Page 1: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8



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Dear Fathers, Brothers and Sisters in Christ

Months of July and August are known for feasts of many

saints in the Liturgical calendar. For the priests, Religious

and people of Vellore diocese there are three important

celebrations that are going to take place in the month of

August. 1. The feast of St. John Maria Vianney, the patron

saint for all diocesan priests that falls on 4 August. When

I read and mediated upon the life history of him I realized

three important Cs in his life that were the causes for the

elevation of his sainthood. They are: Courage, Commitment

and Conviction.

St. John Maria Vianney was courageous from his childhood

itself to withstand all trials and temptations. His courage

paved the way to turn all his failures into success;

strengthened him to fight against evil especially when he

was in the confessional for long hours; made him to change

the hardened hearts of the people of Ars into holiness.

“Courage is the most important of all the virtues because

Page 2: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


without courage, one can’t practice any other virtue

consistently.” According to this saying the brevity of St.

Vianney led him to practice all other virtues like humility,

gentleness, patience and cheerfulness. Today priesthood

is a real challenge to fight against social evils and personal

inner conflicts as well. Let us take courage in the Spirit of

the Lord to win over the evil forces.

Secondly St. Vianney was convinced of what he was called

for and what he was sent for. He was very much convinced

that God called him to take souls to Him through his holy

life. He was also convinced that his call was to be sent to

Ars, the Godforsaken place to change the life of the people

through the Sacrament of Reconciliation and serve them

as a holy and simple priest. As the saying goes that one’s

action demonstrates the true conviction of his heart, the

actions of preaching the gospel and hearing confessions

of hundreds of people proved the noble convictions of St.

Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in

doing our mission.

Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call.

Plagued by many trials and besieged by the devil, the saint

remained firm in his faith, and lived a life of devotion to

God. Dedicated to the Blessed Sacrament, he spent much

time in prayer and practiced much mortification. He lived

on little food and sleep, while working without rest in

unfailing humility and patience. Let all the faithful of God

be committed to their call to witness the Gospel value of

steadfast love to God and to His people.

Page 3: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


St. John Vianney, Cure’ D’Ars, speak to the Immaculate Heart

of Mary. Ask Her to intercede for us to Her Beloved Son.

Grant that all priests be given divine insight into the souls of

those in their charge. Give them perseverance and fortitude to

match their priestly duties. Keep them safe from the wickedness

of the world – Amen. Let us pray this during the whole


On behalf of our beloved bishop I wish a HAPPY FEAST for

all the priests in our diocese.

2. The Solemnity of the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary,

Principle Patroness of India falls on 15 August. It is also

the feast of Assumption Cathedral of our diocese.

Celebrated every year on August 15, the Feast of the

Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary commemorates the

death of Mary and her bodily assumption into Heaven,

before her body could begin to decay—a foretaste of our

own bodily resurrection at the end of time. Because it

signifies the Blessed Virgin’s passing into eternal life, it

is the most important of all Marian feasts and a Holy Day

of Obligation.

Speaking about the Assumption of Blessed Virgin Mary it

is good to meditate on what Pope Benedict XVI says, By

contemplating Mary in heavenly glory, we understand that the

earth is not the definitive homeland for us either, and that if we

live with our gaze fixed on eternal goods we will one day share

in this same glory and the earth will become more beautiful.

Consequently, we must not lose our serenity and peace even

Page 4: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


amid the thousands of daily difficulties. The luminous sign of

Our Lady taken up into Heaven shines out even more brightly

when sad shadows of suffering and violence seem to loom on

the horizon.

We may be sure of it: from on high, Mary follows our footsteps

with gentle concern, dispels the gloom in moments of darkness

and distress, reassures us with her motherly hand. Supported

by awareness of this, let us continue confidently on our path of

Christian commitment wherever Providence may lead us. Let us

forge ahead in our lives under Mary’s guidance.

— Pope Benedict XVI, General Audience at Castel Gandolfo

Aug. 16, 2006.

I wish the parish priest and the parishioners of Assumption

Cathedral, Vellore all God’s blessings on the occasion of

their parish feast.

3. On 24 August our bishop Most Rev. Dr. P. Soundararaju

SDB., completes eight years of his Episcopal Ordination.

