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  • The Ghob Goblinoids are a set of three distantly related species that have evolved into distinct roles both socially and physically It is unknown which species is the parent race and unlikemany species rather then claim to be the first the Ghob all claim to be descended from the others and thus a better more evolved and adapted life form. The most common trait of all Ghob is a lack of empathy. Unlike many of the evil humanoid races they are often not inherently malicious but rather see no difference between another Ghob, another humanoid, another creature, or even a rock. To them all things have desires and goals but ultimately these matter less then their own. Some individuals might delight in the pain and suffering of an other
  • Hobgoblins-- War people, Legions not tribes Legion Names are either a form of hero worship, intimidation, or an explanation of specialization the conflict between bugbears and goblins lead to them

    Bugbears-- In the goblin tongue Bogh means Unpeople. This is not to say that bugbears are though of as lesser, for to the Ghob all things are less significant then themselves but rather because unlike the Ghoblyn and the Hobghob bugbears are largely solitary having even less room in their thoughts for other creatures. They need no help from other to accomplish their tasks and they need no opposition to test themselves against so in their minds other creatures are as all things simply resources for

    from one impulse to the next often leaving things unfinished as a new whim strikes them.

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