Page 1: Use of five sense in keats odd

Name : Umaba Gohil B

Sem :2

Roll No : 15

Paper No : 5 Romantic Literature

Topic : Use of five senses in Keats odd

Email id : [email protected]

Submitted By : Smt S.B.Gardi, Maharaja

Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University.

Department of English

Page 2: Use of five sense in keats odd

Five senses in keat’s odd

john Keats was an English romantic poet who

composed six odes in 1819.

Ode on Grecian Urn

Ode on Indolence

Ode on Melancholy

Ode to a Nightingale

Ode to Psyche

Ode to Autumn

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What is sense?

Sense is faculty by which the body perceives an

external stimulus; one of the faculties of sight,

smell,hearing,taste, and touch.

At it’s most basic level, an image is anything that

evokes any of the five senses.

Visual [ sight]

Aural [ sound ]



Sensation [ touch ]

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Keats sensitivity and delicacy of his imagery is part and parcel of genius.

I’ve color coded one of his most famous poem, the ode to Autumn , to help readers visually appreciate his use of imagery .

Notice too, by the color coding ,that you can see keat’s mind works. There are image cluster .


The first stanza is primarily visual, sight is our pre-eminent sensory experience, Keats knows it, and so the first stanza creates the poem’s setting.

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before the close of the first stanza , he dwells on sensation [touch] :the warmth of the day, the clammy cells, the soft lifted hair. We can also included the winnowing wind as a sensation since we can both see and feel the wind.

The second moves us back to the visual experience of autumn. The fume of poppies engage our sense of smell.

In the third stanza keat’s verse exploded with aural imagery as the countryside he depicts is filled with sound : ‘waiful’choirs of mourning gnats, the lamb’s loud bleating.

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Ode to Nightingale

I cannot see what flowers are at my feet,

nor what soft incense hangs upon the dough's.

the above lines taken from stanza 5 of the ode to

nightingale [ I cannot see] the senses of touch

and of smell [soft incense]and by the end of the

verse , with its evocation of ‘the coming musk-roes

, full of dewy wine, the murmerous haunt of flies’

,the senses of taste and hearing have also been


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Ode on Grecian urn

heard melodies are sweet , but those unheard

are sweeter ;therefore soft pipes ,play on.

This line depicted sense of hearing and touch.

A burning forehead , and preaching tounge

depicted sense of taste.

Ode to psyche

mid hush's , cool-rooted flowers , fragrant eyed


fledge the wild –ridged mountains steep by


In this two line we show Keats uses sense of

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