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CELEBRATING 16 YEARS OF ESRFother institutions, the Postgraduate Diploma on Poverty Analysis (PGD) with the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Erasmus University, Rotterdam and Tanzania’s Research On Poverty Alleviation (REPOA).ESRF also manages the International Ford Fellowship Program funded by the Ford Foundation and continues to host research fellows and undergraduate interns, exposing them to the development agenda in Tanzania and within the East Africa region.

Former Executive Director of ESRF, Prof. H. Amani making a toast with invited guests to celebrate ESRF’s 16 years of excellence.

To date, with a staff of 30, the Foundation prides itself in delivering its research outputs through information sessions such as policy dialogues, online discussion forums (, press releases, roundtable discussions, television interviews, and the publication of reports and policy briefs. Our 16 years were celebrated in a colourful evening cocktail reception at the ESRF Conference Hall where all former and present staff, research associates, friends of ESRF, development partners, government officials, representatives from civil society organizations and the private sector toasted the organization’s success.

The 9th of October 2009 marked 16 years of the Economic and Social Research Foundation’s

(ESRF) operations in Tanzania. The Foundation has been contributing to the generation of new knowledge and capacity building in socio-economic issues. The Foundation is credited for its quality research and has seen the development and implementation of key policies and strategies to mention a few: The development of the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSP I and II), the Tanzania Development Vision 2025 (TDV 2025), the National Strategy for Growth and Reduction of Poverty (NSGRP), the Tanzania Rural Development and Policy and Strategy (RDP &RDS) and the Agricultural Marketing Policy.

In the region, the Foundation has also been instrumental in the development of the EAC Private Sector Development Strategy (2001), East African Rural

Agricultural Development Strategy (2007), and the East African Community Development Strategy (2001-2005/ 2006 – 2010).

Under the leadership of Prof. Samuel Wangwe (1994 – 2001), Prof. Haidari Amani (2001 – 2007) and currently Dr. H. Bohela Lunogelo (2007 to date) the Foundation has been able to network widely and work closely with government departments, Ministries and Agencies (MDA’s) the Private Sector, Civil Society Organizations (CSO’s) and Development Partners (DPs) in dispensing advisory services in its function as a think - tank. Internationally the Foundation celebrates with its partners in undertaking research work. These include, to mention a few; The Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Global Development Network (GDN), the Oxford Policy Management (OPM), and the Institute of Development Studies (IDS) Sussex University.

Executive Director of ESRF, Dr. H. B. Lunogelo exchanging views with the founder of ESRF, Prof. S. Wangwe, Dr. Lugoe and Mr. John Ulanga.

The Foundation values capacity building in research and the analysis of socio-economic issues and has over time hosted, in collaboration with




2 Executive Director’s Note 22 Commissioned Studies 32 Research and Publication 42 Capacity Building 52 The ESRF/REPOA/ISS Post

Graduate Diploma in Poverty Analysis Programme 6

2 Ford Foundation 72 Tanzania Knowledge Network

Flourishes 92 Staff Development 102 Esrf bids farewell and welcomes

new staff 112 Visits, Meetings and

Workshops 112 Newsletter Team 12

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter

It is with great honour that I welcome you to the second issue of our newsletter this year. This issue is very dear

to us all at ESRF because we are celebrating 16 years of research and capacity building in policy analysis on socio - economic issues in Tanzania. We are also marking the occasion with the birth of a new unit – The Natural Resources Management Unit, following the demand for research on natural resource issues.

Sixteen years ago we started with humble beginnings. The position the organization is in now is a culmination of hard work, commitment, patriotism and high levels of professionalism, not to forget social capital accumulation to enable our networks to function smoothly.We envisage more success to the fulfillment of our mission

of advancing knowledge to the public and private sector entities through sound policy research findings, capacity d e v e l o p m e n t and by advocating good d e v e l o p m e n t m a n a g e m e n t practices.

