
War Retugee Board American Legation llern, Switzerland


I'ebrtttlrl', lolarch, AprU • lla;r

l 9 4 4





11 p.a., Ho 41? -

t:aur Lc!'.d n.

Under 4ate or JanUAr , a re rt r t - Je•1• ! legra 1e ~encr rr • Lo q t • •orrteLal C~eoboalo~ak elrcl a er • aa argtnb H barr at• deporting to oe led Pol& "•• a &eaa~e a 1 ·~ Undet1rabl~ forel t!!J'8° 1!10, <!II, 1 oll.:iln.t ..:,, fro& C r-pat!:c-ftueah. I ez;>la atlor t tl>e phraae ooncernln • unde11rable r r 1 -r•, U1e re :ot a 1'4 ttat tbla 1• b~ca~ae ••• • • a ••t ra •~• 11~ d 1n RWlgar.r alnce l ll d Ud 1.&). • ln Hungar7 U e l 72 are not 1nc1Ud d 1n t ••• d orta·~on Tbta charge ••• cade, t lf' r port ate ted, 1 n ol"d"r • o oounterect r port• ahlob D dapeat 11 dlaae 1rAt1ng Lhrougb neutral oountrlea o the etreot thAt the Na&1 deaand ror a atrlcter ant1-Jew1eh pol!~ la be1ng det.led by Huno:ar11 lt 1a n,dded t: at t e 4 , Jeww troc Carpet u•ala w r on11 rc e tl~ 4 orted. f I! rPIIIAlhlJl6 Wei' 1t 1a lta.t d, un.-:ar1an J ••••

Depar e •111 ·~ r•clat 1a AQJ 1nrormatlo •• to 'h ao ln t • oouua o:~ or tb Lese 1


ln 4 Heat


k:lowl :.J'ICJ

• I

LfiA,;u rJ til Ull!UlllfS If lMU:Cl


ln r•f•rr-lnt;. t., )'0\1.:' ~elerhor.c tal t .-1 th reefect. to ant!..Jewhh ..... ur•• 1n fb.I.Dpry, I a.a ••t•inG !'ortn btlo• the dJit.a an1l•blo fram

p.lL)hhed 10\ITOII h1 ~~· pr~IM•

!. P. • oont. r•port.o 1!1 uil rron (Ro .. o:bu, 191.} - Fobnar;, 191J,) t~l ••• t'!\l.t IWI:Iher.Jti• ... ..,... tro&. Croatia, Slo•akia. a.n4 t.he Ge•ernl GO"Ye,.e.:t (or Poland} ..... t.o tt .. e ref\.ge 1n li~•ry •P']'t.~tli" beca'3ee tr~~tatz:«At &ec~ri : .... ther- !a ailder 1-h•A iA th~ toraer eo--.Lntr1••· D-.trl~£ ~· ~r ~~ a't lean 3,100 .r .. ..-s auec:•He-4 1.11 ent.orlnt, Hu.At.•rJ tra a..D!S Crvet1a, tut u.o7 ot.hen ••r• t.pprehend~ ·~ t.h• tn=thr &A4 !crce4 back. !h1.a =o....-..:n. WU CD • I la.r;;l 1:a.l•"!" the Buac.arlu aqt.horltifl sr.r:• ac!41 U=-.1 ~rda to ~· tront.Ura t.o pN'.-•Dt. uS\.~•" tnm oros..-IL.[ into lun(aq. .r ... !rc.a SlOTUia &n!! th• Genel'l Go·urta4"':.'" .. ROrT.:Oal!J' eroes .. t.b• Subcarpa.thian. Ruslia.a ••CRJ.Cla o!' l!u.n£&17•

2. Slo•ak:i• baa jultt eabar.ce4 upon. • n..w a.nti...Jedah ~:paten call1nc tor addl'"-1011&1 r-utri.c:tl.oM em both conf'•t•i onal and b•pthd Jen aed iuiatl.u, 011 t.h torcod o:rl~ntlor. of tho 21 ,000 J ... &till 1n tbo OOWitfll•

Thl• c•npe'ID b .. prorok»4 ~ n•• .... ot reruce•• att .. r~in& to fle• lnto r1utatl\r'l• T'ne Tf'-ir.lorc.d mmt,arian fJ"Ont.i•r (U&nl• h••• pre•cra1:•d nwuroue t;rou,. f ra. •tzter~ • bvt no pulll i o1. ty h (I Yen. t.o tho•• J .,., wh.Q 1\lOCCIIId

Ia croatlll(. th• border . t: """It app.,.r t.h•t Slonlr;a (fon .. rly on tctecr&l pan. ot•a.C!•) te t•r aor• ricorou• 1n lt. t:-e•t:e.ut ot J~•• thM 'Him[•rJ • lta..ey' Slonk -r .. , b-.Ye been d.eportri to Ger:•n or C•~a.n

ecmtrollM :orrit4'7 u c•puh ry labo,

3 . A:ati-'ewtsh circlet ta. !•_, E'.l.D.tAJ#. IN:u.A:a. -.n4 other l all:an OCKurt.r.let u. !lOti' :hartlnc 3trn ri-:.n ·~~1:.t 1D whlspe,.._4 4•!ea.•!a,

.. ptoz:ac.•. ~ £orl~t pro;:ata..z:b, :p6 r-10\llarly io coaneoot.ioa rl 'th lh• adTanc• ot U-~ i.u••1.:s tr?op 1c. the .r..aat. TbU eu-pa1pt a e-.. to t.• ctr•t•.~c !rca hrll!l ~ d••tcntd t.o pn•er.t ar.~-~•r-.a.n a'C't1 .. 1U•• b7 J~• 1D •Jl• -ut.e~ lur .. pean u~ l~an dlltM.ou, Tho ait:uAd.on r•r;ard• 1Q[ IN.arar)· S. a.....,;.t pec-g11a• lA that t.he trtSCoh . CrM!, and C.t!rot.n preu ar• c..h&rt!UE H.w;c•rliLll au\h'lritiea wit.h JMnUt;t:Lnt:. Jw•& ~ .. nr.•t• l11 anU-uh a&Toi'f'itiea. b-_.rMy. lwader or t.he BW\f.u1a..D lad croup. ll 1nelud.1ar. U1ll 111-ISU.....: •• ,,h pr'OJ*tUda 11& bi• eurrent poli tloal

0-lp U !J!m[Uf,

It. b 110~1 Ult t "


- 2-

!alrly larce C~&r or J.-. will be e&lled th11 IPriA£ tor ••rrlce 1a l•bor batt.Ulona 'b7 .... e Ho.n.,..d. There ••rf" 1Dli1Jbt•Jl.QU&~d r • Fcr"t.l lt.•t 1 ~ar that- IOJU ot t.he1e t••t.a:t !l.l e.!.tkt be ••o• •::. Qrl

ta th8 G-neral GoTerna.nt or PolarA an4 Fcaa1bl1 in tn~ oecurt~ 'kr.Ja•. 1l II likelJ' U:at il'•nt;nia.a J .. o {-.y U .. ln Suboarpethl..., lluaoh) ""J' h~Y" &ent report-a abroad or oxp.c.~H d"()Qr"•tioo in o.onneatiaa rit.ll loopondinr; 11>0bU1u.tlo:~ 1a lllbor t. • toll~na.

~ - Vy t.preleioo at the rr•ter.t tt.• 11 that SlaY&kia. - • !•n•a pr" '"""e - aee:ord1 fa.r worlfll t:rnat•u•n' to J.-q u.,n lh.t.llD'J7• th• r .. r-ort. fra3 Cr~ch saurcea ~•Y •~11 bt • ~ol1•lo.t ~eu~•r by e=drr6 Crecbl lc their pr••eat s;reaa and r&dlo pol~1o •1th ftu~'7· It: IMV" •••n t-.s•• orir;lnated. -in lloacmr u tUl addltloul El:!la&Uro of preaayr. on 8ut1arii!!J•t. C•rhlnlr, l!unj;ory hu lldopto4 aAcl pn.oticu ""ti·So.l~h::, l:ut oppuontl7 not t.o thtt ..... <!"IN• •• Eunanh, SlO'I'•kh. uad other ·• n::~~aa utollitn.

1 ha.'l• cad• 1J:qU.!ri•• or aourc: "' O"Wer·~ who ha•e -r>Xlla•d te le • "" know ll.tlythl~t th&t tho)' c..r.; learn ropnUac ncent ant1...J .. hb aOUUtU 1n 5~ • ! ol;all =' t'alJ :<> 1ftfom ]OU of OD,)'thiDt t~t they aay aaaartaln •


Bern, hbru&r7 9. 1944 .

Dear llr. Sqldnt:

A preu report baa b .. a .. m b7 the llepart1unt or Sleu to tbe e!ho"t U.t official Cceclloalovak o1:rolM 1o LoadCIII chArge R:msar.r •1 ta cle.;:or\1114 10 Gtrwm­oocupild Polmld •u a ••un apinat undee1.mble forelD!D"a• 65,000 J-, 1nelu1!~ 40,000 !':na Carpat!lo­Ru•1e. !J2 •%folanat:1oa 0: tbe phrue ooacer:lln& un­de81nble !b:"e1t;~en, tbe %'1!port a4de!l t.llat :U.7 ...:re ocma 14 are_, 11M ee1::'1l b le bee al18 • J..,. a to ee IIDCee\arw line l1•ed 1n H:mgary •I.e~• lB52 and patd tu:ee ill BomP17 e!.n~ 1872 have net be~ included 1n the a~~• clepo-rt.Uon.

It 1a ad.:led tb6t the 4 ,000 Je1ta f'roc Carpatw­Rilaa1e nr. depcrttt4 onlJ recently, and the~ \be :re­c&1111ns 2S,OOO ot ~ha deportee• wore imnGDr:tan .TRs .

l 1111 J'D"~ lln.U1 oarusu.l t Dr. Ovharcl R1esner at s= url1 eat Op;lOrtall! 't:r "1 tb a view to oeoer1;a1n1J:I,II 11t!Uil11r be liaa 11n7 1ZitoDlllt1on llll.1oh aoiUd throw :U~t on Ule autlle!!Uc~t1 or tb1.a report, ancl 1ntom the Lept1on 1..,d1ate.t;r.

!bcnir .raa •e:rs 1n1o0b.

Paul 0. llqldre, ~Uin, Co;n!Ul,


J. IOahr filld.dle, Caunaelor ar ~ation.

I - ..... P08/dh "' t. ••• , ,. ~·

TH[ I'OR1:110:. SV!IIIC£ r:'t:"-;;;-;;;::-;;;;:-=rn::£'='t -=u::-,:o:ru"" OF me

Ulo STAn5 OF hl[l'fiCA

rr·e 141944


~------s_rn_n ____ ~Ge~eva, Switzerland, February 14, 1944

Dear . HuMJ.e : ~

Rererr.~.nt; to :rou:- letter or February 9 :'l!SIU'd1nt the authet1t1e1ty or a report ehar&1n& 11u.usa..-r with the deportation to G-onaan-oecU]I1ed Poland or 65,000 Jna, Dr. Yt!rhart RU n~tr, Secretar:r l'klnera.!. or the ll'orld Je•tall ~Oil8rc .. at Goneva, knowa l\Othins ot th1u all egad meuur,. nddlne thAt the lllromatton appear11 1naaourate and to be ln oppou tlon •1 :b li!L"lga.rlan pol1c7. !>r. R!.e8ner, howover, 1a endeaYortns to check thia report !'rom h1o contacts in Budapeet and will ahare w1th ua any teletraphlc reply whlch ha exneots to have in the middle or the waek.

J. ltlahr I!Uedlo, £oqlliro, ~eriean Loeat1on,


81ncorel.1 y oura,

P. S.


Sf II "'> 72


P.S. 12:~ p.m.

Dr. Rlegner hAa Juat phonl!d ca thAt the repl.¥ trom 9udapeat hat coco 1n, to \be e!tect that tbere neve been no auob deportationa duri~ the last e1x contho end th&t the Juwa 1n question ftrl ot1ll tn Hun; &r1· Dr. Rierner NoalltJd onl!' one deportation ot :owa (about 17,000)tro:: Hunr,ar-1 aomo two :fl&.rl a,so to eaatrrn Glll1c1a end to Polnnd . Dr. Riei!Jier c!cacr1b~ hle Budape~~ contact 111 a YB17 f(Ood sourer but ~cline.l to re,·eal lta 1dcnt1 t!' over ~!w telepho'lc but w1ll !ve !t ;o me later.



Code :


Department Date: Februar~ 15, B p.g . , 194~

No.: 938

CllMged to; .... t-ua

Reference Department'• 417 or February B.

Careful 1nqUl.ry ha• been made 1n l.n!or:~ed clrcloa

here and baa failed to verl.ty the report or the Jewlah

Telegraph1o Agency whlch you clte. An ~portent

Jew1ah au~or1ty, who waa without ln!orma~lon on

the subJect, telephoned hla orl.vate ooncaote in

Budapeac and was advlaed by ~em that t here h d

been no auch deporta tions during the peat six

mon~a. His own co~ont wa• that such action would

be 1n oppoaltl.on to tbe po11oy or tbe Hungarian

Government. There 18 likaw~ae no knowledge o! tbe

reported daportatlona 1n preaa o1rclea here.

., SEP 22 19n


....... r J'C&fle L


·~ THt: FC £1Gii fii:R ICC

E!ll 1944 TH~


... _.. <'I ... o1

Gen v~, 8~it~erlan4.

•• ...... Febru&rl' 16 , 19~ •

Ret~rrtn& ~o aJ l ot•er with poatoript or February 14, l)r. Gerhart 11 . an:om:R hat prepared a report, a copy or .~oh 11 eric16•ea, 1n connection with the ab­•enc~ of info~tioo on .nr .. aaure or deporta~1on or Jew• taken up r~e~ntly bJ tb~ Hun;ar1an autboritiea.

D~. Ri~gn&r l t reaael that 1t 11 not nung&r711

pol1o7 toda1 to deport Je•• a1 t houiJ)\ he haa not !or­gotten tha deportati on rro• that oountry at the end ot 1941· Mt 1Qtoraant 11 at a 1011 to even aug&eat the baala ot the report we have bt~n endeavoring to oont1ra un1a11 1t hal refer ence to t he enrollaent ot Jewa in tbe ao-ealled labor battalion• d1apatebod to tbe Ruaa1an Front, a1 aet forth 1n par~aph 6 or Dr. R1egner'a letter. Ott tho record Dr. Rlegner 1ntorma M that hl1 ohoolt-up at Sudapeet wu through the Direc­tor ot the Pa1eat1n1an Ott1oe 1n tha t oity. Dr. R1egner had a tr1end t elephone b1a and uae a aort ot Hebrew Jargon ln eaeerta1n1nS the dea1red 1ntormat1on. Reoent-17 the Hungarian au thor1titl pera1tted the reop!n1ng of tte Pa1ea t 1nlan Ott1oe at Sudapeet and the reeuaptlon or 1tl actlvity. All t h1a hP regarda at a olear a1gn or t he t1aea an4 the doalre or Hungary to curry ravor wlth tte Deaoorat l o oauae.

ltnoloaure :

81noerd7 youra ,

5\" "' Paul 0. 9qu1re

American Oon1ul

Copy of Dr. Riegner'• l etter or February 1&.

J, llehr HuAdlP, E1qu1re, Cou111e1or or 1Ai~Uon,

Aaer1e&n Lecat1on, Sl:lUI.



• • •


Paul c. S~u1re laq., J.oer1can Conaul G E N E V A

Dear Mr. Squire,

Ra!8rr1ng to your lettar or Fabru&ry ll, 1~44, POS/db, an~ to the encloeed prtaa report relatiYt to the alleged deportation of the Je~• by the Hungarian Authorltiat, I beg to aubalt tba following report:

1. HaYing ~atcbed Yary oloaaly the eituation or Ja~• in the •ar1oua countrlea during th~ laat aontha, l ba•e raoe1Yad paraonally no lntoraatlon on any .. ,,_ ure or deportation taken up reoently by the Hungarian Autbor1t1ea.

