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) Chapter 11 In re: ) ) Case No. 18-50757 FIRSTENERGY SOLUTIONS CORP., et al.,1 ) (Jointly Administered) ) Debtors. ) ) Hon. Judge Alan M. Koschik )



FirstEnergy Solutions Corp., and its debtor affiliates, as debtors and debtors in possession

(collectively, the “Debtors”) in the above captioned chapter 11 cases, file this application (the

“Application”) for entry of an order, substantially in the form of Exhibit A (the “Retention

Order”) to employ and compensate Middle River Power, LLC, (“Middle River”) pursuant to

sections 105(a), 327(a) and 328(a) of the United States Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy

Code”), Rules 2014(a) and 2016 of the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure (the “Bankruptcy

Rules”), and Rule 2016-1 of the United States Bankruptcy Court Northern District of Ohio Local

Rules (the “Local Rules”) to provide Consulting Services (as defined below) to the Debtors,

effective as of November 1, 2018. In support of this Application, the Debtors refer to and rely

upon the Declaration of James Suehr in Support of Debtors’ Application for Appointment of

Middle River Power, LLC as Technical Advisor Effective November 1, 2018 (the “Suehr

Declaration”) attached hereto as Exhibit B.

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. (9245), case no. 18-50759; FirstEnergy Generation, LLC (0561), case no. 18-50762; FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. (5914), case no. 18-50763; FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC (6394), case no. 18-50760; FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (1483), case no. 18-50761; FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. (0186), and Norton Energy Storage L.L.C. (6928), case no. 18-50764. The Debtors’ address is: 341 White Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320.

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1. This Court has jurisdiction over this Application pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157 and

1334. Consideration of this Application is a core proceeding under 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2).

2. Venue is proper in this District pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409.

3. The statutory bases for the relief requested herein are Sections 105(a), 327(a) and

328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.


4. On March 31, 2018 (the “Petition Date”), each of the Debtors filed a voluntary

petition for relief under Chapter 11 of the Bankruptcy Code.

5. The Debtors continue to manage their business as debtors in possession pursuant

to sections 1107(a) and 1108 of the Bankruptcy Code. These cases are being jointly


6. A detailed description of Debtors’ business, capital structure, and events leading

to the chapter 11 cases is fully set forth in the Declaration of Donald R. Schneider in Support of

Chapter 11 Petitions and First Day Motions (the “First Day Declaration”)2 [Docket No. 55] and

is incorporated herein by reference.

7. On April 12, 2018, the United States Trustee for the Northern District of Ohio

(the “U.S. Trustee”) appointed the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors (the

“Committee”) [Docket No. 279]. A fee examiner was appointed on July 20, 2018 [Docket No.


2 Capitalized terms not otherwise defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the First Day Declaration.

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8. By this Application, the Debtors seek to employ and retain Middle River pursuant

to section 327(a) and 328 of the Bankruptcy Code and Bankruptcy Rule 2014(a) as a consultant

to the Debtors in this Case.


9. The Debtors seek to retain Middle River because of its extensive experience

managing power generation assets in the United States. The Debtors believe Middle River is

both well qualified and able to assist the Debtors in executing on their operational restructuring

goals in these chapter 11 proceedings in an efficient and timely manner.

10. By way of that certain Engagement of Middle River Power, LLC dated July 9,

2018, as amended by the First Amendment to Engagement Letter dated August 10, 2018, the ad

hoc group of holders of pollution control revenue bonds supported by notes issued by

FirstEnergy Generation, LLC, FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC and certain unsecured notes

issued by FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. (collectively, the “Ad Hoc Noteholder Group”) previously

engaged Middle River to provide consulting services related to the management of the Debtors’

operational assets. Specifically, Middle River was engaged by the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group to

analyze four key operational areas in order to assess the risks and opportunities for a future

business plan for the Debtors’ reorganized businesses, and to make recommendations with

respect to the Debtors’ operations. These areas included: (1) environmental; (2) operations and

maintenance; (3) fuel supply and commercial dispatch; and (4) shred services support functions.

Middle River’s analyses and work product was shared with the Debtors, as well as with the


11. Through its prior engagement by the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, Middle River

has developed a great deal of institutional knowledge regarding the Debtors’ operations and

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assets, which experience and knowledge will be valuable to the Debtors in their efforts to

reorganize. This work was not adverse to the Debtors. Rather, the Debtors believe that retaining

Middle River to assist in the implementation of the recommendations made by Middle River in

their prior engagement will be beneficial to the Debtors’ estates and their restructuring efforts.

12. The retention of Middle River by the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group formally

concluded on October 31, 2018 and the retention by the Debtors commenced on November 1,

2018. In preparation for this transition, the Debtors discussed the arrangement with the Ad Hoc

Noteholder Group, the Committee and the Mansfield Certificateholders Group to ensure that this

retention received their approval. The Ad Hoc Noteholder Group has agreed to waive any

objection to the engagement of Middle River based on a conflict of interest or duties owing to

the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group under their prior engagement of Middle River. However, the Ad

Hoc Noteholder Group, the Committee and the Mansfield Certificateholders Group reserved the

right to object to the Debtors’ engagement of Middle River on any other basis. Additionally, the

Debtors discussed the potential retention of Middle River by the Debtors with the U.S. Trustee,

and provided information in response to questions from the U.S. Trustee. As of the date of this

Application, the U.S. Trustee indicated that it did not have an objection to the Debtors’ retention

of Middle River, subject to further review of Middle River’s retention application and supporting


13. Accordingly, the Debtors wish to retain Middle River to provide assistance during

these chapter 11 cases, as further set forth in the engagement letter between the parties (the

“Engagement Letter”) which is attached to the Suehr Declaration as Exhibit 1.

