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MOVE User Manual

1. Installation Procedure The following packages are required for the installation of MOVE


Java SDK 1.4.2 or later -

SUMO version: 0.9.8 -

Xerces (XML-parser) version: 2.7 -

FOX-Toolkit (GUI Toolkit) version: 1.4.35 -

PROJ (Cartographic Projections Library): 4.5 –

GDAL (Geospatial Data Abstraction Library): 1.3.2 -

NS2 version: 2.31 (all- in-one) -

1.1 Installing Xerces Set Xerces C++ root path

o export XERCESCROOT=/home/temp/xerces -c-src_2_7_0

Build Xerces C++

o cd src/xercesc

o ./runConfigure -plinux -cgcc -xg++ -minmem -nsocket -tnative -rpthread

Build xercesc

o gmake

o make install

Please refer for further information.

1.2 Installing FOX- Toolkit ./configure --with-opengl=yes --prefix=$HOME


make install

1.3 Installing PROJ and GDAL ./configure --prefix=$HOME


make install

1.4 Installing SUMO Configure SUMO using the following commands

./configure --with-fox=$HOME --with-pro j-gdal=$HOME --with-xerces=$HOME --prefix=$HOME


make install

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If you have gcc version problem, please input the command: CC=gcc34

CXXFLAGS=-fpermissive ./configure –with-fox=$HOME –with-proj-gdal=$HOME –with-xerces=$H

OME –prefix=$HOME

To check if the installation has completed, run the following commands. You should be able to see the picture listed

under here.

cd /home/temp/sumo-0.9.8/src


Please refer for further information.

Note: Create a directory called temp under /home.

1.5 Installing NS2 After downloading ns-allinone-2.31.tar.gz, please run the following commands

root@localhost root]# tar -zxvf ns-allinone-2.31.tar.gz

[root@localhost root]# cd ns-allinone-2.31

[root@localhost ns-allinone-2.31]# ./install

Now run the following commands to set the environment

export NS_HOME=’pwd’/ns -allinone-2.31

export PATH= $NS_HOME /tcl8.4.14/unix: $NS_HOME /bin: $NS_HOME /tk8.4.14/unix:$PATH

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export TCL_LIBRARY=$NS_HOME /tcl8.4.14/library

You may edit the ~/.bash_profile file, so you would not need to make these changes every time you log back in.

Please refer for further information.

1.6 Building the Sources

To build the sources, compile with "javac *.java"

To run it, enter this command "java vanetsim" Note: If your trace is very large, you can input: Java –Xmx512m vanetsim

2. Manually Creating a Map Open the directory Move v 2.6 installed. Right click -> Click on Open Terminal.

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Enter ‘java vanetsim’ to run the class file of the file. It is as shown below:

Click on the ‘Mobility Model’ to simulate the mobility of the vehicles in MOVE.

To come up with a vehicular simulator program we need to define the following mandatory fields:

Node (point from which a road originates)

Edge (Road between two nodes)

Configuration of the above two.

Create map (check if the configuration defined is without any ambiguity)

Create Vehicle (Generation of vehicle to be simulated in the above map defined).

Configuration (It is to co-relate the map defined and the routes file defined in Create vehicle


Visualization (It is used to simulate the map and the vehicle defined)

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Map Nodes Editor:

It is used to define the nodes in the system. Each node has to be assigned a unique ID. User also has the

option to give traffic lights for a node. This option can be used when nodes can be thought of as

junctions in a system. The X and Y co-ordinates of the system has to be defined for mapping the node in

a real world environment.

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Save this file as <filename>.nod.xml.

Roads Editor:

Each node defined must be connected throught a edge called as a Road. Hence a From node and To

node has to be defined. The type of the road eg. Fast lane or Express can be defined as per user need.

No lanes are the number of lanes that exist in each edge. The maximum speed of all the vehicles in the

edge can be defined. The priority and the length of the edge can also be defined.

Save this file as <filename>.edg.xml

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This is used map the node file and the edge file. The output file name should be <filename>.net.xml.

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Save the configuration map as <filename>.netc.cfg.

Create Map:

The system that is just configured must be cross checked for inconsistancies. The Create map does this

facility. The configuration file file: <file>.netc.cfg must be ocated for the same.

Click on the OK button to check for inconsistencies.

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Flow (optional):

Flow provides the option to define the number of vehicles for each of the edges defined in the

<filename>.edg.xml file.

Save the file as <name>.flow.xml (ex_FLOW.flow.xml). You can also open and edit

an existing .flow.xml file.

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TURN (Optional) (not implement in the example) Select “Turn” from MOVE main menu. This is when you to specify a turning ratio for each junction. You must also create flow definitions as previously explained for the

vehicle movements. In the editor, you must group percentages together so they sum up as 1.0(100%).

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Create Vehicle Select “Create Vehicle” from MOVE main menu. This will simply create a number of vehicles at

the start of simulation. For our example, we use junction turning ratios function. Select your previously created map file (e.g. <filename>.net.xml). Specify your output

file location and name it as <name>.rou.xml (<filename>.rou.xml). Set the beginning and end time of simulation. Finally click OK. The rou.xml file will be automatically generated.

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Simulation setup After the map and movement is complete, you will need to specify the configurations of the simulation. Select “Configuration” at the bottom on MOVE main menu. Specify the <filename>.net.xml and <filename>.rou.xml location and specify the

beginning and end time of simulation. If you want to create the trace file, do not forget to check the checkbox and specify your trace output name e.g. <filename>.move.trace.

Then save the file as <name>.sumo.cfg.

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Select “Visualization” to see the actual movements on vehicle. Select the <filename>.sumo.cfg saved in

the above Configuration option.

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For the example chosen the following is the simulated result. One can notice there is a Signal that is

designed in the center of the map. This takes care of any congestion that might occur due to heavy traffic

load simulated.

Delay(ms) can be increased to make sure the vehicles being simulated are working as per design.

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3. Automatically Creating a Map from a TIGER file First, a map is generated from a TIGER file. Here the tiger map is converted into a MOVE map. The

procedure involves selecting the “Convert TIGER” button under the Map Editor option.

From the resulting window, select the TIGER map file. You also need to specify the <name> of the files

that will be created in this step. Here, we have specified <name>=sample. Please note, the whole path

needs to be specified.

After clicking the OK button, <name>.netc.cfg, <name>.edg.xml, <name>.net.xml and <name>.nod.xml

files are generated in the destination folder.

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Next, select the Create Vehicle button under the Vehicle Movement Editor.

Now, select the <name>.net.xml file under Map File field. Under Set Output Fil e option, create a

<name>.rou.xml file in the same destination folder. Click on OK.

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Now, you will get the success notification that the <name>.rou.xml file has been created.

Next, choose the Configuration button under Simulation option.

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Under the Map files field, choose <name>.net.xml file, and under the Routes File field choose the

<nanme>.rou.xml file. Tick the Set Output(Trace File) check box. Create a <name>.trace file under the

same destination folder. Click on File -> Save As : <name>.sumo.cfg

In the end, click on the Visualization button. This will open up the SUMO window, will will show the

simulation in progress.

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In the SUMO window, click on File -> Open Simulation. Select the <name>.sumo.cfg file created earlier.

This will load the map. Then, click on the green ‘Play’ button to start the simulation. The map and the

zoomed version of the map are shown here.

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