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This is what happens if you throw hot water into the air in Antarctica 在南極把熱水拋甩向空中 imgur

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A galactic tennis ball 網球星系© Abhijeet Kumar

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Modern dykes, windmills and highways in the Netherlands imgur荷蘭的現代化堤壩,風車和公路。

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A temple covered in ash from the Ontake volcanic eruption, Japan media.jrn從禦岳火山噴發的火山灰覆蓋著寺院,日本

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Two worlds divided, New York, USA隔開的兩個世界,美國紐約imgur

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The Supermoon in a radio telescope 天文望遠鏡上的超級月亮imgur

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Just an ordinary day’s building — catching a cloud 捕捉雲彩© trynidada

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Celebrating the 100th anniversary of the birth of Kim Il-sung, North Korea’s founder慶祝金日成 100 週年誕辰,朝鮮 ©Ilya Pitalev

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A blue universe in Japan 日本的藍色天地© Hiroki Kondu / National Geographic

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Spider webs in Abernethy forest, Scotland © Mark Hamblin阿伯內西森林 的蜘蛛網,蘇格蘭

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Now I can finally get a tan 現在我終於可以曬太陽了© Gray Malin

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Volcanic eruption in Iceland 冰島火山噴發© © Sigurdur Hrafn Stefnisson /

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An eagle soaring over a lake in Canada 翱翔在加拿大湖上的鷹© Fred Johns

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An Italian beach 意大利海灘© Bernhard Lang

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The scarlet eyes of a warty tree frog, Costa Rica 樹蛙的紅眼睛,哥斯達黎加 © Ingo Arndt / National Geographic

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Yunnan, China 中國雲南ytimg

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Hotaru Ika firefly squids, Japan 螢光魷魚,日本© Takehito Miyatake

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Namib Desert, Africa 納米布沙漠,非洲© Beth McCarley

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Flamingos gathered in the shape of a flamingo, Yucatan Peninsula尤卡坦半島的火烈鳥,聚集成火烈鳥的形狀。National geographic

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Lake Natron, Tanzania 納特龍湖,坦桑尼亞 greentooth

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Forests without end, Russia 無盡頭的森林,俄羅斯 © Ivan Letokhin

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Rapeseed fields in Luoping, China 羅平油菜田,中國 tourismontheedge

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The sea-like dunes of the Namib Desert 大海般的沙丘 納米布沙漠 © Nick Lefebvre

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Westerdok District, Amsterdam 阿姆斯特丹 韋斯特碼頭區 AirPano

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Beehive 蜂窩結構© Stefano Landenna

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Frosted trees 磨砂樹© Jan Bainar

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Hello there, sister 姐姐!你好! © Twipz Biswas

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The chosen one 被選中者 © Fox Grom

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Holiday village near Arkhangelsk, Russia © Fedor Savintsev阿爾漢格爾斯克附近的渡假村,俄羅斯

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This is what happens when a spider and a leaf get together 葉片和蛛網© Bertrand Kulik

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Birdy hurricane 小鳥颶風 © 진철 김

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Alien invasion in Charlotte, USA 外星人入侵美國夏洛特© Vincent Brady

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A helicopter near Yosemite waterfall, USA 美國優勝美地附近的瀑布與直升機© Adriano Neves

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On target 瞄準目標© Tim Boyer

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Rango plays guitar蘭戈彈吉他 ©Aditya Permana

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Waterspout on Lake Victoria, Uganda 維多利亞湖的龍捲水柱,烏干達© Julia Cumes

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Red cardinal levitating 懸浮的紅雀reddit

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A cargo train at Morant’s Curve 行駛在蘭特曲線上的貨運列車 © Frank Gunn

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Winter’s abrupt arrival, M

ari El, Russia 冬日驟至,馬里埃爾,俄羅斯 ©

Eduard Nikolaev / N

ational Geographic

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Selfie with comet, 290,000,000 miles from Earth (courtesy of the Rosetta probe)羅塞塔號太空探測器與彗星 自拍照,距離地球 2.9 億英里。© ESA / Rosetta / Philae / CIVA

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Autumn and winter meet in Colorado, USA 秋冬相遇 美國科羅拉多州 © Jeff Howe

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Fishman, Mahabalipuram, India 漁夫,馬哈巴利普蘭,印度© Brian Callaway / National GeographicAngels

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Angels 天使© Robert Radomski

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A ghost town, San Francisco, USA 一座鬼城,美國舊金山© Peter Majkut

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Autumn and winter meet in Miklukhin, Rostov region, Russia秋冬相遇,俄羅斯 羅斯托夫地區Unknown author

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Highly artistic make-up 極富藝術的化妝 © Svenja Jödicke

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A toothy sea 多齒海© Patrice Carre

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Man with Flashlight on Ice creates Beauty帶著手電筒的男子在冰上造型 © Henry Liu

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Dog sledding in Greenland 格陵蘭狗拉雪橇© Joe Capra

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Giant wave illusion 巨浪假象© Alexandra Mednaya

