  • •’ ‘rWIN-i-'FAl^LS.^

    ~ ‘ jT R cgioiml Newspaper Borvintf’ Six’ IrriKuted Countica in Idaho

    ■ Today.’^ : ' ,

    ' T O D A Y !

    fflIN FAILS PAW SHE BILL PASSESI P W O S EMft3̂ ure^,;,Proyldes'■•for. -Doha-

    ^ ti'on of Statij-Ownoa

    • ; < • Laiid. in O a^bn

    Upper House r-^anfliyiU'Vari:

    ( fc ly fo f Biiiincss-ftt S8|i-.,-.,,

    • Bjon W M priddy-■ ■

    oTct ini'rli# (tf.'.iivo- forciitry Ulllii orfoWlliB .lilBhllKUf of. MondoyH

    ' iiebxloii or tub Mujio flvi'wi. ijiruiiirrs nwo jiniapil nnil

    luvnaurcs rHntrodiiced .MuaiUr-'vW^

    ■Sfuiiln 1)111 .\o. flB. -M'lilclr liiim'i) ' iMliniV'r .ot- -ft.munlclpiiHly .froir. NeH'ing on-(i'\n 'crtMiln

    - whjilj ',1110 iminlCli»nlItyi:4«>.«vvi>V«o; ' • SciiUtc lilll No.'a8. "rct»uQlrfff'BtKtf ’ riirWior'ii; -iiaVj-, .rromr ija;0fll)ito ■?Si0?0;j)or yonr., ••

    Boniwo lilil No. '̂ u. roviH|pb;Toi Jntlm 'rar dltpoiililon ut »K»U.


    ' -ulDUi,;lc'8liiIa-. Uvt( ilhy,'if',-t!io-;lo!Wlblv . fOry. (liuuniiudK n[. .:JniiRi___I'olilli-rs • uH;ojj|fl, jij .■MrtiirJiiirla' )o, miKuifiiii’ tlio formtd;ible' (orccH. ' ' rc«dy'.oii).duiyUlibrff.i’' •:

    Tlir-ownn rflrrlc»''.rakiijii r......Stiokcl. lljn. ImnBjWrLl•.lil)m.'YiiUi! L-mn

    iI'Ihi I' lunillnniMl '̂ fc •I'd al'llii'

    poliliuir .■cl 111.- "u ll or uotli-' '. ilii'y li.. iKiii Ill-Ill to,-' '• riii'i|Miiiiit: ill tlii'' gov-.

    lii-_ (iiin(iilii i>r (.'alltornU' iind(Vcvada lodiiy, endiumurlHK llwn

    ciiiihUir InlciiKti Mulft-rlui!,

    liiifil lilRb wimlii rf!portoil;ItDiinb .ucii.i dduyed.".?liliipin«- imil, kciit'Wall tbu Seau'.e vus fiillon'h: ........... ,-l^>r-mt.kiHK Hi«-r«!vorl.;t.J2^-Wat-! non, Uutid, Sliyrirlilftd, .lUnubain. Ul-’olli'tti-.- HiislluKS, HiirrlBon. Kliiir. rxcoiije. WalBli. .Masa.. Dark-

    AKdlahl ’ •tapnvi'ii'R:Couually: ...Oore. ̂•-“ '1

    . . . . .Illsi pomicnl career nppearod to ba ' mined at'Itio llmc.'llul liv.,tool:'a.di .

    . SrnoiiVnalrt-'iim: Td'l'.Votit3/Jic,'>8- 'jo'rteil-*tDday.rr-* ‘

    . ... iilaniliiil lo licail-A-Kfarchlnt: parly loiloi- for Fore-nt itanBeri Vflll. Uopnti' Sliorlfff!; jac-u ;ifur-iilid-HifriW{H»lgn.-jnlialaffJ«3r-- 8iu;iirday. Il.wus feared,llicy.l. be'iiiririij'lieirby ii new .sno '̂fall.

    TI19 wisatlicr liiirunu. ituld.

    today from tlic far norlli and probably,would Rtrlko- California late liiihy,' aiiainK-nioru'HUOwanil rBlii

    Meat Magnates Bend out Oir>

    : culnrs .* Oppo8inff:..Form..._:

    WASmxOTON’j.Jan, :10 011>)— TUo long-awaitod'duy of accoiiiit-l hiK iK .alwut-to-dawa.for tlifi He-' .couktk’nctron'rinnnco-corporation..• ; i^>r ono'dlMy/.rcar. ll lia.i boiii painplaff lnto llio'velnB.of iHo Ma- Ilion’B bualoesa-a^fiolden'Bircaiir '

    itis’-approBclioiI ci^tlAusIy. .. . tiBftllon 'ol.flio c6rt)bnitlon'fl.-.rnll- road, Icrans • .wlir;tK!Kln-.Yomorrow. lio;oro :a-S«naio.;li^!!ilnB dnd -cur- raiib-.; • aabVponiifllllM: 1. Bailed •. ijr b'cnacor -'-Uanioa -̂ CoazenH.. .̂ IIopOh Midi.;-' tbe:.caRlOTeJlti(l :.niilllona1ro' whoso, - khowlcdstt'v.'.of.' tmslnosH,'

    O'Sanatô oa'liroiib̂ gtibiooU.''

