&8)/ "'E, B0%(&)9F/)9)%,"-&9-"990/ &;&09&39)"'-)5V#)/,7:)0';0,)."#," X"0' ,()?9)%,"-&9@"9906 ."#&-)3&2,0/)1&'1%&'%"'60-8"')"6 ,(),(-))/,&,)8)',/"' ,()6"-8 "22"/0,)7:)&9/"("2),(&,< &/ & 8)83)- "6E, B0%(&)9F//*--5/*- 02 +&2*&3 ) .*)5#&25+ '(5/'( .5&+1&3?

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    And our buildin s !

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham


    And our PR !

  • 8/10/2019 Web Church - John Graham



    John Graham FCSD

    Creative DirectorTelephone: +44 (0) 20 8870 8743Mobile : +44 (0) 7831 859 672Email: [email protected]


    John Graham FCSD




    ADCreative London

    Delivering creative solutions for commercial challenges

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