Having taken Mary’s word from John’s Gospel “Do whatever

he tells you” our bishop as a true son of our Lady has done

marvels in our diocese by leading & shepherding the priests

and people in the path of our Lord amidst trials and

tribulations. His courage, conviction and commitment led

the people of Vellore diocese to be liberated from all

clutches of social discrimination especially in the field of

education and Church leadership. It is an occasion for all

the priests, Religious and people of Vellore diocese to come

Page 5: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


together as one family to show our reverence & respect,

love & affection to our bishop who is our father, brother

and friend. It is also an occasion to thank the Lord for the

Gift of our bishop who served the diocese for the past eight

years and lifted the diocese up to its self sufficiency.

In the name of all the Priests, Religious and people of

Vellore diocese I extend a hearty CONGRATULATION to

our bishop on his eighth Episcopal Ordination Anniversary.

May God bless him with good health of mind and body.

Rev. Msgr. I. John Robert

Vicar General

Bishop’s Programme

07 Thu Back from abroad

11 Mon Adoration Monastery - Rangapuram

12 Tue Blessing of the Church - Sanipoondi

14 Thu E Bicentenary inauguration - Tirupattur

15 Fri Feast Mass, Assumption Cathedral- Vellore

16 -17 Pastoral Visit - Vandavasi

19 Tue Sacred Heart Convent - Rangapuram

22-23 Thu Youth Retreat - Vellore

24 Sun Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination and

Monthly Recollection

M VSSS Building Blessing

E Mass in the Cathedral

Page 6: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


29 Fri Flag Hoisting - Chennai

30-31 Pastoral Visit - Jolarpet

+ Most Rev. Dr. P. Soundararaju, SDB.,

Bishop of Vellore

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Page 7: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


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Page 8: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many



Anniversary of Episcopal Ordination of Our Bishop

On 24 August 2014 our beloved Bishop Most Rev.

Dr. P. Soundararaju, SDB., will complete Eight years of

his Episcopal Ordination. Since his Episcopal Ordination

Anniversary falls on Sunday this year, the time table will

be as follows

04:00 pm - Arrival and Tea

04:15 pm - Adoration and Confession

05:45 pm - Vesting

06:00 pm - Concelebrated Mass followed by felicitation

08:15 pm - Dinner

I request all Priests, Religious and Religious Communities

to participate in the Holy Mass and felicitations. Let us

come together as one family to thank the Lord for the gift

of our Bishop who is a loving father, affectionate brother

and good Shepherd.

Rev. Msgr. I. John Robert

Vicar General


School visit

S.No Date Name of the School

1. 04.07.2014 Don Bosco Primary School, Vellore

2. 04.07.2014 Don Bosco High School, Vellore

Page 9: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


3. 07.07.2014 RCM Uthiriya Madha School, Old Town,


4. 07.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Ranipet

5. 09.07.2014 St. Theresa High School, Pallikonda

6. 09.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Pallikonda

7. 15.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Koratampet

8. 15.07.2014 RCM Primary School, C. Nammiandal

9. 15.07.2014 St. Joseph’s Higher Secondary School,

C. Nammiandal

10. 15.07.2014 St. Mary’s Primary School, Maruthuvambady

11. 15.07.2014 St. Mary’s High School, Maruthuvambady

12. 17.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Eleanganny

13. 17.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Perunduraipattu

14. 23.07.2014 RCM middle School, Koviloor

15. 23.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Udayendiram

16. 23.07.2014 St. Antony’s Higher Secondary School,


17. 24.07.2014 RCM Middle School, Alapakkam

18. 25.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Uriyurkuppam

19. 19.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Santhavasal

20. 19.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Tirumalai

21. 19.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Vadamathimangalam

22. 19.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Arni

23. 19.07.2014 RCM Primary School, Sennathur

Page 10: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Teachers' Spiritual Annual Retreat

I Group

Retreat begins on 15.08.2014 at 6pm and ends on

17.08.2014 at 4pm.

II Group

Retreat begins on 29.08.2014 6pm and ends on 31.08.2014

at 4pm.

Correspondents are requested to exhort the teachers to

participate in it.

Fr. A.C.Savarimuthu,Manager, R.C.M. Schools.


