Page 1: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey

National Report

January 2014

Prepared by Quality Health

UK Data Archive SN 7510 - Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey, 2013

Page 2: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



1. Foreword ........................................................................................................................ 3

2. Executive summary ........................................................................................................ 6

3. Response rate & helpline calls ..................................................................................... 13

Response rate .................................................................................................................. 13

Helpline calls .................................................................................................................... 14

Future research ................................................................................................................ 14

4. Patient demographics ................................................................................................... 15

5. Section by section ........................................................................................................ 19

Seeing your GP ................................................................................................................ 20

Diagnostic Tests ............................................................................................................... 24

Finding out what was wrong ............................................................................................. 29

Deciding the best treatment ............................................................................................. 34

Clinical Nurse Specialist / Key Worker ............................................................................. 41

Support for patients .......................................................................................................... 52

Operations ....................................................................................................................... 59

Hospital doctors ............................................................................................................... 62

Ward nurses..................................................................................................................... 66

Hospital care and treatment ............................................................................................. 71

Information before leaving and home support .................................................................. 78

Day / outpatient care ........................................................................................................ 83

Outpatient appointments .................................................................................................. 87

Care from general practices ............................................................................................. 88

Overall NHS care ............................................................................................................. 90

6. Special analyses and demographics ............................................................................ 95

Differences between tumour groups ................................................................................ 95

Differences between Boards / Trust ................................................................................. 97

The impact of the Clinical Nurse Specialist and Key Worker ........................................... 99

The impact of assessment and care plans ..................................................................... 101

The impact of long term conditions ................................................................................ 102

Differences relating to length of time since first treatment ............................................. 105

The impact of social deprivation ..................................................................................... 106

The impact of age .......................................................................................................... 108

The impact of gender ..................................................................................................... 110

The Impact of ethnicity ................................................................................................... 111

The Impact of sexual orientation .................................................................................... 112

Differences between Welsh and English speakers ........................................................ 113

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7. Survey development and methodology ...................................................................... 114

Development of the questionnaire ................................................................................. 114

Methodology................................................................................................................... 115

The Survey process ....................................................................................................... 116

Data processing and analysis ........................................................................................ 117

Reporting ....................................................................................................................... 119

8. Appendix A – Tables showing significant difference .................................................. 120

9. Appendix B - Full Survey Results ............................................................................... 127


Table 1 Response rate by Board/Trust ................................................................................ 14

Table 2 Tumour group by response .................................................................................... 15

Table 3 Respondents by gender ......................................................................................... 16

Table 4 Respondents by age group .................................................................................... 16

Table 5 Respondents by ethnicity........................................................................................ 16

Table 6 Respondents by sexuality ....................................................................................... 16

Table 7 Respondents by main employment status .............................................................. 17

Table 8 Respondents with long term conditions .................................................................. 17

Table 9 Length of time since respondents first treated for this cancer ................................ 17

Table 10 How cancer has responded to treatment .............................................................. 18

Table 11 Respondents preferred language for receiving information and treatment ........... 18

Table 12 Whether respondents got information in their preferred language ....................... 18

Table 13 Tumour groups with highest and lowest scores ................................................... 95

Table 14 Differences between cancer groups ..................................................................... 96

Table 15 Significant differences between Boards ............................................................... 97

Table 16 Significant differences between hospital scores ................................................... 98

Table 17 Differences by CNS .............................................................................................. 99

Table 18 Differences between those with and those without an LTC ................................ 102

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1. Foreword

Mark Drakeford, Minister for Health and Social Services and

Susan Morris, General Manager for Wales, Macmillan Cancer Support

Patients are experts in their own right. That is why this survey was commissioned

and why we are pleased that so many people took the time to provide detailed

feedback on the service they received.

A response rate of 69% means the views of 7,352 patients are contained within this

analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s

experiences of cancer care in Wales. We must start, therefore, with a thank you to the

patients who took the time to provide detailed answers to 74 questions on their care.

Overall, the survey results demonstrate a positive experience of cancer care in Wales.

89% of patients rated their care as either excellent (58%) or very good (31%), with only

1% saying care was poor. This is a very clear indication that overall experience is a good

one and provides a high baseline for further improvement.

We were also pleased to see 81% of patients saying they felt they were treated as a

whole person and not as a ‘set of symptoms’. Whilst there is room to improve on this

figure to make sure that the 1 in 5 who did not feel they were treated as a whole person

receive the care they need, it demonstrates that in large measure the commitment to

person-centred care is feeding through to the delivery of services.

In the post-Francis world, there has been much focus on the quality of care provided by

health care professionals and how we can make sure patients and their families are

treated with dignity and respect. We are pleased that the survey showed that the vast

majority of Welsh cancer patients surveyed (85%) said they were always treated with

respect and dignity by staff, 87% had confidence and trust in the doctors and nurses

caring for them and 94% said they had enough privacy when being treated.

However, there is more to be done to meet the holistic needs of patients. Whilst 68% of

patients said they had discussed or been given information about the impact of cancer on

work or education, only 51% said they had been given information about how to get

financial help or benefits by hospital staff. The Macmillan report, ‘Counting the Cost of

Cancer’, demonstrates the importance of these issues for patients. There is a clear need,

therefore, to improve the knowledge of health care professionals to signpost people to

appropriate information and support to meet their needs beyond the clinical.

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Very evident in the results is the impact that a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) or Key

Worker has on the patient’s overall experience of care. Patients who had a CNS were

more likely to be positive about their care in 59 questions in the survey. The overall rating

of care as excellent or very good is 74% for those without a CNS, but rises to 91% for

those who had a CNS. This is also clear evidence of the importance of having a named

and skilled key worker supporting the patient on behalf of a wider team of professionals.

It is Welsh Government policy that every individual with a diagnosis of cancer must have

a Key Worker. However, only 66% of the patients surveyed said they were given the

name and contact details of their Key Worker with the variation between Health Boards

ranging from between 58% and 75%. These results demonstrate the need for greater

clarity in defining the role of the Key Worker and more consistency in its implementation

across Health Boards. In contrast, 88% of patients said they had been given the name of

a Clinical Nurse Specialist. There clearly is more work needed to understand the

relationship between the roles of Clinical Nurse Specialists and Key Workers and how

they can work with their colleagues to meet the needs of patients.

The survey demonstrates that, in very important ways, patients see different parts of the

NHS working well together. 96% of patients said their cancer doctor had the right

documents and 92% said their GP was given enough information about their condition

and treatment by the hospital. However, only 65% said the different people treating and

caring for them always worked well together. As the number of people living longer with

and beyond cancer increases, and as care becomes more complex and personalised, it is

more important than ever that care is coordinated across different hospital sites and

across primary, community and secondary care as well as in social care settings.

One of the important pieces of information stemming from this survey is the level of

variation between Local Health Boards and Trust, between hospital sites within Local

Health Boards and Trust and the variation in experience between people with different

types of cancer.

Responses are consistently more positive for those seen in Velindre Hospital in Cardiff

and we must congratulate the Trust for its patient-centred delivery. Whilst we

acknowledge that Velindre is a unique and specialist cancer centre, there is a clear

challenge for the best practice and learning from this hospital to be shared and made the

norm right across Wales.

The variation between tumour groups, or types of cancer, is also evident in the survey

results. Breast cancer patients reported having a better experience than other cancer

patients, whilst sarcoma, lung and urological cancers all reported a less positive

experience. We must work with health boards to use this data to better understand why

the patient experience is different and explore how the experience through the cancer

pathway can be consistently good for all forms of the disease.

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These results tell us that the focus on person-centred care, as set out in the Cancer

Delivery Plan, is the right focus. Person-centred care and meeting the holistic needs of

patients clearly impacts in a positive way on people’s overall experience of care.

The system on the whole is connected and does work together but we need to drive down

variation between Local Health Boards and Trust across Wales as well as the variation

between the experience of people with different types of cancer.

But why is having a good experience of cancer care so important? A good patient

experience leads to patients feeling supported, respected and meaningfully involved in

decisions about their care whether that’s at diagnosis, during treatment or after treatment

has finished. It’s also important as it recognises that cancer affects the whole of people’s

lives including the effect it has on family and friends. A study has also shown that a

positive experience can reduce a patient’s length of stay in hospital and staff turnover,

which can save the NHS money.

Whilst the overall experience of cancer patients in Wales is a positive one, the results of

this survey identify clear challenges and areas for improvement. It is now the task of Local

Health Boards and Trust with the leadership of the Welsh Government and the Cancer

Implementation Group, and the support of organisations such as Macmillan, to deliver

tangible improvement for patients which can be measured in the results of the next


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2. Executive summary

The results of the 2013 Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey (CPES) show that

cancer services are well regarded by patients but that there are a number of

significant improvements that can be made.

Background to the Survey

The Together for Health - Cancer Delivery Plan was published by the Welsh Government

on 13 June 2012. The Delivery Plan provides a focus for cancer services in Wales setting

out a clear set of actions and measurable outcomes to drive service improvement. There

is a clear focus in the plan on meeting people’s need stating the objective;

‘People are placed at the heart of cancer care with their individual needs identified and

met so they feel well supported and informed, able to manage the effects of cancer’.

Chapter four of the plan makes a commitment to undertaking a national patient experience

survey. This survey had been produced through a partnership between the Welsh

Government, Macmillan Cancer Support and Quality Health.

The arrangement brings together those responsible for cancer policy, an organisation

driven by a relentless focus on improving the experience of patients and a practiced

survey organisation who have delivered similar surveys throughout the UK.

The survey provided an opportunity to test Welsh Government policy, specifically asking

questions on flagship polices such as key workers and written care plans as well as

allowing a better understanding of whether certain cancer types, ethnicity, communities,

age groups or genders experience poorer care. The survey therefore provides a wealth of

data to evaluate the implementation of current policy and help to shape the future

direction of cancer services in Wales.

This document provides a national perspective on the results of the survey. Reports for

each Local Health Board (Excluding Powys Teaching Local Health Board) and Velindre

NHS Trust have been produced and will be published alongside this report.

These reports will evaluate the results in greater detail at a local level. Powys Teaching

Local Health Board has been excluded as the majority of cancer patients do not receive

their treatment within the LHB boundary, therefore there was not a statistically significant

sample to evaluate the LHB’s services.

A total of 10,945 patients who had received treatment for cancer from 7 NHS Health

Boards/Trust were included in the sample for the Wales Cancer Patient Experience

Survey. These patients fell into 13 different cancer groups. A total of 7,352 patients

responded which represents a response rate of 69%.

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Highlights and key messages

The overall scores given by patients in Wales to the cancer patient experience

survey were positive. Scores were 80% or higher on 31 of 67 scored questions in

the survey; however, scores of 70% or lower were given by patients on 19

questions so there is scope for improvement in some areas of clinical practice and

in support for patients.

Patients with some types of cancer are more likely to report poor experience than

others. Patients with rarer cancers, and those with Lung cancer, are less likely to

be positive than patients with some of the more common cancers (such as Breast

cancer) and some of the data from these tumour groups is different in character

from the same groups surveyed elsewhere. There is a broad range of factors which

influence the experience of individuals and the information in this survey must be

explored to help understand variation of experience.

There is considerable variation in the coverage both of Key Workers and Clinical

Nurse Specialists across Wales, by Board, Hospital and tumour group. The

presence of a Key Worker or a Clinical Nurse Specialist is strongly associated with

good care as perceived by the patient and it is therefore critical that these gaps in

coverage are addressed. Patients who say they have a CNS or a Key Worker are

much more likely to report positive care than are patients without one. This is true

on almost every question in the survey and this is seen to be a powerful and

important indicator of good care to patients.

A number of the poorer scores given by patients are in respect of information to

them about key aspects of their condition, treatment and care. Ensuring that

patients have high quality, understandable information about their condition,

treatment plans, potential side effects, availability of financial and emotional

support, and where to get help after discharge from hospital, is vitally important.

Specifically, the creation of well-written, considered care plans for each individual,

with serious patient involvement embedded in the process to address their

concerns, is a priority. At present only a small minority of patients are being offered

such care plans.

There are particular issues around the crucial point of transition between care in

hospital and care given by local health services and social services outside

hospital. Although many patients report good care at this transition point, there are

others who say that they did not get enough support from locally-based health and

social services near their home.

Variation in the quality of service and care is present at Board level and particularly

at individual hospital level. The most positively scored services are identified as

being at Velindre, Cardiff and the Vale, and Betsi Cadwaladr; the least positively

scored services are at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Cwm Taf and Hywel Dda Health

Boards. Singleton, Morriston, Glangwili and Royal Glamorgan hospitals are those

with the least positive scores as measured against the all-Wales data. The most

positive scores at hospital level are at Velindre, Llandough, and Ysbyty Gwynedd.

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There are some variations in performance as seen by different patient groups, by

gender and age, and those with some long term conditions or co-morbidities, such

as those with a mental health or learning disability. Some categories of patients in

each of these groups are considerably less positive about the services they receive

than are others.

Key points from the detailed analyses

Differences between patients with different cancers

Despite the high overall scores on many questions in the survey, there are wide

differences of view between patients with different kinds of cancers. Patients with Breast

cancer were the most likely to be positive on many questions; and the least likely groups

of positive patients were in the Urology, Sarcoma, and Lung tumour groups. There are

many factors which contribute to this variation, such as the complicated nature and type of

particular cancers; understanding how to drive down this variation will be important.

Variations between Health Boards / Trust and individual hospitals

There are considerable variations between scores at Board/Trust and hospital level in

Wales. One Board - Powys - provides palliative care in local hospitals, and a small

number of these patients were included in the survey; but Powys does not provide

inpatient or day case care for cancer patients in active treatment where operations,

radiotherapy or chemotherapy may be provided. Therefore, although the data for Powys

(6 respondents only) has been retained in the dataset, Powys has been excluded from the

range scores identified in this report, as the inclusion of this data would have introduced

misleading information on the ranges of scores by Local Health Board/Trust.

At the level of the 6 Boards/Trust providing adult cancer care in their own hospitals, and

the one Trust (Velindre), it is clear that scores for patients treated entirely on the Velindre

site are higher on a wide range of questions than are scores elsewhere. There are many

scores which are statistically significantly different on individual questions between a

Board and the national score; but the range of difference is wider at individual Hospital


Analysis shows that the largest numbers of positive scores (in comparison to the national

scores) are to be seen at Ysbyty Gwynedd, Llandough, and Velindre. The largest

numbers of lower scores (in comparison to the national scores) are at Glangwili,

Morriston, Singleton, and the Royal Glamorgan hospitals. Singleton has the widest

variation from the national scores of any hospital in Wales.

1 Wherever the term ‘significant’ is used in this report, it means that the scores in question have been tested

and are statistically significantly different from either the all-Wales scores or the particular group being analysed.

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Special analyses and demographics

We have also analysed the Welsh CPES data to assess the impact of the Clinical Nurse

Specialist and Key Worker, the length of time since first diagnosis with cancer and the

impact of multiple deprivation on the results as well as a number of important independent

variables such as age, and gender.

We have also analysed the Welsh CPES data to assess the impact of the Clinical Nurse

Specialist and Key Worker, the length of time since first diagnosis with cancer and the

impact of multiple deprivation on the results as well as a number of important independent

variables such as age, and gender. In all cases where we have undertaken these

analyses, the results are congruent with the results of similar analyses undertaken on

other cancer patient surveys. Work by the Cambridge Centre for Health Services

Research on the 2012 CPES data in England indicates that differences in experience by

socio-demographic characteristics are largely independent of each other, with very limited

confounding between the variables, and we expect this will also prove to be the case in


Clinical Nurse Specialists and Key Workers

In the Wales CPES 2013, as in previous cancer surveys elsewhere, the importance

of patients having the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS) is confirmed.

Patients with a CNS gave more positive answers than did those patients who did

not have one; and these differences are all statistically significant. The scale of

these differences, between those with a CNS and those without one, is very


The findings are the clearest possible indication of the quality of care given by

specialist cancer nurses, the manifest impact that they have on the services given

to cancer patients, and the substantially improved understanding of treatment

options and prognosis which flow to patients from contact with their CNS - as

shown by the very large differences in scores given by patients who have a CNS

and those who do not.

Fewer patients in Wales say they have Key Workers as distinct from CNSs. Both

CNSs and Key Workers have a substantial positive effect on patients views of their

care; having either or both a CNS and a Key Worker is associated with higher

scores from patients on almost all questions in the survey. Those patients who had

a CNS who was also their Key Worker were more positive on a slightly larger

number of questions than was the case for patients whose Key Worker was not

their CNS. The coverage of Key Workers varies considerably between Boards /

Trust but especially between hospitals.

It is clear that the impact of the CNS is particularly powerful for the over 75s; the

differences in scores amongst the over 75s, between those who have a CNS and

those who do not, is very substantial, and much more substantial than is the case

amongst the under 75s.

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Assessment and Care Plans

The survey results indicate that the provision of assessment and care plans is not

universally delivered across Wales. Some Health Boards / Trust and hospitals are

performing significantly better than others in respect of this provision, but in some

tumour groups in different parts of Wales the "translation" of a discussion about

needs and concerns with the patient is hardly being mobilised at all to the actual

offer of a written care plan. Considerable effort needs to be made to implement the

care plan commitment in a consistent way, making it a reality for patients.

Patients with long term conditions

In the Wales 2013 CPES, there are statistically significant differences between

those patients with a long term condition (LTC) or conditions and those without

one, on 35 questions. In almost all cases the patients with at least one LTC were

less positive than those patients without an LTC.

In terms of specific long term conditions, the largest numbers of significant

differences were between those with a long-standing physical condition and those

without any co-morbidity at all. However, the largest scale differences on individual

questions were between those with a mental health or learning disability, and those

patients without any co-morbidity. This pattern is similar to that reported in other

cancer patient experience surveys.

Length of time since diagnosis

The Wales 2013 CPES results show that those patients who started cancer

treatment more than five years ago are less likely to be positive than those who

started treatment in the last year.

There are 5 questions in the survey where patients who began treatment more than

five years ago have significantly less positive views than more recently treated

patients. These issues relate to care planning, some information questions, and the

important provision of a Key Worker.

The impact of deprivation

The impact of deprivation on the Wales CPES has been measured using the Index

of Multiple Deprivation based on postcode analysis.

There are 17 questions on which there are significant differences between IMD

quintile 1 (the most deprived) and quintile 5 (the least deprived), with quintile 1

being the most positive on 9 questions and quintile 5 the most positive on 8


The pattern of difference between the extreme points of the deprivation scale

follows a similar pattern as in other cancer patient surveys, as on some issues the

most deprived are the most positive, and on some issues the least deprived are the

most positive.

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Differences between age groups

Analysis of the Wales CPES by age shows findings rather different from those

found in age band analysis in other cancer surveys.

Statistically significant differences of view between patients of different ages were

found in only 4 questions and there was no real pattern to the findings.

Differences relating to gender

There are 19 questions on which there are significant differences between the

views of men and of women, with men being more positive on 12 of these questions

and women being more positive on 7 questions, for example on matters relating to

staff, privacy and being treated as a person and not a set of cancer symptoms. The

findings on gender differences are consistent with the findings of cancer surveys


Differences between the attitudes of men and women remain substantial even

when we remove those cancer groups that are wholly or almost wholly single

gender (breast, prostate and gynaecological), with men remaining more positive

than women overall.

Differences between Welsh and English speaking respondents

Analysis has been undertaken to assess whether there are differences of view

between those respondents who answered the survey in Welsh and in English, and

the broader group who indicated that their preference was for communication in

Welsh rather than English.

The results show clearly that respondents who indicated that their preferred

language of completion was Welsh were more positive about many aspects of

cancer care than patients who indicated that their communication preference was

English. In addition, those patients who completed the survey in Welsh were even

more positive than those who preferred communication in Welsh.

Effect of the size of the response group on results

Although the Wales CPES has surveyed all adult patients with a confirmed diagnosis of

cancer, and the survey has achieved an excellent response rate, it is likely that the

absolute size of the response group has affected finding some of the differences that are

seen in cancer surveys elsewhere with larger response groups. An example of this is that

the dataset when tested shows no statistically significant differences between White

patients and the small group of respondents from Black and Minority Ethnic groups, when

every other cancer patient survey, with larger response groups, has shown such


Page 13: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



In this first cancer patient experience survey in Wales, covering all Health Boards / Trust

and all cancer types, it is clear that patients overall views of the service they receive and

the treatment they have are positive. However, there are many areas where specific

improvements need to be made.

The data from special analyses on demographic and other variables show that in many

cases there are considerable differences of view between patients from different social

groups, and between those with different cancers. There are also some important

differences in the quality of treatment and care as seen by patients in different Health

Boards/Trust and hospitals. Work must be undertaken to understand why this variation


The survey results therefore gives clear indications to Health Boards / Trust, service

planners, cancer charities and to the Welsh Government, as to the priorities for continuing

quality improvement initiatives. The results also point to areas of policy which could be the

subject of further intervention and monitoring, such as assessing the importance of

complex pathways on patient experience, where these exist; the extent to which the

findings of peer review are being used; and the extent to which existing information

provision created by cancer charities and the NHS generally is helpful and is being used

by staff.

It is clear that from the results of the survey that the ambitions of the Wales Cancer

Delivery Plan need further mobilisation on such issues as the implementation of Key

Workers and the provision of written Assessment and Care Plans to patients. It is also

clear that the delivery of high-quality information to patients across Wales requires further

detailed attention.

Bespoke Health Board / Trust level reports will be published alongside this national

report, with performance benchmarked between Health Boards / Trust and, where data

allows, between tumour groups within Health Boards / Trust. Key information from these

reports will be available to the public via public websites.

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3. Response rate & helpline calls

A total of 10,945 patients who had received treatment for cancer from 7 Health

Boards and 1 Trust were included in the sample for the Cancer Patient Experience

Survey. These patients fell into 13 different cancer groups.

Response rate

During the survey process Quality Health undertook Demographics Batch Service (DBS)

checks on patient records on 3 occasions to remove deceased patients from the samples:

before the first send out, before the first reminders were sent and before the second

reminders were sent. Health Boards / Trust in some cases also undertook their own

internal checks for deceased patients.

This procedure, undertaken centrally at Quality Health for the first time in 2012 on a

cancer survey, has had the positive effect of substantially reducing the numbers of

deceased patients who are sent questionnaires. A central procedure enables tighter

control on the existence and timing of DBS checks to be effected, with the positive

consequence that the number of deceased patients reported through the helpline dropped


Deceased checks and de-duplication of samples locally and nationally took place on the

samples submitted by Health Boards / Trust before the initial survey send-out.

Patients were also removed from the samples arising from calls to the helpline and via

postal communications that were received during the fieldwork. These included additional

deceased patients, those who had moved and could not be traced and other ineligible


The response rate to the Cancer Patient Experience Survey in 2013 was 69% (7,352

completed questionnaires). This response rate indicates strong willingness by many

cancer patients to comment on the care and treatment received, their health status, and

symptoms they experienced. Response rates by Health Board / Trust are shown in the

table below.

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Number of




Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health

Board 2381 1539 67%

Aneurin Bevan University Health Board 407 274 68%

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board 2569 1720 70%

Cardiff and Vale University Health Board 573 384 68%

Cwm Taf University Health Board 475 307 67%

Hywel Dda University Health Board 1594 1069 69%

Powys Teaching Health Board 16 6 40%

Velindre NHS Trust 2930 2053 73%

Total 10945 7352 69%

Table 1 Response rate by Board/Trust

Helpline calls

Quality Health provides a dedicated survey helpline staffed by trained in-house operators.

557 calls were made to the helpline; these included calls which fell into the following


Patients calling for general advice about completing the questionnaire

Patients calling to say they were too ill or did not want to participate

Relatives calling to report deceased patients

Patients reported as having moved

Patients calling for help with translation facilities or requiring over-the-phone


As soon as calls were received, the nature of the call and any required action was logged

on the database to ensure that, in particular, patients who were deceased or did not want

any further communication did not receive survey reminders. Patients who raised queries

about their health status were offered information about the Macmillan Cancer Support

website and helpline or referred to their originating Health Board / Trust if this was


Future research

The response rate to the survey (69%) provides further evidence that cancer patients are

willing to respond to NHS questionnaires in large numbers, in a way that patients in other

specialties or with different conditions are sometimes less willing to do. Patients were

asked in the survey if a further questionnaire could be sent to them in the future to ask

about their health and healthcare: 85% of respondents (6,073 patients) said yes, a further

questionnaire could be sent.

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4. Patient demographics

The survey included all patients having treatment for cancer between 1 September

2012 and 31 March 2013 where this treatment was recorded by Health Boards / Trust

as falling within the first diagnosis field. Patients were placed into one of 13 cancer

groups using their ICD10 code and covered both inpatients and day case patients.

Cancer patients often make a number of visits to a hospital or hospitals for a variety of

treatments or consultations in a short period of time. To ensure that patients were not sent

more than one questionnaire, checks were undertaken on all Health Board / Trust

samples for the survey to ensure that patients appeared on the list only once. Further

checks were made between Health Boards / Trust to ensure that patients did not appear

on the lists of more than one Health Board / Trust. If patients were found on Health Board

/ Trust lists more than once then their most recent hospital episode was taken as the

episode to use in respect of the survey sample.

The ‘big 4’ cancers (breast, colorectal / lower gastrointestinal, lung and prostate)

accounted for 57% of all respondents. Breast cancer accounted for a larger proportion of

patients than did any other cancer group (23% of all respondents).

The table below shows the percentage and number of respondents by tumour group.

Tumour Group Number of



Breast 1,717 23%

Colorectal / lower gastrointestinal 1,112 15%

Lung 427 6%

Prostate 954 13%

‘Big 4’ combined 4,210 57%

Brain / central nervous system (CNS) 53 1%

Gynaecological 504 7%

Haematological 633 9%

Head and neck 332 5%

Sarcoma 64 1%

Skin 163 2%

Upper gastrointestinal 354 5%

Urological (excluding prostate) 787 11%

Other cancers 252 3%

Table 2 Tumour group by response

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The tables below show the percentage and number of respondents by gender, age,

ethnicity, sexual orientation, long term condition and length of time since patients were

first treated for this cancer.

Gender of respondents Number of



Male 3,397 47%

Female 3,785 53%

Table 3 Respondents by gender

Age of respondents Number of



16-25 years of age 17 <1%

26-35 years of age 87 1%

36-50 years of age 484 7%

51-65 years of age 2,090 32%

66-75 years of age 2,348 36%

76+ years of age 1,550 24%

Table 4 Respondents by age group

Ethnicity of respondents Number of



White (British, Irish or other white) 7,137 99%

Asian or Asian British 19 <1%

Black or Black British 8 <1%

Mixed background 17 <1%

Chinese and other 9 <1%

Table 5 Respondents by ethnicity

Sexual orientation of respondents * Number of



Heterosexual 6,595 99%

Bisexual 19 <1%

Gay or lesbian 27 <1%

Other sexuality 30 <1%

Table 6 Respondents by sexuality

* 3% of patients said they preferred not to answer this question, and a further 6% of all respondents to the survey did not answer the question at all.

Page 18: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Main employment status Number of



Full time employment 1,056 15%

Part time employment 497 7%

Homemaker 206 3%

Student (in education) 15 <1%

Retired 4,608 65%

Unemployed – and seeking work 36 <1%

Unemployed – unable to work for health reasons 494 7%

Other 174 2%

Table 7 Respondents by main employment status

Respondents with long term conditions * Number of



Deafness or severe hearing impairment 852 12%

Blindness or partially sighted 179 2%

A longstanding physical condition 1,291 18%

A learning disability 31 <1%

A mental health condition 187 3%

A long standing illness 1,023 14%

Table 8 Respondents with long term conditions

* 56% of patients said they did not have a long-standing condition other than cancer. The table shows the percentage and number of patients saying they had one or more of each of the long-standing conditions specified.

Length of time since respondents were first

treated for this cancer

Number of



Less than 1 year 4,267 60%

1 to 5 years 2,211 31%

More than 5 years 575 8%

Table 9 Length of time since respondents first treated for this cancer

Page 19: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


How respondents cancer has responded to


Number of



Cancer has responded fully to treatment 3,223 48%

Cancer has been treated but is still present 1,520 23%

Cancer has not been treated at all 128 2%

Cancer has come back after it was originally

treated 355 5%

Original cancer responded but patient now has a

new cancer 232 3%

Patient is not certain what is happening with their

cancer 1,277 19%

Table 10 How cancer has responded to treatment

Preferred language for receiving information

and treatment

Number of



Welsh 246 3%

English 6,829 96%

Other 15 <1%

Table 11 Respondents preferred language for receiving information and treatment

Whether respondents got the information they

needed in their preferred language

Number of



Yes, completely 6,749 95%

Yes, to some extent 266 4%

No 76 1%

Table 12 Whether respondents got information in their preferred language

Page 20: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


5. Section by section

This section of the report describes the results for each part of the questionnaire in

the order in which it was read by the patient. The survey order was designed to

reflect the patient’s journey through cancer treatment, starting with referral and

ending with care from the patient’s General Practice and lastly their overall rating of

NHS care.

The results from each question in the survey are described in the following sections. The

number of the question in the questionnaire is shown, and the text of the question is

displayed. The full survey results are set out in Appendix A.

There are 7 questions (3, 5, 10, 36, 40, 66 and 71) which are not scored. These questions

are information or routing questions e.g. question 5 which asks if patients have had tests.

For all other questions key scores have been calculated after removing any patients who

said that the question did not apply to them, who ticked ‘don’t know / can’t remember’ or

who did not answer at all.

The key score for each question is shown firstly as an overall percentage of all

respondents to the survey; this same key score is then used to highlight variations

between tumour groups. Where the key score has been constructed from more than one

response option to a particular question (e.g. patient saw their GP once; patient saw their

GP twice), then the response options that make up that key score are described.

On each question the range of scores from highest to lowest is reported to show the

variation between tumour groups and Boards/Trust.

For each question, significance tests have been used to establish whether particular

tumour groups have scores at variance from each other or whether individual

Boards/Trust2 have scores at variance from the all-Wales scores. The charts in this

section showing the key scores for each of the cancer groups or for the Boards/Trust are

only included where there is a statistically significant difference between one or more of

the tumour groups or the Boards and the all-Wales scores. The overall score for all

respondents (the national average) is shown as a red line.

Appendix A provides a full list of all questions and which tumour group or Board/Trust

responses are statistically significant from the all-Wales scores (shown in blue).3

2 All scores for Velindre NHS Trust in this section include both Velindre Hospital and Velindre Chemotherapy

Outreach Clinic respondents. 3 Because of the differential sample sizes from Boards and numbers of respondents on questions, in some

cases small percentage differences are statistically significant whilst in other cases they are not; this also affects the overall number of questions which show significant differences for some tumour groups or Boards. See Section 6 for a full description of survey methodology and analysis.

Page 21: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Seeing your GP

The early diagnosis of cancers is seen as a critical issue. The questions in this

section of the survey were designed to identify the view of patients about seeing

their GP prior to referral to hospital, the length of time that elapsed and changes to

their health status during the important assessment and referral period.

1. Number of times seen by GP

Before you were told you needed to go to hospital about cancer, how many times

did you see your GP (family doctor) about the health problem caused by cancer?

Overall findings

Of those patients who saw their GP before going to hospital, 73% said that they saw their

GP either once (53%) or twice (21%) before they were told they needed to go to hospital

about the health problem caused by cancer.

17% saw their GP 3 or 4 times, and 10% saw their GP 5 or more times. 21% said they did

not see their GP before going to hospital.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they saw their GP only once or twice before being referred on to a cancer

specialist. Scores ranged from 91% (breast cancer) to 58% (brain / CNS cancer).


68% 66%






















Saw GP no more than twice before referral to hospital


Page 22: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying they saw their GP only once or twice before being referred

on to a cancer specialist. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 71% as the lowest

score to 75% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

2. First appointment as soon as was necessary

How do you feel about the length of time you had to wait before your first

appointment with a hospital doctor?

Overall Findings

78% of patients in all cancer groups said they felt that they were seen as soon as they

thought was necessary: 12% felt they should have been seen a bit sooner and a further

10% felt they should have been seen a lot sooner.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were seen as soon as necessary. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 73% as the lowest score to 85% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Seen as soon as necessary


Page 23: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


3. Length of time before first seeing a hospital doctor

How long was it from the time you first thought something might be wrong with you

until you first saw a hospital doctor?

Overall Findings

73% of patients said that the gap between the time when they first thought something

might be wrong and when they first saw a hospital doctor was less than 3 months. 15%

said the gap was 3-6 months; 6% said 6-12 months and 4% said more than 12 months.

4. State of health whilst waiting for first appointment

Did your health get worse, get better or stay about the same while you were waiting

for your first appointment with a hospital doctor?

Overall Findings

79% of patients in all cancer groups said that their health got better (0.4%) or stayed

about the same (79%) during the time they were waiting for their first appointment with a

hospital doctor; 21% said their health got worse.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying their health got better or stayed about the same. Scores ranged from 92% (breast

cancer) to 60% (sarcoma).
























Health got better or stayed about the same while waiting


Page 24: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying their health got better or stayed about the same. Scores

in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 77% as the lowest score to 84% as the highest

Health Board / Trust score.

80% 79%77%


80% 80%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Health got better or stayed about the same while waiting


Page 25: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Diagnostic Tests

This section describes the views of patients who had diagnostic tests on the

explanations and information given about those tests and test results.

5. Patients having tests

In the last 12 months, have you had diagnostic test(s) for cancer such as an

endoscopy, biopsy, mammogram, or scan at one of the hospitals named in the

covering letter?

Overall Findings

88% of patients overall said they had diagnostic tests for cancer such as an endoscopy,

biopsy, mammogram or scan.

6. Explanations of the purpose of tests

Beforehand, did a member of staff explain the purpose of the test(s)?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed an explanation, 83% said staff explained the

purpose of tests completely; a further 15% said the purpose was explained to some

extent. 2% of patients said the purpose was not explained but that they would have liked

an explanation.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying staff explained the purpose of tests completely. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 78% as the lowest score to 86% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

Page 26: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



82% 83%85%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff gave complete explanation of purpose of tests


7. Explanations of what would be done during tests

Beforehand, did a member of staff explain what would be done during the test


Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed an explanation, 87% said staff explained what

would be done during tests completely a further 12% said it was explained to some extent.

1% said it was not explained but that they would have liked an explanation.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying staff explained what would be done during tests

completely. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 85% as the lowest score to 89%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 27: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


87%85% 86% 86%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff explained completely what would be done during tests


8. Given written information about tests

Beforehand, were you given written information about your test(s)?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed written information about their tests, 84% said

they were given written information that was easy to understand; 4% were given

information but it was difficult to understand. 12% said they were not given written

information but would have liked some.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given written information that was easy to

understand. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 79% as the lowest score to 88%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 28: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




87% 88%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about tests


9. Explanations of test results

Were the results of the test(s) explained in a way you could understand?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed an explanation, 79% said they received a

completely understandable explanation of their test results; a further 18% said the

explanation was only understandable to some extent. 2% said the results were not

explained but they would have liked an explanation.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had a completely understandable explanation of

their test results. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 76% as the lowest score to

85% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 29: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


79% 77% 79%

83% 85%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Test results explained completely


Page 30: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Finding out what was wrong

This section describes who first told the patient that they had cancer and what they

felt about the way they were told and the information given to them.

10. Who first told the patient they had cancer

Who first told you that you had cancer?

Overall Findings

83% of patients said they were first told they had cancer by a hospital doctor; 5% said

they were told by a nurse, 7% were told by their GP and 4% by another health

professional. 2% said that a friend or relative told them or that they worked it out for


11. Having a family member or friend present

When you were first told that you had cancer, had you been told you could bring a

family member or friend with you?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who felt it necessary, 70% overall said they were told they could bring a

family member or friend with them; 30% were not told. 1% said they were told they had

cancer by phone or letter.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were told they could bring a family member or friend

with them. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 66% as the lowest score to 75%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 31: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


71% 70%67% 66%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told could bring family member or friend with them


12. Patients feelings about the way they were told

How do you feel about the way you were told you had cancer?

Overall Findings

Overall, 84% of patients felt that the way they were told they had cancer was done

sensitively; 11% felt it could have been done a bit more sensitively and a further 5% said

it could have been done a lot more sensitively.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying the way they were told they had cancer was done

sensitively. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 83% as the lowest score to 87%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 32: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


13. Patients understanding explanations of what was wrong

Did you understand the explanation of what was wrong with you?

Overall Findings

75% of patients said that they completely understood the explanation of what was wrong

with them; 23% said that they understood some of it. 2% said that they did not understand

the explanation they were given.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they completely understood the explanation that they received of what was wrong

with them. Scores ranged from 81% (breast cancer) to 56% (haematological cancer).
























Completely understood explanation of what was wrong


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they completely understood the explanation that they

received of what was wrong with them. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 73%

as the lowest score to 78% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 33: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


74% 75% 73% 75%78%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Completely understood explanation of what was wrong


14. Written information about the type of cancer

When you were told you had cancer, were you given written information about the

type of cancer you had?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed it, 62% overall said they were given written

information about the type of cancer that they had and that it was easy to understand; a

further 6% were given written information but said it was difficult to understand. 32% were

not given written information.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they were given written information about the type of cancer that they had and that

it was easy to understand. Scores ranged from 78% (prostate cancer) to 32% (brain/CNS


Page 34: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


























Given easy to understand written information about type of cancer


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given written information about the type of

cancer that they had and that it was easy to understand. Scores in Health Boards / Trust

ranged from 59% as the lowest score to 65% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about type of cancer


Page 35: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Deciding the best treatment

This section describes the patients’ views about the choice and information they

were given, and their involvement in decisions about treatment.

15. Choice about types of treatment

Before your cancer treatment started, were you given a choice of different types of


Overall Findings

59% of patients overall said only one type of treatment was suitable for them; of the

remaining patients, 84% said they were given a choice of different types of treatment;

16% said they were not given a choice but would have liked one.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given a choice of different types of treatment.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 81% as the lowest score to 88% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

83%81% 81%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given choice of different types of treatment


Page 36: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


16. Decisions about best treatment

Do you think your views were taken into account when the team of doctors and

nurses caring for you were discussing which treatment you should have?

Overall Findings

8% of patients said they did not know their treatment was being discussed by a team of

doctors and nurses and a further 6% said they were not sure or could not remember.

71% of those patients who knew said their views were definitely taken into account; 23%

said they were to some extent. 7% said their views were not taken into account.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying their views were definitely taken into account. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 67% as the lowest score to 75% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

70%67% 68%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Views definitely taken into account by team discussing treatment


Page 37: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


17. Explanations about side effects of treatment

Were the possible side effects of treatment(s) explained in a way you could


Overall Findings

Of those patients saying they needed an explanation, 75% said possible side effects of

treatment were definitely explained to them in a way they could understand; a further 20%

said the explanation was understandable to some extent. 5% said side effects were not

explained to them.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying possible side effects of treatment were definitely

explained to them. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 71% as the lowest score

to 80% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

74%71% 72%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Side effects of treatment definitely explained


Page 38: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


18. Written information about side effects of treatment

Before you started your treatment, were you given written information about the

side effects of treatment(s)?

