

MAY 2013

a magazine for New Zealand women in business


I N S P I R E . C O N N E C T. C E L E B R AT E

Flying high with a travel business

Meet the Venus coordinators

Planning your growth

Facebook growth strategies

Contents3 Editorial: Celebrate growth

4 Flying high: Growing a travel business

8 Planning your growth

11 Venus marketplace

12 Water and your health

14 Facebook growth strategies

16 Business women panel

18 The joy of juicing

20 Venus coordinator team

22 Not for profit feature: Sue Brewster

23 Member feature: Jane Richardson

24 Preferred supplier: Giles & Liew

26 The missing ingredient to your business plan

31 Websites and online marketing

36 Get work smart

37 Book reviews

39 Venus growth quote

Editor: Vanessa Davey [email protected]

Brand manager: Sheryl Nicholson [email protected]

Advertising sales: Carly Shorter [email protected]







Venus is quarterly and published by Venus Group Ltd and is a Venus membership publication. Venus is subject to copyright in its entirety. The contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the publishers. The opinions represented in the magazine are not necessarily those of Venus Group Ltd. No responsibility is accepted for the authors’ suggestions or conclusions or for any errors or omissions. Copyright Venus Group Ltd. 2013

GrowthISSUE 4 AUTUMN 2013

You are in business because you want to choose your own adventure. Venus has been created to partner with you on your journey. The businesswomen within the Venus community share common values of contribution - a genuine desire to make a difference in the world; connection – investing time and energy to support one another to grow and collaboration; partnering with one another to create win-win relationships.

I am committed to supporting businesswomen grow profitable, sustainable businesses in New Zealand. Venus turned five this year and it’s growing from a child into a teenager. We are developing as a business and launching new initiatives to support you as you grow your business. The Venus Marketplace will be coming online this winter where women can sell their products in a Venus store. The Venus Academy will be providing you with opportunities to develop your mind-set and skill set to grow as a businesswoman.

Venus has become a business family. The ride is more enjoyable in business when you get to share it with people who are on the same path. Thank you for being part of my journey and I am thrilled to be part of your business growth.

Loving the ride,

Vanessa x

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by members and inspiring businesswomen.


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I always find it amazing how much you can learn about a person in an hour, how much of a sense you can get about the innate gifts and attitudes that define them. To me, Tanya oozes spunk, verve, confidence and drive. Beneath her poised elegance there is a gritty determination and an exceptionally high commitment to excellence. With this powerhouse combination of virtues, I’m not surprised that everything she’s touched has turned to gold.

Today, House of Travel Papamoa is one of the top performing House of Travel outlets in the country, with numerous awards to prove it - but success was not a foregone conclusion. If you rewind ten years, Papamoa was a far cry from the thriving beachside community is it today. “It was a big risk at the time,” reflects Tanya. “We were setting up a brand new outlet and there was nothing around us. I started off with two wonderful ladies and we absolutely slogged it out for a good 12 months on our own.”

FLYING HIGH: Growing a travel business

Article by Kathryn Overall

Photography by Logan Davey

Tanya Aitken is a Venus member who has achieved extraordinary success and

impressive business growth with her House of Travel

outlet in Papamoa over the last ten years. Kathryn

Overall met up with her this month to hear her story.

Right from the word go, Tanya and her team were very proactive about building relationships with the local Papamoa community, getting out and talking with people, supporting schools and local businesses, and getting involved with community causes. “I’ve always said to the girls if they haven’t got enough enquiries to deal with I’ll get them outside in their bikini and a sandwich board.” laughs Tanya. “So far I haven’t had to do that!”

This dedicated relationship building approach has been key to the steady growth of the business in the ten years since. “Our office was actually built for six because that was deemed to be the most that this business would ever sustain,” says Tanya. “Now we’ve got an amazing staff of ten people and I’m really proud of that. We’ve tried many things, we’ve failed at heaps, and we’ve succeeded hopefully at just as many as well. The whole time we’ve never got complacent.”

In fact, I don’t think complacency is in Tanya’s vocabulary, or in her DNA for that matter. In hearing the story of her career, the overwhelming impression I have is of a woman who seemed to constantly step into shoes that were too big for her, and then quickly grew into them.

The world of travel was in Tanya’s clear-sighted vision from the beginning. She left school at just 16 and completed a 2-year qualification in travel and tourism, all the while working full time as a manager at McDonalds to support herself. “I laugh about that now,” smiles Tanya,” but I actually still today draw on what I learnt at McDonalds. They are really regimented in their training and their practices - time efficiency is absolutely maximized. I run my business exactly the same way. It’s great to be an excellent salesperson, it’s amazing to have great relationships with people, but if you’re not efficient in every way, well you’re just wasting time, energy and money.”

After graduating, Tanya gained valuable experience in a number of successful agencies before heading off for her own OE. As a young snip of a thing in London, she talked herself into a dream job with International Management Group, literally booking super-stars all around the world. “I absolutely loved it and I learnt so much by being in a bigger market,” says Tanya. “It gave me an amazing platform to grow from.”


Value Your Customers

We treat all our customers as equally important, whether they are booking a bus trip to Wellington or a first-class ticket to London. Likewise, you should never get careless or complacent about customer complaints. I would never, for one minute, think ‘we’re a big business now, we can just let the odd one go by’. Every person counts.

Hire Staff BEFORE You Grow

You need to hire well and hire adequately. One of the biggest growth phases we’ve had is when I hired early in preparation and anticipation of growth. We had the staff and systems in place, so we were ready to go as soon as we started ramping up our efforts to bring new business through the door. The growth we experienced in doing that has been significantly more than when we hired in a hurry under the pressure of growth.

Don’t Limit Yourself

Think big! If someone had ever said to me in the early days that I would have a business this size, I don’t think I would have believed it. Just take it one step at a time. Before you know it you’re comfortable on that step and can take another. That never stops until you make it stop.

Stay in Venus as You Grow

I’ve made some key networks through Venus that have really enhanced my business. As you grow, it is easy to think ‘I don’t need to go to Venus anymore’, however my advice if you are feeling that way is it might just be time to start taking on new staff, delegating some of your work and continuing to grow your business. It’s important to take time out and it’s so immensely valuable to learn from other women in business, as there’s a lot of parallels in what we all do.

Take Time For You

As business grows, the pressure comes on and that can happen very quickly. You need to look after yourself in that process and take time for you, for exercise, down time, relaxation, and holidays, whatever it might be. If you fail to do these things then you can’t perform at your best – and as a result, neither will your people. Managing yourself is part of smart business growth.

Upon her return to Auckland she was repeatedly turned down for a role she wanted in a large law firm, which was setting up an in-house travel department. Only 23 years old at the time, they kept telling her she didn’t have enough corporate experience. “I said, ‘look if I can handle travel for Tiger Woods and Tyra Banks, I think I can handle your lawyers’,” smiles Tanya. In the end, she talked them around.

“I think your ability to relate with people, understand them and respect them will make you successful in any business,” says Tanya. “Today, 18 years later, a lot of those people that I looked after travel for in that law firm are still my clients and have formed a lot of the growth we have had here in Papamoa.”

The watershed moment came for Tanya when she responded to a House of Travel recruitment campaign. Having spent some years as a trainer within the industry, Tanya thought she could contribute to House of Travel in this way.

She was in the middle of pitching the idea to House of Travel founder and CEO, Chris Paulsen, when he interrupted her. “He sat there and giggled and said, ‘I think you need to own your own business’,” says Tanya. “I’ll never forget that day. In those days I wouldn’t have had the confidence to even dream of something like that.” This time, it was Tanya who was talked around, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Tanya’s first House of Travel business was actually based in Ponsonby. Moving to Papamoa was a lifestyle decision for Tanya and her husband who have had two children since moving here. One of the motivations for business growth for Tanya is being able to provide opportunities for her family. “I want to be in a position to show my children the world,” says Tanya. “I want to take my children on African safaris, I want to take my parents to the States to celebrate a big birthday we have coming up next year. For me, it’s not about accumulating masses of assets; it’s about being able to buyexperiences for myself and for those closest to me.

Tanya believes that having high-performing staff is essential for strong business growth. “I’ve learnt over time that there’s no substitute for excellent staff. They will come to you at a certain level and it’s your job to turn a really good person into someone who excels beyond what even they thought they could ever achieve – that is what turns people into amazing staff members, and amazing advocates for your business. I have an incredible team behind me who have the same beliefs, the same drive and ambitions that I do.”