2 . I haYe aacertained at one or the Jew1ah or­flolal• in 8u4apeat, snd to whoaa Judgement one aay trust abaolutely, that the alle~ed reoen~ deportation or the J•~• from Hungary and Oarpatho-Ruaa1a ia un­founded . The abo•e aantioned Ot!icial cont1rae4 ~ith aasuranca that ln any caae no deportation !roa Hun~y, Oarpatho-Rua•l& included, haa r,ken place during tha lae t 6 aon tha.

J , To our kno•ledp, at :he en1 of 1.941 only, cartaln aeaeurea or deport~t1on had ~ken pl~oe in Hun~ry. Ac­eorllng to reporta rece1Yed, about 1.7,000 Jewt wera de­ported at that moment !rom Hun.,ry, aa atatala•• paraont . In tact , th1a ~cup lnolu~ad not only atsteleat but alae Pollah and Hungarian Jewe •he ware not a~e to produoa tb• oertifloate ttAt1n& their Hun~arian nationality. Such oertifloate w~• d~llv~red on th~ proot only that thair anoeatore have llnd 1n Hunt~~rY 11noe 1852 ana pa14 taxaa in Hungary t1noe 1872. 'l'hue eou 17,000 Jewe, the jp'eat­eet part or ~hom resided ln Oarpatho-nuaeia and ln tha frontier rai!lona or Bur~ry boriar1ng Poland, were brought to the trcnthrt of !aetern Ga1io1a and. haft been reported aaaaaorad. ~teral1<>e to then !acta baa &lr.ady baen •d• in Annex 1 to the A14a-W.aolr• eubmltted to Klnlatar Harr1aon on October 22, 1~42.

4. I ha .. ~•certalned ~t Dr. l . lopeoky, Ganava Repreeontttlvo ot the O~eoho-Slovak Go•ornment , thnt he has no knowlel~ of any deportation of JaYa from Carpatho­Rueala dur1n~ the l•et .onthe. On the other hand, ha alto knew about the ~eportatlcn a-aauree ha•tng taken placa trca Carpathc-Ruuia &bout 2 yeara at;o. Ha proaite4 aa to aak th~ ottlo1al O&echc-~lovnk clrolo• 1n Lon1on, •• to upon


- 2 -

what &round the ol-.e.rg<" ag!lirult the BungaTl.l\n Government ude in the press repor~. hlle been baaed. I shAll. ~nrorm you ~mmedlate~y na aoon aa I aha~ have ~eoe1ved Dr. Xopeck:r ' e reply.

6. It Q&J' be .. dded ;bat al thcl16h Hungarian Jews art! excluded rroa the Hun;;ar14n AroY, a great part or young Jews or Hungary Oarpatho-Ruea~a, have been enrolled into thl' &O onl.led labour baotalions and dlsp&t ched to the Ruasian Front . These Jewish yout h have nearlY all been aacr1!1ced by the Hungarian Author1t1ea and, w~th littl e exception, have ne~er gl~en any sign of life e1nce their departure to the Eastern rront . The loa• or Jewish l1Yee 1e eet1aated to be or several tens o! tbouaan~e or youn& Jews.

I ebould be very much obliged to you tr you woUld kl.ndly in!ortl the St•~ Department o! ohe content of this repo.rt .

With kindest regards, I am

yours sincerely

(Signed) G. !!. RIEGNER

Gerhart 11. JU.egner


-• 11: 1e 011 -the baillie of t he preoediJIB oOJitidaraUona ibat the

OoYPJ~aut or tla Dllih4 statu, aoti.Di throl.lih the lfar Retucee

Jiur4 Ht up ill eoatoraii7 with tba or4u or the Pr u14en1 of the

Qb.Ue4 Stat .. of .laDuar)' 2., 19441 i.e. the n.paruct of Shh

urtantlz duiree olari.f:Lc,tton •• to the 1701107

or diffeJ'!Ilt ooUDtrlu 1n r•!&rd to retu.ceet ,

the newl)- app01ah4 &pedal Attaohl to tlle lln1te4 &1ah• X..&at ion

ill Jlan.e,•d wi t ll earrrtn;. out the aiaa of the 'flu' Retuc ..

Jlo&r4 vau tl:a RoJal J11t.11aar1aA Oonrmunt to 1111U:Pl7 hia with

iDtonaaUoa, u to 'llbelller l!tmpry would 1D14ertlllte

that h to •&• 1.1 t o !OttaAl'B the aoUTiHet of peraou. ,

&rOUpa an4 organisation• on the terri­

tory of t • Xinl,;4oa of Rtmaarr, barln&

oontana or atf'illat:Lont wit h par aone,

arou.,a IJI4 or p:niaat:Lona ou'I:Klde the

territorr of that ocnmtry, wtlt eoul4

a!!:Lii 11'ib or 1mdertlllte the tranepor­

ta\:Lon of retQceet to the bor4era of

tba Unadoa of l!lulprJJ

2 . ) to !Ll.O'f r.tuseu to mEa, 1 ,e . not to

oppoae their intiltret:Lon1

' . ) lrM TO PIJI9atrn retuceu 11'1 thill t he oount­

rr, tu•.ra t her to l.&.m tba reaaonablt


4.) to LO<K AP.I!IR retuceu wilD ue iD the

oov.zrtrr u far u bou•iJIC, f .. .una, olo­

thill& A oul'l:ural tao111tiet oonoerne4 ,

1Jl a )mpene ~·

U tbt llo7al lllmploic Gonrnaut ••• &nT praai:Loal poaaibiUt7

of tllltiq ll)ept ill t hi• 41ren:Lon, a aeneral ollilillt ot t be pl.m ot

et:Loa , :Ln.obUma u aur detail! •• poanblt , wou14 be welooae.•

• • •


To: t · 1ar ta .. t Date: M1rch 14, lP 4.

No. : I

Code: lb Clair-~~ Charged to:

Jlr.l!:priiiD Lep~loc flc•7 Uaroll 11 r • , .. eated l u i

rul~Hn& .ln ~tb ru 1o:10 -.dlooe Blll> :-lan cat:teeehlp

taa a1rsae1 balD oa••tllalled to ro1l1tor for o~nnt .. ~l

r.j)at::iethc to lii;A£1lr7 • Ao~otoc pon1bll taltc 111

ao=neotloc wlth Ylo 7 labor 1•••·

• -("'"'.


• Ac.k. } /27 JlCif ,1a :1 b PCS/dh ~,. . • • Y J Gra



BER!I Sw~tz.erland, llaroh 24, 194§

Dear llr. Harrhon:

Wl•h rererenoe to your tntereat 1h oheoking the alleged deportation of Jews by the Hungarian author1t1ea, as set :t'orth 1n llr. HuddJ.e ' • letter ot Februar;r 9, 1944, Or. Gerhart U. R1egner hll.a. wr1 tten to ~ on th1e eubJeet, a oopy or his letter being enclosed together with a copy ot an extract !rom tbs Je!!!l.ah Chron1ol! , London, No. 3904 or February 4 1 1944 ent1Ued •as,ooo Jews Deported Hung~ ' a 'Humanitarian' ~reatment• .

Sincerely yours,


Copy o:t' Dr. R1egner1 e letter ot Karch 23, 1944

£xtract :!'rom Jewish Chronicle

The Honorable Leland Harrison,

~er1can Uln1ater, Be:-n.' ~ PauJ. C. 8 1re

American onoul




Paul 0. Squire Eeq. , J.:oor1oan Conaul G E II E V A.

Deer Mr. ll<)uire,

Geneva, Karch 2~, lD44

I a.11 roferr1nF to your letter ot Februnry ll, 1944,

and to rq raplJ or February 15, concerning the alleged

deportation ot the Jewe bt the Hungarian autboritiee.

loa I ha-re informed you in point 4 or lll/f above ment1oned

replJ, I beve uked ))r . J. !Copeoq, Geneva Repra .. ntative or

the C:eobn- Slovek Government, to klndlr aek the ott1o1al

Cr.eoh.o-Slovek o1roloe in London ae to upon what p-round the

cbart~t a.\la1ntt th• llung.r1an Government wu ~:~ada in the

pl'ell report.

Dr. Iopeolcy ie now 1n poaaoee1on or an ano11er from hie

tlour~~~:ent 1ntora1ng that they have no ltnol!led41e or &n:1

offiolal or unott1o1al proteat concerning tbia aatter and.

aakln& h1lll to 1n41oate the source or the preaa report

referred to.

l.!eanl!nUe, I have aten 1n the Az1Slo-Je1!1ab naw.-paper, 1 'l'ha Jaw1eh Chronicle' or Fobruarr 4, 1944, lie . :5a04, pac;e

7, tne report 4enoCI1nata4: 65,000 Jewa deported; Hungary '•

'h'cunttarhn• treatcent - wbioh 1n tubatanoe conta1ne tht

aemt 1nrormet1on aa tht preea report whiob you kindlJ

ooe~ZUnicatod to ce . I ac enclca1n~ herewith copr or tho

article pu~l1ebtd 1n the Jew1eh Chronicle .

I have equallJ calLtd. the attention or Dr. lopeckJ on

tbie article and uked h1CI to tetabl1ah ae to on 11hAt groundl

tl:.!e publ1oat1on •u lOAd a. Dr. Iopeok:y ha.e aocor41n8ly

cabled to hie Govern:ent 1n Lon4on an4 11111 keep •• 1ntormo4

of the repl)' he ~ receive •

.Utl'.o11£h the :w JOle r.. t:er referred to 1n tbie letter 1e

no aore ot great actuality, I have telt obll&ed to colllllllnicate

to you the 1nforma\1one I have obte1ne4 •

.roure vert 11noerel1

(81 ·ned) Oerll rt 1.!. Riegner


!)11,000 Je•e peeorted


'1'1-.e un~ftrlan Gove:-:.~: nt aa la-~l;r b~!r. try1nt; to cr•3~~ •b• lcp:-~aulon a~sd ths: 1t a be~n :reat-1n !til Je'U huca::e::.7. 1\e;.or:a reaohlr. • Cr:eoholloY& ~lr~l•! !n Lo~•on, t.owewc:-, er:a~t~Y ly !apel ~1 8U' .t::pr•liia1~n .

Forty t!o~ • Je•• or~ rp•:ho-nua 1a, "he ~ur.~rlan-ocoupled eftate~at provlnca or =E~~ho'l~­Y&k1~, ~ra ieprlved or ell :h 1r an de­po~t •o Eaat6rn Pola.1d soce t1 • a~. •tate thu re­ports.

: report• alao ahaw that ln ~d11t1on !o thn•e ~0 ,000 ~e1ra, a tw-t!·er 25,000 Je•• tro~t Hun, .,.~ "l'Oper were .iell•;ered to ~he O..rcana tor depor~:l~n. :!\e Hu~rlnn •~thorl"1•a ol~la tha~ :h~y hav• no~ ·~rted th•ae 66, 000 ae Jewa bu; aa "uDdeo1rabla !ore.cnera•. \Ote:hoelovaks an Polea) . Only :bote J~we who oAR prov~ olt~er :h t the1r kftoe&:ora lived 1n HuC6ary hefore 1552, or t t ~r1 :heaaelvea or th~lr an~eatora ba rA!d tn~ea lr. lungarr before 1872 are not oonalder#d ~· •t~r·l~ers• . S1n~c vAr1 !ew Jewa ke~~ ~~~1r tax r•celpta "h• Jorlty loat tn~1r Hungarian olt1:enlhlp ani bee l:!l'" •unloftlrablc !or!lt;nera•. Hundrl! • or Jewa ln Oarpntl>c-Ruaata b6;•e a the ae;&a o! 1? an!S 60 were pu: 1nto lRbot:r battal~ona an;!. sent :o the Sonot rroM . llan1 per1~1 ... :5 tl:'.ere; a row C4naged to eecnpa ~o R~~e1ft .

J Mil< r" ax~l •Jiie ~tion •oupons n~i ~~ wht h 1a t •ly c­!n the ~nater~ part o!

t~a ob:a1n1ng •lotht &hoe no llo eJ to p M:haae tlN ood, ~1 • fuel obtra1n bl rtloillarl) t.he pro-tinea.

Ttl. to Dept • .Let. to Squire }/25/44 POS/ tn. ..oil: '• er ,_,. JXB Jb


S..i tzer land, llaroh U, 1944

Dear llr. Harrison:

Dr. Gerhart V. Riegner, Secretary General or 10he World Jewi~ Oongreu at Geneva, has just sent ~o me Ohe enclosed draf t or a telegram which he would ll.i:e to have eent t llrough the Lega"Uon to the Depart11ent or State tor the intonation or Dr. Stephen S. lfise .

In hie letter Dr. Riegner gt~ee on to say:

1 I am aure you will understand the urgency or the mat ter referred t o ln the oable. Hungarian Jewry, numbering some 800.000 peraons is in tact Ohe onLy oeotion ot Euro:gean J ewry 11h1oh has untU no• been spared trom the policy or brut al extermina­tion. Ever ;thing should, therefore, be done i n order to prevent thslll from sharing the tat e or their oorelig1on1ete in the othar German occupied oountri ea. •

Enclosure :

'!'ext or telegram

'!he Honorable Leland Harrlaon,

American Ylniat er, Bern.

Sincerely yours,

~....J~~q,_-Paul C. ~u'1re

American doneul

Dr St~phan ~. Wi•e , f•eai6ent, Worl d Jewieb Con3reaa, )0 eat. 42;11} 3t. e<:t , ~ /CRI!:.

Owing to race~~ political develoFm~nts in UungarJ teing mon t

enxioue about destiny I~J~aria~ J•wry only important aec~ n

&.lrorean Jnry a till in exlat.enc" and =baring about • Cll~


atOJ BU ~SLing worlO widt •lJ•al or AnBlo-SKxon r er I t •

non-Jewi•C. and Jewish imcluding leaders of Frot~st~t and ;at~lie

C!:uNtes and outatalll!ir.e A:oricann ot :->Wl&a..~ian ori., in to Hu::JEilrian

peor~~ warning ~~z not t.o adcit n~plication or policy of

ut•minacon of Jawa t:;r 3ti'II8D butcbezos or atnearJ an Qu lalir> 1

atld to hU.p .;ew!l b7 all po .l i'ble u:eana in ;l:-:ler to r·evenl. their

falling into bu.nda ot Gemsna atop warning 5houlJ particularly

!neist upon tact that att.Hut!e lilngarian re.,nle towarda Jewl will

be ona of the moat iJToportant t .. ts :.! bl!llaviour which t:naed

Nations will ramamber in peace ltttlement sfter wer etop SLQilar

broadcaata should be made every n4::nt im liu:1gar hn 1Dil6Ua 1 during the next week&.

Geneva, &:&rch ~3 , 1944 .


Date llarc:h 25. • p.!l., 1~44

Ho 1B40

Cod"! Cha rrtd to


Pollowtng.!or Dr. Stephen S. ~i&ft President o! the World Jf'wiah COlli!="~"• }}0 WeB~ f?M rlre'!t, llew Yoric, !~ Gerhart II. !lig;Mr, World Je~tiah Congr.,.se, G~neva:

"lleeiiU!Jo o! reew; political d"velo)XIen10a 1.n H>UlllllT)' moot enx1aua about C:estin,y o"! Hungarian J"Yrr'J wh1eh nuobe%11 abou't an<! 1a tho anlJ' imporuant section or ~tropean Jertr7 a't1ll 1n uiatenoe. ::.uuut world "id~ apree.l b)' Anglo-Saxon personl!~ea, non-Jew!ah as w~11 os Jewish, 1nolu1tnG lead~rs o! Ute Calholic ancl Prot,.stant ohurcnea an1 outa~d!ao Ac~ric~~ or Hungarlftn or1c1n addressed to tn& people of liungary warn1llll Ulem not to pei'llll. t the applica~ton o! a policJ of exterm1nnt1o~ of J~a b)' Hllng&rillD qu1all.Q821 or Germtll butchers and to endeavor to lt~,.P Jewa !rom Callint~ into the hands ot tho ~a DJ overy possible lll"an&· Th" warn11\1! 11ho>tld 1neist partia~larljo upon the t'ac't tt..a't \hB a~ti'tllcle ot 'the peopl• or Hun&ary towar~a tne Jews w1ll be one a~ the UIOIIt il:lport.Ant te810S Of beh11V1or W be Considered by tne t!ni'te4 l'lat1ona in l'e&ett aet"tle> .. nt aftl!r 'tnlt war. Simtlftr 'broa4cuta ehculd be 1111Cie 1n Hungarian language ~""17 n1sb! clurft:.s the next !ew lft'eks. •


11J S(P ? 2 '!12.