    WAlDt Ht'lil.S'GH,: (.UI») . . ........luruc'.l aulde from war dcblM lodny .0 concentratc iipon.iliu 'cliolce ,oI il»',oUlclalVumlly.- , . . " ,

    Mr.'iiobnDveli li'aJ nif tlmu for, uliboriiw birthday obsorvaiirea.for-, •10 hiia 6nlJ’"ii fow .'daŷK .left. uii-i ,11’tlio marl of IiIb j-nthiinc vat;i-' lion. He" oxpccla' to -have-llie iiaki«oiiB 'were;luiro lo.’hblu cbiiiplete lli« -task- of .hu-' loollii« . cirfl'coV holdcrs' -u'lib. lunBt MllRfy tuo. prcaldoiit-olccl oa ;iii-............. id . a f Iho 'satno .time

    KOOKraiililcalTpolRUiiT .uouoMary to:inaui

    Sftiiiwliannony.. The foUr.jiro .KaUonal Otialrhiaii. Jamc* /\i-.nirlcy:. National'Troa«u'rerl'raMk,C.:'\Via1kcr.

    (ConUnacd i>n’.. îi8u .SIX) .- '

    J i N I POf Orctord, D i : .

    "lo'.iavb.'tli'flTrif't'woVchildrffn:-...........Pluliil)?. tihd-\“-Joliri. nioBtHB̂ ' liiirpul'io dwtli

    iS S S S S S S!i5SS3SiiigffiaS"S;s?ss:i5!!gs£ss!^5^

    Building and Loan. StookMders Nalne ' ' Officials . Monday' .'rbu uniiuul atoekholriprHMnocl- Infe.or-iho ... .Mutual UulldhiB and lloaji'.njsochtlwi.UilH-nflernoon at ihe conipunya 'bi>ailfini.rierH.rcault-

    AVASlll.SGTO.S. Jan. aO (ITPW ,Acllvlti«» of ilio Inailiuto of Amor lean Heat I’acksra la arouBliiK op- lOBlUon asalDsi tbo domestic a1- of-

    ■■‘ioufportya8~.PTomincn€i:i y.vt-:

    .?F̂ t-Orower;

    ■DUHU •• Jfth.: 30uiioa • Milner, ■•.78,' ontf -;totV'.tl;B

    I'jilonoor. BBlUara of. H«t-^iTtba>,r"^'W od. luoaW.9f nrft/.ohlWistftl/i

    ■ “’jWIfiSis ........

  • Pofge Two / : . IUAilO‘E?ENING Tiivki .'TWIN FALLS/IDAHO ■ V ; • '•■r'̂ rMohday; . January 80,-1988 ;

    1 News’ in Brief

    T w in Falls- Road Disiricl —rr-Hns-MO-Mitcs-of-Trftv.


    ^ImiiUnnoiUB' Wllli. llir

    iiiciit of Twin- riillx lilKliwny irlct for IMJ. J. D- Sliiciiiii. '1h I'HRliicer. lisH innitu ikirt o( conxtciicllaii iiiiil niuliiii imce work far Oiu im-ii licrluii •

    slito'lilKliway In llic dWrkl llioii-nro 12.32 miles Davoil, r.iss ......... . AU,.iili.i;i-

    ' i'-' enoili

    ■tumiotiii. n« of irpc, .tl.Tlioy Hlipu- tliDt o( lUo nxaoU ot'

    lIiD Twin. F«ll8'- 'Nnlloniil whicncloJnl III Xovolillior. IflU,. »6C.«Sli»:i Ucen cnilectnl, wliilo nn nddl- ilmiiil. {H.lin IniB hecii' rvcclvcil fnim Klocit asiie«imici>;B. •Tlio hIii- Kie .IJvlilend- paid by .ilia rocelvcr


    D iv o r c e S o u g h t . b y .

    - Mqther. of Six from;• Mate for 18 YearsGruel nnd. loliunmn t^ofliinbni la

    cl3arB«rUy-Mni. C!aVS-, IVASj^

    ^olbhll Binio tiorb'..' spcJuifcnr .ttcofEô •*?'

    ' Q U E S T ' • T iC K E l ' S -

    G o o d T U E S - W E D ,


    'j!plV/vp u? ft » , H t !

    x(nv;i‘j-.vnxa , •

    |h E N E E o b W O .W O M E N

    One lo Aeriili '• One. lo .



    I îriuiiii-, liurii Siiiiiliiv. Jiin. ;;:i. .11 aliclr;lH.niQ iit T i^, V,^^. .\lrj-, .itolieru ivn.- fi.rini'rT. Muilc'.IMi'Jhl:______Ŝt■«lll( Iluunl jft'

    .. , 11 nicotlliK of lio liclil In tliu iirolij rjjdiiy nroiiinu >u ii»hn oii.uwari to, lie’jî rcsimted iliirlnK-Sconi 'iM

    . wcBl corner, west ot llic Bulil Ulsli- •wjiy (Ili>lrlr|.

    Itldlcatlns (lio cxloimlvciiesM nl lliu (tlHlrlci. ijinemn iiolnicd uut timl linlf tliD brldKo acrnBn’Snnlie

    liiijiirtil In .\iilo Afciilpiil- j f . . H.. Cftbli.f rn" brouKlit lô a I iilA'ilclnu’tf offiCo licril Jlilu Salilr* rinj- mifforlnc froai^lnj^irlu^.^alil lo

    drlvliii: i-ollldcil wHli’ .i

    i| Beet.GrowerS'.Committee Present ‘j Objectives to Senator-Elect Pope

    itrilay. Jnii; ‘ I’fcnUent 10-({(vo 'tlio lipel grower j.ropui

    .....I in i

    (iCfcrKc Coliluy of Hladiloofr'l.-- -Itrf'K IC. -O: JJiirlnw.'Hd Dlteirior W. E. AVilllK .ot llliliorl. nii'i ^vllli acnutor-elcfl JamcB I‘. I-01J0 ai IIoIhc. nnd .pro'fentca .Miu

    fur tJio Idnlio

    I ^ O p e I I * ‘ •-‘[■■I III| , M ill, M il I IM jl

    : : , H O I E S A H I l E R L ywo Blionin ■ 'j. I i • ■ fi •:! i

    {Death OomcB Sunday to Rcsi.

