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Soul PowerUnleash Your Soul’s Power

Be the YOU that You were Meant to Be!

Resonateby Rahn

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Table of Contents

Page 3… Introduction

Page 4… Part I: What does “success” mean to you?

Page 5… Actions Step I

Page 7… Part II: Your Attitude Directly Affects Your Altitude

Page 7… Action Step II

Page 8… Part III: Resonate Your Soul

Page 10… Conclusion

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Soul Power - Unleash Your Soul’s Power & Be the YOU that You were Meant to Be!

First I want to congratulate you for taking another step towards achieving the life you desire. You’re obviously not like most people because you chose to focus on YOU instead of mindless activities that so easily steal away our time. I too spend countless hours reading motivational materials, attending seminars, webinars, any pretty much anything I can get my hands on that keeps me inspired to reach my dreams and realize my goals. It seems with all of today’s distractions and infinite opportunities, it’s harder than ever to tune in to what makes our souls Resonate. In order to tune in, we’ve got to tune out! I remember as a kid how difficult it was just to choose which candy bar I wanted at the grocery store. There were so many choices! What if I choose the wrong one! Now as an adult we’ve got to make another decision, only this time we’re not trying to pick out a piece of candy (well maybe we do that too). Instead we’re deciding how we want to spend our time. Which career do I choose? Which business should I start? Which this and what that… I could go on and on… For so many of us, the inability to make a decision and choose a direction for our life paralyzes us. So instead we don’t decide and before you know it, a year has gone by. Then two… then ten… Today we’re going to break that pattern and get you moving on your path to success. It doesn’t matter how old you are or your level of education. With the answer to two simple questions we’re going to point you in the right direction. Don’t worry, you won’t be graded on your answers. Plus, they are probably the easiest questions you’ve ever been asked. As you’ll  

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soon find out, the answer is right under your nose! It’s in plain sight just waiting for you to take notice. As William Barrett once said, “It is the familiar that usually eludes us in life. What is before our noses is what we see last.” For even more motivation and inspiration, including how to achieve your dreams with maximum finesse, be sure to check out my Resonate email newsletter where you learn to Resonate your soul so the world can feel your vibration! Before we get to the two simple questions I mentioned earlier, there are a few concepts I’d like to go over that I think make great navigational tools. Think of them as your success compass. Now, let’s get started!

Part I: What does “success” mean to you? Another way to word this question might be, how do you define success? The answer to this question is extremely important. Why? Because it is your destination. How many times do you get in your car and just start driving with nowhere to go? Even if all you were doing was going for a drive, you still have a destination... home. How you define success will determine the roadmap you take to get there. For example, if success to you is to become a schoolteacher, then there is a specific path you need to take. You'll need to go to college, student teach, earn your certification, gain more teaching experience, possibly earn a master's degree, and more. I know because I was a high school music teacher for five years after college. Having been in school my entire life, I eventually wanted to know what life was like outside of school, so I decided to change careers and experience something new.

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I guess you could say that at the time I was re-defining what success was for me. In some ways you may find that it evolves throughout life as your values and circumstances change. In fact, I bet if you look back through your life thus far you'll see where you've had lots of successes. If you don't see any, then you're being too hard on yourself. How about this example, to be a successful parent. So often we attribute success to only our careers, but family is just if not more important. I think being a successful parent is a noble goal. Here's another one, to make a living doing what you love, working from where ever and when ever you want to. I can sure relate to that one. Action Step: Before reading on, here is a quick action step for you to take that will help you define what success means to you. Below there are two columns with ten rows in each. In the left column you're going to write down ten successes that you've had already. This will require you to look back over your life and reflect on some of your experiences. Keep in mind that the smaller successes count too. For example, getting your driver's license when you were a teenager. Another example might be the time you recovered from a bitter divorce where you learned to love yourself. On the right column you're going to list your future successes. Try to be specific if you can. Instead of saying “I want a new job”, say “I want a new job as a ______” fill in the blank. If you don't have enough space on the lines below you can always create a new document on your computer or write them in a notebook.

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Your Past Successes Your Future Successes __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ __________________________ Now let's take a look at what you wrote down and see if you notice any patterns or relationships between them. It might even help to connect them by drawing a line between the ones that you feel are directly related. You can even take it one step further and connect the successes in the left column to the ones on the right column that couldn't happen without the help of your past experiences. When I look back over my successes (and failures), I'm fascinated in how they relate to one another. By taking the time to reflect, hopefully you're able to see the path that you've been following. If you're not happy with the direction you're going, this exercise should start to shed some light on the path you need to take.

