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Morning Chai Photo by C Quirk

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Dear Residents Seven children, hair tousled after night time slumber, pile into the Valiant station wagon. It is summer 1970, and the family is about to embark on the journey from their home in leafy North Epping to Port Macquarie for the Christmas holidays. I remember those times well. Sliding across the vinyl seats, cool in the early morning air. No seat belts to restrain. Much good-natured banter; my siblings and I buoyed with the excitement of the forthcoming holiday. The journey north was long in those days. Images fading now with time, like slides projected onto a plaster wall of faded egg-shell blue. The Oak Factory at Freeman’s Waterhole, chocolate milkshakes in icy cold metal containers, sunlight flickering through the towering eucalypts lining the road, and the incessant high-pitched rattle of cicadas. Murmured conversations, the omnipresent summer heat and the gap-toothed smile of the girl in the summer dress. The girl with the gap-toothed smile is older now, and lives in the seaside town, that for many years was the holiday destination of choice. Another holiday beckons, and the anticipation felt in years-gone-by is the same. Days unfettered by routine. Books to be read, the morning chai tea, fragrant with an aromatic mix of eastern spices, enjoyed at leisure. A garden, overgrown and neglected, waiting to be rediscovered and transformed, reminiscent of the garden at ‘Misselthwaite Manor’, in a much-loved book of my childhood ‘The Secret Garden’ by Frances Hodgson Burnett. Whilst I am away for the next twelve weeks on my Long Service Leave sojourn, Jaclyn Reay will be replacing me in the Village Office. I am very thankful that Jaclyn has agreed to manage the office for me in my absence, and I know that she will enjoy working with such a fabulous team! Anticipation has been building on a number of fronts for those of us lucky enough to work at St Agnes Village Office. Sue Jenkins is eagerly awaiting the birth of her fourth grandchild due in the first week of May. Sue Hollis too is to be a grandmother again. Sue’s daughter, Kate, and husband Ty, are expecting their second child at the end of June. Tina, and her husband Rick, are currently in Barcelona Spain, on their long-planned overseas holiday. Tina will return to her new office in Horton Street in mid June. In her absence, Steve Quirk, St Agnes Parish Finance and Strategy Manager will be handling any sales enquiries. As I finish this editorial, it would be remiss of me not to mention the passing of three much-loved village residents in recent weeks. Patty Cleall a resident of Lourdes Village for the past 23 years, Marcia Blacklock who resided at Sweeney Court, and Phil Passmore formerly of Unit 59, St Agnes Village. Our thoughts and prayers are with their families and friends at this time. I look forward to resuming my editorial duties in August, following my Long Service Leave. Au Revoir!

Cath Quirk Editor

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Town Beach, Port Macquarie in the early 1970’s








Did you know that the Village Newsletter is now available on the Catholic Care of the Aged website? Take a fresh look online now....

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CLOUDS Run little white clouds

Here comes a storm.

Run here quickly

I’ll hide you in the barn.

I’ll stuff you in the chaff bags

And pretend that you are grain.

I’ll hide you in the empty tank

And say that you are rain.

Let the cold wind whistle.

Let the black clouds frown.

I’ll spread you out upon my bed

And say that you’re eiderdown.

And in the dark and bitter night

When the world is warm asleep

I’ll spread you out upon the backs

Of all the poor shorn sheep.

Alice Franks

The photographs at right of

magnificent Hibiscus blooms

were taken in the garden at

Unit 2 St Agnes Village

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WRITE down your goals

GO outside

ENJOY simple things

SMILE at a stranger

LOOK for adventure

EAT your veggies

SEE your own beauty

WANT less

GIVE more

WORK hard

FIND your sense of humour

DRINK more water

CREATE something

MAKE a new friend



This 3.3 meter long sculpture made of hand forged and welded bronze, is located in

Portland, Oregon, on the northwestern corner of Salmon Street and Park Avenue.

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Welcome to our Pastoral Ponderings, a page to be written by the Pastoral Care Team on a

quarterly basis. What is pastoral care? It is our walking with people on their journey

through life. Throughout life we each need specialised care, whether it be physical,

emotional or spiritual. Each member of Catholic Care of the Aged seeks to provide pastoral

care to you, the resident, staff member or family, as we walk with you throughout your time

here. We, the team, seek to do this in a specialised way both emotionally and spiritually.

