  • 1 \ ■


    ^ _^JCUMtND ^i»n» (on Tu.esoat» akd Fiudata,, by SAMUEL PLEASANTS, Junion, Feimter to tue CommomwealtII "'

    iKf’lfibllars Per Annum—Paid m Advance.] TUESDAr\ OCTO BEX 23, I8t0. [12 ,.2 Ccn:> Si^ie.J 2&tcjn»en& $r:ce Current*

    ■— t» —


    D. C. TOBACCO, I : t t 15 00 WHEAT [NEW] t * * ■“ 1 58 FLOOR C*OF*RriK*3 * » J 9 25 flour [yiNr-3 * S S » 8 75 CORK, • • • • 4 00

    BR1IP, MR TOK, * * • 280 00

    IROHi • • * * * • ®5 00

    BACOV, * * • * 00 12

    whiskEt, ^ 00 62


    BY virtae of a d*ed of rnnt bearing date the lith, Feb. 1804, caeca ted -to the subscribers by Messrs. Pickett, Po'.ia»d and Johnston, and Mr Richard Youfcg, to secure the payment mf 19 hundred pounds due to Mr. Gilley Lewis £> Afrs Susanna Lewis—

    Will be Sold ^ At Rocltetts, on the 12th day of Nov, next some very valuable LOTS conveyed in said trust, nr so much thereof as will be sufficient to raise the sum of £ 158 6.8 with interest thereon from thr 11th Feb last, being the balance due -by Richard Young on account of hi a purchase.

    John Prosser, "l — -John F&ter. } Tru5t«’-

    Richmond, Oct I9*.h, 1810, tdsp


    WAX-FIGURES. TUST arrived and may b"» seen, at any •* time from 9 r’elock in the Morning, un„ til 9 in the Ev^ttin^, at the City Tavern, Richmond. The Citizens of this place, & the public in genera), have now an op* pen unity of viewing a very handsome col- lection of Wax«Figure9, as large as Life.

    The 6r*t Figure among the collection is & striking Likeness of admiral lord nelson, Wh’o was killed at the battle of Trafal- gar,'' with a very handsome view of the linga,'.c':i»ent where Nelsoa is supported by Captain Hardy* in hit last moments. |

    Miss Charlotte Temple. MADAME SUMMERS, of New-York*

    and her beautiful Twins. MAHY FINDLEY, that was drowned

    by her Husband only eight weeks after Marriage.

    WILLIAM, her beautiful Son* at the «&e of five >ears.

    The Methodist Beauty, The Boston Beauty.

    Two Beautiful and Interesting Children.

    37" Rood Music during the Exhibition, performed on a Hand Organ.

    *„• Admittance 50 Cents.—Children half price.

    37* The Figures have the same effect in the Day as in the Night,

    {j-jn PROFILES taken at the Mu- seum and elegantly Framed.

    Oct. 19 th, 1810- (2—p.)


    ON Thursday the 15th day of No- vember next, at the Ive dwelling hoitar of Lucy Taylor, dec’d. adjoin- ir g the lot of Ed'mm.d Randolph, Esq. will be sold on a crec.'u of 12 months, all the House-hold's# uitchenju^mure% amongst which are 9 double bcfL^n-i furniture, an elegant Clock and many othrr articles too tedious to mention. T he purchaser will be required to give hood fit security, to carry interest from the date if not punctually paid.

    BEVERLY CHUMP, Ex’r* October 18 th, 1810. tds.

    toil SALE—ll IE HOUSE and LOT at • present occupied by Mr. William Street, in tha city of Richmond, adjoining Hbockoe Warehouse.—It contains sixty fc< t hoot ami rear, and extends Ir^tttoi to street—terms made fnewn hy^®l)ing to Mr. Street, the occupant, nr to tSLatib. scrltier. If the property ""is not sold by Christmas, it will be rented.

    2Vi attliew Cloy. Oct. 19 th, 1810.

    asv-ni!'>... jj., i—1-w.i

    Phintimo iir%Ti its variety neatly cx ecuted at this o&ce.