. ......


Bern, !lArCh 25, l9U. llr. Squ1re a

.uunua:tna yoo.r letter o1: KnrOh 24, 1944 , you 111&7

jn(o:na Dr. RiaOlC' that "the ••••~• m1oll n• requea~e4

be a.:~ t to Dr. wue NUl been tranamt.u d b7 1ne Lat;ation.

Paul C. Slluira,

A:aerl oan Cotlll ul ,


S1ooerel1 yaura,

J. 10 ahr HuiScS l e , c-nsalor at LapUoa.

Benl, lluoh 27, 1944·

Daar 11r. Squ1.ra:

!ba ncal.p"t 1a eo~<nowledged of ;rour lenez of l!ArOb 24,

!94C, tmOlOI1t16 a OOP1 of a letter !.""aal l)r. GIII'IIart t •

liiqnar, ;ose~ w11b a oop.f of an extTaet f%'0111 tbe JE:;IBB

ClllllnOLE, '!.codon, Ja. 3904 ot !ebruar:l 4, 19«, enoloaed


W1ll .roll lt1n411 lb•nll: llr. Rie&n•r on beba.U of "tbe

Lega"t1on for b1a .rroru ana 1.ntorut in 121111 ... atter.

Panl C. 84 u1 re, £a quire,

'-ertcan conaal.,

Sincen 13 JOilrll,

J. nabr Bu4dlo, Counattlor of Legation.


, FrO Ill


tot. to /2"1

r 11. lnterorou JKR/mlb



Dopar~ ... n~ OatG lilao•oh l:!.,, 19olol,

No. 101!~

- Reoelvea ~o~.e.r~h ea. ~

pAJUPIU!AS& @ Pl eaae tranaz•t tolla.1ng m~aaage to the

lnter natlonal Red Croee Co~lttee from tbe W.r

Re t ll§!e f!o&rd.

7 p.a.


ln v1e• of the Geraan oceup&t1on of Huo&ar1•

• be '111.1' Rt>f~e Board \U'oil'l tl'.at loterorou aeod

to that. oountrt tf!eo~lve reprea~otat1on 1n or4er

to proteot. the wellbe1ns or £1'0\1111 1n Huuii&l'f who

are taalnS pertecut.lon.

In tr1pl1aa te





111 4ear llr. Prea14ent'

At 'lbe raqueat or the n.p~ent or State, I tan pleuun 1n P.YinA :;o,. balo• a •••aaa• tor the Inter­ne t1t nal P.a4 ~- eo. at tue tro• tba War Ref\!§•• lloa:rd o.t Ul• UaJ. ud s'gl~'

"In nn o.t lobe Gal'MZI oocup~~Uon o! Jiwl&ll%'1, ~ la:r Retua .. Board uraee uat tnter­crcaa •-"' 1;0 tbat oounttT e!!act1 V1l repreaenta· Uon 1n order ~ protect Ule nll be1na o! jp"Oilp8 1n 1Lmgar1 CO Are f&Oilll ~raeo11"t10D.


1t ttera u An'1 1Dtonut.ion raprd1n& ;,our pnaant or tii\Ura ropnteen1a'tl.OD 1n Bwl6a.J7 !'biob 10u. can oonaieUIDt.l7 51.,.• •• tor ~aaion "o the llap-.rt~~ent of State tor the lar l!etlla.. Board, I eoul.d be ll•~ tndaa<l t o raoei.,.. 1 t.

81noarely youn,


1!Mt lionorabla •u l!llber,

Pi'in tiallt, In tena n onal ""•rr1 naa o! 1ha Jlacl Croea,



... ... .. 11r /·:2 . o;:G

P•~ c. 3qui ~eq.,

Am~rloan ~oce~~----------------~ a ::: . v A.

Desr Kr . Squlre,

1 am rer~rrln• :o your let~er or rebru&ry ~~. 1944, llr.d :o :he o·.&be,.qu,.nt oorr•apon ence wl th :rou on ~h" ~t:~r of •h~ a11A~ed dApo~tatlon or :he Je~• b; the nu~~tnn nuthor!tlae. Follow1n~ to t~ 1r.tor~t1on oonta~n· in ~ 1 ;t~r o! ~r~t. 23, I SD ~lad to lnrorm you that! have J~; go~ a •ord trom Dr. J . Kop,.oky, 1ntor::>~!': r;e <>f tho r ply ot ·h• ::t.eoho-"lovallt 'JoTPrn­men; 1n Lon~o~ ~o h1s onquL~.

T e C-~oho-3lo~ak Gov•rnnent ln Lcndon h4e d•nl~ ~1tb th~ matter and haa aaoert~n&d ·t.• follo•ln·:

~ha Worl~ Jewtab Congreaa 1n Se• York or !n London hae not been t":" aut~.or of the allet>e.1 r';>ol't . '!'he lorl Je ish Congraos' Ortloe• hav• hAd ·~~-1~\te or ;r.lR reoor: whl ?h wsa CIA;!.!! ]:"Je>llc by J'rA (Jtow11h '!'"le­groohlo \g r.o:rl who on ·helr ~r; hRd obtnlne~ ~h~ neve rroo l:h C7l: (O~ohc-Slo. k ::c ... e A ~"':y) .

Th~ r•.,er; & ,.e on :h~ bn 1 l the =:; ~L'Al !ho 1n1s~r1 ~or to~~! ~ A:! ~~ -: r ~-o~to-alov. t Oova"r.-ent ha4 ~·81ved ~g Jerua~lP-, ~ e rcper: Wna ·o~pa·cl of th~ tat cente ~e by •v r • C&e~ho-3l~v ~ el"i;ens ot Je~:ah or1 ·1n w~c h~ n of the las~ YP~~ b n · 111 !n n~~ Rry or C~rp~tho-R a 1~. Th~ C~eono­Slovak G~v rn n· ~~ :e thAt tt~y hud L~ r.o 7 a~ie an; "lf!1•1 1 pro teo~ 1 :h " ui ·.o ':hla .t:at•ar, ani :.bat "h new~< ~~ h ~ ,..ome •o ;h• kn w1.el1(;;e or th., A: r1eAn au~~or1t1eo ~ona~!tu:Pi ~v!den:ly a a1a1nterprst~;1on or thR t•legra ~la ~e~rt paesed on ~J "he c,eohe-Slovak IIU6 i\ ;;<>ncy , ! : H fU'rth ~ore D; ;e t'utot 'th" ti!UIO !'4Jport. !lB pu~llahed 1 o, !l• n ar l~"l , 1n "'i'he !low J•tdaea• , Lond<>n.

ln e~bg1~·1r.g t o ro~ hnr••!;~ the r~eul• o! the er.•utry, I constier th~ ·~···r a oloeed.

(81 !'I A) .... tl . :ULG'r:ll

n.1• !I t ... . le r.•r



.~· CO,.GR£5 JUif" MONDIAL • C3 E II E V E a"J QUA '<A L.'60-. TI&.&PH. ';., ....

pq ., 1944

Fllul C. S r« Eaq. ,

~erican c~ aul, G g If C 1 A.


DUE.NO A I~ E 9 co"" JHT 'a •oor• ur-o-• ni.V" ,.,.CCVVO) at~ao

!'Ho!Vn, ;i'::-11 3, 1944


lll'd ,,..~tr..... f'$


On belaU' or lfr. :Uclard Licht. ei.a, !>!rector o" t.he

ueoeva Oftiee ot ·t• Jewiah Agency t r Pale ~1ne, ~ en

aeU', 1 hll'. e t.he honwr to a end ycu • d.-att

of ~he telet:' 111:1 'l!'lich we ehould like to he'le aent, !.hrOUJ!h

the n ot t.he ~nited StateD o~ America in Bern, to

the Deror •~ ot wtate tor 1nt'orc:ation of Dr. ~o >111n •1at.

~~.~~~~~~~i~ns 1n!~t.1 a n

'- ant!..Jnieb p Hey to be car.!.t:i on 1n


Hopinr that. you will .t.n4l,y p •• the tele r a on 1.0

your Legotion 1n llern, aro tlulnl:ing "Jt}'J in advance, l

' '

• I 1 er

Encl~sur • l •ole am-draft in


To Dr. stoplotn s. ·11 .. 1 'forld Jffiah CollJ;J"• .. 1

no 'fu~. •21>A Stro•• I We• York

fro:& !liebard l.iclrtlat., O.rllard &i<IIJ'Or - Goana.


bow tro•• aowe•• 1.bat g•r.a.o s,o•ert:s.~rrt baa work•d oll\

plano to cOAtrol lito of lwApry by ut&'btiohin& t» 'budap6rl

lfecial ~ aAwin' rtratioo a-tell will 10d toocJ•tvfl• a.n!S work•r•

h .-nJ o~op ~hoot ., aloo inclvdo opecial prorl.oio.,. !fir

do~OD O! tJa J.... mm:borln& 6001000 by COl> ill of th ..

ill ~ho follarla& tl:reo nreo tirot tho heath ot Ztata oocondly tho

arabu of lloboeo third • place oaU•d s .. udria at 8tr'bo~roatt&D

'bordol" otop tUo plu ia "to bo earriod out Yi1lhin oil< .. atho .top

tho ..-1 proli:;l,nuy s'!OfO haTO j\lrt b .. D nDDCWICOd i4 orl

r"f;U1crodoD u <l -.arini o! J•lln 1>&dao .top arroot ud cloportaUoa

will !ollo• UDder ouporrirloa o! &enao I!S-pardo obo rill do~ YiU

~ J..- at tfte abc••~~oued ~hr•• ieolatad place• aa \b•y h&Ya

~· or


ill pola:ld atop n

npu"tol!ly dftOQAC;od

oeok obaHor 117 all

it poooibh to joill

cnai~ - llir.ake

'""U't tbo"t tU.. plan obould bo Yi&orouoly

"""' tho n4to 1 tbot U!o j O'W'o obould bo tol4

eone•1Yabl• ~• 1Boide or ou~.tde h»D&ar1

tho partiouo otop J••• ohould be waraod oot

u jon o! poland aad notberlaado b1l\ to

uoV reJistratio" aid dostroJ iD tiao all rdnut luu of

•= r0!Uu atop o>\ - ~- l:.wlp.o-i.on o!ticialo and population "f.ili b-9 eMota"'aa;;ld! to a&UI'\uar:t c.he•• C•t'll&ft .. Ullr•• ud

to tolp tho joww •


To. Deparl.l:lo o t Dote.

No f"

c ode: .. Clla rJecl to

Fol nr. 1 "• 11 w YQI'I:,

1 n · • r c:. .:...b:h:--.L: n ..... 1 •a•- r, Jt'tnevo, • r orl.O J wli!lCcr..•re a, ""'":7i' ~ ·l~d tr.,, t,

It 1 r"'llnbly r porco.1 tt. ~ tho 'Jorma.n llov. rr. r t

lo lonc1~ to ontrol th eo ·n lc 11 or .~ ory y

oatobl1 hln~ a apocial Oormen dolnl tro~lon t ~ • •

to n.1 rool turr' aM worker to ll0 r;:: ny. ' p6Cta

provlaion iu lnaluQcJ In •h ~ 11 na ror ~o d., •ruction

cr , C Je w1thl lx nt.ha c " entrotl>' 11

or th~ 1D th t~r %on s • tc~ r ~1~•: 1) atb r Zont.u; e l ohno r be ; I o::::an~rlu n t

Croat1an orr~ r, Tn usual prel1 n ry to

ro 1 tr tlon n tho 11 blld , h ve u t n

onncuneed . l'h re wU rol w :. e o t 1tl

l.llld<'r ~bo 1111porvl lon or Oar unrde, !'h Jew

• the t a 1eol t d 1 coa bov • 1 • '1 -da bo a n r ola

It 1 ul.!

'1 r n oul y ... "•

D .. ' 0

IW U ~'I

J : mJb : nr () r 11r .. e

1 J





1 ..... W11Z11 nr. ausner tc. talesrm .. nt

to :rau .. ttb b11 latter o! ~r11 5l"l. ancl reael·u4 b1 1ba

l.ep\1cn tb!.a ~tt~miniJ, ball 1ZIItt11ate1r b .. D t:raua.t;ucl

to 1be l:lotpe~ or B'tlta for nr. Wlae .

Pllul c. Squire, t:;quire,

.bcrtOIIl CoD8111,

o.n .....

J. Ollhr Bu.Sclle , Oo\UIIIIlor ot t.apt1an. ....

• ...... -

~ PCS/dh



tiOiln'rf 51 ATI:S Of' AMCI'IICA


IJ[Ir.l ~lt~orland, April e, 1944

F!RS!l' PIUO!U'!'r

!losr llr . Kal"'·leon :

With re!~rence ~o Ur. Salmanowtt~•e prol1c1nar,r 1nqU1ey on 1/Dr.~ ns to 1rhcthor 1n the l1£ht or tho War Rot'ul;eo Board you ::Ught bo w1ll1ng to roe~lve th., repreaentntlvee or a recently ror~ed Rollo! Coc:lttoo cocpoaed mainly or 8w1c3 Jowl of Hungarian or1 in an4 or HungArian Jowe resldlng ln Str1 turl.cnd, l u now able :o aubclt a momor~dum on this auhJoot proaented to me by our l'rlend Dr. Ge,.hart R!.ogner.

I~ J:Ul.Y bu observed that the preeldent o!: tha n11w Collll:l1 tt .. e le 1olr. J.Llohad BMYAi, :1 0rGS~1 tw~c. ZUrlah. !..:-. Banynl 1c u.l.l!. to \Sil a 1\Aturaliz:ed Slriee or .. un­tun yoara' etnr.•:llng end to own an underwear ractorJ. Dr. Re!~tner c:1d J.:r. Rlcbnrd L1ch:;h<'tl:l , when ! bel.1eve you alrendy know, a..-e expootid to nccoaplll\Y Ur. Ban.rai and abo probabl,T J.!r. Brnyneol,meU, president or tho rederation or Je.teh Coccun1t1oe ln w1th headqunrtera At ZJrloh.

It ia 01 undoratundln~ that a al~ar audlenoo hall "~e:: requoatlld !t·om thco Br1tleh 1!.1.n1etor.

~he contlecen concerned aru prepared ~o call on you a~ 11.111 ~ and IL"\1 ho •r ;rou 11a3' eueeoat, al.lowln£ them or ooureo ~:!!1o1ent time to rcaah Bern.

'!'l.e l!onornble l.Qlcnd Jiarrluon,

American Ulnister, Be:"n .


I ~


.. • -


'll'hllo I e:<p•ct to be abnent i'rom Genova rro1:1 10::.0

a. a. Thuredl!Y, A'1!r1l 6, unUl th' following \'uee4ll1

eftet·noon, eny mne a-o you oay hove wlll ot oo\U•ae btt

pcneod procptll to thoae concerned.

Wuh beat Wl.el'.o• tor a pleneant Eut•r, I 11:1


~._z~~-p ul C • .:;. •1r•

""·•·rl · .. dor.•ul

~Uecorandw:l conoornl.n the Jews or .Hunenrr•


\I;,L ... l o •• ,.t

1ttl•lot AG'&"MC"Y ,.,._ r.t.\.l'l,.u;C



L. ..,.£... ... J.,., t _, ... ~ /-!'

........... ..._.o .. ..... . .. ,.



April 1, 1944.

Muon. LlohtbelJo, Riesner and llan,7a1 called on

the ll1niaUr ~b1• 110rn1ns ~ pay their r .. peota and

diacuaa "the situanon or :puaeou'ted J..,. 1n A:t1a and

.Uia-ocuupied terr1 ~1"1.

!heir tira't concern waa with 'tbe fa'te of the one

aillion or leas Jews who now, they say, face deporta­

tion or death in Bunsar;r under the nett Jlaci re~e.

TheJ repeated 1ntol'lllat1on which a1 ther their own orsaniu­

~one or other aoureee have already provided the tesa~ion

on "tb1e eubJeot. Dr. Ri•snar stated, however, that be

thoul!ht acme Pl"OIS1'U8 baa been aade in axtrioating a few

Jews rroa their precarious D1~at1on.

