  • 7/27/2019 Want Peace- Promote Free Trade



    W ant Peace? Pr om ote Free TradeOCTOBER15,2013 by JULIAN ADORNEY

    Frdric Bastiat famously claimed that if goods don t cross borders, soldiers will."

    Bastiat argued that free trade between countries could reduce international conflict because trade forges connectionsbetween

    nationsand giveseach country an incentive to avoid war with its trading partners. If every nation were an economic island, the lack of

    positive interaction created by trade could leave more room for conflict. Two hundred years after Bastiat, libertarians take this idea a

    gospel. Unfortunately, not everyone does. But as recent research shows, the historical evidence confirms Bastiat s famous claim.

    To Trade or to Raid

    In Peace through Trade or Free Trade? professor Patrick J. McDonald, from t he University of Texas at Austin, empirically tested

    whether greater levels of protectionism in a country (tariffs, quotas, etc.) would increase the probability of international conflict in

    that nation. He used a tool called dyads to analyze every country s international relations from 1960 until 2000. A dyad is the

    interaction between one country and another country: German and French relationsw ould be one dyad, German and Russian

    relationsw ould be a second, French and Australian relationsw ould b e a third. He further broke this down into dyad-years; the

    relations between Germany and France in 1965 would be one dyad-year, the relationsbetw een France and Australia in 1973 would

    be a second, and so on.

    Using these dyad-years, McDonald analyzed t he behavior of every country in the world for the past 40 years. His analysis showed a

    negative correlation between free trade and conflict: The more freely a country trades, the fewer wars it engages in. Countriest hat

    engage in free trade are less likely to invade and less likely to be invaded.

    The Causal Arrow

    Of course, this finding might be a matt er of confusing correlation for causation. Maybe countries engaging in free trade fight less

    often for some other reason, like the fact t hat they tend also to be more democratic. Democratic countries make war less often than

    empiresd o. But McDonald controls for t hese variables. Controlling for a state s political structure is important, because democracies

    and republics tend to fight less than authoritarian regimes.

    McDonald also controlled for a country s economic growth, because countries in a recession are more likely to go to war than those in

    a boom, often in order to distract their people from their economic woes. McDonald even controlled for factors like geographic

    proximity: It s easier for Germany and France to fight each other than it is for the United States and China, because troops in the

    former group only have to cross a shared border.

    Image from Shutterstock

  • 7/27/2019 Want Peace- Promote Free Trade


    The takeaway from McDonalds analysis is that prot ectionism can actually lead to conflict. McDonald found that a country in the

    bott om 10 percent for protectionism (meaning it is less protectionist than 90 percent of other countries) is 70 percent less likely to

    engage in a new conflict (either asinvader or as target) than one in the top 10 percent for protectionism.

    Protectionism and War

    Why does protectionism lead to conflict, and why does free trade help to prevent it ? The answers, though well-known to classical

    liberals, are worth mentioning.

    First, trade creates international goodwill. If Chinese and American businessmen trade on a regular basis, both sides benefit. And

    mutual benefit disposesp eople to look for the good in each other. Exchange of goods also promotes an exchange of cultures. For

    decades, Americans saw Chinaas a mysterious country wit h strange, even hostile values. But in the 21st century, trade between our

    nations has increased markedly, and both countries know each other alit tle bett er now. iPod-wielding Chinese teenagersare like

    American teenagers, for example. They re not t erribly mysterious. Likewise, the Chinese understand democracy and American

    consumerism more than they once did. The countries may not find overlap in all of each other s values, but trade has helped us to at

    least understand each other.

    Trade helpst o humanize the people that you trade with. And it s tougher to want t o go to war wit h your human trading partners than

    with a country you see only as lineson a map.

    Second, trade givesnationsan economic incentive to avoid war. If Nation X sells its best steel to Nation Y, and its businessmen reapplenty of profits in exchange, then businessmen on both sidesare going to oppose war. Thisw as actually the case with Germany and

    France right before World War I. Germany sold steel to France, and German businessmen were firmly opposed t o war. They only

    grudgingly came to support it w hen German ministers told t hem that t he war would only last a few short months. German steel had

    strong incentive to oppose war, and if the situation had progressed a little differently or if the German government had been a littl

    more realistic about the timeline of the war that incentive might have kept Germany out of World War I.

    Third, protectionism promoteshostility. Thisis why free trade, not just aggregate trade (which could be accompanied by high tariffs

    and quotas), leads to peace. If the United States imposes a tariff on Japanese automobiles, that tariff hurts Japanese businesses. It

    creates hostility in Japan toward the United States. Japan might even retaliate with a tariff on U.S. steel, hurting U.S. steel makers and

    angering our government, which would retaliate wit h another tariff. Both countries now have an excuse to leverage nationalist

    feelingst o gain support at home; that makes outright war w ith the other country an easier sell, should it come to that.

    In socioeconomic academic circles, this is called the Richardson process of reciprocal and increasing hostilit ies; the United States

    harms Japan, which retaliates, causing the United Statest o retaliate again. History shows that the Richardson process can easily be

    applied t o protectionism. For instance, in the 1930s, industrialized nations raised tariffs and trade barriers; countries eschewed

    multil ateralism and turned inward. These decisions led to rising hostilit ies, which helped set World War II in motion.

    These factorshelp explain why free trade leads to peace, and protectionism leads to more conflict.

    Free Trade and Peace

    One final note: McDonalds analysis shows that taking a country from the top 10 percent for protectionism to the bottom 10 percent

    will reduce the probability of future conflict by 70 percent. He performed t he same analysis for the democracy of a country andshowed that taking a country from the top 10 percent (very democratic) to the bottom 10 percent (not democratic) would only

    reduce conflict by 30 percent.

    Democracy is a well-documented deterrent: The more democratic a country becomes, the less likely it is to resort to international

    conflict. But reducing protectionism, according to McDonald, is more than twice as effective at reducing conflict than becoming more


    Here in the United States, we talk a lot about spreading democracy. We invaded Iraq p artly to spread democracy. A New YorkTime

    op-ed by Professor Dov Ronen of Harvard University claimed t hat the United States has been waging an ideological campaign to

    spread democracy around the world since 1989. One of the justifications for our international crusade is to make the world a safer


    Perhaps we should spend a little more time spreading free trade instead. That might really lead to a more peaceful world.


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    Julian Adorney is an entrepreneur and fiction writ er. He has

    written for the Ludwig von MisesInstit ute and runs a libertarian



    Free Trade: Key t o Peace and Pr osper ity

    Speciali zatio n and Trade Benefit Both Indivi duals and SocietyJANUARY01, 2004 by WILLIAM H.PETERSON

    Peace and Free Tr ade: "One and t he Same Cause"OCTOBER20, 2006 by SHELDON RICHMAN

    The Magic of Free TradeOCTOBER22, 2012 by ARTHURFOULKES

    Free Trade's Never-Ending BattleSEPTEMBER01, 2004 by ARTHURFOULKES

    Copyright 2013 Foundation for Economic

    Education. All RightsReserved.

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