Page 1: Vietnam War. Vietnam & France  France controlled Indochina  Peninsula of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia  Colonialism  Ho Chi Minh  Rebelled against French

Vietnam War

Page 2: Vietnam War. Vietnam & France  France controlled Indochina  Peninsula of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia  Colonialism  Ho Chi Minh  Rebelled against French

Vietnam & France

France controlled Indochina Peninsula of Vietnam, Laos & Cambodia Colonialism

Ho Chi Minh Rebelled against French rule Embraced Communism

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US Involvement Under Eisenhower

Contain Communist expansion

Domino Theory If Vietnam became Communist then its

neighbors would follow

Diem Bien Phu Vietminh defeat French forces Result: Indochina gains independence

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Vietnam Divided

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Eisenhower Continued South Vietnam controlled by Ngo Dinh Diem

Anticommunist with American support

Diem unpopular in South Vietnam Catholic follower (majority was Buddhist)

Vietcong (National Liberation Front) Supplied by N. Vietnam to weaken Diem’s

control Wanted to unite Vietnam under Communism

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US Involvement Under Kennedy

Sent Special Forces into S. Vietnam “advise” the Army of the Republic of Vietnam


Diem’s regime alienated S. Vietnamese citizens America helps plot overthrow of Diem Diem removed from power and later


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US Involvement Under Johnson

USS Maddox patrolled Gulf of Tonkin Fired upon by N. Vietnamese boats Maddox retaliates Johnson orders airstrike Asks Congress to use force to defend US

troops Gulf of Tonkin Resolution passed

Commit US troops to S. Vietnam Fight war against N. Vietnam w/o asking

Congress for declaration of war

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“Americanizing” the War

Operation Rolling Thunder First sustained bombing campaign in N.


General William Westmoreland American commander of troops in Vietnam Wanted to increase military presence to win

the war

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Napalm What is it?

Jellied gasoline dropped in large canisters Exploded on impact & covered large areas in flames

Effects Severe burns, choking, unconsciousness or death

Agent Orange: herbicide used to destroy plant life Disrupt enemy’s food supply

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Effects of Napalm & Agent Orange

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The Vietcong & NVA Ho Chi Minh

VC & NVA: tiger US: elephant “If the tiger stand still, the elephant will crush it. But

if the tiger keeps moving and occasionally jumps on the elephant to take a bite out of it, the elephant will slowly bleed to death.”

VC & NVA Traveled lightly Wore clothes to blend in Fought mostly at night Used booby traps

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Tunnel System

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Do Now

At this point what is your opinion about the Vietnam War?

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The Tet Offensive General Westmoreland addresses the nation

Vietcong has weakened No longer can mount major attack

January 30, 1968: Tet Offensive begins Tet: Vietnamese New Year Attacked major cities & bases in S. Vietnam US & S. Vietnamese eventually drove back VC

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The Tet Offensive

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Results of Tet Offensive

American public opinion negative Felt betrayed by gov’t

Westmoreland resigns Public sees this as punishment for handling Tet


LBJ Pursue peace rather than victory Stuns nation: announces he will not run for president

in 1968

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Vietnam Under Nixon Vietnamization

American troops gradually pull out of Vietnam and S. Vietnam takes over the fighting

“peace with honor”

Nixon orders bombing of Ho Chi Minh Trail Widened the war

Nixon announces US will invade Cambodia US & ARVN troops invade Results: stalemate & increased unpopularity in US

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My Lai Massacre March 16, 1968

Lt. William Calley Orders troops to shoot civilians Between 400-500 civilians killed

Originally covered up, but media starts leaking photos & info from the massacre

Calley is court-martialed Sentenced to life then reduced to 3 ½ years

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My Lai Massacre

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The Pentagon Papers

New York Times leaks classified document of all US involvement in Vietnam Truman through Johnson all lied to American public

Nixon tries blocking publication New York Times v. US rules against Nixon

1973: War Powers Act established Restricts president’s powers to engage in foreign


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The Pentagon Papers

All of these men lied to America over Vietnam

Truman Eisenhower Kennedy Johnson

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Vietnam Ends for America

January 1973: Paris Peace Accords

US, S. Vietnam, N. Vietnam & VC at Accords Agree to ceasefire, US troop withdrawal & exchange

of POWs

War ends for US & continues for Vietnam N. Vietnam breaks ceasefire Captures Saigon: official end to war Vietnam united under Communism

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In the end was the Vietnam War worth fighting for?

Explain why or why not using specific events.

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