We are most grateful to all who have contributed to ESRF success so far. We are proud of the sound leadership offered by the Board of Trustees over the past 16 years, members of staff who have worked diligently, our research associates, and our partners and networks with whom we undertake collaborative studies. We also thank our funders; The Government of Tanzania, various Development Partners, private sector operators and Civil Society Organizations (CSOs).

As we celebrated 16 years of passion and commitment in our research activities and commissioned work, our capacity building initiatives during the second half of the year included informing its policy makers and other stakeholders, through its policy dialogue sessions, the findings of two research studies

done with ACBF support and two commissioned workshops namely: The Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in Tanzania and the Independent Forest Monitoring Project (IFM). Furthermore, ESRF has managed to build the capacity of its stakeholders through training of government officials, stakeholders on the link between policy and budget analysis; as well as engaging university students through the internship programme.

The use of information technology in disseminating our work effectively is also pertinent, given that we are part of a global village connected by miles of fibre optic cables. A one-week course on e-marketing for ESRF staff was undertaken to facilitate a better understanding of the use of the internet in putting our research at the forefront of audiences locally and on a global-scale.

It is my sincere hope that as we enter 2010 our institution will be in a better position than ever in serving the interests of the wider comunity in Ta

Dr. H. Bohela Lunogelo


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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter


ESRF was commissioned by the Kilimo Trust (KT) for the East African Legislative Assembly (EALA) to undertake a justification study for the development of a Common Food Security

Strategy (CFSS) for the East African community (EAC). Three major activities were undertaken to feed into this study: A situational analysis of food security policies in the five East African countries, an assessment of the political and social food security fears in the region, and agricultural production dynamics.

Following the results of the study, key components of food security included: food availability, accessibility, safety and distribution aspects were synthesized and presented through a dissemination and validation workshop. This workshop involved key stakeholders comprised of members of parliament of the East African Legislative Assembly’s Agriculture and Natural Resources Committee (EAC), members of the East African Secretariat, researchers from key institutions in the representative EAC countries and traders and small- holder farmers’ associations within the region. This report was presented by the Executive Director of ESRF, Dr. Bohela Lunogelo and Prof. Haidari Amani at the Imperial Royal Hotel in Kampala, Uganda on the 2nd – 5th November 2009.

East African Legislative Assembly: Workshop on Food Security in the East African Region, Imperial Royale Hotel, November 2009.

The unit continues to offer advisory services to demand driven studies as shown below:


IOM UPU Pilot Project: Supporting an Affordable 1. Electronic Remittance System between Tanzania and Uganda.

The main focus of this study which was undertaken by Dr. H. B. Lunogelo for the International Organization for Migration (IOM) was to assess the nature and extent of remittances between these 2 countries and the role that these transfers play in the development agenda in Uganda and Tanzania.

A Feasibility Study on a Common Food Security 2. Strategy in the East African Community.The aim of this study was to undertake a justification assessment in support of a common food security strategy for the 5 East African countries. The main objective was to promote sustainable food security and rational agricultural productivity within the region leading to the promotion of value addition productivity and competitive agricultural supplies to realise cross -border trade for sustainable food security.

A Study on the Identification of Growth Drivers 3. based on a Situational Analysis of Tanzania’s Competitive and Comparative Advantage. This study provided a comprehensive account on growth drivers and sectors as a main input to the development of a growth strategy for Tanzania. This will enable the economy to meet its MDG goals and realise the targets set out in the Tanzania Development Vision 2025.(Please check the ESRF website for abstracts or summaries of the above reports.)


A review and assessment of the Effectiveness 1. of the Development Cooperation/ External Resources and Partnership Principle in the context of MKUKUTA and MKUZA. Research Team: Prof. Samwel Wangwe, Prof. Haidari Amani, Prof. Lennart Wohlgemuth, Dr. Mercelina Chijoriga and Mr. Deogratias Mutalemwa.The key objective of the assessment was to determine how external finance/ODA supported the implementation of the ongoing MKUKUTA/MKUZA and how it can most appropriately continue doing so under MKUKUTA/MKUZA II. In this context, the assessment addressed two key sets of questions:

The size and anatomy of aid flows, including the •evolution of aid and its impact over the 2005/6-2008/9 period.Aid effectiveness including the performance of •aid modalities, aid instruments, and a mix of instruments as well as effectiveness of impact on


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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter

transaction costs.The above commissioned study is being implemented with assistance from Ms. Vivian Kazi and Mr. Apronius Mbilinyi.