Overall Findings

82% of those patients who felt they needed it said that they had received written

information about the side effects of treatment and that it was easy to understand; a

further 6% were given written information but it was difficult to understand. 13% of

patients said they were not given written information about side effects.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had received written information about the side

effects of treatment. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 68% as the lowest score

to 89% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

81%79% 78% 77%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about side effects


Page 39: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


19. Longer term side effects

Before you started your treatment, were you also told about any side effects of the

treatment that could affect you in the future rather than straight away?

Overall Findings

55% of those patients who needed to be told said they were definitely told about longer

term side effects; 25% said they were to some extent. 20% said future side effects were

not explained to them. 7% said they did not need an explanation.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they were definitely told about future side effects of treatment. Scores ranged from

65% (prostate cancer) to 44% (skin cancer).

58%56% 55%

65% 64%

52% 52%55%



49%45% 46%












Told about possible future side effects of treatment


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were definitely told about future side effects of

treatment. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 51% as the lowest score to 61%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 40: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


53%51% 52%

54% 53%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told about possible future side effects of treatment


20. Patient involvement in decisions about care and treatment

Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your care and


Overall Findings

71% of patients said that they were definitely involved as much as they wanted to be in

decisions about their care and treatment; 23% said they were involved to some extent. 6%

said no but they would have liked to have been more involved.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were definitely involved in decisions about care and

treatment. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 68% as the lowest score to 76%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 41: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


71%69% 68%


70%73% 73%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Definitely involved in decisions about care and treatment


Page 42: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Clinical Nurse Specialist / Key Worker

This section describes the patients’ views about Clinical Nurse Specialists and Key

Workers, their availability to patients, and information given by them.

21. Given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist

Were you given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist who would be in charge of

your care?

Overall Findings

88% of patients overall said that they had been given the name of a Clinical Nurse

Specialist; 12% were not given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 84% as the lowest score to 93% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

88%85% 85%



91% 91%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given name of CNS in charge of care


Page 43: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


22. Ease of contacting the Clinical Nurse Specialist

How easy is it for you to contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who had tried to contact their Clinical Nurse Specialist, 78% said that it

was easy to contact them; 19% said it was sometimes easy, sometimes difficult; and 3%

said it was difficult.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying it was easy to contact their Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 76% as the lowest score to 83% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.




78% 77%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Easy to contact CNS


Page 44: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


23. Clinical Nurse Specialist listening carefully

The last time you spoke to your Clinical Nurse Specialist, did she/he listen carefully

to you?

Overall Findings

92% of patients overall said that the Clinical Nurse Specialist definitely listened carefully

to them when they last spoke to them; 7% said they listened carefully to some extent. 1%

said they did not listen carefully.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying the Clinical Nurse Specialist definitely listened carefully.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 90% as the lowest score to 93% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

24. Asking the Clinical Nurse Specialist important questions

When you have important questions to ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist, how often

do you get answers you can understand?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said that they asked the Clinical Nurse Specialist questions, 92%

said that they got understandable answers all or most of the time, 7% said they did so

only some of the time and 1% said they rarely or never did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they got understandable answers all or most of the time

from the Clinical Nurse Specialist. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 90% as

the lowest score to 94% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 45: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


94%91% 90%

93% 92%90%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from CNS all / most of time


25. Information about Key Workers

Were you given the name and contact details of your Key Worker?

Overall Findings

66% of patients who could remember were given contact details of their Key Worker (36%

who was also their CNS; 30% who was not their CNS). 34% were not given details of a

Key Worker. 11% overall said they did not know or could not remember.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they were given the name of a Key Worker. Scores ranged from 80% (lung cancer)

to 39% (urological cancer).

Page 46: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

























Given name and contact details for key worker


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given the name of a Key Worker. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 58% as the lowest score to 75% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.





75% 74%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given name and contact details for key worker


Page 47: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


26. Ease of contacting the Key Worker

How easy was it for you to contact your Key Worker?

Overall Findings

82% of patients who had tried to contact their Key Worker said it was easy to contact him

or her; 16% said it was sometimes easy and sometimes difficult; 2% had found it difficult.

10% had not tried to contact their Key Worker.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying it was easy to contact their Key Worker. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 78% as the lowest score to 88% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

27. Patient listened to by Key Worker

The last time you spoke to your Key Worker, did she/he listen carefully to you?

Overall Findings

92% of patients said the Key Worker had definitely listened to them; 6% said she/he had

listened to some extent; 1% said they had not been listened to.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying their Key Worker definitely listened carefully. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 88% as the lowest score to 94% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

Page 48: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



91% 91%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Key worker definitely listened carefully


28. Asking the Key Worker important questions

When you have important questions to ask your Key Worker, how often do you get

answers you can understand?

Overall Findings

91% of patients of those who had asked questions of their Key Worker said they got

answers they could understand all or most of the time, 8% said they did so only some of

the time and 1% said they rarely or never did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they got understandable answers all or most of the time

from their Key Worker. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 79% as the lowest

score to 94% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 49: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from key worker all / most of time


29. Discussing care plans

Were you offered the opportunity to discuss your needs and concerns in order to

put together your care plan?

Overall Findings

58% of patients said they had been offered the opportunity to discuss their needs and

concerns in order to put together their care plan; 42% had not been offered this

opportunity. 15% didn’t know or couldn’t remember.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying that they had been offered the opportunity to discuss their needs and concerns in

order to put together their care plan. Scores ranged from 80% (brain / CNS cancer) to

37% (urological cancer).

Page 50: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences






55% 56%


















Offered opportunity to discuss needs for care plan


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were offered the opportunity to discuss their needs

and concerns. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 49% as the lowest score to

67% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient able to discuss worries/fears with staff as much as wanted


Page 51: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


30. Written care plans

Have you been offered a written care plan?

Overall Findings

22% of patients said that they had been offered a written assessment or care plan; 78%

said they had not and a further 15% said they didn’t know or couldn’t remember.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying that they had been offered a care plan. Scores ranged from 30% (lung cancer) to

10% (sarcoma).

24%28% 30%




25% 24%

10% 11%














Patient offered written care plan


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were offered a written care plan. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 20% as the lowest score to 25% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 52: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


24%20% 21% 20% 20%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient offered written care plan


Page 53: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Support for patients

This section describes the information given to patients about support groups,

financial help and research.

31. Information about support groups

Did hospital staff give you information about emotional support, such as support or

self-help groups for people with cancer?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said it was necessary, 77% reported having been given information

about support or self-help groups for people with cancer by hospital staff (69% yes, 8%

yes, but would have liked more). 23% said they did not get any information but would

have liked some.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying positively that they had been given information about support or self-help groups.

Scores ranged from 77% (breast cancer) to 46% (urological cancer).





65%69% 71%

















Patients who needed it given information about emotional support


Page 54: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had been given information about support or self-

help groups. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 58% as the lowest score to 77%

as the highest Health Board / Trust score.


61% 62%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patients who needed it given information about emotional support


32. Impact of cancer on work or education

Did hospital staff discuss with you or give you information about the impact cancer

could have on your work life or education?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said it was necessary, 68% said they had discussed or been given

information about the impact of cancer on work or education; 32% said no, but they would

have liked this. 49% said this was not necessary or relevant to them.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Page 55: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had a discussion or were given information about

the impact of cancer. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 56% as the lowest

score to 74% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff discussed impact on work or education


33. Information about financial help

Did hospital staff give you information about how to get financial help or any

benefits you might be entitled to?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said it was necessary, 51% said they had been given information

about how to get financial help or benefits by hospital staff (44% yes, 7% yes, but would

have liked more). 49% said they did not get any information but would have liked some.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

positively saying they had been given information about how to get financial help or

benefits. Scores ranged from 62% (brain / CNS cancer) to 23% (urological cancer).

Page 56: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


46% 44%




46% 45% 45%

















Given information on financial help/benefits by staff


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had been given information about how to get

financial help or benefits. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 28% as the lowest

score to 53% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.




43% 42%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given information on financial help/benefits by staff


Page 57: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


34. Taking part in cancer research

Since your diagnosis, has anyone discussed with you whether you would like to

take part in cancer research?

Overall Findings

29% of patients said that taking part in research had been discussed with them; 71% said

it had not.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying that taking part in research had been discussed with them. Scores ranged from

38% (breast cancer) to 10% (skin cancer).


31% 31% 32%

27% 26% 26%30%
















Taking part in cancer research discussed with patient


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying taking part in cancer research was discussed with them.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 18% as the lowest score to 38% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 58: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


25% 24%26%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Taking part in cancer research discussed with patient


35. Did those asked take part in cancer research

If yes, did you then go on to take part in cancer research?

Overall Findings

64% of those patients who said they were asked, said they went on to take part in cancer

research; 36% did not.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they went on to take part in research. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 45% as the lowest score to 83% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 59: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


62%65% 66%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Went on to take part in research


Page 60: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



This section describes the views of patients’ having operations about changes to

admission dates, and the explanations and information given to them about their


36. Patients having operations

During the last 12 months, have you had an operation (such as removal of a tumour

or lump) at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Overall Findings

54% of patients said that they had had an operation such as removal of a tumour or lump

during the last 12 months.

37. Explanations of what would be done during the operation

Before you had your operation, did a member of staff explain what would be done

during the operation?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed an explanation of what would be done during

their operation, 87% said a member of staff explained completely; a further 12% said staff

explained to some extent. 2% said staff did not explain but that they would have liked an


Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying a member of staff explained completely. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 86% as the lowest score to 89% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 61: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


38. Written information about the operation

Beforehand, were you given written information about your operation?

Overall Findings

70% of patients overall said they were given written information about their operation and

that it was easy to understand; 4% were given written information but said it was difficult

to understand. 26% said they were not given written information.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given easy to understand written information.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 62% as the lowest score to 77% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.




72% 72%74%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about operation


Page 62: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


39. Explanations after the operation

After the operation, did a member of staff explain how it had gone in a way you

could understand?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed an explanation, 78% overall said they had

received a completely understandable explanation of how the operation had gone from a

member of staff; 17% said staff had explained to some extent. 5% did not get an

explanation but would have liked one.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying they had received a completely understandable explanation

of how the operation had gone. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 72% as the

lowest score to 80% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 63: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Hospital doctors

This section describes patients’ views about information from hospital doctors,

confidence and Health Board / Trust in them by patients, and on patients’ views

about doctors’ knowledge and attitude.

The questions in this section were aimed at patients who had had an operation or stayed

overnight in hospital for cancer care not day case or outpatients.

40. Patients having operations or staying overnight

During the last 12 months, have you had an operation or stayed overnight for cancer

care at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Overall Findings

60% of patients said they had had an operation or stayed overnight for cancer care during

the last 12 months.

41. Talking to doctors

During your treatment, were you able to talk to your doctor as often as you would


Overall Findings

54% of those patients who needed to talk to a doctor during their treatment said they were

able to talk to one all or most of the time; 37% said they could talk to one some of the

time. 9% were rarely or never able to talk to a doctor.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients who needed to talk to a doctor during their treatment who said

they were able to talk to one all or most of the time. Scores in Health Boards / Trust

ranged from 48% as the lowest score to 60% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 64: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


54% 55%52%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Able to talk to doctor all or most of the time


42. Asking doctors important questions

When you had important questions to ask a doctor, how often did you get answers

that you could understand?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who had important questions to ask doctors, 80% said doctors gave

them answers they could understand all or most of the time; 17% said the answers were

understandable only some of the time and a further 3% said they rarely or never got

answers they could understand.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying doctors gave them answers they could understand. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 78% as the lowest score to 82% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

Page 65: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


43. Confidence and trust in doctors

Did you have confidence and trust in the doctors treating you?

Overall Findings

87% of patients said they had confidence and trust in all of the doctors treating them; 13%

said they had confidence and trust in some of them. Less than 1% of patients said they

had confidence and trust in none of them.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had confidence and trust in all of the doctors.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 84% as the lowest score to 91% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

87%84% 86%

87% 87%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Confidence and trust in all doctors


Page 66: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


44. Talking in front of patients

Did doctors talk in front of you as if you weren’t there?

Overall Findings

84% of patients said doctors did not talk in front of them as if they were not there. 13%

said that they sometimes did and a further 4% said that they often did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying doctors did not talk in front of them as if they were not there.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 81% as the lowest score to 88% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

45. Family able to talk to doctor

If your family or someone else close to you wanted to talk to a doctor, did they have

enough opportunity to do so?

Overall Findings

Of those patients saying they had family or someone close to them who might want to talk

to a doctor, 61% said their family or someone close to them definitely had enough

opportunity to do so; a further 30% said they did so to some extent. 8% said they did not

have enough opportunity to talk to a doctor.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying their family or someone close to them definitely had enough

opportunity to talk to a doctor. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 58% as the

lowest score to 63% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 67: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Ward nurses

This section describes patients’ views about information from ward nurses,

confidence and Health Board / Trust in nurses, nurses’ attitude, and levels of

nursing care on hospital wards.

The questions in this section were targeted at patients who had had an operation or

stayed overnight in hospital for cancer care and not day case or outpatients who did not

stay overnight.

46. Understanding ward nurses answers to important questions

When you had important questions to ask a ward nurse, how often did you get

answers you could understand?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who had important questions to ask a ward nurse, 75% overall said

nurses gave them answers they could understand all or most of the time; 21% said they

gave understandable answers some of the time and a further 4% said they rarely or never

got answers they could understand.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying nurses gave them answers they could understand all or

most of the time. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 69% as the lowest score to

79% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 68: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences





71% 70%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from nurses all or most of time


47. Confidence and trust in ward nurses

Did you have confidence and trust in the ward nurses treating you?

Overall Findings

73% of patients said they had confidence and trust in all the ward nurses treating them;

26% said they had confidence and trust in some of them and 1% said they had confidence

and trust in none of them.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they had confidence and trust in all of the ward nurses.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 69% as the lowest score to 79% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 69: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Had confidence and trust in all the ward nurses


48. Talking in front of patients

Did ward nurses talk in front of you as if you weren’t there?

Overall Findings

86% of patients said nurses did not talk in front of them as if they were not there; 11%

said that they sometimes did and a further 3% said they often did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying nurses did not talk in front of them as if they were not

there. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 84% as the lowest score to 88% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 70: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



84% 84%

88%86% 87%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Nurses did not talk in front of patients as if they were not there


49. Enough nurses on duty

In your opinion, were there enough nurses on duty to care for you in hospital?

Overall Findings

Overall, 60% of patients said there were always or nearly always enough nurses on duty

to care for them in hospital; 29% said that there were sometimes enough on duty and a

further 11% said there were rarely or never enough on duty.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying there were always or nearly always enough nurses on

duty. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 53% as the lowest score to 65% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 71: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




62% 61%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Always / nearly always enough nurses on duty


Page 72: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Hospital care and treatment

This section describes patients’ views about missing or conflicting information,

privacy, respect and dignity, and pain control.

The questions in this section were targeted at patients who had had an operation or

stayed overnight in hospital for cancer care and not day case or outpatients who did not

stay overnight.

50. Not being told things

While you were in hospital did you ever think that the doctors or nurses were

deliberately not telling you certain things that you wanted to know?

Overall Findings

89% of patients said that they never thought that doctors or nurses were deliberately not

telling them certain things that they wanted to know; 10% said this only happened once

(2%) or sometimes (8%) and a further 1% thought this happened often.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying that they never thought that doctors or nurses were

deliberately not telling them certain things that they wanted to know. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 87% as the lowest score to 91% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 73: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



87% 88% 87% 87%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Never thought staff were deliberately not telling them things


51. Conflicting information

While you were in hospital, did it ever happen that one doctor or nurse said one

thing about your condition or treatment, and another said something different?

Overall Findings

84% of patients said that it was never the case that one doctor or nurse said one thing

about their condition or treatment and another said something different; 6% said this

happened only once, 9% said it happened sometimes and 1% said it happened often.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying it was never the case that one doctor or nurse said one thing

about their condition or treatment and another said something different. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 82% as the lowest score to 86% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 74: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


52. What name patients preferred to be called by

While you were in hospital did the doctors and nurses ask you what name you

prefer to be called by?

Overall Findings

62% of patients said all of the doctors and nurses asked them what they wanted to be

called; 20% said that only some of them did and 18% said that none of them did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying all of the doctors and nurses asked them what they

wanted to be called. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 54% as the lowest score

to 68% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.


59% 61%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

All staff asked patient what name they preferred to be called by


Page 75: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


53. Privacy discussing condition or treatment

Were you given enough privacy when discussing your condition or treatment?

Overall Findings

83% of patients overall said that they always had enough privacy when discussing their

condition or treatment; a further 13% said they sometimes did. 4% said they did not have

enough privacy.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying they always had enough privacy. Scores in Health Boards /

Trust ranged from 80% as the lowest score to 86% as the highest Health Board / Trust


54. Privacy when being examined or treated

Were you given enough privacy when being examined or treated?

Overall Findings

94% of patients overall said that they always had enough privacy when being examined or

treated; a further 5% said they sometimes did. 1% said they did not have enough privacy.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they always had enough privacy. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 89% as the lowest score to 95% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

Page 76: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


94% 93% 94% 94% 94%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Always enough privacy when examined or treated


55. Discussing worries and fears

Were you able to discuss any worries or fears with staff during your hospital visit?

Overall Findings

17% of patients said they did not have any worries or fears. Of those patients that did,

63% said they were able to discuss them as much as they wanted; 22% said they could

most of the time and 11% said they could some of the time. 4% said they could not but

would have liked to.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were able to discuss worries and fears as much as

they wanted. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 55% as the lowest score to

69% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 77: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient able to discuss worries/fears with staff as much as wanted


56. Control of Pain

Do you think the hospital staff did everything they could to help control your pain?

Overall Findings

86% of those patients saying they had pain said that staff did everything they could to

help control it all of the time; 13% said they did so some of the time. 1% said they did not

do everything they could.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying staff did everything they could to help control their pain.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 83% as the lowest score to 88% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 78: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


57. Treated with respect and dignity

Were you treated with respect and dignity by the doctors and nurses and other

hospital staff?

Overall Findings

85% of patients overall said that they were always treated with respect and dignity by staff

and a further 13% said they were most of the time. 3% said they were treated with respect

and dignity some of the time (2.4%) or never were (0.2%).

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were always treated with respect and dignity.

Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 81% as the lowest score to 89% as the

highest Health Board / Trust score.

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Treated with respect and dignity by hospital staff

All— All

Page 79: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Information before leaving and home support

This section describes the patients’ views about various elements of information

given to them before they left hospital and levels of home support given.

The questions in this section were targeted at patients who had had an operation or

stayed overnight in hospital for cancer care and not day case or outpatients who did not

stay overnight.

58. Written information about what should or should not be done

Were you given clear written information about what you should or should not do

after leaving hospital?

Overall Findings

81% of those patients needing it said that they were given clear written information about

what they should or should not do after leaving hospital; 19% said they were not given


Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given written information about what they

should or should not do. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 75% as the lowest

score to 87% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 80: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given clear written information about what should/should not do


59. Told who to contact if worried

Did hospital staff tell you who to contact if you were worried about your condition

or treatment after you left hospital?

Overall Findings

92% of patients overall said that hospital staff told them who to contact if they felt worried

about their condition or treatment after leaving hospital; 8% said they were not told.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying that hospital staff told them who to contact if they felt

worried about their condition or treatment. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from

86% as the lowest score to 96% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 81: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


93%90% 89%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told who to contact if worried after leaving hospital


60. Information for families

Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the

information they needed to help care for you at home?

Overall Findings

Of those patients with family or someone close to them wanting information, 57% said that

their family or someone close to them definitely received all the information they needed

to help care for them at home; 23% said they did so to some extent. 20% said their family

did not get all the information they needed.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying that their family or someone close to them definitely

received all the information they needed. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from

52% as the lowest score to 61% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 82: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



53% 52%55% 53%

61% 61%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff definitely gave family all information needed


61. Arranging Home support

After leaving hospital, were you given enough care and help from health or social

services (For example, district nurses, home helps or physiotherapists?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said they needed it, 59% said they were definitely given enough

care and help from health or social services after leaving hospital; 20% said they were to

some extent. 21% said they did not get enough care and help. 38% of patients overall

said that they did not need help from health or social services.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was a significant variation between tumour groups in the proportion of patients

saying they were definitely given enough care and help from health or social services.

Scores ranged from 67% (colorectal/lower gastrointestinal cancer) to 42% (prostate


Page 83: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences
























Definitely given enough care/help from health or social services


Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were definitely given enough care and help from

health or social services. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 52% as the lowest

score to 68% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.




62% 61% 61%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Definitely given enough care/help from health or social services


Page 84: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Day / outpatient care

This section describes the views of day case and outpatients about side effects of

radiotherapy and chemotherapy, pain and emotional support.

62. Side effects of radiotherapy

Did hospital staff do everything possible to control the side effects of radiotherapy?

Overall Findings

49% of patients said they had not had any radiotherapy and 7% of patients who had

radiotherapy said they had not had any side effects.

79% of patients having radiotherapy who had side effects said that staff definitely did

everything possible to control the side effects of the radiotherapy; 17% said they did so to

some extent. 4% said they could have done more.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying staff definitely did everything possible to control the side

effects of the radiotherapy. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 72% as the

lowest score to 82% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

63. Side effects of chemotherapy

Did hospital staff do everything possible to control the side effects of


Overall Findings

42% of patients said they had not had any chemotherapy and 4% of patients who had

chemotherapy said they had not had any side effects.

Page 85: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


83% of patients having chemotherapy who had side effects said that staff definitely did

everything possible to control the side effects of the chemotherapy; 14% said they did so

to some extent. 2% said they could have done more.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying staff definitely did everything possible to control the side

effects of the chemotherapy. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 76% as the

lowest score to 87% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

86% 85%

80% 80%76%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff did everything to control side effects of chemotherapy


64. Control of pain

While you were being treated as an outpatient or day case, did hospital staff do

everything they could to help control your pain?

Overall Findings

Of those patients experiencing pain, 81% said that hospital staff definitely did everything

they could to help control the pain; 15% said they did so to some extent. 3% said they

could have done more to help control the pain. 42% did not have any pain.

Page 86: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying hospital staff definitely did everything they could to help

control the pain. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 76% as the lowest score to

83% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

83% 83%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff did everything they could to help control pain

All— All

65. Emotional support

While you were being treated as an outpatient or day case, were you given enough

emotional support from hospital staff?

Overall Findings

Of those patients needing emotional support, 72% said they were definitely given enough

emotional support from hospital staff; 20% said they were to some extent. 8% said they

would have liked more support.

Page 87: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were definitely given enough emotional support from

hospital staff. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 65% as the lowest score to

75% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

75% 75%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff definitely gave enough emotional support


Page 88: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Outpatient appointments

This section describes outpatients’ views about appointments with cancer doctors.

66. Having outpatient appointments

In the last 12 months, have you had an outpatients appointment with a cancer

doctor at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Overall Findings

92% of patients overall said that they had had an outpatients appointment with a cancer

doctor in the last 12 months.

67. Doctor having right documentation

The last time you had an appointment with a cancer doctor, did they have the right

documents, such as medical notes, x-rays and test results?

Overall Findings

96% of patients overall said that the cancer doctor had the right documents (e.g. medical

notes, x-rays etc) the last time they had an appointment; 4% said that the doctor did not

have the right documents.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying that the cancer doctor had the right documents. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 95% as the lowest score to 98% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

Page 89: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Care from general practices

This section describes the patients’ views about information given to GPs and

support from GPs and nurses.

68. Information given to GP by hospital

As far as you know, was your GP given enough information about your condition

and the treatment you had at the hospital?

Overall Findings

92% of patients said that, as far as they knew, their GP was given enough information

about their condition and treatment by the hospital; 8% said they were not given enough


26% of patients (who were excluded from the above calculations) said they did not know

or could not remember, in answer to this question.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying their GP was given enough information. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 91% as the lowest score to 94% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.

69. Support from general practice staff

Do you think the GPs and nurses at your general practice did everything they could

to support you while you were having cancer treatment?

Overall Findings

Of those patients who said their general practice was involved in their care, 67% said that

GPs and nurses definitely did everything they could to support them whilst they were

having cancer treatment; 22% said they did to some extent and 11% said they could have

done more. 33% said their general practice was not involved.

Page 90: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are some variations in the

proportion of patients saying GPs and nurses definitely did everything they could to

support them. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 64% as the lowest score to

70% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 91: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Overall NHS care

This section describes the patients’ views about staff working well together,

information given and if they felt treated as a whole person.

70. Hospital and community staff working well together

Did the different people treating and caring for you (such as GP, hospital doctors,

hospital nurses, specialist nurses, community nurses) work well together to give

you the best possible care?

Overall Findings

65% of patients said that the different people treating and caring for them always worked

well together to give the best possible care; a further 25% said they did so most of the

time. 8% said they only did so some of the time and 2% said they never did.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying all staff always worked well together. Scores in Health

Boards / Trust ranged from 61% as the lowest score to 69% as the highest Health Board /

Trust score.



69% 69%67%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Hospital and community staff work well together


Page 92: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


71. Other treatment

Have you had treatment from any of the following for you cancer?

Overall Findings

Patients were asked if they had had treatment from a range of therapists. 12% said they

had treatment from a physiotherapist; 6% said they had treatment from an occupational

therapist; 15% said they had treatment from a dietician; 2% said they had treatment from

a speech and language therapist and 11%said they had treatment from a lymphoedema


72. Information about condition and treatment

How much information were you given about your condition and treatment?

Overall Findings

86% of patients overall said that they were given the right amount of information about

their condition and treatment; 12% said they were not given enough and 1% said they

were given too much.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they were given the right amount of information. Scores

in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 84% as the lowest score to 88% as the highest

Health Board / Trust score.

Page 93: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


86% 85% 85%87%

84% 84%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Right amount of information given on condition/treatment


73. Treated as a whole person

Sometimes people with cancer feel they are treated as “a set of cancer symptoms”,

rather than a whole person. In your NHS care over the last year, did you feel like


Overall Findings

81% of patients said that they did not feel that they were treated as ‘a set of symptoms’

rather than a whole person over the last year; 15% said they sometimes felt this and 4%

said they often felt this way.

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that overall

the differences are not significant.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients saying they did not feel that they were treated as ‘a set of

symptoms’ rather than a whole person. Scores in Health Boards / Trust ranged from 79%

as the lowest score to 87% as the highest Health Board / Trust score.

Page 94: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


83%80% 79%


80%82% 81%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Did not feel treated like 'a set of symptoms'


74. Patients rating of care

Overall how would you rate your care?

Overall Findings

89% of patients said that their care was either excellent (58%) or very good (31%). 8%

said it was good and 3% said it was either only fair (2%) or poor (1%).

Findings by Tumour Group

There was some variation between cancer types but statistical tests indicate that the

differences between cancer groups are not significant overall.

Findings by Health Board / Trust

Results from individual Health Boards / Trust show that there are significant variations in

the proportion of patients rating their care as either excellent or very good. Scores in

Health Boards / Trust ranged from 84% as the lowest score to 92% as the highest Health

Board / Trust score.

Page 95: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


90%86% 85%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Overall rating of care excellent / very good


Page 96: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


6. Special analyses and demographics

Differences between tumour groups

It is clear that there is considerable variation between the scores given by patients in

some tumour groups as distinct from others. Looking at each question, and measuring the

number of times that a tumour group appears as the highest scoring or lowest scoring

tumour group, we find that patients with Breast cancer are more likely than any other type

of cancer patients to be positive about their care and treatment, giving the highest ratings

on 22 scored questions in the survey; and patients most likely to give the poorest scores

were Sarcoma (poorest on 7), Lung (poorest on 8), and Urology (poorest on 14).

Tumour Group Number times

highest score

Number times

Lowest score

Breast cancer 22 0

Brain / CNS 3 2

Colorectal / LGI 3 2

Gynaecological cancer 2 1

Haematological cancer 1 5

Head and neck cancer 0 3

Lung cancer 5 8

Other cancers 0 2

Prostate cancer 6 1

Sarcoma 3 7

Skin cancer 8 2

Upper GI 1 5

Urological cancer 2 14

Table 13 Tumour groups with highest and lowest scores

Page 97: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


There are, however, still extreme ranges of performance between tumour groups on the

same question, as is made clear by the following table:

Wales Question in 2013 Lowest Score Highest Score

Q4 Health got better or stayed the

same whilst waiting for first

appointment with a hospital


Sarcoma 60% Breast 92%

Q13 Completely understood the

explanation of what was wrong

with them

Haematological 56% Breast 81%

Q14 Given easy to understand

information about the type of

cancer they had

Brain / CNS 32% Prostate 78%

Q38 Given written information about

their operation

Sarcoma 43% Prostate 78%

Q45 Patient’s family definitely had

time to talk to the doctor

Lung 53% Skin 67%

Q73 Did not feel that they were

treated as a set of cancer


Lung 76% Skin 93%

Table 14 Differences between cancer groups

Only the Breast tumour group achieves no lowest scores on any question in the survey in


It is the case that continuing efforts need to be made to reduce the "information gap" in

particular between the best and poorest performing tumour groups.

In patient experience surveys of cancer patients, there are always very significant

differences between the ratings given by patients with different types of cancer. In many

cases it is patients with the most common cancers who are the most positive, as is the

case in Wales; and conversely it is patients with rarer cancers who are the least positive.

In the context of the Wales results, the results from some tumour groups - such as Lung

cancer - are quite different, and more negative, than the results for Lung cancer from

other jurisdictions.

Page 98: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Differences between Boards / Trust

The Wales CPES data has been analysed by Health Board / Trust and by hospital site

within each Health Board / Trust. Each Health Board / Trust has within it a number of

hospitals, some of which have very small numbers of respondents, which make it

impossible to report at hospital level in those circumstances. The Powys Health Board

also has a very small number of respondents because while Primary Care services in

Powys support cancer patients it does not treat cancer patients in the acute sector except

for palliative care purposes, with its patients going outside the Board boundaries for acute

phase treatment and follow up. Therefore it has not been possible to include analysis for

Powys within this Report.

Looking at the difference between Board / Trust scores on each question in the survey,

and the all-Wales all Cancers score on each question, and using only statistically

significant differences, this pattern is revealed:

Board / Trust

Score Sig.


Score Sig.


7A1 Betsi Cadwaladr 10 1

7A2 Hywel Dda 2 10

7A3 Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 0 24

7A4 Cardiff and Vale 14 0

7A5 Cwm Taf 2 10

7A6 Aneurin Bevan 2 3

7A7 Powys n/a n/a

RQF Velindre (including outreach clinics other sites) 24 0

Table 15 Significant differences between Boards

There are also important statistically significant differences in the results of the Wales

CPES at hospital level. The table below sets out the number of questions in the survey on

which individual hospitals have more positive scores or more negative scores; the table

demonstrates that the most significant negative outliers are Singleton Hospital Swansea;

Glangwili Hospital Carmarthen; Morriston Hospital, Swansea and Royal Glamorgan

Hospital. The most positive outliers are Velindre Hospital; Ysbyty Gwynedd; and

Llandough Hospital.

In the following table the Velindre Chemotherapy Outreach service at a number of other

hospital sites is treated separately from the main service at Velindre so some hospitals

appear on the list twice; only hospitals with sufficient numbers of respondents have been


Page 99: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



Trust Hospital

Score Sig.


Score Sig.


7A1 Central (Glan Clwyd) 0 8

East (Wrexham) 12 1

West (Ysbyty Gwynedd) 21 3

7A2 Bronglais General Hospital 3 9

Glangwili General Hospital 1 21

Prince Philip Hospital 6 2

Withybush General Hospital 6 1

7A3 Morriston Hospital 1 15

Neath Port Talbot Hospital 8 1

Princess of Wales Hospital 2 8

Singleton Hospital 0 34

7A4 Llandough Hospital 13 0

University Hospital of Wales 7 1

7A5 Prince Charles Hospital 2 3

Royal Glamorgan Hospital 4 11

7A6 Nevill Hall Hospital 6 1

Royal Gwent Hospital 2 6

RQF Nevill Hall Hospital 4 4

Princess of Wales Hospital 5 2

Royal Glamorgan Hospital 7 0

Royal Gwent Hospital 1 12

Velindre (Chemotherapy Outreach) 7 1

Velindre Hospital 26 0 Table 16 Significant differences between hospital scores

Page 100: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


The impact of the Clinical Nurse Specialist and Key Worker

Perhaps the most striking finding of the Wales 2013 CPES survey is that related to the

impact of the Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). On almost all questions in the survey,

patients who have a CNS are significantly more positive than patients who do not have

access to a CNS. It is most unusual for a variable to be as powerful a predictor of views

from respondents and to have such impact on individual questions. It is clear that the

presence of a CNS makes a substantial positive difference to the perceived quality of

cancer services seen by patients.

On 59 questions in the survey, patients who had a CNS were more likely to be positive

about their care and treatment than patients who did not; and the scale of differences on

many questions is very substantial. All of these differences are statistically significant.

However, the scale of difference between the two groups of patients is not as substantial

as has been the case in other cancer surveys.

The most pronounced differences in view between those patients with a CNS and those

without one in 2013 were in respect of verbal and written information, involvement,

information on financial support, discharge information and post discharge care and

emotional support.

Examples of the sizeable differences that exist between patients with CNS support and

those without such support are set out below:

Wales Question 2013 With




Q14 Given easy to understand written information about the type of

cancer they had

66% 47%

Q15 Given choice of different types of treatment 87% 67%

Q18 Given easy to understand written information about side effects of


85% 69%

Q20 Involved in treatment as much as they wanted to be 74% 60%

Q30 Offered written assessment and care plan 28% 9%

Q31 Given information about support and self help groups 74% 44%

Q33 Given information on financial help and benefits they might be

entitled to

50% 26%

Q38 Given easy to understand written information about operation 74% 54%

Q61 Given enough care/help from health and social services after


64% 40%

Q70 Different people treating you worked well together to give you the

best possible care

68% 53%

Q74 Overall rating of care excellent / very good 91% 77%

Table 17 Differences by CNS

The evidence is that the impact of the CNS is overwhelmingly positive.

Page 101: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


The Wales CPES also asked about the impact of the Key Worker on patient perceptions

of care. 66% of patients across Wales said they had a Key Worker (36% said this was

their CNS and 30% said this was not a CNS), although there are significant variations

between Boards and especially between Hospitals on the availability of Key Workers for

patients. In contrast, 88% of patients across Wales said they had a CNS. The proportion

of patients having Key Workers varied by Board from 58% to 75% and by Hospital from

49% to 83%.

It is clear from the responses that the presence of a Key Worker, whether the CNS or

someone else, makes a considerable difference to patients’ views of care. Looking at the

different views of patients who had a Key Worker with those who did not have one,

patients with a Key Worker were much more positive than those who did not have one. If

the Key Worker was their CNS, patients were more positive on 61 questions in the survey

(out of 67); if the Key Worker was not a CNS, patients were more positive on 57


CNS by other variables

Looking at the distribution of CNS cover by tumour group, most cancer tumour groups

have high proportions of patients with a CNS, including Breast (96% with a CNS), Upper

GI (95%) and Lung (93%). The tumour group with the lowest proportion of patients with a

CNS is Urological, where the coverage is only 70%. This distribution of scores by tumour

group is similar to that reported in other cancer patient experience surveys.

It is clear from the tumour group data that the presence of a CNS makes a particular

difference to those over 75; the differences, where they exist, between those with a CNS

and those without one are very substantial amongst the over 75s and less marked in

character in the under 75s.

The differences which are seen in other cancer patient experience surveys in respect of

the proportions of patients with a CNS diagnosed within the last year and those diagnosed

more than 5 years ago are not seen at a statistically significant level in Wales.

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The impact of assessment and care plans

The responses to questions on care plans in the survey demonstrate that even the

initiation of discussions with the patients as a preliminary to creating a written care plan is

not universal across Wales.

Taking the all-Wales all cancers score, only 58% of patients said that they had had such a

discussion, with scores in individual Boards ranging from 49% (Abertawe Bro Morgannwg)

to 67% (Velindre). Scores in individual hospitals ranged more widely, with the highest

score being achieved at Nevill Hall (70%) and the lowest at Morriston (43%).

In terms of translating these discussions where they occurred into offers of written care

plans to the patient, the evidence is not positive, with only just over 1 in 5 patients saying

that they had had such an offer of a written plan (22% for all Boards / Trust in Wales). In

some tumour group services within particular Boards, there is a very low level of

"translation" of discussions about care plans in to "offers" of providing them to the patient.

Examples are:

Patients with Sarcoma treated at Velindre: 60% had the opportunity to discuss their

needs and concerns, but only 13% actually had the offer of a written care plan

given to them.

Scores in the Urology tumour group are poor in terms of delivering the offer of a

written care plan to patients: only 7% of patients overall in the Urological tumour

group treated at Cwm Taf were offered a care plan; 8% at Cardiff and the Vale; and

12% at Betsi Cadwaladr.

Scores in individual services were also low across Wales, with (as an example)

only 8% of Gynaecological patients in the Hywel Dda Board being offered a written

care plan.

There is obviously a considerable way to go before the offers of written care plans are

made near universal across Wales. This is an important topic as there is evidence from

the survey that those with offers of care plans have a rather more positive view of the

quality of services than is the case if no such offer has been made.

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The impact of long term conditions

The Wales CPES sought information from patients in respect of whether they had another

long term condition, or multiple conditions, other than cancer. The long term conditions

(LTCs) identified in the survey were as follows:

Deafness / severe hearing impairment

Blindness / partially sighted

Long standing physical condition

Learning disability

Mental health conditions

Long standing illness, e.g. HIV, diabetes, chronic heart disease, or epilepsy

Responses were analysed by comparing the group of patients who had one or more of the

long term conditions with the group who said they did not have a long term condition. The

findings show that in Wales there were 35 questions on which there are statistically

significant differences between the two groups of patients, with most such differences (33

out of 35) showing that patients with a long term condition are less positive than patients

without such a long term condition.

The only items on which patients with long term conditions were more positive than those

without long term conditions were in respect of being offered an assessment and care

plan (Q30), and being asked which name they wished to be called by (Q52).

Examples of the scale of such differences between those with and those without a long

term condition are as follows, using the 2013 data:

Question Wales 2013 LTC Non


Q15 Given choice of different types of treatment 82% 86%

Q17 Possible side effects of treatment explained in a way they

could understand

71% 77%

Q31 Hospital staff gave information about support/self help groups

for people with cancer

64% 73%

Q38 Given written information about their operation 67% 72%

Q42 Received understandable answers from Drs 76% 83%

Q56 Staff did everything they could to control pain whilst staying as

an inpatient overnight

83% 88%

Q73 Did not feel as if they were treated as a set of cancer

symptoms rather than as a whole person

78% 83%

Table 18 Differences between those with and those without an LTC

Page 104: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


The conclusion to be drawn is that patients with long term conditions are rather less likely

to be positive about their cancer care than are patients without such conditions, and this

less positive assessment is present across a wide range of issues measured in the

survey. This finding is congruent with the findings from other cancer patient experience


Patients with specific long term conditions

The data from patients who specified that they had a particular long term condition has

been analysed and has shown broadly similar findings as in other cancer patient surveys.

