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  • Vital Support for Health, Sense of Well-Being and Child Development in an Electri-fRying Environment. Written by Liala Ackerman-Epstein, EMF Expert, Advanced Health Technologies. Toronto, ON Canada
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  • EMF = electromagnetic field, current, frequency, radiation, electric field, microwave, EMR, ELF
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  • For todays talk, EMF = electrical charges that are meaningless and disruptive to the bodys own electrical operations
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  • We are the 1st generation to be subjected to pervasive EMFs, from, AC electricity and wireless technology
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  • Chaotic, non biological electricity Harms physical, emotional & mental health.
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  • EMFs and not lifestyle are responsible for diseases of civilization Cardiovascular disease cancer diabetes and suicide. Dr. Samuel Milham, Renowned epidemilogist,
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  • In June 2012, Torontos Womens College Hospital press release declares Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity an emerging health condition and an initiative to train family doctors in recognizing symptoms of the condition. Dr. Rina Bray, Medical Director, Environmental Health Clinic, WCH
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  • National Post newspaper, August 11, 2012. Dr. Rina Bray, Medical Director, Environmental Health Clinic, Womens College Hospital in Toronto: Every year we are getting more and more people coming in... Im very concerned, because the stories are very, very compelling...These are not crazy people. There is a huge, huge problem.
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  • Symptoms associated with EMF exposure: chronic headaches, tinnitus (ringing in the ears), chronic fatigue, nausea, sleep disorder, skin conditions, heart palpitations, memory problems, eye irritation, swelling and itching in the facial area, muscle and joint pain, balance issues, emotional difficulties such as depression and anxiety, and concentration or attention difficulties.
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  • 50% of the world population will exhibit symptoms of electro hyper sensitivity by the year 2017. Dr. Ollie Johanssen, Swedish neuroscientist and leading EMF researcher.
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  • The toll on the body increases with continued exposure and the manifestations vary between individuals. The timing and type of illness that develops varies from one person to the next.
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  • EMFS contribute to every disease and disorder.
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  • Why are EMFs harmful to the body?
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  • EMFs, 1.Interfere with the bodys own electrical processes. 2.Disconnect the body from Earths guiding electrical signals. 3. Elicit responses that erode the body when maintained long term.
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  • 1. Interference EMFs generated by electrical and wireless devices are like dynamic entities that extend indefinitely in space. They cause electromagnetic charges and currents in their path to move. = disruption to electrically driven body.
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  • The human body is driven by an electrical system that produces, transmits and receives electromagnetic frequencies. The flow of electricity through the body is as vital to the body as the flow of blood.
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  • At the atomic level, the bodys smallest components are electrically charged elements held together due to their electrical charges.
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  • Every function depends on electrical activity in and between cells.
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  • The bodys electrical system, 1.drives the physical body; the foundation of the healing process; and 3. informs the body about the external environment. We are electrical beings with internal wiring.
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  • Pathways for the transmission of the electrically encoded information. Nervous System Acupuncture Meridian System
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  • 2. EMFs Disconnect the Body From the Guiding Frequencies of the Schumann Resonances, Earths electromagnetic field.
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