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Hills Road Sixth Form College, Cambridge

Appointment of Principal

Opportunity • Quality • Achievement

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O p p o r t u n i t y • Q u a l i t y • A c h i e v e m e n tIntroduction from Peter Southwick, the College’s Chair of the CorporationI am delighted that you have shown an interest in the position of Principal at Hills Road Sixth Form College. The retirement of our current Principal, Linda Sinclair, who has been part of the College’s community for 29 years and has led the College for the past eight years, provides a unique opportunity for a resourceful and innovative leader to join a College renowned for its educational excellence and profile at the forefront of post 16 education.

Leading and developing a College with a high profile will bring challenges especially while the educational landscape is undergoing such rapid transformation. You will therefore be comfortable with representing and promoting the College to a wide audience and guiding and motivating staff successfully through periods of change. The members of the Corporation will be focusing on candidates who already have substantial management and leadership experience in a college or secondary school, have a sound understanding of current and potential issues in education and who are able to empathise with young people, their aspirations and their personal challenges.

The College is well placed in terms of its educational performance and also enjoys strong financial health which has allowed for investment in physical and human resources over the past two decades placing us in a strong position to respond to recent funding challenges. We have a well-qualified and knowledgeable staff who are committed to providing the best education to our young people and an attractive and well maintained estate in a superb location.

Cambridge is in the last wave of the Area Based Reviews which is now expected to start in December 2016. The timing of the appointment will allow for the Principal Designate to participate in and contribute to important decisions about the College’s future which arise from this Review. In recent months the Corporation has consulted extensively with stake-holders to contribute to its evaluation of the College’s strategic options. Given the College’s relative strength, both in terms of educational quality and financial sustainability, members of the Corporation and senior management are preparing for the Review with considerable confidence.

Further details about the College and how to apply are included in this booklet and we hope that this will provide you with sufficient information to make an application which we look forward to receiving by 9.00am on 22nd September. If you would like to speak to us about a prospective application please contact the College’s Human Resources Manager, Michele Nightingale on 01223 278063 or by e-mail to [email protected].

If you are looking for a fresh challenge in a role which will give you the capacity to lead and develop at a strategic level, and have a genuine desire to ensure an outstanding and broad educational experience reflecting the College’s values and ethos, you will find the College an enjoyable, stimulating and rewarding place in which to continue your career.


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O p p o r t u n i t y • Q u a l i t y • A c h i e v e m e n tOverview of the College

The College The College operates on an attractive site just over a mile south of the centre of the historic city of Cambridge. The site has been occupied from 1903 when it was originally home to the Cambridge and County School for Boys. Since its inception in 1974, succeeding the former boys’ grammar school, the College has concentrated mainly on providing advanced level courses to students in the Cambridge area. Having responded to strong and sustained demand for places over a number of years we now have approaching 2,300 full-time 16-19 students for whom we provide a choice of 35+ A level subjects, the Extended Project Qualification, an extensive programme of enrichment and extra-curricular activities and responsive individual support and guidance. The breadth, depth and challenge of this curriculum are at the heart of our long-standing educational vision.

The College is a member of the Cambridge Area 14-19 Partnership: there are ten other centres for post-16 education: Cambridge Regional College, Long Road Sixth Form College, The College of West Anglia, UTC Cambridge and six school sixth forms. The Cambridge Area 14-19 Partnership provides a common application procedure for post-16 courses and co-ordinates the information and guidance services for student transfer at 16+. The great majority of our full-time sixth form students are recruited from 18 maintained secondary comprehensive schools in the Cambridge area, 12 of which do not have their own sixth form.

We deliver an Adult Education programme, mainly during evenings and some weekends. The number of part-time adult student enrolments is around 3,500 a year. The range of courses reflects the needs of a much wider community in Cambridge and the surrounding area. The College is also a study centre for the Open University. The Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre is solely owned by the College and operates as Cantabrigian Ltd. While providing an outstanding facility for staff and students of the College, it also serves as a community sports centre working in partnership with Cambridge City Council and the Lawn Tennis Association. Local residents use the centre on a pay-as-you-play basis or via the membership scheme. Activities range from tennis and fitness room sessions to squash, cricket and pilates.


