Download - WarpWar 2

  • 7/24/2019 WarpWar 2


    [|] _ [|] _______ _ | |\ [|] (_______)/ \ }C=K@ WWWWWWWWWW | | %%===[|]====(_______)| |=====X=X=X====HHHHHHHHHH |_|/ [|] (_______)\_/ }C=K@ MMMMMMMMMM [|] [|]

    |______||______||_____________||________||___________| Fusion Warp Fuel/ Ss!e" #ea"/S$reen ri&e 'nr!r Cre Sips 'enera!or

    __ __ __ ____ ____ __ __ __ ____ \ \ /\ / / \ \ |___ \ |___ \\ \ /\ / / \ \ |___ \ \ \\ \ / / __\ \ ___) | ___) |\ \\ \ / / __\ \ ___) | \ \\ \/ / / / \ \ |___ * | ___/ \ \\ \/ / / / \ \ |___ * \ \\ / / /___\ \ | || | \ \\ / / /___\ \ | | \/ \/ /_________\ |_||_| \/ \/ /_________\ |_|

    +a$!i$al Spa$esip esi,n an- Co".a!

    n- 0-i!ion

    'a"e esi,n . Hoar- +o"pson ($) 1233 . Me!a,a"in, 4e&ise- 1225 . WarpWar esi,n 'roup


    WarpWar is a two- or multi-player game of tactical space combat suitable for realtime,

    PBM or PBEM. Players build their own unique ships, move them between stars, andresolve combat without dice. he ob!ect of the game is to eliminate the opponent.

    "olitaire playability is nil.

    WarpWar simulates a hypothetical future when time for flights between stars is huge...but

    ends in brief but violent combat. Warpships can enter the stressed space channels#$warplines$% between stars for nearly instantaneous travel. &evertheless, wars among the

    stars last so long that huge advances are made in technology. 'lder ships are at a

    disadvantage against newer ones.

    he destructive power of weapons technology has become so great that space combats

    have become tactical guessing games between ship commanders. ( clear hit will wrec) orcripple all but the most powerful ships. he goal, then, is to outguess the enemy - to use

    your own weapons in the optimum manner where his defenses are wea)est, whileavoiding a )illing counterblow.

    Battles are fought for control of resource-producing star systems. Bases are built on

    systems to e*ploit the resources and to construct new ships, but the bases have no other

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    defenses. he battle for a star is over when its s)y is swept clean of ships+ the planetary

    bases will be helpless.

    (re you man enough to accept the challenge of W(PW(


    o play a game of WarpWar you will need a star map and these rules. or playing face-to-

    face, a set of counters must be created. /ounters should be clearly mar)ed to distinguishplayers0 fleets from one another, and to distinguish Warpships from "ystemships. (

    number1letter system is the best for this purpose+ Warpships can for e*ample be identified

    as W2, W3, W4 etc. and "ystemships as "25, "35, "45 and so forth.

    ( star map is included at the end of this file. 6uidelines for creating new maps can befound in section 788. PBEM. he map is divided into he*es which control movement, and

    the he*es are numbered to identify the he*es. 9e*es are further distinguished by stars and


    677*/S8S9\ S+94 H0X is !e !er" use- :or all e;es $on!ainin, a s!ar>3/ i! is us! liDe an o!er spa$e e;< Spa$e e;es are re:erre-

    677* !o . !eir e; nu".er.

    E/9&'='6> 8& /'MB( EF(MP=E< ( tech level 3 ship fires with a Beam

    strength of : and hits a tech level 2 ship. he firing ship adds 3 to its Beam strength of :,for a total of C hits. he target ship had "creens powered at 4. 8t adds its tech level of 2 to

    the "creen power of 4, for a total of : hits absorbed by the "creen. "ubtracting : hits

    absorbed from C inflicted leaves 3 hits the target ship will have to ta)e somewhere in itsattributes and mar) off its ship record before the ne*t combat round.


    epair and resupply occurs during the Build event. ( ship must be on a Base star he* or

    on a "tar he* with a epair Bay-equipped Warpship present in order to be eligible forrepair or resupply. ( "ystemship may be repaired or resupplied even when it is loaded

    onto a Warpship. Build Points are spent for repair and resupply in the same way they are

    spent when a ship is built. 'ne BP builds !ust as much for repair as for original building,

    with the e*ception of (rmor, which is repaired at a cost of 2 BP per 3 points of (rmor,regardless of tech level. ( ship can be repaired P(8(==> or W9'==> up to its

    original strength in each attribute, B? &' M'E. or e*ample, a ship originally built

    at P@G and damaged so that its new P@ is 3, may be repaired all the way up to --costing A BP -- or repaired to some P@ lower than . 8t can never be repaired to over .