    dont of Town for Past

    III ilie .cn«e of chu FlrB\Xnllo; bunl:, «'lilcli clMed Dcc. -f, laSl, n tolDl uf fICl.TTI liu!! Ijcen .called' ed. Of wlik-h uniounl 111.107 cbiik from Htack nsHOBBinvnlK. Qiul'fOH.- 0(I7- from iintg and olfior collui;- ilun:ir' Uncollectcil assclB ainonnt to tft-I.OOli. Becuruii und-iiverci'tcil Knbllltltfs rmld'lir J29fl,7!9.

    Two dlvlijouds:mUolliy.'tlic cclvcr tol;ilifiU-stlDCI,2 i'tO-'llL. vured dei'onltora, leaviuB CMn 1 liatid In ''.he .-itiiDiini'o {26.772. (

    •cnali.ntn6unlod lo


    n.pnrt or tilt; turrllory ot lliu Twin Jtw rls l.u; • li'allu Jilsiiwni'Ulsirltt. Wllysruilo . H"5d Jim (in Salmon river imd iliQ Hoscwortli Mierlffs off alivoincluded In the jlla- ohkIuk i• • -a 'Hrmtofy -- ------------rtirvsr-nm...

    • ' pnrttcd Jii I

    Despite Storms Here Roads in District Are Otien for Travel

    1" r S S i i i•pjiorltd burc'. aci’oidlnii lo J. 1).

    ................. .'tiHK of'liiuT.Soiitlicni Idiilio I.ifu Itnilur.wrllurH uSMoelatlon licrb Satniday. ilib fol- lon-lnK nigolutloDu were hilolUud:'

    ubsoliilely iiiidU'li I IIOIIF

    ............. ....... .-:i I '-• l,.,\nIncrMBo ilie Tiix oi. (iiosr^ .̂lfo I Hursncu I'rcmlmnii.Jn tli» Sl:U< Idalio. from 2 per com to f. per«

    Pr tlio rooKonH Ktntvd bAlm Tllat .tlio iiropuspd Inx 'lH 1 mt: unfiilr

  • Inc- clinmplonH. Ttio orKanlzailnii votod^o'dlsbnilil, ll wrb anlj, lio-

    ' I'auw* of iioor box lifflco rfcoliilf

    ^ --—TKWMS-DHAIV'-WKI.I.-- r• ; aj>S , A.V-flELES, ■(••-•i, .rnii.

    • no- (UP)—TJio Trn(mis of llio .'XriilTcrsHj'-'of i Soiithrra Call- 'fornla. mure fto i ’JJicm •

    ; ttac» fts.’ffooO ilrnnlntftcnnlsoji the KTlilIroii lanl scnRon nnIhelr:'Wto'r*to>TniiiTipn ; (roiii'

    . tlio>Onlrtf!i1lT'6fTnllfdrnIii a(.‘• Lor Amn-lc*. nn rsflninln nf

    fonnW'offlclnis rpTMilfil, todiir- ••'•Jn MTCii 'RoniM ht-3(cmfli'Iir)

    .Inn, :i() (si.cclali— I jthroo liR8kcll);ill. snmp»|]iln>’cU III (lie Incal Ky>»>iilil>aiili-il (iKlrom pluyi'il':!ullii Hiiliis. Mrn. Oiilioiil SariK' III ]i1nyfil*uiiil Jllun llruHKcun cavo rn-rnaninsriTrtiiir-KfeiiT-iriirtiihcr;—

    . 0.:.W.;JertttBieatmi;:4S?.-tho- fol- •:iowlu^jloojc..«filcpiftr..thcaHiioa tldii :.pppi.laK. :iliB-..nropo«o

  • . . T h i s , . o f ; C o m - s e * i s p i ’ e t i y h a n M j o l l e d t r e a t m o n t .

    B u t / w n e n y o u c o n t r a s t i t w i t h t h e w a y i n w l i i c l i

    . g r a f f e i B i n t h e U n i t e c l S t a t e s g - e t a w a y w i t f i t h c - i r

    i p e c u l a t i o n s - r - w e l l , • i t ’ s h a r d t o 1 ) g v c r v g r e a t i v

    DISILLUSIONED EMIGRANTSj h . - t i i G - h r m i a n t - a t l U e t e ^ w h o i - f l f i f o r P n ‘

    i i i n ' t h e O l y m p i c , g a m e s l a s t y e a r a n d w h n t r a n s -

    , f e r r e ' d h e r r e s i d e n c e f r o m t h e U n i t e d S t a t e s t o P o -

    , l a h ' d J i f t e r t h e g a m e s w e r e o v e r , i s b e g i n n i n g t o w o n -

    ' d o r i f s h e , d i d t h e r i g h t ' t h i n g , • ^

    V - . ‘ i n P o l a n d , s h e h a d s p e n t n u i c l i o f h e r l i f e i n

    ; ' . t h 6 ; U h i t e d S t a t e i ^ V h e n ' s h e d e c i d e d , l a s t ^ Y p ^ r , t o g i v . e .

    q p . h e r p h n h c f t f o r A m e r i c a n c i t i z e n s h i i ) a n d . r e t u m ^

    — t f > ' - l P o I a r i d j ' ' B u t n o w - s h e - s a y a - s h e w a n t s - i o c o m e h a c k .