The ministry began with Sr Jill Tobler OSU who ministered tirelessly for many years in setting

up the Pastoral Care Team with many wonderful volunteers, many of whom are still

ministering with us now.

We really value the friendship and ministry of our volunteers who assist our residents in so

many ways. Saying ‘thank you’ never seems to be enough. We pray for each of you also! We

look forward to walking with you in whichever part of the journey you are on. Beth and

Michael, two of our Pastoral Care Team, will have a presence in both the villages and can be

contacted on the numbers listed below.

Beth Anderson

I was born and raised in Kempsey, fourth of eight children. I attended

Catholic education at St Joseph’s Primary and St Pius High School, and then

Yr 11/12 at Holy Spirit College Grafton, boarding at St Mary’s. I called

various states home over many years with my husband. I am now widowed,

but I have two wonderful sons, and two beautiful grandchildren. I have

worked in the welfare sector for the past 25 years, St Agnes Parish

Centacare for several years of that time, and also ten years at Catherine

McAuley House Kempsey. I have been part of the Pastoral Care Team for

just under two years, and feel very blessed and humble to be present and be here to assist

so many people.

Michael Barry

I have been in St Agnes parish since retiring to Port Macquarie from Armidale

in 2012. We have four adult children. Prior to taking up this position, I was on

the volunteer team here at Emmaus. I am also a volunteer with Lifeline

Midcoast. In my previous life I was a registered nurse for 40 years, and in later

years managed a large aged care facility in Armidale. I am looking forward to

my role walking the journey with each of you.

Phone 6589 9814 Mobile 0438 832 740

[email protected]

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WHO KNEW? Monica Gilbert

What is your greatest strength? My father.

What is your greatest weakness? I have no weaknesses.

Does anything scare you? Not at the moment.

What virtues do you admire most in people? Honesty and loyalty.

What’s one thing about you that would surprise people?

My honesty.

What’s your idea of absolute happiness? Lying on a beach in Honolulu with a mai-ti cocktail.

If you could have dinner with two famous people, who would you choose?

Mary Tyler Moore and Michael J Fox.

What travel experience is at the top of your bucket list?

The United States of America – I love the shopping!

What’s your most treasured possession? The cross I wear around my neck. It keeps me safe.

How do you relax? Walking.

If you could turn back time, what in your life would you change?

I would not change anything. I believe I have made good choices.

What is your greatest achievement? Having lived 32 years with Type 1 Diabetes and injecting 5 times daily.

Who is your personal hero? My father.

If you were an animal, what would it be? A fox terrier dog. They are loyal and loving.

What would you spend your last $20 on? A skinny flat white and a vegemite sandwich.

How would you like to be remembered? Kind-hearted, active and a generous human being.

“The secret to living well and longer is:

eat half, walk double, laugh triple and love without measure...”

Tibetan Proverb

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ELECTRICAL SAFETY As the winter season quickly approaches it's important to take extra precautions and be vigilant with fire safety. Data from all Australian Fire Services shows that during winter there is an increased risk of house fires due to higher usage rates of electrical appliances. Sadly, this in turn results in an increased mortality rate from house fires. To reduce the risk of fire, consider the following:

Avoid using electric blankets with fraying and damaged cords

All electric heaters are not kept within 1 metre of other objects

Avoid using piggy back cords, double adaptors and plug in air fresheners, due to

heightened fire risk (refer to photographs below)

Always make sure all heaters are turned off as soon as you leave the room or house

Never leave cooking unattended and always be alert and aware of what’s on the


Photographs above show examples of double adaptors

Example of ‘piggy back’ power lead Air freshener

INVITATION NBN (National Broadband Network)

Information Session

Telstra will be providing an Information Session on the NBN Network on Wednesday, 10th May at 9.30am at the Tenison Woods Centre

Lourdes Village residents are most welcome to attend the Information Session.

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QUESTIONS 1. Where would you find the Big Banana?

