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  • 1. Rescuing the PhilippinesWe are the world

2. Love, Hope and Faith Sometimes it is so easy to take life for granted. We go everyday knowing we have the next day to finish what we didnt finish today. What happens though when that is all taken away? You wake up and you see devastation all over the place no drinking water? Or food to eat. That is what the Philippines is feeling now. Here in Pensacola, Florida I know how they felt, begging for some water or going through your mind is everyone counted for? When Ivan hit Pensacola you could see all that- their were days we went without lights, food and water. However. their was folks out their who stood behind these words Ive placed above Love, Hope and Faith. Can you help them can we make a difference in someone's life today? 3. Have you ever and lets be honest with ourselves when something goes wrong we automatically call for God? We need help now ! We say to ourselves lord why me? or we get depressed cause things are not going our way. However, all the sudden your prayers where answer someone reached out and helped you right? I cannot say that not one day in my life I myself didnt call for Gods help or ask someone to help me please! God places people in our lifes to do so. We can do this we can be their Angels from heaven The Power of Giving 4. Never give up How can we tell them we are here. One thing we dont want them to think is to give up ! We can write letters send things through the Red Cross. Dont come up with excuses cause you cannot afford it. Yes, Christmas is coming wouldnt it be nice if everyone sent them just one thing . Pay it forward reach out to them let them know that it isnt the end. 5. We make choices for ourselves God doesnt force then upon you. Only you can make a choice to help. As you see the Typhoon is making its ugly appearance on the Island. Some of you may say They had plenty of time to leave why should we care we have things that are going on over here. Yes we sure do! But arent we suppose to help each other. Sometimes you have to let go of the small things to see the bigger picture. I understand it is a choice to leave though some folks dont have the means to. Here on these Islands folks live together their might be a family of 15 in one 2 bedroom house. We all know that feeling when hurricanes come we think I dont want to leave my home we will be alright. Though we have choices there are times like this one they may not had it. Today you have the freedom to give its a choice not a rule. 6. Families lost, Houses Destroyed. Searching for FamilyHouses destroyedLives lost 7. Lets PrayWhen things go rough it takes no time for us to close our eyes and want to pray. Though this should be something we should do everyday. Its true when two or more gather in his name he listens. So will you join me and lets pray for these Islands to be restored. 8. Love Is All They Need1.Share 2.Give 3.Heal 9. We Are The Children Just look at these faces. Who could deny these beautiful children food or water. While we are celebrating Christmas. These children will be wondering where their next meal or much less if they will have a home. Can we come together and give them the joy and peace by sending something. 10. Pictures of DestructionEven though it has been weeks there is still life's that have not been a counted for. What we take for granted they would love to have a pinch of that. 11. What does the Bible say about Giving I realize thats a pretty open-ended question, one that could go in any number of directions, so I want to focus on the issue of motivation. Why do we give? What is the purpose of giving? It should be no surprise that the answer is wonderfully simple and unimaginably complex, all at the same time God says we should have no quilt about asking someone to give it should come natural.The bond between the believers that they have a great desire to meet one anothers needs. Nothing is off-limits when saving homes and lives that is the spirit of giving. 12. A Brand New Day 13. Contact your Local Red CrossContract the American Red Cross locally in Your area. Also any 7-11 stores are accepting Donations for this cause. 1-800-Red-Cross 14. Anna Futoran her message. Please help spread the word. I am going with a group of our HS students to the Philippines this February. We won't be directly dealing with the affected areas hit by the typhoon last week, but will be helping an organization that is already... "on the ground" and in the trenches- on top of their day to day duties at the orphanage in Manila. Please help us raise enough money to go and serve. If you have friends who are wanting to help the country, but don't know how, give them this link. Every dollar helps us reach our goal. 15. Thank you 16. A note from the me I personally want to thank you for looking At this presentation and I hope you found it pleasant. One thing I know I want to do everything I can to help people. If I can put one smile on someones face that is all I need to live the life I live. We sometimes take life for granted and we complain about the little things until theyre gone. Just be happy for what you have. Dont be afraid to give a helping hand. We are the world we are the children we can make it a better place if we just start giving. Best Regards Gentry

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