Page 1: Upcoming Issues for COP-11/MOP 1 ______________ M.J. Mace, FIELD ECBI Pre-COP Workshop to Strengthen Capacity of LDC Negotiators to Negotiate and Implement

Upcoming Issues for COP-11/MOP 1


M.J. Mace, FIELDECBI Pre-COP Workshop to Strengthen Capacity of

LDC Negotiators to Negotiate and Implement

The UNFCC and Kyoto Protocol 24-25 November 2005

Casa de Mateo Montréal, Canada

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Historic Session

• First Meeting of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol

• Adoption of decisions on Kyoto flexible mechanisms, including international emissions trading, CDM, JI, compliance system

• Initiation of a process for discussing future commitments to address climate change

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Four Agendas

Under Article 15 of the KP, COP Subsidiary Bodies serve as KP Subsidiary Bodies.

• COP-11 (Convention issues)

• COP/MOP-1 (KP issues)

• SBSTA-23 (Convention and KP issues)

• SBI-23 (Convention and KP issues)

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Expert Group on Technology Transfer 23, 24, 25 Nov.

CDM Executive Board 23, 24, 25 Nov.

Expert meeting on responsemeasures 23-24 Nov.

Consultative Group of Experts 24-25 Nov.

LDC Workshop Junior Negotiators

24-25 Nov.

Pre-COP Activities

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27 November


28 November


29 November


30 November


1 December


2 December


3 December

Welcoming ceremony

SBSTA 23opens

SBI 23opens


SBI 23

COP 11plenary

COP 11 opens

COP/MOP 1opens

COP/MOP 1plenary


SBI 23




G-77 & China

Week 1


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4 December


5 December


6 December


7 December


8 December


9 December

Opening ceremony

National statements

National statements

COP 11 decisions and

conclusionsand closing

COP/MOP 1 decisions and

conclusionsand closing


SBSTA 23closes

SBI 23closes

Joint High-level Segment

Week 2


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COP Agenda

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A. COP will adopt draft decisions forwarded from SB-22, SB-23:

• Submission of 2nd and 3rd Nat Comms for NA1 Parties • Further Guidance for LDC Fund• Flexibility for Croatia under Article 4.6• Programme budget for 2006-2007• Draft conclusions on internal review of Secretariat• Research needs relating to the Convention• Adjustments under Article 5.2

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B. Certain COP agenda itemswill be referred to SBI and SBSTA

1. Development and transfer of technologies (SBSTA)2. Five-Year Work Programme on Adaptation (SBSTA)3. Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of

mitigation (SBSTA)4. Implementation of the Buenos Aires Programme of Work on

adaptation and response measures (1/CP.10) (SBI)5. Financial Mechanism - Special Climate Change Fund; Report

of the GEF (SBI)6. Matters Relating to LDCs (SBI)

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C. COP Issues for ‘appropriate action’

• National Communications from Annex I, NAI Countries– Annex I Party GHG inventories, trends– Non-Annex I Synthesis Reports from 122 First National


• Reducing emissions from deforestation in developing countries (COP, PNG agenda item)

• Adequacy of Commitments under Arts 4.2(a) and (b) (COP-4’s outstanding agenda item)

• Implications of establishment of new HCFC-22 facilities seeking CERs for destruction of HFC-23 (SBSTA)

• Special Report of the IPCC on carbon dioxide capture and storage (SBSTA)

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1. Technology Transfer• At COP-7, a technology transfer framework was agreed

with 5 elements: (1) technology needs; (2) technology information; (3) enabling environments; (4) capacity building; (5) mechanisms

• EGTT to prepare recommendations for enhancing this framework.

• EGTT itself will be reviewed at COP-12.• Outcomes of Seminar on development and transfer of

environmentally sound technologies for adaptation - held in Trinidad and Tobago in June 2005 – to be considered.

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2. Five Year Work Programme on Adaptation

• COP 10 requested SBSTA to develop structured 5-year programme of work on scientific, technical, and socio-economic aspects, vulnerability and adaptation to climate change

• Negotiations began in May 2005• Heavily bracketed draft text produced • Informal Workshop held in Bonn October 17-19 • Secretariat prepared discussion paper (Working paper No. 1

(2005)) for the informal workshop • Decision expected at COP-11

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Significant issues

• Content and structure of work programme• Process for implementation of the WP and

modalities (Ad Hoc Group?)• Possible initial action areas, longer-term actions • Possible partners (e.g., WMO, FAO, UNDP, UNEP,

GCOS, GEOSS, CBD, IUCN, ISDR, development agencies)

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3. Scientific, technical and socio-economic aspects of mitigation

• Three in-session workshops have been held under this agenda item (SBSTA 20, 21, 22).

• Secretariat has prepared a report on the topics presented at these workshops, for discussion.

• Parties have submitted views on lessons learned from workshops and future steps under this agenda item.

• EU seeks a structured work programme on mitigation• SBSTA will report on its work at COP 11.