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O p p o r t u n i t y • Q u a l i t y • A c h i e v e m e n tCollege PerformanceHills Road Sixth Form College enjoys a national reputation for excellence and, in its last two Ofsted inspections, was rated outstanding in all graded areas. A Summary of the College’s Performance in 2014-15• In the Government’s examination performance table for ‘points per examination entry’, the College posted the highest score of any sixth form college in the country as it has done every year since the tables’ inception in 1993.• Retention and success rates also remained high, with 96% of those enrolled on a two-year course in 2013 going on to achieve the equivalent of at least two A level passes in 2015.• For the past four years the tables have included the percentage of students achieving at least AAB at A level in at least two of the Russell Group’s ‘facilitating subjects’. As in each previous year Hills Road recorded the strongest sixth form college percentage.• Value added continued to be positive overall. The College’s score of 0.18 indicated that Hills Road students achieved about one fifth of a grade per A level entry better than might have been expected based on their prior GCSE results. • Over 90% of Hills Road students progressed to higher education with significant numbers going to the most sought after universities (77 Hills Road students received Oxbridge offers during 2015-16).

Exam Results 2016The 2016 A Level results are very similar to the typical, strong level in recent years and are likely to translate into another good performance in the Government’s league tables:

• this year’s proportion of A*-A grades is 48.7% • the proportion of A* grades is 16.2%• the A*-C grade rate is 92.8% • the A*-E pass rate is 99.5%.

L6 AS results are also similar to the typical, strong level in recent years:

• the A-C grade rate is 83.8% • the A-E pass rate is 97.6%.

College EthosAt Hills Road we are strongly committed to providing our students with a broad sixth form education characterised by academic excellence, high quality learning experiences and extensive enrichment opportunities. Students are encouraged to achieve the highest standards not only in the classroom but also in a range of extra-curricular activities which help them to develop new skills, think independently and exercise their responsibilities as global citizens. We seek to promote a caring and supportive atmosphere with a strong sense of community in which all students are valued equally as individuals and treated as young adults.


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From teaching and tutorial departments to administrative and support functions, Hills Road staff are deployed within specialist teams where their expertise, knowledge and skills may be used to best effect: each student has a specialist tutor with whom s/he meets regularly; subject departments offer lunchtime workshops where students can receive one-to-one support with homework queries or extension work; help with all aspects of learning, from essay writing to time management, is available from the specialist team in the Study Skills Department; and the Careers Department advises students on the world outside and beyond Hills Road, from work experience to UCAS applications.

Specialisation brings considerable benefits to staff as well as to students: not only does it have a significant impact on the quality of teaching, support and guidance, but it also helps to enrich working relationships and to promote a culture of learning and continuous improvement. Teams are encouraged to work in creative and collaborative ways and to reflect on their own and each other’s performance.

College FacilitiesThroughout our history the buildings have been extended and refurbished to meet changing needs. All lessons take place in high quality, purpose-built accommodation. In addition to excellent classrooms which are fully equipped with digital media resources, the College enjoys first class facilities including: extensive open-access IT facilities, a Library and Resources Centre, The Robinson Theatre, a modern well-equipped Music Department with recital room and practice rooms, an Art and Design Centre and specialist laboratories for science and language learning. Indoor and outdoor sports facilities are excellent, with the Sports and Tennis Centre located on the main site and a well-maintained ten-acre sports ground, including a recently constructed modern pavilion, situated within a short walk from the College. The most recent addition to our facilities is a fabulous three-storey building at the edge of our site which provides outstanding accommodation for the Mathematics, Performing Arts and Sport departments.

We are currently in the process of developing a new Student Services hub at the heart of the College site. This will house the Supported Independent Learning Service and Careers department, a new library-style student study space and a staffed reception area. A new Student Services Team has been created to respond to all manner of student need and to ensure a qualified staff member is available throughout the College day to respond to student concerns in respect of wellbeing and mental health.