Strengthening the Inclusion of the Poor in 2. Investments in Urban Water and Sanitation. Examples of projects in sub-Saharan Africa supported by the International Development Association (IDA).Research Team: Dr. Paula Tibandebage and Mr Festo Maro.

This study examines a sample of 3 urban water and sanitation projects in sub-Saharan Africa supported by the International Development Association (IDA). It explores the extent to which these projects improve the delivery of services to poor populations through inclusion of the poor in project planning, design and implementation.

The aim of the study is to draw lessons from both the achievements and the weaknesses of the selected projects in reaching poor populations, and make policy recommendations which will inform dialogue between governments, civil society organization’s (CSOs) and the World Bank and contribute to lesson-learning by the World Bank and by CSOs, as well as other actors.

The Global Financial Crisis And Developing 3. Countries – Tanzania’s Case Study Researcher: Dr Bohela LunogeloThis paper aims at examining the effects of the global financial crisis on the economy of Tanzania. It evaluated

the estimated impact of all key sectors, showed the extent of the effects, proposed measures (policies) put in place to safeguard the sectors and the entire economy.

This study is being implemented with assistance from Mr. Apronius Mbilinyi and Ms. Anitha Ishengoma.

Policy Effectiveness in Tanzania: An Evaluation 4. of 5 Select Policies in Tanzania Research Team: Prof. Haidari Amani, Prof. Fidelis Mtatifikolo, Dr. Furaha Lugoe, Dr. Semboja Haji and Mr. Silvery Buberwa.

The overall objective of this assignment was to assess the effectiveness of the 5 selected policies: The National Land Policy (1995), the National Agriculture and Livestock Policy (1997), Public Service Management (1999), the National Transportation Policy and the Trade Policy, as part of the activities done by the Public Service Reform Programme (PSRP).

Specifically this study intends to learn from these selected policies the degree to which policies are effective within the views of identifying possible ways of improving policy implementation in Tanzania. The study aims at providing lessons from the selected policies on the operational effectiveness of the prospective policy review processes in order to assist the PO-PSM to assess policy effectiveness within the context of its results’ framework.

This study is being implemented with assistance from Ms. Vivian Kazi, Ms. Dora Semkwiji, and Ms. Hawa Mushi.

ESRF’s Research and Publication Unit continued to contribute to knowledge generation through research based on the key thematic areas as identified in our Strategic Plan 2008-2011.


1. Chronic Poverty and Development Policy: Q2 Research in Support of the 2010 Poverty Reduction Strategy: By Dr. Oswald Mashindano and

Mr. Festo Maro

Poverty is a common phenomenon in most developing countries; a number of policies within most of these countries has poverty eradication on the agenda. Hence, the study aims at seeing how effective these policies have been in efforts to reduce poverty and at introducing economic development.

2. Corporate Social Responsibility in the Mining Sector: The Case of Tanzania: By Dr. Oswald

Mashindano and Ms. Dora Semkwiji

This study was initiated as a response to the government’s action of creating corporate social responsibility (CSR) policy for mining firms to join efforts in poverty alleviation and ensuring a better standard of life for all. The study reveals the effectiveness of the government’s CSR policy as well as other leading initiatives to create a friendly working and living environment for both its workers and the surrounding


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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter


communities. This study was finalized in December 2009.


3. Informal Sector Taxation in Tanzania. The study addresses the challenges faced in an effort to tax the existing info rmal sector in Tanzania. The study was completed in September.


4. Towards Investment Promotion in SADC in Furthering Regional Integration: By Dr. Oswald Mashindano, Ms. Monica Hangi and Mr. Festo Maro.