2. What was the name of the person that started the Royal Flying Doctor Service?

3. In which town would you find the oldest continuously used bridge in Australia?

4. What was the full name of Prime Minister Ben Chifley?

5. Which Australian city is nicknamed ‘The Silver City’?

6. Who was the first woman to be elected in the Australian Parliament?

7. The sapphire is the official gemstone of which Australian State?

8. In which city was the Aboriginal Flag first flown?

9. Where is the lowest point in Australia?

10. Which year was the $100 note introduced?

11. What is the floral emblem of the Northern Territory?

12. Which number Prime Minister was Tony Abbott?

13. Who was the first woman to sail solo around the world non stop?

14. In which State is Lake Disappointment?

15. What’s the only town to be added to the National Heritage List?

16. In which Queensland town was Waltzing Matilda first performed?

17. What was the first album to sell more than one million copies in Australia?

18. What was the name of the first horse to win the Melbourne Cup?

19. Where is the most western point on the continent?

20. How many World Heritage Sites are in Australia?


(1) Coffs Harbour (2) Reverend John Flynn (3) Richmond, Tasmania (4) Joseph Benedict Chifley (5) Broken Hill (6) Edith Cowan (7) Queensland (8) Adelaide (9) Lake Eyre (10) 1984 (11) Sturt’s Desert Rose (12) 28th (13) Kay Cottee (14) Western Australia (15) Broken Hill (16) Winton (17) Whispering Jack by John Farnham (18) Archer (19) Steep Point, Shark Bay (20) Nineteen.

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A TRIBUE TO PHILLIP CHARLES PASSMORE OAM 23rd August 1929 – 22nd April 2017

In this day and age, it is rare to meet a person that lists their profession as ‘Piano Tuner’. Phil Passmore was such a person. In fact many of Phil’s family members, including his father, grandfather, uncle and cousin were all piano tuners. Coincidentally, in years gone by, Phil’s father, Peter Passmore, was the piano tuner for my grandparents who lived in Epping. In my mind’s eye, I have an image of a piano tuner, intent on the task at hand, making minute adjustments to the tension of the instrument’s wires to ensure that they all produced the correct tones. Only through working in the field for many years, on hundreds of pianos, can the piano tuner learn the mastery of their trade. A skilled piano tuner can attend to the minutiae of subtleties of pitch and tone, enabling beautiful harmony of sound. Phillip Passmore was a man who unequivocally demonstrated that he understood the subtleties of working harmoniously with others in the community to produce the best outcome for all concerned. In fact, in 2014, Phil’s commitment to serving others earned the then 84-year-old, an Order of Australia Medal (OAM) in the Queen's Birthday honours. Phil was the recipient of such an award for ‘service to the community of Port Macquarie through aged care and service groups’.

Being a volunteer appeared to come naturally to Phil Passmore. In 1999, Phil and Patricia moved into St Agnes Village, and within twelve months Phil began volunteering for Catholic Care of the Aged. And, in all he did, Phillip Charles Passmore demonstrated that, he did, in fact, care, and care deeply.

Phil joined Port Macquarie City Lions Club in 1975. The international motto for the Lions Club is ‘We Serve’. As such, it was fitting that someone of the calibre of Phil Passmore would join such an organization. Phil was often a guest speaker at CCA residential aged care facilities talking about the work of that organization.

Phil wholeheartedly embraced the qualities of being a volunteer so well, that he epitomized the definition of the word. Whether it was cooking a barbecue, driving buses, or accompanying others on medical visits, Phil did all he could to make life easier for others.

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Phil’s long list of volunteer roles over the years included Meals on Wheels, driving buses and coordinating driving rosters at Bethany Hostel, taking residents on outings at Garden Village, and assisting with activities through Catholic Care of the Aged. Phil regularly cooked a BBQ for residents at MaryKnoll Hostel, and enjoyed spending one-on-one quality time with socially isolated residents. In Phil’s estimation, he cooked up to 5,000 sausages for barbecues over a 10-year period. Phil drove the CCA bus as a volunteer, and also drove residents on shopping trips. He was the piano tuner for all Residential Aged Care Facilities in Catholic Care of the Aged, and, at times, for village residents. Phil gave of his time generously. He was the President of the St Agnes Village Resident’s Committee for a period of six years, and at the time of his death, was a valued member of the St Agnes Village Social Committee. Phil’s commitment to his role as a volunteer also included completing any relevant CCA education courses such as Food Safety and Handling, and Caring For, And Understanding Dementia Patients. Phil had a wonderful attitude and was dedicated to any task asked of him – always with a smile on his face. He was always ready to lend a hand, and expected nothing in return for his dedication.