In tlti.a connection, ~he question IIIIUI ra1.8ed nsard­

inS JrNiah ~ldran who ai~t possibly escape troa

Bunfiii..Q i~o SwHserlancl or Turkey. ~he authori t)' or

the Aaerioan OoYerna<snt ror the ieaue or ~1.9'"tion

rteaa does not eltUnd to Jew1.ah o'hilclren c0111n11 troa

ocnmtrlea otber tllan Prance. It IIIIUI augseated to Dr.

R1esner and bie oolleasuee that the queetion wae one

lltlioh ail!bt well be raieecl by their orsan1ut1one with

the appropriate autborttiea 1n llaebinston. It .... likely

that the aatter would hne to be handl.ed epec1ticelly.

(In Ulh oonmeetion, it 111 obaet:Yed that quota D\abere

were not s:t•om ror persona born in;r , llwJIIery,

"Ulo'!~Uia and Ruman1a.)

Durlng "the oonversa~1on the probl• ot Jna d.111·

covered in 1n~nunt cupe in PraDCa and elao Geraa117,

co are proVi.ded with !alee dOOUIIItntaUon a1lesins

o1t1 r;ensbip in South Aaerioan oountrlea c•e up. '!bee a

sen1:laaen ~ve no 11441 t1onal 1ntonaat1on on t'hia part1eu1ar , and 1 t appears tha~ the Lesat1on'e advioea r.sard­

ins th .. e p~raon.e which beve been reoei •eel troa Isaac

Sternbuob an lDO re up to date. (I t ed that tbe gentle­

Mn co •18~ ted ua thie bave ne•er beftl quite 1n

ayapatl\1 lfi tb the !alee doOUMntation prooeu M 1 t was

carried on, and that it waa done by persona no~ directly

aaaociated w1"tb tbeae sentl-n and thflir orsan1ut1ona,

who neYertbelen were aware of what Wall soine: on.)

It develope~ tha~ the idea t1rat beard several lfeake

1180 when Dr. JCul.~ was in Bern tbat the priaary purpou

at thia talaa doeU&antaUon woe to pro•ide a reurYo1r or

Jewa tor poalfible ucbanse wi tb Oel"'U!18 tr011 Allied

oountriea, baa taken hold, tmd according to these t~anthaen

lt••J would like to put 1 t 1 nto prftc1:1oe. 11\ey hoped that

a..-tbil\8 could be done tn. th the SIJ\I ttl .Aaerlcan ~YuJDenu

whoee oonoular ottioere nave been 188uiftl! paae:porta,



as o result ot "bioh the South .Amertoan Govennente "ould accord aoa" sort o! reoosni tion to the Ylo-ti.mll . It ... a point<od ou-t to llesen. I.iohthe:lm, Riegnar and Ban,ya1 that 1~ l!lUI not likely 'that the per1ona 1n quution could be reoof!J\J.ud aa nat1ona.le ot the oountrtee llhoae !alae doauaenl.ation they held, but o suggestion woe made that perbnpa some other an-angement, auoh aa pro.Ua1ng tbm a haven omen they oould be traneported away fro11 SUrope, ll18ht be tried.

This ~ of tbe conversation developed the 1ntoraa­t1on !rom the oallera that some time ago the hlestinian Governaent bad evolved a eyat .. "hereby oertlficatee "ere issuetl for a liai ted maber ot ./ewe in Ada or Axill-oooupied territo~, providing that they would be aooorded permanent ba.ea in Palestine . The originals ot these certltioatee ..are not sent to Geraany, but asatlrance "ae given tbat tbe cert1f1oates had been 1n­ iuued, and on the basis of ttlis assurance the 1inmana collected tba individuals in q11eet1on, interned tb• and treated th• with 1110re coneideration than other Jewiab interne .. bava received. Dley were bald by tba lktmans, according to stat•anta ot our viaitora, tor e:r:cban&e "'!alnet Genaans in United Notions terri tori ea. 8pacit1oally arz-anatllllente were on foot to exchange for tb• a ntmber ot Gtmlans 1:ro11 Australle. 'Dlese arranse-.. nte "ere interfered witb by the British Government aoaa time ago "hen the Brttieb objected that tbe:t •ere unable to caiTJ it out be!!ll.lle of lack of shipping space. Measre. Lichthet., RJ.egner and Banyai hoped that ~be Alaerican 111n1ner 1n Bern ooul.d take up this matter and obtain reoonaideretion by the British, uain~ auoh aeana as l.a.J within bis JIO"er. It ""a poinwcl out to Ulhl that 'be authority of' the Bern Legation "ae limited in thia respect, and tbat it wee a matter which aigjlt be '&ken up core pro!itably by the International Oamaittee on Betu&e•• 1n London, and by tbe orsaniationa represented by cur V1a1tora, bctb in London and Washington. At tba ••• tiae, tbe gentle~:~"n "ere &tven to undentand that the Legation wae b~nely interested in tbo problem.

Assurance "aa &t•en to the rtai tore tbat the Legation qa ready at any and all tiaaa to be of such aenietance to 1he11 u 111,)' in ita polfer, but they were requested to concl.uct u IIUCb of' their talegrapt11o correspondence direct .-1 tb tbe1r respective orsaniz:ntiono 1n London and Wubins-ton as poaeible to reliev• tbe etra1n on the phyalcal rao111t1ee of tba Legat1.on.

J.l.H. lo/

Aprll e, 19-H

t.;r. !iuddl~:

;,e r'"rrl.,. ~o J'l:ll' D<'lll)l'llndua coverl~ ':h .. 1'181:: 7~1ter~ c1 _eaer•. ~1chlhela, ~~gner and Ban7al, and ln ~rt1c~r zo ~ha quc•~1on or fnl•• docuaen:&:t~n. cer.tlonrd ln t!le !O ll'':h paragmpb Of 70111' Cellnl'and\11:1. ;Ill• aornln! wl:~n calling on :•,., ,\?o4:ol1c !lunclo ~ rd­!drre4 again :o ~~e ~nt~on •hAt ~~d be~n aade ln on<' or tht!! l•ttore t!'\.-oowot !>r. Sternb"Jch rl!gard1n'; :htt ft8&1et"-!1ce


l.;.., J""ndeN:d b7 Uonat;::nor EerMrdlnl. In rupl;r, he e:ated. ~thllt he Md Ncelv~d \'1eiti l 1 oa \'nrJ oua Je:w1ah c1eltU{A­

.t1one ar.o. trftt ;'1:~ aattur hsd b;ooen pr"s .. nted to billl on the baall o! a qu~a::ton o: 1 ahv1ng live~• . At bia •uggce­t1on ;);u ·;a::lcan had tttl8[1"1\Photd !n&::rueUona to the !1unc1o !n ~dr!d to •ndenvor :o obtn1n r~~ ~nco ln~truo~1'lne to ::he 9j)O'n11h Jlltbalaador ln l'crlln :c lead hla pro~~c:1on to :-. e .!ewa 1.a ,t!e&tlon. Furtl'.an:!)re, 1n&!.r-Jc:tona hAd been aen:: ~ ;he Va::1can to varloua tA:ln ~erlc~n coun­tr1e• ;o ea£ ~~~c :o ~eco,ni:e :beee tala~ pas-oor~• that h&d teen !aa•.a~.S t7 ;h.,lr CIOnaular Nt>l'ilaen:a;;~vee !n :::•.ro,~:o . ~at or ~ had re~l1e~ 1~ ;~e acn•• of nan poaauoua, and one or t•o, ;>a:t!o~nrl)' ~h" Cub.'ul liovertlll~n:, hAd rrt;>l1ed tr.a· 1' ~~7 &h~uld do •c 1~ a~Ul~ .e contra-~ ;o :r.e • ot the ~n!:•d ~~t•• Gov~rnaen:. : :old the Nunclo :!liLt I no !.n:'lrun:lon tn con:'!.r:l th1s. Eow~vC'r, -e :ock occa•loh ;o ~xp~e• t.e hope tr~:: the ~er1can Gov­err.z• ; ~!~~: be abla to ~nt~rv~n· 10 :tP ~t~r. ~~­D1c;nor ... rn..,r.t!nl al•o a:atcd tlu1; 11:< wne underatan·1-l"G tnat n~ne o~ ::he Soutn ~·rlcftn Oov~rnmente concern~d ••re prepared to aca~p: ~·••" Jew•. H• e'J!!Se~tod tt.llt ~~~7 ~~bht te r.c~1ved tec,a~rlly ln PAl~at1ne r.nd that 1 t •oulo. pttl'MJl• eatllf!' th• So•Jth Ali .. rlcon co•Jl'l:r1ea con-

( cerr.ed 1! th.f!y Yere c;lvt:n aa••Jranc~· ·t-~~ ·'!::.~; "oUlC:. Mt t~ e~ec:~d to ~celvo ~eae J~•e ·~o •~uld ~e, or were, g1n:n. tala• d.ocu:enta!-l:u:.

I ret~rNd :o tbl eo-.:a11"4 l'l\lut1n1an c<~rn~1cotee en:lo:;ed ~ :nor eonreru::1on yltc~'J:'Uft1. 'i'he S.mc1o appar­

entl7 ••• nc:: 1n!e~•d.

nalp\or .:•:-r-•l'd~nl al1o 1n:U:A:e4 t"6: b<' hAd tllken oc a1on :o o!-1a<' ~her.e vnrloua J~•leh deleg4.t1ona who ae @4 "? t• o~ratlng ent1~17 ln~ependen~y ?! on; anot~~r ·ta~ 1t w~al~ te wrll ror tte to get toge:her before tb~y ' c~ eltb alg&eatlone tor t~• 1n~ervent1on on their tehftl!.


... . ... .%'? .. ~...,.....,....-~-.-. TWC roru:tGN SEJ>\IICE I(; 'c." I., r



........ ,., AM ERICAN <..ONSULATE

L~--------Oenua, Bw1turland, April 12, 18~

Dear Ur. Barrleon:

Ae of poaalbll 1n,ereut 1n oonneg~1oq w1th cbe aaA pllght ot tM Jew• 1D lfun8D.l'1, I u quot1ns btlow t'roa a letter n-itten to a looal tr1end b)' llr. Oha Palle.1 ot Zw-loll, a RUD8ar1an Jew who, I bel1e•e, 11 10'\own to the Legat1on:

•.u you 1111.1 w11l underttand, the 1ntonu.­t1on r .. ohlng Bw1tzerland le Ytr"/ 1D.oomplete. Yet I haY• been ooapelled to l•arn the newt ot tho arreet ot tl'l'eral tr1enda and aoque.intanoee pr1no1pall.)' 1n 1apoTtant eoonoa1o o1ro1... It

eeoma that t~ Oeatapo arr1Yed wlth l11t1 aotu~ prepared 1n alh'anoe and that arreete were oarrl.ed out dllrlns the t1ret 24 boura.

1 ott1o1all7, the entlre Jewlth queet1on 11 l ett 1n the banda ot the Hungarian author1-t1ee. Hcrre'l'ar, the Oeraane toolt along with tho &bout 20,000 lfun8ar1ane troa whoa the r;;:•dlng l:lun(!ar1e.n Government had taken the

ar1an net1onll1t7, owing to N&&1 aot1Y1t1et. The .. penon• bad tall: en retuae 1n Oeraa117, where they were ror.aed lnto a epeo1a1 tohool ot the O.atapo. fh.l11 20,000 peraone ha'l'e been lnoorporated 1n the Hungarian ~ol1oe and the7 are tb. ontl who are holdlnS al.l the leTart ot oou.J~d w1 tb tbe Oer::uan IIi nor 1 t7 ru1dln& 1D

The Honorable Leland Harrlton,

Amer1oan Wlnltter, Bern.

Bungal'f wb.toh 1J Ultni•• known for 1h lla.s:1 aent12enta o I &II alao \old tbat 1 t 1a no longer a quaat1on of deportation, th1a belng too co~~pUoated 1n tho aotual m.U1tal'7 a1tuat1on, and that on• baa the 1ntent1on or f1nuh1ng off tile •:1ot1ma on the tpot , al•-t• under tile ooYer of tho Kungar1an pol.1ot o

81noerelJ' )'oura,

<.>4. ~ '- .,Jq 0 '

Pau1 Co Aaer1oan Consul

Tel. to Dept. Let. to Hu'-er 4/l 3 JlO:i/aJb

APR 1 1944

n P'l




GEN£VE, le 12 &9'1'11 10-- , P• • • Ow C0 1M 11-Gtnot,._

Par votre lettre du 29 ~•, voua avec blen voulu noua Caire part d 'o.m -••as• par l~uel le liu !ll)t'ugee Board de~e que le Co-:Ut.e international de la CroiX-Rouge enYoie en H~qrie un" d'legation Qu1 eera1t charaee de proteecr oerta1nea oategor1ea de populatione. Voua avez t'a1t aavo1r, en outre, que voue aer1ea heureux de recevo1r sur la repr4aentaL1on actuelle at future du Comite international en Hongr1e toute intor.ation QU1 pourratt etro CO.nuniqufo 8U Ddparte~Dtnt d 'l:tat ~ 1 11.ntent1on du liar 3e.t'ugee Boud .

neue ••on• 1 1honneur de Youa 1Dd1quer le point de Yue du OcaiU 1nterna.t1onel aur la quaatlcn qul pr4-oecope 1• Var Refugee Board, et neue aerlona beureux at Votre Excellence YOUl&lt bien en 1ntor~r le D4parte­~nt d ' •tat de la .ant~• qu 1elle jugera appropr14e.

~ Le Coait4 international •• preoooupe preo1a4-ment depui• quelque tempe de renrorcer •• deltaation ~ Budapest pour lui donner unft plue &rande ett1cac1t' . Il n•a paa env1 .. ,, pour le moment d '~•o1er en Hoaerte une del4aat1on •P*c1ale oharate d'J aseu .. r la protec­tion p&rtioulilre v1a4e dana le aeaaage du r•parte nt

Son Bzcellence KDnsteur Leland HARRISOn lnvoy' lXtraordinalre at Min!at~• Pl.nipotent1a1re d .. Etata- Onia BI!:R!r:S



- 2 -

d'lt•t, une tell~ olaaloo pouvant etre conaid6r6a dana lea clrco~stancea actu•llea co:oe exorbttante d•a attr!b~tto~ con­vontlonnellea ct trA41~10DAell•e du Comite. Ma1a 14 ~•r Refu~eo Board peut etro aaaur4, COBDe toua l~a Gouv~rne-ents et lei lnat1tul1ona hu=aa1ta1rea dea d1vera Etata bell1g4ranta, quo, aana a'1e:~rcer dan~ la poltttque 1ater1~ura d ' aucua de cea E:a~a. le C~l~l 1aternat1onal aontlnuera, eo~ par le paaeJ, l vouer •~o entl~rc a~tentlon A toutea le~ catlgorlea dee vie­t~a de lc guerre. Sur le ~lan qu! lu! est prop e, 11 ehe -oberc :oujoure l ~ntena fler et l ~t ndre aon act!~ eo ra­veur de cea v1ct1:ea dana toute la meaurc co=maodle r~r lea circoOitaneea at salon lea aoyena qui lu1 •eront accorJit.

VeuUle~ -veer, .!'.onal~ur le Hin1stre, he aaeu­rane•a de aa ~aute cDna1d4ra:1on.

fy, Max Hl1BER President.

rter or toot,

haa oonaen:od 1 uel1' ror aomc ~11:.0 1 n <-.ll.a.r~IIS ua etqO!IoY.

delegation at ~dapea• 1D order to give it aore • e. . It baa not , tor ~ tl;e l>elDE;, oou.tiderd ;!;? .. ndill;!;

t o t=al')' Of p apeo1ol delep't1CO t.nltl'Ucted W DIDU:::O

the part1oulor pro~c~1on re!er:rod to in ;~ oa•aoge trQC

tMile:portment ot State, cs noh ' rlnlon meh+ be oou.t1dereC!

under present oiroumatanoea oa unrelated to tho oonv~

tional and traditional ~etanoe or the ~==ittee. ru• be. War RofU«ee Boerd mB7 reet assured, aa wall ea all

the GoYcr tillolnh and hlliCillli tartan i1111ti tutioll.!l or 1;lMI

aSYeral belli gerent -\&tea, tbat wi thout 1ntru41og into

th• domestic poli cy or aoy of those &tatea, ~ lntarns­

tionel c=sttee shell oonttnue , as in the ;p41at , w devou

i ts entire attention to all categories or war vlottcs.