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4. Financial Mechanism• Special Climate Change Fund

– Negotiations on adaptation, tech transfer resolved; mitigation, econ. diversification negs continue - Draft text (FCCC/SBI/2005/10)

• Report of GEF to COP 11– how adaptation activities under decision 1/CP.10 have been

supported, and barriers, obstacles and opportunities presented under GEF, SPA, SCCF, LDCF, SGP; Resource Allocation Framework

• Matters relating to the implementation of decision 5/CP.8– Financial needs associated with developing country fulfilment of Convention

commitments– 3rd review of effectiveness of the financial mechanism

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COP/MOP-1 Agenda

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COP/MOP-1 Agenda1. Adoption of KP decisions – forwarded by COP to COP/MOP2. Report of CDM Executive Board3. Approval of Compliance System4. Adaptation Fund5. Election of members of

1. Compliance Committee2. JI Supervisory Committee3. CDM Executive Board

6. Future Actions – Art. 3.9 – consideration of commitments for subsequent periods

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1. Adoption of Package of Kyoto Decisions

Four ‘compendia’ of decisions for adoption by COP/MOP-1:

Add. 1 – Land use and land use change (inventory accounting)

Add. 2 – Articles 5, 7 and 8 (national systems for tracking emissions in Annex I Parties)

Add. 3 – Articles 6, 12 and 17 (flexible mechanisms)

Add. 4 – Modalities and procedures for CDM (incl. small scale CDM, afforestation, reforestation etc.)

• Compliance decision is not included within these groups• Decisions come from COP-7, COP-8, COP-9, COP-10

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COP 7 - Marrakech

Decision 15/CP.7 principles, nature and scope of all three mechanisms

Decision 16/CP.7 operational rules for joint implementation

Decision 17/CP.7 rules for CDM

Decision 18/CP.7 rules for international emissions trading

Decision 19/CP.7 basic rules for a system of national registries for assigned amounts and traded units

Decision 20/CP.7 guidelines for national systems for the estimation of emissions from sources and removals by sinks.

Decision 21/CP.7 good practice guidance for adjustments to national inventories

Decision 22/CP.7 supplemental information required under Article 7 of the Protocol for participation in emissions trading.

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COP 8 – New Delhi

Decision 19/CP.8 UNFCCC guidelines for the technical review of greenhouse gas inventories from Parties included in Annex I to the Convention

Decision 20/CP.8 Revised uniform reporting format for activities implemented jointly under the pilot phase

Decision 21/CP.8 Guidance to the Executive Board of the CDM

Decision 22/CP.8 Additional sections to be incorporated in the guidelines for the preparation of the information required under Article 7, and in the guidelines for the review of information under Article 8, of the Kyoto Protocol

Decision 24/CP.8 Technical standards for data exchange between registry systems under the Kyoto Protocol

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COP 9 – Milan

Decision 13/CP.9 Good practice guidance for land use, land-use change and forestry in the preparation of national greenhouse gas inventories under the Convention

Decision 18/CP.9 Guidance to the Executive Board of the CDM

Decision 19/CP.9 Modalities and procedures for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM in the first commitment period of the KP

Decision 20/CP.9 Technical guidance on methodologies for adjustments under Article 5.2 of the KP

Decision 21/CP.9 Issues relating to the implementation of Article 8 of the KP

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COP 10 – Buenos Aires

Decision - /CP.10 Continuation of Activities implemented jointly under pilot phase

Decision - /CP.10 Guidance relating to the CDM

Decision - /CP.10 Incorporation procedures for afforestation and reforestation project activities under the CDM into guidelines under KP Articles 7 and 8

Decision -/CP.10 Simplified procedures for small-scale afforestation and reforestation activities under the CDM in first commitment period

Decision -/CP.10 Issues relating to registry systems under KP Article 7.4

Decision -/CP.10 Issues relating to the technical review of GHG inventories for Annex I Parties and implementation of KP Article 8

Decision -/CP.10 Standard electronic format for reporting KP units

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2. Report of CDM Executive Board

COP/MOP-1 will – adopt decisions related to modalities for CDM

as part of the Add.3 compendium.– consider the report of the CDM Executive

Board, which may open the door to a discussion of how the CDM has been operating so far (potential to unravel the package of decisions).

– elect new members of CDM Executive Board

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Significant CDM issues

• Governance, staffing, budget – Secure funding needed – Full-time Meth Panel Staff? Consultants?

• Methodologies– Consolidated methodologies reduce cost, workload v. new meth for

each project• Additionality tool

– Clarify role – voluntary or mandatory• CERs for HFC-3 reduction – new and existing HCFC-22

facilities – Perverse incentives – Montreal Protocol phase out of ODS– Massive number of CERs possible – low hanging fruit– Impacts on market price of CERs– Ideally who should fund reduction? CDM? GEF?

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3. KP Compliance System

• COP/MOP-1 required to “approve” procedures and mechanisms to determine and address cases of non-compliance with KP

• At COP-7, procedures and mechanisms agreed (decision 24/CP.7)

• But legal form of adoption not agreed – Decision? Amendment? Other approach?)

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4. Adaptation Fund• COP-7 agreed to establish an Adaptation Fund “to

finance concrete adaptation projects and programmes” in developing country Parties to KP

• AF to be financed through a 2% share of the proceeds of CDM project credits (certified emission reductions or CERs)

• COP/MOP-1 will be asked to elaborate modalities for operation of fund.

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5. Post-2012 Issues

• Article 3.9 of KP: COP required to “initiate the consideration” of commitments for subsequent commitment periods “at least 7 years before the end of the first commitment period” [in 2005]– Article 3.9 anticipates binding commitments for Annex I Parties; – does not address future commitments for Non-Annex I Parties, or non-

Kyoto Parties (i.e, US, Australia)

• Issue: how to engage non-KP Parties in Post-2012 discussions? (Australia, US)?

• Mechanism for considering future commitments has not yet been agreed, and will be discussed at COP/MOP-1 (e.g. process, milestones, timeframes, Ad Hoc Group?)

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