Page 1: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0


($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM (no ext) RCM Cayey Humacao Aguadilla Arecibo Bayamón Carolina Ponce Utuado


Teaching Personnel 77,936 52,662 53,305 11,682 17,148 8,918 13,905 14,238 9,592 8,839 5,019

Non-Teaching Personnel 46,039 32,016 21,872 10,001 9,073 4,978 6,336 8,598 6,011 6,259 4,150

Benefits 4,298 1,530 1,201 549 790 254 335 600 426 283 183

Total 128,273$ 86,208$ 76,378$ 22,232$ 27,011$ 14,150$ 20,576$ 23,436$ 16,029$ 15,381$ 9,353$


Employer Contributions 11,680 7,726 6,256 2,124 2,436 1,282 1,900 2,228 1,536 1,410 864

Retirement Contributions 17,456 11,923 10,386 3,209 3,357 1,725 2,717 3,020 2,058 2,028 1,214

Medical Plan 17,489 12,290 6,531 2,871 3,305 1,901 2,737 2,956 2,088 2,311 1,411

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees - - - - - - - - - - -

Other Benefits and Contributions - 138 91 - 66 - 13 140 6 15 -

Total 46,624$ 32,078$ 23,265$ 8,204$ 9,164$ 4,909$ 7,366$ 8,344$ 5,688$ 5,764$ 3,488$


Power 13,000 7,070 7,616 1,277 1,900 450 1,231 2,167 1,499 1,300 490

Water 4,000 841 300 113 200 50 175 220 151 140 90

Comunication 306 257 357 99 65 40 22 107 56 43 42

Total 17,306$ 8,168$ 8,273$ 1,489$ 2,165$ 540$ 1,428$ 2,493$ 1,706$ 1,483$ 622$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 6,259 2,272 1,334 487 523 166 273 350 283 296 185

Maintenance and Repairs 3,799 544 231 269 346 186 205 178 272 128 79

Equipment Leasing 138 150 - 79 139 40 115 96 55 40 55

Professional Services 549 200 - 54 243 94 21 197 220 133 149

Security 2,000 - 1,677 100 475 250 265 585 810 234 99

Student Health Plan 1,400 1,045 459 130 90 70 83 157 180 90 25

Travel Expenses 313 - - 65 46 19 70 128 23 17 27

Crediting Programs 365 - - 38 30 - 32 25 16 20 18

Library 4,573 1,500 1,354 180 233 125 98 207 100 80 25

Equipment 164 - 10 50 200 - 5 38 15 20 -

Miscellaneous Expenses 204 185 - 158 454 89 60 257 97 11 30

Student Stipends 3,242 2,503 1,200 - 13 - - 75 16 - -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects 598 261 - - - - - - - - -

Total 23,603$ 8,659$ 6,266$ 1,610$ 2,792$ 1,039$ 1,228$ 2,292$ 2,086$ 1,069$ 692$

Grand Total 215,807$ 135,113$ 114,182$ 33,535$ 41,132$ 20,638$ 30,598$ 36,565$ 25,509$ 23,696$ 14,156$

Students (as of Aug. 2016) 16,872 13,316 2,711 3,755 4,037 3,396 4,150 4,927 3,919 3,630 1,469

Students w/ Pell Grants (Datos: Next V.P. Asunt Est. 2015) 8,195 7,982 293 2,738 3,161 2,761 3,459 3,461 2,938 2,961 1,188

Total Personnel (Teaching and Non Teaching Positions) 2,814 1,977 1,198 475 595 343 494 519 419 387 252

Student to Personnel Ratio 6.0 6.7 2.3 7.9 6.8 9.9 8.4 9.5 9.4 9.4 5.8

Student to Faculty Ratio

Student to Budget Ratio $12,791 $10,147 $42,118 $8,931 $10,189 $6,077 $7,373 $7,421 $6,509 $6,528 $9,636

Pell Grant Participation % 49% 60% 11% 73% 78% 81% 83% 70% 75% 82% 81%

Avg. Global Compensation $45,584 $43,605 $63,755 $46,804 $45,396 $41,255 $41,651 $45,157 $38,255 $39,744 $37,115

Page 2: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Río Piedras Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 77,936

Non-Teaching Personnel 46,039

Benefits 4,298

Total 128,273$


Employer Contributions 11,680

Retirement Contributions 17,456

Medical Plan 17,489

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions -

Total 46,624$


Power 13,000

Water 4,000

Comunication 306

Total 17,306$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 6,259

Maintenance and Repairs 3,799

Equipment Leasing 138

Professional Services 549

Secuirity 2,000

Student Health Plan 1,400

Travel Expenses 313

Crediting Programs 365

Library 4,573

Equipment 164

Miscellaneous Expenses 204

Student Stipends 3,242

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects 598

Total 23,603$

Grand Total 215,807$

Page 3: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0


($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 52,662

Non-Teaching Personnel 32,016

Benefits 1,530

Total 86,208$


Employer Contributions 7,726

Retirement Contributions 11,923

Medical Plan 12,290

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 138

Total 32,078$


Power 7,070

Water 841

Comunication 257

Total 8,168$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 2,272

Maintenance and Repairs 544

Equipment Leasing 150

Professional Services 200

Secuirity -

Student Health Plan 1,045

Travel Expenses -

Crediting Programs -

Library 1,500

Equipment -

Miscellaneous Expenses 185

Student Stipends 2,503

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects 261

Total 8,659$

Grand Total 135,113$

Page 4: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Ciencias Medicas

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 53,305

Non-Teaching Personnel 21,872

Benefits 1,201

Total 76,378$


Employer Contributions 6,256

Retirement Contributions 10,386

Medical Plan 6,531

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 91

Total 23,265$


Power 7,616

Water 300

Comunication 357

Total 8,273$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 1,334

Maintenance and Repairs 231

Equipment Leasing -

Professional Services -

Secuirity 1,677

Student Health Plan 459

Travel Expenses -

Crediting Programs -

Library 1,354

Equipment 10

Miscellaneous Expenses -

Student Stipends 1,200

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 6,266$

Grand Total 114,182$

Page 5: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Cayey Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 11,682

