
    2 May 2019

  • Contents

    2 May 2019 2


    INSTALLATION ........................................................................................................................... 3

    CAD ............................................................................................................................................. 4

    REVERSE .................................................................................................................................... 8

    TRANSLATORS ........................................................................................................................ 16

    MOULD ...................................................................................................................................... 20

    PROGRESS............................................................................................................................... 21

    FLOW ........................................................................................................................................ 25

    CAM ........................................................................................................................................... 29

    General ................................................................................................................................... 29

    2.5 Axis ................................................................................................................................... 33

    3 Axis ...................................................................................................................................... 35

    5 Axis ...................................................................................................................................... 40

    Post-processor ....................................................................................................................... 43

    On Line Help ............................................................................................................................. 44

  • 2 May 2019 3


    Installation / Supported operating systems

    • VISI 2020.0 can be installed and supports Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10, 64 Bits

    version only. Only Professional version of the listed operating systems is supported. CLS License is automatically installed on the pc when installing the VISI product, as well as the Solidlink translator.

    The migration tool is available with the installation of V2020.0 to provide an automatic update for Settings/Configurations from a previous version of the VISI product.

    Please, note that WKF file generated with V2020.0 cannot be loaded into V2019 R1 or previous version.

    • The Launcher is installed as part of the product installation of VISI 2020 and the License Manager can be executed only from within the Launcher.

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    Drafting/Modelling VISI 2020 includes some new enhancement regarding Drafting\Modelling and Plotview environments as

    described below.

    • Plotview: Break-View Creation

    The broken view is a view that is interrupted and only the start and end of the part is represented.

    For example, when the part is very thin and long it is useful to represent its view with just the ends

    and to break the complete representation in the middle in order to have a shorter view.

    The annotations placed on this view have to be real and indicating the correct length of the part.

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    • Plotview: Cropped views The crop views give the possibility to trim the view with a window and to leave visible only the content

    of the window. On this window (visible portion of the view) it is also possible to edit the cropped view in

    order to expand/reduce it to see more or less view portion.

    Important notes:

    • In case a view containing a section line is cropped, the section line remains with the complete length.

    • Not possible to crop a detail.

    • Not possible to crop an outbreak present in a view, only the view is cropped.

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    • Plotview: Outbreak with circular boundary It is now possible to create outbreaks with Circles like it is possible for details.

    • Workplane by 3 points

    Now it is possible create workplane using three points

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    • Ability to create the axis on the Piped surface. It is now possible draw axes on a Piped surface using the command Wireframe\Draw axes.

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    REVERSE The Reverse module has been enhanced in order to provide new functionalities for both the Reverse and for the Casting processes. The “Reverse” module has then been split in two different modules/licenses in order to manage two different approaches for Casting or Reverse projects. For this reason, new features have been added, and new options have been introduced in order provide more flexibility to the existing commands.

    Point Scanning

    The “Point scanning” feature has been enhanced in order to guarantee a better cloud acquisition and to cover most of the situations which you can find during the scanning process.

    Below you find the list of all settings and options added:

    • The system has been updated to the last RDS version: 5.0. This is useful to link our system also to the latest Hexagon devices available on the market

    • The camera follows the real movements of the scanning also in XY direction.

    • Possibility to set the “zoom level” during the scanning operation.

    • Better “Pan” management during the scanning operation.

    • Ability to move the device or the part using the new “Leap frog” feature, which allows to move the device, but continuing to scan the part in the same position. This is particularly useful in case of big parts to be scanned.

    • New “Clipping plane” management which allows to automatically filter the scanned points below the set plane with a safety distance. This is useful to filter the plane of a desk or the support used to scan the part, also during the scanning operation.

    To allow a better Point cloud editing, the features available in the Wireframe-Set of points menu, “Delete a point” and “Merge” have been enhanced in order to dramatically reduce the operation time (major speed improvements).

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    Point Probing New features have been added as probing operations to allow the user to define a reference point on the part, and to check the position in reference to a defined plane:

    • Added the possibility to probe a point using the “T-Probe” device provided by the Leica laser Tracker.

    • “Probe reference point”: this feature allows to define a point as a reference point on the part.

    The system shows the point as a sphere to better recognize and highlight it; this function could be useful in case on your part is not simple to identify some point as reference

    • “Check positioning”: this feature has been developed following the DRO concept (Digital Read Out). In this case the probe has been used to measure the distance of the probe to a define point, in real time. The system shows the distance of the probe in reference to the selected point on the model and to the defined workplane.