Not one to sit on her well-earned laurels, Tanya recently opened a brand new House of Travel outlet in Mount Maunganui, in partnership with Shane Kennedy from House of Travel Tauranga. “It’s feels like being in at grass roots level again,” says Tanya. “I think for a lot of us who love running a business, that’s where the excitement really comes from. We’ve got a fabulous little team down there and they are doing really, really well. They have actually just hit some big targets, so we’ve been down there this morning handing out champagne.”

After hearing the story of Tanya’s career path and the inspiring business growth she has achieved for herself, her staff and her family, I think it’s only fitting that she pours an extra tall glass for herself.

Tania Aitken / House of Travel Mount Maunganui and

Why do you WaNT To GRoW?To build a sustainable, profitable business that serves you, you first need to understand why you are in business and from here you can plan your growth.

Clarifying why you are in business is important because it will shape your growth plans in a way that will be sustainable for you personally. Are you in business for a supplementary income, for freedom of your time, for the enjoyment of working with your clients, for financial independence, for personal growth, to make a difference in the world or all or some of the above?

I see businesswomen choose growth paths because they believe they should, they’ve been told they need to or because the market is asking for it. How you grow needs to reflect your values, your strengths, your life goals and the big WHY you’re in business.

I invite you to ask yourself the following questions to gain clarity around your WHY.

How do I want my business to serve me?What do I want to receive from my business?What does my ideal day look like in my business?How much income and profit do I want to earn through my business?

Understanding your drive will not only shape your growth plans it will provide strong motivation for your growth.

hoW do you WaNT To GRoW?Having met hundreds of businesswomen since launching the Venus Network, I see there are two popular ways to grow a business:

If you love working directly with clients, your opportunities to grow involve leveraging your expertise. This could include events, products, increasing your hourly rate, working with a group of clients together or contracting work to others through your business.

If you want to manage a team who are working with your clients, your opportunities to grow involve leveraging your time. Your focus is on creating robust systems for your team to follow and having a clear exit strategy.


Operations Manager. While Carly loves managing the referral groups and our team I’m now focussing the growth of Venus around my strengths and passions; mentoring and facilitating.

Before deciding to grow your business to the next stage I encourage you to ask yourself ‘What do I want to get from my business?’ Once you are clear about how you want your business to serve you, you can map out a growth plan that will be sustainable for you and profitable for your business.

Vanessa DaveyCEO Venus [email protected]

Your reasons for being in business will also shape your growth plans. If you want to earn $200,000 a year you may need to bring on a team of people to leverage your expertise, rather than work one-on-one with clients. Once you are clear about your WHY, it’s time to look at what skills you need to grow.

do you haVE ThE SkILLS To GRoW?Whichever way that fits with your WHY will require different skills. Look at what skills are needed during your growth and plan to either develop these skills in yourself or plan to bring on people who can fill these roles for you.

do you BELIEVE IN youRSELF?“Whether you think you can or think you can’t – you’re right” Henry Ford’s quote applies aptly in business. A key aspect of successful business growth is belief in self and belief in the businesses success. Whether you are growing a one-woman business or a national team of people everyone involved in your business, especially your clients, will look to you to have confidence in yourself and your business. Remember, where your mind goes your business grows.

My GRoWTh JouRNEy WITh VENuSWhen I started Venus in 2008 it was from a desire to bring likeminded businesswomen together to grow and so I could do something I loved; small group facilitating and coaching. I didn’t ask myself the ‘Why’ question before growing Venus. I wish I had as it would have shaped the growth in a way that made the journey more enjoyable for me.

Five years on and the Venus Network has grown into New Zealand’s largest business network for women. My role turned from facilitating into operations management which didn’t match my WHY. For the sustainable growth of Venus late last year I needed to refocus my growth plan to make it sustainable for me and I chose to bring on Carly Shorter as

Jen Tyson Upper Hutt group To grow my business I focus on building strong and trustworthy relationships. I practice being a good listener, and showing a genuine interest in others business first and foremost.

Michele Courage Mana group Surround yourself with great people! They will inspire you to achieve more!

Kathy White Community member I have been growing businesses for years and probably for me the most important is having focus and tenacity. Louise Wilson Tauranga Oceanside group Be passionate about what you do. And be patient, good things take

Tina Kennedy – Albany group Before doing any ‘outer work, marketing, relationship building etc’ you need to be in alignment. The inside then outside approach has helped me turn-around the businesses I’ve owned and helped the clients I coach who are wanting to consistently grow their businesses.

Jennifer Myers Hamilton North group Grow by leveraging your current customers.Communicate with them regularly to tell them about EVERYTHING you have to offer (a menu of services) so that you can encourage them to buy more and more often.

Megan Gilbert Central Hutt group Do everything in your power to help your customers know, like, and trust you, as a person and as a businesswoman. Send greeting cards to your clients saying thank-you or to celebrate special occasions. By treating them as though you value them they will be more likely to stay as clients and to refer you to others.

Lori Trigwell Albany groupDon’t ever be afraid to ask for help, to admit you know something or be too scared to learn something new.

Tracy Manu Takapuna groupA positive mind-set. It’s been proven when we are happy and see things positively, we are smarter, make better decisions and experience more success in our lives.

Rebecca Snow Hibiscus Coast group I’m growing my business by nurturing it like a baby. Ultimately this means I am giving it my time and attention. Looking at all of the little elements of it from my email signature to my website: planning and implementing changes or just making those little ‘tweaks’ that feed into each other and create the next steps of my business’ growth.


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Water AND Your Health A Vital Connectionby Tonya Fines

So what is the big deal about water, really? We are always being told to “drink more water!” Is it that important? Well yes actually it is, probably even more important than many of us realize. Have you ever looked at a satellite image of planet Earth? What do you notice? What should stand out above all else is that the planet is mostly water, approximately 70% of it to be honest, that is roughly two thirds of the Earth. I cannot speak for anyone else on this, but in my opinion if that much of our home planet is water I can’t help but believe that it is vital for our survival. Usually when the topic of water comes up we instantly think about dehydration. But there is more going on here than just dehydration and it is all interconnected. Think of it like dominos. When one falls they all start to fall and when you are not drinking enough water the dominos don’t fall into a pretty pattern. They fall in a scattered layout, wreaking havoc on your brain, your body and your emotions. The end result is the dysfunction of and miscommunication between most of your body’s systems. You need water and you need it every day, throughout the day, and not only on hot days. I could write an entire book about the infinite health benefits of drinking water. However I’m just going to mention a few here so you understand how it can support you in growing a healthy business, while staying healthy yourself.

Some of the benefits of drinking water are:

o Helps to maintain a healthy weighto Increases your productivity o Ensures the delivery of nutrients to your bodyo Enhances your energy levels o Flushes toxins out of your bodyo Enhances your skin’s natural glow Want to get more water into your day but not sure how to? Not sure just how much you should be drinking? The Mayo Clinic in Rochester, USA has determined that, depending on environmental conditions, men should consume 3 litres of water daily, while women should consume 2.5 litres. Keep in mind that the hotter and more humid it is, the more water you need. Tonya Fineshealth4Life

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Our job is to get to know your business inside out and recommend the right landline and calling plans, broadband and mobile solutions to help your business succeed.

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3-0 04740 TRADE Bus Hub Starting a Business AD.indd 1 27/03/13 10:48 AM

Welcome to Telecom Business Hub’s created for local businesses in your region.

Our job is to get to know your business inside out and recommend the right landline and calling plans, broadband and mobile solutions to help your business succeed. One-to-one conversations at your premises, at a time that’s convenient

Get yourself a couple of re-useable water bottles and fill them each night before you go to bed. Every morning you now have a “visual” of what you

need to drink during the day, No excuses now . . . Drink up. /p 14

How to Get More Likes on Facebook

CLaIM a CuSToM uRL Ironically, we often have to rely on our traditional marketing channels to grow our online presence – especially at the beginning. The first step is to claim a custom Facebook URL for your page so you can incorporate it into all your print marketing. For example my Facebook custom URL is, which fits nicely on my business card and on my workshop hand-outs and checklists.

Don’t just say, ‘Find us on Facebook’ and expect people to track you down. The Facebook search function is reliably unreliable, but more importantly, designing a hassle-free experience for people to connect with you is great customer service and part of getting your relationship off to a great start.

To claim your desired custom URL go to and follow the prompts. Make your custom username short, recognizable and memorable. You only get one chance to get this right – so take your time and make sure you are happy with it.

facebook growth strategies

with Kathryn Overall

Facebook marketing rises and falls on invitation and connection. It’s all about giving the people who will most benefit from your business an opportunity to discover you, like and trust you and ultimately, to experience you first-hand! In the social era, quality precedes quantity.

That’s not to say quantity is not important though – far from it. If you can provide a quality experience, you should offer it to as many people as possible – for their sake and yours. Growth is a game in which everyone wins.