This analysis shows that in respect of long term conditions such as deafness and long

standing illness (such as HIV, diabetes etc), the differences between those with such a

specific condition and those who did not have it are, in most cases, quite small. However,

patients with mental health conditions were less likely to be positive about a wide range of

issues than were patients with no long term conditions, as the chart below illustrates:












No LTC All LTCs Deafness Long standing illness

Blindness Long standing physical condition

Mental health condition

Learning disability

Patient did not feel treated as 'a set of cancer symptoms'

Looking at the data as a whole, and all co-morbidities, we find that patients with long

standing physical conditions are less positive about their care and treatment than those

without a long term condition at all on 44 questions in the survey; and on all these

questions it is those with the long term physical condition that are least positive.

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The equivalent figures for the other types of long term condition are: Blindness / partially

sighted, 10 significant differences (on 9 questions those with blindness or partial sight

being less positive); Deafness, 9 significant differences (on 7 questions those with

deafness being less positive); those with a long standing illness such as HIV or diabetes,

11 significant differences (on 10 questions those with a long standing illness being less

positive); those with a learning disability, 9 significant differences (on 8 questions those

with a learning disability being less positive); and those with a mental health condition, 11

significant differences (on all 11 questions those with a mental health condition being less


It continues to be the case that further efforts need to be made to ensure that cancer

patients with mental health and learning disabilities receive the kinds of information that

are useful and understandable to them, and are treated in ways which are seen by them

to be fair and appropriate.

The case for positive action to be taken by NHS staff to address the distinct needs of

people with long term conditions, especially in areas which are capable of being improved

by information provision, continues to be clear.

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Differences relating to length of time since first treatment

In the 2013 Wales CPES survey, the questionnaire included a question (Q80) on the

length of time that had elapsed since the patient was first treated for “this cancer”, i.e. the

cancer that was being treated in the hospital episode between June 2012 and March

2013. Respondents were divided into those who had first been treated within the last year;

between 1 and 5 years ago; and more than 5 years ago.

Analysis of the differences between patients who began their treatment for cancer within

the last year as compared to more than 5 years ago shows that there are some

differences between the views of patients diagnosed more than 5 years ago and patients

diagnosed more recently. There are 5 questions in the survey in which patients who

began treatment more than 5 years ago have less positive views than those who began

treatment more recently. The questions on which "year 1" patients were the most positive

were on being given written information about the type of cancer they had; being given the

name of a Key Worker; being given the opportunity discuss their needs and concerns in

order to put together their care plan; and being offered a written care plan.

The intermediate group (1-5 years on from the point of first treatment) is the most positive

group on only one item - having the highest proportion of patients saying that they had

been invited to take part in cancer research.

The group of patients who first started treatment more than 5 years ago is likely, in many

cases, to have been admitted to hospital for a recurrence of cancer, and their more

negative feelings related to care and treatment may be associated with this unwelcome


As examples of the scale of differences that exist within this pattern, the following

questions show particularly marked variation between those starting treatment in the last

year and those who started 5 or more years ago:

Last year

5+ years

Q14 Given easy to understand written information about the type of

cancer they had

65% 46%

Q25 Given the name / contact details of a Key Worker 69% 46%

Q29 Given opportunity to discuss their needs and concerns in order to

construct their care plan

60% 43%

Q30 Offered a written care plan 24% 14%

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The impact of social deprivation

The Wales survey data in 2013 has been analysed by IMD quintile4 (i.e. each deprivation

level based on 20% groupings within the 0-100% range) and there are large numbers of

questions on which there are statistically significant differences of view as between

quintile 1 (the most deprived) and quintile 5 (the least deprived). There are 17 questions

on which there are significant differences between quintile 1 and quintile 5 - but, as in

other cancer patient surveys, the differences are not all in the same direction.

The IMD analysis can be summarised in the following way:

Whether deciles or quintiles are used, the analysis shows similar results

Testing for difference between one decile or quintile and the next produces virtually no

significant results

However, when the extremes of the range are taken (e.g. quintile 1 - quintile 5), a large

number of differences can be found

The significant differences that exist are not uni-dimensional i.e. the most deprived

quintile is more positive on some issues; and the least deprived on others.

The 9 questions on which patients in the most deprived quintile were more positive than

patients in the least deprive quintile were as follows:

Was seen as soon as was necessary Q2

When patient first told they had cancer, told they could bring a family member or

friend with them


Future side effects of treatment explained in a way they could understand Q19

Offered a written care plan Q30

Patient asked which name they preferred to be called by Q52

Had enough privacy when being examined or treated Q54

Staff did everything possible to control side effects of chemotherapy Q63

Given enough emotional support from hospital staff when being treated as an

outpatient/day case


Different people caring for them always worked well together to give them the best

possible care


4 The IMD quintiles and deciles are intended to provide range information in respect of the differences

between the most deprived quintile to the least deprived. It is this range which is the most accurate description in the UK of the different socio-economic circumstances of patients and it is therefore right that we should look at the differences between the extremes of the range as distinct from testing results across the range as a whole.

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The 8 questions in which patients in the least deprived quintile (quintile 5) were more

positive than patients in the most deprived quintile were as follows:

Saw GP only 1-2 times before referred to hospital Q1

Given easy to understand written information about side effects of treatment Q18

Got easy to understand answers from their Key Worker when they had important

questions to ask


Staff gave information about self help and support groups Q31

Went on to take part in cancer research Q34

Given easy to understand answers from a doctor all / most of the time when they

had important questions to ask


Doctors did not talk in front of them as if they were not there Q44

Given enough support post discharge from health and social services Q61

There is high consistency between the Wales Cancer Patient Survey data and that from

other surveys in which questions are rated more positively by the least and most deprived.

This finding emphasises the importance of the concept of the “informed patient”, which

aims to ensure that the content of information is both accessible to all groups and is


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The impact of age

The Wales all cancers national dataset has been analysed by using standard age bands:

16-25; 26-35; 36-50; 51-65; 66-75; and 76+. These bands were chosen in order to identify

any specific age-related differences in the views of cancer patients which could illuminate

the implementation of policy.

The age-related analysis identified only 4 questions on which there were statistically

significant differences across the age bands, with patients over 75 being the least positive

on 2 questions, one of the youngest groups (26-35) being the least positive on 1 question;

and the middle years group being least positive on 1 question.

The clearest example of the classic age distribution profile in the survey is highlighted in

the chart below which shows the scores on question 70, which asked patients if different

people treating them worked well together to give the patient the best possible care.












16-25 26-35 36-50 51-65 66-75 76+

Staff always work well together

The other questions on which there are statistically significant age-related differences are:

Q18: Given easy to understand written information about the side effects of

treatments: oldest age group, 76+, the least positive. Highest age band score 36-50,

89%; lowest age band score 76+, 71%

Q34: Had a discussion about taking part in cancer research: oldest age group 76+

were the least likely to have had the discussion. Highest age band score 16-25, 43%;

lowest age band score 76+, 17%

Q65: Given enough emotional support by staff whilst a day case/outpatient: highest

age band score 16-25, 85%; lowest age band score, 36-50, 59%

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It is often the case in patient surveys that younger patients are the least likely to be

positive and there is probably a common causality for the age related differences reported

here. Younger patients, who may have less experience of being in hospital than older

people, may be in some cases less likely to understand medical terminology and routines

and may therefore understand less of what is said to them than do older patients.

However, it is not always younger patients who have the least positive experiences of

cancer care. The most prominent example in other cancer surveys of an issue where it is

older people who have least good access to support and information arises from the

question on patients being given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist (CNS). In the

Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey these differences are not statistically significant

but on this question it was the oldest age group (76+) who were the least likely to say they

were given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist, with the proportions in each age band

saying they had a CNS being the highest amongst the 16-25s (95%) and lowest amongst

the 76+ age group (84%).

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The impact of gender

Differences in the views of patients related to their gender tend to be of smaller scale than

other demographic factors, where they exist.

In the Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey, a broadly consistent pattern of gender

difference is displayed. There are 19 questions in the Wales cancer patient experience

survey on which there were statistically significant differences of view between men and

women; in most cases men were more positive (12 questions) but on 7 questions where

there were significant differences, women were more positive than men.

The strategic points in the Wales 2013 survey are:

Men were more positive about staff and staff working well together than are women.

Men were more positive about privacy, being given respect and dignity, being told

enough about their condition and treatment, and about being treated as a person

rather than as a set of symptoms.

Men were more positive about discharge and post discharge arrangements than

are women.

In the 2013 Wales CPES, the 7 questions on which women were more positive were as


Women were more likely to say that they saw their GP only once or twice before

being referred on to hospital

Women were more likely to say they were given written information about the side

effects of their treatment

Women were much more likely to be given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist

Women were more lily to say that they had been given the name of a Key Worker

Women were more likely to say that they were given the opportunity to discuss

their needs and concerns to inform the construction of their care plan

Women were more likely to say that they had been approached to see if they would

like to take part in cancer research

Women were more likely to say that doctors did not talk in front of them as if they

were not there

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Three examples of the general principle that men are more positive than women are set

out in the chart below:












Given written information on type

of cancer

Told about future side effects

Confidence and trust in all ward nurses

Differences by gender



The Impact of ethnicity

The data from the 2013 Wales CPES has been analysed to assess any differences that

might be seen between patients from differing Black and Minority Ethnic groups and White

patients, based on the Office for National Statistics official groupings.

However, there was too little data to show any real differences between these groups,

almost certainly because of the small number of ethnic minority patients in the initial

sample and response groups. Analysis showed that there were no statistically significant

differences between ethnic groups on any question.

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The Impact of sexual orientation

A question was asked in the Wales CPES about the patients sexual orientation - whether

they regarded themselves as heterosexual, or bisexual, gay or lesbian, or had other


There are only small numbers of significant differences when we combine all the non

heterosexual groups together for analysis purposes, mainly due to the small number of

respondents who classified themselves as such. These are as follows:

Q15: Being given choice of different types of treatment: heterosexuals 84%; non

heterosexuals 66%

Q20: Involved as much as they wanted to be about their care and treatment:

heterosexuals 71%; non heterosexuals 56%

Q25: Given the name of a Key Worker: heterosexuals 66%; non heterosexuals 53%

Q52: Doctors and nurses in hospital asked what name you wanted to be called by:

heterosexuals 62%; non heterosexuals 42%

The results from other cancer surveys show larger numbers of statistically significant

differences between non heterosexuals and heterosexuals.

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Differences between Welsh and English speakers

Two kinds of analysis were undertaken on the Wales CPES data to identify any

differences of view that might exist between patients whose preferred language of

communication was Welsh and those for whom it was English.

Question 82 in the questionnaire asked patients to identify which was their preferred

language for "receiving information and treatment". When we compare those who said

that their preferred language was Welsh (3%) as distinct from English (96%), the analysis

showed that there were eleven (11) statistically significant differences across questions,

with - on balance - more positive results being given by those who preferred Welsh than

those who preferred English. On 8 of the 11 scored questions those who preferred Welsh

scored more positively; and on 3 questions those who preferred English scored more


The 3 questions on which those who preferred English scored more highly were in respect


Q11: Were you told that you could bring a friend or family member with you

Q25: Given the name and contact details of a Key Worker5

Q48: Ward nurses talked in front of me as if I was not there

The questions on which those who preferred Welsh scored more highly were as follows:

Welsh English

Q26 Easy to contact my Key Worker 98% 81%

Q27 Key Worker listened carefully to me 98% 92%

Q41 Able to talk to their doctor as often as they liked 62% 53%

Q46 Always received understandable answers to questions from

ward nurses

82% 75%

Q63 Staff controlled side effects of chemotherapy 90% 83%

Q64 Staff did everything they could to control pain whilst

patients was a day case/outpatient

89% 81%

Q69 GPs/nurses at the practice did everything they could to

support the patient whilst they were having treatment

73% 66%

Q74 Patients overall rating of care excellent/very good 92% 88%

Responses to the survey can also be analysed to compare those who chose to answer in

English and the 162 patients who answered in Welsh. When we analyse the responses in

this way, we find that those who completed in Welsh were more positive than patients who

completed the survey in English. This is true not only of the questions set out above but

on a much wider range of questions.

5 In respect of Question 25, this could be explained by a higher prevalence of Key Worker information being

given in English majority speaking Boards.

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7. Survey development and methodology

Development of the questionnaire

The Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey questionnaire draws on the 2010, 2012,

and 2013 cancer survey questionnaires developed and used in England by Quality

Health, and on the England national inpatient survey as the basis for many of its

questions alongside a number of new questions, e.g. on Key Workers, developed

specifically for the Welsh survey.

Cognitive testing of the whole questionnaire and on the new questions was undertaken to

ensure that patients understood the questions being asked, that no important issues had

been omitted and to check that the questions were, as far as possible, in the order that

the patient would recognise as fitting the pathway that they had followed. Cognitive testing

was undertaken with both English and Welsh speaking patients.

As all the questions repeated from the previous iterations of the survey had been

cognitively tested, it was decided that, although all questions in the Wales questionnaire

would be tested, greater emphasis would be placed on the structure of new questions,

their place in the survey as a whole, instructions for routing, and those questions with

more complex terminology or timescale assessments involved. It is known from evidence

from the patient help lines run by Quality Health for many patient survey systems and for

Patient Reported Outcome Measures (PROMs) that the issues of timescale assessment,

and the meaning of NHS terminology and words which are unusual for the reader, are

ones which prove difficult to understand for some patients.

A list of volunteers for the cognitive testing was provided by Macmillan Cancer Support;

these patients were from a wide range of cancer types and from all over Wales.

Questionnaires were sent to participants who were asked to complete the questionnaire

before the interview. This style of testing was used to help determine the participant's

ability to complete the questionnaire on their own, and to follow routing instructions.

Interviewees were talked through the questionnaire with the interviewer asking what

answer was given to each question, recording the answers on screen, and then asking a

number of scripted questions. If required, spontaneous follow up questions were allowed

to probe further into the interviewee’s reasons for giving the answer they did and their

understanding of the question. Potential issues and follow up questions were listed by

question on the testing template used by interviewers. The templates allowed interviewers

to type in responses in real time and to record question answers given by the


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Interviewers also asked a number of general questions. These included:

~ What do you think about the use of the word Cancer throughout the


~ Was the ‘lead-in text’ before some of the questions clear and helpful?

~ Did you understand and follow the routing instructions beside some questions?

~ Are there any important things that you think are missing from the survey?

~ Did you have treatment at more than one hospital site / NHS Health Board /

Trust, and if so which site have you been assuming you are answering about,

and why did you make that decision?

~ Do you have any other comments to make?

As each phase of the testing was completed discussions took place about any issues that

had arisen and questions were refined.


The Wales 2013 Cancer Patient Experience Survey included all adult patients (aged 16

and over) with a primary diagnosis of cancer in the first diagnosis field, who had been

admitted to an NHS hospital as an inpatient or as a day case patient, and had been in

active treatment between 1st June 2012 and 30th March 2013. Data definitions identifying

patients qualifying for inclusion were based on the ICD10 codes of C00-C99, and D05

were used. Patients with an ICD10 code of C44 (other malignant neoplasms of the skin),

and C84 (some Haematology codes) were excluded from the sample by agreement. There

are only very small numbers of such patients with these codes.

The Wales data capture methodology was identical to that used in England and it is

therefore the case that there is comparability between most questions in the England

Cancer Patient Experience Survey 2013 and the Wales Cancer Patient Experience


All 7 Health Boards and 1 Trust providing and treating adult patients with cancer were

included in the survey. The Local Health Boards and the Trust (Velindre) providing adult

cancer services included patients attending 30 separate hospitals, including relatively

small units. Of the 30 hospitals, 12 were small units with low numbers of patients in the

sample, where it is not possible to test differences between their scores and the national

score for individual questions, because of such small numbers of patients in the universe

and in the response group.18 hospitals therefore have scores attributed to them.

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Quality Health undertook the checking of patients through the DBS system (Demographic

Batch Service) for deaths, once Health Boards / Trust had selected their patients from

local patient administration systems. DBS checks were undertaken on three separate

occasions; at the initial send out stage, and at first and second reminder stage.

Centralisation of the DBS checking system has been extremely successful in reducing

significantly the number of patients who were reported as deceased through the helpline

and has minimised distress levels for families.

A Guidance Manual was provided to guide Health Board / Trust staff through the sampling

process and to provide background information to the survey. The national Guidance

Manual and data capture documents, and all survey materials, can be located at

The survey continues to be run using procedures very similar to those used for the

national patient surveys run by the England Care Quality Commission, which some Health

Board / Trust staff will be familiar with. This was the first time that a national cancer

patient experience survey had been undertaken across Wales, and Board and Trust staff

worked well together to establish the sample and check the data. In this process, they

were supported at all stages by the Data Team at Quality Health.

Data security agreements were signed between each Health Board / Trust and Quality

Health who undertook all fieldwork including despatch and receipt of questionnaires, data

capture and analysis of the data. All personal data was held within a closed loop system

and no third party contractors had any access to personal information.

The Survey process

Samples were drawn by Health Boards / Trust in accordance with the Guidance Manual

provided to them and then checked through the DBS system before submission to Quality

Health. Quality Health then undertook 16 further types of checks to ensure that the

sample met the survey criteria and that all requested information was present.

In particular, duplicate or multiple admissions or attendances were removed from Health

Board / Trust samples, and also across Health Boards / Trust nationwide, in order to

prevent patients from being sent multiple questionnaires related to attendance at different

Health Boards / Trust.

The survey was conducted by post, with two reminders (to non-responders only) as is the

case with the national patient surveys. A standard questionnaire, covering letter and

reminder letters were used. All covering letters were sent out on Health Board / Trust

headed paper and signed by a member of the Health Board / Trust’s staff – often the

Chief Executive; specific authorisation was obtained from each Health Board / Trust for

the use of the signature and headed paper. A language leaflet was also enclosed offering

translation services and a pre-paid return envelope was included so that patients could

respond without financial cost.

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The questionnaire was made available to patients in both English and Welsh, and the

cover letter and supporting documents were also translated.

Quality Health also ran a national freephone helpline for patients, and supported

completion of the survey through textphone and language translation facilities, using its

own in house staff.

Questionnaires were returned to Quality Health for data capture. A log was kept of all

helpline calls and correspondence detailing information about deceased patients, those

who had moved or those who did not wish to participate in the survey.

At all stages of the process procedures were put in place to comply with the Data

Protection Act 1998, the NHS Code of Practice on Confidentiality (2003), which

incorporates the Caldicott principles, the ISO 27001 and 9001 accreditations enjoyed by

Quality Health, and by the requirements of IGSoCv10.

Data processing and analysis

All response data was verified and checked before submission for analysis.

On some questions patients were asked to skip forward if the main question was not

relevant to them. For example, question 5 which asks about whether the patient has had

diagnostic tests. Where patients said ‘no’, they were then asked to go to question 10. In

cases such as this special rules were applied to the data in questions 6 to 10 to remove

any responses where patients said ‘no’ to question 5.

Overall, there are 67 scored "indicator” or scored questions in the Wales Cancer Patient

Experience Survey 2013 on which analysis has been undertaken. There are 7 questions

(3, 5, 10, 36, 40, 66 and 71) in the questionnaire which are not scored. These questions

are information or routing questions e.g. question 5 which asks if patients have had tests.

For the 67 indicator questions key scores have been calculated after removing any

patients who said that the question did not apply to them, who ticked ‘don’t know / can’t

remember’ or who did not answer at all; these key scores are also used in the charts and


In the England 2012 CPES, one amendment to the data capture criteria was made by

agreement with the Cancer Patient Experience Advisory Group (CPEAG) to remove a very

small group of haematological patients with rare conditions (e.g. Mycosis Fungoides, and

unspecified T cell Lymphomas) who may not be told by clinicians on diagnosis that they

had cancer. This convention has been applied to the inclusion criteria for the Wales


Page 119: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


The Wales CPES sample was 10,945 and the number of respondents was 7,352. These

datasets are regarded internationally as highly valuable and the methodology and

questionnaire is being used as a base for studies of cancer patients in many countries.

No weighting or standardisation was applied to the data before analysis. Further

research sponsored by Macmillan Cancer Support and conducted by the Cambridge

Centre for Health Services Research in respect of the England CPES indicates that the

composition of the patient population in a hospital Trust in England (e.g. as defined by

age, gender, ethnicity and cancer diagnosis case-mix) has only a small scale impact on

the cancer patient experience scores of that hospital Trust and its relative performance in

respect of other hospitals.6 Based on this, a major influence of patient case-mix on the

performance ranks of Welsh Health Boards / Trust can be judged unlikely.

The conventions used in this Report in respect of analysing and presenting data are as


In each section of this Report, two kinds of statistical tests have been used to assess

whether apparent differences in results have real significance. These are the T test,

used to assess whether differences between (for example) one tumour group and the

total for all tumour groups are of real standing. The test has been applied to give

results at the 95% confidence interval and in almost all cases the resulting confidence

interval is +/- 1.9%. The only cases where the confidence interval is wider is where the

absolute numbers of respondents falls below about 500 in a category being analysed.

At whole survey level, including all cancer groups and all respondents, the confidence

interval at 95% is +/- 0.9%.

The second statistical test used is chi squared, giving an analysis of whether the

differences seen across all tumour groups (or other categories) are in fact significant

taking them as a whole. In this Report we have used a standard form of words in the

text to reflect instances where chi square indicates that there are no real differences in

results looking at tumour groups as a whole.

Where we are analysing the results by tumour group, we only report where a particular

group’s results have been identified as significantly different from the results for all

tumour groups. In cases where chi square tells us that the results across all groups are

not significantly different, we have indicated in the text that there are no real

differences between them.

Normally, when analysing results by tumour group, we have used examples from the

best and worst performing tumour groups on that particular question. These examples

have only been used where that tumour group itself has significantly different results

from that of respondents as a whole.

6 Abel GA, Saunders CL, Lyratzopoulos G. Cancer patient experience, hospital performance and case

mix: evidence from England. Future Oncology, Pages 1-10. Posted online on 16 Dec 2013.The paper can be freely accessed:

Page 120: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



The high response rate to the Wales 2013 CPES (69%) means that for most Health

Boards / Trust there are sufficient numbers of responders to make robust comparisons

between Health Boards / Trust, where we consider "all cancers" taken together, and

between tumour groups within Health Boards / Trust. One Board (Powys) however had a

small initial sample and consequently small numbers of respondents, because they treat

relatively few cancer patients and full reports have therefore not been provided for Powys.

Some hospitals, especially community hospitals, have small numbers of respondents and

it is not therefore possible to display results for these individual hospitals.

Reports have been produced at both national and Health Board / Trust level arising from

the 2013 Wales Cancer Patient Experience Survey. It is also the intention to produce

reports based on the location of the patients’ homes, rather than the Board and hospital of


These reports are as follows:

This National Report, covering all Health Boards / Trust and all cancer types

Reports for each participating Health Board / Trust, indicating their performance

against providers generally, by cancer type, and by hospital within the Board.

Page 121: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




Hywel Dda






Cardiff and

Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB


Bevan HB




Q1 75% 73% 71% 74% 72% 75% 73% 73%

Q2 80% 78% 76% 80% 85% 73% 78% 78%

Q4 80% 79% 77% 81% 84% 80% 80% 79%

Q6 84% 81% 82% 83% 85% 78% 86% 83%

Q7 87% 85% 86% 86% 89% 86% 89% 87%

Q8 86% 83% 80% 87% 88% 79% 85% 84%

Q9 79% 77% 79% 83% 85% 76% 81% 79%

Q11 71% 70% 67% 66% 70% 68% 75% 70%

Q12 83% 84% 83% 87% 86% 86% 85% 84%

Q13 74% 75% 73% 75% 78% 73% 78% 75%

Q14 64% 61% 59% 62% 59% 62% 65% 62%

Q15 83% 81% 81% 88% 83% 85% 88% 84%

Q16 70% 67% 68% 74% 70% 75% 74% 71%

Q17 74% 71% 72% 74% 71% 73% 80% 75%

Q18 81% 79% 78% 77% 68% 77% 89% 82%

Q19 53% 51% 52% 54% 53% 58% 61% 55%

Q20 71% 69% 68% 76% 70% 73% 73% 71%

Q21 88% 85% 85% 93% 84% 91% 91% 88%

Q22 81% 79% 76% 78% 83% 78% 77% 78%

Q23 93% 90% 90% 92% 91% 91% 93% 92%

Q24 94% 91% 90% 93% 92% 90% 92% 92%

Q25 63% 58% 61% 72% 59% 75% 74% 66%

Q26 82% 84% 81% 83% 78% 88% 81% 82%

Q27 94% 93% 91% 91% 84% 90% 94% 92%

Q28 90% 92% 90% 94% 79% 84% 93% 91%

Q29 58% 52% 49% 60% 53% 61% 67% 58%

Board Scores by Question Showing Those That are Significantly Different from the all Wales Total


8. Appendix A – Tables showing significant difference

Page 122: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




Hywel Dda






Cardiff and

Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB


Bevan HB




Q30 24% 20% 21% 20% 20% 22% 25% 22%

Q31 68% 61% 62% 75% 58% 63% 77% 69%

Q32 70% 64% 60% 69% 56% 71% 74% 68%

Q33 52% 34% 28% 43% 42% 31% 53% 44%

Q34 25% 24% 26% 35% 18% 25% 38% 29%

Q35 62% 65% 66% 83% 45% 70% 62% 64%

Q37 86% 87% 88% 89% 86% 86% 87% 87%

Q38 77% 66% 62% 72% 72% 74% 71% 70%

Q39 78% 77% 79% 80% 72% 78% 77% 78%

Q41 54% 55% 52% 60% 48% 51% 55% 54%

Q42 81% 79% 79% 82% 78% 79% 80% 80%

Q43 87% 84% 86% 87% 87% 91% 87% 87%

Q44 86% 81% 83% 83% 85% 88% 84% 84%

Q45 63% 61% 61% 62% 60% 58% 62% 61%

Q46 78% 79% 69% 77% 71% 70% 77% 75%

Q47 76% 73% 69% 79% 71% 69% 74% 73%

Q48 88% 84% 84% 88% 86% 87% 85% 86%

Q49 62% 64% 53% 62% 61% 54% 65% 60%

Q50 91% 87% 88% 87% 87% 91% 90% 89%

Q51 84% 82% 84% 83% 82% 86% 86% 84%

Q52 66% 68% 59% 61% 54% 58% 60% 62%

Q53 84% 82% 82% 83% 84% 80% 86% 83%

Q54 94% 93% 94% 94% 94% 89% 95% 94%

Q55 66% 62% 60% 69% 55% 58% 65% 63%

Q56 86% 87% 83% 88% 87% 85% 86% 86%

Q57 87% 85% 82% 89% 84% 81% 85% 85%


Page 123: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




Hywel Dda






Cardiff and

Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB


Bevan HB




Q58 84% 80% 75% 87% 75% 82% 85% 81%

Q59 93% 90% 89% 96% 86% 90% 94% 92%

Q60 61% 53% 52% 55% 53% 61% 61% 57%

Q61 59% 62% 52% 68% 62% 61% 61% 59%

Q62 80% 76% 79% 72% 80% 82% 79% 79%

Q63 86% 85% 80% 80% 76% 87% 83% 83%

Q64 83% 83% 76% 80% 76% 79% 83% 81%

Q65 75% 75% 69% 73% 65% 67% 72% 72%

Q67 97% 95% 95% 96% 98% 97% 97% 96%

Q68 92% 92% 91% 93% 91% 94% 92% 92%

Q69 67% 70% 67% 70% 64% 66% 65% 67%

Q70 67% 66% 61% 69% 69% 67% 65% 65%

Q72 86% 85% 85% 87% 84% 84% 88% 86%

Q73 83% 80% 79% 87% 80% 82% 81% 81%

Q74 90% 86% 85% 92% 86% 84% 91% 89%


Page 124: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Colorectal /



intestinal Lung Prostate





Head and

Neck Sarcoma Skin



intestinal Urological Other Total

Q1 91% 68% 66% 72% 58% 68% 59% 72% 61% 84% 65% 76% 67% 73%

Q2 81% 74% 83% 81% 76% 76% 77% 73% 68% 76% 78% 78% 81% 78%

Q4 92% 74% 76% 86% 62% 70% 64% 75% 60% 90% 62% 82% 74% 79%

Q6 87% 83% 85% 85% 77% 77% 82% 85% 77% 84% 78% 80% 81% 83%

Q7 88% 88% 88% 88% 84% 83% 89% 85% 83% 85% 84% 87% 88% 87%

Q8 85% 87% 83% 84% 84% 79% 81% 80% 70% 69% 82% 87% 78% 84%

Q9 84% 79% 79% 81% 71% 76% 73% 80% 83% 78% 72% 79% 77% 79%

Q11 77% 76% 71% 69% 81% 64% 65% 65% 56% 55% 69% 65% 62% 70%

Q12 90% 85% 83% 84% 78% 82% 83% 85% 81% 85% 77% 80% 78% 84%

Q13 81% 78% 75% 80% 61% 73% 56% 77% 63% 81% 68% 75% 69% 75%

Q14 69% 62% 57% 78% 32% 49% 66% 50% 34% 60% 48% 57% 48% 62%

Q15 89% 77% 83% 91% 94% 79% 78% 82% 83% 75% 84% 74% 74% 84%

Q16 75% 67% 73% 71% 75% 68% 65% 76% 73% 78% 65% 70% 69% 71%

Q17 77% 75% 80% 76% 75% 75% 72% 74% 77% 72% 75% 68% 67% 75%

Q18 88% 83% 83% 85% 73% 81% 79% 74% 67% 64% 81% 70% 74% 82%

Q19 58% 56% 55% 65% 64% 52% 52% 55% 58% 44% 49% 45% 46% 55%

Tumour Groups





Tumour Group Scores by Question Showing Those That are Significantly Different from the all Wales Total


Page 125: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Colorectal /



intestinal Lung Prostate





Head and

Neck Sarcoma Skin



intestinal Urological Other Total

Tumour Groups





Q20 74% 71% 72% 72% 59% 73% 68% 70% 79% 75% 65% 68% 67% 71%

Q21 96% 91% 93% 80% 85% 91% 80% 90% 83% 79% 95% 70% 87% 88%

Q22 80% 81% 75% 77% 65% 78% 82% 64% 72% 83% 74% 80% 81% 78%

Q23 93% 92% 94% 92% 93% 93% 93% 85% 88% 93% 91% 92% 89% 92%

Q24 93% 92% 90% 91% 92% 93% 94% 86% 87% 95% 89% 91% 93% 92%

Q25 78% 74% 80% 54% 72% 62% 53% 69% 55% 47% 79% 39% 66% 66%

Q26 82% 83% 82% 84% 56% 90% 84% 69% 75% 72% 81% 84% 85% 82%

Q27 94% 91% 96% 95% 88% 90% 95% 84% 92% 89% 94% 87% 92% 92%

Q28 94% 87% 87% 94% 82% 93% 93% 88% 91% 94% 86% 92% 90% 91%

Q29 66% 64% 67% 50% 80% 55% 56% 62% 55% 41% 65% 37% 51% 58%

Q30 24% 28% 30% 19% 25% 18% 25% 24% 10% 11% 26% 15% 17% 22%

Q31 77% 67% 71% 67% 74% 65% 69% 71% 65% 53% 70% 46% 63% 69%

Q32 72% 69% 73% 66% 83% 59% 76% 66% 56% 63% 73% 52% 61% 68%

Q33 46% 44% 62% 32% 62% 46% 45% 45% 50% 29% 50% 23% 47% 44%

Q34 38% 31% 31% 32% 27% 26% 26% 30% 20% 10% 19% 15% 27% 29%

Q35 61% 69% 62% 58% 38% 78% 73% 60% 64% 92% 57% 61% 74% 64%

Q37 89% 85% 87% 89% 85% 83% 82% 89% 91% 92% 86% 86% 86% 87%

Q38 76% 70% 67% 78% 44% 68% 54% 49% 43% 64% 74% 72% 61% 70%


Page 126: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Colorectal /



intestinal Lung Prostate





Head and

Neck Sarcoma Skin



intestinal Urological Other Total

Tumour Groups





Q39 79% 78% 82% 76% 59% 78% 73% 79% 84% 80% 79% 73% 80% 78%

Q41 55% 58% 54% 53% 46% 52% 61% 53% 53% 65% 58% 44% 46% 54%

Q42 82% 82% 77% 74% 82% 78% 81% 80% 83% 90% 77% 75% 81% 80%

Q43 89% 88% 79% 86% 79% 86% 84% 87% 90% 95% 85% 85% 79% 87%

Q44 90% 81% 75% 90% 68% 85% 78% 79% 85% 82% 81% 83% 83% 84%

Q45 66% 60% 53% 60% 56% 62% 63% 66% 53% 67% 61% 56% 65% 61%

Q46 80% 75% 68% 74% 62% 73% 76% 76% 79% 75% 74% 70% 71% 75%

Q47 77% 69% 72% 76% 67% 69% 77% 73% 77% 81% 71% 71% 72% 73%

Q48 89% 84% 81% 86% 81% 86% 87% 83% 95% 87% 85% 84% 87% 86%

Q49 69% 55% 52% 58% 63% 55% 53% 62% 71% 74% 60% 56% 59% 60%

Q50 92% 88% 88% 91% 86% 85% 85% 88% 88% 96% 87% 88% 88% 89%

Q51 87% 83% 75% 92% 86% 82% 76% 81% 83% 88% 83% 85% 79% 84%

Q52 57% 67% 65% 55% 64% 62% 63% 67% 53% 43% 76% 64% 59% 62%

Q53 86% 83% 74% 82% 89% 81% 79% 87% 85% 86% 86% 82% 87% 83%

Q54 95% 94% 93% 93% 93% 94% 90% 94% 90% 93% 96% 93% 96% 94%

Q55 67% 62% 62% 61% 56% 62% 62% 67% 71% 67% 67% 58% 61% 63%

Q56 89% 86% 77% 84% 91% 88% 85% 87% 97% 93% 82% 80% 85% 86%


Page 127: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Colorectal /



intestinal Lung Prostate





Head and

Neck Sarcoma Skin



intestinal Urological Other Total

Tumour Groups





Q57 88% 82% 83% 88% 79% 83% 84% 85% 95% 90% 82% 83% 87% 85%

Q58 86% 82% 68% 87% 58% 80% 81% 79% 67% 76% 78% 79% 74% 81%

Q59 93% 93% 90% 92% 92% 89% 93% 91% 87% 95% 95% 86% 93% 92%

Q60 58% 59% 54% 59% 63% 50% 63% 62% 44% 57% 62% 49% 59% 57%

Q61 62% 67% 57% 42% 56% 58% 53% 54% 67% 59% 63% 46% 67% 59%

Q62 79% 82% 76% 78% 78% 81% 81% 79% 77% 77% 75% 79% 74% 79%

Q63 83% 86% 84% 79% 61% 87% 83% 84% 87% 76% 80% 84% 83% 83%

Q64 81% 84% 84% 77% 68% 82% 85% 84% 83% 83% 83% 72% 79% 81%

Q65 71% 76% 77% 68% 70% 70% 76% 74% 80% 73% 72% 68% 71% 72%

Q67 97% 97% 96% 95% 100% 96% 98% 97% 93% 92% 94% 96% 96% 96%

Q68 94% 91% 89% 92% 85% 90% 91% 94% 84% 91% 90% 92% 93% 92%

Q69 68% 67% 69% 70% 60% 62% 64% 62% 63% 75% 69% 65% 67% 67%

Q70 67% 64% 69% 71% 55% 64% 64% 62% 58% 69% 61% 61% 60% 65%

Q72 87% 85% 90% 89% 76% 86% 89% 86% 82% 88% 80% 84% 84% 86%

Q73 80% 84% 76% 82% 76% 82% 83% 83% 80% 93% 79% 81% 77% 81%

Q74 91% 88% 89% 86% 94% 87% 91% 89% 89% 90% 88% 85% 87% 89%


Page 128: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


9. Appendix B - Full Survey Results

This appendix sets out the full results from the 2013 Wales Cancer Patient

Experience Survey ordered in exactly the same way as in the survey questionnaire

sent to patients.

The results are shown firstly in absolute numbers then as percentages.

The percentages are calculated after excluding those patients who did not answer that

particular question. All percentages are rounded to the nearest whole number. When

added together, the percentages for all answers to a particular question may not total

exactly 100% because of this rounding.

On some questions there are also some figures which are italicised. The percentages on

these questions have been recalculated to exclude responses where the question was not

applicable to the patient’s circumstances or to remove neutral responses e.g. ‘don’t know’

or ‘can’t remember’. The italicised percentages will add up to 100%.

The 'Missing' figures show the number of patients who did not reply to a particular

question. In some cases, the ‘Missing’ figure is quite high because it includes patients

who did not answer that question or group of questions because it was not applicable to

their circumstances (e.g. question 6).

There are a number of questions which are ‘routed’ (i.e. where patients are directed to a

subsequent question depending on their answer to the lead question). Sometimes there

are conflicts in the answers that patients give to these questions and the data is corrected

to account for this. For example, if response option 2 in question 5 is ticked and the

patient goes on to answer questions 6 to 9, then any data between question 5 and

question 10 (where the patient was directed) will be deleted as these questions should not

have been answered by the patient.

Page 129: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


01 Before you were told you needed to go to hospital about cancer, how many

times did you see your GP (family doctor) about the health problem caused

by cancer?

None I did not see my GP before going to hospital 1499 21%

I saw my GP once 2889 53%

I saw my GP twice 1135 21%

I saw my GP 3 or 4 times 926 17%

I saw my GP 5 or more times 544 10%

Don't know / Can't say 152 2%

Missing 207

02 How do you feel about the length of time you had to wait before your first

appointment with a hospital doctor?

I was seen as soon as I thought was necessary 5520 78%

I should have been seen a bit sooner 839 12%

I should have been seen a lot sooner 685 10%

Missing 308

03 How long was it from the time you first thought something might be wrong

with you until you first saw a hospital doctor?

Less than 3 months 5081 73%

3-6 months 1015 15%

6-12 months 417 6%

More than 12 months 283 4%

Don't know / Can't remember 203 3%

Missing 353

04 Did your health get worse, get better or stay about the same while you

were waiting for your first appointment with a hospital doctor?

My health got worse 1462 21%

My health got better 28 0%

My health stayed about the same 5562 79%

Missing 300


Page 130: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


05 In the last 12 months, have you had diagnostic test(s) for cancer such as an

endoscopy, biopsy, mammogram, or scan at one of the hospitals named in

the covering letter?

Yes 6114 88%

No 837 12%

Missing 401

06 Beforehand, did a member of staff explain the purpose of the test(s)?

Yes completely 4917 83%

Yes to some extent 876 15%

No but I would have liked an explanation 103 2%

I did not need an explanation 279 4%

Don't know / Can't remember 84 1%

Missing 1093

07 Beforehand, did a member of staff explain what would be done during the

test procedure(s)?