    • • ' t b t h ' e . - : U r i i t e d S t a t e 3 ; a n a s l i p i ' e m a r k s , • ■ A f l e i i » i t u l - - ^ h a s - g b t - i i B e d - t o - t h e r A m . e r i e a n s t a n d n r d - o f - l i v i n g , J t ! s .

    ■ _________________( ; A ' J o t f r o m E u r o p : c ' h a v e g o n e b a c k

    . t o t H ^ i ' d l d V c o u n t r y , s i n e i s . t h e d e p r e s s i o n b e g a n , a n t i

    6 n e - i ^ / i h c l i n e d t o _ g u e i s s t h a t a l o t ' o f t h e m , i f t h e y

    c b i i l d b e i n t e r v i e w e d , " w o u l d e x p r e s s t h i n g s j u s t a b e u t

    a s M i ^ W a l s h d i d . T i m e s m a y b e h a r ^ , i n A m e r i c a

    - - b u t t h d : o r d i n a r y m a n s t i l l g e t s a b e t t e r b r e a k h e r e

    : t h a i i l i e d p e s ' i n t h e o l d c o i m t r j ' . .

    ’ '> HISTORICAL I932-1933-■ r > V I i e h " t h ’e - : m e m b e i ' s - o f “ t h e i h - e s e n b § e n 6 r a t i o n - 5

    •'I (11 T ' MaPli na'ndolptiitisisunr. VGitucr .Sbaync

    cs-.llils sliow'or-l-cldl. Wliy. iiscr, (lo—ihey will liu i-oganl. fil, as'h. aen«aiionnl now tiolilovo- iiierii 111 diiiloniiiey. ;


    niiik Johns. Qiia KIrIm. - Tiirnor.ROIIliVVolfc.'"-' ‘I"! mirlh:nilo in, 11111. (■•muTal

    — dU Knlrman, V!i

    LtlamllaR i ' .Itm or'.tli

    ■Theft • hroiiKli .

    conference 1'. Koniowl ;plllenl.\

    Kll llnlliovi: Mlldra.l lii ..............K, Kmmii. l.yihc'in. .leaii Ovni. fiolrl. Knyii Ovorfli-lii. • .lim Hniilo Miirnnrcf .Slonn. Ivalherlm-' Smith Irene Sliidyvln.. Clmrlotlc Trc>.!nd.|h'' !}• Adulaldft Wclwiur. Hsihcr- Wll-.-'f"

    , -.TiiiilorH: Krnia Amon, Mury Bo?k, >:v;Wnr«6ktci>-i ̂ .McClollnn. .. Ilnhj. S vu lf^ ’fiiriP, l{o.'cftnno l».Ahc llolieriH, J.orciio . SnriQi Srmio - ■

    Ibo Is » ml A. IM, M. Himdy.

    p thiuilliu'ra h u - - •

    lamly. Jcroii

    : Meridian; Mrii, J.W., Chat1inrn. Ail.lmi; Mn>. Fwi


    M h v k .Si-nlorH; . . - - ,

    I lloic.: Mary Caniuin;LMiifio KiiKlan.i, W.......! J J o n . . l . : i lK u r lo n . .M o lb u U i n y . U i m i I I i i i H c i i . M a r n H r o i U iird w lc - r f , t lo n I n h lU ' I n i l c k . D u r l s i d im i i h r i c K . V e i n i n K In t ; , M a n u iH . l l i i i l O ld h i im . _ lC » M u T U v o r f l p i d ,- C h a r lo ! S h iu i iw K u r i l f l t ir l i ib 'o T . J- U lR e rS U n- k ' (o n , .K i i l l io j . S i i i r s i ! o H . : . .V iu l> ; i ,S i im .- .| - - W e s le y 1 - - - ~ 1

    , : | G o v e r n o r r R o s s . A d d ^

    .s p c n c u r . l t ' r a i s e , t o ; o e r v i c e s

    O f - S a l v a t i o n - A r m y; :,\V»rkei:H;i lot fulKlS to car ;ili. rwol

    L-Owcmor ii ih l :

    'OmlnrirrHoiI (he , UoOsowU-Htjovcr

    ’;rcoii\ciii to' Ihhui- ninnies

    . . . . n t u M ' - l n t l . . , . _ _ _ _ i l o o s c v p l i , j » n d . C M . .

    S t l i n s o u wltb , ' r f i n r l o l l n n f n i i i i ‘ i . W r . 'i K i O B b v e H ' a ^ c l o t i c i ' « ( l v ! « ' r ; 4 — P i - o - '

    T i i K J k ' c I t n n i l M t i l e y .

    ........................."'U'‘ ,Xfll'KS

    lila|its ivby >bo took Uio uhpreced. entecl. atbji tlila \v90k bc Vritlriir a :«lKiicd. nrllcle oij tim aiibjoct for

    itudonal, newspaper Bj-ndicate. C\tp.. lloo(ci-. is .Jolniug^Jn. Jliti

    . iinipiilBi). but, with Ic»« vlm.MIu lectiirwl iJics,iin-ns on-llio-.fliibjeet

    '(uunmiyTinnjot'iraiiiiahcâ icf .chu*OrtliCTO~f!ame vi(>WR lindJmr ' ! lirevlonaly -nxiircsaod by lilni.

