
January 28, 2007 Volume 39, Issue 2A Publication of The Union Church of Hinsdale, U.C.C.

The View From The Balcony

leT iT Shine!"We move in the hope… that God will provide us with light according to our need, guidance according to the demands of the time and strength to the requirements of every situation. Our hope is that we may keep ourselves enough out of the way that God can move in and find us usable instruments for doing God’s will.”

Fred Hoskins, “A Union of Hope,” Uniting General Synod 1957

"Shine, God’s People!" This is the theme of the 50th Anniversary Year of the United Church of Christ. Throughout the year we will learn more about the United Church of Christ and its distinct call and claim upon God’s people. We will explore how our own faith initiatives support and affirm the work of the wider church, and the legacy of faith we carry forward in a distinct way.

Now is the time to shine. Whether you are new or are a life-timer to this church, we will learn together more about the United Church

of Christ, the history of our own congregation, and what it means to be in a denomination that is 50 years bold!

God has been doing amazing things through this church. Always seeking to be led by Christ, we have sought to embrace others in our fellowship; to be enlivened by worship, scripture, prayer, and sacraments; and to unite with others in working for God’s reign of justice and love.

Now, as we celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of our founding Synod, the national gathering of represen-tatives from all our churches, it is time to remember and reflect on the gifts and challenges of our past. As we look to the future, we see that this is also a time to prayerfully and attentively listen for God’s still speaking voice. We pray again with our fore-parents, “God provide us with your light. Guide us to live faithfully in the demands of this time. Do your work among us.”

In recent years, the United Church of Christ has come to the forefront of news around a number of contro-versial issues. We prayerfully continue to struggle with these in faith. At the same time, we remember our proud history and the risks and sacrifices our forebears made. For example, even as the United Church of Christ is celebrating its 50th anniversary, the UCC Women’s Week of February 4-10 is concluding its 20th anniversary year.

The United Church of Christ, and our forebears, have been leaders in affirming the gifts of women, long before women had the right to vote in the United States, run for political office or provide leadership in

Messagefrom theMinistry


business and the public square. The first woman ordained to Christian ministry in the United States was a congregational minister, Antoinette Brown, in 1857, less than a dozen years before Union Church was founded in the old train station in downtown Hinsdale.

Women continue to provide among the strongest leadership through this local congregation: through a strong and vibrant Women’s Association and its ministries of mission, ministry, education and care; through teachers and elected leaders in every aspect of church life; and through a continuing legacy of pastors and staff. We were among the first churches to elect a woman moderator, to call a woman pastor, and to send women as delegates to the wider church.

Today men and women of faith serve alongside one another here at the Union Church of Hinsdale, United Church of Christ. We take for granted equal opportunities to serve in a time when discrimination and oppression against women continues among many Christian denominations. In this celebration year, we lift up this, among many issues, as a source of gratitude that God has moved in and among us as a congregation, and remains with us as the still speaking God, bringing light and life to all God’s people.

Stay tuned for a continuing view from the balcony, and an invitation through the Union Church of Hinsdale, United Church of Christ, to “Let your light shine!” Matthew 5:16

Verlee A. Copeland Senior Minister

The Union ChUrCh of hinsdale137 South Garfield AvenueHinsdale, IL 60521-4298

www.uchinsdale.org630.323.4303 (Telephone)

630.323.4407 (Fax)

oUr sTaff

Senior Minister:Rev. Verlee A. Copeland

Minister for ChristianFormation and Mission:

Rev. Dr. Thom Parrott-Sheffer

Minister for Membership andDiscipleship:

Rev. Dr. Julie Ruth Harley

Director of Youth Ministries:David Knecht

Director of Music Ministries:Michael Surratt

Director of Choirs:Gary Wilhelm

Director of EarlyChildhood Programs:

Jennifer Keldahl

Director of Children’sChristian Education:

Penny Johnson

Executive Manager:Merrilee Hall

Financial Manager:Chris Biank

Project Manager:Joel Gratcyk

Systems Manager:Mary Bock

Worship serviCes

Journey WorshipSaturdays at 5:00 p.m.

Sunday Worship8:00, 9:00 and 10:00 a.m.

Jesus And Me (JAM)2nd Sundays at 11:15 a.m.

Prayer and Healing Service3rd Sundays at 7:00 p.m.