“My two years at Hills Road have been the most demanding and

rewarding of my life to date! The best thing about Hills has

undoubtedly been the amazing teaching.”


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College FinancesSince incorporation the College has managed its finances effectively and has continually met the financial criteria under the different funding bodies. The College’s financial returns have been consistently assessed as outstanding each year up to and including the latest financial health assessment for the year ended July 2015. The year ending July 2016 is expected to score good, as previously forecast. This is due to the cash invested in the most recent stage of the College’s Property Strategy which was completed in May 2016. Going forward the financial plan results in good during 2016-17, returning to outstanding in the years 2017-18 and 2018-19. Full management accounts are produced each month in order to monitor and manage the finances and to report to senior management and the Corporation in a timely manner. Sound financial management has allowed the College to maximise the potential for investment in human and physical resources and, in particular, to fulfil the phases of its long-term property strategy.

A Stimulating EnvironmentWe hope this has helped to convey some of the qualities which make Hills Road Sixth Form College a stimulating and rewarding place in which to work and learn. If your application is successful you will experience a College which enjoys a happy and purposeful atmosphere and a unique blend of opportunity, quality and achievement.

Further InformationYou will find the College’s website a source of much information. You may find the following documents particularly helpful:

• Strategic Plan 2014-16 and updates• Self-Assessment Report December 2015• Report and Consolidated Financial Statements to 31st July 2015• Financial Forecast to 31st July 2019 • Prospectus for 16-19 entry autumn 2017 • Adult Education Prospectus autumn 2016

“The best things about being at Hills Road are … the support and

guidance you receive from all areas of the College (e.g. your

tutor, guidance and careers) so you feel like you are really

becoming the best you can be!”


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O p p o r t u n i t y • Q u a l i t y • A c h i e v e m e n tGovernance, Leadership and ManagementGovernanceThe College Corporation comprises a board of 15 members including the Principal, two staff members, a parent member and a student member. There are currently two vacancies for independent members, and a vacancy for the parent member. The Corporation conducts the majority of its business at its meetings but has three committees: Audit, Remuneration and Search & Governance. Each committee has terms of reference, which have been approved by the Corporation. The structure includes the Chair of the Corporation, Senior Vice-Chair of the Corporation and two Vice Chairs; there is an independent Chair of the Audit Committee. The Corporation is supported by an independent Clerk to the Corporation.

The Deputy Principal and two Assistant Principals are observers at the Corporation meetings and the Assistant Principal (Resources) is also an observer at the Audit Committee. In addition, a student observer is invited to attend Corporation meetings.

It is the Corporation’s responsibility to bring independent judgement to bear on issues of strategy, performance, resources and standards of conduct. It determines the educational character and mission of the College, and oversees its activities. It is responsible for ensuring the effective and efficient use of resources, and that the College remains solvent. The Corporation meets twice each term. The Audit Committee has a well-established process for monitoring high level risks associated with the College. There is a regular dialogue between the Chair, Clerk and Principal to facilitate the flow of business and good communication.

Leadership and Management

The College Strategy Team The Principal is supported by a senior management team, known as the College Strategy Team (CST). The team comprises:

• Principal• Deputy Principal – Ms Jo Trump• Assistant Principal (Planning and Quality) – Mr Dave Jones• Assistant Principal (Resources) – Miss Jill Aberdour

Their management responsibilities are summarised below and those staff for whom they have responsibility can be seen in the College’s organisational chart.

“Without Study Skills, I would not have got through last year. You gave me the

ability to believe in myself just when I’d given up dreaming. So thank you ...

take care and keep making the difference to people like me.”


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The primary role of CST is to:• recommend policy to governors• determine strategies for the implementation of policy• oversee the implementation and review of policy.The team also deals with a number of operational issues.

CST operate an ‘open door’ policy to facilitate and encourage communication with all colleagues and meet each week for a formal meeting for which there is an agenda and minutes taken. The team members’ styles of work, knowledge and experience are complementary to each other which helps to foster constructive challenge within an open, honest and mutually supportive environment.