So, if you’re ready to be proactive about growing your community, let’s look at a handful of practical (and free!) strategies to encourage people to like your Facebook page.

BE LIkEaBLE! Creating a well-designed Facebook page, and developing an engagement strategy that is built on an empathetic understanding of your ‘most valued customer’ is foundational to growth. To get likes you first have to be ‘likeable’ - so focus on getting the basics right in order to attract the masses. It can be helpful to ask yourself, ‘Would I like my own page’? /p 15

INTEGRaTE FaCEBook INTo aLL MaRkETING aCTIVITIESGet in the habit of promoting your Facebook page in all your other marketing activities. Put your Facebook URL on your business cards and brochures; design an e-mail signature that inspires people to visit your Facebook page; have posters at your point-of-sale counters if you have them. Essentially, promote your Facebook presence wherever and whenever you communicate with your clients, or interact with the public. Inspire people to take action by telling them why they should like your Facebook page. Highlight the benefits they will receive whenever you ask them to like your page.

STaRT CoNVERSaTIoNS IN EMaILSContinue them on Facebook E-newsletters and Facebook are great bedfellows. When you create your e-newsletters, go beyond just posting Facebook icons at the bottom and come up with creative ways to give people a reason to visit your Facebook page. For example, if you share news about a recent event in your e-newsletter, have a link to a photo album of the event on your Facebook Page. Or, after highlighting a particular issue in your e-newsletter, ask a discussion question and give people a link to a comment thread on Facebook to contribute to it.

LEaVE a dIGITaL FooTPRINT TRaIL BEhINd you oN FaCEBookLike and comment on posts by Facebook pages that are complementary to yours, and are likely to have a similar audience. When you comment as your page, rather than as an individual, you are leaving a link to your Facebook page behind you that may invoke other people’s curiosity and move them to come and visit you. Be friendly, be positive, never spam. Contribute thoughtfully to relevant comment threads. Networking with complementary businesses is valuable in its own right as well. Make it a rule of thumb to build positive relationships in all of your Facebook travels. You never know what unexpected opportunities and alliances may result.

Engage Communications is a Tauranga-based communications boutique designed to serve women with something valuable to share with the world.

{hosted by kathryn overall} Brand Storyteller |Facebook Mentor| Writer| Communications Strategist | Songwriter |Social Marketing Consultant |

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Danni Barnes from RocketZone Marketing is a small business specialist who implements innovative ideas to reduce your workload and take the guesswork out of marketing your business.

How do you define growth in regards to business? Business growth ultimately relates to improving annual turnover. This is best achieved by not only increasing the value of sales but by growing a larger customer base.

What does growth in business mean to you? Growth for RocketZone Marketing means accomplishing our long-term business goals. This includes increasing our client base, strengthening our company profile and gaining further financial success.

What are the key factors that have contributed to the growth of your business to date? • Knowing our target market. We set criteria for an ideal

client and boldly approach companies that fit. • Building a strong reputation. We implement promotions

on time, for any type of budget, leading to referrals.• Managing cash flow and not taking on unnecessary debt.

If you could go back and have coffee with yourself when you launched your business, what advice would you give yourself? Even after completing a three year business degree, nothing prepared me for the practical aspects of running a business like JUMPING IN! I would say: • Value your intellectual property when charging for your

time• Define what is to be included in each service • Set up a contractual agreement with each client

What’s your plan for growth?Increase the hours for support staff to capacity, use more specialist contractors, build our client base as we add new staff and establish a central Auckland office.

Tracy Manu a Coach, Motivational Speaker and Writer from Blossom runs a lifestyle coaching company providing coaching programs, seminars, workshops and tips and tools that help you fall madly in love with your life.

How do you define growth in regards to business?An enterprise that consistently evolves, is educated and provides products and services that change to meet my markets needs and meets its financial targets at the same time.

What does growth in business mean to you? Becoming educated where my weaknesses lie, exceeding my financial targets, reaching a wider audience and contributing to their success

What are the key factors that have contributed to the growth of your business to date? • Consistency• Support,anetworkofexpertswhosupportmeandare passionate about my success too• Relationships,Igenuinelycareaboutmyclients

If you could go back and have coffee with yourself when you launched your business, what advice would you give yourself?I’d say, Tracy, you are more capable than you think. Successful people love to help, go and ask questions and don’t be afraid of making mistakes, learn the fundamentals of running a business and get really clear about your vision and who your target market is and add fun.

What’s your plan for growth? Up-skilling so I can add more value, adding products and making more money.

Danni Barnes Tracy Manu

Businesswomen Panel: What does growth mean to you?

Anna Mollekin the Creative Director and owner at Alm Creative, a boutique design company specialising in logo design, graphic design and print management.

How do you define growth in regards to business?Continuing to exceed our goals and our weekly and monthly business targets.

What does growth in business mean to you? Growth in my business as well as my client’s is my number one focus. We work alongside our clients to build a strong, professional and strategic brand that contributes to their growth. Some of their growth and success can be attributed to effectiveness of our design solutions – we take this responsibility seriously.

What are the key factors that have contributed to the growth of your business to date? • SupportandencouragementofmyhusbandBen (co-director of Alm Creative), family and friends• BeingamemberoftheVenusNetwork• Measuringeverythingagainstourmissionstatement– ‘to treat every brief like our defining moment’.

If you could go back and have coffee with yourself when you launched your business, what advice would you give yourself?The only limitations you will ever have are the ones you impose on yourself.

What’s your plan for growth?We plan to expand our portfolios and customer base nationally and internationally, expand into new client areas and to continue to be an active member of the Venus Network.

Lesley Blenkiron from Lesley Blenkiron Natural Health is a Natural Health and Homeobotanical Therapy Practitioner.

How do you define growth in regards to business?To grow my business I set myself goals and targets by measuring my clinics performance based on previous years.

What does growth in business mean to you? If my business is growing this means that my patients are happy with what I am doing for them, and their treatment process, because most of my business growth is based on referrals.

What are the key factors that have contributed to the growth of your business to date? • MyprofessionalismandthewayIpresentmyself.• BecomingamemberoftheVenusNetwork,mybusiness growth has skyrocketed from referrals from Venus Group members.• Leadingbyexample,Ilovewalkingthenaturalhealth walk.

If you could go back and have coffee with yourself when you launched your business, what advice would you give yourself?I would look back and see how very far I have come. I feel great pride and a huge sense of achievement in my personal and business growth. Through my association with Venus my confidence has soared, and that combined with launching my business, has seen a new me who eagerly tackles new challenges instead of avoiding them.

What’s your plan for growth?I would like to share my knowledge so that I can educate people to improve their health. This is a huge passion of mine. I can initiate this through the Venus Group I belong to by holding a workshop, knowing that I have the support of the group. This makes for the perfect launching pad.

Here at Venus we thought the best way to find out what growth meant to women in business was to ask a few women in our network.

Anna MollekinLesley Blenkiron /p 18

Women spend a fortune on skin care products trying to obtain a smooth, glowing complexion. But new research shows the best place to start is in the kitchen.

People say ‘beauty comes from within’ and ‘you are what you eat’ but I am one woman who fully understands the truth behind these words. I created the Bestow Beauty range of skin food, a product range at the forefront of a world-wide trend towards dermo-nutrition, where food is used to treat our skin from the inside out.

Each edition of the Venus magazine I will be sharing ways you can introduce beautiful, pleasurable rituals into your life that will benefit your skin and improve your health at the same time.

ThE BENEFITS oF JuICINGJuicing is a wonderful way of extracting the beneficial nutrients out of fruit and vegetables and deliver them directly to our cells. It is said that within 15 minutes of drinking your juice its nutrients are feeding every cell in your body! How’s that for a direct hit of goodness?

Every morning I start my day with a fresh organic juice of beetroot, carrot, ginger and a leafy green. Kale is one of my favourites but I rotate this with other greens to ensure I am getting all the health benefits.

here are some easy rules you need to know to make the best juices:MAKE IT FRESHMake your juices fresh and drink them immediately as they are very prone to oxidisation.KEEP IT SIMPLEDon’t mix too many different juices. I use a maximum of four but some juice connoisseurs suggest you limit it to three.

ADD YOUR OILJuices contain lots of fat-soluble vitamins but these won’t be assimilated if oil isn’t present so I top my juice off with a good dollop of my Bestow Beauty Oil.

WaTCh youR MIXESFruit juices tend to stir up the toxins and acids and stimulate elimination. Vegetable juices tend to be more soothing, more alkaline and eliminate toxins in a milder way. Don’t mix the two in the same drink.

uSE oRGaNICSI avoid conventionally grown produce because of the concentrated nature of the juice, by using fruit and vegetables treated with sprays, you run the risk of getting a concentrated amount of chemicals in your juice.