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    Point Filtering The “Point filtering” has been enhanced by giving the opportunity to filter the point cloud by also selecting a “Clipping plane”. This option allows to automatically filter the point cloud below the set plane with a relative distance.

    For this reason, a new feature has been added to “Create clipping plane”: the plane can be defined as workplane by probing or scanning operation:

    Moreover, you can also manually define a Workplane with the CAD and use it as Clipping plane.

  • 2 May 2019 11

    Point to Mesh The “Points to mesh” feature has been enhanced by adding the possibility to set the original point cloud as visible or not; this is useful to evaluate the created mesh and try to change the parameters to achieve a better starting mesh.

    Moreover, a default Layer name has been added on all Reverse features; this is really useful because it allows to save time during the complete process.

    Adapt Mesh to Profile This new feature is very powerful and allows to edit the selected mesh, adapting it to a defined entity; the wireframe entities can be segments, circles or profiles.

    It is very useful because it allows to define a detected area as a correct slot for instance, or to adjust the border of a specific area.

  • 2 May 2019 12

    Curvature and Draft analysis on Mesh These two features have been enhanced in order to achieve a better faces identification and so to allow a better surface creation. Below the list of the improvements on both features:

    • More ranges have been added to have a better faces identification, and to allow the user to adjust them in reference to the selected mesh

    • The “Sensitivity” parameter has been added to avoid seeing areas with few triangles; the system gives two modes to filter the identified areas.

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    • Improved the “Draw curves” option to avoid the curve duplication, in this way the user can smooth or edit the curves and imprint them on the mesh for a better surface creation

    Delete/Extract Faces on Mesh This new feature allows to delete or extract a face as mesh from the selected mesh; this feature could be useful for a better mesh preparation to complete the reverse process.

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    Alignment The “Alignment” has been enhanced in order to select a face, as reference, in case of solid selection; this allows to decide if the alignment must be calculated on the upper or on the lower face.

    Another improvement has been added in case of alignment by “Points”: the system splits the screen in two

    windows in order to allow a better points selection on both elements to align.

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    Compare A new “Compare” feature has been implemented to allow the user to compare two entities, by checking the relative distance; the system shows different colours in reference to the distance ranges. The Compare can be achieved from a Point Cloud or a Mesh with another Point Cloud, Solid, Surfaces or Mesh.

    The system provides a graphical result by showing the positive and negative values. It is also now possible to select a node, or a point, by showing the relative distance on screen between the two selected entities. This is an essential functionality for both, the Reverse process as well as for Casting process.

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    This release continues VISI’s long tradition of bringing updated format support and continued enhancements and fixes to further improve the robustness and performance of 3D Modelling and InterOperability. The SolidLink component, that provides the appropriate “converters” for the different CAD format, is constantly improved. This application, which is installed during the VISI installation, is available in the folder under \Program Files\Common Files\Vero Software\2020.0\SolidLink. SolidLink current version is 2020.0 (2020.0.0.11742):

    SolidLink, if the case, will be automatically updated when installing a Software Update of VISI or of any another group Production Software using it.

    Concerning Spatial supported formats, translator’s libraries have been consolidated both for import and export. The main new capabilities of this version are the following:

    • ACIS support for 2019 files

    • DWG/DXF upgrade libraries to ODA Teigha 2019 Update 1

    • JTOpen upgrade libraries to JTOpenToolKit

    • Parasolid Reader/Writer upgrade libraries to 31.1.188

    • Solid Edge 2019 (ST11) Version Support

    • SolidWorks support for 2019 files

    • SolidWorks Direct support for 2019 files (SWDocumentMgr

    It is now possible to have more control of files assignations. Whenever any new VISI version is installed, you may associate to it any file extension (for example, *.step and *.stp for the STEP format) without any edit of the registry. From the File and Folders options from the System options dialog, and then click the Register interfaces file extensions option. All the extensions available for the translators will be registered. In this way, when double click on the file it will be open every time using the latest VISI version installed.