14. To the best of the Debtors’ knowledge, Middle River and all its employees are

“disinterested persons” as that term is defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(14), and neither

Middle River nor any of its professionals holds any interest materially adverse to the estates.

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15. To the best of the Debtors’ knowledge, Middle River has no connection with any

Debtor, creditors, other parties-in-interest, or their attorneys or accountants, except with respect

to the now-concluded engagement by the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, and as otherwise set forth

in this Application, the Suehr Declaration, or in matters unrelated to the Debtors or the cases.


16. The Debtors seek to retain Middle River to conduct certain operational advisory

services including:

• working with the Debtors’ management to negotiate fuel supply agreements across the fossil fleet;

• improving on existing plant business plans, including developing forced outage rate targets and related maintenance and capital spending plans;

• identifying opportunities to outsource existing shared services functions and implement cost reductions; and

• assisting in the transfer and integration of the Pleasants plant, to the extent the Debtors determine to take ownership of the facility (collectively, the “Consulting Services”).3

17. The Debtors believe that the employment of Middle River is in the best interest of

the Debtors and their creditors.

18. Middle River will submit time records in a summary format which shall set forth

a description of the services and the amount of time spent on each date by each professional in

rendering services on behalf of the Debtors.

19. Middle River has agreed not to share with any person the compensation to be paid

for services rendered in connection with these cases.

3 Middle River will also provide services as a declarant in making factual statements in motions in connection with the Pleasants plant and other of FES’s assets.

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20. Middle River conducted a review of its professional contacts for all entities listed

on Exhibit 2 to the Suehr Declaration. Middle River’s review consisted of queries of an internal

computer database containing the names of individuals and entities that are present, or recent and

former, clients of Middle River in order to identify potential relationships. A summary of such

relationships that Middle River was able to locate using its reasonable efforts is reflected in

Exhibit 3 to the Suehr Declaration.

21. Middle River has provided, may continue to provide, and previously received

services unrelated to the cases for the various entities shown on Exhibit 3 to the Suehr

Declaration. Middle River’s assistance to these parties is primarily related to various consulting

services. While Middle River has provided consulting services to creditors in these cases,

including the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, such services do not preclude appointment of Middle

River absent an actual conflict of interest. 11 U.S.C. § 327(c). As noted above, Middle River is

no longer performing consulting services to any creditors or other parties in interest in these

cases with respect the chapter 11 cases or related to the Debtors. Further, such services were not

adverse to the Debtors, their creditors or any stakeholder in these cases, and the work product

created by Middle River under that prior engagement was shared with the Debtors and the


22. While the Bankruptcy Code does not define what constitutes an actual conflict of

interest, Courts have held an actual conflict of interest is synonymous with an “interest adverse

to the estate” as defined in section 327(a) of the Bankruptcy Code. In re Midway Motor Sales,

Inc., 355 B.R. 26, 33 (Bankr. N.D. Ohio 2006). In this instance, the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group

does not object to the retention of Middle River. Thus, Middle River does not have an actual

conflict of interest if it does not hold or represent an interest adverse to the estate.

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23. Based on the results of the relationship analysis conducted to date as described

above, Middle River appears to have no connection with the Debtors, their creditors, other

parties-in-interest (as reasonably known to Middle River) or their respective attorneys, except as

disclosed in the Suehr Declaration or otherwise described herein. Further, no one involved in

these cases or in Middle River has any connection to the U.S. Trustee or any person employed in

the Office of the U.S. Trustee in this District.

24. Additionally, Middle River is not a “creditor” of the Debtors within the meaning

of Bankruptcy Code section 101(10). As such, Middle River is a “disinterested person” as that

term is defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(14), as modified by Bankruptcy Code section

1107(b), in that Middle River and its employees: (a) are not creditors, equity security holders, or

insiders of the Debtors; and (b) were not, within two (2) years before the Petition Date, a

director, officer or employee of the Debtors.

25. Further, based upon the results of the relationship search described above, Middle

River neither holds nor represents an interest adverse to the Debtors within the meaning of

section 327(a) of the Bankruptcy Code.

26. As more fully set out in the Suehr Declaration, Middle River is owned by Avenue

Capital Group (“Avenue”), which manages certain investment funds that are creditors and

secured lienholders in these cases. Middle River’s relationship with Avenue does not create an

interest adverse to Debtors because of the relationship between Middle River and Avenue and

the nature of the Consulting Services.

27. Specifically, this proposed engagement is only between Middle River and

Debtors, not Avenue. No employee of Middle River is also an employee of Avenue, and no

employee of Avenue is an employee of Middle River. Further, out of an abundance of caution,

Middle River will institute a wall between Middle River and Avenue so that no employees of

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Avenue will be able to access any information Middle River gains as a result of its retention by

the Debtors. Middle River will not share information it gains as a result its retention with

Debtors to Avenue, the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, or any other party.

