

Quantity and Quality

What is Water Pollution?any physical (temperature, oxygen), chemical (mercury),

or biological (disease, sewage) change to water that adversely effects its use by living things

Types of Water Pollution

1. Biological2. Chemical3. Physical

Measured in:Percent (%)Parts per thousand (‰)Parts per million (ppm)Parts per billion (ppb)

Biological Water Pollution

1. Infectious Disease(Pathogens)

2. Oxygen-Demanding Waste

Direct (microbes in water):Typhoid, cholera, dysentery, hepatitis…

Entamoeba histolytica

Biological Water Pollution

1. Infectious Disease(Pathogens)

2. Oxygen-Demanding Waste

Indirect(Water breeding carriers):malaria, yellow fever,west nile virus…

Coliform Test

Detection: Solutions:• Sewage treatment• Immunization

Biological Water Pollution

1. Infectious Disease(Pathogens)

2. Oxygen-Demanding Waste

Chemical Water Pollution

3. Nutrients (Fertilizers)4. Oil5. Fossil Fuel

Emissions (Acid Rain)

Nitrogen, phosphorous

Chemical Water Pollution

3. Nutrients (Fertilizers)4. Oil5. Fossil Fuel

Emissions (Acid Rain)

Chemical Water Pollution

3. Nutrients (Fertilizers)4. Oil5. Fossil Fuel

Emissions (Acid Rain)

Physical Water Pollution6. Suspended Matter7. Thermal Pollution8. Food Waste

East Pacific Garbage Patch

Physical Water Pollution6. Sediment7. Thermal Pollution8. Food Waste

Causes: industry dams removal of vegetation

Optimum – Fish 5-20°C (salmon <12°C)

Physical Water Pollution6. Sediment7. Thermal Pollution8. Food Waste

Dangers: Bacteria feed on sugar Can cause out of control

bacterial growth in water


• refers to how clear the water is

• greater the amount of total suspended solids (TSS) in the water, the murkier it appears = the higher turbidity

Measured in:

NTU (Nephelometric Turbidity Units)• Normal levels: 1-50 NTU• Drinking Water: 0.5-1 NTU• Visible: >5 NTU• Higher during storms

Dissolved Oxygen

Added by: turbulent water and photosynthesis

Removed by: Increased temperature and respiration/decomposition

Good: > 6 ppm (mosquitoes can survive in 1 ppm)(also measured in % of maximum - Good = 60-80%)

Acidity (pH)• 6.5-8.2 normal (rainwater is usually a little acidic)• >9 – harmful to fish (inc. salmon)• <5.5 releases metals in seds, bacteria die and organics don’t decay• <5 insects die and fish eggs don’t hatch• <4 lethal to adult salmon

Dissolved Carbon Dioxide

Added by: respiration/decomposition & weathered rock

Removed by: Increased temperature and photosynthesis

Good: 1-10 ppm (usually about 1 ppm)


• Typically: 0.1-4 ppm• Unpolluted usually below 1 ppm• Sewage pollution increase up to 20 ppm

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