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Part II: Your Attitude Directly Affects Your Altitude I remember the first time the concept of attitude and its relationship to success was introduced to me. I was still in college and for my summer job I was the music director at a children's camp in the Adirondack Mountains. During the first week before the campers arrived was an orientation for the counselors. The camp director is great at motivating and inspiring young people including myself at the time. The one concept he taught us that clearly stands out in my mind almost 15 years later was this... Life is 10% what happens to you and 90% how you react to it. I know so many people who live their life blaming everyone else for their problems. It's always someone else's fault. They're always broke, have an unhealthy appearance, waiting for someone to rescue them. Only, that ship will never come. Just like an addict needs to recognize they have an addiction before they can overcome it, I think the same thing can be said for someone with a bad attitude. A bad attitude can feel like a weight that holds you down. I'm not going to lie, we've all been there. Life can't be great all the time otherwise we wouldn't know what great is. But being able to recognize when your attitude starts to slip can quickly help you to remove the weight and move forward. Action Step: This one doesn't require any writing. Instead I'm going to list several instances when a negative experience may pull on your attitude. For each one, imagine yourself in the situation and feel how your body starts to react to it. It may help to read the example and then close your eyes to put yourself in that situation.

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How do you feel when... You're on a plane and a baby is crying? You're stuck in traffic and late for work? You receive slow service at a restaurant? You can't pay your bills on time? You have a disagreement with a friend? You experience a broken relationship? Your flight is delayed? You have a cold? You're overwhelmed at work or at home? Your car broke down? The next time you're in one of these situations or one similar, pay attention to how you start to feel. If your energy begins to drop, make a conscious decision to stop feeling bad and then just let it go. Similarly, you can decide to be happy if you really want to.

Part III: Resonate Your Soul Before reading on, take a moment and think about a few people you know who you consider to be successful. What do they all have in common? How do they make you feel when you are around them? For me personally I'm thinking about my friend Jay. He started a business out of his home when he was a young adult. Jay always seems to have this positive energy around him. I always feel good talking to Jay. He smiles a lot and exudes a strong sense of confidence. He has a balanced life, is married with a beautiful family. I've known Jay for over eight years now and have seen his business continue to grow year after year. Another person whom I consider to be very successful is my brother Ben. He works for a large corporation and gets to travel the world working on some really exciting projects. He always knows what to say and when to say it. He too has lots of positive energy and makes

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you feel good just by being around him. He also is married with a beautiful family. I could go on and on. I've noticed that people who are successful for the most part (there are always exceptions) have similar traits. They... Are full of positive energy. Make you feel good simply by being around them. Smile a lot! (Very important!) Live a balanced life between work, family, and play. Are confident. Are always the first to lend a helping hand. How about you? Do the people that you consider successful also have similar traits? So what's their secret? I believe it's simply that they have found their life's calling. They are living their life on purpose spending their time doing what they love and doing what they are naturally good at. So how can this benefit you? It's about knowing yourself. Knowing what you're good at. Knowing that if you were to invest a large amount of time in your life doing a few certain activities that someday when you look back you'll have no regrets. I believe that we are each born with natural gifts and talents. I may be good at playing the piano, but I don't stand a chance on the basketball court. Keep in mind that just because something comes natural to you doesn't mean you won't have to work hard at it. You will have to refine your skills, sharpen your blade, and practice your craft. But the rewards of true focus and commitment towards your goals far outweigh the sweat and tears you may create to get there. As you know, few things in life come easy. But they can come naturally. So let me ask you...

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Are you living your life on purpose? Are you in your element doing what comes natural to you? If not… Why not? Fear? Self doubt? Unsure? Whatever is stopping you, it's time to push through and go after your dreams. After all, that is why you are here.

Conclusion By now I hope you have an idea of the direction you want your life to go in. If not, then a little soul searching and inner reflection will get you on your way. Finally, I believe we can narrow down your choices and get you on your life's path by pondering these two questions... What are you naturally good at? What do you enjoy to do? Chances are they are related. Identify them and then go in that direction. Who knows, maybe you are on the right path after all. If so I congratulate you as many people will spend their whole life trying to figure it out. Before I sign off I'd like to leave you with a final thought. As we get older time seems to get faster, days seem to get shorter, and years begin to disappear. Therefore, whatever it is that you want to accomplish in your life, start now because... ...tomorrow, will be shorter, than today.

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