This study has been finalized and published in the Proceedings of the 2009 FOPRISA Annual Conference Handbook. The project identified and suggested ways of eliminating the existing non -trade barriers (NTBs) in SADC so as to promote investment levels within the bloc.

5. Trade in Agriculture in the EAC: Implications on Food Security and Rural Livelihoods (Under the Fostering Equity and Accountability in Trading Systems (FEATS) Project): By Ms. Monica Hangi.

Trade is one of the development catalysts within the EAC region. According to statistics, the member states trade mostly in agricultural products. Hence this study aims at addressing the extent of trade in these agricultural products within the region and its impact on food security and rural development.


6. Climate Change and Global Warming: The Impact of Tanzania’s Industrialization Path: Dr. Furaha Lugoe and Mr. Festo Maro.

This project has started being implemented and some chapters are complete. The main aim of the study is to bring out knowledge on sustainable natural resource management and the impact that Tanzania faces due to climate change and global warming.


During July to December 2009, ESRF managed to publish three working papers based on the findings from commissioned research:

• Convergence of COMESA-EAC-SADC Regional Frameworks: By Dr. H. B Lunogelo and Mr. Apronius

Mbilinyi.• EPANegotiationsinEAC:TheMove

towards EU-EAC-EPA: By Dr. Oswald Mashindano and Ms. Monica Hangi.

• The East African Community(EAC) from the Customs Union to the Common Market: By Dr. H.B Lunogelo and Mr. Apronius


ESRF also managed to publish one policy brief: ‘Tatizo La Walemavu wa Ngozi (Albino) Tanzania: Nini Kifanyike? Synthesised by Ms. Dora Semkwiji’ under the Tanzania Knowledge Network Project (TAKNET). Furthermore, the following policy briefs from TAKNET were conducted:• The Effect of the Global Financial

Crisis and the Way Forward for Tanzania, Moderated by Dr. D. Kaino.

• Petroleum Policy and the Constitutional Paradox in the United Republic of Tanzania, moderated by Mr. Festo Maro.

• What will be the Impact of 2009/10 Government Budget to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction?, moderated by Dr.B. Lunogelo.

• Social Protection and Aging in Tanzania, moderated by Mr. Festo Maro.

All these policy briefs can be accessed at

ESRF continues to inform and build capacity through stakeholders’ training on Financial Reporting and Budget Analysis.


The role of mobile Phones on Sustainable Livelihoods:

This policy dialogue informs stakeholders on the findings revealed from the ACBF-funded research project undertaken by ESRF on the Role of Mobile Phones on People’s Sustainable Livelihoods with the aim of influencing policy

making processes in the area of ICT. The participants were mainly from the public – government policy makers from different sections, civil societies as well as academicians who actively discussed the revealed mismatch between the growing pace of mobile phone usage and socio-economic developm ent. Recommended possible ways of mobile phone development in the country as a vehicle towards individual as well as national development was also explored.

Corporate Social Responsibility in Tanzania: The Case of the Mining Sector. This dialogue discussed ACBF funded study findings about

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in Tanzania: The Case of the Mining Sector. In this session, the invited participants commented on the low level of CSR awareness and understanding which is contributed to by a lack of transparency and proper education campaigns about issues relating to mineral acquisition. The dialogue thus calls for a clear and more explicit mining policy clearly showing the roles and responsibilities of the sector.


ESRF continued to enhance actors’ understanding of issues relating to national policies, strategic planning and national budget processes. Commissioned by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare (MoHSW), ESRF undertook training for directors, assistant directors and other ministerial officials in order to build their capacity in linking policy, strategic planning and the MTEF budget as applied by the Ministry. Specifically, the training focused on the MTEF and the Public Expenditure Review (PER) system in Tanzania.

