

Neville Chamberlain Winston Churchill Charles DeGaulle appeasement nonaggression pact blitzkrieg

Chapter 16 – 2

War in Europe

Section 16 – 2 Objectives

Identify and explain Hitler’s motives for German expansion.

Explain the response to Hitler’s moves by Britain and France.

Explain the blitzkrieg tactics used by Germany against Poland.

Identify and summarize the battles of WW II.

Why did Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact?

About 3 million German – speaking people lived in the western border of Czechoslovakia.

Hitler charges that Czechs were abusing the Germans.

France and Britain promise to protect Czechoslovakia.

Chamberlain agrees to meet with Hitler in Berlin

Why did Neville Chamberlain sign the Munich Pact?

Hitler tells Chamberlain that the annexation of the German speaking area, the Sudetenland, will be his last territorial demand.

Both Chamberlain and Daladier believe him. On September 30, 1938 the Munich Pact is

signed, turning over the Sudetenland to Germany.

War is avoided for the time being.

Why Did Winston Churchill oppose the pact?

Churchill, a political rival of Chamberlain, suggested that signing the pact was adopting the policy of appeasement.

According to Churchill, both France and Great Britain chose dishonor over what was to be an inevitable war with Germany

Germany and the Soviet Union come to agreement

Bitter enemies, Hitler and Stalin agree to a Nonaggression Pact on August 12, 1939. The commit to never attack one another.

Germany and the Soviet Union sign a secret agreement to divide Poland between them.

On September 1, 1939, German planes and tanks invade Poland, using a new military strategy known as blitzkrieg.

What happened to Poland as a result of the German invasion?

German tanks, planes, and soldiers race across Poland.

Once Poland is taken over, Germany and the USSR agree To divide the conquered territory That Poland as it was known will cease to

exist. As a result, both Britain and France declare

war on Germany.

Hitler Reviews His Troops

What happened to Poland as a result of the German invasion?

After taking control of eastern Poland, Stalin begins to annex the Baltic states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania.

In late 1939, Stalin sends his troops into Finland.

Three months later, Finland surrenders. On April 9, 1940, Hitler orders a surprise

attack on Denmark and Norway.

German Tanks on the Move

What happened to Poland as a result of the German invasion?

Next, Hitler turns his attention towards the Netherlands, Belgium, and Luxembourg.

By the end of May, Germany was in control of the region.

Hitler reneged on the Munich Pact. Churchill was right…

The Fall of France

Germany attacks France from the northern Ardennes region, on their way towards Paris.

Soon afterward, Italy, under the dictator Mussolini, enter the war on the side of Germany.

Germany offers the following terms of surrender to the French. Germany would occupy the northern region. A Nazi controlled puppet government would

be set up at Vichy in Southern France.

The Battle of Britain

In the summer of 1940, the Germans began to assemble a massive invasion fleet along the French coast.

The Germans launched an air war at the same time.

The German goal was to gain total control of the skies by destroying the British air force.

On August 15, 1940, 2000 German planes flew over Britain

Every night for 2 months, German bombers pounded London

The Battle of Britain

The RAF fought back. Using a new technology called radar, British

pilots are able to plot the flight paths of the German planes.

Germany lost 185 planes on a single night. Because of the RAF determination, Hitler

calls off the invasion. This victory bolsters the morale of the British.

Battle of Britain

Effects of Bombing London

Churchill Touring Bombed Out London


Complete the timeline, identifying significant events during WWI.

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