Yes completely 5293 87%

Yes to some extent 702 12%

No but I would have liked an explanation 75 1%

I did not need an explanation 154 2%

Don't know / Can't remember 55 1%

Missing 1073

08 Beforehand, were you given written information about your test(s)?

Yes and it was easy to understand 3816 84%

Yes but it was difficult to understand 174 4%

No but I would have liked written information about the test(s) 560 12%

I did not need written information 1214 19%

Don't know / Can't remember 474 8%

Missing 1114

09 Were the results of the test(s) explained in a way you could understand?

Yes completely 4901 79%

Yes to some extent 1124 18%

No but I would have liked an explanation 140 2%

I did not need an explanation 69 1%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 43 1%

Missing 1075


Page 131: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


10 Who first told you that you had cancer?

A hospital doctor 5911 83%

A hospital nurse 338 5%

A GP (family doctor) 491 7%

Another health professional 265 4%

A friend or relative 12 0%

Nobody – I worked it out for myself 124 2%

Missing 211

11 When you were first told that you had cancer, had you been told you could

bring a family member or friend with you?

Yes 4200 70%

No 1761 30%

It was not necessary 774 11%

I was told by phone or letter 91 1%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 337 5%

Missing 189

12 How do you feel about the way you were told you had cancer?

It was done sensitively 6073 84%

It should have been done a bit more sensitively 757 11%

It should have been done a lot more sensitively 360 5%

Missing 162

13 Did you understand the explanation of what was wrong with you?

Yes I completely understood it 5410 75%

Yes I understood some of it 1625 23%

No I did not understand it 146 2%

Can’t remember 56 1%

Missing 115

14 When you were told you had cancer, were you given written information

about the type of cancer you had?

Yes and it was easy to understand 3765 62%

Yes but it was difficult to understand 347 6%

No I was not given written information about the type of cancer I had 1928 32%

I did not need written information 792 11%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 327 5%

Missing 193


Page 132: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


15 Before your cancer treatment started, were you given a choice of different

types of treatment?

Yes 2290 84%

No but I would have liked a choice 430 16%

I was not given a choice because only one type of treatment was suitable for


4234 59%

Not sure / Can’t remember 210 3%

Missing 188

16 Do you think your views were taken into account when the team of doctors

and nurses caring for you were discussing which treatment you should


Yes definitely 4333 71%

Yes to some extent 1390 23%

No my views were not taken into account 412 7%

I didn't know my treatment was being discussed by a team of doctors /


551 8%

Not sure / Can't remember 392 6%

Missing 274

17 Were the possible side effects of treatment(s) explained in a way you could


Yes definitely 5056 75%

Yes to some extent 1368 20%

No side effects were not explained 343 5%

I did not need an explanation 284 4%

Not sure / Can’t remember 96 1%

Missing 205

18 Before you started your treatment, were you given written information

about the side effects of treatment(s)?

Yes and it was easy to understand 5010 82%

Yes but it was difficult to understand 341 6%

No I was not given written information 782 13%

I did not need written information 671 10%

Don’t know / can’t remember 255 4%

Missing 293

19 Before you started your treatment, were you also told about any side

effects of the treatment that could affect you in the future rather than

straight away?

Yes definitely 3419 55%

Yes to some extent 1535 25%

No future side effects were not explained 1239 20%

I did not need an explanation 505 7%

Not sure / can’t remember 355 5%

Missing 299


Page 133: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


20 Were you involved as much as you wanted to be in decisions about your

care and treatment?

Yes definitely 4910 71%

Yes to some extent 1591 23%

No but I would like to have been more involved 401 6%

Not sure / Can't remember 174 2%

Missing 276


Page 134: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


21 Were you given the name of a Clinical Nurse Specialist who would be in

charge of your care?

Yes 5012 88%

No 663 12%

Don’t know / Not sure 215 4%

Missing 1462

22 How easy is it for you to contact your Clinical Nurse Specialist?

Easy 3635 78%

Sometimes easy sometimes difficult 876 19%

Difficult 126 3%

I have not tried to contact her/him 389 8%

Missing 2326

23 The last time you spoke to your Clinical Nurse Specialist, did she/he listen

carefully to you?

Yes definitely 4524 92%

Yes to some extent 331 7%

No 64 1%

Missing 2433

24 When you have important questions to ask your Clinical Nurse Specialist,

how often do you get answers you can understand?

All or most of the time 4189 92%

Some of the time 315 7%

Rarely or never 60 1%

I do not ask any questions 392 8%

Missing 2396

25 Were you given the name and contact details of your Key Worker?

Yes and this was not a CNS 1792 30%

Yes and this was my CNS 2162 36%

No I did not have anyone who was named my Key Worker 2059 34%

Don’t know / not sure 737 11%

Missing 602

26 How easy is it for you to contact your Key Worker?

Easy 1387 82%

Sometimes easy sometimes difficult 268 16%

Difficult 36 2%

I have not tried to contact her/him 188 10%

Missing 5473

27 The last time you spoke to your Key Worker, did she/he listen carefully to


Yes definitely 1652 92%

Yes to some extent 111 6%

No 25 1%

Missing 5564133

Page 135: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


28 When you have important questions to ask your Key Worker, how often do

you get answers you can understand?

All or most of the time 1520 91%

Some of the time 139 8%

Rarely or never 14 1%

I do not ask any questions 153 8%

Missing 5526

29 Were you offered the opportunity to discuss your needs and concerns in

order to put together your care plan?

Yes 3242 58%

No 2347 42%

Don't know / can't remember 1022 15%

Missing 741

30 Have you been offered a written care plan?

Yes 1251 22%

No 4328 78%

Don't know / can't remember 988 15%

Missing 785


Page 136: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


31 Did hospital staff give you information about emotional support, such as

support or self-help groups for people with cancer?

Yes 3278 69%

Yes but I would have liked more information 394 8%

No but I would have liked information 1099 23%

It was not necessary 1882 27%

Don’t know / can’t remember 374 5%

Missing 325

32 Did hospital staff discuss with you or give you information about the impact

cancer could have on your work life or education?

Yes 2208 68%

No but I would have liked a discussion or information 1032 32%

It was not necessary / relevant to me 3416 49%

Don’t know / can’t remember 330 5%

Missing 366

33 Did hospital staff give you information about how to get financial help or

any benefits you might be entitled to?

Yes 1715 44%

Yes but I would have liked more information 259 7%

No but I would have liked information 1918 49%

It was not necessary 2897 41%

Don’t know / can’t remember 198 3%

Missing 365

34 Since your diagnosis, has anyone discussed with you whether you would

like to take part in cancer research?

Yes 1913 29%

No 4724 71%

Don't know / Can't remember 319 5%

Missing 396

35 If yes, did you then go on to take part in cancer research?

Yes 1219 64%

No 678 36%

Missing 5455


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36 During the last 12 months, have you had an operation (such as removal of a

tumour or lump) at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Yes 3827 54%

No 3198 46%

Missing 327

37 Before you had your operation, did a member of staff explain what would

be done during the operation?

Yes completely 3316 87%

Yes to some extent 439 12%

No but I would have liked an explanation 59 2%

I did not need an explanation 50 1%

Don't know / Can't remember 21 1%

Missing 3467

38 Beforehand, were you given written information about your operation?

Yes and it was easy to understand 2072 70%

Yes but it was difficult to understand 118 4%

No I was not given written information 764 26%

I did not need written information 637 17%

Don’t know / can’t remember 253 7%

Missing 3508

39 After the operation, did a member of staff explain how it had gone in a way

you could understand?

Yes completely 2952 78%

Yes to some extent 652 17%

No but I would have liked an explanation 191 5%

I did not need an explanation 81 2%

Missing 3476


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40 During the last 12 months, have you had an operation or stayed overnight

for cancer care at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Yes 4188 60%

No 2817 40%

Missing 347

41 During your treatment, were you able to talk to your doctor as often as you

would like?

All or most of the time 2065 54%

Some of the time 1440 37%

Rarely or never 336 9%

I did not need to talk to my doctor 422 10%

Missing 3089

42 When you had important questions to ask a doctor, how often did you get

answers that you could understand?

All or most of the time 3050 80%

Some of the time 659 17%

Rarely or never 110 3%

I did not ask any questions 485 11%

Missing 3048

43 Did you have confidence and trust in the doctors treating you?

In all of them 3740 87%

In some of them 562 13%

In none of them 18 0%

Missing 3032

44 Did doctors talk in front of you as if you weren't there?

Yes often 152 4%

Yes sometimes 540 13%

No 3625 84%

Missing 3035

45 If your family or someone else close to you wanted to talk to a doctor, did

they have enough opportunity to do so?

Yes definitely 2182 61%

Yes to some extent 1075 30%

No 294 8%

No family or friends were involved 243 6%

My family did not want or need information 340 8%

I did not want my family or friends to talk to a doctor 163 4%

Missing 3055


Page 139: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

WARD NURSES National All

46 When you had important questions to ask a ward nurse, how often did you

get answers you could understand?

All or most of the time 2775 75%

Some of the time 762 21%

Rarely or never 156 4%

I did not ask any questions 610 14%

Missing 3049

47 Did you have confidence and trust in the ward nurses treating you?

In all of them 3153 73%

In some of them 1105 26%

In none of them 44 1%

Missing 3050

48 Did ward nurses talk in front of you as if you weren’t there?

Yes often 125 3%

Yes sometimes 485 11%

No 3687 86%

Missing 3055

49 In your opinion, were there enough nurses on duty to care for you in


There were always or nearly always enough on duty 2580 60%

There were sometimes enough on duty 1229 29%

There were rarely or never enough on duty 478 11%

Missing 3065


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50 While you were in hospital did you ever think that the doctors or nurses

were deliberately not telling you certain things that you wanted to know?

Often 46 1%

Sometimes 352 8%

Only once 77 2%

Never 3821 89%

Missing 3056

51 While you were in hospital, did it ever happen that one doctor or nurse said

one thing about your condition or treatment, and another said something


Often 60 1%

Sometimes 389 9%

Only once 236 6%

Never 3593 84%

Missing 3074

52 While you were in hospital did the doctors and nurses ask you what name

you prefer to be called by?

Yes all of them did 2647 62%

Only some of them did 835 20%

None of them did 788 18%

Missing 3082

53 Were you given enough privacy when discussing your condition or


Yes always 3592 83%

Yes sometimes 540 13%

No 173 4%

Missing 3047

54 Were you given enough privacy when being examined or treated?

Yes always 4046 94%

Yes sometimes 224 5%

No 45 1%

Missing 3037

55 Were you able to discuss any worries or fears with staff during your

hospital visit?

As much as I wanted 2258 63%

Most of the time 775 22%

Some of the time 385 11%

Not at all but would have liked to 148 4%

I did not have any worries or fears 720 17%

Missing 3066


Page 141: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


56 Do you think the hospital staff did everything they could to help control

your pain?

All of the time 3187 86%

Some of the time 482 13%

Not at all 50 1%

I did not have any pain 580 13%

Missing 3053

57 Were you treated with respect and dignity by the doctors and nurses and

other hospital staff?

Always 3660 85%

Most of the time 544 13%

Some of the time 105 2%

Never 10 0%

Missing 3033

58 Were you given clear written information about what you should or should

not do after leaving hospital?

Yes 2940 81%

No 676 19%

I did not need written information 498 12%

Can't remember 193 4%

Missing 3045

59 Did hospital staff tell you who to contact if you were worried about your

condition or treatment after you left hospital?

Yes 3771 92%

No 348 8%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 183 4%

Missing 3050

60 Did the doctors or nurses give your family or someone close to you all the

information they needed to help care for you at home?

Yes definitely 1996 57%

Yes to some extent 820 23%

No 683 20%

No family or friends were involved 239 6%

My family or friends did not want or need information 391 9%

I did not want my family or friends to be given information 106 3%

Missing 3117


Page 142: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


61 After leaving hospital, were you given enough care and help from health or

social services (For example, district nurses, home helps or


Yes definitely 2305 59%

Yes to some extent 794 20%

No 806 21%

I did not need help from health or social services 2450 38%

Don't know / Can't remember 64 1%

Missing 933


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62 Did hospital staff do everything possible to control the side effects of


Yes definitely 2292 79%

Yes to some extent 505 17%

No they could have done more 120 4%

I have not had any side effects from radiotherapy 464 7%

I have not had radiotherapy 3275 49%

Missing 696

63 Did hospital staff do everything possible to control the side effects of


Yes definitely 2973 83%

Yes to some extent 507 14%

No they could have done more 86 2%

I have not had any side effects from chemotherapy 281 4%

I have not had chemotherapy 2797 42%

Missing 708

64 While you were being treated as an outpatient or day case, did hospital

staff do everything they could to help control your pain?

Yes definitely 3148 81%

Yes to some extent 599 15%

No they could have done more 128 3%

I did not have any pain 2857 42%

Missing 620

65 While you were being treated as an outpatient or day case, were you given

enough emotional support from hospital staff?

Yes definitely 3414 72%

Yes to some extent 950 20%

No I would have liked more support 354 8%

I did not need emotional support from staff 2033 30%

Missing 601


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66 In the last 12 months, have you had an outpatients appointment with a

cancer doctor at one of the hospitals named in the covering letter?

Yes 6495 92%

No 536 8%

Missing 321

67 The last time you had an appointment with a cancer doctor, did they have

the right documents, such as medical notes, x-rays and test results?

Yes 6118 96%

No 240 4%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 244 4%

Missing 750


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68 As far as you know, was your GP given enough information about your

condition and the treatment you had at the hospital?

Yes 4874 92%

No 440 8%

Don’t know / Can’t remember 1840 26%

Missing 198

69 Do you think the GPs and nurses at your general practice did everything

they could to support you while you were having cancer treatment?

Yes definitely 3157 67%

Yes to some extent 1046 22%

No they could have done more 515 11%

My general practice was not involved 2345 33%

Missing 289


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70 Did the different people treating and caring for you (such as GP, hospital

doctors, hospital nurses, specialist nurses, community nurses) work well

together to give you the best possible care?

Yes always 4421 65%

Yes most of the time 1666 25%

Yes some of the time 568 8%

No never 126 2%

Don't know 364 5%

Missing 207

71a Have you had treatment from any of the following for your cancer?

Physiotherapist 914 12%

Missing 6438

Occupational therapist (OT) 443 6%

Missing 6909

Dietician 1073 15%

Missing 6279

Speech and language therapist 180 2%

Missing 7172

Lymphoedema specialist 842 11%

Missing 6510

72 How much information were you given about your condition and


Not enough 790 12%

The right amount 5454 86%

Too much 82 1%

Missing 1026

73 Sometimes people with cancer feel they are treated as “a set of cancer

symptoms”, rather than a whole person. In your NHS care over the last

year, did you feel like that?

Yes often 253 4%

Yes sometimes 1050 15%

No 5657 81%

Missing 392

74 Overall, how would you rate your care?

Excellent 4093 58%

Very good 2187 31%

Good 595 8%

Fair 166 2%

Poor 51 1%

Missing 260145

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ABOUT YOU National All

75 Age:

16 - 25 17 0%

26 - 35 87 1%

36 - 50 484 7%

51 - 65 2090 32%

66 - 75 2348 36%

76+ 1550 24%

Missing 776

76 Are you male or female?

Male 3397 47%

Female 3785 53%

Missing 170

77 Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation?

Heterosexual / straight (opposite sex) 6595 96%

Bisexual (both sexes) 19 0%

Gay or Lesbian (same sex) 27 0%

Other 30 0%

Prefer not to answer 222 3%

Missing 459

78 What is your main employment status?

Full time employment 1056 15%

Part time employment 497 7%

Homemaker 206 3%

Student (in education) 15 0%

Retired 4608 65%

Unemployed – and seeking work 36 1%

Unemployed – unable to work for health reasons 494 7%

Other 174 2%

Missing 266

79a Do you have any of the following longstanding conditions?

Deafness or severe hearing impairment 852 12%

Missing 6500

Blindness or partially sighted 179 2%

Missing 7173

A long-standing physical condition 1291 18%

Missing 6061

A learning disability 31 0%

Missing 7321

A mental health condition 187 3%

Missing 7165146

Page 148: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

ABOUT YOU National All

A long-standing illness such as HIV diabetes chronic heart disease or epilepsy 1023 14%

Missing 6329

No I do not have a longstanding condition 4082 56%

Missing 3270

80 How long is it since you were first treated for this cancer?

Less than 1 year 4267 60%

1 to 5 years 2211 31%

More than 5 years 575 8%

Don't know / Can't remember 32 0%

Missing 267

81 How has your cancer responded to treatment?

My cancer has responded fully to treatment 3223 48%

My cancer has been treated but is still present 1520 23%

My cancer has not been treated at all 128 2%

My cancer has come back after it was originally treated 355 5%

My original cancer responded but I now have a new cancer 232 3%

I am not certain what is happening with my cancer 1277 19%

Missing 617

82 What is your preferred language for receiving information and treatment?

Welsh 246 3%

English 6829 96%

Other 15 0%

Missing 262

83 Did you get the information you needed in your preferred language?

Yes completely 6749 95%

Yes to some extent 266 4%

No 76 1%

Don’t know / can’t remember 25 0%

Missing 236

84 Could we send you a survey in the future to ask about your health and


Yes and I understand that this does not mean that I would have to take part in

the future survey

6073 85%

No I would prefer you not to contact me again 1048 15%

Missing 231


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ABOUT YOU National All

85 To which of these ethnic groups would you say you belong?

British 6991 97%

Irish 44 1%

Any other White background 102 1%

White and Black Caribbean 7 0%

White and Black African 4 0%

White and Asian 4 0%

Any other mixed background 2 0%

Indian 7 0%

Pakistani 5 0%

Bangladeshi 1 0%

Any other Asian background 6 0%

Caribbean 3 0%

African 5 0%

Any other Black background 0 0%

Chinese 5 0%

Any other ethnic group 4 0%

Missing 162


Page 150: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru

Adroddiad CenedlaetholIonawr 2014

Paratowyd gan Quality Health

Page 151: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Cynnwys1. Rhagair ........................................................................................................................... 3

2. Crynodeb gweithredol ..................................................................................................... 6

3. Y gyfradd ymateb a galwadau i'r llinell gymorth............................................................. 13

Cyfradd ymateb ................................................................................................................ 13

Galwadau i'r llinell gymorth............................................................................................... 14

Gwaith ymchwil yn y dyfodol............................................................................................. 14

4. Demograffeg cleifion ..................................................................................................... 15

5. Fesul adran................................................................................................................... 19

Gweld eich meddyg teulu ................................................................................................. 20

Profion Diagnostig ............................................................................................................ 25

Dod o hyd i'r hyn a oedd yn bod ....................................................................................... 30

Penderfynu ar y driniaeth orau.......................................................................................... 35

Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol / Gweithiwr Allweddol................................................................... 43

Cymorth i gleifion.............................................................................................................. 54

Llawdriniaethau ................................................................................................................ 61

Meddygon ysbyty ............................................................................................................. 64

Nyrsys ward...................................................................................................................... 68

Gofal a thriniaeth ysbyty ................................................................................................... 73

Gwybodaeth cyn gadael a chymorth cartref...................................................................... 80

Gofal fel claf dydd / claf allanol ......................................................................................... 85

Apwyntiadau cleifion allanol.............................................................................................. 89

Gofal gan feddygfeydd ..................................................................................................... 90

Gofal GIG cyffredinol ........................................................................................................ 92

6. Dadansoddiadau arbennig a demograffeg .................................................................... 97

Gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau tiwmor............................................................................. 97

Gwahaniaethau rhwng Byrddau / Ymddiriedolaeth ........................................................... 99

Effaith y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a'r Gweithiwr Allweddol ................................................ 101

Effaith asesiadau a chynlluniau gofal.............................................................................. 103

Effaith cyflyrau hirdymor ................................................................................................. 104

Gwahaniaethau o ran faint o amser sydd wedi mynd heibio ers y driniaeth gyntaf.......... 107

Effaith amddifadedd cymdeithasol .................................................................................. 108

Effaith oedran................................................................................................................. 110

Effaith rhyw..................................................................................................................... 112

Effaith ethnigrwydd......................................................................................................... 113

Effaith cyfeiriadedd rhywiol ............................................................................................. 114

Gwahaniaethau rhwng siaradwyr Cymraeg a siaradwyr Saesneg .................................. 115

7. Datblygu'r arolwg a'r fethodoleg.................................................................................. 116

Datblygu'r holiadur.......................................................................................................... 116

Page 152: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Methodoleg..................................................................................................................... 117

Proses yr Arolwg ............................................................................................................ 118

Prosesu a dadansoddi data ............................................................................................ 119

Adrodd............................................................................................................................ 121

8. Atodiad A – Tablau yn dangos gwahaniaeth sylweddol............................................... 122

9. Atodiad B - Canlyniadau Llawn yr Arolwg ................................................................... 124

TablauTabl 1 Cyfradd ymateb fesul Bwrdd/Ymddiriedolaeth.................................................................... 14Tabl 2 Grŵp tiwmor yn ôl ymateb.................................................................................................. 15Tabl 3 Ymatebwyr yn ôl rhyw ........................................................................................................ 16Tabl 4 Ymatebwyr yn ôl grŵp oedran............................................................................................ 16Tabl 5 Ymatebwyr yn ôl ethnigrwydd............................................................................................. 16Tabl 6 Ymatebwyr yn ôl rhywioldeb............................................................................................... 16Tabl 7 Ymatebwyr yn ôl prif statws cyflogaeth............................................................................... 17Tabl 8 Ymatebwyr â chyflyrau hirdymor ........................................................................................ 17Tabl 9 Y cyfnod o amser ers i'r ymatebwyr gael eu trin gyntaf am y canser hwn ........................... 17Tabl 10 Sut mae'r canser wedi ymateb i'r driniaeth ....................................................................... 18Tabl 11 Yr iaith a gaiff ei ffafrio gan ymatebwyr o ran cael gwybodaeth a thriniaeth...................... 18Tabl 12 Pa un a dderbyniodd ymatebwyr wybodaeth yn yr iaith roeddent yn ei ffafrio................... 18Tabl 13 Grwpiau tiwmor â'r sgoriau uchaf ac isaf .......................................................................... 97Tabl 14 Gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser ............................................................................ 98Tabl 15 Gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng Byrddau....................................................................... 99Tabl 16 Gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng sgoriau ysbytai .......................................................... 100Tabl 17 Gwahaniaethau fesul NGA............................................................................................. 101Tabl 18 Gwahaniaethau rhwng y rheini â chyflwr hirdymor a'r rheini heb gyflwr hirdymor ........... 104

Page 153: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


1. Rhagair

Mark Drakeford, Y Gweinidog Iechyd a Gwasanaethau Cymdeithasol a Susan Morris, Rheolwr Cyffredinol Cymru, Cymorth Canser Macmillan

Mae cleifion yn arbenigwyr yn eu rhinwedd eu hunain. Dyna pam y comisiynwyd yr arolwg hwn a pham ein bod yn falch bod cynifer o bobl wedi rhoi o'u hamser i roi adborth manwl ar y gwasanaeth a gawsant.

Mae cyfradd ymateb o 69% yn golygu bod safbwyntiau 7,352 o gleifion wedi'u cynnwys yn y dadansoddiad hwn. Mae'r canlyniadau yn darparu dadansoddiad cadarn a chynhwysfawr o brofiadau pobl o ofal canser yng Nghymru. Felly, rhaid i ni ddechrau drwy ddiolch i'r cleifion a gymerodd yr amser i roi atebion manwl i'r 74 o gwestiynau am eu gofal.

Yn gyffredinol, mae canlyniadau'r arolwg yn dangos profiad cadarnhaol o ofal canser yng Nghymru. Nododd 89% o gleifion bod eu gofal naill ai'n ardderchog (58%) neu'n dda iawn (31%), a dim ond 1% a nododd fod y gofal yn wael. Mae hyn yn arwydd clir iawn bod y profiad cyffredinol yn un da ac yn darparu llinell sylfaen uchel ar gyfer gwelliannau pellach.

Roeddem hefyd yn falch o weld bod 81% o gleifion yn nodi eu bod yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu trin fel person cyflawn yn hytrach na 'set o symptomau'. Er y gellir gwella ar y ffigur hwn er mwyn sicrhau bod yr un o bob pump nad oedd yn teimlo ei fod wedi cael ei drin fel person cyflawn yn cael y gofal sydd ei angen arno, mae'n dangos, i raddau helaeth, bod yr ymrwymiad i ofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar y person yn treiddio i'r broses o ddarparu gwasanaethau.

Yn y byd ôl-Francis, bu cryn ffocws ar ansawdd y gofal a ddarperir gan weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol a sut y gallwn sicrhau y caiff cleifion a'u teuluoedd eu trin ag urddas a pharch. Rydym yn falch iawn bod yr arolwg yn dangos bod mwyafrif helaeth y cleifion canser yng Nghymru a gymerodd ran yn yr arolwg (85%) o'r farn eu bod bob amser wedi cael eu trin â pharch ac urddas gan staff, bod gan 87% hyder a ffydd yn y meddygon a'r nyrsys a oedd yn gofalu amdanynt a'u bod yn ymddiried ynddynt a bod 94% o'r farn eu bod wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd wrth gael eu trin.

Fodd bynnag, mae rhagor i'w wneud i ddiwallu anghenion cyfannol cleifion. Er bod 68% o gleifion yn nodi eu bod wedi trafod effaith canser ar waith neu addysg neu wedi cael gwybodaeth am yr effaith, dim ond 51% a nododd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael cymorth ariannol neu fudd-daliadau gan staff yr ysbyty. Mae adroddiad Macmillan, 'Cyfri Cost Canser', yn dangos pwysigrwydd y materion hyn i gleifion. Felly, mae angen glir i wella'r wybodaeth sydd gan weithwyr gofal iechyd proffesiynol i allu cyfeirio pobl at wybodaeth a chymorth priodol i ddiwallu eu hanghenion y tu hwnt i'w hanghenion clinigol.

Page 154: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Mae effaith Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol (NCA) neu Weithwyr Allweddol ar brofiad gofal cyffredinol y claf yn amlwg iawn yn y canlyniadau. Roedd cleifion a chanddynt NCA yn fwy tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol am eu gofal mewn 59 o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg. Nododd 74% o'r rheini nad oedd ganddynt NCA fod y gofal yn ardderchog neu'n dda iawn, gan gynyddu i 91% i'r rheini a chanddynt NCA. Mae hyn hefyd yn dystiolaeth glir o bwysigrwydd penodi gweithiwr allweddol penodedig sy'n meddu ar y sgiliau addas i helpu'r claf ar ran tîm ehangach o weithwyr proffesiynol.

Polisi Llywodraeth Cymru yw y dylai fod gan bob unigolyn sy'n cael diagnosis o ganser Weithiwr Allweddol. Fodd bynnag, dim ond 66% o'r cleifion a gymerodd ran yn yr arolwg a nododd eu bod wedi cael enw a manylion cyswllt eu Gweithiwr Allweddol gyda'r gwahaniaeth rhwng Byrddau Iechyd yn amrywio o 58% i 75%. Mae'r canlyniadau hyn yn dangos bod angen mwy o eglurder wrth ddiffinio rôl Gweithwyr Allweddol a mwy o gysondeb wrth roi'r rôl hon ar waith ar draws Byrddau Iechyd. I'r gwrthwyneb, nododd 88% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Yn amlwg, mae angen gwneud rhagor o waith i ddeall y gydberthynas rhwng rolau Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol a sut y gallant weithio gyda'u cydweithwyr i ddiwallu anghenion cleifion.

Mae'r arolwg yn dangos, mewn ffyrdd pwysig iawn, bod cleifion o'r farn bod gwahanol rannau o'r GIG yn cydweithio'n dda. Nododd 96% o gleifion fod gan eu meddyg canser y dogfennau priodol a nododd 92% bod eu meddyg teulu wedi cael digon o wybodaeth am eu cyflwr a’r driniaeth a gawsant yn yr ysbyty. Fodd bynnag, dim ond 65% a nododd fod y gwahanol bobl a oedd yn eu trin ac yn gofalu amdanynt bob amser yn cydweithio'n dda. Wrth i nifer y bobl sy'n byw'n hwy â chanser ac wedi hynny, gynyddu, ac wrth i'r gofal ddod yn fwyfwy cymhleth a phersonol, mae'n bwysicach nag erioed y caiff gofal ei gydgysylltu ar draws gwahanol ysbytai ac ar draws gofal sylfaenol, cymunedol ac eilaidd yn ogystal â lleoliadau gofal cymdeithasol.

Un o'r darnau pwysig o wybodaeth a ddeilliodd o'r arolwg hwn yw lefel yr amrywiad rhwng Byrddau Iechyd Lleol a'r Ymddiriedolaeth, rhwng ysbytai o fewn Byrddau Iechyd Lleol a'r Ymddiriedolaeth a'r amrywiad o ran profiad rhwng pobl â gwahanol fathau o ganser.

Mae'r ymatebion yn gyson yn fwy cadarnhaol i'r rheini a gaiff eu gweld yn Ysbyty Felindre yng Nghaerdydd a rhaid i ni longyfarch yr Ymddiriedolaeth am ei threfniadau i ddarparu gofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar y claf. Er ein bod yn cydnabod mai canolfan ganser unigryw ac arbenigol yw Felindre, mae her amlwg i sicrhau y caiff yr arfer gorau a'r gwersi o'r ysbyty hwn eu rhannu a'u cyflwyno fel y norm ledled Cymru gyfan.

Mae'r amrywiad rhwng grwpiau tiwmor, neu fathau o ganser, hefyd yn amlwg yng nghanlyniadau'r arolwg. Nododd cleifion canser y fron eu bod wedi cael gwell profiad na chleifion canser eraill, a nododd cleifion sarcoma, canser yr ysgyfaint a chanser wrolegol oll brofiad llai cadarnhaol. Rhaid i ni weithio gyda'r byrddau iechyd er mwyn defnyddio'r data hyn i feithrin gwell dealltwriaeth o ran pam bod profiad cleifion yn wahanol ac i ystyried sut y gellir sicrhau bod y profiad drwy'r llwybr canser yn brofiad cyson dda ar gyfer pob ffurf ar y clefyd.

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Mae'r canlyniadau hyn ategu'r ffaith mai'r ffocws ar ofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar y person, fel y'i nodir yn y Cynllun Cyflawni ar gyfer Canser, yw'r ffocws priodol. Mae gofal sy'n canolbwyntio ar y person a diwallu anghenion cyfannol cleifion yn amlwg yn cael effaith gadarnhaol ar brofiad gofal cyffredinol pobl. Ar y cyfan, mae'r system yn rhyng-gysylltiedig ac mae'n cydweithio ond mae angen i ni leihau'r amrywiadau rhwng Byrddau Iechyd Lleol a'r Ymddiriedolaeth ledled Cymru yn ogystal â'r amrywiadau rhwng profiad pobl â gwahanol fathau o ganser.

Ond pam ei bod mor bwysig cael profiad da o ofal canser? Mae profiad da i gleifion yn golygu bod cleifion yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu cefnogi, eu parchu ac yn cymryd rhan ystyrlon yn y penderfyniadau a wneir am eu gofal boed hynny adeg diagnosis, yn ystod y driniaeth neu ar ôl cwblhau eu triniaeth. Mae hefyd yn bwysig gan ei fod yn cydnabod bod canser yn effeithio ar fywyd cyfan pobl, gan gynnwys yr effaith ar deulu a ffrindiau. Mae astudiaeth hefyd wedi dangos y gall profiad cadarnhaol leihau hyd arhosiad claf yn yr ysbyty a throsiant staff, a all arbed arian i'r GIG.

Er bod profiad cyffredinol cleifion canser yng Nghymru yn gadarnhaol, mae canlyniadau'r arolwg hwn yn nodi heriau clir a meysydd i'w gwella. Yn awr, rhaid i'r Byrddau Iechyd Lleol a'r Ymddiriedolaeth, o dan arweiniad Llywodraeth Cymru a'r Grŵp Gweithredu ar Ganser, a chyda chymorth sefydliadau fel Macmillan, fynd ati i gyflawni gwelliannau amlwg i gleifion y gellir eu mesur yng nghanlyniadau'r arolwg nesaf.

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2. Crynodeb gweithredol

Mae canlyniadau'r Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru (CPES) 2013 yn dangos bod gan gleifion feddwl uchel o wasanaethau canser ond bod nifer o welliannau arwyddocaol y gellir eu gwneud.

Cefndir i'r Arolwg

Cyhoeddwyd Law yn Llaw at Iechyd - Cynllun Cyflawni ar gyfer Canser gan Lywodraeth Cymru ar 13 Mehefin 2012. Mae'r Cynllun Cyflawni yn darparu ffocws ar gyfer gwasanaethau canser yng Nghymru gan nodi cyfres glir o gamau gweithredu a chanlyniadau mesuradwy i lywio gwelliannau i wasanaethau. Mae ffocws clir yn y cynllun ar ddiwallu anghenion pobl gan nodi'r amcan canlynol; 'Mae pobl yn cael lle canolog mewn gofal canser a chaiff eu hanghenion unigol eu nodi a'u diwallu er mwyn gwneud iddynt deimlo eu bod yn cael cymorth a gwybodaeth dda a'u bod yn gallu rheoli effeithiau canser'. Mae pennod pedwar o'r cynllun yn gwneud ymrwymiad i gynnal arolwg cenedlaethol o brofiad cleifion. Lluniwyd yr arolwg hwn drwy bartneriaeth rhwng Llywodraeth Cymru, Cymorth Canser Macmillan a Quality Health.

Mae'r trefniant yn dwyn ynghyd y rheini sy'n gyfrifol am bolisi canser, sefydliad a gaiff ei lywio gan ffocws di-baid ar wella profiad cleifion a sefydliad arolygu profiadol sydd wedi cyflawni arolygon tebyg ledled y DU. Roedd yr arolwg yn gyfle i brofi polisi Llywodraeth Cymru, gan ofyn cwestiynau penodol am bolisïau blaenllaw megis gweithwyr allweddol a chynlluniau gofal ysgrifenedig, yn ogystal â chyfle i feithrin gwell dealltwriaeth o ran p'un a yw rhai mathau penodol o ganser, grwpiau ethnig, cymunedau, grwpiau oedran neu rywiau yn profi lefel is o ofal. Felly mae'r arolwg yn darparu cyfoeth o ddata er mwyn gwerthuso'r ffordd y caiff polisïau cyfredol eu rhoi ar waith ac er mwyn helpu i lywio cyfeiriad gwasanaethau canser yng Nghymru yn y dyfodol.

Mae'r ddogfen hon yn darparu safbwynt cenedlaethol ar ganlyniadau'r arolwg. Lluniwyd adroddiadau ar gyfer pob Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol (ac eithrio Bwrdd Addysgu Iechyd Lleol Powys) ac Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Felindre a chânt eu cyhoeddi ochr yn ochr â'r adroddiad hwn.

Bydd yr adroddiadau hyn yn gwerthuso'r canlyniadau yn fanylach ar lefel leol. Ni chynhwyswyd Bwrdd Addysgu Iechyd Lleol Powys gan nad yw'r rhan fwyaf o gleifion canser yn cael eu triniaeth o fewn ffin y BILl, felly nid oedd sampl o bwys ystadegol o ran gwerthuso gwasanaethau'r BILl.

Cafodd cyfanswm o 10,945 o gleifion a oedd wedi cael triniaeth am ganser o saith Bwrdd Iechyd/Ymddiriedolaeth y GIG eu cynnwys yn y sampl ar gyfer yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru. Roedd y cleifion hyn yn perthyn i 13 o grwpiau canser gwahanol. Ymatebodd cyfanswm o 7,352 o gleifion, sef cyfradd ymateb o 69%.

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Uchafbwyntiau a negeseuon allweddol

Roedd y sgoriau cyffredinol a roddwyd gan gleifion yng Nghymru fel rhan o'r arolwg o brofiad cleifion canser yn gadarnhaol. Roedd y sgoriau yn 80% neu'n uwch ar 31 o'r 67 o gwestiynau a sgoriwyd yn yr arolwg; fodd bynnag, rhoddwyd sgoriau o 70% neu'n is gan gleifion ar 19 o gwestiynau felly mae cyfleoedd i wella mewn rhai meysydd o arfer glinigol ac o ran cymorth i gleifion.

Mae cleifion â rhai mathau o ganser yn fwy tebygol o nodi profiad gwael nag eraill. Mae cleifion â chanserau mwy anghyffredin, a'r rheini â chanser yr ysgyfaint, yn llai tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol na chleifion â rhai o'r mathau mwy cyffredin o ganser (megis canser y fron) ac mae rhannau o'r data gan y grwpiau tiwmor hyn yn wahanol o ran nodweddion i'r un grwpiau a arolygwyd mewn mannau eraill. Mae amrywiaeth eang o ffactorau yn dylanwadu ar brofiad unigolion a rhaid ystyried y wybodaeth yn yr arolwg hwn er mwyn helpu i ddeall yr amrywiad o ran profiad.

Ceir amrywiad sylweddol o ran y ddarpariaeth Gweithwyr Allweddol a Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol ledled Cymru, fesul Bwrdd, Ysbyty a grŵp tiwmor. Ceir cysylltiad cryf rhwng presenoldeb Gweithiwr Allweddol neu Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a gofal da, yn ôl canfyddiad cleifion, ac felly mae'n hanfodol yr ymdrinnir â'r bylchau hyn o ran y ddarpariaeth. Mae cleifion sy'n nodi bod ganddynt Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol neu Weithiwr Allweddol yn llawer mwy tebygol o nodi gofal cadarnhaol na chleifion nad oes ganddynt nyrs neu weithiwr o'r fath. Mae hyn yn wir ar gyfer pob cwestiwn yn yr arolwg, fwy neu lai, ac ystyrir bod hyn yn arwydd grymus a phwysig o ofal da i gleifion.

Mae nifer o'r sgoriau is a roddwyd gan gleifion yn ymwneud â'r wybodaeth a gawsant am agweddau allweddol ar eu cyflwr, eu triniaeth a'u gofal. Mae sicrhau bod cleifion yn cael gwybodaeth ddealladwy o ansawdd uchel am eu cyflwr, eu cynlluniau triniaeth, y sgil-effeithiau posibl, argaeledd cymorth ariannol ac emosiynol, a ble i gael help ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty, yn holl bwysig.

Yn benodol, mae creu cynlluniau gofal ystyrlon wedi'u hysgrifennu'n dda ar gyfer pob unigolyn, gan sicrhau bod cynnwys cleifion fel rhan bwysig o'r broses er mwyn ymdrin â'u pryderon, yn flaenoriaeth. Ar hyn o bryd, dim ond lleiafrif bach o gleifion sy'n cael cynnig cynlluniau gofal o'r fath.