Independent Forest Monitoring (IFM) Workshop

On 7th August, 2009, ESRF in collaboration with The World Wildlife Fund- Tanzania Programme Office (WWF-TPO) held a workshop on Independent Forest Monitoring (IFM) at the ESRF Conference Hall. The workshop aimed at informing people about the Tanzanian uniqueness in its forest environment and the threats it faces through large- scale deforestation and illegal logging; a situation that calls for the necessity of the IFM project, which is aimed at protecting Tanzania’s forest resources.

Global Financial Crisis and Tanzania Workshop:

As part of the global downturn Tanzania has been affected to a certain level, by the crisis.. On 4th December 2009, ESRF in collaboration with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI) conducted a workshop on the Impact of the Global Financial Crisis in Tanzania: Policy Responses. This workshop addressed the level of impact caused by the crisis in different sectors in Tanzania and how the government and other responsible agencies responded through its adjustment policies. The specific sector analysed in this respect were finance and trade.


As part of capacity building, ESRF has continued to mentor and couch students from various universities through practical internship activities. A total of 11 students from the University of Dar es Salaam, St. Augustine, Kampala International and Tumaini Universities hosted internships at ESRF from August to September 2009.




Another successful academic year for the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Poverty Analysis ended in a colourful graduation

ceremony. The graduation ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam on 29th August 2009. A total of 26 students graduated from the fourth intake (2008/2009) 14 were male and 12 female.

The graduates, who mainly pursue careers in research and policy analysis are mid career professionals from key institutions in the country. Out of the 26 students who graduated on this day, 7 were from central government, 4 from local government authorities; 7 from academic and research institutions; and 8 from local and international NGOs.

Mr. Ahmed Lusasi from Poverty Eradication Department (PED) receiving his certificate from the guest of honour.

The graduation ceremony was officiated by Ambassador Charles Mutalemwa, Permanent Secretary, President’s Office of the Planning Commission. In his speech to officiate the graduation ceremony Ambassador Mutalemwa mentioned that in order to achieve our national vision and

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter


Ford Foundation International Fellowships Program – IFP Tanzania — Making Higher Education in Tanzania a reality.

The 15 Fellow- Elects for cohort 8, who were selected in May 2009, were formally endorsed by the IFP Secretariat

in New York in July 2009. Following this endorsement, an official announcement of the candidates for eighth cohort at the level of Masters was advertised in national newspapers and on the IFP Tanzania website

Each Fellow-Elect will undertake studies at Masters’ degree level at various universities in the UK, Europe, USA, Australia, and the Africa starting the academic year 2010/2011.




Another successful academic year for the Postgraduate Diploma Programme in Poverty Analysis ended in a colourful graduation

ceremony. The graduation ceremony was held in Dar es Salaam on 29th August 2009. A total of 26 students graduated from the fourth intake (2008/2009) 14 were male and 12 female.

The graduates, who mainly pursue careers in research and policy analysis are mid career professionals from key institutions in the country. Out of the 26 students who graduated on this day, 7 were from central government, 4 from local government authorities; 7 from academic and research institutions; and 8 from local and international NGOs.

Mr. Ahmed Lusasi from Poverty Eradication Department (PED) receiving his certificate from the guest of honour.

The graduation ceremony was officiated by Ambassador Charles Mutalemwa, Permanent Secretary, President’s Office of the Planning Commission. In his speech to officiate the graduation ceremony Ambassador Mutalemwa mentioned that in order to achieve our national vision and

implement our national strategies there is an immense need to strengthen human capacity at all levels:

“To keep the current development policies and reform on track, more capacity in the areas of investigative skills for policy analysis, as well as research in the dynamics of poverty and socio-economic security is critical. This programme represents a response to the market and is indeed useful in filling the knowledge gap”

Ms. Emmy Metta, a research scientist from IHI, receiving flowers from the guest of honour in recognition of best research paper.

Furthermore, during the year of their studies the students were also working on their research papers that analysed different socio-economic problems in relation to poverty analysis. The students were working on 4 thematic areas, under the supervision of experienced academicians. The key research thematic groups were as follows: (i) Social Protection and Social Service Provision (ii) Growth, Poverty and Rural Development (iii) Gender and Social Development and (iv) Microfinance and Poverty.