~ong i ta own linea of act1v1t1es, 1! a~l~ al.aya att~t

to increase and braden ita action in favor ot tboae vlc-

u- rt t hi n ~ :Ull scope Yhlch oirau-..atanoea d nd and

aocordi~ to a neana plaooe o• 1~ dis~oetl •

111 dur Wr . ?r .. 1d.utl

I dab u. •ru: JOU tor 7our llttter o r Al)ril 12,

npl)"lnl; to rq • gn1oaUoo or Karoh 29 Ut:arc:lin& tbe

pllii:Ul or tbe I:!tcnat"'..o~ Red Crooa u ~nlate4 to

.. .lZ<Pl'l' 4 uaiatcooe or penac-..1ted ~po ill tb:lt

ClOUD tz7 . I hrt e JOa1; ~all ad to GODYe1 tile Int erna tiooal.

Coaa1 uee•a caDt~nta on the r.aiiJe ... t 10 U>a Dej)art11111t or

State rar the intor811Uon or the l"ar l!d\lt;ee Board.




0• 'nee or the Re~ C%1)811,







Ill rt nt.

Your 10<. ,

rndor . l tM! Intern UOJ:' rot1ow1n;>; re •'1 =ont ' tnl !'""II


roh ~7.

r ~ r ... 1 12, J u4t:o ~t.u~€Jr, i-1'1..! 1d1 nt a: 1 Co~i~toe o tno Red CroeJ, ~ n the to .be rBJueat ~ nve·~~ in th~ Oepurt­un~.<.• r r-er r nc• :

• s a :wtt r r rae•. t.n• 1C c h • t"o1· tCI:I t i 11 con~erne-1 it elr !u .... .1 I' in it. <l<lc~ tlon 1 Bll'i!l•e t. In or~cr t.o 1~• 1t. o• of~loacy. F~r th~ tine ba1n , it b s not oons1~.oer~d nd1~ to lllll. ry 11 cilll el -

• ton tn tr"ot • = " rt.l.,,.l r protl!o'-l on r .ft;rrnd t.o tn the ~to.!" Ik :-t.;;,an.t. ' •.:::::'i


e, a, un.df)r th~ pr •ent olrc~··nc . ~~c~ 1 1011 ~ ht be cc:.nal4ere<1 • .m~ ln.teJ •o " ,;o:n::Utt e' onver.~1 n~. an tr ltional o mpet.en e ... ut th~ r •• e u eA .>oar<!,

,. ·11 Dll •h 0\' ftc nt en.. nltar 1u.n l.n t.H:c-t.!on or th ev r d ellt ero~nt ~ t a, oay ro t ur d ~l)ut, s in t.t r., the !nter~ tlonal C t.t: u hall contin•Je :;c vote it. e tiro '\tt. nt! t ~ 11.1 CA crl or wnr vtcttma. wlt ut. tnt. udtn· ln :... 1 o!.icy ol" 1m· o •bo· 11 to . Alon 1 " rn line tJ·,·J.;;ie , ~ha C~tt"ee il aL&OOf~ ~ 1n·r br ~·n J.u a t'icn ln vlctl.m!.l .t .1r: "' 1 .. l<Jt> r 11n1 nd n~ lr: "' oQr e 1• b •h• ~Iii' l ~ lt.lon.•

F... Li ••

.TX!! : Jb : nr D r rbra D


To Do~<U-

Cod~ 1"'"



If April ~ 19 Lia 1

"... 0

C b&rJUd l O

hll..oblo ·-· "-.... pTtl ~ rollo.U, 1al'oJ'WAt1011 ......... ~ olenlos-nto la tl:t Jwioh dtud i oD 1:D B~m~ut•

( I) !'hot llwlprilt.ll penumauu .. aot1Tely OUTJhll o<t~ tho Ge,_.. o.. ..,u..Soaith .aal'&iiD ot the lltojq '"""""""" ""' lluooq, -v I.a:te·rtor llildat..r ~aroea, .bill ap.G'\al ueUt&Dt l&a&lo ID4r., laarior U..naorwtarr Lualo aaq, and G..., • .....,.\ "-"dour tor I.abll..,tual Prol'ud- a .. tan lllltnr, With lllalro o.ul IJilbiU' 1:D 41root obiU'p. 1::1 - Kuapr!.&D al1lt•u"Y al>tholdtl.u eupport the pro(MIJO, tho ~ 4ot'1DI.t10D ol J ... hu ~ -.4a or &OI>en.l t.pplloo.tiOD, aD4 tho rootr!.oUou reatiq to tho I>Oo or _,tor 0t.t aD4 tolopb<me, prohlbit.iOII to tr&Tel noopt 011 vllu truoportatiaa t't.ollitloo, IUHI proh1b1t1oo to lono 81l4apeot or OI'OII tho !1"0At1or ..,... ontorood at aiUtary •uiU'ot &Vtbor1,.4 b)' llt.IDprlllll

lat14Dal ... ,.,.., , .. , Otbor ru\..,.oUODI rela~c to pubUo ao4 protatolooal •at1Tit1ea, T•llow 1ta.r, erol\LIIlGR h'O'a F'tl••• n41o, tbe• Vioel &Did 80t1• pioD&ro ••torprltu .,... buad "" t!uo rt.Oial l&wt of 19)9 aD4 191t1, aDd the procr- IJiua t1:Dd.t 1to lop.l 'buu :la lop.u.too oouted prior to tbo uoe••i• ot tAe F"••.nt lOT•n...t. .

(e) Lol .. ar loopo oo ol.prU 1 to puoo preuuro oo l>al>b aDd liU'p -relal ...S l.D4ut~ aotorprla•t to foroo tba to .Uoaharp ~41t.C.lJ' at lou1. - l>&lf ot tb.eir Jowtoll pooroo,...l with tbo 1 •lo4or w bo dto· aiu..S Ill' ior~r )o. .t..ryanlaatioa ot tho -tlor prinw o11torpriuo b -•t...s to Qko toao ~1ao aJ>d b> roqoire ...,. lopola~l.IJD. lt u to be oorr!.ot n\ OD ..... Prll>oh, wtob , .... Pollab ao<lolo, to1ablloD.ot ot ftatto• 1D t.h• PoHt.ll • trlo or lat.rtatat oct.on u 1D tho Protooto,.t.o 1a ronoooo b.ot auo doper1."t1..,. out:ftrdo will dopood "ret' aUitary ..... lopo«att.

(}) J- MTO bon torldddoo t.o lun ludapoot dot pit.o tho ottl.oi&l OTO""'U•o fit U:oe oltJ'. k nor, ~ &re boi D& OT111~ froa tbo1r apartaoat.t \o tarotoJo ll•bc qvart.n t o r bmhod ouoo a...,;ar1a.u. !llou - llllo 00,000 rtllopo J-o w1uo o.u to rot.\lra w tholr or1poal a...o

- 2 -

1n tl ... okla. hrb1a, ...S CI,..,.Ut., ar<t ""' ~ral~o4 '- arooo tho trOD~ior, lt h .. poot.o4 t!Jat JO\DI&OT olfta or 'botb IOPI rill ~0 4rt.l'to4 uto all1tt.rt llll>o"r bt.Uallou ror a.\ldl1&r)' aarrloo ...Sor tba dirootioo of tbo A..:f. luoh .. mu MO bt. .. requi ,.., OD t. rola~nl)' ou.U ouh 41lr1DI tbol nr ,. .... ...,., -.:t ,. .. 'bo crea~l,J oxpo.llllod.

ch) is. A pul:s


... ,.,... ....... ~f'P ., •:w• ... ... "' , .. kiC ~~ • • pedl

rlMn.-.. t.'f ,., ,

lnt~ r1eur: Andre JAROSSl ~~t re!oia c~ef do l'AasOCinticn das etudi~~tS d~S un V01'11t.S hongro1$~S on Tch6:oslovnquie. Opinion& de droite notoiros (Lir~ an d6cln­l'nt1on sur l a cllsaolul::Lon des prutl a lll'OJV:••• 1 eta• vu.,., .. 4aA11 ll PoatOl' Lloyd, 29 . ) .44 1 Ucr~an~~t~).

fN~~E ---~- )

Vilb ........ a..&t.rW .,._,.,.,., .....,,, ..... ...................... ......

Lndialna EJDB£ , ~p~v~nt hnut- t onct 1onnnir a b 1'~4Din1et~tion r~-O~~ de Peat , !ut ~~p~l~ nu U1nistbre de 1' :nt,rieur b pot:-~ ,.~s n a~a tc..,pe que BAK't' " t t'ut cbar,;# d'un'l "bcao~l ep~c-rU. o• . ll aouliann qu 1 U na t er :\1t p~a de d'clnrnt1on 1 r an ·~1ea1on •, 11 pr6t6roit r6aoud7o 111 tllohe ouali vito q•Jo possible (Pester Lloyd, 3() .}.44. ~orgonblnt'l (Sn r~1nn~1on otf1c1!11~, Pester Lloyd 12. 4. 44 , Kor!unblntt ) . 11 accuse lee Jui{a d'Otre r "epon­anblo de "1r1nnon• (UJ ~AGYARSAG, 1.4 .44), Ant1-a~n1te notoi r o, 11 publ1n 11 y a quulquoa nnn~oa un livro (A ZSIDO­KROL) dnna lequel 11 nttribu~ tout 1•• n~huura do co monde n·a Ju1t1 .et nft1'rt:~o entr• nut ro qu • tla prnUquont 111 oouTt re r1tuol tt que loa Protooo1es doa Snaea do Sion n•&tn1ont pna t nla1t14e. {!Joernph1oa dana UJ UAOYARSAri , 12.4 . 44) .

Lea Uinistres 4es Finnnc~s et du Co~erce: Louis RWE!l'ii-SCJUIELI.ER ct Antoine (l) reapect1vo-munt aont d1origino nll~~de. Le r n dtl Qinistre depu1a 1937 . Le d~rnier pnrut en a aoua B~dossy, et npr~s und courte d1a~nr1t1on sous KRDny n ~1ntennnt !nit una brillnnte rentr6e .

(1) Lire son diacours dnns Pester Lloyd, 24 .}.44. Abendblntt.

Stephen v5aos a ~t n OD pl'lce da SZOiU>IU'n-11-lil A''SF.R Js~l~Ment . -

.. vo

6 Ch~t du l'~tnt -~njor , pro-nllcMt1 no;oire

• • • ..... errit c OIUllO 0 \Jon



- 'oahkola. Jul7 1 I 0 , Ko . . )




To: ~;,.aru:.•.nt 011to. Apr l t:l , lOH. No .·

• Cod&: In Clalr-Par::B Chor&ed to:


&4ap• ~ ;n·~•• a11•eenU1 r~ orta f10'10rn~t eocrf!!! re utr1n£ (ll r El•tro·l~ ~ll lewlab ro ert7 lnc Y~1ng ~1 eat.ettt ...... eo r.or10 t. an 10,~ p E!)llll .me All lu~l"7 a~lal•• 1cclu-~& russ. all'ler-are, art objoota wltb llllJ t~anaaotl=• tbere!.ll aubn uent Uarcb ! or.~\4 e:~:oo t. CNf.t~17 c=ftrc1al treancucna lc•lell rl r.:11, ( ) ll YeT)' b7 l..s to apoclr1ed rlnL~clal lnatltu~tooa nll preel~u• cotalP, eurr~eT c aecurltlea ln th~lr poar•~•l~o ace blooLln& t~olr yaulta and benk aoco~nto r~ wblc oal7 1,000 pm£011 J:out.t:lr •tt.t.Aronbh, ( :!) blocltlaf all oac:o Hloa n.od n• aa~ertala or Jnl b en~erpr aoa end a lntccnt 1! Gotlrablo O'lt~~t ndalnlatretora to r lo 1DI flr.:l 1.114 ftr=a 10\t.\l O!lO .to hb ao:btr• !1011-0 llaoc• ~ecroa ~~olatabl• bY l prlooncant end cantlac­at\Qa rJ ortr. Prose o~enta ~oaeuro wlll pro•t • b ala tor ••eluatlOD lo tab pr~~~r~y, 60 aboll~loo 1uo~~ l1~7 te~rlbu'laa Buncarlen oatlaoal aeal'b cT~•~1ns blcek

& not apooulatlOD•



To: Dote: ApT1l 21 , 111~. t 3 pa. No.: 2SSO

Code: Charged to:

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' Y Lola r lfo. C3 or A r\1 14, • •

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C=i al toer

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lnt.mAD4 to

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rr 1 a arw tly r .. u·11 t.o IIIlO nrue dh

lte r pa 1111411 uao or t.he 11 11 400,000 ~wn

t 1n t. • aa rlan a

copy to um • • .& .




No. :

Chart;. 'XI to: •

luda a\ 4o• ato.t•• ro-u ro~r\ 4oc:-t~o or•tia& UalOD

o• prlc lon t o oaat lA all lo • re lllHCI -.r 7ellatr

our &:~4 &; otz:ta111\ b7 lnoea ,.,Ylcta:utl lowht. c,.,t· ·eo

olno & ton t or 1 • U:llca oo c::.~a;ry-el~ b&.-..11.

C111\nl c-ell lou 1111 lan a•-llolo or ' wear Pr.,.icleaoJ q el Bt ?a olr .. 7 otlYo •~ Bu.&poot Oil •••cu~tloo end h

reae~tl ct HOllroa. Jf.o.,rouo I na re orleAI7 .a.cno b ol!lE ~

att:led aeor rootorieo ·e ~ll•nr to1 t llatlua• an¢ ooYeral

clt.J Uolrtou hlc.ldi.Ae: ro,;toa &r-"'.D.4 llob-Oc« lleol(Jlltecl

-or real IDCI IJ UC1Tt17 bJ l eYI 11 !b t\0 ltJlO.

&. ... I ... - .. - ~-- .. ~a .... •"'- I ... • -..,.., , .. , 1 . • re.. 7 • zoa, 1944. u. M2 5 * • 2 I ~ J ?MM

h -*• anUalllo .. ""'"--Mmt liJ n aarl• a~ fUdla ........... --- r'lt•tt • • • le pt ..... Sld'ai-U:-• 72 0 , -~ d 1• ...... brftll .... ..... 'at ale.

-. • =no to ~ -~ tile ,.utr7 or tM -.... .,. l. le llolJ ,..»>a 2 •••

l ._ alA&& .... 'lila" all JO•IIlne au.r ... ~~~~ -••••~• •• ~ =a n 711 ,..._u- .r .._ a ft=mrt e1 ~ ( lftftto e1; hit to u :01'1 toMe .. ... h 1 • d 2 ( ......ei ...... -·h=•• • 'sp1 ' aura•• •• d ... ..-rl••• d -!IW-r K- .... aatuwa'ioa • .._ ._..Ill ...._."•" 1.- .. ,_ ..... lo ~ ...... ) ( , Del d I ,. oWe ) j •• a 1 ... ··=· C

...,.... lure


:r.a •


llo . l.

Ge na va. 30t~ Aprll 1944.


L . Tba Situation from

1920 to 1938 1938 ~0 1943

p p . 2 to ? pp. 8 to 12

II, Anti-Samit~o Decrees and Persecu­tion since the German Occup&tion

(20th Yarch 19441 pp. 12 to 16

11!. Personal~t1oe 1n Key Position sin-ce that Doto. p~ . 17 to 22 .


• 2 .

Tbda report is compiled in an exceedingly abort apaoe of

ti~, and t he data ~or the period between 1920 to 1943 are

comparat1•ely ecarce. !hie o1rcumetance may, at leaet part ly .

account ror the ebortoom~nge of •he present eurvey .

!be ~urpoee of ~hie ebort review being t he enumeration or

bard and faot fac ts , no particularly orlUcel o~Utude 1a ta­

ken, e.g. the re?orter has refrained from going into the under­

lyi ng =~ti•e•, the deep-rooted aocial, econcmic, etc . causae

0~ the nnti-Seoltic pol1cy or succeeei•• Hungarian governments

~roc 192~ up to this day . Such conaiderat1ona wil l be limited

.., ~ 1a o trictl::r neceeury .