I have spent the past 15 years working with Australian naturopath Janice Sarre Smith, whose skin care range, Janesce, embraces the concept of combining topical products and beauty treatments with specific nutritional advice. I have been practicing this philosophy for many years now but dermo-nutrition is still a relatively new concept in the beauty therapy industry.


Janine Tait - DirectorBestow Beauty and Janine Tait Group


BEAUTY FROM THE INSIDE OUTA beautiful range of internal cosmetic products.

BESTOW VENUS OFFEROrder a free sample of either Bestow Be Cleansed or Bestow Beauty Powder at

Visit our website for your nearest stockist. Find us on facebook at


phone: 0800 455 224 | email: [email protected] | web:

Bestow Beauty Powder , Be Cleansed Detox Powder and Beauty Oil


1/2 quantity of filtered water or coconut water1/2 quantity of apple or pineapple juice1 banana1 pear or apple – can be peeled if preferred (optional) 1 dsp of Bestow Beauty Oil1 dsp of Bestow Beauty PowderA handful of leafy greens (kales, silverbeet, spinach) 1 handful of frozen or fresh dark berries (optional)

Place all the ingredients in a blender to mix. Rotating your leafy greens each week will give you maximum health benefits.

You will find more health inspired wisdom and recipes on our blog /p 20

1. auCkLaNd

Rebecca [email protected] 021 554 958Vanilla Admin

2. WaIkaTo

Jennifer [email protected] 612 349310X Hamilton/Waikato

3. Bay oF PLENTy

Carly [email protected] 235 9575Venus Network

4. MaNaWaTu

[email protected] 253 1139Its Astarte

5. kaPITI/MaNa

Michele [email protected] 021 610 317BiDesign

6. huTT VaLLEy

Catrina [email protected] 021 0225 2866Nourish N Nurture


Jen [email protected] 027 677 8959The Chameleon Project


Debbie [email protected] 027 698 3838Colours Plus



in your BUSINESS

Contact a coordinator in your region if you’d like to experience a Venus

meeting as our guest



5 /p 21

We set out to build a business network that was different; a supportive, caring environment where you feel inspired to grow, celebrated in your achievements and amongst likeminded women all committed to succeed.

Join a Venus Group and use the smartest form of marketing, word of mouth to grow your sales. Your group members over time become raving fans for your business. They are your sales force connecting you to potential clients.

Join a Venus Group and you can:• Fasttrackyourbusinessgrowthbytappingintothepowerofthe collective group and getting solutions to your business challenges faster• Improveyourcommunityofsupportbydevelopingmentorsandfriends• Tapdirectlyintoarichsourceofqualifiedbusinessreferrals• Increaseyourconfidenceinnetworking,sellingandmarketing your business.

6 8



The charity: Sweet LouiseSweet Louise was inspired by the life of Louise Perkins who at the age of 27 was diagnosed with breast cancer and by 29 was told the cancer had advanced to an incurable, secondary stage and she was given just two years to live. Louise lived another 10 full and positive years and when she passed away in December 2004, her husband, Scott Perkins established The Louise Perkins Foundation.

The Louise Perkins Foundation launched Sweet Louise in 2006 with the single minded vision of improving the quality of life for the hundreds of

Venus member: Sue Brewster

New Zealanders living with secondary breast cancer. Sweet Louise now operates throughout New Zealand and to-date, they have helped over 1,000 women (and five men) and their families. Seven years on from launch, 95% of women with metastatic breast cancer are being supported by Sweet Louise.1

Sweet Louise Members are introduced to a comprehensive range of services, complementary therapies and support that help to improve their quality of life. Our Support Coordinators create invaluable connections and assist Members with access to Sweet Louise services, advise about other services available to them and provide ‘someone to talk to’ about issues relating to their quality of life. Monthly Member Meetings offer opportunities for sharing experiences and establishing connections with other Members.

[email protected] 11 22 77

As part of our commitment to give back to the community, we offer a complimentary membership in each of our groups for a not for profit organisation. I’d like to introduce Sue Brewster and Sweet Louise.

Hi, I’m Sue Brewster, Chief Executive of Sweet Louise and I have had the privilege of being in this role for nearly three years. In a former life, I was General Manager of Marketing at TVNZ and seven years ago I jumped out of the corporate world frying pan into the charitable sector fire. There were two main reasons for my move. One was to attempt to get a better work/life balance and be there more for my family and two was to use some of my business skills in a day job that contributed back to society. I would say that I am getting there with the former (hence the out of the frying pan into the fire reference) as life in the not-for-profit sector can sometimes be more taxing and demanding as you try to achieve more with less.

Sweet Louise can be so humbling when you get to experience first-hand the spirit, courage and make-the-most of every moment attitude of our Sweet Louise women and men (yes, we have helped five men). When I am asked how I do what I do, knowing that all of our Members are living with an incurable diagnosis, I reply because I see some of these women live more in six months than I see some people live their whole lives and as part of Sweet Louise, I feel honoured to be a part of that living. As one of our Members said ... “Living with advanced cancer will be a different life, not a journey towards death.”

Not for profitfeature

Jane Richardson Venus Network member, Jane Richardson has experienced remarkable growth with her business ‘An Extra Pair of Hands’. Kathryn Overall connected with her this month to hear her story and discover her success strategies.

When Jane Richardson was 38 she made a promise to herself. The desire to run her own business had been burning away inside her for a long time, so when the idea for ‘An Extra Pair of Hands’ came to her, she set herself a deadline that if she was going to do this, she had to get started by the time she was 40. A month before her 40th birthday, Jane resigned from her well-paid corporate position, left behind her company car and took the plunge.

‘An Extra Pair of Hands’ provides quality home-based cleaning and gardening services, mostly for corporate woman. “Our clients are busy people,” says Jane. “They work hard and want to have their weekends free rather than catching up around the house.” The business has experienced remarkable growth in a short period of time.

We caught up with Jane to find out more about her story and to learn from the insights she has gained in her business growth journey so far.

Fill us in! In what ways has your business grown since its inception?I started the business from my home office in Palmerston North. Once I had enough income to pay rent I moved to a central city office. I saw the benefit of having documented procedures that everyone could follow, and that made it much easier to bring new people on and achieve consistency.

The business was going so well in Palmerston North and I realised that it would not be too difficult to duplicate what we did there in another centre. I identified the Kapiti Coast as a good place to start as it was relatively close, and not too large. It gave me the opportunity to see what I needed to change when running a business when I was in a different location.

The next step was to offer our services throughout the Wellington region. That was a huge increase but because everything was in place it went relatively smoothly. This year we are opening in Christchurch, which I am very excited about.

What do you consider to be some of the success factors that have helped you to grow so quickly?The main reason the business has grown so quickly is because when we discover what works well, we stick with that idea. I found that offering positions between 9am and 3pm gave me access to a pool of good people that have a good work ethic.

I have kept the focus of the business on what we do well and not tried to be all things to all people. Our target market is corporate women, all our marketing is focussed on that group of people. I have focused on working on the business rather that in the business so that I can focus on new opportunities.

How have you used the Venus Network to grow your business?Where do I begin! Venus gave me an instant network when I expanded the business into areas where our brand was not known. I have used the network to advertise vacancies, bounce ideas off members, gain local knowledge of an area, and of course get more business. It has also been great socially as the women in my Venus group are great fun.

[email protected] office 06 3575234

Venus memberfeature /p 24

We are a medium sized accounting firm with a team of friendly, proactive staff who specialize in maximizing deductions using a vast knowledge base of tax legislation.

We work for YOU to help minimize tax and assist in management decisions of your small to medium sized business.

We have offices in Manukau City, Waihi and Tauranga from which we provide high quality accounting services at realistic and competitive prices.

More than that, we care about you and ensuring that you get the deductions available to you.

Services and products provided by Giles & Liew include: • Preparation of end of year financial accounts and

tax returns• Tax structure and development.• Cloud based Accounting Software.• Banklink – a user-friendly, efficient way to reduce

the burden of manual data entry and to improve the way you collect accounting information.

• CCH Trust services.• E-filing tax and GST returns to IRD resulting in quick

release of refunds.• Xero accounting – certified advisors

Introducing Giles & Liew

Are you paying too much tax? Do you need a second opinion on tax structure and deductibility of expenses? Are you charged every time you call your accountant? Would you prefer personalised services suited to your particular needs, with small firm prices yet large firm expertise?