Ceir problemau penodol mewn perthynas â'r cyfnod pontio hanfodol rhwng gofal yn yr ysbyty a gofal gan wasanaethau iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol lleol y tu allan i'r ysbyty. Er bod llawer o gleifion yn nodi gofal da yn ystod y cyfnod pontio hwn, noda eraill na chawsant ddigon o gymorth gan wasanaethau lleol a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol lleol ger eu cartref.

Ceir amrywiad o ran ansawdd gwasanaethau a gofal ar lefel Bwrdd ac yn arbennig ar lefel ysbytai unigol. Nodwyd mai'r gwasanaethau a gafodd y sgoriau mwyaf cadarnhaol oedd Felindre, Caerdydd a'r Fro a Betsi Cadwaladr; y gwasanaethau a gafodd y sgoriau lleiaf cadarnhaol oedd Byrddau Iechyd Abertawe Bro Morgannwg, Cwm Taf a Hywel Dda. Ysbyty Singleton, Ysbyty Treforys, Ysbyty Glangwili ac Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg oedd yr ysbytai a gafodd y sgoriau lleiaf cadarnhaol fel y'u mesurwyd yn erbyn data Cymru gyfan. Nodwyd y sgoriau mwyaf cadarnhaol ar lefel ysbytai ar gyfer Felindre, Llandochau ac Ysbyty Gwynedd.

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Ceir rhai amrywiadau o ran perfformiad fesul gwahanol grwpiau cleifion, fesul rhyw ac oedran, ac ymhlith y rheini â rhai cyflyrau hirdymor neu gyd-afiachusrwyddau, megis y rheini â phroblem iechyd meddwl neu anabledd dysgu. Mae rhai categorïau o gleifion ymhob un o'r grwpiau hyn yn sylweddol llai cadarnhaol am y gwasanaethau a gânt nag eraill.

Pwyntiau allweddol o'r dadansoddiadau manwl

Gwahaniaethau rhwng cleifion â gwahanol ganserauEr gwaethaf y sgoriau cyffredinol uchel ar lawer o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg, ceir gwahaniaethau eang o ran safbwyntiau cleifion â gwahanol fathau o ganserau. Cleifion â chanser y Fron oedd fwyaf tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol ar lawer o gwestiynau; a'r grwpiau tiwmor Wroleg, Sarcoma a'r Ysgyfaint oedd y grwpiau lleiaf tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol. Mae sawl ffactor yn cyfrannu at yr amrywiad hwn, megis natur gymhleth rhai canserau penodol a'r math o ganser penodol; bydd deall sut i leihau'r amrywiad hwn yn bwysig.

Amrywiadau rhwng Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth ac ysbytai unigolCeir amrywiadau sylweddol rhwng sgoriau ar lefel Bwrdd/Ymddiriedolaeth ac ar lefel ysbytai yng Nghymru. Mae un Bwrdd - Powys - yn darparu gofal lliniarol mewn ysbytai lleol, a chynhwyswyd nifer fach o'r cleifion hyn yn yr arolwg; ond nid yw Powys yn darparu gofal cleifion mewnol na gofal achosion dydd i gleifion canser fel rhan o'u triniaeth lle bo llawdriniaethau, radiotherapi neu gemotherapi yn opsiwn ar eu cyfer. Felly, er bod y data ar gyfer Powys (dim ond chwech o ymatebwyr) wedi'u cadw yn y set data, ni chafodd Powys ei gynnwys yn yr amrediad sgoriau a nodwyd yn yr adroddiad hwn, oherwydd byddai cynnwys y data hyn wedi cyflwyno gwybodaeth gamarweiniol am yr amrediad sgoriau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd Lleol/Ymddiriedolaeth.

Ar lefel y chwe Bwrdd/Ymddiriedolaeth sy'n darparu gofal canser i oedolion yn eu hysbytai eu hunain a'r un Ymddiriedolaeth (Felindre), mae'n amlwg bod y sgoriau ar gyfer cleifion a gafodd eu trin ar safle Felindre yn llwyr yn uwch ar amrywiaeth eang o'r cwestiynau na'r sgoriau ar gyfer lleoliadau eraill. Mae llawer o sgoriau sy'n sylweddol wahanol yn ystadegol ar gwestiynau unigol rhwng Bwrdd a'r sgôr cenedlaethol; ond mae'r amrediad gwahaniaethau yn ehangach ar lefel Ysbytai unigol.1

Dengys gwaith dadansoddi bod y niferoedd uchaf o sgoriau cadarnhaol (o gymharu â'r sgoriau cenedlaethol) i'w gweld yn Ysbyty Gwynedd, Llandochau a Felindre. Mae'r niferoedd uchaf o sgoriau is (o gymharu â'r sgoriau cenedlaethol) yn Ysbyty Glangwili, Ysbyty Treforys, Ysbyty Singleton ac Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg. Singleton sydd â'r amrywiad ehangaf o'r sgoriau cenedlaethol o blith unrhyw ysbyty yng Nghymru.

1 Lle bynnag y defnyddir y term 'sylweddol' yn yr adroddiad hwn, mae'n golygu bod y sgoriau dan sylw wedi cael eu profi a'u bod yn sylweddol wahanol yn ystadegol naill ai i sgoriau Cymru gyfan neu i sgoriau'r grŵp penodol a gaiff ei ddadansoddi.

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Dadansoddiadau arbennig a demograffegRydym hefyd wedi dadansoddi data'r CPES yng Nghymru er mwyn asesu effaith Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol, yr amser ers cael y diagnosis cyntaf o ganser ac effaith amddifadedd lluosog ar y canlyniadau, yn ogystal â nifer o amrywiynnau annibynnol megis oedran a rhyw.

Rydym hefyd wedi dadansoddi data'r CPES yng Nghymru er mwyn asesu effaith Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol, yr amser ers cael y diagnosis cyntaf o ganser ac effaith amddifadedd lluosog ar y canlyniadau, yn ogystal â nifer o amrywiynnau annibynnol megis oedran a rhyw. Ymhob achos lle y cynhaliwyd y dadansoddiadau hyn, mae'r canlyniadau yn gydnaws â chanlyniadau dadansoddiadau tebyg a gynhaliwyd o arolygon cleifion canser eraill. Noda gwaith gan Ganolfan Caergrawnt ar gyfer Ymchwil Gwasanaethau Iechyd ar ddata CPES 2012 yn Lloegr fod y gwahaniaethau o ran profiad fesul nodwedd cymdeithasol-ddemograffig i raddau helaeth yn annibynnol ar ei gilydd, ac nad oes llawer o gysylltiad rhwng yr amrywiynnau, a disgwyliwn y bydd hyn hefyd yn wir yng Nghymru.

Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol

Yn CPES 2013 yng Nghymru, fel mewn arolygon canser blaenorol mewn mannau eraill, cadarnheir pwysigrwydd rhoi enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol i gleifion. Rhoddodd cleifion a chanddynt Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol atebion mwy cadarnhaol na'r cleifion hynny nad oedd ganddynt nyrs o'r fath; ac mae'r gwahaniaethau hyn oll yn bwysig yn ystadegol. Mae graddau'r gwahaniaethau hyn rhwng y rheini â Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a'r rheini nad oes ganddynt nyrs o'r fath, yn sylweddol iawn.

Y canfyddiadau yw'r arwydd gorau posibl o ansawdd y gofal a roddir gan nyrsys canser arbenigol, yr effaith amlwg a gânt ar y gwasanaethau a roddir i gleifion canser, a'r ddealltwriaeth sylweddol well o opsiynau triniaeth a phrognosis sy'n llifo i'r claf o ganlyniad i gyswllt gyda'i Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol - fel y dangosir gan y gwahaniaethau mawr iawn o ran y sgoriau a roddir gan gleifion a chanddynt Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a'r cleifion nad oes ganddynt nyrs o'r fath.

Mae llai o gleifion yng Nghymru yn nodi bod ganddynt Weithwyr Allweddol yn ogystal â Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Caiff Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol effaith gadarnhaol sylweddol ar safbwyntiau cleifion am eu gofal; mae cleifion a chanddynt naill ai Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol neu Weithiwr Allweddol neu'r ddau yn rhoi sgoriau uwch ar gyfer pob cwestiwn yn yr arolwg, fwy neu lai. Roedd y cleifion hynny a chanddynt Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a oedd hefyd yn gweithredu fel Gweithiwr Allweddol iddynt yn fwy cadarnhaol ar nifer ychydig yn fwy o gwestiynau na chleifion nad eu Gweithiwr Allweddol oedd eu Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Mae'r ddarpariaeth Gweithwyr Allweddol yn amrywio'n sylweddol rhwng Byrddau / Ymddiriedolaeth ond yn enwedig rhwng ysbytai.

Mae'n amlwg bod effaith y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol yn arbennig o bwerus i bobl dros 75 oed; mae'r gwahaniaethau mewn sgoriau ymhlith pobl dros 75 oed, rhwng y rheini â Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a'r rheini nad oes ganddynt nyrs o'r fath, yn sylweddol iawn, ac yn llawer mwy sylweddol na'r gwahaniaethau ymhlith pobl o dan 75 oed.

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Asesiadau a Chynlluniau Gofal

Noda canlyniadau'r arolwg na chaiff trefniadau asesu na chynlluniau gofal eu rhoi ar waith yn gyson ledled Cymru. Mae rhai Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth ac ysbytai yn perfformio'n sylweddol well nag eraill o ran y ddarpariaeth hon, ond mewn rhai grwpiau tiwmor mewn gwahanol rannau o Gymru, prin y mae'r broses o "drosi" trafodaeth am anghenion a phryderon gyda'r claf i greu cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig yn cael ei rhoi ar waith o gwbl. Mae angen cryn ymdrech i roi'r ymrwymiad i gynlluniau gofal ar waith mewn ffordd gyson, gan olygu bod cynlluniau o'r fath yn realiti i gleifion.

Cleifion â chyflyrau hirdymor

Yn CPES 2013 yng Nghymru, ceir gwahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng y cleifion hynny â chyflwr neu gyflyrau hirdymor a'r rheini heb gyflwr neu gyflyrau o'r fath, ar 35 o gwestiynau. Ymron pob achos, roedd y cleifion ag o leiaf un cyflwr hirdymor yn llai cadarnhaol na'r cleifion hynny heb gyflwr hirdymor.

O ran cyflyrau hirdymor penodol, roedd y niferoedd mwyaf o wahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng y rheini â chyflwr corfforol hirsefydledig a'r rheini heb unrhyw gyd-afiachusrwydd o gwbl. Fodd bynnag, roedd y gwahaniaethau mwyaf o ran cwestiynau unigol rhwng y rheini â phroblem iechyd meddwl neu anabledd dysgu, a'r cleifion hynny heb unrhyw gyd-afiachusrwydd. Mae'r patrwm hwn yn debyg i'r patrwm a nodwyd gan arolygon eraill o brofiad cleifion canser.

Faint o amser a fu ers cael diagnosis

Dengys canlyniadau CPES 2013 yng Nghymru fod y cleifion hynny a ddechreuodd driniaeth canser fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl yn llai tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol na'r rheini a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf.

Mae pum cwestiwn yn yr arolwg lle mae gan gleifion a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl safbwyntiau sylweddol llai cadarnhaol na chleifion a gafodd driniaeth yn fwy diweddar. Mae'r materion hyn yn ymwneud â chynllunio gofal, rhai cwestiynau am wybodaeth, a darpariaeth bwysig Gweithiwr Allweddol.

Effaith amddifadedd

Mesurwyd effaith amddifadedd ar y CPES yng Nghymru gan ddefnyddio'r Mynegai Amddifadedd Lluosog yn seiliedig ar ddadansoddiad o godau post.

Ceir gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng chwintel 1 yn y Mynegai (y mwyaf difreintiedig) a chwintel 5 (y lleiaf difreintiedig) mewn perthynas ag 17 o gwestiynau, gyda chwintel 1 yn nodi'r atebion mwyaf cadarnhaol ar gyfer naw cwestiwn a chwintel 5 yn nodi'r atebion mwyaf cadarnhaol ar gyfer wyth cwestiwn.

Mae'r patrwm gwahaniaeth rhwng pwyntiau eithaf y raddfa amddifadedd yn dilyn patrwm tebyg i arolygon cleifion canser eraill, gan mai'r mwyaf difreintiedig sydd fwyaf cadarnhaol mewn perthynas â rhai materion, a'r lleiaf difreintiedig sydd fwyaf cadarnhaol mewn perthynas â materion eraill.

Gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau oedran

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Dengys dadansoddiad o'r CPES yng Nghymru yn ôl oedran ganfyddiadau braidd yn wahanol i ganfyddiadau'r dadansoddiad bandiau oedran a wnaed o arolygon canser eraill.

Dim ond mewn pedwar cwestiwn y daethpwyd o hyd i wahaniaethau barn ystadegol bwysig rhwng cleifion o wahanol oedrannau ac nid oedd unrhyw batrwm gwirioneddol i'r canfyddiadau.

Gwahaniaethau o ran rhyw

Ceir gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng safbwyntiau dynion a merched mewn perthynas ag 19 o gwestiynau, gyda'r dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol ar 12 o'r cwestiynau hyn a merched yn fwy cadarnhaol ar saith cwestiwn, er enghraifft ar faterion sy'n ymwneud â staff, preifatrwydd a chael eich trin fel person yn hytrach na set o symptomau canser. Mae'r canfyddiadau o ran gwahaniaethau rhwng y rhywiau yn gyson â chanfyddiadau arolygon canser mewn mannau eraill

Erys y gwahaniaethau rhwng agweddau dynion a merched yn sylweddol hyd yn oed ar ôl tynnu'r grwpiau canser hynny sydd fwy neu lai neu'n llwyr berthnasol i un rhyw (y fron, prostad a gynaecolegol), gyda dynion yn parhau'n fwy cadarnhaol na merched yn gyffredinol.

Gwahaniaethau rhwng ymatebwyr sy'n siarad Cymraeg ac ymatebwyr sy'n siarad Saesneg

Cynhaliwyd dadansoddiad er mwyn asesu p'un a oes gwahaniaethau barn rhwng yr ymatebwyr hynny a atebodd yr arolwg yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, a'r grŵp ehangach a nododd y byddai'n well ganddynt gyfathrebu yn Gymraeg nac yn Saesneg.

Mae'r canlyniadau yn dangos yn glir bod yr ymatebwyr a nododd y byddai'n well ganddynt gwblhau'r arolwg yn Gymraeg yn fwy cadarnhaol am sawl agwedd ar ofal canser na'r cleifion a nododd y byddai'n well ganddynt gyfathrebu yn Saesneg. Yn ogystal, roedd y cleifion hynny a gwblhaodd yr arolwg yn Gymraeg hyd yn oed yn fwy cadarnhaol na'r rheini a nododd y byddai'n well ganddynt gyfathrebu yn Gymraeg.

Effaith maint y grŵp ymateb ar ganlyniadau

Er bod y CPES yng Nghymru wedi cynnwys yr holl gleifion sy'n oedolion â diagnosis o ganser a gadarnhawyd, a bod yr arolwg wedi cyflawni cyfradd ymateb ardderchog, mae'n debygol bod maint absoliwt y grŵp ymateb wedi effeithio ar rai o'r gwahaniaethau a welir mewn arolygon canser mewn mannau eraill â grwpiau ymateb mwy. Un enghraifft o hyn yw'r ffaith nad yw'r set data a brofwyd yn dangos unrhyw wahaniaethau sy'n ystadegol bwysig rhwng cleifion Gwyn a'r grŵp bach o ymatebwyr o grwpiau Duon a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig, lle mae pob arolwg arall o gleifion canser, â grwpiau ymateb mwy, wedi dangos gwahaniaethau o'r fath.

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Yn yr arolwg cyntaf hwn o brofiad cleifion canser yng Nghymru, sy'n cwmpasu pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a phob math o ganser, mae'n amlwg bod safbwyntiau cyffredinol cleifion am y gwasanaeth a'r driniaeth a gânt yn gadarnhaol. Fodd bynnag, mae sawl maes lle y mae angen gwneud gwelliannau penodol.

Dengys y data o ddadansoddiadau arbennig ar ddemograffeg ac amrywiynnau eraill mewn sawl achos bod gwahaniaethau sylweddol o ran safbwyntiau cleifion o wahanol grwpiau cymdeithasol, a'r rheini â gwahanol ganserau. Ceir rhai gwahaniaethau pwysig hefyd o ran ansawdd y driniaeth a'r gofal ym marn cleifion mewn gwahanol Fyrddau Iechyd/Ymddiriedolaeth ac ysbytai. Rhaid ymgymryd â gwaith i ddeall pam bod yr amrywiad hwn yn digwydd.

Felly, mae canlyniadau'r arolwg yn rhoi arwyddion clir i Fyrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth, cynllunwyr gwasanaethau, elusennau canser ac i Lywodraeth Cymru o ran y blaenoriaethau ar gyfer mentrau gwella ansawdd sy'n mynd rhagddynt. Mae'r canlyniadau hefyd yn cyfeirio at feysydd polisi lle gellid cynnal ymyriadau a gwaith monitro pellach, megis asesu pwysigrwydd llwybrau cymhleth o ran profiad cleifion, lle bo llwybrau o'r fath yn bodoli; i ba raddau y caiff canfyddiadau adolygiadau cymheiriaid eu defnyddio; ac i ba raddau y mae'r ddarpariaeth wybodaeth bresennol a grëwyd gan elusennau canser a'r GIG yn gyffredinol yn ddefnyddiol ac yn cael ei defnyddio gan staff.

Mae'n amlwg o ganlyniadau'r arolwg bod angen gweithredu ymhellach ar uchelgeisiau Cynllun Cyflawni Cymru ar gyfer Canser o ran materion megis defnyddio Gweithwyr Allweddol a darparu Asesiadau a Chynlluniau Gofal ysgrifenedig i gleifion. Mae'n amlwg hefyd bod angen talu mwy o sylw i'r broses o ddarparu gwybodaeth o ansawdd uchel i gleifion ledled Cymru.

Cyhoeddir adroddiadau ar lefel Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth penodol ochr yn ochr â'r adroddiad cenedlaethol hwn, gyda pherfformiad yn cael ei feincnodi rhwng Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a, lle bo'r data yn caniatáu hynny, rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth. Bydd gwybodaeth allweddol o'r adroddiadau hyn ar gael i'r cyhoedd drwy wefannau cyhoeddus.

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3. Y gyfradd ymateb a galwadau i'r llinell gymorth

Cafodd cyfanswm o 10,945 o gleifion a oedd wedi cael triniaeth am ganser o saith Bwrdd Iechyd ac un Ymddiriedolaeth eu cynnwys yn y sampl ar gyfer yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser. Roedd y cleifion hyn yn perthyn i 13 o grwpiau canser gwahanol.

Cyfradd ymateb Yn ystod proses yr arolwg, cynhaliodd Quality Health wiriadau Demographics Batch Service (DBS) ar gofnodion cleifion deirgwaith er mwyn tynnu cleifion a oedd wedi marw allan o'r samplau: cyn anfon yr arolwg am y tro cyntaf, cyn anfon y llythyr atgoffa cyntaf a chyn anfon yr ail lythyr atgoffa. Mewn rhai achosion, cynhaliodd y Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth eu gwiriadau mewnol eu hunain hefyd er mwyn nodi cleifion a oedd wedi marw.

O ganlyniad i'r weithdrefn hon, a gynhaliwyd yn ganolog gan Quality Health am y tro cyntaf yn 2012 ar arolwg canser, llwyddwyd i leihau nifer y cleifion a oedd wedi marw yr anfonwyd holiaduron atynt yn sylweddol. Mae gweithdrefn ganolog yn esgor ar reolaeth fwy caeth dros fodolaeth ac amseru'r gwiriadau DBS a roddir ar waith, ac o ganlyniad, gostyngodd nifer y cleifion a oedd wedi marw y rhoddwyd gwybod amdanynt drwy'r llinell gymorth yn sylweddol.

Cynhaliwyd gwiriadau ar gyfer cleifion a oedd wedi marw a phrosesau dad-ddyblygu samplau yn lleol ac yn genedlaethol ar y samplau a gyflwynwyd gan y Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth cyn anfon yr arolwg cychwynnol.

Yn ogystal, tynnwyd cleifion o'r samplau o ganlyniad i alwadau i'r llinell gymorth a gohebiaeth drwy'r post a gawsom yn ystod y gwaith maes. Roedd y rhain yn cynnwys cleifion ychwanegol a oedd wedi marw, y rheini a oedd wedi symud ac na ellid eu holrhain a chleifion eraill anghymwys.

Y gyfradd ymateb i'r Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yn 2013 oedd 69% (7,352 o holiaduron wedi'u cwblhau). Mae'r gyfradd ymateb hon yn nodi parodrwydd cadarn gan lawer o gleifion canser i gyflwyno sylwadau ar y gofal a'r driniaeth a gawsant, eu statws iechyd, a'r symptomau a brofwyd ganddynt. Nodir cyfraddau ymateb fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn y tabl isod.

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Nifer yr ymatebwyr

Cyfradd ymateb

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 2381 1539 67%

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Aneurin Bevan 407 274 68%

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Betsi Cadwaladr 2569 1720 70%

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Caerdydd a'r Fro 573 384 68%

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Cwm Taf 475 307 67%

Bwrdd Iechyd Prifysgol Hywel Dda 1594 1069 69%

Bwrdd Addysgu Iechyd Powys 16 6 40%

Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Felindre 2930 2053 73%

Cyfanswm 10945 7352 69%Tabl 1 Cyfradd ymateb fesul Bwrdd/Ymddiriedolaeth

Galwadau i'r llinell gymorthMae Quality Health yn darparu llinell gymorth benodedig ar gyfer yr arolwg gan ddefnyddio aelodau o staff wedi'u hyfforddi'n fewnol. Gwnaed 557 o alwadau i'r llinell gymorth; roedd y rhain yn cynnwys galwadau a oedd yn perthyn i'r categorïau canlynol:

Cleifion yn ffonio i gael cyngor cyffredinol am gwblhau'r holiadur

Cleifion yn ffonio i ddweud eu bod yn rhy sâl neu nad oeddent am gymryd rhan

Perthnasau yn ffonio i roi gwybod bod y claf wedi marw

Galwadau i roi gwybod bod cleifion wedi symud

Cleifion yn ffonio am help o ran cyfleusterau cyfieithu neu er mwyn cwblhau'r holiadur dros y ffôn

Cyn gynted ag y cafwyd galwad, cofnodwyd natur yr alwad ac unrhyw gamau gofynnol ar y gronfa ddata er mwyn sicrhau, yn arbennig, na fyddai cleifion a oedd wedi marw neu nad oeddent yn awyddus i dderbyn cyfathrebiadau pellach yn cael unrhyw lythyrau atgoffa am yr arolwg. Cynigiwyd gwybodaeth i gleifion a gododd ymholiadau am eu statws iechyd am wefan a llinell gymorth Cymorth Canser Macmillan neu fe'u cyfeiriwyd at eu Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth berthnasol os oedd hynny'n briodol.

Gwaith ymchwil yn y dyfodolMae'r gyfradd ymateb i'r arolwg (69%) yn darparu tystiolaeth bellach bod nifer fawr o gleifion canser yn barod i ymateb i holiaduron y GIG, mewn ffordd nad yw cleifion mewn arbenigeddau eraill neu â gwahanol gyflyrau weithiau mor barod i wneud. Gofynnwyd i'r cleifion yn yr arolwg p'un a ellid anfon holiadur arall atynt yn y dyfodol yn holi am eu hiechyd a'u gofal iechyd: dywedodd 85% o'r ymatebwyr (6,073 o gleifion) y gellid anfon holiadur arall atynt.

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4. Demograffeg cleifion

Roedd yr arolwg yn cynnwys pob claf a oedd yn cael triniaeth am ganser rhwng 1 Medi 2012 a 31 Mawrth 2013 lle y cofnodwyd y driniaeth hon gan Fyrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth fel triniaeth o fewn y maes diagnosis cyntaf. Gosodwyd y cleifion mewn un o 13 o grwpiau canser gan ddefnyddio eu cod ICD10 ac a oedd yn cwmpasu cleifion a oedd yn gleifion mewnol ac yn achosion dydd.

Mae cleifion canser yn aml yn mynd i'r ysbyty neu ysbytai sawl gwaith i gael amrywiaeth o driniaethau neu ymgynghoriadau yn ystod cyfnod byr o amser. Er mwyn sicrhau nad anfonwyd mwy nag un holiadur at gleifion, cynhaliwyd gwiriadau ar samplau bob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth mewn perthynas â'r arolwg er mwyn sicrhau mai dim ond unwaith yr oedd cleifion yn ymddangos ar y rhestr. Gwnaed gwiriadau pellach rhwng Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth er mwyn sicrhau nad oedd cleifion yn ymddangos ar restrau mwy nag un Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth. Pe cafwyd bod cleifion ar restrau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth fwy nag unwaith, yna defnyddiwyd eu cyfnod diweddaraf yn yr ysbyty fel y cyfnod i'w ddefnyddio ar gyfer sampl yr arolwg.

Roedd y 'pedwar prif ganser' (y fron, colorefrol / gastroberfeddol is, yr ysgyfaint a'r brostad) ar 57% o'r holl ymatebwyr. Roedd gan gyfran uwch o'r cleifion ganser y fron nag unrhyw grŵp canser arall (23% o'r holl ymatebwyr).

Dengys y tabl isod ganran a nifer yr ymatebwyr fesul grŵp tiwmor.

Grŵp Tiwmor Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Y fron 1,717 23%

Colorefrol / gastroberfeddol is 1,112 15%

Yr ysgyfaint 427 6%

Prostad 954 13%

Y 'Pedwar Prif Ganser' wedi'u cyfuno 4,210 57%

Yr ymennydd / system nerfol ganolog (CNS) 53 1%

Gynaecolegol 504 7%

Haematolegol 633 9%

Y pen a'r gwddf 332 5%

Sarcoma 64 1%

Croen 163 2%

Gastroberfeddol uwch 354 5%

Wrolegol (heb gynnwys y brostad) 787 11%

Canserau eraill 252 3%

Tabl 2 Grŵp tiwmor yn ôl ymateb

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Dengys y tabl isod ganran a nifer yr ymatebwyr yn ôl rhyw, oedran, ethnigrwydd, cyfeiriadedd rhywiol, cyflwr hirdymor a'r cyfnod o amser ers i'r claf gael ei drin gyntaf am y canser hwn.

Rhyw yr ymatebwyr Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Gwryw 3,397 47%

Benyw 3,785 53%

Tabl 3 Ymatebwyr yn ôl rhyw

Oedran yr ymatebwyr Nifer yr ymatebwyr


16-25 oed 17 <1%

26-35 oed 87 1%

36-50 oed 484 7%

51-65 oed 2,090 32%

66-75 oed 2,348 36%

76+ oed 1,550 24%

Tabl 4 Ymatebwyr yn ôl grŵp oedran

Ethnigrwydd yr ymatebwyr Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Gwyn (Prydeinig, Gwyddelig neu wyn arall) 7,137 99%

Asiaidd neu Asiaidd Prydeinig 19 <1%

Du neu Ddu Prydeinig 8 <1%

Cefndir cymysg 17 <1%

Tsieineaidd ac arall 9 <1%

Tabl 5 Ymatebwyr yn ôl ethnigrwydd

Cyfeiriadedd rhywiol yr ymatebwyr * Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Heterorywiol 6,595 99%

Deurywiol 19 <1%

Hoyw neu lesbiaid 27 <1%

Rhywioldeb arall 30 <1%

Tabl 6 Ymatebwyr yn ôl rhywioldeb

* Dywedodd 3% o'r cleifion y byddai'n well ganddynt beidio ag ateb y cwestiwn hwn, ac nid atebodd 6% arall o'r holl ymatebwyr i'r arolwg y cwestiwn o gwbl.

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Prif statws cyflogaeth Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Cyflogaeth llawn amser 1,056 15%

Cyflogaeth rhan-amser 497 7%

Gwraig/gŵr tŷ 206 3%

Myfyriwr (mewn addysg) 15 <1%

Wedi ymddeol 4,608 65%

Di-waith - ac yn chwilio am waith 36 <1%

Di-waith - wedi methu gweithio oherwydd rhesymau iechyd 494 7%

Arall 174 2%

Tabl 7 Ymatebwyr yn ôl prif statws cyflogaeth

Ymatebwyr â chyflyrau hirdymor * Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Byddardod neu nam difrifol ar y clyw 852 12%

Dallineb neu rannol ddall 179 2%

Cyflwr corfforol hirdymor 1,291 18%

Anabledd dysgu 31 <1%

Cyflwr iechyd meddwl 187 3%

Salwch hirdymor 1,023 14%

Tabl 8 Ymatebwyr â chyflyrau hirdymor

* Dywedodd 56% o'r cleifion nad oedd ganddynt gyflwr hirsefydledig ac eithrio canser. Dengys y tabl ganran a nifer y cleifion a ddywedodd fod ganddynt un neu fwy o bob un o'r cyflyrau hirsefydledig a ddynodwyd.

Faint o amser sydd wedi mynd heibio ers i'r ymatebwyr gael eu triniaeth gyntaf am y canser hwn

Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Llai na blwyddyn 4,267 60%

Rhwng blwyddyn a phum mlynedd 2,211 31%

Mwy na phum mlynedd 575 8%

Tabl 9 Y cyfnod o amser ers i'r ymatebwyr gael eu trin gyntaf am y canser hwn

Sut mae canser yr ymatebwr wedi ymateb i'r Nifer yr Canran

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driniaeth ymatebwyr

Mae'r canser wedi ymateb yn llawn i'r driniaeth 3,223 48%

Mae'r canser wedi cael ei drin ond mae'n dal yn bresennol 1,520 23%

Nid yw'r canser wedi cael triniaeth o gwbl 128 2%

Mae'r canser wedi dychwelyd ar ôl y driniaeth wreiddiol 355 5%

Ymatebodd y canser gwreiddiol ond mae gan y claf ganser newydd nawr 232 3%

Nid yw'r claf yn siŵr beth sy'n digwydd gyda'i ganser 1,277 19%

Tabl 10 Sut mae'r canser wedi ymateb i'r driniaeth

Yr iaith a gaiff ei ffafrio o ran cael gwybodaeth a thriniaeth

Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Cymraeg 246 3%

Saesneg 6,829 96%

Arall 15 <1%

Tabl 11 Yr iaith a gaiff ei ffafrio gan ymatebwyr o ran cael gwybodaeth a thriniaeth

Pa un a dderbyniodd ymatebwyr y wybodaeth yr oedd ei hangen arnynt yn yr iaith roeddent yn ei ffafrio

Nifer yr ymatebwyr


Do, yn gyfan gwbl 6,749 95%

Do, i ryw raddau 266 4%

Na 76 1%

Tabl 12 Pa un a dderbyniodd ymatebwyr wybodaeth yn yr iaith roeddent yn ei ffafrio

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5. Fesul adran

Mae'r adran hon o'r adroddiad yn disgrifio'r canlyniadau ar gyfer pob rhan o'r holiadur yn y drefn y'i darllenwyd gan y claf. Cynlluniwyd trefn yr arolwg er mwyn adlewyrchu taith y claf drwy driniaeth am ganser, gan ddechrau gyda'r atgyfeiriad a chan orffen gyda'r gofal gan feddygfa'r claf ac yn olaf ei farn gyffredinol am ofal y GIG.

Disgrifir canlyniadau pob un o gwestiynau'r arolwg yn yr adrannau canlynol. Dangosir rhif y cwestiwn yn yr holiadur, yn ogystal â thestun y cwestiwn. Nodir canlyniadau llawn yr arolwg yn Atodiad A.

Ni sgoriwyd saith cwestiwn (3, 5, 10, 36, 40, 66 a 71). Cwestiynau gwybodaeth neu gyfeirio yw'r cwestiynau hyn e.e. cwestiwn 5 sy'n gofyn pa un a yw'r claf wedi cael profion.

Ar gyfer pob cwestiwn arall, cyfrifwyd sgoriau allweddol ar ôl tynnu unrhyw gleifion a ddywedodd nad oedd y cwestiwn yn berthnasol iddynt, a diciodd 'ddim yn gwybod / methu cofio' neu nad atebodd o gwbl.

Nodir y sgôr allweddol ar gyfer pob cwestiwn yn gyntaf fel canran gyffredinol o holl ymatebwyr yr arolwg; wedyn defnyddir yr un sgôr allweddol hwn i amlygu amrywiadau rhwng grwpiau tiwmor. Lle lluniwyd y sgôr allweddol o fwy nag un opsiwn ymateb i gwestiwn penodol (e.e. gwelodd y claf ei feddyg teulu unwaith; gwelodd y claf ei feddyg teulu ddwy waith), yna caiff yr opsiynau ymateb sy'n rhan o'r sgôr allweddol hwnnw eu disgrifio.

Ar gyfer pob cwestiwn, nodir yr amrediad sgoriau o'r uchaf i'r isaf er mwyn dangos yr amrywiad rhwng grwpiau tiwmor a Byrddau/Ymddiriedolaeth.

Ar gyfer pob cwestiwn, defnyddiwyd profion arwyddocâd er mwyn penderfynu pa un a yw sgoriau grwpiau tiwmor penodol yn amrywio o gymharu â'i gilydd neu pa un a yw sgoriau Byrddau/Ymddiriedolaeth2 unigol yn amrywio o gymharu â sgoriau Cymru gyfan. Dim ond lle ceir gwahaniaeth sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng un neu fwy o'r grwpiau tiwmor neu rhwng y Byrddau a'r sgoriau Cymru gyfan y caiff y siartiau yn yr adran hon sy'n dangos y sgoriau allweddol ar gyfer pob un o'r grwpiau cancer neu ar gyfer y Byrddau/Ymddiriedolaeth eu cynnwys. Nodir y sgôr cyffredinol ar gyfer pob ymatebwr (y cyfartaledd cenedlaethol) fel llinell goch.

Yn Atodiad A, ceir rhestr lawn o'r holl gwestiynau a pha ymatebion fesul grŵp tiwmor neu Fwrdd/Ymddiriedolaeth sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol o gymharu â sgoriau Cymru gyfan (a ddangosir mewn glas).3

2 Mae'r holl sgoriau ar gyfer Ymddiriedolaeth GIG Felindre yn yr adran hon yn cynnwys ymatebwyr Ysbyty Felindre a Chlinig Allgymorth Cemotherapi Felindre.3 Oherwydd y meintiau sampl gwahanol gan Fyrddau a nifer yr ymatebwyr ar gwestiynau, mewn rhai achosion mae gwahaniaethau canran bach yn bwysig yn ystadegol ond nid ydynt yn bwysig mewn achosion eraill; mae hyn hefyd yn effeithio ar y nifer gyffredinol o gwestiynau sy'n dangos gwahaniaethau sylweddol ar gyfer rhai grwpiau tiwmor neu Fyrddau. Gweler Adran 6 am ddisgrifiad llawn o fethodoleg a dulliau dadansoddi'r arolwg.

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Gweld eich meddyg teulu

Ystyrir bod diagnosis cynnar o ganserau yn holl bwysig. Cynlluniwyd y cwestiynau yn yr adran hon o'r arolwg i nodi safbwyntiau cleifion o ran gweld eu meddyg teulu cyn cael eu hatgyfeirio i'r ysbyty, faint o amser a oedd wedi mynd heibio a newidiadau i'w statws iechyd yn ystod y cyfnod asesu ac atgyfeirio pwysig.

1. Sawl gwaith y gwelwyd meddyg teulu

Cyn i chi gael gwybod bod angen i chi fynd i'r ysbyty o ganlyniad i ganser, sawl gwaith y gweloch chi eich meddyg teulu ynghylch y broblem iechyd a achoswyd gan ganser?

Canfyddiadau cyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a welodd eu meddyg teulu cyn mynd i'r ysbyty, dywedodd 73% eu bod wedi gweld eu meddyg teulu naill ai unwaith (53%) neu ddwy waith (21%) cyn iddynt gael gwybod bod angen iddynt fynd i'r ysbyty ynghylch y broblem iechyd a achoswyd gan ganser.

Gwelodd 17% ohonynt eu meddyg teulu dair neu bedair gwaith, a gwelodd 10% ohonynt eu meddyg teulu bump gwaith neu fwy. Dywedodd 21% ohonynt na wnaethant weld eu meddyg teulu cyn mynd i'r ysbyty.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd mai dim ond unwaith neu ddwy waith y gwnaethant weld eu meddyg teulu cyn cael eu hatgyfeirio at arbenigwr canser. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 91% (canser y fron) i 58% (canser yr ymennydd / CNS).

Page 171: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



68% 66%






















Saw GP no more than twice before referral to hospital


Page 172: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiad o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd mai dim ond unwaith neu ddwy waith y gwnaethant weld eu meddyg teulu cyn cael eu hatgyfeirio at arbenigwr canser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 71% fel y sgôr isaf i 75% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

2. Apwyntiad cyntaf cyn gynted ag yr oedd yn hanfodol

Sut rydych chi'n teimlo am y cyfnod o amser roedd yn rhaid i chi aros cyn eich apwyntiad cyntaf gyda'r meddyg yn yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 78% o gleifion ymhob grŵp canser eu bod yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael apwyntiad cyn gynted ag yr oeddent o'r farn bod hynny'n hanfodol: roedd 12% o'r farn y dylent fod wedi cael eu gweld ychydig ynghynt ac roedd 10% arall o'r farn y dylent fod wedi cael eu gweld lawer ynghynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael apwyntiad cyn gynted â bod hynny'n hanfodol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 73% fel y sgôr isaf i 85% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

80% 78% 76%80%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Seen as soon as necessary


Page 173: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


3. Y cyfnod o amser cyn gweld meddyg ysbyty am y tro cyntaf

Faint o amser oedd rhwng y tro cyntaf i chi feddwl bod rhywbeth o'i le arnoch chi a phan weloch chi feddyg ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 73% o gleifion bod yr amser rhwng y tro cyntaf iddynt feddwl bod rhywbeth o'i le arnynt a phan wnaethant weld meddyg ysbyty am y tro cyntaf yn llai na thri mis. Dywedodd 15% ei fod yn 3-6 mis; dywedodd 6% 6-12 mis a dywedodd 4% dros 12 mis.

4. Cyflwr iechyd tra'n aros am apwyntiad cyntaf

A wnaech eich iechyd waethygu, gwella neu aros yr un peth tra'n aros am eich apwyntiad cyntaf gyda meddyg ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 79% o gleifion ymhob grŵp canser fod eu hiechyd wedi gwella (0.4%) neu wedi aros tua'r un peth (79%) tra'n aros am eu hapwyntiad cyntaf gyda meddyg ysbyty; dywedodd 21% fod eu hiechyd wedi gwaethygu.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod eu hiechyd wedi gwella neu wedi aros tua'r un peth. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 92% (canser y fron) i 60% (sarcoma).


74% 76%





















Health got better or stayed about the same while waiting


Page 174: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod eu hiechyd wedi gwella neu wedi aros tua'r un peth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 77% fel y sgôr isaf i 84% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

80% 79%77%


80% 80%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Health got better or stayed about the same while waiting


Page 175: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Profion Diagnostig

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau cleifion a gafodd brofion diagnostig ar yr esboniadau a'r wybodaeth a roddwyd am y profion hynny a chanlyniadau'r profion.