Non-Teaching Personnel 10,001

Benefits 549

Total 22,232$


Employer Contributions 2,124

Retirement Contributions 3,209

Medical Plan 2,871

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions -

Total 8,204$


Power 1,277

Water 113

Comunication 99

Total 1,489$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 487

Maintenance and Repairs 269

Equipment Leasing 79

Professional Services 54

Secuirity 100

Student Health Plan 130

Travel Expenses 65

Crediting Programs 38

Library 180

Equipment 50

Miscellaneous Expenses 158

Student Stipends -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 1,610$

Grand Total 33,535$

Page 6: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Humacao Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 17,148

Non-Teaching Personnel 9,073

Benefits 790

Total 27,011$


Employer Contributions 2,436

Retirement Contributions 3,357

Medical Plan 3,305

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 66

Total 9,164$


Power 1,900

Water 200

Comunication 65

Total 2,165$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 523

Maintenance and Repairs 346

Equipment Leasing 139

Professional Services 243

Secuirity 475

Student Health Plan 90

Travel Expenses 46

Crediting Programs 30

Library 233

Equipment 200

Miscellaneous Expenses 454

Student Stipends 13

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 2,792$

Grand Total 41,132$

Page 7: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Aguadilla Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 8,918

Non-Teaching Personnel 4,978

Benefits 254

Total 14,150$


Employer Contributions 1,282

Retirement Contributions 1,725

Medical Plan 1,901

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions -

Total 4,909$


Power 450

Water 50

Comunication 40

Total 540$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 166

Maintenance and Repairs 186

Equipment Leasing 40

Professional Services 94

Secuirity 250

Student Health Plan 70

Travel Expenses 19

Crediting Programs -

Library 125

Equipment -

Miscellaneous Expenses 89

Student Stipends -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 1,039$

Grand Total 20,638$

Page 8: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Arecibo Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 13,905

Non-Teaching Personnel 6,336

Benefits 335

Total 20,576$


Employer Contributions 1,900

Retirement Contributions 2,717

Medical Plan 2,737

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 13

Total 7,366$


Power 1,231

Water 175

Comunication 22

Total 1,428$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 273

Maintenance and Repairs 205

Equipment Leasing 115

Professional Services 21

Secuirity 265

Student Health Plan 83

Travel Expenses 70

Crediting Programs 32

Library 98

Equipment 5

Miscellaneous Expenses 60

Student Stipends -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 1,228$

Grand Total 30,598$

Page 9: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Bayamon Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 14,238

Non-Teaching Personnel 8,598

Benefits 600

Total 23,436$


Employer Contributions 2,228

Retirement Contributions 3,020

Medical Plan 2,956

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 140

Total 8,344$


Power 2,167

Water 220

Comunication 107

Total 2,493$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 350

Maintenance and Repairs 178

Equipment Leasing 96

Professional Services 197

Secuirity 585

Student Health Plan 157

Travel Expenses 128

Crediting Programs 25

Library 207

Equipment 38

Miscellaneous Expenses 257

Student Stipends 75

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 2,292$

Grand Total 36,565$

Page 10: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Carolina Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 9,592

Non-Teaching Personnel 6,011

Benefits 426

Total 16,029$


Employer Contributions 1,536

Retirement Contributions 2,058

Medical Plan 2,088

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 6

Total 5,688$


Power 1,499

Water 151

Comunication 56

Total 1,706$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 283

Maintenance and Repairs 272

Equipment Leasing 55

Professional Services 220

Secuirity 810

Student Health Plan 180

Travel Expenses 23

Crediting Programs 16

Library 100

Equipment 15

Miscellaneous Expenses 97

Student Stipends 16

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 2,086$

Grand Total 25,509$

Page 11: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Ponce Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 8,839

Non-Teaching Personnel 6,259

Benefits 283

Total 15,381$


Employer Contributions 1,410

Retirement Contributions 2,028

Medical Plan 2,311

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions 15

Total 5,764$


Power 1,300

Water 140

Comunication 43

Total 1,483$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 296

Maintenance and Repairs 128

Equipment Leasing 40

Professional Services 133

Secuirity 234

Student Health Plan 90

Travel Expenses 17

Crediting Programs 20

Library 80

Equipment 20

Miscellaneous Expenses 11

Student Stipends -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 1,069$

Gran Total 23,696$

Page 12: University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated€¦ · Government of Puerto Rico University of Puerto Rico Fiscal Plan 2.0 Consolidated ($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: RP RUM

Government of Puerto Rico

University of Puerto Rico

Fiscal Plan 2.0

Utuado Campus

($000's) Fiscal Year Ending: 2018 - Base


Teaching Personnel 5,019

Non-Teaching Personnel 4,150

Benefits 183

Total 9,353$


Employer Contributions 864

Retirement Contributions 1,214

Medical Plan 1,411

Employer Contribution for Medical Plan for Retirees -

Other Benefits and Contributions -

Total 3,488$


Power 490

Water 90

Comunication 42

Total 622$

Other Costs:

Materials, Supplies and Fuels 185

Maintenance and Repairs 79

Equipment Leasing 55

Professional Services 149

Secuirity 99

Student Health Plan 25

Travel Expenses 27

Crediting Programs 18

Library 25

Equipment -

Miscellaneous Expenses 30

Student Stipends -

Pairing of Funds for Investigative Projects -

Total 692$

Gran Total 14,156$

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