Phil was a devoted husband to his wife, Patricia. In fact, they would have celebrated 66 years of married life together less than a week after his death.

Phil and Patricia have four children – Peter (now deceased), Jan, Deborah and Andrew.

On behalf of the staff at the Village Office, the residents of St Agnes and Lourdes Village and the wider parish community, I would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Patricia, and to Phil’s extended family, including his 11 grandchildren and 11 great-grandchildren. In a final selfless act, it was Phil’s wishes that his body be donated to a university for medical science. As such, there will be no formalized funeral service. For those that would like to pay tribute to Phil, there will be a celebration of his life to be held on Monday the 22nd May at 3pm in the Tenison Woods Centre. Phil’s family would like to extend an invitation to village residents who would like to join them, to celebrate the life and achievements of one of life’s gentlemen.

May he rest in peace.

Cath Quirk Editor

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This anonymous poem was blown by the wind into a slit trench at El Agheila, Libya, during a heavy bombardment. Who the author was, whether he lived or died, nobody knows.

Stay with me God. The night is dark. The night is cold. My little spark Of courage dies. The night is long. Be with me God and make me strong. I love a game. I love a fight. I hate the dark. I love the light. I love my child. I love my wife. I am no coward. I love life. Life with its change of mood and shade I want to live. I’m not afraid. But me and mine are hard to part Oh, unknown God, lift up my heart. You stilled the waters of Dunkirk And saved your servants. All your work. Is wonderful. Dear God, you strode Before us down that dreadful road. We were alone and hope had fled. We loved our country and our dead And could not shame them; so we stayed The course and were not much afraid Dear God, that nightmare road! And Then That sea! We got there…we were men My eyes were blind, my feet were torn. My soul sang like a bird at dawn. I knew that death is but a door. I knew what we were fighting for: Peace for the kids, our brothers freed, A kinder world, a cleaner breed. I’m but the son my mother bore. A simple man and nothing more. But – God of strength and gentleness – Be pleased to make me nothing less. Help me, Oh God, when death is near To mock the haggard face of fear. That when I fall – if fall I must My soul may triumph in the dust. Taken from the anthology 'Poems from the Desert – Verses by members of the Eighth Army'. Published by George G. Harrap & Co. Ltd.

Imagine what seven billion humans

could accomplish

if we all loved and respected each other. Imagine.

AD Williams

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Thursday 4th May, 2017

Bus will leave JWC and Menary Drive at 9:45am.

To begin the day we will travel to Long Point Vineyard & Art Gallery at Lake Cathie. Long Point Vineyard offers wine tastings, local art and delicious products from the Hastings hinterland. Wander the grounds and enjoy the spectacular outdoor sculptures, or just relax on the deck overlooking the view. Morning tea will be supplied, or cheese platters can be purchased to share amongst friends. From the vineyard we will travel south along the beaches and rivers of this beautiful part of the world and then travel to the top of North Brother Mountain to enjoy the spectacular views from that vantage point. The bus will then travel to Lake Cathie Bowling Club for lunch.

Friday 12th May, 2017

Bus will leave JWC and Menary Drive at 10:00am.

Our visit to Newman Senior Technical College will start with a tour of the aquarium at the Marine Studies Department of the College. Fish feeding will be in progress at this time which always makes for interesting viewing. The visit to the Marine Studies Department will be followed by morning tea served by hospitality students in Newman College’s stunning new dining area ‘The Food Project’.

Monday 15th May, 2017

Bus will leave JWC and Menary Drive at 1.30pm.

Curly’s Café, Wauchope for afternoon tea.

Experience old world charm in this colonial style tea room located opposite Timbertown in Wauchope. Enjoy Devonshire Tea, cakes, scones and slices using locally sourced products. Shade sails at the back of Curly’s are there for those who would prefer to enjoy the outdoor ambience. There will be opportunity to wander through the shopping precinct or Greenbourne Nursery next door to Curly’s prior to afternoon tea.

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PLEASE NOTE: Dates for bus outings are designated by Catholic Care of the Aged management. As the bus is shared between several Catholic Care of the Aged facilities,

certain days each month are allocated to St Agnes & Lourdes Villages for the use of the bus.

