Page 1: Vanity Metrics - Why your doctor learned to read your blood panel wrong and what to do about it


Why your doctor learned to read your blood panel wrong and

what to do about it

Page 2: Vanity Metrics - Why your doctor learned to read your blood panel wrong and what to do about it

What you will learn in the next 15 min

Vanity metrics

How we got into this mess

What do to about it:

Low Carb &

Blood Lipid Panels

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Vanity Metrics “They might make you feel good, but they don’t offer clear guidance for what to do”

Eric Ries

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Lean Startup –

Eric Ries Startup Bible of silicon


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vanity metric actionable metric

website “Hits”

How many people have

visited my website?

What do I learn?

A/B split test

group A

group B: 20% more


Go with design B =>

more revenue

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What has this got to

do with Doctors?

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Surrogate Markers

In clinical trials, a surrogate endpoint (or

marker) is a measure of effect of a specific

treatment that may correlate with a real

clinical endpoint but does not necessarily

have a guaranteed relationship

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Instead of monitoring heart disease risk, studies monitor

„surrogate markers‟

Startups/Business Medicine

vanity metric

actionable metric

surrogate marker


clinical endpoint

heart disease

all-cause mortality

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Although observational studies might suggest a simplistic hypothesis for [HDL] […] cholesterol, that increasing the levels pharmacologically would […] reduce cardiovascular events […] substantial trials of these three agents do not support this concept.

We cannot judge health effects of pharmaceutical agents on their effect on so-called surrogate markers [e.g. HDL] such a cholesterol levels. The only important thing is their effect on overall health [e.g. mortality]

July 2014

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How did we get in this cholesterol


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Nikolai Nikolajewitsch Anitschkow

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Test subjects

St Petersburg, 1913

On experimental cholesterol steatosis and

its significance in the origin of some

pathological processes by N. Anitschkow

and S. Chalatow photo: Tomi Tapio K

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Cholesterol + Fat = Heart disease

Ancel Keys

1953 – “Six Country Study”

1961 – Time Magazine Cover

“Eat a low saturated fat diet”

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September 24, 1955

President Dwight D.


Heart attack with the low Total

Cholesterol of 165 ml/dL

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Dwight D. Eisenhower

Eisenhower was ordered to eat dry toast [..] for breakfast and eat only 1 egg per week. His cholesterol continued to climb on a low fat, low cholesterol diet until it reached 259 the day he left office. Eisenhower had several more heart attacks and eventually died of heart disease.

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Linking it together

A nation in shock

7 countries study

Eating cholesterol => high cholesterol

1984: The Lipid Research Clinics

Coronary Primary Prevention Trial


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The risk of death

from all causes

was only slightly

and not



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Essential structural

component of cell


Precursor for

biosynthesis of

Steroid hormones

Bile acid

Vitamin D

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Typical body production (Male, 68kg) =


Typical dietary intake = 300mg (23%)

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Changing your diet (23% of cholesterol)

will not have a huge influence on your


Eating Eggs is healthy

Rong Y, et al. Egg consumption and risk of coronary heart disease and stroke: dose-response meta-analysis of

prospective cohort studies. British Medical Journal, 2013.

Fernandez ML. Dietary cholesterol provided by eggs and plasma lipoproteins in healthy populations. Current

Opinion in Clinical Nutrition & Metabolic Care, 2006.

Blesso CN, et al. Whole egg consumption improves lipoprotein profiles and insulin sensitivity to a greater extent

than yolk-free egg substitute in individuals with metabolic syndrome. Metabolism, 2013.

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More usage of fat as energy source


Body prefers saturated fats => uses them

as preferred fuel

LDL (“bad cholesterol”) is mostly „large

fluffy“ (good)

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My Values

TC 273 | HDL 69 | LDL 192 | TG 62

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This is what my doctor sees

Total cholesterol 273

(goal < 200)

LDL cholesterol (calculated) 192

(goal < 160)

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This is what my doctor sees

Total cholesterol 273

(goal < 200)

LDL cholesterol (calculated) 192

(goal < 160)

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LDL calculated Friedewald (1972)

LDL = TC – HDL – (TG / 5)

Formula to calculate LDL

Cut-off for people with triglycerides > 400 mg/dl

SVA Vienna cut-off > 300 mg/dl

New Formulas (if your TG < 100 mg/dl)

Ahmadi (2008)

LDL (mg/dl) = TC/1.19 + TG/1.9 – HDL/1.1 – 38

de Cordova (2013)

LDL = 3/4 (TC - HDL)

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Friedewald Formula

From 1972: Triglycerides (TG) must be <400

SVA (my insurance): TG <250

Low Carb (TG < ~100): Dr. William Davies “Friedewald equation relied on […] the assumption that the amount of triglycerides and cholesterol in ALL LDL particles was the same. In those of us following a wheat-free diet with limited exposure to junk carbohydrates, the triglyceride content of LDL particles is much lower, making the Friedewald equation invalid.”

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My LDL Math (<160) TC 273 | HDL 69 | LDL 192 | TG 62


192 mg/dl


161 mg/dl


153 mg/dl

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My LDL Math (<160) TC 273 | HDL 69 | LDL 157 | TG 62


192 mg/dl


161 mg/dl


153 mg/dl

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Do I have other risk factors

European Cardiology Society Guidelines

SCORE Value =>

Newer Risk Assessment

TG/HDL ratio (<2,5 men, <3,5 women)

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Low Risk: TG / HDL < 2.5

TC 273 | HDL 69 | LDL 157 | TG 62

62 / 69 = 0,89

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Conclusion (*IANAD + I do not play one on TV *)

If you are Low Carb (i.e. have low TG):

Calculate your own LDL with de Cordova

LDL = TC/1.19 + TG/1.9 – HDL/1.1 – 38

Check your


< 2,5 for men

< 3,5 for women

Questions: @khbites [email protected]

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