In this cohort the prize for the best research paper was received by Ms. Emmy Metta, a social scientist from the Ifakara Health Institute (IHI). Ms. Metta worked on a research paper entitled: Intra-Household Decision- making Processes and Its Influence on Prompt Malaria Treatment to Children under-five in Tanzania: The Case of Mkuranga District.

Prof. Marc Wuyts (ISS), Convener of the Programme, receiving a gift of thanks from students.

In finalizing the ceremony, the students through their representative, Mr Festo Maro (ESRF) who was also the overall best student of the cohort, gave a vote of thanks to the three institutions managing the programme (ESRF, REPOA and ISS) , the funders of the programme (the United Nations through the Joint Programme 4) and the teaching team. The students also presented gifts to the representatives of these institutions including all the members of the core teaching team, as an indication of their thankfulness for support and knowledge gained during their studies.

Group picture the Ambassador of the Royal Netherlands, H.E Dr. AD Koekkoek Representatives from ESRF and REPOA together with the graduates.

For general information on the PGD programme please visit

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter



1. Ms. Ahmoud Zakia Fandey Masters Education Psychology

2. Ms. Grace Alphonce Masawe Masters Health Policy – Public Health

3. Ms. Aneth Yehoswa Mbajo Masters Social Statistics

4. Ms. Asha Mohamed Muya Masters Community Development

5. Mr. Edson Philemon Masters Health Policy – HIV/AIDS

6. Ms. Glory William Summay Masters Environmental Sciences & Policy

7. Ms. Grace Andrew Lobora Masters Environmental Sciences & Policy

8. Ms. Jacqueline Kulimunda Masters Health Policy

9. Mr. Kiva Abdallah Mvungi Masters Medicine

10. Mr. Msumba Victor Lugwisha Masters Environmental Sciences &Policy in Sustainable Fishing

11. Mr. Shehe Awesu Shehe Masters Arts & Culture – History

12. Mr. Seleman Kassim Gilla Masters Law – Human Rights

13. Ms. Verah Urassa Emmanuel Trofum Masters Community Development

14. Mr. William Simon Mwakilema Masters Eco - Tourism

15. Mr. Twaha Faraji Kibalula Masters Social welfare/ Sociology

Pre-Academic Training

In preparation for their studies the FEs had until December 2009 to undergo various training interventions which included a needs assessment where the FEs received academic guidance in the choice of training institutions to suit their study needs. Embassies were invited to talk about study institutions and student life in the host countries. Subject experts were invited to assist the FEs in articulating their study area goals and objectives in line with the IFP goal for attaining social justice at community level.

Travel to Universities in UK and USA

Fellows of cohort 7 travelled to the various universities in the UK and US between July and October 2009. 11 fellows went to the UK, 5 fellows went to the US and 2 fellows went to the Royal Netherlands..

University Application Process

A follow-up on the application process was initialized. Standard English language exams were also undertaken. By the end of October the competed university application dossiers were then sent to placement partners (NUFFIC, the British Council and IIE) for placement processes. As a necessary application prerequisite, the standard English examination results were also completed and sent by the end of December 2009.

Announcement for the Ninth Cohort

IFP Tanzania called for applications for cohort 9 in November 2009. Being the last cohort for the programme, the announcement was done in November 2009 with February 2010 as the deadline. The three months were meant to provide ample time for targeted applicants from remote areas to apply.

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter

The Economic and Social Research Foundation through its initiatives; the Tanzania Online Gateway and TAKNET projects organized a training workshop on E – Marketing

from 6th July to 10th July 2009, at the ESRF Conference Hall. The Training workshop was aimed at enabling the participants to be able to design marketing plans and

Since its launch, the Tanzania Knowledge Network (TAKNET) has attracted many people

from all walks of life to join and contribute their knowledge on topical issues. To date the network has generated discussions concerning development issues and promoted the sharing of experiences and research among academicians, policy makers and the general public.