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Page 12: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many




RS.1 Mazhuvankaruani 5,0002 Nallur 1,0003 Arcot 1,0004 Jolarpet 8,0005 Vaniyambadi 1,5006 Vandavasi 3,0007 Uriurkuppam 3,5008 Somasipadi 2,0509 Keelnathur 1,00010 Pulavanbadi 1,00011 Koviloor 1,10012 Melpudupakkam 3,20013 Allikondapattu 2,75014 Ambur 1,00015 Udayendiram 2,00016 Santhavasal 50017 Narasingapuram 1,50018 Theresapuram 1,15019 Katpadi 4,00020 Thachambadi 12,71021 Eleanganni 10,50022 Thanipadi 50023 Thalayampallam 1,00024 Kasthampadi 50025 Kaniyambadi 14,60026 Pavithiram 1,095

TOTAL 85,155

Fr. A.R.AnthonysamyVSSS Director

Page 13: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


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Health Commission

The DHA meeting began at 10 am. in TVMSSS meeting

hall on 28-6-2014 in the presence of Fr.K.S.Gnana Jyothi

the president of the Diocesan Health Unit. The members

had expressed their desire to have some information

regarding Lab-Investigation and Mr.Ilango a senior lab

technician from GH Tiruvannamalai was invited to address

the group. Sharing his knowledge in this field was a great

help, as he explained to us in detail all the basic lab

investigation and the method of doing it in a simplified

way. The meeting ended at 12.30 pm.

Sr. Elsa

Secretary - DHA

Note :

The member institutions of our Diocesan Health Association

are requested to respect the invitation letter for the

Page 15: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


meeting and respond to it by your presence. It is very


The 17 Annual General Body meeting of CHAT was held in

Animation Centre, Bishop’s House Kottar, Nagarkoil on 14

and 15 of July 2014. Fr.Gnana Jyothi the president,

Sr.Maggi the Vice President, Sr.Elsa the Secretary, and

two other member institutions represented from our

diocese. The theme was Non Communicable Deceases.

The health convention began with the Eucharistic


Rev. Dr. Peter Remegious the Bishop of Kottar was the

main celebrant, FR.Tomy CHAI Director General and

Fr.Mathew CBCI Health commission co-ordinator were the

main guests of honor. After the Inaugural function

Dr.Kalaivanan handled the session on Non-communicable

diseases. Fr. Mathew and Tomy gave us a brain storming

session on strategic planning of CHAI. He talked about

health care ministry Vs health care industry.

On the second day the election took place. Sr. Siriya

Pushpam SJC and Fr. K.S.Gnana Jyothi were elected as

president and vice president respectively. Sr.Bertil was

elected as secretary.

Fr. K.S.Gnana JyothiDirector - TVMSSS and Health Commission

CHAT - Vice President

Page 16: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Krupalaya – Link Worker Scheme

(Supported by TANSACS)

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Page 17: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


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Page 18: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many




On 12-7-2014 during the noveena of the parish feast, we

had a special Holy mass for the Silver Jubilee and Golden

Jubilee couples of the year.

There were 27 Silver Jubilee couples and 3 Golden Jubilee

Couples. They made a good confession before the mass.

We had a meaningful special liturgy in honour of the

couples. They renewed their marital vows after homily.

After the mass they were given 3D Holy Family pictures

and special cake and coffee. Fr.K.S.Gnana Jyothi, TVMSSS

Director presided over the holy mass and preached. The

people and the Jubilee couples were very happy and

appreciated the parish priest for honoring them.

Fr. John Bosco, PP


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Vellore Central Council


S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 A.Archan B.E. Pallikonda 4000

2 A.Benita B.Sc., Nus. Sathuvachari 2700

3 A.Sharmila B.Sc., Nus. Vellore 2700

Page 19: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


4 I.Induja B.Sc., Nus. Pallikonda 2700

5 M.Ajay B.Sc., (Comp) Pallikonda 2025

6 S.Sangeetha Nursing Bagayam 2025

7 V.Mariya Vimothini B.Sc., Nus. Vellore 2025

8 L.Maria Arul Raj Radio Diog Vellore 2025

9 L.Priyanka B.Sc., Nus. Vellore 2025

10 A.Manimaran DME Veppoor 1350

11 F.Daniel Arockiaraj DECE Kaniyambadi 1350


S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 M.Ashwini B.Sc., Nus. Pathiavaram 2700

2 A.Thomas B.E., Polur 2025

3 R.Sankar Joy B.Sc., Comp. Polur 2025

4 A.Shakila Gen. Nus. Thachambadi 2025

5 L.Divya Shanthi Nursing Kariyandhal 2025

6 M.Vinothkumar B.Ed., Polur 2025

7 Jancy Rani DTED Kariyandhal 2025

8 J.Naveen Print.Tec. Polur 2025

9 J.Praveen MMV Thanchambadi 1350


S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 F.Nithin Britto DME Theresapuram 2025