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Sleeping 睡美人 © Dmitry Iskhakov

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Long exposure of a plane taking off 長時間曝光下的一架飛機起飛reddit

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Yoga by the sea 海邊瑜伽OMGFacts

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It’s just a crayfish in the bucket but it looks like it’s capturing the world桶中龍蝦,看起來它像抓住了世界 zhangzishi

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Jeep ghost 吉普幽靈 twitter

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Dancers on paper, USA 紙上舞者,美國© JR Artist

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The Royal British Navy puts on a show 參加軍演的英國皇家海軍thefewgoodmen

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A road on ice, Chukotka Peninsula, Russia冰上公路,俄羅斯 楚科奇半島© Elena Chernyshova / National Geographic

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A Statue of Christ covered with corals at the bottom of the Atlantic near Key Largo island, USA大西洋基拉戈島附近海底佈滿珊瑚的基督雕像,美國© Lawrence Cruciana

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The aftermath of a flood in Ljubljana, Slovenia © Ales Komovec斯洛文尼亞的盧布爾雅那的洪水餘波蕩漾

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Explosion illusion 爆炸錯覺© Corey Arnold

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The One 唯一 © Michael Shmelev

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Tiny ants surrounded a drop of honey, Malaysia © Husni Che Ngah小小的螞蟻包圍一滴蜂蜜,馬來西亞

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Sky lantern festival in Chiang Mai, Thailand泰國清邁的天燈會© Sherry Zhao

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Kaindy Lake appeared just 100 years ago due to a severe earthquake in Kazakhstan100 年前,由於哈薩克斯坦強烈地震造成的 Kaindy 湖 © Dina Julayeva

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50 shades of grey 50 級灰度 © Eduardo Lopez Negrete

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A train on the Kazakh steppe. View from plane window © Slava Stepanov從飛機窗口看到的哈薩克草原火車

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Spectacular ice formations on a mountaintop in Slovenia Weather-Photos.NET 斯洛文尼亞 山頂壯觀的冰型

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Sunrise in Bushy Park, London 倫敦布希公園日出© Max Ellis

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Moravian fields, Czech Republic © Pawel Kucharski摩拉維亞的田野,捷克共和國

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Cherries under the water 水中櫻桃© Laurens Kaldeway

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China’s Gansu Province 中國甘肅 taringa

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Tractor among almond fields, California © Robert Holmes杏仁田中的拖拉機,加州

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Amitabha Buddha Day, Vietnam 阿彌陀佛節日,越南 moya-planeta

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Lake Retba, Senegal 玫瑰湖,塞內加爾 bioindustry

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My neighbor Totoro 我的鄰居© Tanja Brandt

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The gifts of the Earth 地球的禮物© Jorn Allan

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Moon rising above Madrid, Spain 馬德里月亮升起,西班牙©Yil Dori

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Eiffel Tower from the bottom 自艾菲爾鐵塔底部仰望© Sylke Scholz

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Fickle moods 善變的情緒tumblr

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Residential area in Hong Kong 香港住宅區 © Lingfei Tan

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Tianzi Mountain (China) — inspiration for the landscapes of Pandora in Avatar 天子山(中國) - 阿凡達中潘多拉景觀的靈感©Richard Janecki

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Surfing 衝浪© Lucas Tozzi

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An outsider in a red hat 戴紅色帽子的局外人© Vyacheslav Mishchenko

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An autumn forest 秋日森林©Dan Tivada

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The Freezing Athabaska River in Jasper National Park, Canada © Harry Lichtman冷凍的阿薩巴斯卡河,加拿大 賈斯珀國家公園

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Times Square, New York, USA. A view from below美國紐約時代廣場,從下面仰望。©Andrew Thomas

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A dragon 一條龍imgur

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A boat cuts through newly-formed ice in Marion Bay © Peter Pereira一艘船通過馬里昂灣 劃破新冰

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Kallur lighthouse on picturesque cliffs on Kalsoy island, Faroe Islands風景如畫的卡爾斯島懸崖 Kallur 燈塔,法羅群島© Grégoire Sieuw / National Geographic

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It must be wonderful having a secluded home all to yourself — and some land to plant potatoes僻靜的家園和種植土豆的農地tumblr

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Wingardium Leviosa © Vadim Trunov躍接松果

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Snow express 雪中特快車imgur

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Sunrise in the Kingdom of Bagan, Myanmar蒲甘日出,緬甸© Andy Ferrington / National Geographic

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Annual base jumping contest in Norway 挪威年度跳傘大賽© Ratmir Nagimyanov

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the sound barrier 突破音障© Darek Siusta

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Glacier Lake in Banff National Park, Canada班夫國家公園的冰川湖,加拿大© Ben Leshchinsky / National Geographic

Page 100: Untreated 100 best photos (未經處理過的100張最棒照片) Music : Plaisir d'Amour

This article comes from the following website. photoshop-46555/?image=215455#image211305

Chinese translation by changcy0326.

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