Call us for your FREE tax health check

Waihi 07 863 3026Tauranga 07 571 1542

Auckland 09 262 1955

The Giles and Liew team have been my accountants for over three years. I choose them because of their outstanding service while having very reasonable prices. They have helped me navigate my way in business while growing the Venus Network. What I love the most, is knowing I can call them to ask any question I have and they’re only too happy to help. I highly recommend them to you if you want to have a great relationship with your accountant. I’m thrilled to welcome them on board as a Venus Preferred Supplier. Vanessa Davey, CEO Venus Network






Creating a sustainable company cultureBusinesses performing well in the current climate recognise the opportunities that lie within the office walls... your key staff! Developing a healthy business culture will prove a valuable investment, helping you to retain, motivate, and propel key team members and your business. It all starts with strong values and capable leadership.

Fear is a massive barrier to innovation and improvement. Employees face many everyday workplace fears, including: fear of making a mistake, being made redundant, of public speaking, of dealing with a disgruntled client and fear of conflict.

Communication is an effective tool in minimising workplace fear. Through consistent, clear communication and greater employee engagement, you can develop an optimal mix of skills for the future, while fostering awareness, collaboration, and mutual trust. When your team feel trusted, their sense of belonging will grow, as will their confidence, their achievements and their resounding loyalty to you and your business.

EXPRESS THE BUSINESS’ CORE VALUES. If your team truly understand the principles behind

the business, then they need not be governed by a set of defined rules. Grant them confidence to act honourably and sensibly of their own accord.

DEVELOP A STRONG SENSE OF TRUST. Be consistent, transparent, and follow through on

promises. Relationships thrive on clarity and you’ll get out what you put in.

OPENNESS FROM THE TOP. Encourage open discussions, and always air conflict. Accept that

everyone is different and everyone should be comfortable telling you if they’re unhappy or disappointed by your actions. Listen, show compassion and accept feelings whether or not you agree with them.


willingly experiment and thrive on developing better processes and products.

AVOID BLAME, FOCUS ON PROBLEM SOLVING. Team members must be accountable for

their mistakes, but blaming and shaming only destroys confidence and stifles creativity. Encourage people to openly accept personal responsibility.

OPTIMISM OVER PESSIMISM. Positivity spreads like wildfire... and setbacks can prove to be great

opportunities. Be patient and find the positive outcome.


narrow minded competitiveness. Collaborate and bring your team together.


and your clients or customers - respect is fundamental. Especially the kind where you respect someone even if they disagree with you, annoy or oppose you.

LET EVERYONE HAVE THEIR SAY. Dominant personalities can outshine quieter teammates.

Encourage those less likely to put their hand up and make it clear that all opinions and ideas are treated equal.

RECOGNISE EFFORT AND SUCCESS. As the boss, you stand to learn a lot from your team. Be

specific with praise, share the love and keep morale at an optimum. Honest and clear communication will promote greater respect for your leadership. It can be a springboard to better performance for your team and your business.

Annette GilesGiles & LiewChartered Accountants










10 /p 26

Success startswithyou

When you first decided to open your own business I’m sure you dreamt of financial freedom and plentiful eager paying customer and clients wanting to buy your products and services. I’m sure your business vision and goals were beautiful, rewarding and inspiring. Most savvy women go into business imagining more flexibility over their time, lots of fun doing what they are passionate about and making a wonderful profit. Sadly this dream is often not their reality.

In my coaching practice, I see many women business owners frazzled and on the verge of meltdown and often doubting themselves, their talents and abilities. These negative feelings migrate into their personal lives and often their relationship with their body and loved ones is affected too.

SUCCESS STARTS WITH YOU.The pattern I’m noticing is that women see their own wellbeing and happiness separate from their business. But what you must realise is that as sole entrepreneurs or small business owners your wellbeing IS your business.

It’s no wonder that so many start ups fail. It’s not just undercapitalisation but fatigue and burn out that closes the doors on many businesses.

Roses image by

C O A C H I N G Y O U T O G R E A T E R B A L A N C E , M O R E H A P P I N E S S A N D S U C C E S S

w w w . r a i s i n g d e l i g h t . c o m /p 27

The missing ingredient in your business plan

Work with a coachWorking with a coach has helped me enormously in my life and business. A good coach can help you

re-focus on what you really want in your life and business and help you identify and shift blockages that keep you stuck.

Revisit the dreamLook at all you have done in setting up and operating your business. Celebrate what you’ve

achieved. Be grateful for your success.

Clean up the clutter and create spaceIt is very usual for women business owners to be CEO of everything. Start noticing what tasks don’t feel good and get the support you need, de-clutter

and create space to do what you are really good at and enjoy.

Tina Kennedy specialises in helping busy women to create the lives they really want to be living. If you are feeling stressed and are not happy with the results in your life call Tina for a FREE consultation. She helps women like you create more happiness, greater balance and success in life and business.

[email protected] 021 1907

WELLBEING CREATES PROFITI’ve seen first-hand how women have turned around their businesses just by transforming self-neglect into self-care.

Karen* started her business twelve months ago. When we first started working together, she was struggling to get new customers. Her relationship was suffering and she was at rock bottom financially. She had put everything on the line to create her dream business. She was working excessive hours and was seriously fatigued.

Karen started having weekly massages, fortnightly facials, and had coaching sessions with me every week. She also started creating space for what she wanted in her life and set clear boundaries around work and family time.Her business has now almost reached capacity, she is working fewer hours and profit margins are steadily improving. She realised that putting herself first created a positive mindset and a renewed belief in herself. From this place she took inspired action in her business and has started to create the life she really wants to be living.


You can have your beautiful business dreams and more. If you find that you are off track and not getting the results you want follow these practical steps and take consistent action to get back on track. The secret to business success that I see time and again is to find this good-feeling space and get in the flow. When you are in this abundant zone, you can’t fail to create the business and life you really want.

Brainstorm what makes you feel great and in ‘the happiness zone’Look at what makes you feel inspired and happy in

your life. List everything that you love doing. Then start to integrate these ‘delights’ into your weekly calendar.

Schedule it inLook at your weekly calendar and schedule in non-negotiable time for your wellbeing and balance. It’s

important to make sure you take this very practical step as well as just thinking about it.





five /p 28

For anyone thinking of travel to South America, Viva Expeditions offer the most comprehensive range of tour options available in New Zealand. Rachel from Viva has driven over a quarter of a million kilometres in South America and has extensive knowledge of routes and destinations, as well as of the people and their cultures. Before beginning Viva Expeditions, she worked for many years running tours, working as a tour leader and guide as well as travelling independently to the furthermost reaches of the continent. It is with this knowledge that she is able to create unique and exciting, well thought out itineraries for her clients. Viva Expeditions was born from her and her partner Brendan’s love of South America, their passion for its people, its culture and its landscapes, combined with their desire to make South America and all its beauty and

mystery accessible to keen travellers who desire a few more creature comforts and quality experiences than what has previously been on offer. Viva provides excellent value for money as well as a safe, fun and adventurous atmosphere in which to discover all of the Latin American countries. Their belief is that it is the little things that make the difference and as such, strive to go that extra mile for each and every one of their passengers. Due to the amount of time the Viva Expeditions owners, Rachel and Brendan have spent and continue to spend in Latin America, they know all of the suppliers, local operators and other contacts in person. They have formed many great and long-lasting friendships with people from all walks of life. It is these friendships that enable them to be the best they can be. These people share with the Viva

team their knowledge and experience and offer their ideas and support. They have welcomed them into their homes and their families, and through them Viva have learnt about the true spirit of South America. This spirit is reflected in all of their tours. At Viva they are not only offering a trip to visit the main tourist sites, they are offering a glimpse of a different world, filled with many wonderful people and many fascinating cultures. For further information on Viva Expeditions and the tours on offer, please visit their website or contact Rachel - [email protected],

Argentina, Chile, Patagonia, Peru, Bolivia, Brazil, Ecuador & the Galapagos Islands, Cuba & more . . .

Travel & Tours in South America


An Otaki woman’s desire to help her husband manage his severe arthritis led her to make the ‘Aircycle’. This simple, inflatable cushion enabled him to exercise his finger and ankle joints while sitting down. It was so effective an arthritis educator asked for more to be made for other sufferers. Demand slowly grew by word of mouth. When Jenny Watson of Lower Hutt was asked by her cousin to take over getting them made, she never imagined this ‘little job’ would have such far reaching results and consume so much of her time. Jenny had retired from 35 years of teaching children. “It seemed a good way to do something useful at this stage of my life”, she says. Arthritis NZ wrote about the Aircycle in their national magazine. A hospital registered it with Medsafe and physiotherapists and rest homes reported some dramatic results.