    ^ 1 i,

    JUST arrived per the Brig Diligence, capt. Tracey, from Liverpool, a very general assortment of

    GOODS, contained in 313 packages, and will be sold by the piece or package—v)z=s

    Superfine Cloths, single and Dble. Milled Cassi meres, Swansdowns, Dble. Milled Drabs, Costings, Duffils, Plains, Kerseys, Kendal Cottons, Rose and Duffil Blankets, Pellicse Cloths, Plain and Spotted Flan- nels, Imperial and Fancy Cords, Velvets, Velveteen. Veiverets, and Tabby Velvets,

    i Ladies. Gentlemen and Youths’ Worsted j and Cottpi Hosiery, Negroes do. Irish Linnens, Brown Hollands, Shirting Cot. (tons. White apd Color’d. Cotton Cam. brics, Callicoes, Dimities, Jeans, a great variety of Muslins, 6.4 Seeded Mull Robes, Jubilee Curded Gauze, Cut add Diagonal Spider 'Stripes, Jubilee Corded Jaconet, Birdseye, aad C Diapers, Towellings, and Table Damask, Cotton and Thread Edg. ings and Laces, Fancy Embroidered Mus lin Trimmings, Ladies Bordered and Prin ted Pocket H.tndks. Fancy Romalls, M ul. ras* and Pullicat, do. Fancy Silk ir.d Cotton Ginghams,, Men’s Stlk Hatm Men’s and Boy’s Wool do. Servants* GWmA do. Suspenders, Sewing Cotton and^Xhrfcad assorted Coach Lace, Gallosns, Jc. See.

    Together with a great variety o£r*ARD WARE AND CUTLERY, and a few Ca. ses paiticularly suitable for Country Stores, Mew’s Saddle Trees, Chaise do. Black* smith’s Tools, Slates.

    ALSO—ELEGANT TABLE CHINA SETS, well assorted, Crates and Castors.

    The balance of the F.j11 supply is expec.. ted by the first arrivals from Europe.

    ON HAND, Powder and Shot assorted. Cotton and

    Wool Cards assorted, Swedish and Coun. try Iron, Jamaica and Antigua Rom, im. ported in let*, New do. Pennsylvania Whiskey, Grten Coffee. Silt, Rice, Cot. cun. Flax, Indigo. Copperas, Salt Petre, Cut and Wrought N*ils assorted, Bar Lead, Soap, Cut Herrings, Tar, Lumber, M.C. >*c.

    I would, also sell, 7,000 Bbls. Tarj Tur. pentinc and Rosin, 15,000 White and R«d Oak. nogshead Staves, deliverable in Nor- folk, or at City Point. ffT* Cash gtveu tor Country Produce.

    CHARLES WHITLOCK. Richmond, Oct. 15, 1810. [e pt f]

    1 K

    Notice. T WISH to dispose of my TRACT OF 1 LAND lying in New Kent county, cal- led

    WARE CREEK, and containing about two thtHisand Acre* On this plantation are Buildings sufficient for a small family, and a Mill on a never failing stream of water, which may be made navigable to York River for Boats with a little expence. Only about 500 a. cres of this Land are cleared, which ate divided into three shifts, well adCpted to the culture ol Corn and Wheat, The bal- ance very level and well timbefflj. Ex- pecting those inclined to purchasgJLll first view the land I forbear to enumerate all the advantages. If this Land is not sold before the 6th of December next, it will then be set up, on the premises, to the highest bidder, cn a credit of oi.e'and two years. Bonds and approved security with a deed ot trust on the Land, tv ill be re- quired to carry interest from the date. At the lame time and place will be sold,

    , all the Com, Fodder ar.d stock of every kind, on the said plantation. Twelve months credit will be allowed purchasers,on then giving bond and good security to cairy in terest from the date if not punctually paid

    Armislead Russel. , [e p t 6 U]

    'l HE subscriber hereby gives notice, that * he intends to petition the next Gener-

    al Assembly of Virginia, for relief against an ordinance of the Common HalL^l the city of Richmond, passed on the Hny June last, whereby, under a general reflation concerning the licensing of Carru*»s, he and his tamily are prevent, d froinTising a hired Carriage of any description, for the conveyance of persons.

    Christopher McPherson. Richmond, 16 Oct 1810. £w t f]

    MURPHY & CRUMp7~ In Addition to their usual supply erf

    GROCERIES, O Have just received a general assortiffmt o' Glass, China, Earthern £sf SloncSlrare. which they propose to sell low for Cash, or Country produce.

    Oct. IS, 1810. [1 m]

    NOTICE. — jL "THERE will be a petition prelfyed to * the next General Assembly

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