28. Importantly, the Debtors believe that Middle River’s previous experience in these

cases make it uniquely qualified to provide the Consulting Services.

29. It is Middle River’s intent to update and expand its ongoing relationship search

for additional parties in interest during the course of its representation of the Debtors. If any new

relevant facts or relationships are discovered or arise, Middle River will promptly file a

Bankruptcy Rule 2014(a) Supplemental Declaration.


30. The Debtors understand that Middle River intends to apply to this Court for

allowances of compensation and reimbursement of expenses for consulting services in

accordance with the applicable provisions of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, the

Local Rules, and the Order Establishing Procedures for Interim Compensation and

Reimbursement for Professionals (the “Interim Compensation Order”) [Docket No. 427], the

Guidelines for Reviewing Applications for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses Filed

under 11 U.S.C. § 330 by Attorneys in Larger Chapter 11 Cases Effective as of November 1,

2013, and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio Guidelines for

Compensation and Reimbursement of Professionals.

31. In consideration of the Consulting Services, Debtors and Middle River negotiated

a fee of $300,000.00 per month (based on a 30 calendar day month) for Middle River’s

performance of the Consulting Services (the “Consulting Fee”). Middle River’s engagement will

be for an initial minimum term of 90 days, and thereafter may be terminated by the Debtors upon

30 days’ advance written notice.

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32. The Debtors believe a monthly fee structure for the Consulting Services, in lieu of

an hourly fee structure, will result in advantages to the Debtors’ estates by providing clarity

around the costs of the Consulting Services, as opposed to an hourly fee approach.

33. In addition to the rates set forth above, the Debtors and Middle River have agreed

that the Debtors shall reimburse Middle River for its reasonable and documented out-of-pocket

expenses incurred in connection with Middle River’s performance of the Consulting Services.

34. As the Consulting Fee is a monthly fee, the Debtors request that the Bankruptcy

Court modify certain requirements established by the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules,

the Guidelines for Reviewing Applications for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses

Filed under 11 U.S.C. § 330 by Attorneys in Larger Chapter 11 Cases Effective as of November

1, 2013, and the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio Guidelines for

Compensation and Reimbursement of Professionals., and Local Rule 2016-1 such that Middle

River shall not be required to keep contemporaneous time records for the services it performs.


35. The Debtors seek authority to employ and retain Middle River under section 327

of the Bankruptcy Code, which provides that a debtor is authorized to employ professional

persons “that do not hold or represent an interest adverse to the estate, and that are disinterested

persons, to represent or assist the [Debtors] in carrying out their duties under this title.” 11

U.S.C. § 327(a).

36. The Debtors seek approval of the Consulting Fee and the Engagement Letter

pursuant to section 328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, which authorizes the employment of a

professional person “on any reasonable terms and conditions of employment, including on a

retainer . . .” 11 U.S.C. § 328(a). Section 328 permits the compensation of professionals on more

flexible terms that reflect the nature of their services and market conditions.

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37. Furthermore, under the Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection

Act of 2005, certain modifications were made to section 328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, which

now provides as follows:

The trustee, or a committee appointed under section 1102 of this title, with the court’s approval, may employ or authorize the employment of a professional person under section 327 or 1103 of this title, as the case may be, on any reasonable terms and conditions of employment, including on a retainer, on an hourly bases, on a fixed percentage fee basis, or on a contingent fee basis.

38. 11 U.S.C. § 328(a). Section 328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, as amended, makes

clear that debtors may retain, subject to bankruptcy court approval, professionals on a fixed fee

basis. Additionally, as indicated above, notwithstanding their retention pursuant to section

328(a) of the Bankruptcy Code, Middle River intends to submit applications for payment of

compensation in these chapter 11 cases.


39. No prior request for the relief sough in this Application has been made to this or

any other Court in connection with these Chapter 11 cases.

WHEREFORE, the Debtors respectfully request entry of an order, substantially in the

form attached hereto as Exhibit A, granting the relief requested herein and granting such other

relief as is just and proper.

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Dated: December 21, 2018

Respectfully submitted, /s/ Bridget A. Franklin BROUSE MCDOWELL LPA Marc B. Merklin (0018195) Kate M. Bradley (0074206) Bridget A. Franklin (0083987) 388 South Main Street, Suite 500 Akron, OH 44311-4407 Telephone: (330) 535-5711 Facsimile: (330) 253-8601 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - and - AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP Ira Dizengoff (admitted pro hac vice) Lisa Beckerman (admitted pro hac vice) Brad Kahn (admitted pro hac vice) One Bryant Park New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 872-1000 Facsimile: (212) 872-1002 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - and - Scott Alberino (admitted pro hac vice) Kate Doorley (admitted pro hac vice) 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 887-4000 Facsimile: (202) 887-4288 [email protected] [email protected]

Counsel for Debtors and Debtors in Possession

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Exhibit A

Proposed Retention Order

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EASTERN DIVISION ) Chapter 11 In re: ) ) Case No. 18-50757 FIRSTENERGY SOLUTIONS CORP., et al.,1 ) (Jointly Administered) ) Debtors. ) ) Hon. Judge Alan M. Koschik )