By December 2009 a total of 10 topics were moderated and 4 policy briefs were printed. These discussions attracted a lot of viewers and more than 500 users had registered as contributors. The long list of members suggests the initiative is viable, credible and trustworthy.

One of the topics that attracted many contributors was a review

of MKUKUTA I. It generated useful information that informed the formulation of the successor MKUKUTA II. The online discussion was followed with a face to face breakfast meeting that was officiated by Ms. Anna Mwasha, the Director, Poverty Eradication Division of Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs (MOFEA). The contributions emanated from the meeting, together with those from online forums, were synthesized into a policy brief that was shared with the general public. The MKUKUTA II review team also received a report for consideration.

The topics discussed to date are; Growth and Poverty Reduction in Tanzania: Why Such a Mismatch?, The Role of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in Enhancing the Livelihoods of the Rural Poor, Incentive Packages for Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) in Tanzania,

Tatizo la Walemavu wa Ngozi (Albino) Tanzania: Nini Kifanyike?, Petroleum Policy and Constitutional Paradox in the United Republic of Tanzania, The Effect of the Global Financial Crisis and the Way Forward for Tanzania, National Poverty Reduction Framework – MKUKUTA, What are the Lessons?, The Impact of 2009/2010 Government Budget to Economic Growth and Poverty Reduction, Social Welfare and Aging in Tanzania and the Tanzanian Cultural Environment and Economic Growth.

While we commend the TAKNET team for the job well done, we urge more people to join this developmental initiative and participate in the ongoing discussions. The policy briefs emanating from the discussions can be viewed by visiting TAKNET website available at the following link;



Dr. H. Bohela Lunogelo (centre) and Prof. Louis Fourie in a group photo with participants.

Mrs. Margareth Nzuki receives a participation certificate from Dr. H. Bohela Lunogelo. Looking on is Prof. Louis Fourie (left) and Mr. Abdallah Hassan, who coordinated the training.

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July - December 2009

ESRF Newsletter


Mrs. Margareth Nzuki and Mr. Apronius Mbilinyi participated in a one year South to North and North to South staff exchange programme under the auspices of the South-East African Policy Research Network (SEAPREN). The exchange programme involved a stay in the North (Christian Michelson Institute in Bergen) for six months and in the South for the same period. For South to South, Margareth stayed in Namibia and Apronius stayed in Botswana. The exchanges enabled

and freedom, in such a way that both higher and lower cadres are free to air their concerns and feelings on issues that affect their life and working performance. This has an advantage of improving working relationships and performance. However, social lifestyles have limitations given our African experience.

An observation noted was that there are more online data available and data collected for one study which can be used to produce many publications. This helped us understand why one institution, despite busy schedules, can manage to produce a high number of publications.

them to learn from their peers and contributed to building capacities and competences in their parent institutions.

Sharing their experiences of the exchange programme, Margareth and Apronius say that in western institutions, unlike southern institutions where somebody has to be in an office, a person can work in the office or at home, and what is mostly valued is delivery. However this has been enabled by the developed ICT systems where the internet is everywhere, hence one can work practically anywhere.

Offices are dominated by openness

Dr. Tausi Kida received her Doctoral Degree at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam, 10th November 2009 (See photo below)

In November 2009, Dr. Tausi Kida – Programme Coordinator ESRF/REPOA/ISS PGD in Poverty Analysis - defended her Doctor of Philosophy (Development Economics) at the International Institute of Social Studies (ISS) Erasmus University Rotterdam. Dr. Kida has been working on her thesis entitled The Systemic Interaction of the Health Care Market and Urban Poverty in Tanzania”.

Her work analyses the systemic behaviour of the dynamics of a health care system in its interraction with poverty. Specifically, how urban poverty (including the spatial dimension of poverty) shapes the functioning of the commercialised health care system, in terms of the interplay between the institutional design, the operation of health care providers and micro-level household behaviour - in particular people’s health seeking behaviour.

