Download - Unity is Strength


unity is strength

The proverb unity is strength tells us that "united we stand, divided we fall". Unity refers to the condition or state of being one. A rope is strong because its threads are united. We cannot break it unless the threads are separated. Nothing can be achieved without unity. Unity is necessary for the survival of all. Today our world requires a lot of unity among the nations to tackle with important issues such as environmental pollution. Unity not only leads to the prosperity of a person but also to the prosperity of a nation. Unity helps in strengthening relationships. Unity is like a link that connects a long chain.If we are united none can destroy us. Unity helps in achieving triumph. It can destroy terrorism. The ultimate success always depends upon the people. The security of a nation depends upon the integrity and harmony among its citizen. During the past many countries were in the control of foreign powers. There wasn't any unity among the people and rulers. This enabled the foreign powers to easily conquer them and rule them. We achieved our freedom through the combined effort of our great leaders and our ancestors.Unity is essential to maintain peace in the world. Unity helps to avert wars. We must also live in accord with the environment. The thought that "I am a human, all humans are my brothers and sisters" symbolizes unity. Thus knowing the power of unity, all of us should stay together. If and when misunderstanding arises it must be talked out without beating around the bush.Thus unity means "all for one, and one for all".

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