The PrincipalIn addition to leading and managing the College to achieve the objectives set by the Corporation the Principal is responsible for the College’s marketing and digital strategy.

Deputy PrincipalJo Trump is responsible for the strategic management of the College’s full-time curriculum and for the support and guidance of students which includes careers and study skills.

Assistant Principal (Planning and Quality)Dave Jones is responsible for the management, development and implementation of strategic planning and quality assurance processes, student admissions and examinations.

Assistant Principal (Resources)Jill Aberdour is responsible for the strategic management and leadership of estates, finance, human resources, adult education and the College’s subsidiary company, Cantabrigian, which operates Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre.

While this is the current configuration there is flexibility amongst CST members to alter the management responsibilities of some areas.

College TeamsThere are also a number of College Teams that come together formally to facilitate work in particular areas.

Curriculum and Guidance Leadership teamThe Curriculum and Guidance Leadership Team, which meets every five weeks, plays a central role in facilitating effective communication between curriculum and guidance to support high quality guidance, teaching and learning. The team ensures support is coordinated for students, in particular those at risk of underperforming. The team comprises the Deputy Principal, three Curriculum Directors, the Director of Student Support, and the two Heads of Year.

Guidance Leadership Team The Guidance Leadership Team comprises the Deputy Principal, Director of Student Support and the two Heads of Year. The team meets weekly to help plan and implement the College’s guidance strategy and to discuss the management of all aspects of the College’s support for students.


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Curriculum Team The Curriculum Team comprises the Deputy Principal and three Curriculum Directors. Curriculum Directors between them line manage the 16 Heads of Department. The Team meets weekly to help plan and implement the College’s curriculum strategy and to discuss the management of all aspects of the College’s curriculum. The Team co-ordinates agendas for meetings of the Curriculum and Guidance Leadership Team and Heads of Department.

Guidance TeamThe Guidance Team comprises the Deputy Principal, Director of Student Support, the two Heads of Year, Student Services team members and the 18 specialist tutors. The Team meets regularly to discuss matters relating to students and particular developments and objectives, for example feedback from the mental health steering group.

Heads of DepartmentHeads of Department meet regularly during the year. The agenda for these meetings is drawn up by the Curriculum Team; Heads of Department are encouraged to contribute agenda items.

Task-related teamsThere are also other teams which meet regularly such as Teaching and Learning, Health and Safety and the Equality Forum as well as other teams that come together more infrequently as the need arises, for example Staff Development or in relation to specific projects for example IT and the Mental Health Steering Group.


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O p p o r t u n i t y • Q u a l i t y • A c h i e v e m e n tThe following advert appears in the TES on Friday 9th and Friday 16th September 2016

PRINCIPALCompetitive salary and relocation package to be negotiatedStart date preferably March/April 2017

Due to the forthcoming retirement in April 2017 of Linda Sinclair, we are seeking a new Principal to lead our highly successful sixth form college located in the historic city of Cambridge.

The College, which is designated as ‘outstanding’ by Ofsted, has a national reputation for excellence with high retention and success rates, achieving amongst the highest results for A level examinations in sixth form colleges, well above national sixth form college benchmarks. The majority of our students progress to higher education with over a third having achieved at least ‘AAB’ at A level in at least two of the Russell Group’s list of ‘facilitating subjects’, the highest sixth form college percentage in the country. Despite the recent funding challenges, the College has strong and well-managed finances which have continued to sustain a curriculum underpinned by a commitment to the welfare and pastoral needs of our young people. The expertise and enthusiasm of our staff together with the energy and aptitude of the students, ensure that the curriculum offered through qualifications, enrichment opportunities and the extended project, provides a broad and varied range of learning experiences.

Over the past two decades the College has invested significantly in the development of its estate and facilities, providing a modern and well-resourced campus now shared by nearly 2,300 sixth form students and 250 staff, as well as a thriving Sports and Tennis Centre open to the public, and a well-regarded and successful programme for adult students during the evenings.