Upon the application (the “Application”)2 [Docket No. __] of the above-captioned debtors

and debtors in possession (collectively, the “Debtors”) for retention and appointment of Middle

River Power, LLC (“Middle River”) as technical advisor pursuant to sections 327(a) and 328(a) of

the Bankruptcy Code (the “Bankruptcy Code”), Rules 2014(a) and 2016(a) of the Federal Rules of

Bankruptcy Procedure the (“Bankruptcy Rules”), and Local Rule 2016-1; and the Court having

jurisdiction to consider the Application and relief requested therein pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 157

and 1334; and consideration of the Application and the relief requested therein being a core

proceeding in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 157(b)(2); and venue being proper in this District

pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1408 and 1409; and a hearing having been held to consider the relief

requested in the Application; and upon the Suehr Declaration submitted in support of the

Application; and the Court being satisfied that Middle River has the capability and experience to

provide such services and that Middle River does not hold an interest adverse to the Debtors or the

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal tax identification number, are: FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. (9245), case no. 18-50759; FirstEnergy Generation, LLC (0561), case no. 18-50762; FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp. (5914), case no. 18-50763; FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC (6394), case no. 18-50760; FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (1483), case no. 18-50761; FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. (0186), and Norton Energy Storage L.L.C. (6928), case no. 18-50764. The Debtors’ address is: 341 White Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320. 2 Capitalized terms used but not defined herein shall have the meanings ascribed to them in the Application.

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estates respecting the matters upon which it is to be engaged; and good and sufficient notice of the

Application having been given and no other or further notice being required; and sufficient cause

appearing therefor; it is HEREBY ORDERED THAT:

1. Notwithstanding the terms of the Engagement Letter attached to the Application,

the Application is approved solely as set forth in this Order.

2. The Debtors are authorized to retain Middle River as operational advisor effective

as of November 1, 2018, under the terms of the Engagement Letter annexed as Exhibit 1 to the

Suehr Declaration, and Middle River is authorized and directed to perform advising services and

all related tasks, as described in the Application and the Engagement Letter.

3. Middle River shall file interim and final fee applications for the allowance of

compensation for services rendered and reimbursement of expenses incurred in accordance with

sections 330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, the Local Rules, any

applicable orders of this Court, and the Fee Guidelines. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary

herein, Middle River shall be entitled to reimbursement for the actual and reasonable costs of

meals and transportation to or from the office for employees required to work after business hours

and during the weekend in connection with the chapter 11 cases, subject to approval by the Court.

4. Middle River will submit time records in a summary format which shall set forth a

description of the services and the amount of time spent on each date by each professional in

rendering services on behalf of the Debtors.

5. The Engagement Letter is incorporated herein by reference and approved in all

respects as modified herein.

6. If Middle River seeks reimbursement for attorney’s fees pursuant to the terms of

the Engagement Letter, the invoices and supporting time records for such attorneys shall be

included in Middle River’s own application and such invoices and time records shall be subject to

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(i) the guidelines promulgated by the U.S. Trustee for compensation and reimbursement of

expenses and (ii) approval by the Bankruptcy Court under sections 330 and 331 of the Bankruptcy

Code. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Middle River shall only be reimbursed for any legal fees

incurred in connection with these chapter 11 cases to the extent permitted under applicable law

and the decisions in this District.

7. The Debtors shall be bound by the indemnification, contribution, reimbursement,

exculpation, and other provisions of the Engagement Letter, and will indemnify and hold harmless

Middle River and its affiliates, and its and their respective directors, officers, members, agents,

employees, and controlling persons, and each of their respective successors and assigns

(collectively, the “Indemnified Parties”), pursuant to the terms of the Engagement Letter and,

during the pendency of these chapter 11 cases, subject to the following conditions:

(a) subject to the provisions of subparagraphs (b) and (c) below, the Debtors are authorized to indemnify, and to provide contribution and reimbursement to, and shall indemnify, and provide contribution and reimbursement to, the Indemnified Parties in accordance with the Engagement Letter for any claim arising from, related to, or in connection with the services provided for in the Engagement Letter;

(b) notwithstanding subparagraph (a) above or any provisions of the Engagement Letter to the contrary, the Debtors shall have no obligation to indemnify an Indemnified Party or provide contribution or reimbursement to an Indemnified Party (i) for any claim or expense that is judicially determined (the determination having become final) to have arisen from such Indemnified Person’s bad faith, self-dealing, breach of fiduciary duty (if any), gross negligence, or willful misconduct, (ii) for a contractual dispute in which the Debtors allege the breach of Middle River’s contractual obligations if the Court determines that indemnification, contribution, or reimbursement would not be permissible pursuant to In re United Artists Theatre Co., 315 F.3d 217 (3d Cir. 2003), or (iii) for any claim or expense that is settled prior to a judicial determination as to the exclusions set forth in clauses (i) and (ii) above, but determined by this Court, after notice and a hearing pursuant to subparagraph (c) infra, to be a claim or expense for which such Indemnified Party should not receive indemnity, contribution or reimbursement under the terms of the Engagement Letter, as modified by this Order; and

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(c) if, before the earlier of (i) the entry of an order confirming a chapter 11 plan in the Debtors’ cases (that order having become a final order no longer subject to appeal), and (ii) the entry of an order closing the Debtors’ chapter 11 cases, Middle River believes that it is entitled to the payment of any amounts by the Debtors on account of the Debtors’ indemnification, contribution and/or reimbursement obligations under the Engagement Letter, as modified by this Order, including without limitation the advancement of defense costs, Middle River must file an application therefore in this Court, and the Debtors may not pay any such amounts to Middle River before the entry of an order by this Court approving such payment. This subparagraph (c) is intended only to specify the period during which the Court shall have jurisdiction over any request by Middle River for indemnification, contribution or reimbursement and is not a provision limiting the duration of the Debtors’ obligation to indemnify.