Chapt er 1.~. wtll be lonoer than It waa ?lanned fi r at.

7b1a ia due to ~he !act that an almost 20 yeara • evolut ion is

at the baaie of nhat is happening now ln Hungary and that Cha p­

ter l.h. u cra~med 1titb ntahl:St1col.t~a whlcb a re ltkely to

giv& uaeful lndicatlona for ene nbo exa~ines the }reeeot £itu­

atlon .

l .A) !K3 SITU. ;rr~ tROU 1920 to 19)8.

It 1a a long-etand1ng Qed tlQb•bonourod ]Olley of recctio­

nary gov•rCMeote tc uae '~he Jew· •• a ocapegoe t and to ex­

?lolt la"ent amotl~na, ~rejud1cee , tendeno!ee by aingling out

a group of the ]O>ulat1on, ptrha?• not qtite ass imilated and,

1n aomo caeea, or divided loy<~lt.y·', •• being "u11ty o! Jle v·o­

lutlonar .. , propaganda and of cap1taliet1c robbery. Anti - Semi­

ttam, under certain C!rcumetanoaa, oan be mode s keys t one of

~o•arn~£nt ?Olley : Jeaa are th&n accua&d of boing bent on

Uarxian reYolutionarJam and having o oapital!at stranglehold

on world tconooy at th& eo=• time. Such o oam)aign, un reaso­

nable •• tt may ecam, ie likely t o accra a euccoee if condi­

tione ro rm • auilabl~ background for r&aotionory agi t ation .

• • 3-

In addition to the general economic de~reaaion which

followed the Great ar o! 1Ql4-18 and the ~r~ty or ~rlanon

p~ovoking a feeling or !ruetration and emb~ttermant, tba ai ­

tuation In Hunaary beoaQ& even more aggrayated by tba elaaa

struggle within th .. country. 7he ·.lute Terror followed bot

root a abortlned So 'I' let RapJbl1o (1919). Wban llicholaa llORTliY

brought down the dictatorship or Bela BY!. he declared that be

regards 1t as hia teak to purse Hungary !rom alemonts wh1eb

ar~ •roraign to tba race• ( ~urBAU, Zurich, 18.2.44). ~period

or pobroma, terror, conflieta and stri!o bad aet in. ~"Awa­

ke~>ng U.gyara• (~orado ~agyarok),ln particular, began a wa•e

o! maae aeaaaeinationa. Radical nationollat groupe were gl'l'an

tacit aup?ort by the mora •r.a~eetable" elementa or the upper

and C!lddle claae~a, ., • .,.,_l aa by the llorthy reguu, e&peoially

by Gener11l ?OEI!BC'i!S ' ), !ound . r of tht UOVZ ("Aeaochtion !or

tha ~rotoct1on of Hungary•).

After the c~untry ha~ 'tta1nad some atab1ltty, tho ~ro·

blec or the landleea peaaan'ry and tho town prolotarlat $tlll

remained unaolY&d. Tho reactlonorJ go\'arnmonts and partie• found

lt to tb ir od•antage to dir ct soe1al dieaattaf ction tnto

An~i - 1•wi•b and ~•v1e1on1•t-chauvln1et ehannele, •• con•~nl•~t

methods or maint~ining the 1totue quo. Th~ !act th8t tba HCBIX

regtme did not turn thraat lnto reallty, can be aeortbed to

th& following olrc~etancea

. l. •. t tllln. tlC!O, campatane of' terror nre not puraued ae

relentloaaly and as ayat~mattcnlly as nowadays.

2. c~~?lete lle1nattcr. of Jews of Hungarian life would

ban mean t economic ehcos .at the time.

' ) ~ter Hintster of or on4 .ri .. ~inteter.

• er--------- ---.

3. Tbe ex~•~ence of olo•~ tiae bot~aan Sewieb f1nanctol

erie too racy and . ryan oo~1l1ty.

L, etten, the Runbertan 1ewo living in tbe towns of tbe

eucceeeor Statea (,oumanio, reep. Tranoylventa, Y~goalavia,eto:)

bave been adherent• o! aungarien revistoniem.

5. OUtrtght ellm1nat1oo would bDve ~de a bad 1m~reeaion

in the U.S .A. , Brttolo, ate ., elc. countries whore rav1e1oniet

clel;e bPve m.t with eome eymp~thy.

A law ••• ~eaed, however, 1n Hungory , >n September 1920

whlcb providod that on Hungarian univoreitiee the number o!

Jawieh etu~ents be llQlted to 6% of tbe etudent body. This

raetriotion w~s off1cially abolished und~ r tho preeeure of tba

Le£gue of bations by a law of 4ebruary, 1928 . Tnatead, the go­

ve~nt tcs~ltuted preferential admiaeions f or different cate-

aortae, sueh es cttl~ren of so~ernmeot o!f~cials , of wor vete­

ran•. etc., ~bue •tagalty• restricting the number of Jewish

et~d•nte on tbe univereitlea .

Beeide theee meaeures, the autborit1ee gave thei r backing

to Jew-baitln& on tho on1vereitiee . The civil se rvice, the ad­

mloletretlon, the army were, to all ~ntente and ?Urpceee, pur­

ged or Jews. ln ~voryday lt!e. all londa of "cbjcaoeriee. have

not been a rar~ ~heno~enon. ~be eguelity before the law of Je•a

were cerely fotQal. The latent aoti-Sa=itlem wee an evil fore­

boding of tolnge to come .

Yet, on tbe whole, rellgioue freedom was aafeguarded, nd

1ewe went about their buainaea comparatively undt&turbed.

Thetr unequal diatrihutton 1n different aconom1c flalde, thetr

concentration ln cartaln profaaaiode, prot1ded even for woloo­

me ~r09*ganda material 1n the hande of the reaot1onariea. Thia

- -

br1ngs ua to the ine71ta~1e a·at~sttca1 d to.



.'llo1p ponuJ..n.U . .Pn of Hungary.

7.990,202 .


2/oporttgn of ~-



5. 9


For ths sakg of compsrtaon, let ue ae& t~e flgur68 ~or

the Hungary of 1941 (UAO'lAn eTATI~ZTJKAl ZS~"BKOWIV , Vol.Xl,

1942, p.66) :


...::!tole no.,ula tion of Hun'"' r . .:_.


'Pe:r£entage .


Note the decrease 1n the ~aroan~nge of Jews . It £~auld

be ment1oned bare that the den c!~n:ton 'Jew' does r.~t exten~.

in Hungarian stat1etice, to ba,.l~d~ Ja~•. out only to poo~le

o! Ja-teh ratth. Cfflctally. ~p to 1944, Je~a were not out:rtght

contidored a "racl!t', but n &:oup"; before 1938, only a 'relt-

eatimatea, tharo:. sra nbou~ a cill:.on Jere tn pre~entday llun-

g3ry, 1f the figure ie to cJmpr1sa thc&6 ho fall under ~ho

reatrictivo prov1a1ona o~ p'a~-1938 l s1alat1on.

brew se their :llOt~ar tC'n,:ue. (l!..liYAn ST.:..TI!:lZ'l'll:AlO:~::mY.Oli'XV , v~l

Xl, 1942, p . 66). Tb11y ~ra .·or~c<n.~rn~od :n Ruthu •.. o over­

whelming 111sjori ty of t}- roet Gr& ~! Hunl!,anao 111othar ~onc;~o.

':'ho ganoral deg~



d cline.

of Gb.lll.l-- ~ior Of !iur. .. arion J • 1 'fO'!'"J

i! o: • l • ' . t I 1 r.; born c;n th


Ab~~t 250,000 Jewa liTO in Budapest, cakfn& about 1/3 of

po~:on was 45~) and 20~ of ~ba •opula~ion of tho cap1tal .

(Oth<.r ~oown• : c:-~;.c, JZS."'UC.-li u ,ooo, s~::;;::o 6,coo,

GYC~ 6,000 etc. ~~c •• occcrdin& ;c "Situa:1on econcoiquc daa

J~•fs dana lo ~~n1e", Cor~raa J~f ~noial, Parie 1938. p.l26) .

Tb1e br!ngt ~a ~o tbe d1rteion of tbe Je7iab

In 3udAp~et :n 1935 :

• • • • • • • •

ei--1"!: s.a...-nn:.a ~car. an! caun~ry o!r~e!a!~ p=o•,cutc~~ and Judgaa la'l'}'~:s s;~ce~t ~~;~yucn !~ :ar;or•• pbya!'!4=l ldC~~ore) chcc:a~s 'e'~~b~carJ, ~G;4 .na=y au~cc~r.a j~c:-:au~-. , .. , ~~-o~ a~~ a~~r~s~ea

;r:Yo~o =~s!n_a:~


~~ ~ Qf all ~~ o•~~r~, cp~oyo:st ~oployuca and st~fr in

; raoj . ~!!'tdr:eq. '=:.!~~a!'!'~ _!r.5~~r9.9. •~rs non-bs;:tiz~d Jt~TB

(£$.6 ~of ~•<nart an. u:;lo;•cre, 4?.6 ~ ot ooployoee , 29. 1 :C

of aa-s1atant a~a1!'). (Ill=: ...... ,. t! - .. --.... - ..... -.A z:,'7"'l--·r,...,...,.., ~ .. "- •• ~.v .-.::.."'.:.. ... ___.. -~·•,. , 1J1.1dap~at

19~3 . pp. ~73-.:).

l: !~ cloa~ :nat tt_ ;o~a r~~:485Dt a :argo part of the

~ddl~ cla&soc. :~!" c:!~dlD s~rau aro only 1n the

proeeaa n: fcr:.;!on.

Onl~· 4 . !S:; oa:!~ctu:a~ !::nd Cnd =oroat~ belonged t o

- -;;o:.: ~icsl cur:<er..~a.

Jowa who cona t i t uted 0 . 28% of the agricul t ural popula t1on .

t S1tua t1on econo~lque dee Juifa dana 1a conde ' ,Congrea Jut !

mondi a1, Parie 1938. p. 127) . (P1eeeo cone~ thie book (pp.

12'}-142) for othe r etatieti col data, should tho neooaat t y

or iu) .

In induatr l a l tro in1ng aohoo1a, t bo pr opor tion of J ewa

f l uc tuated between'}. '} - 7% (•Situation econooiquo . •• • )

Ho~ tho docreaae t n the prO?OrtJon o f Jewtab etudanta

(figures meantng , aa always, non-bapti zed only) on Hungar i an

univera i t ioe : (KAOYAR TAJExoz~T6 ZS3nKON'lV, Budapest, 194) .

p. 47)) .

l:Jtpart-me nta





Soiencea , polytvob .




20 . '}


37 · 1

34 ••• •• !1

1920/21 1932/31

10 .8 11.4

22.1 H . )

'} . 8 10 . 1

6.8 10 . 6

7 .4 10.7

12.6 10 . ; =•ca


7 . 4 ~ l 14.2 % ) of all t be

9 .1 % i atudonta

; .8 % ) wer e Jewa. (

11. 9 % l

8.) 't •

A l ae t poln t concorn1ng J ow1ab 1.migrat1on lnto Hungary :

i n 1935, •~ong 1990 !ore~gnera opp1y1ng f or o perm1t or aet­

tl1lment the r e wer e b4t 104 Jews ("Situauon economique ••• • ) .

~ to t h1e cbapter : ~he bo ok of Jakob LESTSCKlNSKY : Dae

j udiacba Volk 1m neuan Europa , Pragu~, 19)4. euppl1ee tnte­

r eatlng aaUQ on the a1tuat1on, especially p. 26 .

• • 8.

1.B.) ':'lC ::r;u .. 101: l!!r!l 1q18 ;o 121,1 .

7ba poe1tion jual de2cribed ?rovidcd D ravouroblo ground

for tbe cxt&neion of on legislative ond other

l1nu. !l.lthr•s rise to power g:ootly etnngthened raactlonory

t ondeoclea ~n Hunga~. Unde r tho impuleo of the "Anachluaa• •

(lla·r ch 1938), the H.ngar1an g.:nro:uent of Kolo111an .DA.":iJ!''I toolc

<ho 1niei&ti•• 1n pueblng through antl - Je•ieh 1egiolat1on. One

o! the ~ot1vations •as :hat •tba ••nd ought to be taken out of

the au:e of • !la:o ravo:utlon• ~be actions of which "atould be

forestalled by appropriate lag1slative measures" . "Anti -Jewish

logu:a>ion :oeane no bw:.hation to the Jel011 11 , - authoritati ve

otrclea proclal~ed. !l&verthol5SS Ja•-baitlng, anti-Semltic

agtta~ion ~a foat6red and con'lnued unabated in politics , publ io

11 re, 11" nom: ,ts;ers, .or:;ie!e:r, cartoons, ~tc .. eubtn.dittci by th~~t

I • I

gonrn=enta of DA .Si:, Il.;:.U!JY, '.i...Z.U, :a>JlDOSSY, KJ..LL;.'( - not

•o epeak about •t.e 6a:1 ~ail1E!. On!y !ELZKl triad to atem the

rot that had aet .o unc 1• nae oai~ t~~t he confirced but most

relaetantly the •• cor.d J.•t! - J;yash (4.5'.1939), introduCEd

!.et us cnu::eratc tl:o ~:\tl=..[~~_h_J.~sJnd_d~ecreee anao_M.,d

b-:::wr~r 1 r"~B ~~~ 19.e3 .

Bernard ~v ~Ir.T!a ~itae in hie pamphlet &ntitled :

1e•ah :::Z.anc1i>sticn und~!' Attack" (!ha J.Anerican-J"ew1eh CoiiiC)ittee

li•w Yorl<, 1942 . pp. 69- 70) '1.'!•Ll.a~IIJ9r.<Loff!otent

nro;•etton or_ tho &.Qcial ao1 e~on~E~!Ll!,.lanco , knom) batter ae

tha flr•~ J2n1an ~. waa 1n;~oduced by tb~ govo rr.mont before

tho ?•rltam~nt on A~. a -~33 r~ db h L ·-·- , - • • WGS paeao y t e oner Sou·

~• en ~7 l}, a~d ty ··~ S.r t~ en =ay 2t.. It becamo effoctl•a

on J;,nG 28. 'l'bia lav o~a A r J • e. ·r E ' a .'Jo::~ r"!..c;l.~ua~• or 20;C

for tnduatrtat, oommcrc1al and ban~tng £ntarpr1aea em~loying

t on or more salaried employeoe, to be attained by Juno 30, 1943

{in epactal caaae, by 1unc 30, 1948) . Similar reatriot1ona, to

t aka offoot sraduolly, n~re oleo introduced tnto tho medical,

legal , end ergineor1ng profoaa1ona. aa well aa 1n tba com=ercial

and induetrial occupat1ons . In the motion plc t uro, tbeatrioal

a nd journaltet profoaetons tho n~orue olAueua of 20 % was to

come into effect 1mmediat~ly. Jowa who were baptizad before

Auguat , 1919, ~r veterans and their children wtre exempted

fiom these r•etr1ctione . l }

On Hoy 4, 1939 the ~cond antt-Je~ish Law wao paaaed .

It wee o~ficially called "1'h8 Law to reetrict Jewish Dortlcipat­

ion i n publlc aD.!l_a£.!WO'lllO ll c.,• It further relt.ric ted tbo

number or Jews 1n the profeaaioos end economic 11~&, in some

caaee excluding them entirely and in others, reduc1ng the per ­

centage 1 1~ - tsrl nllowod by the Firat Lew . Rlgbte or the privt ­

l edged groupe euch as th& rront fighters were oleo reduced .

The quota to the libora: profosalona waa f1xod at 6 ~. and in

commercial ~nd 1nduet~1al ehterprleas at 12 %. Jewa nsre to be

immediately ~eeharged fro• all 01Y11 aerv1ce potlt1ona end

e l iminated Crom pl aceo of importance 1n the prase, the theatre

a nd the r~t1on picture. by th~ end of 1939 · Jews naturalized

after July 1, 101~ were dep:1ved of thei r c1ti~enship. The law

a lao prov1aec for the expro~r1at1on of Jowiah la,d-ho1dirge

and r eal eeta·o . Tho t1~e limit ror the enforcement or all

other r~etr1.ct.1one woe reduced t-o fin years• ( -l

( • ) Lor the fu1l tex~ o~ •bJw Law (1938: XII) one haa to

consult te.apllrory llOWllt':l\>ere 1 -~ - t1.o;·d), ee ' ""3lliR'iil doe•

not publ1ah toe ~u!l t~t or tbta law.