Although the educational landscape is undergoing some rapid changes the Corporation is committed to maintaining the educational excellence and profile of the College. As the new Principal you will promote the vision, value and ethos of the College to the wider community and anticipate and respond positively to change to maintain and develop the College’s profile at the forefront of post 16 education. You will already have substantial management and leadership experience in a college or secondary school with significant 16-19 A level provision and have a sound understanding of current and potential issues in education, in particular the post 16 sector. For someone with drive, energy, enthusiasm and commitment the College will provide a stimulating, supportive and exciting environment in which to take forward your career.

The College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of its students and staff and expects all members of the College community, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. The College actively promotes equality and diversity and welcomes applications from all sections of the community.


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Job Description for the PrincipalPurpose: To lead and manage the College to achieve the objectives set by the Corporation in accordance with the College’s mission, the Instrument and Articles of Government and the regulatory framework

Reports to: The Corporation

Main Accountabilities:

1. Strategic Leadership

1.1 to ensure the successful implementation of the College’s Strategic Plan and to ensure that the strategic direction of the College is communicated and understood and supported by staff through individual, departmental and team objectives

1.2 to support the work of the Corporation including making proposals about the continuous development of the educational character, mission and strategic direction of the College and to implement the Corporation’s decisions

1.3 to promote the vision, values and ethos of the College to key stakeholders and the wider community

1.4 to provide motivational leadership to staff and students leading by example through high standards of behavior, integrity, commitment and compassion

1.5 to respond to actual and potential changes in the external environment in order to maintain the College’s viability and its local, regional and national reputation for excellence in post-16 education

1.6 to maintain and develop mutually supportive partnerships, to represent the College and to foster links that will promote the College’s interests and position the College successfully in a changing environment

1.7 to ensure effective arrangements for quality assurance including through the annual Self-assessment Report, the Teaching Department Self-assessment process, preparation for Ofsted inspection and the monitoring of key performance data

1.8 to determine the College’s academic and other activities, including maintaining and developing an effective learning environment, responsive arrangements for the support and guidance of students, and an effective framework for the management, organisation and development of staff

1.9 to ensure that the College’s activities are compliant with the statutory and regulatory framework and with the provisions in the Instrument and Articles of Government

1.10 to ensure that effective procedures are in place to monitor the College’s performance in respect of health and safety, safeguarding (including the Prevent strategy), equality and diversity and environmental responsibilities


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1.11 to ensure that the College assesses risk on a regular basis and maintains an up to date risk register, advising the Corporation of emerging risks and the actions being taken to mitigate the effects of such risks

2. Students

2.1 to provide an enjoyable, challenging and stimulating environment where students take individual ownership of their learning, realise their potential and progress successfully to the next stage

2.2 to ensure that the College maintains and develops a curriculum responsive to the needs of the local and wider community while reflecting national needs and priorities

2.3 to ensure that there are effective systems to monitor and record the progress of students and to give appropriate feedback

2.4 to ensure that the College has effective arrangements for the welfare of students and that students feel safe and supported

2.5 to encourage high standards of behaviour, responsibility and respect and, when necessary, ensure action is taken to maintain discipline including, the suspension or exclusion of students on disciplinary grounds and the exclusion of students for academic reasons.

3. Staff

3.1 to foster a climate of mutual respect and honesty where staff feel valued and encouraged to develop and achieve

3.2 to monitor and review the organisational structure to ensure that the level of staffing, skills and knowledge matches current and future need 3.3 to be responsible for the appointment, grading, appraisal, professional development, suspension and dismissal of staff apart from the Clerk to the Corporation, within the framework set by the Corporation

3.4 to determine, within the framework set by the Corporation, the pay and conditions of service of staff other than the holders of senior posts and the Clerk to the Corporation

3.5 to ensure that the College’s employment practices comply with legislation and reflect best practice

4. Resources

4.1 to act as the College’s accounting officer ensuring compliance with relevant accounting and audit requirements and the effective and proper operation of the College’s financial and management controls


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4.2 to prepare annual estimates of income and expenditure for consideration and approval by the Corporation for the College and its subsidiary company, Cantabrigian Ltd.

