Page 1: Valk’s guide 10 M The Fallen Protectors

Valk’s Guide 10MThe Fallen Protectors

Rook He


Page 2: Valk’s guide 10 M The Fallen Protectors

“The Fallen Protectors are the second boss in the Siege of Orgrimmar. This is the first council style fight. Quite frankly, this fight is slightly chaotic with raid communication a must. All players must know all abilities and be able to react quickly and appropriately... so don’t mess it up.” ~Valkyrria


Ideally, having the healers stand in the middle makes the fight a lot easier as they can almost always reach everyone.

The tanks just need to keep aggro on their targets.

DPS will just be running around killing whatever needs to be killed.

Page 3: Valk’s guide 10 M The Fallen Protectors

1. Rook to 66%2. Kill Sorrow, then Gloom, then Misery.3. He to 66%4. Toss Mark of Anguish to tank and kill Anguish.5. Sun to 66%6. Stack in bubble and kill adds.7. Repeat 1-6, except this time to 33%.8. Bloodlust and Kill Rook, He, and Sun at the same time.

Basic Kill Order

Page 4: Valk’s guide 10 M The Fallen Protectors

This fight is a one Phase fight and each Council Member has their own Health Pool and individual sets of abilities. However, they all will go into a special phase called Desperate Measures when they reach 66% and 33%. For clarification, this means that when Rook Stonetoe reaches 66%, Rook will go into a Desperate Measures phase while the other two continue...being themselves for a lack of nicer words.

With that being said, let’s start with your raid’s first target, Rook Stonetoe


Page 5: Valk’s guide 10 M The Fallen Protectors

Rook StonetoeRook uses three special abilities when not in Desperate Measures.***Vengeful Strikes stuns his current target and is followed by a physical cone dealing high damage. For this reason he should be tanked facing away from the raid. This is basically a monk’s Fists of Fury ability.

***Corrupted Brew causes Rook to toss a keg at random ranged raid member and deals shadow damage in a 5 yard radius and slows down anyone hit. Hmmmm....kind of like a Brewmaster monk’s Dizzying Haze....seeing a pattern here...

***Clash causes a random raid member to charge at Rook while Rook also charges at them and they meet in the middle, Rook casts Corruption Kick, a 10 yard AOE  for 4 seconds. Players hit by this gain a Dot for 6 seconds that can be dispelled.

WAIT! WAIT! WAIT!....He’s just a MONK....A TANKY MONK!....WHY?!?!?!

At 66%, Rook will enter his Desperate Measures phase. During this phase Rook will not attack and three adds will spawn Embodied Sorrow, Embodied Gloom, and Embodied Misery. 

SGMTheses adds need to be killed in this order and Misery needs to be picked up by the tank. While Sorrow is alive, he will spawn a yellow circle called Inferno Circle around a player’s feet. Everyone who can should just run to this player to disperse the damage. Embodied Gloom casts Corrupted Shock  Embodied Misery casts Defiled Gloom but these are just a minor nuisance.

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He SoftfootHe Softfoot is probably most annoying because his name is He, making the pronoun he confusing when typing about he (see?). Fortunately for you, He is not a real threat to anyone except your tank. He uses two main abilities.

**Gouge is used on the tank and temporarily incapacitates them for 6 seconds. He will then fixate on another target and attack them. To counter this, all the tank needs to do is turn around and let he gouge them from behind. The tank will not be incapacitated, only knocked back a few feet and He will not switch targets.

**Garrote is a physical debuff that deals physical damage periodically to a random player. It cannot be removed except through immunities OR when He goes into a desperate measures phase.He will also apply 2 buffs to himself for his melee attacks.

**Instant poison will increase the damage of his melee attacks.

**Noxious poison will leave a void zone behind when he attacks.

During He’s Desperate Measure phase, like Rook, He will be unable to attack. He will summon one add called Embodied Anguish. This add will fixate one player and this player will receive and extra action button.

The button will allow the player to throw the debuff Mark of Anguish to another player which will force the Embodied Anguish to attack that player. This is best thrown to a tank immediately. The player who is attacked by the add will receive Shallow Weakness, increasing the damage they take from Mark of Anguish.

The tank will also receive a debuff called Debilitation, reducing their armor by 50% for 2 minutes.

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Sun Tenderheart

Sun is basically a Shadow Priest and does not need to be tanked. Note, however, that interrupting her is a waste of time, as she seriously will just recast her abilities when you interrupt her immediately.

**Sha Sear is her main nuke and functions exactly like a priests Mind Sear. She will target a player and channel this dealing Shadow damage to that player and anyone within 5 yards.

**Shadow Word: Bane is her main threat. She will cast this on 2 players. Every time this ticks it will copy itself onto a new player, up to 4 times. It is ESSENTIAL that anyone who can dispel this do so immediately.

**Calamity will deal 30% of a players maximum health as Shadow Damage. It is a raid wide effect and cannot be interrupted. However, this will remove all Shadow Word: Banes from all players.

Her Desperate Measure phase will make her cast a protective barrier around herself and summon adds. Everyone must run inside the barrier. Melee should focus on killing the adds inside the barrier and range should take out the 2 on the outside. These adds do reflect the damage they take back, but this seemed completely negligible as I didn’t even know they did that until I read a more in depth guide.

Sub 33%At this point, all three need to die at the same time. Bloodlust and go to town on all three.

The Bosses can and should be gathered in the center quickly when called by the raid leader

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