Then, “Surprise, surprise!” says Jenny. “My husband and I were relaxing on a beautiful beach in the Bay of Islands – making the most of retirement – when the cell phone rang. The neighbour collecting the mail told us we had so much that day it would not fit in our letterbox. There were 138 letters! I realised what had happened. A magazine for older people had printed an article about the Aircycle and everyone wanted one. Within a month there were over a thousand orders. What was I to do?” Very soon it was clear she could not turn her back on this. The phone began to ring. Letters and emails arrived with amazing stories. “It was so exciting hearing how the gentle exercise and improved circulation in hands and feet were helping people. They told me swelling in ankles and night cramps had gone. Leg muscles were stronger, and they could walk further and had better

balance. Joint and sciatic pain had eased. I loved hearing fantastic stories from grateful people”. “Suddenly I had a small business. I set up a website, acquired some computer skills and am slowly learning about the business world – so different from working with children. Much to my husband’s dismay, I now race to meet orders while he browses travel brochures and dreams of cruising the Caribbean! The lovely stories coming in keep me going. The Aircycle benefits so many people, now not only in New Zealand, but in other countries round the world too”.

See how the Aircycle

Looking for a useful Mother’s Day gift?

The AIRCYCLE can help with circulation, joint or mobility problems, arthritis, diabetes, cramps and help avoid ankle swelling and possible

DVT on long flights.

Help your staff cope with “The sitting Disease” & OOS

The AIRCYCLE enables you to move while you sit to help boost

circulation, avoid early spinal degeneration

Business woman by default – at 70!



Ordering information: Buy online $30 plus $5 p&p. For larger staff orders email: [email protected] or phone 04 569 5013 /p 30 /p 31

My name is Leanne Chapman from Redcow Marketing. If you are planning on getting a new website, changing the one you already have or want to look at online marketing I have put together this guide to help you be better informed and know the questions to ask.

What Do You Want Your Website To Do For You?

So often, noone asks this question but please have a think and get clear on what you want your website to do for you today (e.g sell the two products) and what you want in the future (e.g sell 50 products). Then you can clearly articulate this and ensure the site structure will be built to enable growth. Your website should be your best salesperson (it should be you, online!) so make sure the company knows and understands who you are and what you are selling – this is vital to make sure you are represented well online – otherwise, how can they help you grow online?

What Does A Website Cost?This varies but will really

depend on the design and the functionality on your site rather than the number of pages. Shopping carts and searches will cost more than just text and images. A template site (which uses strict guides for layout and design) will be cheaper than one that is designed to meet your exact look and feel. It is an investment, but one that should add value and give you a return.

What Platform Will My Site Use?

If your site is built on a platform owned by the website company, find

out if things like the shopping cart, blogs etc can be moved to another host or company. If they can’t, it can be costly to move companies if you needed to. You can easily move an open source platform such as Wordpress or Drupal.

What Does It Cost To Make Changes Once The Website

Is Live?Find this out before agreeing to anything. Is there a minimum fee? What will you be able to make changes to yourself? The hourly rate can vary from $50ph up to around $150ph. Please also remember that cheaper does not mean better, it could take that person twice the time to do the job so also ask for a time estimate before getting work done!

What Are The Essential Ongoing Costs?

Your domain name costs around $24 per year – some companies mark this up quite a lot so do ask. You should also make sure that you are the registered owner of the domain name so there are no ownership issues in the future.Hosting – this can vary by a huge amount, I have heard of people paying more than $150 per month for a basic site (we charge $10). Charges will depend on the amount of storage and the amount of data used, so a site like should only be around $10 but a site like the Venus Network requires a lot more storage and data so will cost more (all our profiles are stored on there and there are hundreds of people logging in).

What Other Costs Are There?Online Marketing is the next

step to enhancing your online presence. Once your website goes live, this is just the beginning, you now need customers (traffic) coming to your site. There are a few options such as search engine optimisation (the free results in Google) and Google Adwords (the paid results on the top and right in Google). There doesn’t seem to be an industry standard on the cost of this, however I would strongly suggest asking what you get for your investments. A huge part of our service is the ongoing analysis, reporting and advice we offer – traffic is great, but what happens once they get there? What do they do, where do they go? How can we make more people contact/buy from you? What is the return on your investment?I would ask for sample reports, case studies and testimonials in this area. Also determine if they are interested in helping you to grow your business!

What If I Need To Add Functions Down The Track?

This should not be a problem, however treat this as a brand new project and go through the same process above. Make sure before you start that the site design can handle the growth, if not, it is best to get this addressed before you grow even more so you don’t end up with an unstable platform, or a site that is too busy to use. I really could fill the whole magazine with tips so if you have a question, please feel free to drop me a line at [email protected]. We really do have a No Bull approach at Redcow Marketing so I am happy to give you clarity!

Websites & Online Marketing - What questions should I ask?





3 /p 32

Introducing Jeanette Lask, Hypnotherapist and Thrive Consultant

“Jeanette’s down-to-earth & friendly approach made it easy for me to feel relaxed. I recommend hypnoanalysis to anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of themselves and in the process develop a happier & juicier outlook on life. This is by far one of the most insightful experiences I have ever experienced in my life to date.”

To book a free 30 minute consultation phone Jeanette on 022 0429 535 or email [email protected]

Want to be a more focused and confident businesswoman?

Welcome to the Thrive Programme. As a woman in business Thrive can help you become more focused, confident and positive. It helps you learn how to manage your thinking, so you experience less stress and more joy in your life.

The Thrive Programme™ helps you to become aware of what you unwittingly do in order for you to become stressed in the first place; once you understand this, you can stop it. It has been designed to provide the most exhilarating life changing experience for anyone to make a true difference in their lives, without drugs or therapy.

Discover how to take control of your thoughts … to take control of your life!

Contact Jeanette Lask on 0220 429 535 or at

Jeanette Lask of Hypnotherapy Auckland in St Heliers is a UK trained and qualified hypnotherapist and hypnoanalyst, who is committed to helping clients turn their lives around. As a member of the International Association of Pure Hypnoanalysts (IAPH) you can trust that Jeanette adheres to strict professional guidelines and client confidentiality.

The main techniques Jeanette utilizes at Hypnotherapy Auckland are THRIVE – a programme which is focused on identifying and changing your limiting beliefs and pure hypnoanalysis (PHA). Jeanette learned THRIVE at the hands of its UK creator Rob Kelly and is the only practitioner in New Zealand to offer this programme and Pure Hypnoanalysis.

Hypnotherapy is a naturally induced state of relaxed and heightened awareness. Jeanette likes to call it ‘Massage of the Mind.’ If you feel tired or anxious and want to relax and experience a sense of calm Hypnotherapy can help you.

Jeanette says, ‘many people misunderstand the purpose of hypnotherapy - which is to achieve a naturally induced state of relaxation and heightened awareness. You are fully aware of what is taking place at all times and cannot be made to do anything against your will.

Jeanette can also assist with emetaphobia – the debilitating fear of being sick. She also addresses fertility issues and children’s problems, as well as hypnobirthing and treatment for cancer patients.

haVE you EVER WaNTEd To TRy hyPNoThERaPy?

Contact Jeanette now and take advantage of this special

introductory offer.

*This is a special offer to an introduction to hypnotherapy. This is not for any specific

treatments. Limited to one per person. Offer expires 1st July 2013.



$50 /p 33




To market, to market…What do you do when you’ve got a strong business, fantastic products, great stories but no idea how to take them out to potential customers? That’s the situation Nigel Russell, founder of Holistic Hair, found himself in before he met SocialMediaMgr.

Stepping back to objectively examine the strengths of any business is hard to achieve for most owner/managers. So, after building a new e-commerce website for Holistic Hair to improve direct sales and revamping Nigel’s existing Facebook and LinkedIn platforms, Kerry Ensor started work to develop a clear marketing focus for the business.

The resultsHolistic Hair now has an on-going marketing presence both on- and off-line supported by a well-understood communications strategy. The business regularly uses e-newsletters and consumer promotions to engage customers and generate sales.

Revenue from website sales has increased, as has organic SEO and website traffic. Holistic Hair now regularly communicates with and engages a growing network of customers and prospects.

“I have found SMMgr very helpful in organising my media campaigns,” said Nigel Russell. “I have many, many

ideas which I used to find difficult to pull together. Kerry is able to listen, assess whether an idea is worth pursuing or not - then she creates a plan to put it into action.

“I now have a thriving ongoing marketing presence. My internet traffic and resulting business has increased and most of all, my life has been made easier. The SMMgr team is accommodating, focused and offer a value for money service. Their networks of video, photography and design support are fantastic. Overall, SMMgr offers a truly integrated approach to marketing.”

To read more detail about this case study go to

Integrated marketing - a case study: Holistic Hair

Find out more about how your business can benefit from

an integrated marketing approach.