4.3 to ensure the efficient and effective management of the College’s and Cantabrigian’s budget and resources within the estimates approved by the Corporation

4.4 to ensure robust financial planning information and regular financial management information is provided to the Corporation and advise the Corporation on a timely basis of risks to the College’s financial or reputational status

4.5 to maintain and develop sources of funding including through the effective utilisation of the College’s assets, adult education provision and the Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre

4.6 to develop and implement the College’s accommodation and IT strategies consistent with the strategic direction of the College

5. Other Duties

5.1 to play the lead role in all aspects of the life of the College community and to encourage staff and students by setting a positive example

5.2 to take day to day responsibility for the management and appraisal of the work of the:

• Deputy Principal• Assistant Principals• Principal’s PA• Director of Digital Strategy• Marketing Officer

5.3 to undertake such other duties as the Corporation may, from time to time, determine in consultation with the post-holder

6. Accountabilities that relate to all staff at the College:

6.1 to demonstrate behaviour and values consistent with the person specification for this role

6.2 to promote equality of opportunity in accordance with the College’s Single Equality Scheme

6.3 to maintain high standards of attendance and punctuality

6.4 to have proper and professional regard for the ethos, policies and practices of the College.


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Person SpecificationEssential Evidence

Qualifications & Training

• a degree or equivalent qualification• teaching qualification• evidence of continuing professional development

Application form

Letter of application



Experience • substantial management and leadership experience in a college or 11-18 school with significant 16-19 A level provision

• experience of developing, leading and successfully implementing initiatives across a range of disciplines

• experience of managing change• experience of working effectively with

stakeholders and establishing successful relationships with external organisations

In addition, the successful candidate will demonstrate, or have potential to develop, strengths in the following areas:

Skills and Ability

• a strategic and creative thinker able to identify opportunities for improving performance and assess the feasibility of new ideas

• ability to respond flexibly and positively to new and changing contexts and to drive through transformational change

• ability to lead, motivate, develop and support staff

• ability to resolve problems and to exercise sound judgement

• ability to analyse, interpret and make effective use of a wide range of data

• outstanding communication and negotiating skills

• to represent and promote the College, its values, performance and objectives locally and national-ly to a wide range of audiences, including potential students and their parents

Letter of application/References/Interview

Knowledge • a sound and detailed understanding of current and potential issues in education in particular in the post 16 sector


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Organisation • well organised, able to prioritise and delegate effectively and to develop contingencies to cope with the unforeseen

Disposition and approach

• honest and open with a positive and approachable manner

• emotionally resilient with drive and determination

• reflective and self-aware• demonstrates professional and personal

integrity• commitment to collaborative working while also

being able to act with decisiveness and give direction when needed

• commitment to achieving the highest standards in all aspects of students’ educational experience at the College

• empathy with post-16 students, their aspirations and the personal challenges facing them

• commitment to equality of opportunityFocus on quality

• commitment to high standards of work and ac-curacy, with strong attention to detail

• commitment to the ethos and values of the Col-lege

• commitment to the aim of the College to achieve Quality and Value for Money in all aspects of its work

• commitment to continuous improvement and willingness to attend appropriate training and development events

“The array of extra-curricular activities is amazing, from

three different choirs, to sports teams, to several

technology-related groups.”


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Guidance on Conditions of Service

Remuneration and terms of employment

Remuneration and RelocationThe salary will reflect the responsibilities of the position and the knowledge and experience of the successful candidate. The Corporation’s Remuneration Committee will review the salary annually with the first review taking effect from September 1st 2018.

A contribution towards relocation expenses will be discussed at interview.

Further details about living in and around Cambridge can be found here.

ContractThe contract will be issued to the successful candidate once all necessary checks in connection with employment are completed. There will be a period of probationary service of six months during which time suitability for the position will be assessed.

Start DateWe hope that the successful candidate will be able to take up employment with the College during the latter part of the Spring term 2017 which will allow for a short handover and familarisation period while the current Principal is still in post. Where necessary some flexibility to this timescale could be discussed at interview.