ChUrCh offiCe hoUrs

Monday through Friday8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Sundays8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Invitation to Faith: Transformative Worship

Market Day Brings you soups anD sanDwiches!

Warm up on a cold winter’s day with a choice of several delicious soups: Baked Potato, Broccoli Cheese, Chicken & Dumpling or Italian Wedding. Add one of several sandwiches—Chicken Bacon Ranch, Italian Combo, Philly Cheese Steak or Chop House Cheeseburger—and, voila, an instant meal for you and your family.

February is also Cookie Dough Month at Market Day. Provide extra profits to the Bell Choir by choosing from nine different flavors, including: Chocolate Chunk, Oatmeal Raisin, Snickerdoodle and Sugar Free Chocolate Chip.

Market Day benefits the Allegro Bell Choir. Look for your Market Day flyer in the mail or in the Church Narthex. Orders are due in the Narthex Sunday 2/4 (internet Wednesday 2/7). Pick-up is in the Garfield Circle Saturday 1/13, 9:00 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. (please note we are back to our regular time). Use the internet and pay by credit card—it’s easy! As always, please pick up your orders within the specified time block.

The Allegro Bell Choir ThAnks you!

A Time for Planning, A Time for Fellowship

After the Annual Meeting on Sunday, Janu-ary 28, the Board of Parish Life will host a luncheon for all ages in the dining room. Please call Audrey in the office today to make a reservation so that the Board can de-termine how much food to purchase. There will be a basket for a free will offering, any money above the cost of the meal will be donated to the Hinsdale Community Service food pantry.

Women’s Association year round collections:

• Cancelled special issue postage stamps for Veterans’ hospitals.

• Campbell Soup labels (and other related products) which are sent to Children’s Home International

• “Cover” from greeting cards

The above items may be left in the box which is on top of the mailboxes in the print shop. Thank you!

Book SwapPeriodically members will see a cart or a table with used books. Members are encouraged to purchase a book they like. Hardbacks sell for $1 and paperbacks are only $.50. Money re-ceived from these books will go to the Wom-en’s Association’s two scholarship funds. Each May the Association awards scholar-ships to students attending college and also to one student attending Chicago Theologi-cal Seminary. Read a book – bring it back or donated any book that you have recently finished.

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Invitation to Faith: Christian Formation for Children

Children’s Christian Formation2007 First Half Calendar

January 31 – LOGOS Spring Session BeginsFebruary 20 – Fat Tuesday CelebrationFebruary 21 – Ash Wednesday February 25 – Intergenerational Sunday, Spaghetti DinnerMarch 21 – LOGOS Spring Session EndsMarch 25 – Intergenerational SundayApril 1 – Palm Sunday, Seder Meal April 7 – Easter Egg HuntApril 8 – Easter, No Sunday SchoolApril 21 – Petite RepeatApril 22 – Intergenerational SundayApril 29 – VBS Registration BeginsMay 27 – Intergenerational SundayJune 3 – Summer Sunday School BeginsJune 18-22 – Vacation Bible SchoolJune 24 – Church Picnic


The Annual Spaghetti Dinner is a major fund raiser for the Youth Spring Work Tour, to Harlan, Kentucky, and the Allegro Bell Ensemble Tour, to Great Britain. Please join us on Sunday, February 25, anytime between 4:30 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. for a delicious spaghetti dinner served by our youth. There will be live entertainment in the dining room and the soft sounds of Frank Sinatra in Fellowship Hall. The Silent Auction will take place in the Gathering Place.

Tickets can be purchased from our youth after the 8, 9 and 10 Sunday services. Just look for the youth wearing red aprons. Tickets are $10 for adults, $5 for children ages 4-12 and children 3 years are free. If you have any questions, call Angie Sims at (630) 789.2916.

If you would like to support this major fund-raiser by making a donation to the Silent Auction, please call Barb Hartnett at (630) 325.2955.

The Spaghetti Dinner Co-Chairs, Joan Sunseri, Nadine Woodle, Nancy Schuessler & Angie Sims

Invitation to Faith: Christian Formation for Youth

Invitation to Faith: Christian Formation for Adults

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Special GueSt Rev. DR. GReG Skiba

to speak at February 18 Adult Forum. We are very pleased to welcome our former Minister for Christian Education, Greg Skiba to Union Church to share his experience pastoring the Open and Affirming congregation of First Congregational Church of Naperville. Greg will join us from 11:15 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. on Sunday, February 18 in Rowell Hall. Don’t miss it...