(· ):~~ .. t5•B ~ull tex~ f 'he8!aw of 4.5.1939 (al1aa 1939 :IV eaa

":TIR' . or. c! ... pp. 70- o.


After the per1od of officl!il reetrietiont ( repreunhd by

the firat two anti-Jaw1ab Lawa}. the stage of outright r acial

dteor>o1nRt1qn wae raaohed in August 1941 wban "The Ll• fg r tbp

Protection of the ~ace• vaa passed. Tbia forbid marriage or

extra-~er1tal rolat1ona between •Jswa• (extending thie no t ion to

t boea b1tberto left unacatbed} and •non- Jewa• .

Step by a te?, Jewa ha•e been excluded from econgm1c and

public lt£~, by ~eano of cloiaterial deoreea end other ordere( ~) :





Diaciaael of Jewieb war veterana from t he

poa~al adm1oiatrat!on :

:rewa are not to obtain driYera'a llcencee,

conceea1ons for cbemie te•ebopo, wire1eea

ebope, etc.

Jews oct to =ecelTe eugar ratione in the town

of SZ.!G::D ;

35,000 Jewv deprloed ~f their trade ltoencea

10 UN~YAR and ~~S (Ruthenia)

~9 •nan-~~an• memb6re of the Budapest Opera

g1 veo notlce ;

Two ll.P.s depr ived of thelr candat ea, on ac­

count of Jewieh descent ;

: F1ogbing -D~roduced as a pun1ahmont f or Jowa

in nuth~Dla ;

In l>orthsrn Traneylnn~a , Jews ar6 depr lvod

of llcoocea for t r ade and indus t ry :

1941 : 8o,OOO Budapest Jewe arbitrarily depr l•ed of

thelr right to vote.

Le~ UA centron farther lcportant leg1elat1va ceaeuree :

by the law 1942 : ~.(£ Jews were enrolled into Auxiliary Ser vice

Unite on tho 3aetern i:or.~ (thie was an axtene1on of the L!bpur

~ eyetec called to aboorb th• young Jewieb threatened i n

their ox1et&nee and pr~lstarleni~Gd undor the impact of the


anti-Jawisb lawa). Tbey have often boen subject to outra~ooua

treatment; they ba•e been granted but prim1tin winter eq••1P­

msnt and the death- r ate wae a~ceedingly high in their ranka.

Tho law ~ : lY ( a aupplement to tho ~aw 1940 : IV )

provided for the ~~propr1ation or asrioultural land and ~~raR~e

in Jewieh banda. It woe very timidly that tbe government aet

about it, for they ws re afraid or bringing tbue to tb& fora­

ground the iaaue of largo-acalo agr1cultural r eform. Still, un­

der the two anti -Jp~i~h agricul\Ural lawa (1940 : IV, 1942 :XV) ,

out or 1,300,000 "Kateata r jocb" Jaw>so agricultural and roreet

property some 400,000 •Kataetorj och" bave bean oxpropriet•d till

tbe end of 1942. (HACYAR TiJ3xoETATO ZSZBKONYV, p . 361).

According to tba aame official eource (lLT .Z.S. p. J •l),

war-time managed economy greatly furth~rod tba olim1natton of

Jews rrom eoooco1• llfo, aD "cllooa~ion of goode d panda on tha

G ovormnent. •

Religioua rreadoo baa been, by and larse, roapeo~ad. (A

~a• small-scale at~,~ka on aynagoguea have been co=cittod by

f'ull - blown llazi elemonta) . Jawa could walk about f'reely, on

principle: caf6a, c~necaa, sw1~1ng poole w&r~ opon to tbao.

They auffer<>d "on1y" marriaga, empl<cytOent and rat I on-car.i ro~s­

trietiona .••••.

Aa a face eav~ davlce, aooa Jewa frOQ Slovakia, Poland,

ote . have been granted refuge !n Hungary by tho Kallay -govern­

ment . (AUPBAU, Zurich, 18.2. 44. p. 53) . Great play wae ~de

~~b th1a fact while th~ real position or Hungarian Jewa wae

veiled 1n the amok~•~~ean of euphem~at1c propaganda. ~ne men

who have sprood 1~, have ratlrod on ~roh ~o. l944 end their

double-dealing gave place to tho all -out, m1lltant ant1-~emi-

tiem or their ••on more reactionary auoceeeore .

_., ______ _


GllRJJAN OCCU?ATtON {20th !lar ch. 194+) .

12 .

Tba Goraana have mo~lva~•d tho occupation of Hungary, in­

ter alia, ~~tb the ~111 to •liquidate t he Jew1ah queeti on in

!'ungar7 once and to>: all~, ae • the one million Jewe i n tba back

of tho 3alkan front conet1tuto a heavy menace to the eeourity

of tho •oehrmacht" . (For this aoeertion of a eomewhat tragi-oo­

clcal natura, aeo all Swiae popera,23-24o)o44) o

'l'pbune dp Genhe (26.3 .44 ) bad it from Reuter that tb•

Ger=ane will demand the promulgation of new anti-Jewieh deoreea

10 Htlllgaryo

Aa a forerunner of this to come the Hunsar1an Chamber of

Lawysra demanded, In a memorandum, tho introduction of the

nu..,<ruo nullu!l (Peeter Lloyd, 31.3 o 44) o

• UJ UAGYAHSAG, a sovernmont nawapapor expr aaeed eati a!action

about the ract that tho Jewieh question in Hungary will be

liqu~<lated at onca and ror ell. (24o) o44) o

Cn the same day, Goorge SCHROB ZR, correspondent of a

a,r=an nowa asonoy writos: "SloYak poli t ical ctrclos ar e glad

tb&t mor. tban a ~ill~on Jowa living in Hungary will bo olimi­

ftatod •rom th9 political and aconom1c C1eld" , (Ga;rt to do La u­

••rn& z~.J.44).

"Ib• 71£2•" wrote on 27 o3.44o :"It is stoted • • • t hat

l O,OOC Jowe haYo already boon srr~ated and that plama aro

ta1ng =-~• ~o ~~ the rasto 'bdre are 1,000 , 000 Jewa in

tba country and •h~y toe~ p&rsocut]Rn of th~oat aavago kind .


The eamo fate threatens the 15,000 Poles who found a refuge

in Hungary after th~ end or military roelatanoo in 1939· Pre­

sident Rooaevel~ ' e pledge that tho German nutbore and the~r

Hungarian, Roumanian end other acoomp~oea will be brought to

account end hie appeal to the free people• to opon their fron­

tiers t o the Tefugeea ore timely.'' lly undarl1n1nga.)

Gozetto do L&ueenne end Tribune do Gep!yo of 30 .3.44.

re~ortod numerous suicides in tho ranks of the Jowiab popula­

tion of Budapoet, th~ arrest of tha chief rabbi end of Leo

Goldberge r, _greet induatrioliet . Baalar Nnchdebbn

compla tQd this informetlon by wr1 ting about tho de portation to

Gol'lllany of other loading Jewish i>l>r&onal1 tie a. (A. Tfoi aa , llA­

DARASSY-~iCK, etc. ),

rsroeU tiaches .,oohenblatt, Zurich , of A-pril 14 . 4 .44. wri­

tes about deportat~on and auioidea . The Geswapo baa pat thou­

sonde of Jews Lnto concentra t ign pampa . Those who o re deported

nre not allowed to tote with ~hem but 10 Kiloa of lugsoga and

100 Pengo . I t 1e also ollag~d that many Hungarian Jewa haYe

~soaped a nd rallied to the troops of Uarahal Tito in Yugoslavia.

A cabinet mee-Ung ~n :Budapest, oolled to promulgate new

anti-Jew~sh measuree, is ral>orted by Gozett§ de bausonno (3r

About lts results reed Neue ZUrcher Zoi tung (3 . 4.44/572) and

Lp Suisse ( 1. 4 . 44\.) •

Let uo enumerate the anti- Jewish decrees teaued •o far (~

notipn •J.ew! 1e 1nterpret§d gn ground of lb! law 1941 :XV)

(Reed oleo H. Z.Z . ).4. 44/5?2).

1) AceorcUng to deer&$ 1240 1944 Ui, Jew• ben to weer

the vellow a3!;r fr!lm tno 5cb ,.pril 1944. (Pull wording : hi.:_

s•:- l'!.s·,oc, Jl . 3 .:.l.4. llo:-g.:Jnblatt). Su;;i'!t3n:e ar.d. lDatruc tiOC

~o ~bia doc:oa ha~e ~on ~.llJ pu3llahed in P-.ater Llgyd,] . 4.44 •

.:l: raent:l.a ~ t.

';; •rAt;V.l~EAfi o~ 6.4. ~. br:.:1ge • :on-& report, gleeing with

plese~re ab~u. ~but is ea:lef !he •preo1er or the Je~ab etar•.

p~bl1ehed deta1le about the place

.-be: ~he ;e•!~l: I'U: bns !o be wo:rn. (:Pull text aleo ill b.l-

t .... , ·d '2 • ~· ' '- ........ r.•at• '• ,_._o, , _ , ... . ... ...-, ~rb ......... _ ... : ":l<!oe 'i'rasen dea galben Sterna

. r.- ·~:.-.?.$e. c~ g • .:.~ . publahe' a Hat of people QJ'l whoa

beer; rices , rang.rg ~rta :OCO :o 4000 ?so~o) ha~e been i=PO•

2) ;••~ ••..:.1 h:an to ca ~-"L~.e.: d fro= tbe liat of tbe

Chamber of T£~•-•• o! !wS ~~ o~ ACtors and E1lG till tb&

·~ an~ :~bl!~ >n~t!•~~~e:e. \~cr&ea 1210, 122o/194L Kg.

P'e t~r ~1~! ):.J.~, ~rs:no:a:t (•)) .

3) ;"78 e ra :c decla:e l=:;dte:e:y (ull data about ~­

tla !!"I ; ;>oueas!o .• l?.t,a· :..~c·1d. 31. • . 44, llorgenblatt)


~l Jews h~! ~o d3C~~ ~:oe1iately full data about thei r

----- ----


' $) Jowe can ha'la no "Aryan" servants . (UJ l.!AGX/.RSAQ,

31.3,44 and La Sulesa 1.4.44). (1200/1944 YE).

6) Jews mue.t not waar pilitary unit'orma (Peflte .r Lloyd,

5 . 4.44) . (?6.666/uE. 1944 HH).

7) ~be use oe private ~~tomo~i1d~ ' motocyo1es , yexi t,

bua.ea, traiQo and qhips 1e prohibited to Jews (p,,,te r Ll oyd,

6 . 4 . 44. Yorgenblatt).

8) Jewa are prohtbi ted to ha .. e wirelsases or wireless

l icences (Pester L~, 8.4.~, UJ llAGYARSAG, 8 .4,44) (1300/

19<\4. ME) .

9) Pha.rmacv '.icences are wi tbdrawn from Jews . (Pester

Lloyd, 14.4. 44. ) (1370/1944. HE).

1()) Fortunes of Jewe are to be announced and blocked (aha-

res, buildings , cash, a~c.) (Yee~~~!oyd, 16.4.44. VorgonbL&tt~.

11) Jewish ~opR ~re to be ~loaed immediately. (Neue ZU.­

ober Zeitull&, 22.4.44/679. <hzeto_te de 'Lausanne , 27 . 4,44).

12) In priv~te ~n•~~Prise~ Jews are ~o be elimina ted till

the 30.9.44, (l,erne' lti,.~}ma ':looh!'n~lill, Zuriah, 21.4.44 . ),

' half of them i~adia,el£ (UJ ~GY~~. 31·3 . 44. ); of tb i a

• nalf, 50% aga1n can be retained till 31 . 5 .44. (YAGYARORSZAG, l I

11 . ~.44. SZABADSAG , 13 .5·44•). UJ VILAG, 6 .4.44. publiebea

an artl.cle a1lout the '' AryanisaU on of whole Sal& Trade.

13) Jewis(l crbild7;en are not evacuated 1'rom Budeveet ; !late

------------------ ---------*) YJ ~AGXARSAG hinted to this step on 5.4.44 when diatingu1-Bhitlg between v:hat iu called "hotuJ>at p::.ot'1t" on the one ba.Jid a:nd '"vr1ek-el1'" on th~ ~tngr. It announced at the same Ume t'he­intention of thG govar.mant to do away wi tb tbe "Strohmann• system ("J.rye.n" ca-"t' a ~,,:; to :'lO. <>r J'1!1wisb pronerty end em­plo:nnent, system ver·1 cuch in voflue since 1939) .


of Jr.s, howe••= I must: c-e v,a:t "l.O tho «bepc!ta~ or f aoa1l1e a who.

hue a11!fered t:r bo=blag. (Ie-•:tl!':l ·~!.-, Wn~benblllt£, 21. 4-. 44. l .

Tba ZLoni et A•aoeia:_on baa bee~ d1snolved. , Iprao1ltiscbcs

c~~-~-1 '~; ;~~~ ~ be~c set u~ Oy ~he Eu~gar:a~ g ove_u •nt

a luch alll ~•goc1o ~e 1rt th tb4> 'tod::; r:ado reaponaible for tbe

c on4ac~ or Jaa~; 1t hao C·~= throUEb it, naturally tbe govern-

meet bs~} ~11 p~Te~a o7er Eunsar1on :e-3 e ~ e-~ d1s~oae of

the • t~te!ltctual, ~:erlnl a~a :abour rorce a• (~gYABOCS7AG,

8 . ~ . .!-t..).

• o.r ·rJ•/iY.-.?:sA:;. 1f!"o-:e O!l : • .1. ~. ~ta.:: :~ decr-ees issued just now

p~ol.she" (j . 4.~ . } :be ~Qora~d~ to the l~lla7 government

o! :ae recody-~a=L1 (~•b:4~r::; 171~), accustng the Je~a 7i th

~~rder (conce~!ng the pas~, o!' :::c~•~: t,;·; ~_b."':JAP.SAG , 5.4 . 44 .

cr!~ique o! ~. ~~sea~·~ ~oak ~c :!~~-ES~~) are on the

e r der of tho day , u; ~~~7AR~G C-5 - 4.4~) cpp•ola t o the sense

! ~-~Y c~ eva~ Eunba~!an ;o ~tn?qn~~ Jews ~ho i nfringe tbe

J.ccc~j1r:g :.0 fl.!_~ ; ;e do_J,.:s.u•fa:!~ o! 27. c, ~- ( tbe !l. li .B.

i~ :ndtc•~ed a~ ao~e') 300.000 r ~b,~ian : e ws , cblefly ot

li.E. H..u:.s::.ry Bn~ ::3na]l'l'at!a, l'.:.t>!l 'l>t"~ ptn tot :> c~ncentrs­

:ion ca::,a eo far.



SINC! 20th l!A.1'l.CH 1944.

1 . Goygrnaent.


(For biographies of cambare or the Government, aee aleo

"G•~ette de Hongrie", 25.3 ,44. ).

Prima ~1niatar and ll1n1e t ar of Foreign Affaire : Domo • SZTOJAY (!orc~rly Domialaw Stoiakovitob) or Croat origin.

Speake 1mperfect Hungarian. Since 1925 in Berlin, firet aa

V111tary Attache, then aa lliriater . Great admirer or Naziec • • Vice-Precier , :ugene Bil!, comber of the lorody Party

(• Natlonal Soc1alist Alliance or Hungarian Renewal" ) .

Home At!a1rs : Andrew JAROS$ Once Leader of the Hunga­

rian university a~udente asa~1at1on 1n Czeoboslova•1a. Noto­

rious rl«ht - wing viewa. (RAAi. ht• AtAtement on di••olution of

"Uertian• part1es in Peat~ kloyd. 29.3 ,44, llorgonblett) .

Justice and 3ducatl.on : Stephen A'lTAL, • tho Hungarian

Goobbela" . Right-lund man or late Pr•mier aom.mogs, llotorioLia

iaoc1at and anti-Somite, Groot r61a in Governments alnoe 19)9, oo U1n1otar of Prop~gonda.

