
VP TM Manifesto

Jonas Lo

Join your

Our Vision in 1213 Together,

we create more enjoyable and diverse leadership experience

Our Mission in 1213 1. Customized and high quality member education cycle. 2. Expand team experience based on need and implement coaching system and tracking system to control quality.

Our vision Our Mission


Strength Weakness

1. Systematic talent education (PC, weekly session…) 2. High implement of GCM 3. Systematic tracking tool(PA) 4. Great talent from different background

1. R&R system is not utilized well. 2. Lack of the TMP and TLP product marketing skill. 3. MEC is not concrete 4. Evaluation and PA system is not utilized well


Opportunity Threat

1. NTT engagement. 2. External learning partner 3. Alumni resource engagement. 4. Cooperate with other NTU clubs. 5. Cooperate OGX GCDP to engage different university and returnees

1. Many international or leadership clubs in NTU. 2. Many learning resource for NTU students.


SWOT Analysis



1213 TM Key Bottleneck

1 Member education cycle is not concrete enough to provide proper learning experience based on need.

2 TMP and TLP capacity is limit and the flow is not stable.

1213 Focus area 1 customized and high quality member education cycle.

2 expand more team experience based on market demand and trend .

Key bottleneck

Focus area

1213 Focus & Strategy

Strategy Action steps

Establish LC learning opportunities pools

Engage EB team to analyze every team and semester learning opportunities based on Knowledge, skill, JD, attitude and GCM.

Package all the information on booklet and routine release information by internal platform.

Sell and promote booklet to our member and student market.

Evaluate the booklet exposure and satisfaction.

Drive Global leader learning path by R&R

Clarify R&R content with EB team and manage information release.

Encourage members go first winter exchange, non-members go to international conf or take CEEDer by R&R.

GLP good case sharing to inspire members take the chance

Weekly session evolution

Design content based on GCM and different stage and deliver by diverse form.(workshop/open space/team competition/game )

Keep returnee sharing and start issue element.(news, issue video)

Co-create learning activity with other young leader clubs.

LCM content systemize and clarify the position in LC

AIESEC 2015 Development part

Strategy Action steps

Add value learning path by Coaching system

GRC train Middle Coach and coachee behavior and routine check the situation.

Use opportunities pool to guide proper learning path.

Function learning control by PA system

Co-design function based PA with EB team.

PA occupy high percent of R&R system criteria

Punish the lowest PA execution function in LCM

Establish transition SOP

EB side: Monthly EBM review and write down the report (General partFunctional partLC useful resource) Winter vacation reflect and replan report. Term final report for next successor.

Middle side: Monthly ETM lead middle to review and (General partFunctional partLC useful resource) Term final report for next successor.

Collect transition report on internal platform in daily life.

AIESEC 2015 Development part

Strategy Action steps

Product marketing based on different type of students

Raise--- •Focus on product packaging and diverse channel exposure. •Design online questionnaire to collect students behavior database

Match--- •TMP and TLP introduction booklet. (Function/Flow/GCM/Sharing) •Design clear criteria of our talent demand and interview selection.

Realize •Learning expectation questionnaire.(GCM/Learning point) •Function work pool booklet.(GCM/JD/Learning point/ Leader intro)

Open short term team on purpose

Specialize different function work to open OC team.

Create special event based on need to offer more chance. Ex: Post tour with other country, Returnees GV and issue team.

Project-based OC team parallelize with functional team

First semester focus on PBox competition double experience,

Second semester push different members form a team to join external competition.

AIESEC 2015 Engagement part

Focus Area 2 basic KPI & GOAL

No. of TMP 120

No. of TLP 35

PA execution based on GCM 100%

Coaching Execution based on GCM 100%

No. of short term team experience 20 (Returnee engagement 10)

1213 Focus Area and KPI

Focus Area 1 basic KPI & GOAL

Retention rate avg. 80%

No. of GLP 45

No. of TL training 4

Opportunities pool booklet(half year) 2

1213 NTLC Job description

Position Job description

VP TM 1. Organize the human resource and TLP and TMP pipeline. 2. communicate PA R&R, coaching system with other function. 3. Deliver training to cultivate TM talent. 4. Team open decision 5. Co-design Opportunities pool with EB team

TM manager 1. Create learning activities for member education based on GCM. (weekly session, Pbox competition, training day, LDS)

TM manager 1. TLP selling, and monitoring 2. PA system management 3. 2st recruitment OCP

TM manager 1. TMP selling, and monitoring 2. 1st recruitment info-session OCP 3. Coaching system management

TM manager 1. TMP selling, and monitoring 2. 1st recruitment induction OCP 3. Middle transition management

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