Visit our website: or call us on 09-4763345

Greater e-commerce functionality and improved navigation led to more online

sales and website traffic

Video demos allowed the business to cross-sell Nigel Russell’s expertise and

his natural product range

Regular customer e-newsletters built an engaged network of customers and


Smart use of video clips delivered via website and direct marketing raised

brand profile

Raised profile in Australia & NZ, using Facebook & Pinterest - targeted

promotions, Facebook ads & regular posting

/smmgrnz /p 34

According to Professional Insurance Broker Libby Greenwood, the biggest mistake she sees is clients paying too much for their insurance, followed by those who in many cases have the wrong type of protection entirely.

“I can see you asking, how can this situation arise?” says Libby.

“What tends to happen, as we grow throughout life, we often fail to review our existing insurance to make sure it still meets our needs. Our lives as women are a constant process of growth, we buy and sell houses, make money, create families and careers and have successes and setbacks,” says Libby. “I suggest to my clients that they ask themselves the following questions.”

• When was the last time you reviewed your insurance?• Has your personal circumstance changed in the last

few years?• Are your current needs covered by your existing


“The best way to ensure your financial security is fully protected and covered is to regularly review what you need and make any necessary adjustments,” says Libby. “I take pride in protecting people from financial stress during life changing situations, and I am more than happy to review current protection levels to ensure people aren’t paying too much and that their unique needs are covered.”

“My role as a professional advisor is to assess the range of products and services offered in the market and make sure that you have the correct levels of cover as well

as the best, most competitive and suitable products. This objective review confers huge advantages to my clients as I bring a fresh perspective - often with things they haven’t thought of or planned for.”

Libby notes “During my time as an advisor, I have seen many claims for cancer, heart disease, strokes and other severe medical issues, and the majority of these clients are happily still alive and have entered the process of recovery. Seeing the aftermath of these cases has shown me the true value of having the right cover, as those who do, have been free to focus on their health rather than the financial strain of having inadequate cover during their most difficult and challenging time. “

Please feel free to contact Libby for a confidential and no obligation review of your insurances.

“Protecting your financial security is the most important thing I do!” says Libby.

Libby GreenwoodMobile 021 937470 / DDI 09 306 7261Email [email protected]

3 Morton Street, Auckland Freemans Bay, Auckland P.O Box 99841, Newmarket,

‘Practical and Personal Insurance advice you can count on.’

Are you paying too much for your INSURANCE? /p 35

Why we’re the best choice

QUALITY , FLEXIBLE SERVICEWhether it’s companionship, assistance with showering and dressing, a little extra help with meal preparation, shopping or simply escorting to appointments, Home Instead CAREGivers are willing and able to serve our clients when and where they need them. Our flexible services can be easily adapted asneeds change. We are available from 2 hours per visit to 24 hours 7 days a week, including overnight and public holidays.

CONSISTENT & RESPONSIVE STAFF We get to know our client’s needs and wants before a CAREGiver arrives. The information we gather enables us to make a compatible match with the CAREGiver and we personally introduce the CAREGiver to ensure a positive caring relationship. Each Home Instead Senior Care client receives a journal where they, family members and the CAREGiver maintain a daily diary of activities and ongoing dialogue.

CALL NOW FOR A FREE CARE CONSULTATION To help your family better understand these trusted, affordable in-home services, you can request a free, no-obligation Care Consultation. Let us help you live the life you want. Contact your local office today.

Each Home Instead Senior Care franchise is independently owned and operated. 0800 694 472

EXPERIENCED & TRUSTED COMPANYHome Instead is the trusted choice of Home Care and Companionship services for people across New Zealand since 2005. We make a difference in the way millions of seniors lead their lives and we take pride in every aspect of their care to ensure they have access to the non-medical services they need.

EXPERIENCED COMPATIBLE CAREGIVERS Home Instead employs caring, compassionate and dependable CAREGivers, many of whom have cared for an older friend or relative. Our CAREGivers:have a genuine passion and interest in older people are fully insured and undergo a 3 phase interview process including multiple reference checks and a criminal background check.undertake a comprehensive in house training program which includes recognition of prior learning by a registered training organisation and provides a pathway for all CAREGivers to obtain a Certificate lll in Home and Community Care.

LOCALLY OWNED AND OPERATED We are not an agency or independent contractor. Home Instead is a network of independent and locally owned offices providing trusted services to help people live safely in their own home. Each office employs CAREGivers and staff who are engaged in their own local community and understand the particular challenges and resources available in that locality.

Each edition of the Venus Magazine we’ll share Get Brain Smart strategies and tips so you can increase your happiness, achieve your goals and enhance your wellbeing. First up Get Work Smart. Below are strategies that your brain will love, to work smarter:


a. Have regular breaksb. Exercise on a regular basisc. Make sure you are getting adequate sleepd. Watch what you eat and drink - there are foods that the brain loves especially blueberries and walnuts e. Keep hydrated – your brain will tire if you become dehydrated




Foundation course:Saturday 18th May

Increase your happinessAchieve your goals

Enhance your wellbeingEmail for a course [email protected]

Find out more about the Get Brain Smart programme at

The latest techniques used by neuroscientists have become more sophisticated over recent years allowing us to understand how the brain works in greater depth than previously known. By understanding our brain we can rewire ourselves to think differently. We can create positive change which leads to the ability to achieve goals and outcomes. By understanding more about how our brains work we can consciously choose how to engage our brains and use this power to change habits.

95%of what we do is habit.

Do you know how to manage bad habits or create new ones?

Vanessa Davey and Wendy Macphail have created a powerful professional development programme based on the latest research from neuroscience and positive psychology. The Get Brain Smart programme shows you how to capitalize on your brains capacity to change, allowing you to enjoy the benefits that derive from a positive brain. Get Brain Smart

teaches you the mindset and behaviors to drive greater success and fulfillment in your life.


a. Practice mindfulness / self-awareness, which is the ability to pause before you actb. Take the time to meditate on a regular basisc. Have regular play time


a. Do not Multi Task, focus on one task at a timeb. Attend to difficult tasks when you are at your freshestc. Prioritize your day at the start of your dayd. Turn off your phones and attend to phone messages at scheduled timese. Simplify information by focusing on key points and grouping information into chunks when you have too much information.f. Turn off your automatic email send and receive and only attend to emails at scheduled times


by Shawn Achor

The Seven Principles of Positive Psychology That Fuel Success and Performance at Work

Book review by Tracy Manu of Blossom Lifestyle

The happiness advantage shares seven principles, which explain the fundamentals for a truly happy, successful life. The old method of success = happiness is outdated. With over a decade of ground breaking research in positive physiology and neuroscience, it’s now proven that creating more happiness in our lives is the key to experiencing more success.

When we feel good about ourselves and we have a positive mindset, we are more productive, smarter, creative and able to overcome challenges more easily. In a nutshell, when we are happier we experience more success.

If you want to cultivate a positive brain and become more successful in any area of your life, this is a must read. Full of examples where Shawn’s principles have really worked and the ‘know how’ you will, be inspired to get happy so you too, can reap the rewards of real success!


by Tara Gentile

Book Review by Kathryn Overall of Engage

The Art of Growth is a little e-book full of big ideas, offering a strategic framework for holistic, sustainable business growth. Tara’s insights are perfect for women in early-stage businesses who have already proven they can provide genuine value to their clients and who now need to transform their increasing busy-ness into true business growth.

If a start-up business is like a dependent baby, this book is about helping your business to mature and not rely on you for its every waking need! It explores strategies to maximise your impact while minimising your effort, moving beyond a 1:1 effort-to- impact ratio to a model that leverages and scales the valuable essence of your business, whilst still providing a personalised experience for your clients.

It gets a double thumbs-up from me. Tara has a brilliant mind and I love her synthesis of strategy and intuition, practical ‘get-it-done’ action points and paradigm-shifting ideas. To me, it reads like an extended proverb for business and life-purpose growth – and like all wisdom literature, its insights will need to be put in action in order for us to reap its full reward.


Nothing to wear? Let me inspire you!

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Or even in just one personal session?Stress Management Specialist and Licensed 'Heal Your Life'® consultant Camilla Watson brings you the life-changing 'Achieve Your Dreams'®

workshop as well as a variety of seminars and personal sessions tofree you from your boundaries and limitations.

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Next 'Achieve Your Dreams'® Workshops, March & Oct.Early-bird Specials and Venus Discounts available, book now. Ph: 04 2347522 E: [email protected]


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Recruitment giving you a headache?A recruitment specialist for SMEs. Let us take the time, stress and hassle off your hands so you can focus on what is important to you. A reliable and professional service that guarantees excellent results or your money back. Let us be the recruitment specialist in your business.