    (liiit-nfi(T'MQroJi..| Mr. Koosovcit .would reui'lvo Hie. dclcKate.i friin Jlrl.ialu HoeltiUB 'consldorudaii • « tli(ili;; (Iciil., , ,

    Trick phr.nslnR In liio.annoime'c. iiiont 'led moHt everyiono—indu'd. Ins •>Vnncor-to Hiellcvo.'.Ave, .lincl rcaebcd Nolnu lilitileit ■ nKreothenlwltb’ iBrltaih -&iitPr»rtho-:Wor«l— neotvofit tliiii nil ilehlnrH - :>ii1V,Tccclvfl Mlniiliir c.


    owed—toi v-ho paid

    mniinir eor̂ itlilura-

    ...dt ‘«l -wn»!'nowK io. riiiy-...... 'bo.' Iiail- lieori • folIowinK 'tln>;!iiiiBicl()Bely.., That'-Hamo policy

    , liad’. 'lieeti. nnnimnml (inntnoially faoJuo ru-cokii'- berdrd. • fCoihlrje'whs ;io be. Mareb

    iDclfi werc' «n . flabWr- SflWcd ,(Jioy dI(I„’iiol■ ^tftfo. n.uiartmo......................___ :i)uriie

  • 19S8


    j a c h •Injortlon; por •1Jno.._'.05


    ST13A.DV- WOHK-dOOI) , PAV- CIiolHo opciiliiKa In coutitry mid [owns for.roHablo men nnd womon................ cxpcrlcjico resulted.

    " il., 'Bouthwosl t^^o~hlmr5-Dr^00-l^-^^—Monni->*Hl{tjfSoutUWMt-. ' quarter '• 'of ■ oatd ..................SecUon 2 .'wlth rlshl to, con- '̂oy wotor therein.: to Uio


    ,',WANTi2Di^K/ult Jars, oir alOTM; ;«frIccratolTi; coal;-.'Tansos,vBort

    -iT?ect.̂ v. Plipno 1285, '.^-. ■' '

    SocHoh together with a pipe , : lino - •bflslnnloif, nt aoId-liiKh—] •point at tho'wcsl end of.Uio' •plpc'llDo aboTO described and nijlnmg ''tUencd ' to: tUo,' landa •berelulioforo tlra f abovn '

    !-WA’NTBD''TO'DU,y“ 1000 care to -■irrock. Parmors'.' Auco. Supplfj Pse^^Parto Dcpt:PBfln'fti»25'cr-'

    imbrnnccfl and lelnB. iit milllc. iw'in_liavliii?l fltilnia m-.iinHt' iti, Jon to -tho liJ.Blicat bidder fcr natd dcccaBod. 'to .exhibit il;oni

    the p'romlBca known as Iho witli Uio nocoiwary voucliers, wiili-................... Inp, boliju In flix monUia alter Uio flntt puV

    .Block .S;, Ilcalion of this notioo'4o unid ud- tho cityc(f, î:iliityLniiri,i".iH UKi!Ulfrcirbr'E’^IZ

    . , , . ..............-i{Hr7~T:iiy~iiiig~cguwy or 'I'RTirinin standard Tinio, on Uw3l8t day KntK .State of Idalro,-tills •boint;! of Janiinry, 1033. tlio followiuB lUo'plneo fixed for »lio irtinMc- de»crllK!d poraonai iiroperty. .tfr-. tlon of |lio huHiooM Qf wnld eatatc,

    All-of tho furnlliiro and fix- -turcs,-linen -undvlieddinff,- car-- pCtH. curlalns.. and drhjli-s,

    ■ .......... iippllon and provl-

    .saraplo . rflomB, dlnins'rooins, llQcn rooms or eloaets. funinco

    . rooms, bath rooms or Isrotor- I.any, other.’

    BTHf3L PRTTIJOHN,• ■A'diiiiiil3tratrl*':'wltir';wlli‘ 'on-

    noxed of'lho «al:itu of I/aura Clnu'seii, deceased..

    )oT--On ;or.'abDUt,.,Dott- 15:

    - 1 25

    congtrucUen.'iaain ep6rfttHm*'‘''of'.'nt


    . -East iiaa.vcff: B«otion 2. Town- saip,.li'.somb,.naaso 18 Ea»i

    , JtolBô

    , A D V E B T IB B M E K T S ~ '^ I^W rfc : of • «aid:T«


    hormwotit.qUuUf'of said sc©--.-

    ...... JtraWt'-otrtboVMiiLlB'of TUtfob'.%.iIorgan,v land :̂ ira. Tojiokii *i ; lAlliintIn Ui'Iiniui; ...Auburn .Motors ......I Iliilttniiirc K . ,„lllendk .Wliulnn . ,.I llutlilvhi-m Steel !:«ordoK-«i. .

    a Co,

    .M-;w yoitu, jiin. .11) (UP) '— Kallnrid KharcK Icil a alow aud

    U'v riiliy nil Uio utock ox- jii- io(l;iy. wiille Certnaii bondH e »liarnly on nscont of: 4doIf !r io tlm Ccrnian clianctfllor-*,

    i liKIp,‘ 1 KorelRii nmvB overshadowed do* imeiiiic developiiiems. lu addition


    ply for Uio puat .........lure, .a» wau tbo ateadincsu securities.