8. The Debtors and Middle River are authorized to take all actions necessary to

effectuate the relief granted pursuant to this Order in accordance with the Application.

9. Notwithstanding any term in the Engagement Letter to the contrary, the Court

retains jurisdiction with respect to all matters arising from or related to the implementation of this


10. Notwithstanding any provision in the Bankruptcy Rules to the contrary, this Order

shall be immediately effective and enforceable upon its entry.

11. Notice of the Application as provided therein shall be deemed good and sufficient

notice of such Application and the requirements of Bankruptcy Rule 6004(a) and the Local Rules

of the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern District of Ohio are satisfied by such


12. In the event of any inconsistency between the Engagement Letter, the Application

and the Order, the Order shall govern.

# # #

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SUBMITTED BY: /s/ BROUSE MCDOWELL LPA Marc B. Merklin (0018195) Kate M. Bradley (0074206) Bridget A. Franklin (0083987) 388 South Main Street, Suite 500 Akron, OH 44311-4407 Telephone: (330) 535-5711 Facsimile: (330) 253-8601 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - and - AKIN GUMP STRAUSS HAUER & FELD LLP Ira Dizengoff (admitted pro hac vice) Lisa Beckerman (admitted pro hac vice) Brad Kahn (admitted pro hac vice) One Bryant Park New York, New York 10036 Telephone: (212) 872-1000 Facsimile: (212) 872-1002 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] - and - Scott Alberino (admitted pro hac vice) Kate Doorley (admitted pro hac vice) 1333 New Hampshire Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20036 Telephone: (202) 887-4000 Facsimile: (202) 887-4288 [email protected] [email protected] Counsel for Debtors and Debtors in Possession

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Exhibit B

Suehr Declaration

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) Chapter 11

In re: )

) Case No. 18-50757

FIRSTENERGY SOLUTIONS CORP., et al.,1 ) (Jointly Administered)


Debtors. )

) Hon. Judge Alan M. Koschik





I, James Suehr, declare, under penalty of perjury, in accordance with 28 U.S.C. § 1746 that:

1. I am the Chief Financial Officer of Middle River Power LLC, (“Middle River”), a

private equity sponsored investment and asset management platform focused on power generation

assets in the United States. I submit this Declaration (the “Declaration”)2 on behalf of Middle

River in connection with the proposed retention of Middle River as technical advisor to the above

captioned debtors and debtors-in-possession (the “Debtors”), as set forth in the Application of

Debtors for Appointment of Middle River Power, LLC as Technical Advisor to the Debtors

1 The Debtors in these chapter 11 cases, along with the last four digits of each Debtor’s federal

tax identification number, are: FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. (9245), case no. 18-50759; FirstEnergy

Generation, LLC (0561), case no. 18-50762; FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1 Corp.

(5914), case no. 18-50763; FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC (6394), case no. 18-50760;

FirstEnergy Nuclear Operating Company (1483), case no. 18-50761; FirstEnergy Solutions

Corp. (0186), and Norton Energy Storage L.L.C. (6928), case no. 18-50764. The Debtors’

address is: 341 White Pond Dr., Akron, OH 44320. 2 All capitalized terms used herein but not defined shall have the meanings given them in the


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Effective as of November 1, 2018 (the “Application”). Except as otherwise noted, I have personal

knowledge of the matters set forth herein.3

Disinterestedness and Eligibility

2. In connection with the preparation of this Declaration, Middle River conducted a

review of its contacts with the Debtors, and the parties in interest in these chapter 11 cases known

to Middle River. A list of the parties reviewed is attached as Exhibit 2 to this Declaration. Middle

River’s review, completed under my supervision, consisted of a query of the Exhibit 2 parties

against Middle River’s ownership, subsidiaries, and within an internal computer database

containing names of individuals and entities that are present or recent former clients of Middle


3. Based on the results of Middle River’s review, it was determined that Middle River

does have, or has had, relationships with certain Exhibit 2 parties. Middle River’s connections

with certain Exhibit 2 parties are presented in Exhibit 3 of this Declaration. Except as otherwise

discussed in this Declaration, Middle River’s relationships to these parties are unrelated to these

proceedings. Middle River may continue to provide or receive services unrelated to the Case for

various entities shown on Exhibit 3. Middle River’s assistance to these parties is related to

providing various consulting services. Except as otherwise discussed in this Declaration, to the

best of my knowledge, no services have been provided to these parties in interest which involves

their rights in these chapter 11 cases, nor does Middle River’s involvement in these chapter 11

cases compromise its ability to continue such services.

3 Certain of the disclosures herein relate to matters within the personal knowledge of other

professionals at Middle River and are based on information provided by them.

