
\t/eave a Cloth BasketYou will need:

.lr/+yardsofcotton fabric (we

used 4 colors),

cut or torn into22 strips % inch


. Scissors

' 6 yards of l-inchcotton piping


With this fabric-wrapping technique, kids can make a colorful

centerpiece for the family table or a catchall for their ever-

growing collections.

@ Start wrapping a fabric strip around the cord, beginning

at the cord's tip and overlapping each layer as shown.

@ After wrapping 4 inches of the cord, fold the wrapped sec-

tion in half and wind the fabric around it to start the base coil.

@ Continue wrapping and coiling the cord, stopping every

2 inches to secure the coil by looping the fabric strip once

around the last fabric-covered ring. When you reach the end of

a strip, start the next one using the same overlapping technique.

@ Once the coil is about 8 inches wide, start building the

sides of the basket by positioning the cord on top of the

previous ring. Continue to secure the coil every 2 inches.

@ To flnish the basket (ours was 4r/zinches high and 1O inches

in diameter), cut the cord at an angle. Loop the fabric strip

around the adjacent ring, covering the end of the cord and secur-

ing it to the basket. Trim off or tuck in any excess fabric.



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