~ar llinl&t&T : Louls CSA~AY (formerly TOIZSNIHAII5R).Co­

mee fro:~ tiM! ·•swob1an line• end Gon:>anoph1la wing or Hungarial>


Th~ lilnister s of Finanoe and of Commerce (Louis RZUtNyi­s:~LER ana Antbony ~n~~ ( ) re•pootively) are or GetmAn

origin. The former haa baon !Uniotar o!noo 1937. The later • como t o the aurfaoe under Bardoaoy, and after n short aclipaa

under Kkllay, bas staged

·---------------- ----------<~> Rood apoecb ~n ~ = Ll~. 24.).44, Abendbla tt.

• • 18.

Tbe uin•e~era of Supply nod lndue t ry and of Agricultur­

(Louia ~7ASZ end B~LA JUBCSQ& re8pocttve ly) nre not new =•n

e! tber. !hey are wall known for their count er-reYolutionary

yj_ewa .

~GYARQRS~AG writes (28.).4~ . ) tbat liungnry ia loo~ing

cbecd to o glor 1oua sge or re~orce. It considers tha t the go­

~ernment rulfile the pr~grcmce of t he lo te CO~ES.

2. Newly popoint?d Under Seoretari 2s o f Stnte.

Ro; t Affs! rs : :Cd!alne ~. (oppoJnt ed 27.).44.),

for=e rly captain of the "oun t y Pollee, not orioue onti-J~w ond

anti - De!lloera t. !n c stco;eQent ("ee~et.l,.l.£:£!! , J 0 .).44.J!orgenl>lo ttl:

he deolnrod thnt he Cloke& h!e position dependent on o spee-

dy eli=inotlon of Jew1ah ond lo~t-wing oleoente. He inittoted

the ~nesty g1~en l>y Ho: thy to Ro~1s hi t her t o dototned on po­

l!ttcal cb:rgee. by ll!~ing tha bon on some of their chiefs

end on tbe!: 4Sieo0li&s.

~dlel~• ~~~. fo~erly bigb cfficicl 4 f the County of

Pest , was called to he ~nletry for H~e ~ffnira elmost toaa­

ther 1Uth .:aAr,x, end WOI at von :1 °speci:!l caeignr.~ent", Be poin­

ted out thot ho w11l not g1ve & etoteClent on thie "miae1on•,

rother eolvo b1a ~oak ce soon ~a poea1ble. (Pester Lloyd,

30. ) . 44, Uoreenl>lctt). (b~s off1c1el nppointm~nt :Pester

~~ 12, 44 ~orbonblet·). He cccuess the Je~e bolng guil­

ty ~r '!riont " ~~~~GVA~~O 1 4,44,) A not orious nnti -So·

alta. be h~• pub1te.1ed - book o !'ew Y6=a ego (A ZSIDOKROL)

!n which ts ~•cr.~•• OVb:J o~tl 1n thta world t o the Jowa,

oaesrte lnte: ol1~ t~~ h1y ~~ctice ritu~l curdo r ond that

tb& Froto.oi.s of tl:o =:td'l:-a or Zum ..,.,re not f orgor 1 , (B!o-

19 •

• grn?bY' in UJ l!J.Op.RSAO 12,4.44.),

• l!!inietry of Agricul•u£!! • DOJ'l1el l!OCSARY, plo.yect en out-

standing rOle in tbe yecrs 1935-41 when cnt~-Se~1t1e~ end Nn­

zism were at tbei~ ?BOk in Hungary (Peoter Llovd, 5.4.AL. ) .

Llinist.ry of Industry : Louie V..;SVNII, formerly a joiDilr,

member of e Chriet1on Trade-Union. Anti- Socioliet . Aeaerta thDt

" 80 % of the workers oro coneerv-oti;.e• nod content with tbdr

lot (J!.AGYAROREUG, 6 . 4 . 44. :'!;&ter L}oyd, 7 .4.4~ . llorgenblnttl. •

()the~ Sr.ate Sec;;;etp:-ie!l : SJtchoel JmlGER'l'K- I.l'lliOTHY, for-

~er ilioister in Hoscow 2nd So~io , nos been cppointed Onder-Sa­

' cre•ary for Poreign Affaire (~~ETI UJSAG, 9 . 4.44, Pe&ter

}lgyd,9.4.44. ~orgonblott).

Lou1s HUSZOVS~Y.Y leg~l Adviser to the Gov-ernment Party

and to tna hUngcrc-Ge~ ?riendeh.v Socist7 (Hus~ovszky bca

atud~ad the orgon1~nti~n of ~ba n.s D.A.P. very carefUlly)

hns bean c~pointod Secretc:y o~ State eubordincted to the Pri­

me<!lr (J,lAWBQ.i.tS::AG, ll. 4. 44.).

Bnron S~ephen SPLE'~ has became Onder- Secretary o~ State ,

i n ~be li)n~atry of Comnerce. Andrew KISS de ~ZSFALVA in the

lliniatry or Su1>1>las (~s..ter !. , ovd. 4 . 4 . 44 . llorsenbl-ntt).

Am~ng tns old Under-Secretnrise of s,ote conflrmed in • their poait~ona, the neme~ of' Chsrles KAllAS {Industry), (~-

' . GXAfiORSZAG 6.~.~) and of Aloia RELDY, {llinistry of Var a nd

llinistry of E~uoctlon, muet be mentioned . Lotter 1a the leader

of tbe ?re-m11irn:-y L:l>\'::1>1E e~;~::~an~. In o brondocet. (rap0r­

tall 1~ ~"J" -~:tq 3, -, ~ •.) he ozho~tod Hungarian youth 8>1Y•

ing that 0 tb~ ~ime ~or ~c~1on h~s co~e ~t leat•.

• 20.

3· G~•efn0~~~ Co;;!~s~r~· Stephen ~~.3 baa tear. appo1nted Govern~ent Co~l5aar

• fer the Prob~ao of ~telleotual uoomploycent (!~GYA-~ORSZAG,

28.).". ). :c :938, be bee been en~ruetod with tba eupervision

or the enfor~e=ent 0~ nr.~i-Jowleh 1•••~ 8 Job whfeb be bas

kept over since~

Uiebael KOLOZSVAaY-BORCSA, hae been appointed Government ,

Ccmal aaor for~~ ?reea (UJ UAGYARSAO, 1].4.64 .] , An old band

at propaganda, be played e maJor par t i n lounoblng the Hunga­

r>an propegaads e~p&ign ~g31ntt Czecboelovokia in September

1938. Ee is ~ qell-~own ecunter- revolutionarJ.

Eugene :-~~-S~S bas been appointed Cbief of Preae

ln the a!nistry ~or ?ore>gn nffo1re, Whlle Stephen HAEFPLZR

bee b'en eonr!r=ed 10 t.~. po•1tion o Cb1ef of Preas of the

Prime U!nteter (Gaz•t>~e Ko~:~e, 1.4.44.),

4. Town ot B~np~st

(b..!.t..- :.:9'-'<l, :1, . 2, 1).4,44. ).

1'1bor K?:l.EDT fin~ l>cloman ~sq have been appointed &yor,

r'ap. V!ce-~yor of B~dcpeet 1n place of scr~BNAY ~ BZZNDY

wbo rnJ,;ned

$. L?• Cg~~.

Stepil~n .§.Zi!I'.!I.~ID: ·- e been oppoiahd now president or tbe Upper Court or Budapeat (YJ~YA~SAQ. ) 1.3 . 44. ) .

Hew OPVOictoen~a 1r ?ro-N_z~ utteraneoa : epeecb of Ua­

jor-Ger.erAl ! rz;J.:ry-, re ~or~e.d Jn PoeuJ"...l.lru, 9.~,•~. ~~·o•~ble:~.


' ' 1IFfLA iUCSOY -Ul!L.I-Rn:. u r.o ~n•ura ' h"rruontoWi !:ollaoor a -

tion" o!" Hunger:! an nnd CFermon troops tn Tron1J;)'lvanl.n, ae CFo ­

vern~ent Cozm•sear (~st~r Lloyd, 1 4 . 44, llorg~nblott) .

s~ephen VOROS na• been owpointed Cnief of tb~ Gene~l

etoff in place or SZO!!lli<TIITL'liK!IA'JSE"', a leo :1 notorious pro-

7. Poli."~·

Peul· }!AIN is tlle now Cntef of tbe Political Police ' ,

(U.r J.!AGYIIH.'3A<r, l,L..44. 1 ; George PE'l'RA.'IIYI, has been ol'pointed

Pol ice Prefect of Budapest {~~~~~.r Lloyq. 13.4,44, llorgonolntt).


Ro!"erqnce is ~de tc tne u~~ch delivered by »EMPX,

The ~Q.yg organise~ on An1.i-Bolai1ev1et Yo~o~th Cn.orp" .

' :iColo1.1e~ .~l:O deuve::ec .he S?Mcb of 1neugurntion (reported

in UJ l~G)lk~SAG, •• 4.44.). He 1nsinted on the nooesait y of

"Protecti<~g the R-ace".

Aco-ordil'!g to unooni' irme1. ·~ ,7"' ~::<1:;c.t KISS , Pres l dent of

thA Ch .~b~r ftf A ' 1 i • b f th N t1 1 ~ -~ ~ ~ c~or:, s go ng .o e mansger o e o onn t

T""leatr .. , r~h!.:to Az:;b~-1 ]f.9J>"l hus been Gppoint.ed Preudont of

t~s Film Chamber. BQ:h sze exe~llent actora but notorious ~a~l

10, Pr'lB

::al ,iPt.s o'f S~'l"orrn.~ont DQ..,~ 1/lpe-s, a:!. \lays 'l'ro~Nou, han ~olcoln

r:~" en 'lntirel,y or'thod ox N:t r i lil'lo.

2~ •

• ':'he ednor of ~Lt rr.rsA.Q l'=nclc RA~SS rop:roaebee Bu-

da?ts~ w1tb 1ta exaggora•ed tol~r oqea towarda Jews . •

lld1to:10 or tbe l>'~GETI.J>?:s;;.; a nd tbo OJ iLAGYARS.IG are

leading ~n of tbo now orde:. ~t~97KY an~ VASiA ougbt to bo

gentlon&d. The bee~ to tr.e la~t : Vincent GO~gy. is t he Jew-

baiter- 1n-Cbief of tb1s pspor.

• -l·

neao reibun& •~ boiref ~ter tArt• ~ber Xarpetlloruealanll •



c .

t .

'"· 111Gk.1.- . 1v u:tnd. t doh elno ller roaaate:n c.hblaobe:n Fabr 1Jcen .r:.&r.Pathoru.a llll4a , r.J.otll. 14 • · (h 1>1• .4Ala~n .lila n t'lue• almkrle 'fOn :atruv. I.n 4tr ~~ 4or F&brllt nh.r~ aJ..oo wlohU .. Str&a tnbr:teJr.e 41D rbeia&4'"l.Uaa , ptoller 1\U.B Stoinu.uer­Wil'k 111 t eUIIIl .:a Oberbau. Der Ulljpl'i.Ch :1 Preerse let n en't­neh.ale.n , dalle 41o 'PI\'bl"ilt heute 1Jl volllll aetr1elle etehi. J::ot­t 4r.DWIS per lAln TOll lallltn1oa ca . ~3 a . "Y'II.laYa. :t:blt lla eru, ,oottUr4tti•• dar noth114-A. G. s wird l!ol.uprlt un4 G~Jh eto.lal.ure t,. lll'O• er~ K•116t11 er&eug\. Die Fabrl~ 11eei auaaornalb dee Ortee, 700 ohen &Ut etor.nar, 1\&l't u llaJulhot . nttarn11Jl5 von Jablontoa oa. 1oo lcm gebir~tan ~el&n4e . Pen3tn. rut sl dahl Ver~Hnle • wle Yor • .rtwa l5o bl. Luttl tnie Yon Jab.lonioa enttornt. Stru!Q. ! l nlst X1lomour YOr lnlm•nn• (.Uo'l'akeil , lit t hart u 3alulhoi' une lldne a'ber boobrlo4a:-ne .Pitrol.WD­.N.tflntrie. l'laoltee Qell.l\4e, aua erordentl1Cll ~t elcb.illar. lr;r1r Be~. (ll'o{Jilrn) elll' groe • u.od boo odeme l'ttrol­·~ ·inflri e , en 40l' Streoll:e n1 Ol>an .,;,-1re4b&sa und Oop plep;en.

1 . Knohn.l)l:&llkt UDd S.rUolton be6 Wl4 i n Ocp. Wtc ti Elan~Qabncnotenpunk~ ~it e1nor croe en teparatur­"'rit:atii.Ue. Ia )Iorden n!ld SM.en du ])OIIfee bet1J111en etob J• ne1 Uaonbahn- nod Strae eollruo.l::en. l)ie :::J.eenb& el nd aut St--l kon.trnlttlon aut stein- oder Betonptetlero. llle Struun r J.oko i ll :lorde:n , . 1ol\tun ruor od bt aodera.te J:l aenbe t on - llo~- !l'Uolte. l)ie st~een11r:.uu:ee 1a de:n Blcllfu.n U'",;arn lei eeni'aOllwe:rk.-:t:ona~rulttlon . Jon o'Den elnd 4U .!fl'OI en D~ona l• .eM 1ob"t'bar, Jalocb 'fO ~den aua dnroh Au:u ;ro .. ~r.entelle '1'11."\leokt. Di• BodtutUJl 4181 • rlllhnpwirtee •r&1bt atoll au. der !e1tQD6anot 1 ' Yea , , 6 . 44 dt r ~ar,at1 Hirndo , to we.lchtr aua­dr\l.oltlloh ·~~ .rurde, 4&81 eop 'fOil en lotEttll Fl.i~l'­en :Tl t!'en nla,,t be ~ro.tten W1U'Ile. e. ~1ne wett er wt obtiJ• ~l'Ueke ~ 4•• Ver~ ~.~ '1'011 den LIZpat ll~n att U~~rn , ndet atoh bole sat aar hlle dan Ssuoe. croe e lll'U~• 1 leenkonetruktlon . 3 . D81cle1o.ltll U no •10ht1e;c Jlr-.olte be l JtreJ.ovo .n . ~ . Au .. er­ordentltolt lea&• Bl'Uolte in Eieenkocetrulttioa aut Beton­pto1lern.(Verb1ndun& ~wteo-en eop ~ , ' · Ti~ukt \ el ftukl tY&. oa.s' m boa• , i n Stoinkone~tlon , er :r-1ohtet awt aoha a 191' ~, 1918. Dleeer Jladukt t 1 t au! dea ~andkarten nloht e l ngoce o\net , da •• etn tal ~ber\r\l.okt . P.Uk.l1Y& l t ea ' hart an dar C3~ - poln ,Qrenle boi L&WOOtlll•

·I ·

II . Unn~r~ol::C b01 ol:ll~Oo (~IYO) ~nbahnllr cte 1 ~ ~,~ Ill 1:1uen cer =UAt , a. "ea UclneJ!J ·a:n1 '":1" •r •hnhof".

7. llantllalul~r~O):e bet YoJu. nu.r "13t1se streclt• , eobr p-oa a h' o);a , r:n~l.Ut:IDu'" .. traoX. ftl r au 11a JUlnta , '1011 u~o~oro! ~ kD antrarnt.

• ill.lllbalu!'brilllka blli ~ Ill 4!er ~· ·• ra 1!:0 ~•» - ;raa1.Da,

U oiiii.CIIIna trWttS on al1f "u lug.tall.a:"'•

Yaa h'D Ooslclltll~ IP1.D klw:l t1Da arno•rw~& 4er nr..uaa llcl,.. ~p · (l.) , sa~ (2) Wl4 "bot voJan 4f) 4tr stiiNl'' ttum~Ttll'J::br nuh t:en Eazpc.~&n ut.Mr­brooiiOD nrden. ])~~· ~~ ~a aurde !IACh tlDor ~· or iito!taol ~ho.'IDn .o~llk WJ4 Dllcb ~uctr ocrU1char e ntntaro TOl'taset . ·en., 110e&l1C1h !ol.~n nttera 410IIllcll'ol&).1Qht 5al"'"10llta

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