
Yongzhen YUVisiting Scholar

J.F. Kennedy School of Government

Harvard University

P.H.D, Associate Professor in economics& Deputy Director, Macroeconomics Division, School of Central Committee of Chinese Communist Party

April 17th, 2010

Short-run Challenge III: How to deal

with 2.4 trillion foreign reserve? Prevent the hotmoney from flowing into asset market.

I.How to really start up domestic demand?

Social security net ;reduction the income inequality; rural area development

II.How to achieve the economic structure adjustment? From “made in China” to innovation in China”

III. Sustainable development?

Opportunities lie in the challenges!

Factories nearby Yellow river

Wet and dry reactive nitrogen deposition from the atmosphere, early 1990s and projected for 2050

Acid precipitation under BAU growth

China is still in the process of industrialization and urbanization

Energy Development and Efficiency have equal Role (Emphasis on Efficiency)

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