Adult Forums 11:15 a.m. each

Sunday in Rowell Hall

JAN. 28 – No Adult Forum today, due to the Annual Meeting and Luncheon at 11:15 a.m.

FEB. 4 – “Green Architecture,” presented by Dr. Frank Flury, assistant pro-fessor at the Illinois Institute of Technology, in Rowell Hall. How are build-ings being designed today for energy efficiency and conservation? Dr. Flury will provide an introduction to environmental stewardship in the field of architecture. FEB. 11 – “Anxiety and Bipolar Disorder,” presented by Dr. Gary Sattler, minister, therapist, and adjunct faculty member at Northern Seminary, in the Lounge. These two mental illnesses affect thousands of people of all ages. Dr. Sattler will explain symptoms and treatment for those who experience anxiety and manic-depression.

Child care is provided each week for children from birth through age 4 in the nursery. If you would like child care for children from age 5

through 5th grade, please contact Rev. Julie Ruth Harley one week in advance at 630.323.4303 ext. 14.

Women’s Association Retreat Grace and Forgiveness

“Amazing grace! How sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me! I

once was lost, but now am found, was blind, but now I see.”

- John Newton (1725 - 1807) English hymn writer, minister, sea captain

Such familiar words, yet do we really understand what grace is? Spend a day learning about the concepts of grace and forgiveness at the Women’s Association retreat on Saturday, February 17 from 9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. at Plymouth Place in La Grange.

This is an opportunity for the women of Union Church to gather together to try to fill our spiritual need, feel a connection with God as well as with one another, and to nurture those connections. We’ll take time to get beyond our usual hurried conversa-tions, and really listen to each other.

Our own Beth Dickerson will lead our activities that day.

The cost, which includes continen-tal breakfast, full lunch and snacks throughout the day is $25 per per-son, payable in advance. Please write your check to Women’s Association of Union Church and leave it with Audrey in the church office.

Parking at Plymouth Place is very limited because of ongoing construc-tion, so we encourage everyone to take advantage of the bus service that will be provided. Come to the 3rd St. park-ing lot at 8:15 a.m., the bus will leave promptly at 8:30 a.m. After the retreat, the bus will drop you off at Union Church no later than 3:00 p.m.

Space is limited, so reserve your spot today. Please note that we cannot accept reservations after Thursday, February 8.

remodeled rowell hall KiTchen To Be dedicaTed FeBruary 11It will be a blast from the past on Sunday, February 11 following 10:00 a.m. worship, when coffee hour will be held in Rowell Hall. The occasion? Official dedication of the Rowell Hall kitchen which was remodeled last year in large part with funds from the sale of Amaz-ing Grace, the wonderful cookbook by our own gourmet, the amazing Grace Deal. Come join the celebration!

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Invitation to Faith: Expanding Mission For All People

ProjecT chriSTmaS STocKingUnit 6 of the Women’s Association is grateful to each one who donated items to help fill 115 stockings for children in some of the poorest communities in the Chicago area. Thank you very much!

HealthCare Grassroots Leader Training The United States is among the world’s wealthiest, yet 45 million of its citizens lack health insurance. Many of us make hard choices between paying for health care or for housing, food, and school….BUT IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THIS WAY!

NOW is the time to take actionfor health care reform in Illinois.

This training, which is sponsored by the Social Justice Ministry of Union Church of Hinsdale and the Campaign for Better Health Care’s Suburban Committee, is for any one who wants to learn more about the Health Care Crisis in Illinois and the possible solutions to that crisis.

To register contact either:Thom Parrott-Sheffer Jessica PalysUnion Church of Hinsdale Campaign for Better Health Care137 S. Garfield Ave 1325 S. Wabash # 305Hinsdale, IL 60521 Chicago, IL 60605630 323-4303, ext. 18 312 [email protected] [email protected]


SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 2007 9 am – 3 pm, lunch included

Union Church of Hinsdale

137 S Garfield, Hinsdale, IL

Union Church Spiritual Health Club presents …

The Spirituality of Play

Join us in the Youth RoomMonday, February 19, 2007

7:00 – 8:30 p.m.

