
Using Ansible for Deploying

to Cloud Environments

Andrew Hamilton

Who am I?

● Engineering Operations Lead for Prevoty

● Mentor META Lab at CSU, Northridge

● Formerly SRE @Twitter Search and Sys Admin for Eucalyptus (now HP)

What will we discuss?

● What was the problem to solve?

● Why we chose Ansible

● Tips for using Ansible for deploys

● Working in the cloud and beyond

What was the problem to solve?

We needed a simple and repeatable way to build services and push them out to properly configured environments.

Previously used tools wouldn’t cut it

● Puppet

● Capistrano

● Fabric

Multiple languages

● We use:

○ Go

○ Java


● Needed a way to easily build and package any of these

Moved from EC2 Classic to VPC

Image from:

Moved from EC2 Classic to VPC

● Moved majority of services into private subnets

● Direct access to instances now limited

○ ELBs are the default access method for pub traffic

○ Bastion host setup in each VPC for SSH access

○ SSH config used for “routing” access to bastions

SSH Config~/.ssh/config

Host bastion Hostname <public_dns_hostname_west> IdentityFile <pem>

Host bastion-east Hostname <public_dns_hostname_east> IdentityFile <pem>

Host *.us-west-2.compute.internal ProxyCommand ssh bastion nc -q 10 -w 10 %h %p 2>/dev/null

Host *.ec2.internal ProxyCommand ssh bastion-east nc -q 10 -w 10 %h %p 2>/dev/null

Moved towards ephemeral instances

● Nodes are usually rolled between releases

● Use a blue-green deployment process

Why we chose Ansible

We had a developer working on a tool but this isn’t our core competency so it was better to move away from the responsibility of building our own.

Focus on our core competencies

● We’re not in the deployment automation business

● No need to build a tool if a sufficient one already exists

Ansible has a simple execution model

● It is easier to understand than the declarative model used by Puppet

● Execution happens in order

Open source core written in Python

● Easy to extend and update when needed

● Easy to run from HEAD or a branch

YaML is a simple language

● Easy for devs to also add and fix playbooks

SSH based communication

● Don’t need to install anything on new instances

● Great for the cloud where instances are created and destroyed often

● No changes needed to security groups

● Respects SSH configs

Simple secret storage

● ansible-vault command

● Integrates automatically with playbooks

● AES encrypted text can sit in version control

Modules for almost everything

● Makes it super easy to get things done

● From file creation to working with load balancers and beyond

● Majority are idempotent

Modules can be in any language

● Take in JSON and produce JSON

Ansible is well suited for the cloud

● Dynamic inventories

● Both configuration management and remote command execution

● Run it when you need it

Use a dynamic inventory

● The cloud is ephemeral

● Standardize on a way to find instances


○ Uses format tag_<tag_name>_<tag_value>

○ For new hosts: tag_<tag_name>_<tag_value>_new

Configure a dynamic inventory

● Configure it to work for you

● and ec2.ini

○ Configured to provide the private DNS even if public DNS does exist

Break up your playbooks

● Keep playbooks small

● We break ours on verbs:○ Provision

○ Setup

○ Deploy

○ Promote

○ Terminate

Learn variable hierarchy

● From the Ansible docs○ extra vars (-e in the command line) always win

○ then comes connection variables defined in inventory (ansible_ssh_user, etc)

○ then comes "most everything else" (command line switches, vars in play, included vars, role vars, etc)

○ then comes the rest of the variables defined in inventory

○ then comes facts discovered about a system

○ then "role defaults", which are the most "defaulty" and lose in priority to everything.

Use common variables when possible

● group_vars/all

● Standardize as much as you can

Examples of what we put in there


ansible_ssh_private_key_file: ~/.ssh/{{ key_name | default(service_name) }}.pem

ansible_ssh_user: "{{ remote_user }}"

remote_user:"{{aws_config[my_ec2_region]['remote_user'] | default('ec2-user')}}"

my_ec2_region: "{{ lookup('env', 'EC2_REGION') }}"

default_service_dir: /usr/local/prevoty

java_version: 1.8.0_25

java_home: /opt/jre{{ java_version }}

go_version: go1.4.1

Separate specific vars by service

● group_vars/<service_name>

● These will be vars specific to this service


○ VPC Subnet(s)

○ Configuration

Combine secrets by environment

● group_vars/all_<service_env>

● We’ve found that placing all secrets together to be easier to deal with

● Single simple import

● Decryption happens automatically

Build generic playbooks

● Playbooks can be built on top of variables

● Use the “extra vars” (-e) to specify a service

% ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i <inventory> -e “service_name=<service> service_env=<env>” deploy.yml

Import var files based on extra vars

● Use the vars passed by the cli to specify imports

- hosts: my_group


- group_vars/all

- group_vars/all_{{ service_env }}

- group_vars/{{ service_name }}


- my_role

Specify host groups with vars

● You can reference a host group based on variables

● Host group can sit inside of a vars file

tag_{{ host_group_key }}_{{ host_group_value }}

Putting it together


- hosts: tag_{{ host_group_tag }}_{{ host_group_value }}


- group_vars/all

- group_vars/all_{{ service_env }}

- group_vars/{{ service_name }}


- deploy

% ansible-playbook --ask-vault-pass -i <inventory> -e “service_env=<env> service_name=<service>” deploy.yml

Wrap it up with an old friend

● We use bash to wrap playbooks together

● Easily run a full deploy

● Restart at intermediate steps if needed

Allow hash merging

● Makes it so much easier for cloud deployments

● Allows you to have one data structure across files in group_vars that become more easily accessible at runtime

● Enabled in ansible.cfg

Hash merging example


aws_config : {

“us-west-1” : {

“ami_id” : “ami-00112233”,

“rds_url” : <west_url>,


“us-east-1” : {

“ami_id” : “ami-44556677”,

“rds_url” : <west_url>,




aws_config : {

“us-west-1” : {

“elb_name” : <west_elb>,

“vpc_subnet” : [<west_subnet>],


“us-east-1” : {

“elb_name” : <east_elb>,

“vpc_subnet” : [<east_subnet>],



Hash merging example cont’d


aws_config : {

“us-west-1” : {

“ami_id” : “ami-00112233”,

“rds_url” : <west_url>,

“elb_name” : <west_elb>,

“vpc_subnet” : [<west_subnet>],


“us-east-1” : {

“ami_id” : “ami-44556677”,

result cont’d

“rds_url” : <west_url>,

“elb_name” : <east_elb>,

“vpc_subnet” : [<east_subnet>],



Hash merging example cont’d

● Easy access in playbooks based on region

ec2_region: {{ lookup(‘ENV’, ‘EC2_REGION’) }}

- or -

-e “ec2_region=<region>”

● Accessed by:{{ aws_config[ec2_region][‘elb_name’] }}

Make sure it fails…

● It shouldn’t just fail when there’s an error!

● Don’t run other plays in a playbook if a prerequisite isn’t met

● Ex: No hosts found in a host group

Test changes from start to finish

● Don’t consider a fix complete until you’ve run the entire deploy from start to finish

● Commands issued while debugging an issue can fix that issue without persistence

Working in the cloud and beyond

Our focus is in the cloud but it doesn’t always work for customers when it comes to their view of security

A VM is a VM

● We can automatically build a VM with tools such as Cobbler or packer on VMWare, KVM or XenServer

● Automated builds of the base OS that is the same as we run on AWS

Only the endpoints changed

● IP of the VM added to a static inventory

● Same playbooks and roles used for setup of the OS and build/deploy of the service

An example inventory









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