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    Update to support latest CAD formats

    Translators support, among others, the following formats:

    Readers File Extensions Versions Supported

    ACIS .sat, .asat, .sab, .asab R1 – 2019 1.0

    CATIA V4 .model, .exp 4.1.9 – 4.2.4

    CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProduct, .CGR V5R8 – V5-6R2018

    3DExperience (CATIA V6) .CATPart, .CATProduct, .CGR Up to V6 R2018x

    DXF/DWG .dxf, .dwg 2018

    IGES .igs, .iges Up to 5.3

    INVENTOR .ipt, .iam V6 (V11 for .iam) – V2019

    JTOpen .jt 10.2 or earlier

    PARASOLID .x_t, .x_b, .xmt_bin, .xmt_txt 31.1.188

    NX .prt 11 – NX 12.0.0

    Pro/E - Creo .prt, .prt.*, .asm, .asm.* 16 – Creo 5.0

    Solid Edge .par, .asm, .psm V18 – 2019

    SolidWorks .sldprt, .sldasm 98 – 2019

    STEP .stp, .step AP203, AP214, AP242

    VDA-FS .vda 1.0 - 2.0

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    Writers File Extensions Versions Supported

    3DPDF .pdf 1.7

    ACIS .sat, .asat, .sab, .asab R18 – 2018 1.0

    CATIA V5 .CATPart, .CATProduct V5R15 – V5-6R2018

    DXF/DWG .dxf, .dwg Various

    IGES .igs, .iges 5.3

    JTOpen .jt up to 10.2

    PARASOLID .x_t, .x_b 11 – 31.1.188

    STEP .stp, .step AP203, AP214, AP242 (Geometry only)

    VDA-FS .vda 2.0

    Additional Translators

    Since version 2019 R1 extra CAD interfaces are available to be used for testing purposes. These translators can be activated, only with specific customers, if this will offer some benefit to them. The activation of these additional translators is done by running the following scripts (available into the “\ProgramData\Vero Software\VISI2020\System\” folder if you have chosen to “Use Windows standard installation folder”):

    • \VISI2020\System\IMPORTD.cmd

    • \VISI2020\System\EXPORTD.cmd

    Restoring of default Spatial translators is done through these ones:

    • \VISI2020\System\IMPORTORIGINAL.cmd

    • \VISI2020\System\EXPORTORIGINAL.cmd

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    Dialog boxes will display only options pertinent to the set libraries.

    • Fix autointersection of trimming loop When importing geometries not coming from the Parasolid kernel this function tries to solve UV trims that look like a '8' so to cut them. So, it is available for all formats but Parasolid, SolidEdge, Solid Works and Unigraphics. Since it could take time, it is switched off by default. It is available For NX/UG and Solid Works, and the IGES formats the following additional parameters are available:

    • Construction geometry Check this option to import entities marked as "construction geometry" in the assembly tree.

    • Infinite geometry Infinite geometries are entities that are not restricted (usually planes). Check this option to add a "unit" restriction so to be able to read them.

    • IGES Priority to UV boundary curves In case the file contains UV and 3D trim curves, then the UV priority will force re-computation of 3D from UV while the 3D priority will force re- computation of UV (by projection from 3D curves).

    Datakit translators support, among others, the following formats:

    Readers File Extensions Versions Supported

    3DExperience (CATIA V6) .3dxml R2010x to R2018x

    Cadds ._pd 4X to 5.12

    IFC .ifcxml, .ifc 2x3 to 2x4

    Rhino .3dm Version 1 to 5

  • 2 May 2019 20


    Tool Design

    In order to continue the development and the maintenance of this application, some improvements and some

    modifications have been added in this release. The most important are:

    • New Meusburger templates (FB, FM and FW) have been added to cover all the available solutions

    • Added the possibility to draw the “Centre of gravity” as option.

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    Part Unfolding

    These new features have been implemented to allow to study a part, automatically recognizing all the face

    properties, to blank the part and to unfold the part step by step, working directly on the solid.

    This solution allows to save time during the complete process and above all to edit the original part, rebuilding

    all the parts in a click.

    The major advantages provided by the new Part Unfolding management are:

    • Ability to work directly on the solid part and no need to extract surfaces (as before).

    • Associativity between the original part and the study achieved. This allow the original part to be edited and changes to be automatically propagated on the study of the part.

    • Enhanced part recognition and improved graphical representation of the part analysis achieved.

    The result is a powerful and easy solution to study and edit a part with linear bends.

    • Part unfolding: this new feature analyses the selected solid part, automatically recognize all the bends and features by also colouring the relative faces.

    It is also possible to define the Material and the Unfolding properties. Moreover, a specific option, allows to automatically calculates the blank surface, necessary to define the strip as next step of the process

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    • Edit analysed faces: after the automatic analysis of the part, using this new feature, the system allows to edit the faces recognition. This useful to better identify some specific area and/or to force to unfold the selected faces using a different solution.

    • Part unfolding by step: after the analysis of the part, using this new feature, the system allows to unfold the selected bends in different steps. As default, the system uses the data set to the original part, but you can edit it for each single bend.