2 A.Avila Theresa Gen. Nus. Nallur 2025

Page 20: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


3 P.Daniel DME Kolappalur 2025

4 J.Minmini MBA Vanthavasi 2025

5 M.Jerome Rosario B.Ed., Vanthavasi 2025

6 P.Silviya B.E., Vanthavasi 2025

7 Jaya Soundari B.E., ECE Maluvankarunai 2025

8 C.Kishola Opthalmology Maluvankarunai 2025

9. S.Kishore ITI. MMV Thachambadi 2025


S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 J.Anna Mary B.Sc., Christianpet 2025

2 A.Angeenlin Sweety Nus. Christianpet 2025

3 M.Monica Nus. Katpadi 2025

4 R.Prince Carpenter Katpadi 1350

5 S.Sathesh Carpenter Katpadi 1350


S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 S.Mahalakshmi Nus. Thirupattur 2025

2 N.Praveen Kumar Catering Vaniyampadi 2025

3 G.Purushothaman Electrician Thirupattur 1350

4 K.Gunasekhar Fitter Thirupattur 1350

Page 21: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many



S. Name Course Conference Amount

No. Place

1 S.Magi Mary Dayana B.Sc., Nus. Thenimalai 2700

2 Dominic Abinesh DME Thenimalai 2025

3 S.Kokila Elavarasi Nus. Thenimalai 2025

4 S.Suganya Nus. Thenimalai 2025

5 J.Mary Aswini B.Ed., Perumanam 2025



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Page 22: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Ordination Day

Rev. Fr. S. C. Jeya Kumar 24.08.2012

Rev. Fr. A. Jonas Philomina Doss 24.08.2012

Rev. Fr. Y. Anthony Raj 28.08.1981

Rev. Fr. P. John Bosco 28.08.1981


Rev. Fr. C.Antony Chinnappa Xavier 01.08.1976

Rev. Fr. M. Irudayasamy 02.08.1971

Rev. Fr. A. Motchanathan 05.08.1969

Rev. Fr. M. Devenesan 06.08.1981

Rev. Fr. N. Sagayanathan Kanikairaj 08.08.1975

Rev. Fr. D. Panneerselvam 12.08.1962

Rev. Fr. S. Antony Rosario 13.08.1980

Rev. Fr. J. Irudayaraj 14.08.1963

Rev. Fr. A. Lourdu Xavier 14.08.1972

Rev. Fr. D. Paul Arockiam 16.08.1981

Rev. Fr. R. Susai Regis 19.08.1954

Rev. Fr. D. Arul John Bosco 20.08.1981

Rev. Fr. R. Lawrence 23.08.1972

Rev. Fr. S. Francis 24.08.1976

Rev. Fr. D. Amalaraj 29.08.1950


Let us pray that refugees, forced by violence to abandon

their homes, may find a generous welcome and the

protection of their rights.

Page 23: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Let us pray that Christians in Oceania may joyfully

announce the faith to all the people of that region.


01 Fri St. Alphonse Liguori Bp., Dr., Mem

03 Sun 18th Ordinary Sunday

04 Mon St. John Maria Vianney Pr., Mem

06 Wed The Transfiguration Of The Lord, Feast

08 Fri St. Dominc Pr., Mem

10 Sun 19th Ordinary Sunday

11 Mon St. Clare Vir., Mem

14 Thu St. Maximilian Kolbe., Mr., Mem.

15 Fri The Assumption Of B.V.M Patroness of

India, Solemnity

17 Sun 20th Ordinary Sunday

20 We St. Bernard abb., Dr., Mem

21 Thu St.Pius X Pp., Mem.

22 Fri Queenship of the B.V.M

24 Sun 21st Ordinary Sunday

27 Wed St. Monica, Mem

28 Thu St. Agustine Bp., Dr., Mem.

29 Fri The Behading of St. John the Baptist, Mem.

31 Sun 22nd Ordinary Sunday


Most Rev. Louis Mathias SDB 03.08.1965

Rev. Msgr. John Mora SDB 05.08.1961

Page 24: Vol. 10 AUGUST - 2014 No. 8 · Vianney. Let the convictions of St. Vianney be ours in doing our mission. Thirdly John Maria Vianney was committed to God’s call. Plagued by many


Rev. Fr. A. Fernandez 05.08.1995

Rev. Fr. Paul Bazgier SDB 07.08.1965

Rev. Fr. L. M. Arul 17.08.1974

Rev. Fr. Amaladoss Anthonysamy SDB 20.08.1983

Rev. Fr. G. J. Lawson 22.08.1987

Rev. Fr. Jegaraj SDB 29.08.1988

Most Rev. Hubert D’ Rosario SDB 30.08.1994

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