5. Cleifion yn cael profion

Yn y 12 mis diwethaf, ydych chi wedi cael prawf/profion diagnostig am ganser, megis endoscopi, biopsi, mamogram neu sgan yn un o'r ysbytai a enwir yn y llythyr esboniadol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolYn gyffredinol, dywedodd 88% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael profion diagnostig am ganser megis endoscopi, biopsi, mamogram neu sgan.

6. Esboniadau o bwrpas y profion

Cyn cael y prawf, a wnaeth aelod o staff esbonio pwrpas y prawf/profion i chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt, dywedodd 83% fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio pwrpas y profion yn gynhwysfawr; dywedodd 15% arall fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio pwrpas y profion i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 2% o gleifion nad oedd aelod o staff wedi esbonio pwrpas y profion ond y byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi cael esboniad.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio pwrpas y profion yn gynhwysfawr. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 78% fel y sgôr isaf i 86% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 176: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


84%81% 82% 83%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff gave complete explanation of purpose of tests


7. Esboniadau o beth fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y profion

Cyn cael y prawf, a wnaeth aelod o staff esbonio beth fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y prawf/profion?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt, dywedodd 87% fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio beth fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y profion yn gynhwysfawr a dywedodd 12% arall fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 1% na wnaeth aelod o staff esbonio ond y byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi cael esboniad.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio beth fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y profion yn gynhwysfawr. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 85% fel y sgôr isaf i 89% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 177: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


87% 85% 86% 86%89%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff explained completely what would be done during tests


8. Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am brofion

Cyn cael y prawf, gawsoch chi wybodaeth ysgrifenedig am eich prawf/profion?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig arnynt am eu profion, dywedodd 84% eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig a oedd yn hawdd ei deall; roedd 4% wedi cael gwybodaeth ond roedd yn anodd ei deall. Dywedodd 12% nad oeddent wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig ond y byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi gwybodaeth o'r fath.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig a oedd yn hawdd ei deall. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 79% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 178: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences




87% 88%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about tests


9. Esboniadau o ganlyniadau profion

A esboniwyd canlyniadau'r prawf/profion i chi mewn ffordd ddealladwy?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt, dywedodd 79% eu bod wedi cael esboniad dealladwy cynhwysfawr o ganlyniadau eu profion; dywedodd 18% arall mai dim ond i ryw raddau yr oedd yr esboniad yn ddealladwy. Dywedodd 2% nad esboniwyd y canlyniadau iddynt ond y byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi cael esboniad.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael esboniad dealladwy cynhwysfawr o ganlyniadau eu profion. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 76% fel y sgôr isaf i 85% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 179: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


79% 77% 79%83% 85%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Test results explained completely


Page 180: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Dod o hyd i'r hyn a oedd yn bod

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio pwy oedd y cyntaf i ddweud wrth y claf bod canser arno a sut roeddent yn teimlo am y ffordd y cawsant wybod a'r wybodaeth a roddwyd iddynt.

10. Pwy oedd y cyntaf i ddweud wrth y claf bod canser arno

Pwy oedd y cyntaf i ddweud wrthych bod canser arnoch?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 83% o gleifion mai meddyg ysbyty oedd y cyntaf i ddweud wrthynt bod canser arnynt; dywedodd 5% mai nyrs a ddywedodd wrthynt, dywedodd 7% mai eu meddyg teulu a ddywedodd wrthynt a dywedodd 4% mai gweithiwr iechyd proffesiynol arall a ddywedodd wrthynt. Dywedodd 2% mai ffrind neu berthynas a ddywedodd wrthynt neu eu bod wedi sylweddoli eu hunain.

11. Cael aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind gyda chi

Pan gawsoch wybod am y tro cyntaf bod canser arnoch, a oedd rhywun wedi dweud wrthych chi am ddod ag aelod o'ch teulu neu ffrind gyda chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a oedd yn teimlo fod hynny'n angenrheidiol, dywedodd 70% y dywedwyd wrthynt y gallent ddod ag aelod o'u teulu neu ffrind gyda hwy; ni ddywedwyd hynny wrth 30%. Dywedodd 1% y dywedwyd wrthynt bod canser arnynt dros y ffôn neu drwy lythyr.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth

Dengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod y gallent ddod ag aelod o'u teulu neu ffrind gyda hwy. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 66% fel y sgôr isaf i 75% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 181: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


71% 70%67% 66%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told could bring family member or friend with them


12. Teimladau cleifion am y ffordd y cawsant wybod

Sut ydych chi'n teimlo am y ffordd cawsoch wybod bod canser arnoch?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolYn gyffredinol, roedd 84% o gleifion yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael gwybod bod canser arnynt mewn ffordd sensitif; roedd 11% yn teimlo y dylai fod wedi cael ei wneud mewn ffordd ychydig yn fwy sensitif ac roedd 5% arall yn teimlo y dylai fod wedi cael ei wneud mewn ffordd llawer mwy sensitif.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod bod canser arnynt mewn ffordd sensitif. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 83% fel y sgôr isaf i 87% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 182: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


13. Cleifion yn deall esboniadau o ran beth oedd yn bod

A oeddech chi'n deall yr esboniad o ran beth yn union oedd yn bod arnoch chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 75% o gleifion eu bod yn deall yn iawn yr esboniad o ran beth oedd yn bod arnynt; dywedodd 23% eu bod yn deall rhannau o'r esboniad. Dywedodd 2% nad oeddent yn deall yr esboniad a gawsant.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn deall yn iawn yr esboniad a gawsant o ran beth oedd yn bod arnynt. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 81% (canser y fron) i 56% (canser haematolegol).






















Completely understood explanation of what was wrong


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn deall yn iawn yr esboniad a gawsant o ran beth oedd yn bod arnynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 73% fel y sgôr isaf i 78% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 183: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


74% 75% 73% 75%78%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Completely understood explanation of what was wrong


14. Gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y math o ganser

Pan gawsoch wybod bod canser arnoch, a roddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig i chi am y math hwnnw o ganser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd bod angen gwybodaeth o'r fath arnynt, dywedodd 62% eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt a'i bod yn hawdd i'w deall; roedd 6% arall wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig ond nodwyd ganddynt ei bod yn anodd ei deall. Ni roddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig i 32%.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt a'i bod yn hawdd i'w deall. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 78% (canser y brostad) i 32% (canser yr ymennydd / CNS).

Page 184: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

























Given easy to understand written information about type of cancer


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt a'i bod yn hawdd i'w deall. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 59% fel y sgôr isaf i 65% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 185: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about type of cancer


Penderfynu ar y driniaeth orau

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am y dewis a'r wybodaeth a roddwyd iddynt, a'r rhan y gwnaethant ei chwarae wrth wneud penderfyniadau am y driniaeth.

15. Dewis y mathau o driniaeth

Cyn dechrau ar eich triniaeth am ganser, gawsoch chi ddewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 59% o gleifion ar y cyfan mai dim ond un math o driniaeth oedd yn addas ar eu cyfer; o blith y cleifion a oedd yn weddill, dywedodd 84% eu bod wedi cael dewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth; dywedodd 16% na chawsant ddewis ond y byddent wedi hoffi cael dewis.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael dewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 81% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 186: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


83%81% 81%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given choice of different types of treatment


16. Penderfyniadau ar y driniaeth orau

Yn eich barn chi, a roddwyd ystyriaeth i'ch safbwyntiau chi pan roedd y tîm o feddygon a nyrsys a oedd yn gofalu amdanoch yn trafod pa driniaeth y dylech ei chael?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 8% o gleifion nad oeddent yn ymwybodol bod tîm o feddygon a nyrsys yn trafod eu triniaeth a dywedodd 6% arall nad oeddent yn siŵr neu eu bod yn methu cofio.

Dywedodd 71% o'r cleifion hynny a oedd yn ymwybodol o hynny, yn ddiamod y rhoddwyd ystyriaeth i'w safbwyntiau; dywedodd 23% y rhoddwyd ystyriaeth iddynt i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 7% na roddwyd unrhyw ystyriaeth i'w safbwyntiau.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd yn ddiamod y rhoddwyd ystyriaeth i'w safbwyntiau. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 67% fel y sgôr isaf i 75% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 187: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


70%67% 68%


75% 74%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Views definitely taken into account by team discussing treatment


Page 188: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


17. Esboniadau am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth

A esboniwyd sgil-effeithiau posibl eich triniaeth(au) i chi mewn ffordd ddealladwy?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt, dywedodd 75% yn ddiamod eu bod wedi cael esboniad o sgil-effeithiau posibl y driniaeth mewn ffordd ddealladwy; dywedodd 20% arall fod yr esboniad yn ddealladwy i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 5% nad esboniwyd y sgil-effeithiau iddynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd yn ddiamod eu bod wedi cael esboniad o sgil-effeithiau posibl y driniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 71% fel y sgôr isaf i 80% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

74%71% 72% 74%

71% 73%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Side effects of treatment definitely explained


Page 189: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


18. Gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth

Cyn dechrau ar eich triniaeth, a gawsoch chi wybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau posibl eich triniaeth(au)?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 82% o'r cleifion hynny a ddywedodd bod angen gwybodaeth o'r fath arnynt eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth a'i bod yn hawdd i'w deall; dywedodd 6% arall eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig ond ei bod yn anodd ei deall. Dywedodd 13% o gleifion na chawsant wybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 68% fel y sgôr isaf i 89% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

81%79% 78% 77%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about side effects


Page 190: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


19. Sgil-effeithiau tymor hwy

Cyn dechrau ar eich triniaeth, a gawsoch chi wybodaeth am unrhyw sgil-effeithiau o'r driniaeth a allai effeithio arnoch yn y dyfodol yn hytrach nag ar unwaith?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 55% o'r cleifion hynny yr oedd angen iddynt gael gwybod eu bod wedi cael gwybod yn ddiamod am sgil-effeithiau tymor hwy; Dywedodd 25% eu bod wedi cael gwybod i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 20% nad esboniwyd sgil-effeithiau yn y dyfodol iddynt. Dywedodd 7% nad oedd angen esboniad arnynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod yn ddiamod am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth yn y dyfodol. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 65% (canser y brostad) i 44% (canser y croen).

58% 56% 55%

65% 64%

52% 52%55%



45% 46%












Told about possible future side effects of treatment


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod yn ddiamod am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth yn y dyfodol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 51% fel y sgôr isaf i 61% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 191: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


53%51% 52%

54% 53%58%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told about possible future side effects of treatment


20. Cyfraniad cleifion yn y penderfyniadau am eu gofal a’u triniaeth

A gawsoch chi gyfle i gyfrannu cymaint ag yr oeddech yn dymuno ei wneud at benderfyniadau am eich gofal a'ch triniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 71% o gleifion eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cyfrannu cymaint ag yr oeddent yn dymuno ei wneud at benderfyniadau am eu gofal a'u triniaeth; dywedodd 23% eu bod wedi cyfrannu i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 6% nad oeddent wedi gwneud, ond y byddent wedi hoffi cael mwy o gyfle i gyfrannu.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cyfrannu at benderfyniadau am eu gofal a'u triniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 68% fel y sgôr isaf i 76% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 192: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


71% 69% 68%


70%73% 73%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Definitely involved in decisions about care and treatment


Page 193: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol / Gweithiwr Allweddol

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am Nyrsys Clinigol Arbenigol a Gweithwyr Allweddol, eu hargaeledd i gleifion a'r wybodaeth a roddwyd ganddynt.

21. Cael gwybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol

A gawsoch wybod enw'r Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol fyddai'n gofalu amdanoch chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 88% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol; ni chafodd 12% wybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 84% fel y sgôr isaf i 93% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

88%85% 85%



91% 91%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given name of CNS in charge of care


22. Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i gysylltu â'r Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol

Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i chi gysylltu â'ch Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol?

Page 194: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a oedd wedi ceisio cysylltu â'u Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, dywedodd 78% ei fod yn hawdd cysylltu â hi/ag ef; dywedodd 19% ei fod weithiau'n hawdd, weithiau'n anodd; a dywedodd 3% ei fod yn anodd.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'rgwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd ei fod yn hawdd cysylltu â'u Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 76% fel y sgôr isaf i 83% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.




78% 77%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Easy to contact CNS


Page 195: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


23. Y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol yn gwrando'n astud

A wnaeth eich Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol wrando'n astud arnoch chi y tro diwethaf i chi siarad â hi/ag ef?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 92% ar y cyfan bod y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, heb os, wedi gwrando'n astud arnynt y tro diwethaf iddynt siarad â hi/ag ef; dywedodd 7% ei bod/ei fod wedi gwrando'n astud i raddau. Dywedodd 1% nad oedd wedi gwrando'n astud.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, heb os, wedi gwrando'n astud arnynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 90% fel y sgôr isaf i 93% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

24. Gofyn cwestiynau pwysig i'r Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol

Pan fod gennych gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i'ch Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, pa mor aml ydych chi'n cael atebion y gallwch chi eu deall?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd eu bod wedi gofyn cwestiynau i'r Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, dywedodd 92% eu bod wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser, dywedodd 7% mai dim ond ambell waith roeddent wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall a dywedodd 1% mai anaml y cawsant atebion y gallent eu deall os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser gan y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 90% fel y sgôr isaf i 94% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 196: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


94%91% 90%

93% 92%90%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from CNS all / most of time


25. Gwybodaeth am Weithwyr Allweddol

A ddywedwyd wrthych chi beth oedd enw eich Gweithiwr Allweddol a'i fanylion cyswllt?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolCafodd 66% o'r cleifion a allai gofio fanylion cyswllt eu Gweithiwr Allweddol (sef eu Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol hefyd yn achos 36% ohonynt; ac nid eu Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol yn achos 30% ohonynt). Ni chafodd 34% fanylion cyswllt Gweithiwr Allweddol. Ar y cyfan, dywedodd 11% nad oeddent yn gwybod neu eu bod yn methu cofio.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Gweithiwr Allweddol. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 80% (canser yr ysgyfaint) i 39% (canser wrolegol).

Page 197: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences

























Given name and contact details for key worker


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Gweithiwr Allweddol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 58% fel y sgôr isaf i 75% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.





75% 74%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given name and contact details for key worker


Page 198: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


26. Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i gysylltu â'r Gweithiwr Allweddol

Pa mor hawdd oedd hi i chi gysylltu â'ch Gweithiwr Allweddol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 82% o'r cleifion hynny a oedd wedi ceisio cysylltu â'u Gweithiwr Allweddol ei fod yn hawdd cysylltu â hi/ag ef; dywedodd 16% ei fod weithiau'n hawdd ac weithiau'n anodd; roedd 2% wedi ei chael hi'n anodd. Nid oedd 10% wedi ceisio cysylltu â'u Gweithiwr Allweddol.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd ei fod yn hawdd cysylltu â'u Gweithiwr Allweddol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 78% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

27. Y Gweithiwr Allweddol yn gwrando ar y claf

A wnaeth eich Gweithiwr Allweddol wrando'n astud arnoch chi y tro diwethaf i chi siarad â hi/ag ef?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 92% o gleifion fod y Gweithiwr Allweddol, heb os, wedi gwrando arnynt; dywedodd 6% ei bod/ei fod wedi gwrando i raddau; dywedodd 1% na wrandawyd arnynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod eu Gweithiwr Allweddol, heb os, wedi gwrando'n astud arnynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 88% fel y sgôr isaf i 94% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 199: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


94% 93% 91% 91%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Key worker definitely listened carefully


28. Gofyn cwestiynau pwysig i'r Gweithiwr Allweddol

Pan fod gennych gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i'ch Gweithiwr Allweddol, pa mor aml ydych chi'n cael atebion y gallwch chi eu deall?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 91% o'r cleifion hynny a oedd wedi gofyn cwestiynau i'w Gweithiwr Allweddol eu bod wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser, dywedodd 8%mai dim ond ambell waith roeddent wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall a dywedodd 1%mai anaml y cawsant atebion y gallent eu deall os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser gan eu Gweithiwr Allweddol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 79% fel y sgôr isaf i 94% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 200: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


90% 92% 90%94%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from key worker all / most of time


29. Trafod cynlluniau gofal

Gawsoch chi gyfle i drafod eich anghenion a'ch pryderon er mwyn llunio eich cynllun gofal?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 58% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael cynnig y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a’u pryderon er mwyn llunio eu cynllun gofal; nid oedd 42% wedi cael cynnig y cyfle hwn. Nid oedd 15% yn gwybod neu ni allent gofio.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael cynnig y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a’u pryderon er mwyn llunio eu cynllun gofal. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 80% (canser yr ymennydd / CNS) i 37% (canser wrolegol).

Page 201: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences






55% 56%


















Offered opportunity to discuss needs for care plan


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael cynnig y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a'u pryderon. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 49% fel y sgôr isaf i 67% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

66%62% 60%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient able to discuss worries/ fears with staff as much as wanted


Page 202: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


30. Cynlluniau gofal ysgrifenedig

Ydych chi wedi cael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 22% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael cynnig asesiad neu gynllun gofal ysgrifenedig; dywedodd 78% nad oeddent wedi cael cynnig a dywedodd 15% arall nad oeddent yn gwybod neu na allent gofio.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael cynnig cynllun gofal. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 30% (canser yr ysgyfaint) i 10% (sarcoma).

24%28% 30%



25% 24%

10% 11%


15% 17%












Patient offered written care plan


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 20% fel y sgôr isaf i 25% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 203: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


24%20% 21% 20% 20% 22%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient offered written care plan


Page 204: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Cymorth i gleifion

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio'r wybodaeth a roddwyd i gleifion am grwpiau cymorth, cymorth ariannol ac ymchwil.

31. Gwybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth

A roddodd staff yr ysbyty wybodaeth i chi am gefnogaeth emosiynol, er enghraifft grwpiau cymorth neu hunangymorth i bobl sydd â chanser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd ei fod yn angenrheidiol, nododd 77% eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth neu hunangymorth i bobl â chanser gan staff yr ysbyty (69% do, 8% do, ond buaswn wedi hoffi cael mwy o wybodaeth). Dywedodd 23%nad oeddent wedi cael unrhyw wybodaeth ond y byddent wedi hoffi cael gwybodaeth.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd yn gadarnhaol eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth neu hunangymorth. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 77% (canser y fron) i 46% (canser wrolegol).





65%69% 71%

















Patients who needed it given information about emotional support


Page 205: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth neu hunangymorth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 58% fel y sgôr isaf i 77% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.


61% 62%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patients who needed it given information about emotional support


32. Effaith canser ar waith neu addysg

A wnaeth staff yr ysbyty drafod neu roi gwybodaeth i chi am yr effaith y gallai'r canser ei chael ar eich bywyd gwaith neu addysg?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd ei fod yn angenrheidiol, dywedodd 68% eu bod wedi trafod neu wedi cael gwybodaeth am effaith y canser ar waith neu addysg; dywedodd 32%nad oeddent, ond y byddent wedi hoffi hynny. Dywedodd 49% nad oedd yn angenrheidiol nac yn berthnasol iddynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Page 206: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi trafod neu wedi cael gwybodaeth am effaith y canser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 56% fel y sgôr isaf i 74% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff discussed impact on work or education


33. Gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol

A wnaeth y staff yn yr ysbyty roi gwybodaeth i chi am unrhyw gymorth ariannol neu fudd-daliadau perthnasol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd ei fod yn angenrheidiol, dywedodd 51% eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael cymorth ariannol neu fudd-daliadau gan y staff yn yr ysbyty (44% do, 7% do, ond buaswn wedi hoffi cael mwy o wybodaeth). Dywedodd 49% nad oeddent wedi cael unrhyw wybodaeth ond y byddent wedi hoffi cael gwybodaeth.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd yn gadarnhaol eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael cymorth ariannol neu fudd-daliadau. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 62% (canser yr ymennydd / CNS) i 23% (canser wrolegol).

Page 207: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


46% 44%




46% 45% 45%50%
















Given information on financial help/ benefits by staff


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth am sut i gael cymorth ariannol neu fudd-daliadau. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 28% fel y sgôr isaf i 53% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.




43% 42%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given information on financial help/ benefits by staff


Page 208: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


34. Cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser

Ers eich diagnosis, a oes unrhyw un wedi trafod â chi p'un a hoffech gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 29% o gleifion bod rhywun wedi trafod cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil gyda nhw; dywedodd 71% nad oedd unrhyw un wedi gwneud hynny.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd bod rhywun wedi trafod cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil gyda nhw. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 38% (canser y fron) i 10% (canser y croen).


31% 31% 32%27% 26% 26%

















Taking part in cancer research discussed with patient


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod rhywun wedi trafod cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser gyda nhw. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 18% fel y sgôr isaf i 38% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 209: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


25% 24%26%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Taking part in cancer research discussed with patient


35. A wnaeth y rheini y gofynnwyd iddynt gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser wneud hynny

Os do, a wnaethoch wedyn fynd yn eich blaen i gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 64% o'r cleifion hynny a ddywedodd y gofynnwyd iddynt, eu bod wedi mynd ymlaen i gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser; ni wnaeth 36% ohonynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cymryd rhan mewn ymchwil. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 45% fel y sgôr isaf i 83% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 210: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


62%65% 66%
















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Went on to take part in research


Page 211: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences



Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion a gafodd lawdriniaethau am newidiadau o ran dyddiadau derbyn, a'r esboniadau a'r wybodaeth a roddwyd iddynt am eu llawdriniaeth.

36. Cleifion a gafodd lawdriniaethau

Ydych chi wedi cael llawdriniaeth yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf (er enghraifft, llawdriniaeth i dynnu tiwmor neu lwmp) yn un o'r ysbytai a enwir yn y llythyr esboniadol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 54% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael llawdriniaeth yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf, er enghraifft, i dynnu tiwmor neu lwmp.

37. Esboniadau o'r hyn a fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y llawdriniaeth

Cyn eich llawdriniaeth, a wnaeth aelod o staff esbonio'r hyn fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod y llawdriniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt o'r hyn a fyddai'n digwydd yn ystod eu llawdriniaeth, dywedodd 87% fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio'n gynhwysfawr; dywedodd 12% arall fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 2% nad oedd aelod o staff wedi esbonio ond y byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi cael esboniad.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio'n gynhwysfawr. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 86% fel y sgôr isaf i 89% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 212: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


38. Gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y llawdriniaeth

A roddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig i chi ymlaen llaw am eich llawdriniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 70% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am eu llawdriniaeth a'i bod yn hawdd i'w deall; roedd 4% wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig ond nodwyd ganddynt ei bod yn anodd ei deall. Dywedodd 26% na roddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig iddynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig a oedd yn hawdd i'w deall. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 62% fel y sgôr isaf i 77% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.



72% 72%74%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given easy to understand written information about operation


Page 213: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


39. Esboniadau ar ôl y llawdriniaeth

Ar ôl y llawdriniaeth, a wnaeth aelod o staff esbonio sut aeth y llawdriniaeth mewn ffordd ddealladwy?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod angen esboniad arnynt, dywedodd 78% ar y cyfan eu bod wedi cael esboniad dealladwy cynhwysfawr o sut aeth y llawdriniaeth gan aelod o staff; dywedodd 17% fod aelod o staff wedi esbonio i ryw raddau. Ni chafodd 5%esboniad ond byddent wedi gwerthfawrogi cael esboniad.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael esboniad dealladwy cynhwysfawr o sut aeth y llawdriniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 72% fel y sgôr isaf i 80% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 214: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Meddygon ysbyty

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am wybodaeth gan feddygon ysbyty, ffydd a hyder cleifion ynddynt, a safbwyntiau'r cleifion am wybodaeth ac agwedd y meddygon.

Roedd y cwestiynau yn yr adran hon wedi'u hanelu at gleifion a oedd wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu a oedd wedi aros yn yr ysbyty dros nos i gael gofal canser, nid cleifion achosion dydd na chleifion allanol.

40. Cleifion a gafodd lawdriniaethau neu a arhosodd yn yr ysbyty dros nos

Ydych chi wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu ydych chi wedi aros dros nos i gael gofal canser yn un o'r ysbytai a enwir yn y llythyr esboniadol yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 60% o gleifion eu bod wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu wedi aros dros nos i gael gofal canser yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf.

41. Siarad â meddygon

Yn ystod eich triniaeth, a oeddech chi'n gallu siarad â'ch meddyg mor aml ag yr oeddech yn dymuno gwneud hynny?

Canfyddiadau Cyffredinol

Dywedodd 54% o'r cleifion hynny yr oedd angen iddynt siarad â meddyg yn ystod eu triniaeth eu bod wedi gallu siarad â meddyg bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser; dywedodd 37% eu bod wedi gallu siarad â meddyg ambell waith. Dywedodd 9% mai anaml yr oeddent wedi gallu siarad â meddyg os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion yr oedd angen iddynt siarad â meddyg yn ystod eu triniaeth a ddywedodd eu bod wedi gallu siarad â meddyg bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 48% fel y sgôr isaf i 60% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 215: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


54% 55%52%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Able to talk to doctor all or most of the time


42. Gofyn cwestiynau pwysig i'r meddygon

Pan oedd gennych chi gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i'r meddyg, pa mor aml gawsoch chi atebion dealladwy?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny yr oedd ganddynt gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i'r meddygon, dywedodd 80% fod y meddygon wedi rhoi atebion dealladwy iddynt bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser; dywedodd 17% ohonynt mai dim ond rhywfaint o'r amser roedd yr atebion yn ddealladwy a dywedodd 3% arall mai anaml y cawsant atebion dealladwy os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod y meddygon wedi rhoi atebion dealladwy iddynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 78% fel y sgôr isaf i 82% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

43. Hyder ac ymddiriedaeth mewn meddygon

Page 216: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


A oedd gennych hyder yn y meddygon a oedd yn eich trin ac a oeddech chi'n ymddiried ynddynt?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 87% o gleifion fod ganddynt hyder ym mhob un o'r meddygon a oedd yn eu trin a'u bod yn ymddiried ynddynt; dywedodd 13% fod ganddynt hyder yn rhai o'r meddygon a'u bod yn ymddiried yn rhai ohonynt. Dywedodd llai nag 1% o gleifion nad oedd ganddynt hyder o gwbl ac nad oeddent yn ymddiried ynddynt o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod ganddynt hyder ym mhob un o'r meddygon a'u bod yn ymddiried ynddynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 84% fel y sgôr isaf i 91% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

87%84% 86% 87% 87%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Confidence and trust in all doctors


Page 217: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


44. Siarad o flaen cleifion

A oedd y meddygon yn siarad o'ch blaen fel petaech ddim yno o gwbl?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 84% o gleifion nad oedd meddygon yn siarad o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl. Dywedodd 13% eu bod yn gwneud hynny weithiau a dywedodd 4% arall eu bod yn gwneud hynny'n aml.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd nad oedd y meddygon yn siarad o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 81% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

45. Y teulu yn gallu siarad â'r meddyg

Os oedd aelod o'ch teulu neu rywun arall sy'n agos atoch eisiau siarad â meddyg, a oedd digon o gyfle iddyn nhw wneud hynny?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod ganddynt aelod o'u teulu neu rywun arall sy'n agos atynt a allai fod eisiau siarad â meddyg, dywedodd 61% ohonynt fod yr aelod o'u teulu neu rywun arall sy'n agos atynt yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o gyfle i wneud hynny; dywedodd 30% arall eu bod wedi cael digon o gyfle i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 8% nad oeddent wedi cael digon o gyfle i siarad â meddyg.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiad o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod aelod o'u teulu neu rywun arall sy'n agos atynt yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o gyfle i siarad â meddyg. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 58% fel y sgôr isaf i 63% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 218: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Nyrsys ward

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am wybodaeth gan nyrsys ward, hyder ac ymddiriedaeth cleifion yn y nyrsys, agwedd nyrsys, a lefelau gofal nyrsio ar wardiau ysbytai.

Roedd y cwestiynau yn yr adran hon wedi'u targedu at gleifion a oedd wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu a oedd wedi aros yn yr ysbyty dros nos i gael gofal canser ac nid cleifion achosion dydd na chleifion allanol na wnaethant aros dros nos.

46. Deall atebion nyrsys ward i gwestiynau pwysig

Pan oedd gennych gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i nyrs ward, pa mor aml gawsoch chi atebion dealladwy?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny yr oedd ganddynt gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn i nyrs ward, dywedodd 75% ar y cyfan fod y nyrs wedi rhoi atebion dealladwy iddynt bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser; dywedodd 21% ohonynt eu bod wedi rhoi atebion dealladwy ambell waith a dywedodd 4% arall mai anaml y cawsant atebion dealladwy os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael atebion y gallent eu deall bob tro neu'r rhan fwyaf o'r amser gan nyrs. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 69% fel y sgôr isaf i 79% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 219: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


78% 79%



71% 70%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Got understandable answers from nurses all or most of time


47. Hyder ac ymddiriedaeth mewn nyrsys ward

A oedd gennych hyder yn y nyrsys ward a oedd yn eich trin chi ac a oeddech chi'n ymddiried ynddynt?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 73% o gleifion fod ganddynt hyder ym mhob un o'r nyrsys ward a oedd yn eu trin a'u bod yn ymddiried ynddynt; dywedodd 26% fod ganddynt hyder yn rhai ohonynt a'u bod yn ymddiried yn rhai ohonynt a dywedodd 1% nad oedd ganddynt hyder ynddynt o gwbl ac nad oeddent yn ymddiried ynddynt o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod ganddynt hyder ym mhob un o'r nyrsys ward a'u bod yn ymddiried ynddynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 69% fel y sgôr isaf i 79% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 220: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Had confidence and trust in all the ward nurses


48. Siarad o flaen cleifion

A oedd nyrsys ward yn siarad o'ch blaen fel petaech ddim yno o gwbl?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 86% o gleifion nad oedd nyrsys yn siarad o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl; dywedodd 11% eu bod yn gwneud hynny weithiau a dywedodd 3% arall eu bod yn gwneud hynny'n aml.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd nad oedd y nyrsys yn siarad o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 84% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 221: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


88%84% 84%

88% 86% 87% 85%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Nurses did not talk in front of patients as if they were not there


49. Digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd

Yn eich barn chi, a oedd digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd i ofalu amdanoch chi yn yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolAr y cyfan, dywedodd 60% o gleifion fod digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd i ofalu amdanynt yn yr ysbyty bob amser neu bron bob amser; dywedodd 29% fod digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd weithiau a dywedodd 11% arall mai anaml yr oedd digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd os o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod digon o nyrsys ar ddyletswydd bob amser neu bron bob amser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 53% fel y sgôr isaf i 65% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 222: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


62% 64%


62% 61%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Always / nearly always enough nurses on duty


Page 223: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Gofal a thriniaeth ysbyty

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am wybodaeth goll neu wahanol, preifatrwydd, parch ac urddas, a rheoli poen.

Roedd y cwestiynau yn yr adran hon wedi'u targedu at gleifion a oedd wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu a oedd wedi aros yn yr ysbyty dros nos i gael gofal canser ac nid cleifion achosion dydd na chleifion allanol na wnaethant aros dros nos.

50. Peidio â chael gwybod pethau

Yn ystod eich cyfnod yn yr ysbyty, a oedd yna adegau pan oeddech yn teimlo nad oedd y meddygon neu'r nyrsys yn rhannu pethau penodol roeddech chi am wybod amdanynt, gyda chi yn fwriadol?

Canfyddiadau Cyffredinol

Dywedodd 89% o gleifion nad oeddent byth yn teimlo nad oedd y meddygon neu'r nyrsys yn rhannu pethau penodol roeddech am wybod amdanynt, gyda nhw'n fwriadol: dywedodd 10% mai unwaith yn unig y digwyddodd hyn (2%) neu weithiau (8%) ac roedd 1% arall o'r farn ei fod yn digwydd yn aml.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd nad oeddent byth yn teimlo nad oedd y meddygon neu'r nyrsys yn rhannu pethau penodol gyda nhw'n fwriadol, er eu bod eisiau gwybod. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 87% fel y sgôr isaf i 91% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 224: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


91%87% 88% 87% 87%

91% 90%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Never thought staff were deliberately not telling them things


51. Gwybodaeth wahanol

Yn ystod eich cyfnod yn yr ysbyty, a wnaeth un meddyg neu nyrs ddweud un peth wrthych am eich cyflwr neu'ch triniaeth tra bod meddyg neu nyrs arall wedi dweud rhywbeth gwahanol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 84% o gleifion na wnaeth un meddyg neu nyrs erioed ddweud un peth wrthynt am eu cyflwr neu eu triniaeth tra bod meddyg neu nyrs arall wedi dweud rhywbeth gwahanol; dywedodd 6% mai unwaith yn unig y digwyddodd hyn, dywedodd 9% ei fod wedi digwydd weithiau a dywedodd 1% ei fod wedi digwydd yn aml.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd na wnaeth un meddyg neu nyrs erioed dweud un peth wrthynt am eu cyflwr neu eu triniaeth tra bod meddyg neu nyrs arall wedi dweud rhywbeth gwahanol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 82% fel y sgôr isaf i 86% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 225: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


52. Yr enw a gaiff ei ffafrio gan gleifion

Yn ystod eich cyfnod yn yr ysbyty, a ofynnodd y meddygon a'r nyrsys i chi pa enw yr oeddech yn ei ffafrio?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 62% o gleifion fod pob un o'r meddygon a'r nyrsys wedi gofyn iddynt pa enw roeddent yn ei ffafrio; dywedodd 20% mai rhai ohonynt yn unig a wnaeth a dywedodd 18%na ofynnodd dim un ohonynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod pob un o'r meddygon a'r nyrsys wedi gofyn iddynt pa enw roeddent yn ei ffafrio. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 54% fel y sgôr isaf i 68% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.


59% 61%

54%58% 60%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

All staff asked patient what name they preferred to be called by


Page 226: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


53. Preifatrwydd wrth drafod eich cyflwr neu driniaeth

A roddwyd digon o breifatrwydd i chi wrth drafod eich cyflwr neu driniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 83% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod bob amser wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd wrth drafod eu cyflwr neu driniaeth; dywedodd 13% arall eu bod wedi cael weithiau. Dywedodd 4% nad oeddent wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod bob amser wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 80% fel y sgôr isaf i 86% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

54. Preifatrwydd wrth gael archwiliad neu driniaeth

A roddwyd digon o breifatrwydd i chi pan fyddech yn cael eich archwilio neu'ch trin?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 94% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod bob amser wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd wrth gael eu harchwilio neu eu trin; dywedodd 5% arall eu bod wedi cael weithiau. Dywedodd 1% nad oeddent wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod bob amser wedi cael digon o breifatrwydd. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 89% fel y sgôr isaf i 95% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 227: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


94% 93% 94% 94% 94%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Always enough privacy when examined or treated


55. Trafod pryderon ac ofnau

A oedd hi'n bosibl i chi drafod unrhyw bryderon neu ofnau gyda staff yn ystod eich ymweliad â'r ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 17% o gleifion nad oedd ganddynt unrhyw bryderon neu ofnau. O blith y cleifion hynny yr oedd ganddynt bryderon neu ofnau, dywedodd 63% eu bod wedi gallu eu trafod bob amser; dywedodd 22% eu bod wedi gallu gwneud hynny y rhan fwyaf o'r amser a dywedodd 11% eu bod wedi gallu weithiau. Dywedodd 4% nad oeddent wedi gallu gwneud o gwbl, ond y byddent wedi hoffi gwneud.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod bob amser wedi gallu trafod pryderon ac ofnau. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 55% fel y sgôr isaf i 69% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 228: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


66%62% 60%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Patient able to discuss worries/ fears with staff as much as wanted


56. Rheoli Poen

Yn eich barn chi, a wnaeth staff yr ysbyty bob ymdrech i reoli eich poen?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 86% o'r cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod poen ganddynt bod staff yr ysbyty wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i helpu i'w reoli bob amser; dywedodd 13% eu bod wedi gwneud hynny weithiau. Dywedodd 1% na wnaethant bob ymdrech o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod staff wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i helpu i reoli eu poen. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 83% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 229: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


57. Cael eich trin â pharch ac urddas

A gawsoch eich trin â pharch ac urddas gan feddygon a nyrsys ac aelodau eraill o staff yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 85% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod wedi cael eu trin â pharch ac urddas bob amser gan aelodau o staff a dywedodd 13% arall eu bod wedi cael eu trin felly y rhan fwyaf o'r amser. Dywedodd 3% eu bod wedi cael eu trin â pharch ac urddas weithiau (2.4%) neu byth (0.2%).

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael eu trin â pharch ac urddas bob amser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 81% fel y sgôr isaf i 89% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

87% 85%82%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Treated with respect and dignity by hospital staff

All — All

Page 230: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Gwybodaeth cyn gadael a chymorth cartref

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion am amrywiol elfennau o'r wybodaeth a roddwyd iddynt cyn iddynt adael yr ysbyty a lefel y cymorth cartref a gawsant.

Roedd y cwestiynau yn yr adran hon wedi'u targedu at gleifion a oedd wedi cael llawdriniaeth neu a oedd wedi aros yn yr ysbyty dros nos i gael gofal canser ac nid cleifion achosion dydd na chleifion allanol na wnaethant aros dros nos.

58. Gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am yr hyn y dylid ei wneud neu'r hyn na ddylid ei wneud

A roddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig glir i chi am yr hyn y dylech ei wneud neu'r hyn na ddylech ei wneud ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 81% o'r cleifion hynny yr oedd angen y wybodaeth arnynt eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig glir am yr hyn y dylent ei wneud neu'r hyn na ddylent ei wneud ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty; dywedodd 19% na roddwyd gwybodaeth iddynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth Dengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am yr hyn y dylent ei wneud neu'r hyn na ddylent ei wneud. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 75% fel y sgôr isaf i 87% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 231: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Given clear written information about what should/should not do


59. Cael gwybod pwy y dylid cysylltu â nhw os bydd pryderon

A ddywedodd staff yr ysbyty wrthych pwy y dylech gysylltu â nhw os oeddech yn poeni am eich cyflwr neu driniaeth ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 92% o gleifion ar y cyfan fod staff yr ysbyty wedi dweud wrthynt pwy y dylent gysylltu â nhw os oeddent yn poeni am eu cyflwr neu driniaeth ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty; dywedodd 8% na ddywedwyd wrthynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod staff yr ysbyty wedi dweud wrthynt pwy y dylent gysylltu â nhw os oeddent yn poeni am eu cyflwr neu driniaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 86% fel y sgôr isaf i 96% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 232: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


93%90% 89%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Told who to contact if worried after leaving hospital


60. Gwybodaeth i deuluoedd

A roddodd y meddygon neu'r nyrsys yr holl wybodaeth roedd ei hangen ar eich teulu neu rywun agos atoch er mwyn helpu i ofalu amdanoch gartref?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny yr oedd angen gwybodaeth ar eu teulu neu rywun agos atynt, dywedodd 57% fod yr aelod o'u teulu neu rywun agos atynt yn ddiamod wedi cael yr holl wybodaeth roedd ei hangen arnynt i ofalu amdanynt gartref; dywedodd 23% eu bod wedi cael y wybodaeth honno i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 20% nad oedd eu teulu wedi cael yr holl wybodaeth roedd ei hangen arnynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod eu teulu neu rywun agos atynt yn ddiamod wedi cael yr holl wybodaeth roedd ei hangen arnynt. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 52% fel y sgôr isaf i 61% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

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53% 52%55% 53%

61% 61%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff definitely gave family all information needed


61. Trefnu cymorth cartref

Ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty, a gawsoch chi ddigon o ofal a help gan y gwasanaeth iechyd neu'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol (Er enghraifft, nyrsys ardal, cynorthwywyr cartref neu ffisiotherapyddion)?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod eu hangen arnynt, dywedodd 59% eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o ofal a help gan y gwasanaeth iechyd neu'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty; dywedodd 20% eu bod wedi cael i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 21% na chawsant ddigon o ofal a help. Dywedodd 38% o gleifion ar y cyfan nad oedd angen help gan y gwasanaeth iechyd neu'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol arnynt.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd amrywiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o ofal a help gan y gwasanaeth iechyd neu'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Roedd y sgoriau yn amrywio o 67% (canser colorefrol/gastroberfeddol is) i 42% (canser y brostad).