    Moreover, using this technology, the system is now able to manage the unfolding process of the features and coining faces; the blank calculation will completely unfold all the detected features and coining faces.

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    The step by step unfolding will unfold just the features across the selected bend, automatically rebuilding, where is possible, the relative solid:

    The coining faces, instead, will be rebuilt on each step, in reference to the defined unfolding process:

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    Wire Points by Plate This feature has been enhanced with the possibility to define some “Rules” to automatically calculate the diameter and the displacement of the wire point in reference to the detected profile.

    The rules have been subdivided in two groups: Features and Cylindrical holes. In reference to the defined ranges, it is possible to define the relative diameter and displacement.

    This is useful as it does allow company to use and implement their internal rules and standards for this purpose.

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    New Mesh technology for Flow analysis

    A new mesh group modeller technology has been implemented in this release to generate meshes of high quality for the Flow analysis process. This new mesh method is launched by default for all Flow modules (Essential, Lite and Mould Part Definition). The advantage of the new Mesh technology is a very high quality mesh and the computation time. The result is of a higher quality Flow analysis process.

    The new Mesh technology provides different new options in order to adapt and fit the mesh accordingly to the shape of the model.

    The most relevant mesh options provided are:

    • Mesh method The mesh method allow different mesh methodology by providing different mesh orientation on the model.

    • Curvature Scaling Allows o control and fit the mesh accordingly to the curvature of the model.

    • Gradation of Mesh The grade ratio is a mesh size specification which is used to smooth the mesh on the transition area between the zone with bigger mesh size and the area with smaller mesh size.

  • 2 May 2019 26

    It is still possible to switch between the New Mesh technology and the previous Mesh technology by changing

    the following parameter from the Flow Configuration dialog. For Part Definition this setting is available in the Options.

    Please, note that default parameters for the old Mesh technology have also been changed to provide an improved result with the previous mesh technology (under Flow configuration dialogue).

    Display of Flow Lines

    It is now possible to show the flow lines so to highlight possible "hesitations" of the filling (from Isochrones by

    using the icon). Hesitation, which occurs when the melt flow slows down or stops along a particular flow path, can lead to asymmetrical and unpredictable flow patterns. Hesitation can reduce part quality due to variations in surface appearance, poor packing, high stresses and non-uniform orientation of the plastic molecules. If the hesitation enables the flow front to freeze completely, part of the cavity may remain unfilled, resulting in a short shot.

  • 2 May 2019 27

    Direct interface from VISI to Digimat product (MSC)

    It is now possible to export material local rigidity data to the Digimat product for structural FEM analysis press.

    Digimat positions itself between the manufacturing and structural analysis. Combining the data from 3 main inputs:

    • STL file of the Flow mesh that has been used for the injection moulding analysis.

    • File containing the orientation of the fibres for all the reinforced plastic materials.

    • File containing the structural analysis mesh (MARC from MSC, ANSYS, APEX, etc.).

    Digimat then creates a new reference model to which a chosen composite (reinforced) material is added to simulate and predict the mechanical properties of the moulded part. Digimat added value lies in the ability to bridge these independent environments to provide a more realistic and true stress analysis simulation. Extra data (even experimental) has been added to its material database to better match fibres characteristics including information such as shape and length of the filler that allows them to proper simulate any fibres condition.

    The use of this application, combined with the VISI offering and supported structural analysis packages, could allow customers to perform the following tasks:

    • Provide a realistic structural analysis simulation to their committers;

    • Influence mould construction to improve the mechanical behaviour of the moulded part;

    • Optimize material selection/fibre properties to improve mechanical resistance;

    • Validate part’s properties in respect to mould design.

  • 2 May 2019 28

    The Export from VISI to Digimat is available from:

    With a warpage analysis in memory (the availability of the Shape module is mandatory), select the icon and select Export to Digimat. The two files with the mesh and associated XML - with material local rigidity data - will be created into the desired folder.

    Coolant Flow Rate Suggestions

    After the Calculation of an indicative flow rate value for a single cooling circuit you may decide to Apply to all circuits the estimated value or recalculate and assign to each circuit its own Suggested coolant flow rate through the button Specific circuit flow rate.

    Cavity Mesh for Thermal Analyses

    The dimension of the solid mesh for the cavity block along each axis (millions of cubes can be generated for the thermal calculations) will be defined through the mesh Number, displayed for all three Cartesian axes. To help in selecting the most appropriate values, the element Size cannot be lower than the suggested value displayed at right of the Mesh Number fields.