Distance Learning Education Accomplishment:

Mr. Ernest Yusto Mufuruki (Assistant Programme


strategies for the digital media. Also the training was aimed at enabling participants to design and deliver products and services for e-commerce distribution channels, and to integrate e-commerce strategies into existing marketing activities.

The participants of the training were government officials from e-government and ICT focal points,

business institutions including SMEs and the private sector, information and knowledge professionals, communication and marketing officers and the media. A resource person included the qualified and experienced international expert Prof. Louis Fourie from the University of the Western Cape, South Africa.

The opening was officiated by Mr. Joseph Kaiza, UNDP.

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ESRF Newsletter

Coordinator, IFP Tanzania) in November 2009 was awarded a Master’s degree in Education and International Development from the University of London, the Institute of Education (IOE).

Mr. Mufuruki was awarded a Commonwealth Scholarship in 2007 and was enrolled for a programme of 2 years through distance learning with 1 term as a class - based arrangement (January - April 2009) in London, UK. He wrote his dissertation on “Private Financing of Higher Education in Tanzania: The case of distance Learning Programmes.”

Mr. Ernest Mufuruki outside theInstitute of Education, London, UK.


ESRF bid farewell to Ms. Pendo Mwandoro and Ms. Femida Patwa after the completion of their contracts. Ms. Mwandoro had joined ESRF as an accountant and Ms. Patwa as a course administrator for the PGD Programme. ESRF wishes them all the best in their new endeavours.

ESRF has recruited new staff to strengthen the human resource base: Ms Aldegunda Ngowi joined as an accountant and Mr. Yasser Manu joined as a course administrator for the PGD Programme.

During the second half of the year, ESRF was invited to various local and international events aimed at addressing common interests to ESRF and the nation in general. Among the outstanding meetings was the FOPRISA Annual Conference that was held in South Africa in July 2009 and the launching of the African Economic Outlook 2009/2010 held in Tunis on October 2009.

Both of these meetings were attended by Dr. H. B. Lunogelo, Dr. D. Kaino and Mr. F. Maro who also represented the Foundation at the launch of the project: Strengthening Institutions on Improving Public Expenditure Accountability under the Global Development Network (GDN). The meeting was held in Washington D.C 16th - 23rd May 2009.

In November 2009, Mr. A. Hassan represented the ESRF at the Information and Knowledge Intermediaries Workshop at the Institute of Development Studies (IDS), Sussex University, UK. The workshop brought together approximately 20 institutions with initiatives similar to Tanzania Online for the purpose of sharing experiences in managing information and knowledge intermediaries.

Ms. Dora Semkwiji participated in a workshop on Social Integration and Inclusion organised by the United Nations Department of Social Affairs (DESA) in Accra, Ghana in November 2009. The aim was to assess the successes and challenges in promoting social integration and inclusion in developing countries.

Other key visits and meetings were:

The Dissemination of the Common Food Security Strategy for 1. the East African Community, October 2009, Kampala Uganda.

A regional conference on Climate Change and Trade: Challenges 2. for Southern Africa. October, 2009, South Africa.

A meeting to discuss the effect of The Global Financial Crisis 3. to Developing Countries, organized by ODI , September 2009, London, UK.

The seventh annual Festivals of the Foundation for Civil Societies, 4. September, 2009, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

A workshop on Engaging and Influencing Government Decision 5. Makers, October, 2009, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.

A workshop on E-Marketing from 76. th - to 10th July in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The workshop was conducted by Prof. Louis Fourie from the University of the Western Cape.


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ESRF would like to thank the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and following organisations for their support

For more information, please contact:

The Economic and Social Research Foundation (ESRF)51 Uporoto Street, Ursino Estate.

P.O. Box 31226, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.Tel: +255 22 2760260/2760758/2760751-52,

Fax: +255 22 2760062,E-mail: [email protected],



From left: Ms. Irene Alenga, Mr. Yasser Manu, Ms. Dora Semkwiji,Mr. Abdallah Hassan and Dr. Tausi Kida.

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