    At Uio cIoHu wbeal was \i tii cent hlsher. wlillo .all dellverlea ' 3ru and bata. were oft. 'A ceiU,

    nirrsTTr:Chrysler Corp. ...Coca Cola ..........Conmierclal Solve ConUneiitul Oil «t Corn I’roInctH .... Dtnt -

    IH'luware ti4»|

    | l ) u P o a t d o . V u m o u r n .

    rtrevl wiiichcd with tntcrc.(l iliftleulUen dcveloplUB In Bennmrk.In Uial countn' ibo govcrnniont clamped dofwn roBtrltUotifi'oii. for-, clgn exclianso .transaotlona Danish kronor lit .Noir York. c'rnsh'wl'30 .potnt.';._,' ' " 1::

    - C U I C A ■SU_(Ui?j—nralnlj

    Cattlo: , llcculpta 1373: iilow,

    10*1 Ktoem $3.9S: host drjvclii i |coninion"iind-incdluin'»2 nnd-j: iindorgradcs dowmv.ird to . iiq top vows or belfers sold; bulls

    "Tos .vxui:m :h livestockJ.(i3 ANCfELKa Jan, 30 (W )-

    CatUo ITUO; loud yearllnR steers )I.SO; load lld it feedenj 14; load llSbl Jieifers H.CO: medium to Kood cor.-s und fS.eO; few vales common-calves J3.BO. aud-53.70.

    Ho*u; None; KOOd uiidor 200 pound, cralu feds nuotnhlo around J3.7:.. . ,. • . ■

    : rollTLAMi' UVKKTOCKPORTL.V.VD,' 'jftil.' 30 . (in*) • '

    Hogs 2GOO; several loads;'early J3.00 and,'«: r,. ' ̂ '-,CiitUo,.l-lOU;-a,.few, loads, ni


    *iiound lanii


    0.. (UPJ^roga SOO:. four .earn un- -00--pound Colorado butcliera ♦ij.uo: packing sows qngiabio ^

    ■CatUo 7wrirffrwitt.'il2'.md 828 pounu > Nuvauiv- .hoircra nndĴ .iSO:, uiodium and.low good-«

    p. 1225;-, 8 docks modi }od-7389 'ifound Bborn.'i .

    . Oregon..and-. Uloh-lambs 4S.80:tmd-».; - ,-••

    - CHICAGO I.IVEST()1;K- •. OHlOAaO, Jnnj 30. (UP)- (USDAi -̂ booi»,- 2̂3,000;:. dbslrablo.- nntlvu latuus-.Bcaiing under-00 Ib. 16.60

    1.08 AN(IKI,E.S. UUTTElt LOS ANGEUES.' Jan; 30 fUPl— ̂i

    luitsr:'Exim.1 ..20c: prime 1

    • ^TOOL- •DQSTOM, , Jan. 30 (UPl — Tbo

    , i'otura(»-i«f .bualnoss In wool le

    I'oC ?feo';irad68.-«,olQW Ŝ s whleli

    raoRc:lVIicat=-- Opcn-llish

    May ....... -l7-'5i, 4714 ,47>iJuly ....... 47% 47Ti i l ’Hi '17?1

    lOancral' FoodH lOcneral.MotofH.; -Coodyoac-Tirtu— ...

    . IntpnmUonul Harvo . Internatlobnt Telephono i KinnEc-otrCopirc ■| Locw’s rnc;

    • Ward

    KraiO'cIoso;Wheat: No'flalcs..-Com: No. A .mixed 221'

    22>4c; 'No: 1 yellow old 559J' 2'ycllow old 2654 and 25%c " iiow'23%.ana 24>4c.,̂ .̂ Onta.;: So..'3-.,.white -lOli. (ind|

    'ijiirlcy 2-1 and 36.. TlmoOo-. 12.25 and ?2',50.' •Clover 18 and 18.25.

    -. Penney Co, ...............Hadlo CqrpIWidlo Keith Orphcum ........llcynbJd* Tobacco B......;.......Shfoway Stores' nocbuck ---- ........ .'.•Shell Union OH ......... ..........Simmons Co, ...............Socoiiy Vncuum ..................SouUiern Pncltic .... :...........Standard Brands-... ....... ....

    . Siaa'uard Oil-of. C a l i f .- .t,.: Standard-Oll of'Ncw Jersey .

    . Texas CTrans • Amertrtr ... ........

    ' Union Carbide & Carboa

    jH - r - P O T A T O E i S ^ --"

    ■ ;---- (i1HGA«0-4'0T.VT0E8 -• ̂ .* CUICAGO,. Jon. ■30'-(Upj4rPola-' ', toos, 011̂ track 272:̂ 'a»rlTal«̂ ~138; -

    Wliltcii 70; MIchlgoD'RuasotiSUir* ' ftls 70; -ldaho-KusBcta.;4J

    . $1.TI>5! Colorado' McCluroaVlUB.-.

    coiTisn ., .VlilVV VUitK,-JM. .IVlL'l’J •" Copper •biiylop continued. .Blow •••> horo^iid'abroad today wiUi.pMedr.':,!.« unQhanKcd-/rom'l!iift wecki-loTola. ,* Domestic tnarkol was •. Y. CUim EXCIIANiiE. iorican-flup6r ro>ter ■ DUxixo rj


    tins, woola. ■

    NEWlYOIU? J ^ . 'a money .market showoi ant .ahattBM'of'tiio-____ -........

    «-«lc fTEXT”‘TnUla, .500 ibs;';


    ■riirk̂jEi:. drea^v^o.vjV ̂Turkojr»,drM8ed.VmMrut Turkeys., No.'2rr, ■'

  • 'Society and Glpb -News

    SprmgtiiMi; Note ■ ] -ijEeatHred in Early , viMorninĝl/yeacling

    Largely Atteiideil •' Guild P a r t y Is

    , Delightful.Evant

    .. ..•ciiaiiiK of iLliiritn louk lilnco- i>l the luiiiio Alionioj-. uml Mr«. 0. ,C, Hull. Hi> -

    •. :s'rrlH naiiK-."! .Love Yoii Triii'y,". -vsXbp .hriab'8 sown .«•«« of whll.!