  • 2 May 2019 29



    CAM-Setup & 3+2 management renew For VISI 2020.0 a number of fixing and improvements on the 3+2 management have been implemented in order

    to provide a more robust and enhanced CAM Setup management.

    The most significant are:

    • Check consistency on the NC Machine parameters settings: if differences are intercepted the machine status change to “purple”.

    • Log window to report differences on the machine settings and the current project.

    • Check consistency on the CAM-setup parameters settings: if differences are intercepted the CAM-setup status change to “purple”.

    • Check consistency during the file open. CAM-setups which do not follow the rules defined on the NC Machines will be set in the “purple” status.

    • Edit CAM-setup: any CAM-setup manually edited is highlighted with the “pencil” icon.

    • CAM-setup: virtual plane methods are editable within the CAM-setup parameters window.

    • CAM-setup: a confirmation dialog has been added when switching between solutions (when synchronization is switched off).

    • CAM-setup: dynamic preview while changing between solutions or while applying free rotation.

    • The updated CAM-setup command changes in reset CAM-setup.

    • Any automatic reorientation has been removed and / or disabled, including the option inside the NC machine settings.

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    • The “Aligned to machine X axis” option has been removed from the NC machine settings.

    • Both mechanical and virtual angle pairs information are available on the graphic tool tip.

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    Stock from bounding box improvements

    On VISI 2020.0 the stock from bounding box command has been further improved by allowing the creation of a

    solid model (instead of a mesh) and the creation of multiple instances in case of multiple pieces selection to

    speed up the stock generation for the user.

  • 2 May 2019 32

    Stock model: new Close mesh command

    VISI 2020.0 introduces a new command that allows you to close an open mesh by applying different methods.

    For example, in case of a mesh generated from a scanning device, it extrudes the perimeter and close the

    bottom to generate a close volume.

    In other situations, it tries to resolve overlapping triangles or close small gaps between triangles.

    Finally, it also allows to optimise the number of triangles.

    Operation templates group name support

    The operations template file stores the name defined in the operation group. Before this was not possible and a

    default random name was used when applying template on the CAM project.

    Operation templates group name support

    The operations template file stores the name defined in the operation group. Before this was not possible and a

    default random name was used when applying template on the CAM project.

    Tool sheet automatic generation after post

    VISI 2020.0 introduces the possibility to recall automatically the tool sheet generation after the post processor

    in order to automate this process.

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    2.5 Axis

    Chamfering operation: Dovetail cutter support (Preview)

    VISI 2020.0 introduces again the possibility to use dovetail cutter on chamfering operation.

    When this cutter type is selected, the system automatically performs a reverse chamfer on the bottom of the



    Please consider that the dovetail cutter support is for the moment under the preview licence option.

    Chamfering operation: Spring passes

    Starting from VISI 2020.0 the chamfering operation can also be performed with spring passes on all Z levels or

    only on the final bottom one.

  • 2 May 2019 34

    Pocketing – Waveform: helix diameter & small pocket management

    The Pocketing waveform has been improved to allow to better control the system when it is needed to enter in

    small cavities.

    Basically the control of the minimum machining area is influenced by the combination of 2 variables:

    • The helix diameter.

    • The min. in contact radius.

    The combination of these 2 modifiers allows to machine very narrow cavities (width closer to the cutter diameter).

    Moreover, the helix diameter has been split in 2 parameters (the min e max diameter value), allowing for example

    to force the system to create a straight helix entry instead a conical one (system default until now).

    Profiling: rest material with side passes From V 2020.0 it is possible to define a number of side passes in combination with the rest material option

    enabled; this will allow you to reduce the stress on the cutter when machining residual stock left by the

    previous operation.

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    3 Axis

    Automatic stock definition: further enhancements

    VISI 2020.0 introduces the possibility to recall the automatic stock also on 2° and newer Roughing operations

    within the same project to speed up the stock generation process.

    Following is the list of rules (from the previous version 2019 R1, where the automatic stock was introduced)

    when the first roughing strategy is added to the current project:

    • If the stock is not defined, it will automatically lunch the “stock from bounding box” command.

    • If only one stock is defined, then it will automatically select it.

    • If 2 or more stocks are defined and 1 of them is used in the project, then it will use it.

    • If 2 or more stocks are defined but not used in the project, it will open the stock selection dialog.