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There came a time when the risk to remain tight in the bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.Anais Nin

Image by


The Travel BrokersContact: Carolyn Hedley Phone: 09 416 1799Mobile: 027 294 [email protected]/caroly

Carolyn has been in the holiday industry for over 20 years so can use that experience in planning your next holiday so everything runs smoothly. She can organise your family holiday, Coach Tour, Cruise, or your African Safari and put this all together to save you time and money and stress.

Residential & Commercial


Wealth Works LtdContact: Kim Gallie Phone: 09 306 5820Mobile: 021 331

Wealth Works Ltd works with you to create wealth and financial security. Our focus is to create a personalised financial strategy plan to: Help you build wealth and manage your assets, Protect your family’s future and the assets you have worked hard to create and Help you achieve your lifestyle goals today, tomorrow and in the future.


SilverStone JewelleryContact: Lori TrigwellPhone: 09 473 5299Mobile: 021 184 [email protected]

Easy, secure online shopping for gorgeous handmade silver jewellery that sparkles! We are an Auckland based manufacturing jewellery company that stocks a massive range of sterling silver jewellery plus designs and creates all gold jewellery to order, and makes one off designer sterling silver jewellery.


Edible Blooms 09 4422260 027 2383535 [email protected]

Edible Blooms New Zealand offers a unique twist on flowers and gift hampers. Our range of chocolate flower bouquets, fresh fruit bouquets, cake pop blooms and gourmet gift baskets can be ordered easily online and delivered New Zealand wide.


Milestone Financial Services Contact: Katharina Tetzlaff Phone: 09 950 6810 Mobile: 021 201 4874 [email protected]

Milestone Financial Services North Ltd is a family owned and operated business giving advice on everything from Investment, Financial and Retirement Planning to Insurance and Mortgages. Kat is a Registered Financial Adviser, specialising in Insurance.

Pain and Health


Beyond Health Contact: Jan SteinPhone: 09 414 4960 Mobile: 0274741 [email protected]

At Beyond we offer unique forms of treatments and therapies, based on the principles of bio-energetic and informational medicine. In a nutshell “working towards finding the root cause” of why you are not performing at 100%.



Investment advising

Craigs Investment Partners Contact: Claire DowerPhone: 09 919 7422 Mobile: 021 808 [email protected]

Craigs Investment Partners Limited is one of New Zealand’s largest investment advisory and management firms, offering personalised investment solutions to private, corporate and institutional clients.

Office products &


Robyn Skeates Office InteriorsPhone: 09 444 9000 Mobile: 021 935 999 [email protected]

We are office furniture, design and fitout specialists, based in Auckland. We take pride in making your office furniture decisions simple and risk-free while still delivering style and exceptional value.


Brookfields LawyersContact: Jenny DavisonPhone: 09 985 6906Mobile: 021 772

Brookfields Lawyers has a strong history of providing legal services of the highest standard. Our legal and support personnel pride themselves on the quality of those services and the friendly, welcoming way in which we deal with our clients.

Residential real estate

BayleysContact: Claire CurlewisPhone: +64 9 487 0626 Mobile: 021 0245 6775| [email protected]

Real Estate salesperson with Bayleys. Based in the Mairangi Bay office covering all areas across the North Shore.


Hands on OsteopathyContact: Jane EdmondsonPhone: 07 213 0806 [email protected]

Osteopathy is a safe, gentle and effective treatment using hands-on techniques to diagnose and treat a wide range of health problems, aiming to relieve pain, discomfort and restriction.


ANZContact: Lisa HallPhone: 07 5577175Mobile: 0274 [email protected]

I am a Home Lending Specialist, for all types of residential property transactions. First Home Buyers, New Purchases, Investment properties, New Home Builds. I am available to come and see you at your home, workplace or wherever suits you.


Jemma’s Homebased Child CareContact: Jenny TyrellPhone: 0800-536627Email: [email protected]

JeMMa’s is a privately owned homebased childcare service, where childcare is offered in carefully selected Educarers homes. We believe that home-based care is the next best thing to learning at home with parents.



l o v e t h e w a y y o u w o r k


DefinedContact: Carlene DredgePhone: +64 4 9748640Mobile: +64 21 [email protected]

Business coaching to empower small businesses to reach the next level, increase profits, create high performing teams and have more time.


NZ Travel Brokers Contact: Zaheda DaviesPhone: 04 976 7865Mobile: 021 733 659 [email protected]

Zaheda has been in the Travel industry for over 25 years having worked in India, Russia and NZ. She has specialised in Corporate travel in the last 10 years with a boutique agency and is now a Travel Broker committed to providing personalised service - for pleasure or business travel.


An Extra Pair of HandsContact: Chloe BridgemanPhone: 0800535355 extn 3Mobile:

A One stop shop for Home Services including regular home cleaning, spring cleaning, Ironing, Oven cleaning, regular garden maintenance, Seasonal tasks.



CuisinesceneContact: Rae TowersPhone: 07 856 4828 [email protected]

A small company producing top-quality condiments and dressings made using traditional recipes in small batches to retain that home-style flavour. No preservatives or artificial colours.


KPMGChantelle Howard-Willis Phone: 07 858 [email protected]/nz

Chantelle is passionate about assisting clients with budgeting, financial reporting and taxation requirements. Dedicated to providing timely solutions in the most practical and simple way.



Thomson Jones Mortgages & Insurance LtdContact: Tracey JonesPhone: 04 298 [email protected]

As a Risk Insurance specialist, Tracey works with families and business owners to help identify their needs and provide solutions should the unexpected happen.


Aqua Filter ProductsContact: Lisa MogerPhone: 0800 426 426 Mobile: 021 100

Bringing the World’s Leading Water Purification Products to New Zealand. We sell an extensive range of water filters, water coolers, shower filters, UV Filter Systems and water treatment systems to the domestic, rural and commercial markets.



Mary Kay ConsultantContact: Linda FraserPhone: (03) 337 0698Mobile: 027 414 [email protected]/BeautyDirect

On-line shopping in your own time 24/7 and in your own way! Enter consultant number 006057nz at check out. Free Freight on orders over $180. $3.99 Freight on orders under $180. When you like my page, be sure to check the “Add to interest list” option if you want to receive all my updates.


Williams McKenzieContact: Tania McKenzie Phone: (03) 311 [email protected]

Good advice from good people. The team at Williams McKenzie know all about delivering sensible and cost-effective solutions to their clients. Its 2 partners and 2 solicitors’ have a thorough understanding across a wide range of legal areas which means clients not only enjoy sound advice, but the benefits of a local and well-connected staff. receive all my updates.




JAG LegalContact: Nicola JonesPhone: 04 939 2366 Lower Hutt OfficePhone: 04 297 2361Kapiti [email protected]

Merv Gaskin and Nicola Jones are thrilled that their practice has expanded and they are now here to help you with all your legal issues. If you need assistance with any legal issue please call.


kd one, skincare & cosmetics Phone: (04) 473 1239 Mobile: 021 [email protected]

kd one has created a range of instinctively natural skincare and cosmetics which are perfect for people who are concerned about parabens, petrochemicals and synthetic ingredients, ingredient/product traceability and the effect of products on your health and the environment.

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Kareen D Holland021 069 7940

[email protected]

kd one storeEntrance foyer, Morrison Kent House

105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011

Free eyelash tint and brow shape with any product purchased

Kareen D Holland021 069 7940

[email protected]

kd one store Entrance foyer, Morrison Kent House

105 The Terrace, Wellington 6011


Created by Kareen D Holland Professional make-up artist

List your business

COST: $300 +gst per year (that’s 4 ads)DETAILS: To list your business in the Venus Directory please email your logo, details and a brief description of your business to [email protected].

TERMS: Available to Venus members only & this directory appears in our online magazine only not our print issue.

Subscribeand be in towin

Buy a 12 month subscription to Venus Magazine and go in

the draw to win a Bestow Beauty pack

valued at $131. and conditions: Competition ends 5pm Wednesday July 31st 2013. All subscribers will go into the draw. The winner will be notified by email. competition is open to NZ residents only. Prize is not redeemable for cash. Prize offered is not transferable. /p PB /p 1



an online magazine for New Zealand women in business /p PB /p 1


NOV 2012

the online magazine for New Zealand women in business


Facebook success

Businesswomen share what success

means to them

7 steps to successfully

combine business + motherhood

Tracy ManuCoach + Author

shares her tips on defi ning success


MAY 2013

a magazine for New Zealand women in business


I N S P I R E . C O N N E C T. C E L E B R AT E

Flying high with a travel business

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