    8ts = remains what it originally was.

    esupply of Missiles and "hells allows a player to replace a ship0s original stoc) ofammunition after some has been fired or destroyed in combat. 'ne BP replaces up to 4Missiles or up to C "hells. ( ship may not be resupplied with more Missiles or "hells than

    it originally carried. ractions of BPs left over after resupply are not saved. 9owever, one

    BP /(& be used to resupply #for instance% 4 ships with one Missile each.


    @uring the Move event of a player0s turn, he may move some, none, or all of his

    Warpships up to their ma*imum movement allowance #G 213 P@%, ta)ing any damageinto account. Warpships may pic) up or drop "ystemships during movement, at a cost of

    one movement point per "ystemship dropped or pic)ed up. "hip counters are placed faceup on the map, with lettering visible. "ystemships are not placed face up on the mapwhile being carried by Warpships, but (E placed on the appropriate star he* when not

    being carried.

    Warpship movement is governed by the Power1@rive unit. 'ne half of a ship0s presentP@ value, rounded up, is the ship0s store of Movement Points. ( ship with an undamaged

    P@ G would have : Movement Points.

    8t costs a Warpship 2 MP to do any of the following

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    Move from one space or star he* to an ad!acent he*

    Move the full distance along a warpline, from the star he* at one end to the star he* at the

    other@rop off ' pic) one "ystemship

    ( Warpship may &' stop at any intermediate on the warpline whenusing warpline movement. Warpships may only enter warplines for

    warpline movement at one end of the warpline, &' in the middle

    Warpships must stop movement on any star he* occupied by an enemyship. his applies to Warpships moving either normally or by warplines.

    Warpships may freely move through space he*es occupied by enemy


    8n 0blind0 games where movement is hidden, such as refereed PBEMgames, players may indicate in advance that they are going to drop

    "ystemships when their Warpship arrives at a specific star. 8f enemy

    ships are found to be present at that star, the "ystemships are dropped

    and available for use on the first round of combat. 8f no enemy shipsare present the "ystemships are still dropped. he Warpship must have

    sufficient movement points remaining to drop the "ystemships. Warplines between stars are treated as space he*es for non-warpline

    movement purposes.

    ( Warpship whose P@ is reduced to Hero may not move. Movement points e*pended during the move event are not considered

    $lost$ or e*pended during the following combat event. When combat

    commences, a ship may allocate its full present P@ strength.

    "hips may &' move onto an enemy Base star during the first turn.

    W(P"98P M'7EME& EF(MP=E< WC starts its movement on space he* 235

    #starting position is indicated by I, end position by J%. 8t moves onto?mma #2 movement point%, moves along the warpline to 6irsu #2 movement

    point%, moves 4 space he*es to Dish #4 movement points%, and stops. 8t

    e*pended A movement points. 9ad it dropped a "ystemship on any one ofthose three stars, it would have e*pended one additional movement point,

    for a total of si* used in that move.

    (nother e*ample< W; starts on he* 2K2K and moves two he*es to 22 at

    a cost of 3 movement points. W; treated he* 2;2; li)e any other spacehe*, even though a warpline passes through 2;2;.