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53% 54%
















Definitely given enough care/help from health or social services


Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o ofal a help gan y gwasanaeth iechyd neu'r gwasanaethau cymdeithasol. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 52% fel y sgôr isaf i 68% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.




62% 61% 61%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Definitely given enough care/help from health or social services


Page 235: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Gofal fel claf dydd / claf allanol

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau cleifion achosion dydd a chleifion allanol ynghylch sgil-effeithiau radiotherapi a chemotherapi, poen a chefnogaeth emosiynol.

62. Sgil-effeithiau radiotherapi

A wnaeth staff yr ysbyty bob ymdrech bosibl i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r radiotherapi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 49% o gleifion nad oeddent wedi cael radiotherapi a dywedodd 7% o'r cleifion a oedd wedi cael radiotherapi nad oeddent wedi dioddef o unrhyw sgil-effeithiau.

Dywedodd 79% o'r cleifion a oedd wedi cael radiotherapi a gafodd sgil-effeithiau fod y staff yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r radiotherapi; dywedodd 17%eu bod wedi gwneud hynny i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 4% y gallent fod wedi gwneud mwy.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod staff yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r radiotherapi. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 72% fel y sgôr isaf i 82% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

63. Sgil-effeithiau cemotherapi

A wnaeth staff yr ysbyty bob ymdrech bosibl i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r cemotherapi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 42% o gleifion nad oeddent wedi cael cemotherapi a dywedodd 4% o'r cleifion a oedd wedi cael cemotherapi nad oeddent wedi dioddef o unrhyw sgil-effeithiau.

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Dywedodd 83% o'r cleifion a oedd wedi cael cemotherapi a gafodd sgil-effeithiau fod y staff yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r cemotherapi; dywedodd 14% eu bod wedi gwneud hynny i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 2% y gallent fod wedi gwneud mwy.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod staff yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i reolisgil-effeithiau'r cemotherapi. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 76% fel y sgôr isaf i 87% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

86% 85%80% 80%














Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff did everything to control side effects of chemotherapy


64. Rheoli poen

Tra roeddech yn cael eich trin fel claf allanol neu glaf dydd, a wnaeth staff yr ysbyty bob ymdrech i helpu i reoli eich poen?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a oedd mewn poen, dywedodd 81% ohonynt fod staff yr ysbyty yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i helpu i reoli'r boen; dywedodd 15% eu bod wedi gwneud hynny i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 3% y gallent fod wedi gwneud mwy i helpu i reoli'r boen. Nid oedd 42% mewn poen.

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Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod staff yr ysbyty yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i helpu i reoli'r boen. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 76% fel y sgôr isaf i 83% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

83% 83%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff did everything they could to help control pain

All — All

65. Cymorth emosiynol

Tra roeddech yn cael eich trin fel claf allanol neu glaf dydd, a wnaeth staff yr ysbyty roi digon o gymorth emosiynol i chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny yr oedd angen cymorth emosiynol arnynt, dywedodd 72% eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o gymorth emosiynol gan staff yr ysbyty; dywedodd 20% eu bod wedi cael i ryw raddau. Dywedodd 8% y byddent wedi hoffi cael mwy o gymorth.

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Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol oran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod yn ddiamod wedi cael digon o gymorth emosiynol gan staff yr ysbyty. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 65% fel y sgôr isaf i 75% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

75% 75%















Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Staff definitely gave enough emotional support


Page 239: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


Apwyntiadau cleifion allanol

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau cleifion allanol ynghylch apwyntiadau gyda meddygon canser.

66. Cael apwyntiadau cleifion allanol

Ydych chi wedi mynychu apwyntiad claf allanol gyda meddyg canser yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf yn un o'r ysbytai a enwir yn y llythyr esboniadol?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 92% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod wedi mynychu apwyntiad claf allanol gyda meddyg canser yn ystod y 12 mis diwethaf.

67. Dogfennaeth gywir gan y meddyg

Y tro diwethaf i chi gael apwyntiad gyda meddyg canser, a oedd ganddynt y dogfennau cywir, megis nodiadau meddygol, pelydrau-x a chanlyniadau profion?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 96% o gleifion ar y cyfan fod gan y meddyg canser y dogfennau cywir (e.e. nodiadau meddygol, pelydrau-x ac ati) y tro diwethaf iddynt gael apwyntiad; dywedodd 4%nad oedd gan y meddyg y dogfennau cywir.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod gan y meddyg canser y dogfennau cywir. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 95% fel y sgôr isaf i 98% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

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Gofal gan feddygfeydd

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion ynghylch y wybodaeth a roddir i feddygon teulu a'r cymorth gan feddygon teulu a nyrsys.

68. Gwybodaeth a roddir i feddygon teulu gan yr ysbyty

Yn eich barn chi, a gafodd eich meddyg teulu ddigon o wybodaeth am eich cyflwr a'r driniaeth a gawsoch yn yr ysbyty?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 92% o gleifion, yn eu barn hwy, fod eu meddyg teulu wedi cael digon o wybodaeth am eu cyflwr a’r driniaeth a gawsant yn yr ysbyty; dywedodd 8% nad oedd wedi cael digon o wybodaeth. Dywedodd 26% o gleifion (na chynhwyswyd yn y cyfrifiadau uchod) nad oeddent yn gwybod neu eu bod yn methu cofio, mewn ymateb i'r cwestiwn hwn.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod eu meddyg teulu wedi cael digon o wybodaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 91% fel y sgôr isaf i 94% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

69. Cymorth gan staff y feddygfa

Yn eich barn chi, a wnaeth eich meddyg teulu a nyrsys y feddygfa bob ymdrech i'ch cefnogi chi tra'ch bod yn cael triniaeth canser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolO blith y cleifion hynny a ddywedodd fod eu meddygfa yn rhan o'u gofal, dywedodd 67%fod meddygon teulu a nyrsys yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i'w cefnogi tra roeddent yn cael triniaeth canser; dywedodd 22% eu bod wedi gwneud hynny i ryw raddau a dywedodd 11% y gallent fod wedi gwneud mwy. Dywedodd 33% nad oedd eu meddygfa yn rhan o'r sefyllfa.

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Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod rhywfaint o amrywiadau o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod meddygon teulu a nyrsys yn ddiamod wedi gwneud pob ymdrech i'w cefnogi. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 64% fel y sgôr isaf i 70% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

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Gofal GIG cyffredinol

Mae'r adran hon yn disgrifio safbwyntiau'r cleifion ynghylch staff yn cydweithio'n dda, y wybodaeth a roddwyd a ph'un a oeddent yn teimlo eu bod yn cael eu trin fel person cyflawn.

70. Staff yr ysbyty a staff cymunedol yn cydweithio'n dda

A wnaeth y gwahanol bobl oedd yn eich trin ac yn gofalu amdanoch (fel meddyg teulu, meddygon ysbyty, nyrsys ysbyty, nyrsys arbenigol, nyrsys cymunedol) gydweithio'n dda er mwyn rhoi'r gofal gorau posibl i chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 65% o gleifion fod y gwahanol bobl oedd yn eu trin ac yn gofalu amdanynt wedi cydweithio'n dda er mwyn rhoi'r gorau posibl bob amser; dywedodd 25% arall eu bod wedi gwneud hynny y rhan fwyaf o'r amser. Dywedodd 8% mai dim ond weithiau y gwnaethant hynny a dywedodd 2% na wnaethant hynny o gwbl.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd fod pob aelod o staff wedi cydweithio'n dda bob amser. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 61% fel y sgôr isaf i 69% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

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67% 66%61%

69% 69% 67%65%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Hospital and community staff work well together


71. Triniaeth arall

Ydych chi wedi cael triniaeth gan unrhyw rai o'r canlynol ar gyfer eich canser?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolGofynnwyd i'r cleifion p'un a oeddent wedi cael triniaeth gan amrywiaeth o therapyddion. Dywedodd 12% eu bod wedi cael triniaeth gan ffisiotherapydd; dywedodd 6% eu bod wedi cael triniaeth gan therapydd galwedigaethol; dywedodd 15% eu bod wedi cael triniaeth gan ddietegydd; dywedodd 2% eu bod wedi cael triniaeth gan therapydd lleferydd ac iaith a dywedodd 11% eu bod wedi cael triniaeth gan arbenigwr lymffoedema.

72. Gwybodaeth am y cyflwr a'r driniaeth

Faint o wybodaeth gawsoch chi am eich cyflwr a'ch triniaeth?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 86% o gleifion ar y cyfan eu bod wedi cael y swm cywir o wybodaeth am eu cyflwr a'u triniaeth; dywedodd 12% nad oeddent wedi cael digon a dywedodd 1% eu bod wedi cael gormod.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o

Page 244: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael y swm cywir o wybodaeth. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 84% fel y sgôr isaf i 88% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

86% 85% 85% 87%84% 84%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Right amount of information given on condition/ treatment


73. Trin fel person cyflawn

Weithiau, mae pobl sydd â chanser yn teimlo fel petaent yn cael eu trin fel "set o symptomau canser", yn hytrach na pherson cyflawn. A wnaethoch chi deimlo fel yna yn ystod eich gofal GIG dros y flwyddyn ddiwethaf?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 81% o gleifion nad oeddent yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu trin fel 'set o symptomau' yn hytrach na pherson cyflawn yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf; dywedodd 15%eu bod weithiau'n teimlo fel yna a dywedodd 4% eu bod yn aml yn teimlo fel yna.

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a ddywedodd nad oeddent yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu trin fel 'set o symptomau' yn hytrach na pherson cyflawn. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 79% fel y sgôr isaf i 87% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd

Page 245: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


/ Ymddiriedolaeth.

83%80% 79%


80% 82% 81%












Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Did not feel treated like 'a set of symptoms'


74. Barn gyffredinol cleifion am y gofal

Yn gyffredinol, sut oedd eich gofal chi?

Canfyddiadau CyffredinolDywedodd 89% o gleifion fod eu gofal naill ai'n ardderchog (58%) neu'n dda iawn (31%). Dywedodd 8% ei fod yn dda a dywedodd 3% ei fod ond yn weddol (2%) neu'n wael (1%).

Canfyddiadau fesul Grŵp TiwmorRoedd rhywfaint o amrywiad rhwng mathau o ganser ond noda profion ystadegol nad yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser yn sylweddol ar y cyfan.

Canfyddiadau fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / YmddiriedolaethDengys canlyniadau Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol fod amrywiadau sylweddol o ran cyfran y cleifion a oedd o'r farn fod eu gofal naill ai'n ardderchog neu'n dda iawn. Roedd sgoriau o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn amrywio o 84% fel y sgôr isaf i 92% fel y sgôr uchaf gan Fwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Page 246: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


90%86% 85%


86% 84%













Betsi Cadwaladr UHB Hywel Dda HB Abertawe Bro Morgannwg UHB

Cardiff and Vale UHB Cwm Taf HB Aneurin Bevan HB Velindre NHST

Overall rating of care excellent / very good


Page 247: Wales Cancer Patient Experience · analysis. The results provide a robust and comprehensive analysis of people’s experiences


6. Dadansoddiadau arbennig a demograffeg

Gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau tiwmor

Mae'n amlwg bod amrywiad sylweddol rhwng y sgoriau a roddwyd gan gleifion mewn rhai grwpiau tiwmor o gymharu â grwpiau eraill. O ystyried pob cwestiwn, a mesur sawl gwaith y mae grŵp tiwmor yn ymddangos fel y grŵp tiwmor â'r sgôr uchaf neu'r sgôr isaf, gwelwn fod cleifion â chanser y Fron yn fwy tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol am eu gofal a'u triniaeth nag unrhyw fath arall o gleifion canser, gan roi'r sgoriau uchaf ar 22 o'r cwestiynau a sgoriwyd yn yr arolwg; ac mai'r cleifion sydd fwyaf tebygol o roi'r sgoriau gwaethaf oedd Sarcoma (isaf ar saith), yr Ysgyfaint (isaf ar wyth) ac Wroleg (isaf ar 14).

Grŵp Tiwmor Sgôr uchaf sawl gwaith

Sgôr isaf sawl gwaith

Canser y fron 22 0

Ymennydd / CNS 3 2

Colorefrol / Gastroberfeddol Is 3 2

Canser gynaecolegol 2 1

Canser haematolegol 1 5

Canser y pen a'r gwddf 0 3

Canser yr ysgyfaint 5 8

Canserau eraill 0 2

Canser y brostad 6 1

Sarcoma 3 7

Canser y croen 8 2

Gastroberfeddol Uwch 1 5

Canser wrolegol 2 14

Tabl 13 Grwpiau tiwmor â'r sgoriau uchaf ac isaf

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Fodd bynnag, mae amrediad perfformiad sylweddol rhwng grwpiau tiwmor ar yr un cwestiynau, fel yr amlygir gan y tabl canlynol:

Cwestiwn Cymru yn 2013 Sgôr Isaf Sgôr Uchaf

C4 Gwellodd iechyd y claf neu arhosodd tua'r un peth yn ystod y cyfnod o amser roedd yn aros am eu hapwyntiad cyntaf gyda'r meddyg yn yr ysbyty

Sarcoma 60% Y fron 92%

C13 Y claf yn deall yr esboniad o ran beth sy'n bod arno yn gyfan gwbl

Haematolegol 56% Y fron 81%

C14 Cael gwybodaeth hawdd i'w deall am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt

Ymennydd / CNS 32% Prostad 78%

C38 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am eu llawdriniaeth

Sarcoma 43% Prostad 78%

C45 Teulu'r claf yn ddiamod yn cael cyfle i siarad â'r meddyg

Yr ysgyfaint 53% Croen 67%

C73 Ddim yn teimlo fel petaent yn cael eu trin fel set o symptomau canser

Yr ysgyfaint 76% Croen 93%

Tabl 14 Gwahaniaethau rhwng grwpiau canser

Dim ond grŵp tiwmor y Fron na chyflawnodd unrhyw un o'r sgoriau isaf ar unrhyw gwestiwn yn yr arolwg yng Nghymru.

Mae angen ymdrechion parhaus i leihau'r "bwlch gwybodaeth" yn enwedig rhwng y grwpiau tiwmor sy'n perfformio orau a'r grwpiau tiwmor sy'n perfformio waethaf.

Mewn arolygon o brofiadau cleifion canser, ceir bob amser wahaniaethau sylweddol iawn rhwng y sgoriau a roddir gan gleifion â gwahanol fathau o ganser. Mewn sawl achos, y cleifion â'r canserau mwyaf cyffredin sydd fwyaf cadarnhaol, fel sy'n wir yng Nghymru; ac i'r gwrthwyneb, y cleifion â'r canserau mwy anghyffredin sydd leiaf cadarnhaol. Yng nghyd-destun canlyniadau Cymru, mae'r canlyniadau ar gyfer rhai grwpiau tiwmor - megis canser yr Ysgyfaint - yn eithaf gwahanol, ac yn fwy negyddol, na'r canlyniadau ar gyfer canser yr Ysgyfaint o awdurdodaethau eraill.

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Gwahaniaethau rhwng Byrddau / Ymddiriedolaeth

Dadansoddwyd data'r CPES yng Nghymru fesul Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a fesul ysbyty o fewn pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth. Mae nifer o ysbytai o fewn ardal pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth, y mae nifer fach iawn o ymatebwyr yn rhai ohonynt, sy'n ei gwneud hi'n amhosibl adrodd ar lefel ysbyty o dan yr amgylchiadau hynny. Mae nifer fach iawn o ymatebwyr yn ardal Bwrdd Iechyd Powys hefyd oherwydd er bod gwasanaethau Gofal Sylfaenol ym Mhowys yn cefnogi cleifion canser, nid yw'n trin cleifion canser yn y sector aciwt ac eithrio at ddibenion gofal lliniarol, ac mae ei gleifion yn mynd y tu allan i ffiniau'r bwrdd i gael triniaeth cyfnod aciwt a gofal dilynol. Felly, ni fu'n bosibl cynnwys dadansoddiadau ar gyfer Powys yn yr Adroddiad hwn.

Gan ystyried y gwahaniaeth rhwng sgoriau Byrddau / Ymddiriedolaeth ar bob cwestiwn yn yr arolwg, a'r sgôr Pob Canser Cymru gyfan ar bob cwestiwn, a chan ddefnyddio gwahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol yn unig, datgelir y patrwm hwn:

Bwrdd / Ymddiriedolaeth

Sgôr Sylweddol Uwch

Sgôr Sylweddol Is

7A1 Betsi Cadwaladr 10 1

7A2 Hywel Dda 2 10

7A3 Abertawe Bro Morgannwg 0 24

7A4 Caerdydd a'r Fro 14 0

7A5 Cwm Taf 2 10

7A6 Aneurin Bevan 2 3

7A7 Powys dd/g dd/g

RQFFelindre (gan gynnwys clinigau allgymorth ar safleoedd eraill) 24 0

Tabl 15 Gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng Byrddau

Ceir gwahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol hefyd yng nghanlyniadau'r CPES yng Nghymru ar lefel ysbytai. Noda'r tabl isod y nifer o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg lle mae gan ysbytai unigol sgoriau mwy cadarnhaol neu sgoriau mwy negyddol; mae'r tabl yn dangos mai'r allgleifion negyddol mwyaf arwyddocaol yw Ysbyty Singleton yn Abertawe; Ysbyty Glangwili yng Nghaerfyrddin; Ysbyty Treforys yn Abertawe ac Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg. Yr allgleifion mwyaf cadarnhaol yw Ysbyty Felindre; Ysbyty Gwynedd; ac Ysbyty Llandochau.

Yn y tabl canlynol, caiff gwasanaeth Allgymorth Cemotherapi Felindre mewn nifer o ysbytai eraill ei drin ar wahân i'r prif wasanaeth yn Felindre felly mae rhai ysbytai yn ymddangos ddwywaith ar y rhestr; dim ond ysbytai â nifer ddigonol o ymatebwyr a gafodd eu cynnwys.

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Bwrdd/ Ymddiriedolaeth Ysbyty

Sgôr Sylweddol Uwch

Sgôr Sylweddol Is

7A1 Canolog (Glan Clwyd) 0 8

Dwyrain (Wrecsam) 12 1

Gorllewin (Ysbyty Gwynedd) 21 3

7A2 Ysbyty Cyffredinol Bronglais 3 9

Ysbyty Cyffredinol Glangwili 1 21

Ysbyty'r Tywysog Philip 6 2

Ysbyty Cyffredinol Llwyn Helyg 6 1

7A3 Ysbyty Treforys 1 15

Ysbyty Castell-nedd Port Talbot 8 1

Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru 2 8

Ysbyty Singleton 0 34

7A4 Ysbyty Llandochau 13 0

Ysbyty Athrofaol Cymru 7 1

7A5 Ysbyty'r Tywysog Siarl 2 3

Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg 4 11

7A6 Ysbyty Nevill Hall 6 1

Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent 2 6

RQF Ysbyty Nevill Hall 4 4

Ysbyty Tywysoges Cymru 5 2

Ysbyty Brenhinol Morgannwg 7 0

Ysbyty Brenhinol Gwent 1 12

Felindre (Allgymorth Cemotherapi) 7 1

Ysbyty Felindre 26 0

Tabl 16 Gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng sgoriau ysbytai

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Effaith y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol a'r Gweithiwr Allweddol

Efallai mai canfyddiad mwyaf trawiadol arolwg CPES 2013 yng Nghymru yw'r canfyddiad sy'n ymwneud ag effaith y Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol (NGA). O ran bron i bob cwestiwn yn yr arolwg, mae cleifion a chanddynt NGA yn sylweddol fwy cadarnhaol na chleifion nad oes ganddynt gyswllt â NGA. Mae'n anarferol iawn bod amrywyn yn gweithredu fel rhagfynegiad mor bwerus o safbwyntiau ymatebwyr ac yn cael cymaint o effaith ar gwestiynau unigol. Mae'n amlwg bod presenoldeb NGA yn gwneud gwahaniaeth cadarnhaol sylweddol i farn cleifion am ansawdd canfyddedig gwasanaethau canser.

Ar 59 o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg, roedd cleifion a chanddynt NCA yn fwy tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol am eu gofal a'u triniaeth na chleifion nad oedd ganddynt NCA; ac mae graddau'r gwahaniaethau mewn perthynas â llawer o'r cwestiynau yn sylweddol iawn. Mae'r gwahaniaethau hyn oll yn bwysig yn ystadegol. Fodd bynnag, nid yw graddau'r gwahaniaeth rhwng y ddau grŵp o gleifion mor sylweddol ag y bu mewn arolygon canser eraill.

Roedd y gwahaniaethau mwyaf amlwg o ran barn y cleifion hynny â NGA a'r rheini heb NGA yn 2013 yn ymwneud â gwybodaeth lafar ac ysgrifenedig, cyfraniad, gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol, gwybodaeth am ryddhau cleifion o'r ysbyty a gofal a chymorth emosiynol ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty.

Nodir enghreifftiau o'r gwahaniaethau sylweddol sy'n bodoli rhwng cleifion â chymorth NGA a'r rheini heb gymorth o'r fath isod:

Cwestiwn Cymru 2013 Cleifion â NGA

Cleifion heb NGA

C14 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt

66% 47%

C15 Cael dewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth 87% 67%

C18 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth

85% 69%

C20 Cyfrannu cymaint ag yr oeddent yn dymuno at y driniaeth 74% 60%

C30 Cael cynnig asesiad a chynllun gofal ysgrifenedig 28% 9%

C31 Cael gwybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth a grwpiau hunangymorth 74% 44%

C33 Cael gwybodaeth am gymorth ariannol a budd-daliadau perthnasol 50% 26%

C38 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am y llawdriniaeth 74% 54%

C61 Cael digon o ofal/cymorth gan wasanaethau iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol ar ôl gadael yr ysbyty

64% 40%

C70 Cydweithiodd y gwahanol bobl a oedd yn eich trin yn dda er mwyn rhoi'r gofal gorau posibl i chi

68% 53%

C74 Barn gyffredinol am y gofal yn ardderchog / da iawn 91% 77%

Tabl 17 Gwahaniaethau fesul NGA

Mae'r dystiolaeth yn awgrymu bod effaith y NGA yn eithriadol o gadarnhaol.

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Gofynnodd y CPES yng Nghymru hefyd am effaith Gweithwyr Allweddol ar ganfyddiadau cleifion o ofal. Dywedodd 66% o gleifion ledled Cymru bod ganddynt Weithiwr Allweddol (dywedodd 36% ohonynt mai eu NGA oedd yn cyflawni'r rôl a dywedodd 30% nad eu NGA ydoedd), er bod amrywiadau sylweddol rhwng Byrddau ac yn enwedig rhwng Ysbytai o ran argaeledd Gweithwyr Allweddol i gleifion. O gymharu, dywedodd 88% o gleifion ledled Cymru bod ganddynt NGA. Roedd cyfran y cleifion a chanddynt Weithwyr Allweddol yn amrywio fesul Bwrdd o 58% i 75% a fesul Ysbyty o 49% i 83%.

Mae'n amlwg o'r ymatebion bod presenoldeb Gweithiwr Allweddol, boed yn NGA neu'n rhywun arall, yn gwneud gwahaniaeth sylweddol i safbwyntiau cleifion am eu gofal. Gan gymharu gwahanol safbwyntiau cleifion a chanddynt Weithiwr Allweddol â'r rheini nad oedd ganddynt Weithiwr Allweddol, roedd cleifion â Gweithiwr Allweddol yn llawer mwy cadarnhaol na'r rheini nad oedd ganddynt Weithiwr Allweddol. Os mai eu NGA oedd y Gweithiwr Allweddol, roedd cleifion yn fwy cadarnhaol mewn perthynas â 61 o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg (allan o 67); os nad NGA oedd y Gweithiwr Allweddol, roedd cleifion yn fwy cadarnhaol mewn perthynas â 57 o gwestiynau.

NGA yn ôl amrywynnau eraill

Gan ystyried dosbarthiad y ddarpariaeth NGA fesul grŵp tiwmor, mae gan y rhan fwyaf o grwpiau tiwmor canser gyfrannau uchel o gleifion â NGA, gan gynnwys y Fron (96% â NGA), Gastroberfeddol Uwch (95%) a'r Ysgyfaint (93%). Y grŵp tiwmor â'r gyfran isaf o gleifion â NGA yw Wrolegol, gyda dim ond 70%. Mae'r dosbarthiad sgoriau hwn fesul grŵp tiwmor yn debyg i'r dosbarthiad a nodwyd gan arolygon eraill o brofiad cleifion canser.

Mae'n amlwg o'r data ar gyfer y grwpiau tiwmor bod presenoldeb NGA yn gwneud gwahaniaeth penodol i'r rheini dros 75 oed; mae'r gwahaniaethau, lle maent yn bodoli, rhwng y rheini â NGA a'r rheini heb NGA yn sylweddol iawn ymhlith pobl dros 75 oed ac yn llai amlwg ymhlith pobl o dan 75 oed.

Ni chaiff y gwahaniaethau a welir mewn arolygon eraill o brofiad cleifion canser o ran y cyfrannau o gleifion â NGA a gafodd ddiagnosis yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a'r rheini a gafodd ddiagnosis fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl eu gweld ar lefel sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol yng Nghymru.

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Effaith asesiadau a chynlluniau gofal

Mae'r ymatebion i gwestiynau am gynlluniau gofal yn yr arolwg yn dangos nad yw'r broses o gynnal trafodaethau cychwynnol gyda'r cleifion cyn llunio cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig hyd yn oed yn cael ei rhoi ar waith yn gyson ledled Cymru.

Gan ystyried sgôr pob canser Cymru gyfan, dim ond 58% o gleifion a ddywedodd eu bod wedi cael trafodaeth o'r fath, gyda sgoriau Byrddau unigol yn amrywio o 49% (Abertawe Bro Morgannwg) i 67% (Felindre). Roedd sgoriau ysbytai unigol yn amrywio fwy, gyda Nevill Hall yn cyflawni'r sgôr uchaf (70%) a Threforys yn cyflawni'r sgôr isaf (43%).

O ran trosi'r trafodaethau hyn, lle y'u cynhaliwyd, yn gynigion o gynlluniau gofal ysgrifenedig i'r claf, nid yw'r dystiolaeth yn gadarnhaol, gyda dim ond ychydig dros un o bob pump claf yn dweud eu bod wedi cael cynnig cynllun ysgrifenedig o'r fath (22% ar gyfer pob Bwrdd / Ymddiriedolaeth yng Nghymru). O fewn gwasanaethau rhai grwpiau tiwmor o fewn Byrddau penodol, ceir lefel isel iawn o "drosi" trafodaethau am gynlluniau gofal yn "gynigion" o'u darparu i'r claf. Ymhlith yr enghreifftiau mae:

Cleifion â Sarcoma a gafodd eu trin yn Felindre: Roedd 60% wedi cael y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a'u pryderon, ond dim ond 13% oedd wedi cael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig mewn gwirionedd.

Mae sgoriau yn y grŵp tiwmor Wroleg yn wael o ran cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig i gleifion: yn gyffredinol, dim ond 7% o gleifion yn y grŵp tiwmor Wrolegol a gafodd eu trin yn ardal Cwm Taf a gafodd gynnig cynllun gofal; 8% yn ardal Caerdydd a'r Fro; a 12% yn ardal Betsi Cadwaladr.

Roedd sgoriau o fewn gwasanaethau unigol hefyd yn isel ledled Cymru, gyda (fel enghraifft) dim ond 8% o gleifion Gynaecolegol yn ardal Bwrdd Hywel Dda yn cael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig.

Yn amlwg, mae cryn dipyn o waith i'w wneud cyn y bydd fwy neu lai bob claf yng Nghymru yn cael cynnig cynlluniau gofal ysgrifenedig. Mae'r pwnc hwn yn bwnc pwysig a cheir tystiolaeth o'r arolwg bod gan y rheini y cynigiwyd cynlluniau gofal iddynt farn llawer mwy cadarnhaol am ansawdd gwasanaethau na'r cleifion hynny na chynigiwyd cynllun o'r fath iddynt.

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Effaith cyflyrau hirdymor

Gofynnodd y CPES yng Nghymru am wybodaeth gan gleifion ynghylch p'un a oedd ganddynt gyflwr hirdymor arall, neu gyflyrau lluosog, ac eithrio canser. Roedd y cyflyrau hirdymor a nodwyd yn yr arolwg fel a ganlyn: Byddardod / nam difrifol ar y clyw Dallineb / rhannol ddall Cyflwr corfforol hirdymor Anabledd dysgu Cyflyrau iechyd meddwl Salwch hirdymor, e.e. HIV, diabetes, clefyd cronig y galon neu epilepsi

Dadansoddwyd yr ymatebion drwy gymharu'r grŵp o gleifion yr oedd ganddynt un neu fwy o'r cyflyrau hirdymor â'r grŵp a ddywedodd nad oedd ganddynt gyflwr hirdymor. Dengys y canfyddiadau fod 35 o gwestiynau yng Nghymru lle y ceir gwahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng y ddau grŵp o gleifion, gyda'r rhan fwyaf o'r gwahaniaethau hyn (33 allan o 35) yn dangos bod cleifion gyda chyflwr hirdymor yn llai cadarnhaol na chleifion heb gyflwr hirdymor o'r fath.

Roedd yr unig eitemau lle roedd cleifion â chyflyrau hirdymor yn fwy cadarnhaol na'r rheini heb gyflyrau hirdymor yn ymwneud â chael cynnig asesiad a chynllun gofal (C30) a chael gofyn pa enw roeddent yn ei ffafrio (C52).

Mae enghreifftiau o raddau gwahaniaethau o'r fath rhwng y rheini â chyflwr hirdymor a'r rheini heb gyflwr hirdymor fel a ganlyn, gan ddefnyddio data 2013:

Cwestiwn Cymru 2013 Cyflwr hirdymor

Dim cyflwr hirdymor

C15 Cael dewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth 82% 86%

C17 Sgil-effeithiau posibl y driniaeth yn cael eu hesbonio mewn ffordd ddealladwy

71% 77%

C31 Rhoddodd staff yr ysbyty wybodaeth am grwpiau cymorth/hunangymorth i bobl sydd â chanser

64% 73%

C38 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am eu llawdriniaeth 67% 72%

C42 Cael atebion dealladwy gan feddygon 76% 83%

C56 Gwnaeth y staff bob ymdrech i reoli'r boen yn ystod arhosiad dros nos fel claf mewnol

83% 88%

C73 Ddim yn teimlo eu bod wedi cael eu trin fel set o symptomau canser ond yn hytrach na pherson cyflawn

78% 83%

Tabl 18 Gwahaniaethau rhwng y rheini â chyflwr hirdymor a'r rheini heb gyflwr hirdymor

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Gellir dod i'r casgliad bod cleifion â chyflyrau hirdymor yn gymharol llai tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol am eu gofal canser na chleifion heb gyflyrau o'r fath, ac mae'r asesiad llai cadarnhaol hwn yn bresennol ar draws amrywiaeth eang o faterion a fesurwyd yn yr arolwg. Mae'r canfyddiad hwn yn gyson â chanfyddiadau arolygon eraill o brofiad cleifion canser.

Cleifion â chyflyrau hirdymor penodol

Dadansoddwyd y data gan gleifion a ddynodwyd bod ganddynt gyflwr hirdymor penodol ac maent yn dangos canfyddiadau sy'n gymharol debyg i arolygon eraill o gleifion canser. Dengys y dadansoddiad hwn o ran cyflyrau hirdymor megis byddardod a salwch hirdymor (megis HIV, diabetes ac ati), fod y gwahaniaethau rhwng y rheini â chyflwr penodol o'r fath a'r rheini heb y cyflwr hwnnw, yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion, yn gymharol fach. Fodd bynnag, roedd cleifion â chyflyrau iechyd meddwl yn llai tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol am amrywiaeth eang o faterion na chleifion heb unrhyw gyflyrau hirdymor, fel y dengys y siart isod:












No LTC All LTCs Deafness Long standing illness

Blindness Long standing physical condition

Mental health condition

Learning disability

Patient did not feel treated as 'a set of cancer symptoms'

Gan ystyried y data yn eu cyfanrwydd, a phob cyd-afiachusrwydd, ceir bod cleifion â chyflyrau corfforol hirdymor yn llai cadarnhaol am eu gofal a'u triniaeth na'r rheini heb gyflwr hirdymor o gwbl mewn perthynas â 44 o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg; ac ar bob un o'r cwestiynau hyn, y rheini â'r cyflwr corfforol hirdymor sydd lleiaf cadarnhaol.

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Mae'r ffigurau cyfatebol ar gyfer y mathau eraill o gyflwr hirdymor fel a ganlyn: Dallineb / rhannol ddall, 10 o wahaniaethau sylweddol (roedd y rheini a oedd yn dioddef o ddallineb neu a oedd yn rhannol ddall yn llai cadarnhaol ar naw cwestiwn); Byddardod, naw gwahaniaeth sylweddol (roedd y rheini a oedd yn dioddef o fyddardod yn llai cadarnhaol ar saith cwestiwn); y rheini â salwch hirdymor megis HIV neu ddiabetes, 11 o wahaniaethau sylweddol (roedd y rheini â salwch hirdymor yn llai cadarnhaol ar 10 cwestiwn); y rheini ag anabledd dysgu, naw gwahaniaeth sylweddol (roedd y rheini ag anabledd dysgu yn llai cadarnhaol ar wyth cwestiwn); a'r rheini â chyflwr iechyd meddwl, 11 o wahaniaethau sylweddol (roedd y rheini â chyflwr iechyd meddwl yn llai cadarnhaol ar bob un o'r 11 o gwestiynau).

Mae angen gwneud mwy o ymdrechion o hyd er mwyn sicrhau bod cleifion canser â chyflyrau iechyd meddwl ac anableddau dysgu yn cael y mathau o wybodaeth sy'n ddefnyddiol ac yn ddealladwy iddynt hwy, ac y cânt eu trin mewn ffyrdd sy'n deg ac yn briodol, yn eu barn hwy.

Mae'r achos dros gymryd camau gweithredu cadarnhaol gan staff y GIG i ymdrin ag anghenion penodol pobl â chyflyrau hirdymor, yn enwedig mewn meysydd y gellid eu gwella drwy ddarparu gwybodaeth, yn parhau'n glir.

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Gwahaniaethau o ran faint o amser sydd wedi mynd heibio ers y driniaeth gyntaf

Yn arolwg CPES 2013 yng Nghymru, roedd yr holiadur yn cynnwys cwestiwn (C80) ar faint o amser sydd wedi mynd heibio ers i'r claf gael ei driniaeth gyntaf am "y canser hwn", h.y. y canser a oedd yn cael ei drin yn ystod y cyfnod yn yr ysbyty rhwng mis Mehefin 2012 a mis Mawrth 2013. Rhannwyd yr ymatebwyr i'r rheini a oedd wedi cael eu triniaeth gyntaf o fewn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf; rhwng blwyddyn a phum mlynedd yn ôl; a mwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl.

Dengys dadansoddiad o'r gwahaniaethau rhwng cleifion a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth am ganser o fewn y flwyddyn ddiwethaf o gymharu â mwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl fod rhai gwahaniaethau rhwng safbwyntiau cleifion a gafodd ddiagnosis fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl a chleifion a gafodd ddiagnosis yn fwy diweddar. Mae pum cwestiwn yn yr arolwg lle mae gan gleifion a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl safbwyntiau llai cadarnhaol na'r rheini a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth yn fwy diweddar. Roedd y cwestiynau lle mai cleifion "blwyddyn 1" oedd fwyaf cadarnhaol yn ymwneud â chael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt; cael gwybod enw Gweithiwr Allweddol; cael y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a’u pryderon er mwyn llunio eu cynllun gofal; a chael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig.

Dim ond ar un eitem y mae'r grŵp canolradd (rhwng blwyddyn a phum mlynedd ers cael y driniaeth gyntaf) fwyaf cadarnhaol - gyda'r gyfran uchaf o gleifion yn dweud eu bod wedi cael gwahoddiad i gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser.

Mae'r grŵp o gleifion a gafodd eu triniaeth gyntaf fwy na phum mlynedd yn ôl yn debygol, mewn sawl achos, o fod wedi cael ei dderbyn i'r ysbyty gan fod y canser wedi ailymddangos, a gall fod eu teimladau mwy negyddol o ran y gofal a'r driniaeth fod yn gysylltiedig â'r datblygiad annymunol hwn.

Fel enghreifftiau o raddau'r gwahaniaethau sy'n bodoli o fewn y patrwm hwn, mae'r cwestiynau canlynol yn dangos amrywiad amlwg iawn rhwng y rheini a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth yn ystod y flwyddyn ddiwethaf a'r rheini a ddechreuodd eu triniaeth bum mlynedd neu fwy yn ôl:

Y flwyddyn ddiwethaf

Mwy na phum mlynedd

C14 Cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am y math o ganser a oedd ganddynt

65% 46%

C25 Cael gwybod enw / manylion cyswllt Gweithiwr Allweddol 69% 46%

C29 Cael y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a’u pryderon er mwyn llunio eu cynllun gofal

60% 43%

C30 Cael cynnig cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig 24% 14%

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Effaith amddifadedd cymdeithasol

Dadansoddwyd data arolwg Cymru yn 2013 fesul chwintel IMD4 (h.y. pob lefel amddifadedd yn seiliedig ar grwpiau o 20% o fewn yr amrediad 0-100%) ac mae nifer fawr o gwestiynau lle ceir gwahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol o ran safbwynt fel y ceir rhwng chwintel 1 (y mwyaf difreintiedig) a chwintel 5 (y lleiaf difreintiedig). Ceir gwahaniaethau sylweddol rhwng chwintel 1 a chwintel 5 mewn perthynas ag 17 o gwestiynau - ond, fel mewn arolygon eraill o gleifion canser, nid yw'r gwahaniaethau i gyd i'r un cyfeiriad.