Thursday 1st June, 2017

Bus will leave J.W.C and Menary Drive at 9:15am.

A full day outing. The bus will take a leisurely drive to Eungai Creek Buffalo Farm. The farm is situated just 6 km off the Pacific Highway at Eungai Creek, in the Nambucca Valley, midway between Coffs Harbour and Port Macquarie.

Eungai Creek Buffalo Farm is a working farm that produces a variety of delicious cheese, gelato, yoghurt and other buffalo products. These products are available from the onsite cafe set above the undulating farmland and lush paddocks. Inspired by the many buffalo products, the menu will delight. Enjoy fresh, local produce and the creamiest milkshakes.

Products can be purchased from the café, including a milk range consisting of Buffalo Feta, Persian Feta, Haloumi, Gelato and Yoghurt. The meat range includes steak, sausages and mince.

Buffalo milk is a creamy white milk offering a viable alternative for those suffering from cow’s milk intolerance, mainly due to its natural 100% A2 protein (Beta Casein) structure. It has double the Vitamin C, almost double the calcium, half the cholesterol and three times more antioxidants than cow’s milk.

Friday 9th June, 2017

Bus will leave JWC and Menary Drive

at 9.15am.

This bus outing will be visiting Ricardoes Tomatoes & Strawberries for afternoon tea. Enjoy the experience of picking your own fresh strawberries while enjoying the country surroundings, and sampling local produce at Blackmans Point, north of Port Macquarie. Morning tea will be served in Café Red where delicious homemade cakes and slices will be served with tea, or barista- style coffee. Soft drinks and juices are also available. Local products can be purchased at the café including home-made jams and pickles. Try fresh a fresh scone with jam and cream and a cup of coffee for $8.50. Ricardoes have been operating in the Port Macquarie District for nearly 10 years and have won numerous Awards for their Organic Produce.

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Monday 19th June, 2017

Bus will leave J.W.C and Menary

Drive at 1:45pm.

Noshtalgia Café in Colonial Arcade, Port Macquarie for

afternoon tea.

Noshtalgia is a delightful place to enjoy old-fashioned cakes

and slices, light meals and barista style coffee. They offer

cake and coffee specials at just $7.50. Rocky Road Slice,

Caramel Slice and Apple Crumble are known favourites at

Noshtalgia. Light meals are also available. Call the office to

secure your spot for this afternoon tea event.

Relaxation in a Bygone Era

Follow your heart, never surrender

your dreams

Always believe in

yourself and let God do the rest

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MONDAY MAY 1 Craft Social Committee Meeting

10:00am - Noon 1:45pm

TUESDAY MAY 2 Hall Booking 8:30am – 4:00pm

WEDNESDAY MAY 3 Gentle Exercise Bowls

10:00am 1:30pm – 3:30pm

THURSDAY MAY 4 Full Day Bus Outing 9:45am

FRIDAY MAY 5 Hall Booking 9:00am - Noon

MONDAY MAY 8 Craft 10:00am - Noon

TUESDAY MAY 9 Movie Afternoon ‘The Bucket List’ 1:00pm – 3:00pm

WEDNESDAY MAY 10 Gentle Exercise Bowls

10:00am 1:30pm – 3:30pm

FRIDAY MAY 12 Bus Outing 10:00am

MONDAY MAY 15 Craft Bus Outing

10:00am - Noon 1:30pm

TUESDAY MAY 16 Hall Booking 8:30am-5.00pm

WEDNESDAY MAY 17 Gentle Exercise Bowls

10:00am 1:30pm – 3:30pm

THURSDAY MAY 18 Biggest Morning Tea 10:00am – Noon

FRIDAY MAY 19 Hall Booking Noon – 3:00pm

MONDAY MAY 22 Craft 10:00am - Noon

TUESDAY MAY 23 Hall Booking 9:00am - Noon

WEDNESDAY MAY 24 Gentle Exercise Bowls

10:00am 1:30pm – 3:30pm

THURSDAY MAY 25 Bible Group 11:30am – 2:00pm

SATURDAY MAY 27 Social Committee Lunch Noon

MONDAY MAY 29 Craft 10:00am - Noon

WEDNESDAY MAY 31 Gentle Exercises Bowls

10:00am 1:30pm – 3:30pm

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