    677* 67|| 677* ||677* (J)77* 677* ()677*/ \Su"arra||\151L/ \1J1|| \1I1I/ \131J/ \||15/ \* 677*()\ 677* 677|| 677* 677* ||7* 6\1>/ \1512\\ \1J1L/ ||\1I13/ \131I/ \1L1J/|| \1215/ 677* 677* \\ 677* || 677* PWLP 677* 677*|| 677*/ \15>/ \1J12\\ \1I||/ \1313/'irsu1L1I/ ||21J/ \* 677* 677* \\ 6||* ======(1)677* ||77* 6\151/ \1J>/ \1I1\\ ||()===== \1L13/ \121|| \>1J/ 677* 677* PWIP 68""a\=====7* 677* 677|| 677*/ \1J1/ \1I>/ ||312/ \1L1L/ \1213/ ||\>1I/ \

  • 7/24/2019 WarpWar 2


    * 677* 677* ||77* 677* 677* || 677* 6\1J/Asin\1I1/ \13|| \1L12/ \121L/ \>||/ \11I/ 677* (1)677* 677|| 677* %WL% 677* 6||* 677*/ \1\\/ \131/ ||\1L>/ \1212/ \>Kis%WI%113/ \* 67\\ 677* || 677* 677* 67====\\(>)7* 6\1I/ \\\13/ \1||1/ \12>9DDa-\>===== \11L\\ \13/ 677* \\677* 6||* 677()======* 677* \\ 677*


    Co".a! M8S+ o$$ur en sips o: opposin, si-es o$$up !e sa"e s!are; a! !e en- o: a plaer?s "o&e"en!< 0a$ $on!es!e- s!ar e; is!rea!e- as a separa!e $o".a! an- is resol&e- separa!el< +e plaerose !urn i! is -e$i-es in i$ or-er e ill resol&e $o".a!s on$on!es!e- s!ar e;es< +e $o".a! on one s!ar e; is resol&e- .e:ore$o".a! on !e ne;! s!ar e; is .e,un< +e $o".a! e&en! o: a plaer?s!urn is o&er en $o".a! on all $on!es!e- s!ar e;es as .een resol&e- S=> +=1 M 9++9CKS WG = (o!e !a! SJ nee-e- a o: a! leas! :i&e !o e;e$u!e !is or-er)G 9++9CK = #= S=1 0=1+e Ss!e"sip -o-,e- an- :ire- !o MissilesB one a! -ri&e se!!in, an-one a! 5< +e Warpsip a!!a$De-B :irin, i!s #ea" a! an- pu!!in, up aS$reen i! a s!ren,! o: 1< 4ea-in, !e C4+ e see !a! .o! Missiles i! W5G one a! 9++9CK(>B1) an- one a! 9++9CK ()< +ose areB respe$!i&elB a Hi! an- aHi! 1< SJ also a--s one "ore i! !o !e -a"a,e in:li$!e- . ea$Missile .e$ause i! is !e$ le&el 1< +usB !e !o Missiles !a! i!ea$ -o a .asi$ i!s o: -a"a,eB plus one "ore :or !e$ le&elB an- a--!e an- 1 :ro" !e C4+< +e !o Missiles in:li$! J an- 5 i!sBrespe$!i&elB :or a !o!al o: 2 i!s< W5 a- 0CM poere- !o 1B an-allo$a!e- !a! poin! o: 0CM !o !e :irs! Missile< Hoe&er !e Missile?s!e$ le&el o: 1 is su.!ra$!e- :ro" W5?s !e$ le&el o: > :or an 0CM

    "o-i:ier o: 71B ren-erin, W5?s 0CM ine::e$!i&e< W5?s S$reen as poere- a! 1B i$ su.!ra$!s 1 i! :ro" !e 2 -one. !e !o Missiles 77 lea&in, L e::e$!i&e i!s< (Sin$e W5 is onl !e$le&el >B !e S$reen a.sor.e- no e;!ra i!s =V3}I #= S=V} C=1 SH=V1}I 0=19:!er !aDin, L i!sB i! looDs liDe !isG W5G +E > =V3}I #=V}> S=V}> C=V1}> SH=V1}> 0=V1}>W5 as ele$!e- !o preser&e all !e possi.le in or-er !o "aDe an

  • 7/24/2019 WarpWar 2


    e::e$!i&e re!rea! a!!e"p!< (SJ !ooD no -a"a,eB .e$ause W5 "isse- i! i!s #ea" :ire< +e ri&e-i::eren$eB su.!ra$!in, SJ?s -ri&e :ro" W5?s -ri&eB as a 7< 4ea-in,!e 9++9CK (71B7) ro :or !e :irin, sip an- !e N'0 $olu"n :or !e!ar,e! sip ,i&es a resul! o: MASS

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