Gellir crynhoi'r dadansoddiad IMD fel a ganlyn:

P'un a ddefnyddir degraddau neu chwintelau, dengys y dadansoddiad ganlyniadau tebyg

Prin iawn yw'r canlyniadau arwyddocaol a geir drwy brofi am wahaniaeth rhwng un degradd neu chwintel

Fodd bynnag, pan ystyrir eithafon yr amrediad (e.e. chwintel 1 - chwintel 5), ceir nifer fawr o wahaniaethau

Nid yw'r gwahaniaethau sylweddol sy'n bodoli yn un-dimensiwn h.y. mae'r chwintel mwyaf difreintiedig yn fwy cadarnhaol ar rai materion; a'r lleiaf difreintiedig ar faterion eraill.

Roedd y naw chwestiwn lle roedd cleifion yn y chwintel mwyaf difreintiedig yn fwy cadarnhaol na chleifion yn y chwintel lleiaf difreintiedig fel a ganlyn:

Apwyntiad cyn gynted ag yr oedd yn hanfodol C2 Pan gafodd y claf wybod am y tro cyntaf bod canser arno, dywedwyd wrthynt am ddod

ag aelod o'i deulu neu ffrind gydag ef/hiC11

Esboniwyd sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth yn y dyfodol mewn ffordd ddealladwy C19 Cynigiwyd cynllun gofal ysgrifenedig C30 Gofynnwyd i'r claf pa enw roedd yn ei ffafrio C52 Roedd digon o breifatrwydd wrth gynnal archwiliad neu driniaeth C54 Gwnaeth y staff bob ymdrech i reoli sgil-effeithiau'r cemotherapi C63 Rhoddodd staff yr ysbyty ddigon o gymorth emosiynol pan gafodd ei drin fel claf

allanol/claf dyddC65

Cydweithiodd y gwahanol bobl a oedd yn gofalu amdanynt yn dda bob amser er mwyn rhoi'r gofal gorau posibl


4 Nod y chwintelau a'r degraddau IMD yw darparu gwybodaeth amrediad mewn perthynas â'r gwahaniaethau rhwng y chwintel mwyaf difreintiedig a'r chwintel lleiaf difreintiedig. Yr amrediad hwn yw'r disgrifiad mwyaf cywir yn y DU o amgylchiadau economaidd-gymdeithasol gwahanol y cleifion ac felly mae'n briodol i ni ystyried y gwahaniaethau rhwng eithafon yr amrediad yn ogystal â phrofi canlyniadau ar draws yr amrediad cyfan.

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Roedd yr wyth cwestiwn lle roedd cleifion yn y chwintel lleiaf difreintiedig (chwintel 5) yn fwy cadarnhaol na chleifion yn y chwintel mwyaf difreintiedig fel a ganlyn:

Dim ond unwaith neu ddwy waith y gwelwyd y meddyg teulu cyn cael gwybod bod angen mynd i'r ysbyty


Rhoddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am sgil-effeithiau'r driniaeth C18 Cafodd atebion y gallai eu deall gan ei Weithiwr Allweddol pan oedd ganddo

gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofynC28

Rhoddodd y staff wybodaeth am grwpiau hunangymorth a grwpiau cymorth C31 Cymerodd ran mewn ymchwil canser C34 Cafodd atebion dealladwy gan feddyg bob tro / y rhan fwyaf o'r amser pan oedd

ganddo gwestiynau pwysig i'w gofyn C42

Ni siaradodd meddygon o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl C44 Rhoddwyd digon o gymorth gan wasanaethau iechyd a gwasanaethau cymdeithasol

ar ôl gadael yr ysbytyC61

Ceir lefel uchel o gysondeb rhwng data'r Arolwg o Gleifion Canser yng Nghymru a data arolygon eraill lle rhoddir sgôr mwy cadarnhaol i gwestiynau gan y lleiaf a'r mwyaf difreintiedig. Mae'r canfyddiad hwn yn pwysleisio pwysigrwydd y cysyniad o "glaf hyddysg", sy'n anelu at sicrhau bod cynnwys gwybodaeth yn hygyrch i bob grŵp a'i bod yn gynhwysfawr.

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Effaith oedran

Dadansoddwyd set data cenedlaethol pob canser Cymru gan ddefnyddio bandiau oedran safonol: 16-25; 26-35; 36-50; 51-65; 66-75; a 76+. Dewiswyd y bandiau hyn er mwyn nodi unrhyw wahaniaethau penodol cysylltiedig ag oedran yn safbwyntiau cleifion canser a allai daflu goleuni ar y broses o weithredu polisi.

Dim ond pedwar cwestiwn a nodwyd gan y dadansoddiad cysylltiedig ag oedran lle roedd gwahaniaethau a oedd yn bwysig yn ystadegol ar draws y bandiau oedran, gyda chleifion dros 75 oed y lleiaf cadarnhaol ar ddau gwestiwn, un o'r grwpiau ifancaf (26-35) y lleiaf cadarnhaol ar un cwestiwn; a'r grŵp blynyddoedd canol y lleiaf cadarnhaol ar un cwestiwn.

Amlygir yr enghraifft gliriaf o'r proffil dosbarthiad oedran clasurol yn yr arolwg yn y siart isod sy'n dangos y sgoriau ar gwestiwn 70, a ofynnodd i gleifion a oedd y gwahanol bobl a oedd yn eu trin yn cydweithio'n dda er mwyn rhoi'r gofal gorau posibl.












16-25 26-35 36-50 51-65 66-75 76+

Staff always work well together

Mae'r cwestiynau eraill lle ceir gwahaniaethau cysylltiedig ag oedran sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol fel a ganlyn:

C18: Rhoddwyd gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig hawdd i'w deall am sgil-effeithiau'r triniaethau: grŵp oedran hynaf, 76+, y lleiaf cadarnhaol. Sgôr band oedran uchaf 36-50, 89%; sgôr band oedran isaf 76+, 71%C34: Cafwyd trafodaeth am gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser: y grŵp oedran hynaf 76+ oedd y lleiaf tebygol o fod wedi cael y drafodaeth. Sgôr band oedran uchaf 16-25, 43%; sgôr band oedran isaf 76+, 17%C65: Rhoddwyd digon o gymorth emosiynol gan y staff pan oedd yn glaf dydd/claf allanol: sgôr band oedran uchaf 16-25, 85%; sgôr band oedran isaf 36-50, 59%

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Yn aml mewn arolygon o gleifion, y cleifion ifancaf sydd lleiaf tebygol o fod yn gadarnhaol a fwy na thebyg fod achosion cyffredin dros y gwahaniaethau cysylltiedig ag oedran a nodir yma. Efallai bod cleifion ifancach, y gall fod ganddynt lai o brofiad o fod yn yr ysbyty na phobl hŷn, mewn rhai achosion yn llai tebygol o ddeall terminoleg ac arferion meddygol ac felly yn deall llai o'r hyn a ddywedir wrthynt na chleifion hŷn.

Fodd bynnag, nid cleifion ifancach sydd bob amser yn cael y profiadau lleiaf cadarnhaol o ofal canser. Mae'r enghraifft amlycaf mewn arolygon canser eraill o fater lle mai pobl hŷn sydd â'r mynediad gwaethaf i gymorth a gwybodaeth yn deillio o b'un a gaiff cleifion enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol (NGA) ai peidio. Yn yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru, nid yw'r gwahaniaethau hyn yn bwysig yn ystadegol ond mewn perthynas â'r cwestiwn hwn, y grŵp oedran hynaf (76+) oedd y lleiaf tebygol o ddweud eu bod wedi cael enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol, gyda'r cyfrannau ymhob band oedran a ddywedodd fod ganddynt NGA ar eu huchaf ymhlith y grŵp oedran 16-25 (95%) ac ar eu hisaf ymhlith y grŵp oedran 76+ (84%).

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Effaith rhyw

Mae gwahaniaethau o ran safbwyntiau cleifion mewn perthynas â'u rhyw yn tueddu i fod yn llai na ffactorau demograffig eraill, lle maent yn bodoli.

Yn yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru, ceir patrwm cymharol gyson o wahaniaethau rhwng y rhywiau. Mae 19 o gwestiynau yn yr arolwg o brofiad cleifion canser yng Nghymru lle cafwyd gwahaniaethau a oedd yn bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng safbwyntiau dynion a merched; yn y rhan fwyaf o achosion, roedd dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol (12 o gwestiynau) ond o ran saith cwestiwn lle cafwyd gwahaniaethau sylweddol, roedd merched yn fwy cadarnhaol na dynion.

Mae pwyntiau strategol yr arolwg yng Nghymru yn 2013 fel a ganlyn:

Roedd dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol am staff ac am staff yn cydweithio'n dda na merched.

Roedd dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol am breifatrwydd, am gael parch ac urddas, am gael gwybod digon am eu cyflwr a'u triniaeth, ac am gael eu trin fel person yn hytrach na set o symptomau.

Roedd dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol am y trefniadau ar gyfer cael eu rhyddhau o'r ysbyty a'r trefniadau ar ôl iddynt adael yr ysbyty na merched.

Yn y CPES yng Nghymru yn 2013, roedd y saith cwestiwn lle roedd merched yn fwy cadarnhaol fel a ganlyn:

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud mai dim ond unwaith neu ddwy waith y gwnaethant weld eu meddyg teulu cyn cael gwybod bod angen iddynt fynd i'r ysbyty

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud eu bod wedi cael gwybodaeth ysgrifenedig am sgil-effeithiau eu triniaeth

Roedd merched yn llawer mwy tebygol o gael gwybod enw Nyrs Glinigol Arbenigol

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud eu bod wedi cael gwybod enw Gweithiwr Allweddol

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud eu bod wedi cael y cyfle i drafod eu hanghenion a'u pryderon er mwyn llunio eu cynllun gofal

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud bod rhywun wedi cysylltu â hwy i weld p'un a hoffent gymryd rhan mewn ymchwil canser

Roedd merched yn fwy tebygol o ddweud nad oedd meddygon yn siarad o'u blaen fel petaent ddim yno o gwbl

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Nodir tair enghraifft o'r egwyddor gyffredinol fod dynion yn fwy cadarnhaol na merched yn y siart isod:












Given written information on type

of cancer

Told about future side effects

Confidence and trust in all ward nurses

Differences by gender



Effaith ethnigrwydd

Dadansoddwyd y data o'r CPES yng Nghymru yn 2013 er mwyn asesu unrhyw wahaniaethau posibl rhwng cleifion o wahanol grwpiau Duon a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig a chleifion Gwyn, yn seiliedig ar grwpiau swyddogol y Swyddfa Ystadegau Gwladol.

Fodd bynnag, nid oedd digon o ddata i ddangos unrhyw wahaniaethau gwirioneddol rhwng y grwpiau hyn, bron yn sicr oherwydd y nifer fach o gleifion o leiafrifoedd ethnig yn y sampl cychwynnol a'r grwpiau ymateb. Dangosodd gwaith dadansoddi nad oedd unrhyw wahaniaethau a oedd yn bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng grwpiau ethnig ar unrhyw gwestiwn.

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Effaith cyfeiriadedd rhywiol

Gofynnwyd cwestiwn yn y CPES yng Nghymru am gyfeiriadedd rhywiol y cleifion - p'un a oeddent yn ystyried eu bod yn heterorywiol, yn ddeurywiol, yn hoyw neu'n lesbiad, neu fod ganddynt rywioldeb arall.

Dim ond niferoedd bach o wahaniaethau sylweddol a ddaw i'r amlwg wrth gyfuno'r holl grwpiau nad oeddent yn heterorywiol at ddibenion dadansoddi, yn bennaf o ganlyniad i'r nifer fach o ymatebwyr a oedd yn dosbarthu eu hunain i'r categorïau hyn. Mae'r gwahaniaethau hynny fel a ganlyn:

C15: Cael dewis o wahanol fathau o driniaeth: pobl heterorywiol 84%; pobl nad ydynt yn heterorywiol 66%

C20: Cyfrannu cymaint ag yr oeddent yn dymuno at eu gofal a'u triniaeth: pobl heterorywiol 71%; pobl nad ydynt yn heterorywiol 56%

C25: Cael gwybod enw Gweithiwr Allweddol: pobl heterorywiol 66%; pobl nad ydynt yn heterorywiol 53%

C52: Meddygon a nyrsys yn yr ysbyty yn gofyn pa enw roeddech yn ei ffafrio: pobl heterorywiol 62%; pobl nad ydynt yn heterorywiol 42%

Dengys canlyniadau arolygon canser eraill niferoedd mwy o wahaniaethau sy'n bwysig yn ystadegol rhwng pobl nad ydynt yn heterorywiol a phobl heterorywiol.

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Gwahaniaethau rhwng siaradwyr Cymraeg a siaradwyr Saesneg

Cynhaliwyd dau fath o ddadansoddiad ar ddata'r CPES yng Nghymru er mwyn nodi unrhyw wahaniaethau posibl o ran safbwyntiau cleifion y mae'n well ganddynt gyfathrebu yn Gymraeg a chleifion y mae'n well ganddynt gyfathrebu yn Saesneg.

Gofynnodd cwestiwn 82 yn yr holiadur i'r cleifion nodi pa iaith roeddent yn ei ffafrio o ran "cael gwybodaeth a thriniaeth". O gymharu'r rheini a ddywedodd eu bod yn ffafrio'r Gymraeg (3%) â'r rheini sy'n ffafrio Saesneg (96%), dangosodd y dadansoddiad fod 11 o wahaniaethau a oedd yn bwysig yn ystadegol ar draws cwestiynau ac ar ôl pwyso a mesur, gwelwyd bod canlyniadau mwy cadarnhaol yn cael eu rhoi gan y rheini sy'n ffafrio'r Gymraeg na'r rheini sy'n ffafrio Saesneg. Ar wyth o'r 11 o gwestiynau a sgoriwyd, rhoddwyd sgoriau mwy cadarnhaol gan y rheini sy'n ffafrio'r Gymraeg; ac ar dri chwestiwn, rhoddodd y rheini sy'n ffafrio Saesneg sgoriau uwch.

Roedd y tri chwestiwn lle sgoriodd y rheini sy'n ffafrio Saesneg yn uwch yn ymwneud â'r canlynol:

C11: A oedd rhywun wedi dweud wrthych chi am ddod ag aelod o'ch teulu neu ffrind gyda chiC25: Cael gwybod enw a manylion cyswllt Gweithiwr Allweddol5

C48: Nyrsys ward yn siarad o'm blaen fel petawn i ddim yno o gwbl

Roedd y cwestiynau lle sgoriodd y rheini sy'n ffafrio'r Gymraeg yn uwch fel a ganlyn:



C26 Hawdd cysylltu â'm Gweithiwr Allweddol 98% 81%C27 Gwrandawodd y Gweithiwr Allweddol yn astud arnaf 98% 92%C41 Gallu siarad â'u meddyg mor aml ag yr oedd yn dymuno

gwneud hynny 62% 53%

C46 Cael atebion dealladwy i gwestiynau gan y nyrsys ward bob tro

82% 75%

C63 Staff yn rheoli sgil-effeithiau'r cemotherapi 90% 83%C64 Gwnaeth y staff bob ymdrech i reoli'r boen wrth i'r claf gael

ei drin fel claf dydd/claf allanol89% 81%

C69 Gwnaeth y meddyg teulu/nyrsys yn y feddygfa bob ymdrech i gefnogi'r claf tra roedd yn cael triniaeth

73% 66%

C74 Barn gyffredinol cleifion am y gofal yn ardderchog/da iawn 92% 88%

Gellid dadansoddi ymatebion i'r arolwg hefyd er mwyn cymharu'r rheini a ddewisodd ateb yn Saesneg a'r 162 o gleifion a atebodd yn Gymraeg. Wrth ddadansoddi'r ymatebion yn y fath fodd, ceir bod y rheini a gwblhaodd yr arolwg yn Gymraeg yn fwy cadarnhaol na'r cleifion a gwblhaodd yr arolwg yn Saesneg. Mae hyn yn wir nid yn unig ar gyfer y cwestiynau a nodir uchod ond ar gyfer amrywiaeth llawer ehangach o gwestiynau.

5 O ran Cwestiwn 25, gellid egluro hyn gan y ffaith bod mwy o wybodaeth am Weithwyr Allweddol yn cael ei dosbarthu mewn Byrddau lle mae mwyafrif y cleifion yn siarad Saesneg.

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7. Datblygu'r arolwg a'r fethodoleg

Datblygu'r holiadur

Mae holiadur yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru yn seiliedig ar holiaduron arolygon canser 2010, 2012 a 2013 a ddatblygwyd ac a ddefnyddiwyd yn Lloegr gan Quality Health, ac ar arolwg cenedlaethol Lloegr o gleifion mewnol fel y sail ar gyfer llawer o'i gwestiynau ynghyd â nifer o gwestiynau newydd, e.e. ar Weithwyr Allweddol, a ddatblygwyd yn benodol ar gyfer yr arolwg yng Nghymru.

Cynhaliwyd profion gwybyddol ar yr holiadur cyfan ac ar y cwestiynau newydd er mwyn sicrhau bod cleifion yn deall y cwestiynau a oedd yn cael eu gofyn, na chafodd unrhyw faterion pwysig eu hepgor ac er mwyn sicrhau bod y cwestiynau, gymaint â phosibl, yn y drefn y byddai'r claf yn ei hadnabod fel trefn y llwybr a ddilynwyd ganddynt. Cynhaliwyd profion gwybyddol gyda'r cleifion a oedd yn siarad Cymraeg a'r rhai a oedd yn siarad Saesneg.

Gan fod yr holl gwestiynau a gafodd eu hailadrodd o fersiynau blaenorol o'r arolwg wedi bod yn destun profion gwybyddol, penderfynwyd, er y câi'r holl gwestiynau yn holiadur Cymru eu profi, y byddai mwy o bwyslais yn cael ei roi ar strwythur cwestiynau newydd, eu lleoliad yn yr arolwg cyffredinol, cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer y llwybr drwy'r cwestiynau a'r cwestiynau hynny a oedd yn cynnwys terminoleg fwy cymhleth neu asesiadau o ran amserlen. Mae'n hysbys o dystiolaeth gan y llinellau cymorth i gleifion a weithredwyd gan Quality Health ar gyfer llawer o systemau arolygu cleifion ac ar gyfer Mesurau Canlyniadau a Gofnodir gan Gleifion (PROMs) bod materion sy'n cynnwys asesiadau o ran amserlen, ac ystyr terminoleg y GIG a geiriau sy'n anghyfarwydd i'r darllenwr, yn faterion sy'n anodd ei deall i rai cleifion.

Darparwyd rhestr o wirfoddolwyr ar gyfer y profion gwybyddol gan Gymorth Canser Macmillan; roedd gan y cleifion hyn amrywiaeth eang o fathau o ganser ac roeddent yn dod o bob cwr o Gymru. Anfonwyd holiaduron at gyfranogwyr y gofynnwyd iddynt gwblhau'r holiadur cyn y cyfweliad. Defnyddiwyd yr arddull profi hon er mwyn helpu i bennu lefel gallu'r cyfranogwr i gwblhau'r holiadur ar ei ben ei hun, ac i ddilyn y cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer y llwybr drwy'r cwestiynau.

Trafodwyd yr holiadur gyda'r cyfweleion a gofynnodd y cyfwelydd pa ateb a roddwyd ar gyfer pob cwestiwn, gan gofnodi'r atebion ar y sgrîn, ac wedyn gofynnwyd nifer o gwestiynau a oedd wedi'u sgriptio. Os oedd angen, gofynnwyd cwestiynau dilynol digymell er mwyn treiddio ymhellach i resymau'r cyfwelai dros roi'r atebion a roddwyd a'i ddealltwriaeth o'r cwestiwn. Rhestrwyd problemau posibl a chwestiynau dilynol fesul cwestiwn ar y templed profi a ddefnyddiwyd gan y cyfwelwyr. Roedd y templedi yn golygu y gallai'r cyfwelwyr deipio'r ymatebion mewn amser real a chofnodi'r atebion a roddodd y cyfweleion i'r cwestiynau.

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Gofynnodd y cyfwelwyr nifer o gwestiynau cyffredinol hefyd. Ymhlith y rhain roedd:

~ Beth yw eich barn am y defnydd o'r gair Canser drwy'r holiadur?

~ A oedd y 'testun arweiniol' cyn rhai o'r cwestiynau yn glir ac yn ddefnyddiol?

~ A wnaethoch ddeall a dilyn y cyfarwyddiadau ar gyfer dilyn llwybr y cwestiynau a oedd wrth ymyl rhai o'r cwestiynau?

~ A oes unrhyw bethau pwysig sydd ar goll o'r arolwg, yn eich barn chi?

~ A gawsoch driniaeth mewn mwy nag un ysbyty / Bwrdd Iechyd y GIG / Ymddiriedolaeth, ac os felly, pa leoliad roedd eich atebion yn berthnasol iddo, a pham y gwnaethoch y penderfyniad hwnnw?

~ A oes gennych unrhyw sylwadau eraill i'w gwneud?

Wrth gwblhau pob cam o'r profion, cynhaliwyd trafodaethau am unrhyw faterion a oedd wedi codi a mireiniwyd y cwestiynau.


Roedd yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru yn 2013 yn cynnwys pob claf a oedd yn oedolyn (16 oed a throsodd) a oedd wedi cael diagnosis sylfaenol o ganser yn y maes diagnosis cyntaf, a dderbyniwyd i un o ysbytai’r GIG fel claf mewnol neu fel claf dydd, ac a fu'n cael triniaeth weithredol rhwng 1af Mehefin 2012 a 30ain Mawrth 2013. Roedd y diffiniadau data yn nodi'r cleifion a oedd yn gymwys i gael eu cynnwys yn seiliedig ar godau ICD10 C00-C99, a defnyddiwyd D05. Ni chafodd cleifion â chod C44 o dan ICD10 (neoplasmau malaen eraill ar y croen), a C84 (rhai codau Haematoleg) eu cynnwys yn y sampl drwy gytundeb. Dim ond nifer fach iawn o gleifion o'r fath sydd â'r codau hyn.

Defnyddiwyd yr un fethodoleg ar gyfer cofnodi data yng Nghymru â'r fethodoleg a ddefnyddiwyd yn Lloegr ac felly, gellir cymharu'r rhan fwyaf o gwestiynau yn yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yn Lloegr yn 2013 a'r Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru.

Cafodd pob un o'r saith Bwrdd Iechyd a'r un Ymddiriedolaeth sy'n darparu gofal a thriniaeth i gleifion sy'n oedolion â chanser eu cynnwys yn yr arolwg. Roedd y Byrddau Iechyd Lleol a'r Ymddiriedolaeth (Felindre) a oedd yn darparu gwasanaethau canser i oedolion yn cynnwys cleifion a oedd yn mynd i 30 o ysbytai gwahanol, gan gynnwys unedau cymharol fach. O blith y 30 o ysbytai, roedd 12 ohonynt yn unedau bach gyda niferoedd bach o gleifion yn y sampl, lle nad yw'n bosibl profi gwahaniaethau rhwng eu sgoriau a'r sgôr cenedlaethol ar gyfer cwestiynau unigol, gan fod nifer mor fach o gleifion yn y sampl ac yn y grŵp ymateb. Felly priodolwyd sgoriau i 18 o ysbytai.

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Cynhaliodd Quality Health waith gwirio ar gleifion drwy'r system Demographic Batch Service (DBS) ar gyfer marwolaethau, unwaith yr oedd Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth wedi dewis eu cleifion o systemau gweinyddu cleifion lleol. Cynhaliwyd gwiriadau DBS ar dri achlysur gwahanol; yn ystod y cam anfon cychwynnol, ac yn ystod y cam atgoffa cyntaf a'r ail gam atgoffa. Bu'r gwaith i ganoli system gwirio DBS yn llwyddiannus iawn wrth leihau nifer y cleifion y nodwyd eu bod wedi marw drwy'r llinell gymorth yn sylweddol gan leihau lefelau gofid i deuluoedd.

Rhoddwyd Llawlyfr Canllawiau i helpu staff Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth i roi'r broses samplu ar waith ac i roi gwybodaeth gefndir i'r arolwg. Gellir cael gafael ar y Llawlyfr Canllawiau cenedlaethol a'r dogfennau cofnodi data, a holl ddeunyddiau'r arolwg, yn

Mae'r arolwg yn parhau i gael ei gynnal gan ddefnyddio gweithdrefnau sy'n debyg iawn i'r rheini a ddefnyddiwyd ar gyfer yr arolygon cleifion cenedlaethol a gynhaliwyd gan Gomisiwn Ansawdd Gofal Lloegr, y bydd rhai aelodau o staff Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn gyfarwydd â hwy. Dyma oedd y tro cyntaf i arolwg cenedlaethol o brofiad cleifion canser gael ei gynnal ledled Cymru, a chydweithiodd staff Byrddau a'r Ymddiriedolaeth yn dda i bennu'r sampl ac i wirio'r data. Yn ystod y broses hon, cawsant gymorth ar bob cam gan y Tîm Data yn Quality Health.

Llofnodwyd cytundebau diogelwch data rhwng pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a Quality Health a gynhaliodd yr holl waith maes gan gynnwys anfon a derbyn yr holiaduron, cofnodi data a dadansoddi'r data. Cadwyd yr holl ddata personol o fewn system dolen gaeedig ac nid oedd gan unrhyw gontractwr trydydd parti yr hawl i weld gwybodaeth bersonol.

Proses yr Arolwg

Lluniwyd samplau gan y Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn unol â'r Llawlyfr Canllawiau a roddwyd iddynt ac wedyn gwiriwyd y samplau hynny gan ddefnyddio'r system DBS cyn eu cyflwyno i Quality Health. Wedyn, cynhaliodd Quality Health 16 o fathau eraill o wiriadau er mwyn sicrhau bod y sampl yn bodloni meini prawf yr arolwg a bod yr holl wybodaeth y gofynnwyd amdani ar gael.

Yn arbennig, cafodd derbyniadau neu apwyntiadau dyblyg neu luosog eu tynnu o samplau'r Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth, a hefyd ar draws Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yn genedlaethol, er mwyn atal cleifion rhag cael mwy nag un holiadur am eu hapwyntiadau mewn gwahanol Fyrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth.

Cynhaliwyd yr arolwg drwy'r post, ac anfonwyd dau lythyr atgoffa (at bobl nad oeddent wedi ymateb yn unig) fel y gwneir gyda'r arolygon cenedlaethol o gleifion. Defnyddiwyd holiadur safonol, llythyr esboniadol a llythyrau atgoffa. Anfonwyd pob llythyr esboniadol ar bapur pennawd y Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth ac fe'u llofnodwyd gan aelod o staff y Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth - y Prif Weithredwr yn aml; cafwyd awdurdod penodol gan bob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth i ddefnyddio'r llofnod a'r papur pennawd. Amgaewyd taflen iaith hefyd yn cynnig gwasanaethau cyfieithu a chynhwyswyd amlen ddychwelyd ragdaledig er mwyn i'r cleifion allu ymateb heb unrhyw gost ariannol.

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Roedd yr holiadur ar gael i gleifion yn Gymraeg ac yn Saesneg, a chyfieithwyd y llythyr esboniadol a'r dogfennau ategol hefyd.

Yn ogystal, gweithredodd Quality Health linell gymorth genedlaethol am ddim i gleifion, gan eu helpu i gwblhau'r arolwg drwy ddefnyddio cyfleusterau ffôn testun a chyfleusterau cyfieithu ieithyddol, gan ddefnyddio eu staff mewnol.

Dychwelyd yr holiaduron i Quality Health er mwyn cofnodi'r data. Cadwyd cofnod o'r holl alwadau i'r llinell gymorth a'r holl ohebiaeth a gafwyd yn nodi gwybodaeth am gleifion a oedd wedi marw, y rheini a oedd wedi symud a'r rheini nad oeddent yn awyddus i gymryd rhan yn yr arolwg.

Yn ystod pob cam o'r broses, rhoddwyd gweithdrefnau ar waith i gydymffurfio â Deddf Diogelu Data 1998, Cod Ymarfer y GIG ar Gyfrinachedd (2003), sy'n cynnwys egwyddorion Caldicott, achrediadau ISO 27001 a 9001 a enillwyd gan Quality Health, a gofynion IGSoCv10.

Prosesu a dadansoddi data

Cafodd yr holl ddata ymateb eu dilysu a'u gwirio cyn eu cyflwyno i'w dadansoddi.

Ar rai cwestiynau, gofynnwyd i'r cleifion neidio ymlaen os nad oedd y prif gwestiwn yn berthnasol iddynt. Er enghraifft, cwestiwn 5 sy'n gofyn a yw'r claf wedi cael profion diagnostig. Lle dywedodd cleifion 'nac ydw', yna gofynnwyd iddynt neidio i gwestiwn 10. Mewn achosion o'r fath, cymhwyswyd rheolau arbennig i'r data yng nghwestiynau 6 i 10 er mwyn diddymu unrhyw ymatebion lle roedd y cleifion wedi ateb 'nac ydw' i gwestiwn 5.

Yn gyffredinol, mae 67 o gwestiynau â "dangosydd" wedi'i sgorio neu gwestiynau wedi'u sgorio yn yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru yn 2013 y cynhaliwyd dadansoddiad ohonynt. Mae saith cwestiwn (3, 5, 10, 36, 40, 66 a 71) yn yr holiadur nad ydynt wedi'u sgorio. Cwestiynau gwybodaeth neu gyfeirio yw'r cwestiynau hyn e.e. cwestiwn 5 sy'n gofyn pa un a yw'r claf wedi cael profion.

Ar gyfer y 67 o gwestiynau dangosydd, cyfrifwyd sgoriau allweddol ar ôl diddymu unrhyw gleifion a ddywedodd nad oedd y cwestiwn yn berthnasol iddynt, a diciodd 'ddim yn gwybod / methu cofio' neu nad atebodd o gwbl; defnyddir y sgoriau allweddol hyn hefyd yn y siartiau a'r tablau.

Yn y CPES yn Lloegr yn 2012, gwnaed un diwygiad i'r meini prawf ar gyfer cofnodi data drwy gytundeb â'r Grŵp Cynghori ar Brofiad Cleifion Canser (CPEAG) i ddiddymu grŵp bach iawn o gleifion haematolegol â chyflyrau anghyffredin (e.e. Ffyngoidau Mycosis, a Lymffomâu celloedd T amhenodedig) na fyddent o reidrwydd wedi cael gwybod gan glinigwyr adeg diagnosis bod canser arnynt. Cymhwyswyd y confensiwn hwn i'r meini prawf ar gyfer cynnwys cleifion yn y CPES yng Nghymru.

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Maint sampl y CPES yng Nghymru oedd 10,945 a nifer yr ymatebwyr oedd 7,352. Ystyrir yn rhyngwladol bod y setiau data hyn yn werthfawr iawn a defnyddir y fethodoleg a'r holiadur fel sail ar gyfer astudiaethau o gleifion canser mewn llawer o wledydd.

Ni chymhwyswyd unrhyw weithdrefnau pwysoli na safoni i'r data cyn eu dadansoddi. Noda gwaith ymchwil pellach a noddwyd gan Gymorth Canser Macmillan ac a gynhaliwyd gan Ganolfan Caergrawnt ar gyfer Ymchwil i Wasanaethau Iechyd mewn perthynas â'r CPES yn Lloegr mai dim ond effaith fach a gaiff cyfansoddiad y boblogaeth o gleifion mewn Ymddiriedolaeth ysbyty yn Lloegr (e.e. fel y'i diffinnir yn ôl oedran, rhyw, ethnigrwydd a'r cymysgedd achosion o ran y diagnosis o ganser) ar sgoriau profiad cleifion canser o'r Ymddiriedolaeth ysbyty honno a'i pherfformiad cymharol o ran ysbytai eraill. Yn seiliedig ar hyn, gellir ystyried bod dylanwad mawr gan gymysgedd achosion cleifion ar drefn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth yng Nghymru o ran perfformiad yn annhebygol.

Mae'r confensiynau a ddefnyddir yn yr Adroddiad hwn o ran dadansoddi a chyflwyno data fel a ganlyn:

Ymhob adran o'r Adroddiad hwn, defnyddiwyd dau fath o brawf ystadegol i asesu p'un a yw'r gwahaniaethau ymddangosiadol yn sylweddol ai peidio. Dyma'r prawf T, a ddefnyddir i asesu p'un a yw'r gwahaniaethau rhwng (er enghraifft) un grŵp tiwmor a'r cyfanswm ar gyfer pob grŵp tiwmor yn bwysig ai peidio. Cymhwyswyd y prawf er mwyn rhoi canlyniadau ar gyfwng hyder o 95% ac ymron pob achos, mae'r cyfwng hyder dilynol yn +/- 1.9%. Yr unig achosion lle mae'r cyfwng hyder yn fwy yw lle mae nifer absoliwt yr ymatebwyr islaw tua 500 mewn categori sy'n cael ei ddadansoddi. Ar lefel yr arolwg cyfan, gan gynnwys yr holl grwpiau tiwmor a'r holl ymatebwyr, mae'r cyfwng hyder ar 95% yn +/- 0.9%.

Yr ail brawf ystadegol a ddefnyddir yw chi sgwaredig, gan roi dadansoddiad o ran p'un a yw'r gwahaniaethau a welir ar draws pob grŵp tiwmor (neu gategorïau eraill) mewn gwirionedd yn sylweddol o'u hystyried gyda'i gilydd. Yn yr Adroddiad hwn, rydym wedi defnyddio ffurf safonol ar eiriau yn y testun i adlewyrchu achosion lle mae chi sgwâr yn nodi nad oes unrhyw wahaniaethau gwirioneddol yn y canlyniadau wrth ystyried grwpiau tiwmor cyfan.

Lle rydym wedi dadansoddi'r canlyniadau yn ôl grŵp tiwmor, dim ond pan nodwyd fod canlyniadau grŵp penodol yn sylweddol wahanol i'r canlyniadau ar gyfer pob tiwmor y cyflwynir adroddiad gennym. Mewn achosion lle mae chi sgwâr yn dweud wrthym nad yw'r canlyniadau ar draws pob grŵp yn sylweddol wahanol, rydym wedi nodi yn y testun nad oes unrhyw wahaniaethau gwirioneddol rhyngddynt.

Fel arfer, wrth ddadansoddi canlyniadau yn ôl grŵp tiwmor, defnyddiwyd enghreifftiau o'r grwpiau tiwmor â'r perfformiad gorau a'r perfformiad gwaethaf ar gyfer y cwestiwn hwnnw gennym. Dim ond pan fo gan y grŵp tiwmor hwnnw ei hun ganlyniadau sylweddol wahanol i ganlyniadau ymatebwyr yn gyffredinol y defnyddiwyd yr enghreifftiau hyn.

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Adrodd Mae'r gyfradd ymateb uchel i'r CPES yng Nghymru yn 2013 (69%) yn golygu yn achos y rhan fwyaf o Fyrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth fod digon o ymatebwyr i lunio cymariaethau cadarn rhwng Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth, lle yr ystyrir "pob canser" gyda'i gilydd, a rhwng grwpiau tiwmor o fewn Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth. Fodd bynnag, sampl gychwynnol fach oedd gan un Bwrdd (Powys) ac o ganlyniad, nifer fach o ymatebwyr, gan ei fod yn trin nifer gymharol lai o gleifion canser ac felly ni ddarparwyd adroddiadau llawn ar gyfer Powys. Nifer fach o ymatebwyr sydd gan rai ysbytai, yn enwedig ysbytai cymuned, ac felly nid yw'n bosibl arddangos canlyniadau ar gyfer yr ysbytai unigol hyn.

Lluniwyd adroddiadau ar lefel genedlaethol ac ar lefel Byrddau Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth unigol yn deillio o'r Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru yn 2013. Bwriedir llunio adroddiadau yn seiliedig ar leoliad cartrefi'r cleifion hefyd, yn hytrach na'r dull o ymdrin â hwy ar lefel Bwrdd ac ysbyty.

Mae'r adroddiadau hyn fel a ganlyn:

Yr Adroddiad Cenedlaethol hwn, sy'n cwmpasu pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a phob math o ganser

Adroddiadau ar gyfer pob Bwrdd Iechyd / Ymddiriedolaeth a gymerodd ran, gan nodi eu perfformiad yn erbyn darparwyr yn gyffredinol, fesul math o ganser, a fesul ysbyty o fewn y Bwrdd.

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8. Atodiad A – Tablau yn dangos gwahaniaeth sylweddol

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9. Atodiad B - Canlyniadau Llawn yr Arolwg

Mae'r atodiad hwn yn nodi canlyniadau llawn yr Arolwg o Brofiad Cleifion Canser yng Nghymru yn 2013 yn yr un drefn yn union â holiadur yr arolwg a anfonwyd at gleifion.Nodir y canlyniadau yn gyntaf fel rhifau absoliwt ac wedyn fel canrannau.

Cyfrifir y canrannau ar ôl hepgor y cleifion hynny na wnaethant ateb y cwestiwn penodol hwnnw. Caiff pob canran ei thalgrynnu i'r rhif cyfan agosaf. O'u hadio at ei gilydd, mae'n bosibl na fydd y canrannau ar gyfer yr holl atebion i gwestiwn penodol yn dod i gyfanswm union o 100% oherwydd y talgrynnu hwn.

Ar rai cwestiynau, nodir rhai ffigurau mewn italig. Ailgyfrifwyd y canrannau ar y cwestiynau hyn er mwyn hepgor ymatebion lle nad oedd y cwestiwn yn berthnasol i amgylchiadau'r claf neu er mwyn diddymu ymatebion niwtral e.e. ‘ddim yn gwybod' neu 'methu cofio’. Bydd y canrannau mewn italig yn adio i fyny i 100%.

Mae'r ffigurau 'Coll' yn dangos nifer y cleifion na wnaethant ymateb i gwestiwn penodol. Mewn rhai achosion, mae'r ffigur 'Coll' yn gymharol uchel gan ei fod yn cynnwys cleifion na wnaethant ateb y cwestiwn hwnnw neu'r grŵp hwnnw o gwestiynau am nad oedd yn berthnasol i'w hamgylchiadau (e.e. cwestiwn 6).

Mae nifer o gwestiynau lle ceir 'llwybr' (h.y. lle caiff y cleifion eu cyfeirio i gwestiwn dilynol gan ddibynnu ar eu hateb i'r cwestiwn arweiniol). Weithiau, bydd atebion cleifion i'r cwestiynau hyn yn gwrthdaro a chaiff y data eu cywiro i roi cyfrif am hyn. Er enghraifft, os caiff opsiwn 2 ei dicio ar gyfer cwestiwn 5 ond bod y claf wedyn yn ateb cwestiynau 6 i 9, yna caiff unrhyw ddata rhwng cwestiwn 5 a chwestiwn 10 (lle y cyfeiriwyd y claf) eu dileu gan na ddylai'r claf fod wedi ateb y cwestiynau hyn.

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