    . ' M m atiil-, a ^ol of .wliUc cn'1.0" ÎLjjTCrH^rclluvcU tliu lo\v. iii'Cklbii'.•• ,16it;«'6Vo‘o cItiBOrmtlim wlilu tiir-

    liiin wJtli u 1101*0 veil, uml corrloil a •brlflo'S'bouqiiol of yellow roRcIiuds.

    hiaia of honor woro nii aftcr- nooP'Crwis or'liyudnrii-.hltio fiiRli- lonod'. wllb'Cl joUo of. xholl iiliik.

    • ' ;Tno‘8t

    ly;.lljcolij;bout Ibo lli-ltiK lui.l dhi-, In* roonm. wuddluic hrenkinsu wmi uurvcd. Uuttel uiylv. (ulluwInR

    -(Jio c'crcinbay. A Jiukc «liUo v.c,i. (ilnR.'cQko,'topped wJdi d nilutniuru

    ■' , ^flilo.ntidArldoKrooiii. cclileri'il ibe • ’ HoH'lc6;lablc. l.iehtild-yollon- tiip-

    il lioldcrH'vcro p!uldly lliiiiiii lUi' Koiiiiuih Hial-;li ...............

    Drobish Defeibes Potato And Onion Outlook for ’33Compiotc Annlysis of Production, Doinanil, Miirkcta nm1

    Eroapccts.'MiHlo by, Soorotary of Growers'ABSoialatioii

    D E III 'P O L IC E

    iiiiK.ii.,I'lil. Ilf .Affrlciillii I I’iiriric >’iirlh.


    riKhiH'llcia of iioUiiot............HUH..H i» I'Ktluialcil ut hHkIiII/

    •-S',u;!ui>iialli> . bcbliKl' n>i f murti llow'H moal iniUlo (IrniiiD, “Oj U



    .... ,.u», 2,9111.,OOPlircaier jluiii' ibo '.pl'ciiuiii pri>diic-|Itoii; ai'cordiaR to cmliiiateB basedr;;;,-;; [>a n Ntallullcal nnitlyulii made l>y:‘-’-‘-

    ilniRd' 19 hav imiicr

    Chli-aKo. îliorol ro lu Kftal 1 lOaho Itlli'K

    oie i:c>riii)u(|l aiarlielH iiu-cai ; la Kiippllon ui'vd In lucre arliy HtntiiB.

    Inn ii( the C'dI'I Jtean^hltc '(>vur‘ *0()' or'l

    Th.i nmoyi

    lo plan K tfprliiK

    Dll tlie l)i»ilS lit ll\e prodiietlna tbu weHtern iiinlox. (.Vote luh I‘n«u U, I’oliito Outlook liiillc .NIV. riiihll«hcd'lii Oaoher.) 'I :,oli(i.ti0i>.husber rcer civt. would rcaulti In’ aii^nd'dcdl wlilcb will tend lo rcdiico the ylehi. Ibu |lolaio,.nrodiic;i Is duiiblfal If Idubii will hnrveul Iii..>.,> Kinir« nf riv'*Si.aoiin. I |,[r1, n pcreeiitawot No. 1 Uiih.

    ;tinit"Murse'Talk'j .i -— ...i, ̂ -4t-0haiiiS8aool3ffl|n=

    ■laeriHly re- imhll ............ .............. _.. .Iiurchiislu): ibat ha» In ru IlnKti bold and In hnllelliiH .seaiUia_L-limiii:»:£l8i:iU'unauiiii|.!‘'.. iu'»rl}U:Vil!i!__unmts_foii_K, . yenni hi ilfeae Ihrco.Htuliy*. JllciuilhIo.!.J. nil. inifavuiiihltnnmm)-^-- - • •—

    mildc lit fo1

    for l«r ofVi ctlvu piiriler..fl*iwl

    , AXD.IiOWJE KVK.NT.S ’. •'.'.TliV.'Knull.lJapllHt .Ml.iihlonary Su-

    ' fItly.Tk-lll •niecrTucaiJ!rS‘,iiticrifoon. ._jan. 3T; iii'lbo homo of Mr«. Allirn

    CeifcrbtirK; 5Irfl.'\V. J. AKee, IJolue,■ ÎI)l;!HJ'-U'e,HpcalonK

    .•CHlerndlirlllK tun . iii.M len proaucth

    . hiin hpfu upward, Tb ____ _

    the flrr. he liahl.Jaw iiroitiielloh In a yuar ot vc— ’' "’I”” • •>- " •ileiiiauit niay rcasftuubly Ci| 10 iirodiiiui II • iiiarjiel't liuire like ' a year of hlKbi


    sprint;. Uvery aero liilipolutdi.s In lbe»ci. .weslt... ...... :pui Into HOiue olber.erbp belp-l "dnl um'liiEllo^ eil Increase (lie price paid for 11iib-i ‘dii nn ; eompiiri »et BurlKink’ii ilila year. -Prlee.1 arblbuKhelH lu .1031,' , .. loW, hill groworu lo iue(;lltiKtiJmy«.|_Jioi;lia uu hniid .Vov«!nibor.lHl a

    ' riniii' first burst ilhllnt.-.