    The new introduced on v2020.0 is that if you add a 2° 3° etc. roughing operation, VISI allows you to set the

    automatic stock option; in this condition VISI does a “smart” verification on the available stock and it proposes

    the one that fits with the piece bounding box or, in case it does not fit, it opens the “stock from bounding box

    command”. In case of ambiguities it asks to the user to select one valid stock from the stock selection dialog.

    In any of the above situations, the system will automatically update the operation limits to fit the stock dimensions.

  • 2 May 2019 36

    Waveform Roughing: computation time enhancements

    Substantial speed improvements have been achieved on the Waveform roughing strategy. In fact, the

    computation time for the Waveform roughing strategy has been improved to provide time saving from 30% up to

    50% comparing to previous versions. The Waveform roughing is widely used as it provides several advantages

    comparing to the traditional roughing strategies.

    V2018 R2 V2020.0

    Sample part 1 22 min 10 min 50 sec

    Sample part 2 4 min 2 min 18 sec

    Roughing strategy: side & bottom allowance [preview]

    On V 2020.0 for the Roughing strategy it has been added the management of 2 different allowances.

    As well as for the other 3 axis finishing strategies, also on the roughing it’s now possible to defined different

    values for the allowance and the bottom allowance.


    Please consider that the bottom allowance is for the moment under the preview licence option.

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    Roughing strategy: improved short link between Z levels [preview]

    On V 2020 has been introduced an improved short link between Z levels. The new algorithm should prevent

    the generation of ramp movements inside the uncut stock, to reduce the risk of tool damage:

    Old link: New link:


    Please consider that the “new” short link is, for the moment, under the preview licence option.

    Waterline: optimized linking

    VISI 2020.0 effort a better control on linking between passes, allowing the user to define the minimum retract

    distance to reduce the number of retracts and therefore to produce a more optimized toolpath with a reduced

    number of rapid movements:

    Previous result: New result:

  • 2 May 2019 38

    Roughing hybrid – Waveform: optional conical helix

    On V 2020.0 has been introduced the option to enable/disable the conical helix for the waveform roughing


    Auto-tilting: Tool direction option

    On V2020.0 has been introduced the option to define the preferred tool direction when converting a 3 Axis

    operation in a 5 Axis Auto-tilting.

    This option is very useful when machining from oriented CAM-setup or when the user needs to force a specific

    tool direction:

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    From the direction method, the user can choose if orient the tool from the current CAM-setup, or from the absolute top or from an arbitrary direction.

    The following image shows the Auto-tilting defined with tool direction from the CAM-setup used by the original 3 Axis operation:

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    5 Axis

    Updated 5 Axis engine library v 2018-12. Several fixes and improvements have been released within this version.

    5 Axis post local settings From VISI 2020.0 it is possible to manage locally for each 4 or 5 axis operation, the 5 axis post settings.

    This enhancement allows you to define particular settings for a specific operation to overcome for example the machine limits, avoiding changing the settings on the NC machine.

    This is a very step forward to overcome blocking situations where it is tricky to post process 3+2 positioned toolpath together with 5 Axis continuous toolpath.

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    Toolpath smoothing

    The smoothing option is a new feature that allows to smooth sharp corners in the toolpath and replace them with

    splines. The new option is available under the surface quality advanced settings.

    Smoothing switched off: Smoothing switched on:

    Side tilt by contact point

    When be tilted relative to cutting

    direction is selected, the new option

    “by contact point” is available.

    This new option allows to define the

    tool axis tilting by specifying a

    contact point on the tool profile that

    is tangential to the machining

    surface along the toolpath.

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    Kinematics simulation: move list display values

    Within v 2020.0 has been added a new option that allows you to switch the move list display values from the

    spindle nose (current default) to the tool tip; this is a global option that can be found on the CAM settings

    parameters under the simulation section.

    Move list from spindle nose:

    Move list from tool tip:


    In this case the Z coordinates are the same as the coordinate shown on the path-lab.

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    New macro language variables for 3+2 management

    The Post-processor has been extended to support 3 new variables specific for the 3+2 management. These


    • KINBAS: defines if the machine is set as “kinematic based”

    • NAXES: defines the number of machine axis

    • AXCONF: defines the machine type (Head/Head, …)



    Updated Wire engine Updated Wire engine library v 2020.0. Quality improvement and minor enhancements have been included

    within this version.

  • 2 May 2019 44

    On Line Help

    Documentation Below is an updated status on the On Line Help for V2020.0

    CAD: 100%

    Translators: 100%

    Mould and Flow: 100%

    Progress: 100%

    CAM: 100%

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