  • 1. Video Analysis 3Name: Stephanie GreenacreClass: 12GMEDate: 15th October 2010G324 Pre-production Video AnalysisVideo InformationURL of Video: KelisTitle of Song: AcapellaGenre: Electro/DanceI would say the video for this song is a mixture of narrative, performance and concept because thereare sections where she is performing, (mainly the chorus), sections where she is portrayed hunting, andthe whole video itself has been edited to look unusual bright colours, edited shots, use of greenscreen, different filters etc, as well as the singer herself she is wearing headdresses and there is onesection where she is painted gold. There is not really a structured plot line in the video, it is mainly Kelis performing in anAfrican/Amazonian/Desert setting with different positions and styles, but there is a small section at thebeginning where she is shown hunting in a forest. I think this is a connotation of a strong alpha female,showing that she can survive by herself in some of the toughest environments.This song is from Keliss 5th studio album, Flesh Tone. There is a definite change in image with herselfand her style of music. Before her music was more urban and laid back, but this song has more beatand an electronics substance to it. Technologies used; I would say that it could have been filmed using one camera, in a fixed position, asthe shots are mostly, close up/full length, and there is not really any panning/tracking used, except for afew seconds. 4 locations are used, however it could of all been filmed in one studio on green screen.The lighting is not natural, it is quite low, and simple. There is also a black and white scene at thebeginning which looks old fashioned, however this is parts of her outfit which has been coloured in, toshow a modern contrast.Star/ArtistThe immediate type of image that I got of the artist from this video is that she is portraying a strong,independent woman, as she is seen in all these locations where people struggle to survive. Her outfitsare reminiscent and traditional of African/Amazon traditions, I.e Headdresses, nose piercings, flowingmaterials, baby being carried on her back. This projects a feminist vibe, basically saying anything mencan do, she can do just as well, as there is also shots of her hunting, something in an African nationwould normally be done by men. On the 2nd verse she is seen painted completely gold which reflectswealth and power. However the flip side of this is that there are creative and modern elements, thrownin, such as the scenes where she is floating on a black background with white flakes falling, and quickcut shots between her in black and white with colour/her with a silver mask on in front of a bluebackground. It is cut so that it fits in with the beat of the music. As a whole the,video contrasts againstthe genre of music because dance/electric is a modern style heard more in America/Uk whereas hervideo is set in a 3rd world country style where it is not as widely heard of or accepted.Again the Record company is trying to sell Kelis as a strong independent woman, probably to fit in withthe fact that in a modern day society woman doing a mans job is widely accepted. They show this in

2. the video through her hunting, having power over wolves, being alone in a desert with a baby and justthe general fact that it is only her in it.There is a change of image, style, and genre in this video however there are factors that relate toprevious videos; The fact that she is a strong character in her video, (she has been in her other popularsongs, Trick Me, Milkshake, Caught Out There etc) is prominent in this one, her use of unusual outfitsand hairstyles (she is someone who is contently reinventing herself) and her singing style is still thesame.Recurring motifs; The scene where she is floating on the black background with white flakes is repeatedon most of the choruses - which is quite surreal, the wolves breathing and panting, - connotation of herprotectors in her habitat, different headdresses and tribal jewellery to show she is respecting of African/Amazonian tradition.I dont think that Kelis is stereotyped in the video because the type of character that she is playingreminiscent of African woman, would normally be shown as a housewife, cooking, cleaning, lookingafter children, however she is represented as the alpha, hunting, having animals be respected of heretc. The wolves are also represented as a protector to her, when stereotypically they would be againsther. This is basically to show to the audience that she is a powerful woman not to be messed with.Audience/sDirectly, I would say the target audience for this video would be teenage/adult woman who can relate tobeing independent, or who enjoy the dance genre. They would find this video appealing as she isshown as an alpha, and because of the bright colours, floating movements, (something that resemblesa euphoric feel), and quick editing cuts that fits in with the beat. Young males may also find this videoappealing if they like dance music and because she is wearing quite revealing outfits and seen in arange of positions. Indirectly people who are from different backgrounds and cultures could be a fan ofthis video because she portrays them.I think that the audience viewing this video are meant to feel a sense of either empowerment by her, asshe is strong and stable, or a sense of power because they feel she is a role model. There could alsobe a euphoric feel, as the beat I laid back, and she is seen floating and breathing slowly so it has arelaxed feel.Lyrics/MusicRelationship between lyrics and visuals:The use of the word acapella, which means the loss of a musical accompaniment, although could beconnotative of something big, I.e a lover, and her being alone in the video.When she sings so come and revive me, she breathes in and out, amplifying that she needssomebody to help her survive.When she sings so deafening her head shakes first so that it is a blur.There is a contradiction of when she sings when colours was just like the others, she is painted inunusual, bright colours.To me, the lyrics contradict themselves from what is shown in the video, because they have a negativeconnotation in that her life was bleak and missing something before they came along, whoever she isseen as powerful and surviving in the video. There is also the way it is sung sounds positive, as it isquite high pitched and sang in a major key. In terms of colloquial language, at the end of the song thereis a section where she sings the words fast one after the other.The artist sings with a slight American accent, which is heard more when she sings in a lower key,however, it is disguised quite well otherwise as she sounds high pitched and floaty in other parts.EditingThe editing rhythm is very appropriate as the beat of the music fits in with the cut shots, at thebeginning. When the music goes into a higher key in the chorus, it cuts to the shot of her floating. 3. There is an obvious use of green screen with the floating shot, as this would be near impossible or veryexpensive to do in reality. Most of the locations have probably been green screened to, as if not it wouldcost a lot of money to film in each location. Something that gives this away is that the lighting is notnatural.There is not really much use of transitions in this video apart from the scene with glitter, however at thebeginning the light flickers, as if it is a torch which fits in with the style of hunting. There are alsosections in the song where there is blurring and uneven focus, to show a surrealist element. 4. Shots I liked:

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