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4. Middle River is owned by Avenue Capital Group (“Avenue”), which manages

certain investment funds that are creditors and secured lienholders in these chapter 11 cases. To

the best of my knowledge based upon an examination of publicly available information with

respect to the Case, the funds under Avenue’s management hold the following interests:

a) $35,054,000 face amount of the 6.05% FED Unsecured Notes Due 2021

b) $90,750,000 face amount of the 6.8% FES Unsecured Notes Due 2039

c) $34,500,00 face amount of the 3.75% Unsecured Notes due 2023

d) $18,095,000 face amount of the 3.1% FG Unsecured Notes Due 2023

e) $5,000,000 face amount of the 3.0% FG Unsecured Notes Due 2019

f) $1,000,000 face amount of the 3.75% FG Unsecured Notes Due 2040

g) $4,750,000 face amount of the 5.7% FG Unsecured Notes Due 2020

h) $10,800,000 face amount of the 2.7% NG Unsecured Notes Due 2035

i) $4,000,000 face amount of the 4.0% NG Unsecured Notes Due June 2033

j) $25,555,000 face amount of the 4.0% NG Unsecured Notes Due December


k) $30,000,000 face amount of the 3.5% NG Unsecured Notes Due 2035

l) $58,555,000 face amount of the 3.75% NG Unsecured Notes Due 2033

m) $2,190,000 face amount of the 4.0% NG Unsecured Notes Due 2034

n) $93,728,000 face amount of the 6.85% Mansfield Notes Due 2034

5. However, based on our current knowledge of the relationship between Avenue and

the Debtors, and to the best of my knowledge, this relationship does not create an interest

materially adverse to the Debtors in matters upon which Middle River is to be employed.

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6. Middle River was previously engaged by the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group (as defined

in the Application), to provide consulting services related to the management of the Debtors’

business. However, based on our current knowledge of the relationship between the Ad Hoc

Noteholder Group and the Debtors, and to the best of my knowledge, this relationship does not

create an interest materially adverse to the Debtors in matters upon which Middle River is to be

employed. Furthermore, the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group has agreed to waive any objection to the

engagement of MRP based on a conflict of interest or duties owning to the Ad Hoc Noteholder

Group under their prior engagement of MRP. However, the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, the

Committee and the Mansfield Certificateholders Group reserved the right to object to the Debtors’

engagement of MRP on any other basis.

7. Middle River’s relationships with Avenue and the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group do

not create an interest materially adverse to the estates because it will be retained to provide the

Consulting Services related to the topics outlined in the Application. To the best of my knowledge,

these Consulting Services involve the operation of the Debtors’ business and do not directly affect

their relationship with their creditors. Further, the Debtors and Committee agree Middle River’s

previous experience in this Case make it uniquely qualified to provide the Consulting Services

listed in the Application.

8. To the best of my knowledge, no employee of Middle River is also an employee of

Avenue and no employee of Avenue is also an employee of Middle River.

9. Further, Middle River will institute a wall between Middle River and Avenue so

that no employees of Avenue will be able to access any information Middle River gains as a result

of its retention with Debtors. Middle River will not share information it gains as a result its

retention with Debtors to Avenue, the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, or any other party.

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10. None of the parties identified in Exhibit 3 generated more than one percent of

Middle River Power’s gross revenue during the 12 month period preceding this Declaration.

11. Middle River Power is not a “Creditor” of the Debtors within the meaning of

Bankruptcy Code section 101(10). Further, neither I nor any other Middle River officer or

employee, to the best of my knowledge is a holder of any shares of any Debtors’ ownership equity.

12. Further, to the best of my knowledge, no officer or employee within Middle River

generally has any connection to the U.S. Trustee, any person employed in the Office of the U.S.

Trustee, or any person employed in the Office of the U.S. Trustee in this District.

13. As such, to the best of my knowledge, Middle River is a “disinterested person” as

that term is defined in Bankruptcy Code section 101(14) as modified by Bankruptcy Code section

1107(b), in that Middle River:

a) Is not a creditor, equity security holder or insider of the Debtors; and

b) Was not, within two (2) years before the Petition Date, a director, officer or

employee of the Debtors.

14. In addition, to the best of my knowledge and based upon the results of the

relationship search described above and disclosed herein, Middle River neither holds nor

represents an interest adverse to the Debtors within the meaning of Bankruptcy Code section


15. It is Middle River’s intent to update and expand its ongoing relationship search for

additional parties in interest in an expedient manner. If any new material facts or relationships are

discovered or arise, Middle River will promptly file a Supplemental Declaration pursuant to

Bankruptcy Rule 2014(a).

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Terms of Retention and Professional Compensation

16. The Debtors wish to retain Middle River to provide assistance during these chapter

11 cases, as further set forth in the engagement letter between the parties (the “Engagement

Letter”) which is attached hereto as Exhibit 1.

17. Subject to Court approval and in accordance with the applicable provisions of the

Bankruptcy Code, the Bankruptcy Rules, the United States Bankruptcy Court for the Northern

District of Ohio Guidelines for Compensation and Reimbursement of Professionals and the

Guidelines for Reviewing Applications for Compensation and Reimbursement of Expenses Filed

under 11 U.S.C. § 330 by Attorneys in Larger Chapter 11 Cases Effective as of November 1, 2013

and the local rules of this District, in consideration of the Consulting Services, Debtors and Middle

River negotiated a fee of $300,000.00 per month (based on a 30 calendar day month) for Middle

River’s performance of the Consulting Services (the “Consulting Fee”). Middle River’s

engagement will be for an initial minimum term of 90 days, and thereafter may be terminated by

Debtors upon 30 days advance written notice.