Hours of WorkThere are no set hours of work; in common with other senior post holders the Principal is expected to work such hours as are reasonable and required to discharge the responsibilities and duties of the post subject to a minimum of 37 hours per week. This will include some evening and weekend working when necessary.

Holiday EntitlementThe annual allowance is 35 days’ holiday plus all bank and public holidays that are normally observed in England and Wales. Three days from the annual entitlement will be allocated to cover the period when the College is closed at Christmas.

PensionThe post-holder will automatically join the Teachers’ Pension Scheme and will receive information about the scheme with their offer of employment letter.

Payment of SalariesSalaries are paid by credit transfer to a nominated account on the last working day of each month. The December salary is normally paid in advance of the month end, just before Christmas.

Sickness and Maternity LeaveThe College operates nationally-agreed sickness and maternity leave and pay schemes.


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Annual MedicalThe post-holder will be required to have an annual health screening examination. The College will be responsible for the expenses relating to the examination.

Appraisal and Professional DevelopmentThe post-holder will be appraised annually including a review of performance against specific objectives agreed with the Chair of the Corporation. The College recognises the importance of providing professional development opportunities for all staff and support will be available to meet agreed training and development needs consistent with the College’s mission and strategic objectives. Training needs are normally discussed and agreed during the annual appraisal.

ConfidentialityThe post-holder will act in the best interests of the College and will not disclose confidential knowledge about the College at any time (except in the proper performance of her/his duties) nor at any time (without limit) after the termination of employment.

Exclusivity of ServiceThe post-holder will devote her or his whole time to the work of the College although the written consent of the Corporation may be obtained for the undertaking of additional employment that is considered to be of benefit to both the College and to the post-holder.

Work Life Balance and Employee BenefitsThe College has various work-life balance and flexible working arrangements in place. The College values the contribution made by its employees and recognises the benefits of fostering a working environment in which employees can fulfill their responsibilities and aspirations in and outside work. Employee benefits include free use of the Hills Road Sports and Tennis Centre, discounted fees on the Adult Education programme, eye care vouchers, bicycle scheme and staff counselling. Further details about employee benefits and work life balance policies can be found here.

Notice PeriodNot less than six months, for termination at 30th April, 31st August or 31st December.


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How to apply and selection procedure

ApplicationPlease complete the application form on the College’s website and submit, together with your curriculum vitae and a supporting statement of not more than two A4 pages demonstrating your ability to fulfil the job description and meet the person specification, to [email protected].

The closing date for applications is 9.00am on Thursday 22nd September. All applications will be acknowledged.

Interviews will take place on Wednesday 19th and Thursday 20th October. All applicants will be contacted by Friday 7th October in respect of whether or not they have been successful in securing an interview.

If you would like any further general information please speak to the College’s Human Resources Manager, Michele Nightingale on 01223 278063 or email [email protected]

SelectionThe selection process will be undertaken by a Selection Panel, appointed by the Chair of the Corporation. The Selection Panel will be assisted by an external adviser.

There will be a two stage selection process. On Wednesday 19th October the candidates will be able to familiarise themselves with the College through informal meetings with groups of staff, students and members of the Corporation and a tour of the College. At the end of the first day candidates will be informed as to whether they have been selected to participate in the more formal stage two process on the following day.

On Thursday 20th October candidates will be invited to make a short presentation and complete an in tray exercise after which there will be a formal interview with the Selection Panel. Candidates will be free to leave after their interview.

Candidates will be informed of the outcome of the stage two process by Friday 21st October.

Additional informationOvernight accommodation will be arranged, if requested by the candidates, for Tuesday 18th and Wednesday 19th October.

Please note that the offer of the post will be subject to satisfactory pre-employment checks including a medical examination, Disclosure and Barring Service enhanced background check and references.

References, which will be requested for shortlisted candidates, will be made available to the Selection Panel and its advisers before the interview. Please include details of two professional referees with whom we could make contact, one of whom must be your most recent employer.


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Contact Details

Hills Road Sixth Form College Hills Road

Cambridge CB2 8PE

Telephone: 01223 247251



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