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University of Washington Member Center

Alliance for Reducing Cancer, Northwest (ARC NW)

This presentation is a product of the University of Washington Health Promotion Research Center, a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Prevention Research Center (PRC), and was supported by Cooperative Agreement (CA) number U48-DP005013 from the CDC. The CA includes funding from the National Cancer Institute (NCI) through the PRC Program's Cancer Prevention and Control Research Network (CPCRN). The findings presented are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent CDC's or NCI's official positions.

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ARC NW Brief history & partners National projects Proposed pilot projects for 2014-2019


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ARC NW Overview

CPCRN member since 2002

Principal InvestigatorsJeff Harris 10/02–03/07Vicky Taylor 04/07–09/13Peggy Hannon 10/13–present

Project Director: Thuy Vu

Puget Sound, and other areas of WA, Pacific Northwest

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ARC NW Goals

Conduct and disseminate community-based cancer research that will:

Build upon existing knowledge of cancer prevention and control

Address critical gaps in the Guide to Community Preventive Services

Lead to the adoption, implementation, and dissemination of successful programs

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Partner Organizations & Investigator Expertise, 2014-2019

Organizations Investigators Expertise

American Cancer Society Audrey Fine Health systems collaborations

Cornerstone Medical Services Suzanne Pak CBPR w/ community health centers

Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center

Linda Ko, Vicky Taylor Health communication, health disparities, CBPR w/ Latino + Asian populations

Group Health Research Institute Bev Green Clinic-based interventions, patient-centered medical home

Kaiser Permanente Center for Health Research

Gloria Coronado Health disparities, Latino populations, community-health clinic collaborations

Public Health-Seattle & King County Jodi Olson Cancer screening un/under-insured

University of Washington Laura-Mae Baldwin, Peggy Hannon, Jeff Harris, Mei-Po Yip

D&I research, rural populations, workplace health promotion, state and local DOH collaborations, Asian populations

Veterans Affairs Puget Sound Steve Zeliadt Health economics, cancer decision-making

WA Association of Community and Migrant Health Centers

Mary Beth Brown Linkages w/ community health centers

WA Department of Health Megan Celedonia, Emily Butler State cancer screening programs

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National Activities with CPCRN, 2009-2014

Participated in CPCRN activities in both leadership and supportive roles

Chaired or co-chaired three workgroupsColorectal cancer control program (CRCCP)Federally qualified health centers (FQHCs)HPV vaccination

Actively participated in all other work groups2–1–1Capacity building-technical assistance and trainingCommunity GuideEconomicsSurvivorship

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CRCCP Collaborators, 2010-2014

CPCRN SitesEmoryHarvardUCLAU ColoradoUNCU S. CarolinaU TexasWashington U-St. LouisU Washington Thuy Vu, MPH Marlana Kohn, MPH Caitlin Mason, PhD

CDCAmy DeGroffLindsay GressardKetra RiceVicki BenardCRCCP Evaluation Team

NCIRuss GlasgowMike SanchezCynthia Vinson

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Colorectal Cancer Control Program (CRCCP)

Goal: Increase CRC

screening to 80% by 2014

Provide screening to


Promote screening


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Opportunity for CPCRN

Mission: Accelerate evidence-based intervention (EBI) adoption

Shift in CDC’s approach from NBCCEDP to CRCCP

Grantees urged to use Guide-recommended EBIs

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Community Guide Strategies (2009)

5 strategies to promote CRC screening:

Client-orientedSmall mediaClient remindersReducing structural barriers

Provider-orientedProvider remindersProvider assessment and feedback

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CRCCP Workgroup Goals

Study EBI adoption, implementation, maintenance

Implement Annual Grantee Survey 2011-2014

Develop additional studies Comparison of grantees and unfunded sites, 2012 In-depth interviews, 2013-2014

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PapersGrantees’ use of EBIs, AJPM, 2013

Patient navigation, JPHMP, 2014

Comparison of grantees and unfunded sites, Prev Chronic Dis 2014

Training and technical assistance, under review

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ARC NW Pilot ProjectsPilot 1: Peggy HannonPilot 2: Linda Ko

Proposed Pilot Projects

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Pilot 1: Implementation of Evidence-Based Interventions in WA Breast, Cervical, and Colon Health Program

PRIME CONTRACTORPublic Health-Seattle & King County

Serves 4 Counties

PARTNER Community Health Centers

PARTNER Local Hospitals

PARTNER Small Local Health Departments

PARTNER Community-based Organizations


Serves 6 Counties

PRIME CONTRACTORSpokane Regional Health District

Serves 9 Counties

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Pilot 1 Aims & Activities

Aim: Increase BCCHP partners’ use of evidence-based interventions


1. Identify all BCCHP partners

2. Conduct mixed-methods needs assessment with partners

EBI use, barriers and facilitators

Impact of Affordable Care Act on program implementation, EBI needs

Satisfaction with reach to eligible clients, newly insured, and population served by the partner organization

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Pilot 2: Building Community Health Center Capacity to Promote CRC screening to Limited English Proficient


US LEP population increasing, particularly Hispanics and Asians

~79% of Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese speakers report LEP

LEPs have low CRC screening rates (LEP: 33% vs. overall US: 59%)

Our approach with a community health center can be adopted/ adapted by other CPCRN member centers

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Pilot 2 Aims and Activities

Aims: to increase CRC screening among LEPs by building capacity of CHCs to select, adapt, and implement evidence-based interventions

Partner CHC serves a large LEP patient population

Two Activities1. Collaborate with a CHC to build capacity to select and adapt

EBIs to promote CRC screening using the Cultural and Linguistic Adaptation Framework (CLAF)

2. Assist a CHC to select, adapt, and implement 2 EBIs and conduct an evaluation of the impact of the selected EBIs on CRC screening.

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