    froitiJdn.lib,. WoHhinKion; -aiiVr tiip haudii VrV^^^

    lift ib'rcc Hialn.i ner.ved b>̂ 'of the iilyruKo rbporu

    luporiH fclcuscd li JlarHi. Tho Mfirrb nearly 111.'.accord,- wiin tiio nereane j'lanlL'il. ,

    ' Thp UhicMi (liillniik-:' ■ Uiilo

    ... Repo li'lai-Rcly . , Ail ntiiilyiihfj

    II fu-j ■led. hlKi itabl. ,' buracil. wan j ‘

    u-.s'-:baiplinl.. Ill


    iiiiari'llUlc Mias who .; .Vcry.vfu»by . about • bor iery be»i ' ■ ■ •|i.'wlll-adofn tblB' model, 'J'lie

    ____li'iiiiols>Cbic>-oTm îialluii iv!-;h,• iievbral^rows'^f KathorltiK. nlso re- iiien'lcd'Jii tmek. Ttiit floiinccil ;ioelc- ■.Hiib'fldu«;r«',u youlbfni. f.we iind of■wlHipnltorji.'. ■

    ir.;: taWBcl'a. Wteni'or.ilili'.. ;i>bde), _ •. semlVl-’lJTTBE.S- C'KXTa. ttBqa jiicludo :

    , , , - ....■̂ Vlddlwiv/ia.-B'bll dWKt of,w ’i'v'%c-*'fMoh’iiJfln()rn6oii.;.cvoiilns?^i

    lodi • liouBor'.'frooksi'-llngcrIb

    SEND-'FOIl V w OOVV.’:?.-PIUCK -, OF - OA

    ■mid • , .iia l-

    . . . votni•• COrY.k-.V.PKHJliJ - , OF OATALOCI, MfOTTrBE.V..,-v',caSTS; ,.;,-'CATAL0O.:■ 'jCSflJ;r/j»ATTBfW ;■' TOOBTIIKR;

    clIoiiH and Ibe cû lire olnb saiir tilrl. ntiervc noni;!!, (lecouipnnled by l.ureni- rrazter, ■

    Cleuoviiivo McKlrpy, Hoeful ctuiir- maii, nunouuood thut.iiexl WeJnoH* dii}-, Feb. I. liifiiihiTH ot tbo koo- nnil .Heiiiesler freshiiiau rlu'iH uii.doproiiKlon, luiii'.l dx may iiorbi- rei'caloil. le market may bo uxpeoted lunle diirinR= ibn.-m’linoli—d

    .'ealher- eoiitlllloiiii

    onlHtandhif? liiiiuni ̂ weHleni ntalo»'onloiiB In llur .wcBlorii hIii lu Ibo rediieilon hiiiile la Ihelr iio-l compared wlUi provluilKiyean lulo auroiiKe. Hceorda «ho'v, thall, ncporl«- furlhcr Indlt'ile....... indvOnlmiiitlockH oirhanil nrc.siibjetrt ti

    llace Ibaii ii»iuiJ-,utiil tbni loxrt]-! tnglc may '

    rullrom_______ ___

    Aen-a’fe Heiiiictiaii Uesjiniisiblu I'nelfb: Norlhtvexl rarniom plant

    I'll Ciwcr acrea.of pulatocH than li lIUl. ThiH niljiihiment lu poluii ueruaKO imnefllod Ibo ludualry lu: nvo Vl>'«- (D.Tho’crower who de-

    .-tlnlloek-I'or l-ot;ilocK III 10:i 'riiu averuKo price paid for pota-'

    ,-iiw. In Ihe Hcnfion of I3M will iJio larKiily delcnnlncd by ibo pro- 'ducilon. "The protlueilou will-depend upon Ihe uercaKo plantud anil

    iriiKn'yiold per acre.' Ylclda

    Are People TalHing About Yoiav

    Appearance Behind Your Back

    J-'.TInJ.'lii'fl’'^' iiiii'>iiiil',i>r iiiili

    I i^ii'i'bii' set. (*f 'lli-c, iiliii'iiis

    S.cifeelivo lirnltes . . .'iirujiei

    Don’t Gamble ? With Winter

    It’s ClieapCT To ] B e ^ e p a i e d ! !


    • i i w i i b c t i o

    ; ^ h e s e A r e ; T O

    Tfiat Need Attention!■ .liiM I'liti;: ̂ ?S|ierl-s !{ee|) j-(i

    ■ ''riNi.Hotiuifli^IO'K' l-iiliiMK'i


    i i ; .w ii\ j i V > i l i « j l i ' . ' - j ’ r i e i- s . ' i in - l i i i r . 5

    s|ioiitiivv. diiiiicoH.- - V

    Lind Automol)Ue Co. f

    you:?; tbo'‘.tiirgo i^ tif’

    ' ;whiBpcrs'-.ambitff:your;

    . fluainta^ccB

    A'.Vj.aBBociittcs- ' . j y iy

    l ^ ' . ' ^ i y o u : ; . a r a '- ' d a r o i e s s - ; - ' a b o 5 t /


    . ' . T i n d i ^ e d ' s ' l i l t a - c d i i . ' n i l i i -•

    :'f..ii\bis}ire88 >L'rdcr.ifin*6ro’ )!: pasiljr,;^

    .v.;ifri'erid8.:';rnax-, Uoow-.yow y .- r w o '" ^ ' : ' , ' ' t t i c y ' m a y ̂ k i i o v ^ ' ;

    ^'.•y■ouU^ayo'jaM^ iK

    ; wear' -wr^kiod Vand-*

    V; ’. y o ^


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