Explore the Biblical and spiritual call to joy as we experience the blessedness of play.

Led by Rev. Dr. Thom Parrott-Sheffer

Reference materials include:"Play Ethic" by Pat Kane"The Power of Play" by

David Elkindand original work by

Dr. Thom Parrott-Sheffer

Coming in April …

Health Care Caucus

Saturday, April 28, 2007

A time to learn, network, and hear about the future of Health Care

in Illinois

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Invitation to Faith: Community Care

Invitation to Faith: Community LifeFat Tuesday Pancake SupperGet ready to party on Tues-day, February 20 from 4:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.! There will be pancakes, games for children, mask decorat-ing for all, and Bible Bingo for adults and kids, so bring your appetite and your cre-ativity.

From now through Fat Tuesday, kids can also participate in the Fat Tuesday coloring contest. Look for coloring sheets in the Gathering Place or ask you Sunday School teacher.

Tickets for the supper are $3 for adults, $1.50 for children ages 4-12 and free for children 3 and un-der, or $10 per family. They can be purchased at coffee hour, at Women’s Association Unit meet-ings or in the church office.

Sponsored by The Women’s Association.

Coffee Hour Donations Welcomed The Board of Parish Life always welcomes members helping with the fellowship coffee hour after the worship services.

If you are interested in hosting a coffee hour after the 9:00 or the 10:00 service, you can simply write your name on the sign-up sheet that is on the microwave in the Gathering Place kitchen.

Donations of cookies, coffee cakes, fruit or other items are appreciated. These items can be placed in the Gathering Place kitchen anytime during the week and marked “Sunday Coffee Hour.”

Parents, remember since the children’s Sunday School hour goes now until 11:15 a.m. there is generally time after the end of the service to enjoy talking with other members before your children’s class will be done. (How-ever, you may still need to return to the coffee hour so that the younger members can enjoy punch and cookies also.)

If you haven’t been taking time to enjoy fellowship after the service, please give it a try.

The Good News Community Kitchen

"Committed to Service, Collaboration and Advocacy until all have plenty and no one is left in need."

The Good News Community Kitchen, founded in 1983, has been serving meals to hungry persons and families 365 days a year since 1991. The kitchen's pri-mary purpose is to ensure that everyone who shows up at its doors each evening, 120 persons on average, receives a hot, healthy meal. Thanks to the efforts of: over 30 partner organizations - one of which is Union Church of Hinsdale; two dozen staff and board members; and more than 2,500 volunteers, the Kitchen makes a major difference in the lives of poor and hungry persons from all over the Chicago area.

VOLUNTEERS!Volunteers from Union Church serve meals at the kitchen the fourth Sunday of each month. We purchase, deliver, and help prepare the bulk of the food served at that meal. The Confirmands and our Youth/ TNT/ Discovery groups are frequent volunteers in addition to many Union Church families. We are always looking for additional folks to volunteer! If you are interested, please contact Kim Kiyosaki for more information at (630) 789-5768 or [email protected]

Union Players

Are you an experienced Thespian or perhaps an eager scenery chewer …

If you are interested in being a part of a Union Church Drama Ministry please contact:

Rev. Thom Parrott-Sheffer, (630) 323.4303, ext. 18 or [email protected].

Join us for the fun and witness.

InsIde thIs Issue...2 3 4 5 6 7

TransformaTive Worship

ChrisTian formaTion for Children

ChrisTian formaTion for YouTh

ChrisTian formaTion for adulTs

expanding mission for all people

CommuniTY Care

CROP WALK update!This year our walk was blessed with beautiful weather, a multitude of walkers and generous donors. Approximately $35,000 was raised by the 11 churches who participated in the October 29th walk. Union Church's contributions were significantly larger than last year and totaled $6850! Twenty-five percent of the funds raised will help feed hungry persons in the area through Hinsdale Community Service’s food pan-try. The remaining 75% will be used by Church World Service and other international agencies for world wide disaster relief. Efforts include Tsunami and Katrina victim relief as well as food and medical attention for children displaced in Darfur and children in need in Iraq. CWS is also lending hand and heart to those in need after typhoon Durian hit southern Vientnam and the Philippines. Our sincere thanks to all of the walkers and donors. Your efforts will help many in need!

Photos taken by Darold Drew, a member at Hinsdale United Methodist Church.

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