18. In addition to the rates set forth above, the Debtors and Middle River have agreed

that the Debtors shall reimburse Middle River for its reasonable and documented out-of-pocket

expenses incurred in connection with Middle River’s performance of the Consulting Services.

19. To the best of my knowledge, (a) no commitments have been made or received by

Middle River, nor any employee thereof, with respect to compensation or payment in connection

with this Case other than in accordance with the provisions of the Bankruptcy Code and (b)

Middle River has no agreement with any other entity to share with such entity any compensation

received by Middle River in connection with this Case.

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Engagement Letter

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200 W. Madison Street ● Suite 3810 ● Chicago, IL ● 60606


December 20, 2018 FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. c/o Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP

One Bryan Park New York, NY 10036 Re: First Energy Solutions Corp. Engagement of Middle River Power, LLC

This engagement letter confirms that FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. (“FES” and along with its affiliates that are chapter 11 debtors in the jointly administered cases of FES, collectively, the “Client”) have engaged Middle River Power, LLC, a Delaware limited liability company (“MRP”) as technical advisor to perform the services described below.

Scope of Services

MRP is hereby engaged effective as of November 1, 2018 by the Client to perform the services set forth on Exhibit A attached hereto (the “Services”).


MRP expects to provide the Client with certain written material prepared for and delivered to the Client under this engagement letter (“deliverables”) as described on Exhibit A.

The Client will own all deliverables except as follows: MRP will own its working papers, pre-existing materials and any general skills, know-how, processes, or other intellectual property which MRP may have discovered or created as a result of the Services. The Client has a

nonexclusive, non-transferable license to use such materials included in the deliverables for its own internal use as part of such deliverables.

In addition to deliverables, MRP may develop electronic materials (including spreadsheets, documents, databases and other tools) to assist MRP with the Services (the “Electronic

Materials ,” and with the deliverables, the “Work Product”). Any Work Product made available to the Client is provided “as is” and use of these materials is at such receiving party’s

own risk.

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Use of Deliverables and Services

MRP is providing the Services and Work Product solely for the Client’s internal use and benefit. Except as provided herein, the Services and deliverables are not for a third party’s use, benefit or

reliance, and MRP disclaims any contractual or other responsibility or duty of care to others based upon these Services or deliverables provided. Except as provided herein, the Client shall not discuss the Services with or disclose the Work Product to any third party, or otherwise disclose the Services or deliverables without MRP’s prior written consent.

MRP shall: (i) use reasonable best efforts to provide notice to Client (and its legal and financial advisors) with respect to its diligence, informational, or similar meetings, calls, or sessions, in

relation to the Services; (ii) respond to all reasonable requests from the Client (or its legal and financial advisors) for further analyses, and (iii) be available for calls and/or meetings with the Client (and its legal and financial advisors) to explain its findings and analyses.

Client shall advise in writing each of its third-party professional advisors (including accountants, attorneys, financial and other advisors) that will be viewing or using any Work Product: (i) that MRP did not perform the Services or prepare deliverables for such advisors’ use, benefit or

reliance and MRP assumes no duty, liability or responsibility to such advisors, and (ii) to not disclose the Services or deliverables to any other party without MRP’s prior written consent.


MRP agrees to be bound by the terms of that certain Confidentiality Agreement dated as of June 18, 2018, in respect of providing the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, MRP, and the professionals to the Client may share and discuss the Work Product subject to their respective confidentiality agreements.

MRP Responsibilities

MRP will perform the Services in accordance with Prudent Industry Practices. “Prudent Industry Practices” means the practices that would be applied in the ordinary course of business by a prudent asset manager in the independent power business while exercising the degree of skill and good faith judgment commensurate with that normally exercised by asset managers in advising

the owners of similarly situated facilities in the United States at the relevant time, in each case with the exercise of commercially reasonable judgment in light of the facts known at the time. Prudent Industry Practices are intended to include a spectrum of possible practices, methods or acts generally acceptable during the relevant period in light of the circumstances. A practice

may be affected by the design and operational characteristics of a facility, and other circumstances affecting a facility or any portion thereof.

In performance of the Services, MRP may engage certain third parties, provided, however, that prior to engaging a third party service provider for which MRP would seek reimbursement as a third party expense under the “Fees and Expenses” paragraph, MRP will provide the Client with notice of such third party and the projected expenses of such third party. If such projected

expenses for a particular third party exceed the sum of $20,000.00, MRP will obtain the written consent from the Client (which may be in the form of an email) to such engagement.

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Responsibilities of the Client

MRP’s role is advisory only. The Client is responsible for all management functions and decisions relating to this engagement, including evaluating and accepting the adequacy of the

scope of the Services. Performance of the Services is conditioned upon timely, accurate and complete information and reasonable assistance by the Client, and MRP will perform the engagement on that basis.

Upon commencement of the Services, the Client will provide MRP with a representative point of contact. MRP may rely upon the consents, communications, and instructions of such point of contact until and unless it is advised in writing that such individual is no longer the point of

contact and representative for the Client.

