  • Communications Career Workshop University of Central Oklahoma November 1, 2013
  • Martha Hudak Reporter, editor College public information High school and college teacher/pub advisor Navy public affairs Corporate communications Advertising and PR agencies Association marketing Corporate marketing communications Event marketing Technology change management Theatre manager Consultant
  • Thank you Lynn Hazan for sharing You can find Lynn Hazan & Associates at: #MyLHAstory 55 E. Washington St. Suite 715 Chicago, IL 60602 312-863-5401 [email protected] Lynns full presentation to Loyola University students is on Slide Share at along with her other many presentations
  • Your career track = 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • 21st Century Personal Skills Creativity & Innovation Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Leadership & Responsibility 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates. Flexibility & Adaptability Initiative & Self Direction Social & Cross Cultural Skills
  • Where the jobs are Agency Good point of entry, very competitive, internships very helpful Corporate Minimum 3-5 years of experience, small departments Entrepreneurial Sector Non-profit Cause/issue-oriented Freelance Project-based 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • What do you think you want to do?
  • My outcome None of the questions asked about making money
  • Your Own SWOT Analysis Strengths Opportunities Weaknesses Threats
  • From an Executive Recruiter Do well in college Internships Participate in at least two before you graduate Leadership and Extra curricular activities Get involved, dont just show up! Clean up Social Media Check Privacy Settings Appropriate Pictures
  • Post Resume But dont rely on these sites. Be more proactive by networking and targeting companies.
  • Networking Join professional associations and groups, such as: SPJ PRSA/PRSSA IABC LinkedIn Groups Get involved in charities and causes: Volunteer Attend meetings 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • Research the company Online search Company Website LinkedIn Facebook Alumni Check out competition Hoovers Trade publications What is company known for? How do you fit? 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • Tell stories Frame the process: STAR Situation Tactics Action Results Behavioral interview questions Most questions can be answered with 5 basic stories Search Behavioral Interviewing to find lists of questions Be conversational, natural and passionate when telling a story
  • Dont Oversell yourself or be desperate Undersell yourself/sabotage yourself Go to an interview hungry Be haughty or arrogant/over confident Be too casual Turn statements into questions Lie! 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • True life stories you wont believe From Lynn Hazan Asked for food Took off shoes Was sloppily dressed Swore 3 times Wore strong perfume - I almost passed out Knew nothing about our company From my brother, who was VP of Sales Emails written like text messages with all the abbreviations
  • Follow-up Always send a thank you note after an interview within 24 hours. Consider doing a wow project to demonstrate: Initiative Analytical skills Creativity
  • "It had long since come to my attention that people of accomplishment rarely sat back and let things happen to them. They went out and happened to things." Leonardo Da Vinci
  • Branding The marketing practice of creating a name, symbol, or design that identifies and differentiates a product from other products. -from It is what people say about you when you leave the room. -Lynn Hazan My logo 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • How do you define yourself? Unique Positioning Statement Use this to prepare your resumes summary statement My summary lead-in EXPERIENCED MARKETING COMMUNICATIONS PROFESSIONAL Experienced marketing communications and public relations professional in developing strategy and implementing programs and campaigns for trade associations, non-profits, businesses and consultancies. I change this according to the job description to capture key words. 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • The Hemmingway Challenge Who are you today? Write your story in 6 words 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • What Hemmingway wrote For Sale. Baby shoes. Never worn. 2013. Lynn Hazan & Associates.
  • Establish your portfolios Online Sites Wix Weebly Include published work, business writing (not just academic writing) Mobile-friendly Flash Drive
  • My new portfolio page Login Screen
  • News influencers by age group
  • Working with Different Generations Book: Unlocking Generational Codes: Understanding What Makes the Generations Tick and What Ticks Them Off, by Anna Liotta, M.A. Generation Birth Years Communication Traditionalists 1927-1945 Relationships are power Baby Boomers 1946-1963 Information is power Generation X 1964-1979 Sharing information is power Millenials (Gen Y) 1980-1999 Knowing where, how to access information fast is power Nexters 2000-present ? How we integrate and leverage the power of both old and new technologies and face-to-face connection points can make all the difference between success and failure.
  • Questions? Thank you for your time today

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