Fees and Expenses

In consideration of the Services, the Client will pay MRP a monthly fee (based upon a thirty (30) calendar day month) in the amount set forth on Exhibit A. Such monthly fee will be prorated,

based upon a thirty (30) day month, for the number of calendar days elapsed, during the period of time from the date hereof through conclusion of the Services. MRP will invoice the Client for such monthly fees in arrears.

MRP also will bill the Client for MRP’s reasonable out-of-pocket expenses, including use of third party consultants. Invoices will be sent via email to the Client and the office of the United States Trustee for Region 9, the Northern District of Ohio (Cleveland). Invoices are due within

fifteen (15) calendar days of the invoice date.

Termination and Dispute Resolution

MRP requires a minimum of a ninety (90) day engagement. Following the initial ninety (90) day engagement, either the Client or MRP may terminate the Services upon thirty (30) days’ written

notice to the other party.

This engagement letter and any dispute relating to the Services will be governed by and construed, interpreted and enforced in accordance with the laws of the State of New York, without giving effect to any provisions relating to conflict of laws that require the laws of another jurisdiction to apply.

Certain Disclaimers and Indemnity.

MRP will be entitled to rely, without further independent verification, on the accuracy and completeness of all publicly available information and information that is furnished by or on behalf of the Client and otherwise reviewed by MRP in connection with the Services. MRP acknowledges and agrees that MRP is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of such

information and shall not be responsible for any inaccuracies or omissions therein. MRP is under no obligation to update data submitted to it or to review any other areas unless specifically requested by the Debtor to do so.

Client understands that the Services may include the preparation of projections and other forward-looking statements, and numerous factors can affect the actual results of Client’s operations, which may materially and adversely differ from those projections.

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MRP does not make any representations or guarantees as to any particular outcomes, or that any given recommendation or proposed course of action will be more successful than all other possible proposals or strategic alternatives. Furthermore, MRP does not assume any responsibility for the Client’s decision to pursue, or not pursue any business strategy, or to effect, or not to effect any transaction.

Subject to the terms of the bankruptcy court order approving MRP’s retention, the Client agrees to indemnify and hold harmless MRP, its non-owner affiliates and their respective managers,

employees, agents, representatives and subcontractors (each, an "Indemnified Party" and collectively, the "Indemnified Parties") against any and all losses, claims, damages, liabilities, penalties, obligations and expenses, including the costs for counsel or others in investigating, preparing or defending any action or claim, whether or not in connection with litigation in which

any Indemnified Party is a party, or enforcing this engagement letter (including these indemnity provisions), as and when incurred, caused by, relating to, based upon or arising out of (directly or indirectly) the Indemnified Parties' acceptance of or the performance or non-performance of their obligations under this engagement letter; provided, however, such indemnity shall not apply to

any such loss, claim, damage, liability or expense to the extent it is found in a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction (not subject to further appeal) to have resulted primarily and directly from such Indemnified Party's gross negligence or willful misconduct. The Client also agrees that (a) no Indemnified Party shall have any liability (whether direct or indirect, in contract

or tort or otherwise) to the Client for or in connection with the engagement of MRP, except to the extent that any such liability for losses, claims, damages, liabilities or expenses are found in a final judgment by a court of competent jurisdiction (not subject to further appeal) to have resulted primarily and directly from such Indemnified Party's gross negligence or willful misconduct and

(b) in no event will any Indemnified Party have any liability to the Client for special, consequential, incidental or exemplary damages or loss (nor any lost profits, savings or business opportunity). The Client further agrees that it will not, without the prior consent of an Indemnified Party, settle or compromise or consent to the entry of any judgment in any pending or threatened

claim, action, suit or proceeding in respect of which such Indemnified Party seeks indemnification hereunder (whether or not such Indemnified Party is an actual party to such claim, action, suit or proceedings) unless such settlement, compromise or consent includes an unconditional release of such Indemnified Party from all liabilities arising out of such claim, action, suit or proceeding.

Other Matters

For a period of fifteen (15) months after the date hereof, the Client will not solicit for employment or as an independent contractor any person employed by MRP if such person was involved directly or indirectly in the performance of the Services. This provision shall not

prohibit the hiring of any person who responded to general solicitations, including but not limited to, job postings published in newspapers, trade publications or on websites that did not target that person directly.

No Party to this engagement letter may assign or transfer this engagement letter, or any rights, obligations, claims or proceeds from claims arising under it, without the prior written consent of the other Parties, and any assignment without such consent shall be void and invalid. If any

provision of this engagement letter is found to be unenforceable, the remainder of this engagement letter shall be enforced to the extent permitted by law. If MRP performs any of the

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Services prior to both parties executing this engagement letter, this engagement letter shall be

effective as of the date MRP began the Services. This engagement letter supersedes any prior understandings, proposals or agreements with respect to the Services, and any changes must be agreed to in writing through an amendment to this letter or a change order.

By entering into this engagement letter the Client is binding its subsidiaries and controlled affiliates to the terms hereof.

* * * * *


Mark Kubow President Middle River Power

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Exhibit A Services

[Attached Scope of Work]

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200 W. Madison Street ● Suite 3810 ● Chicago, IL ● 60606

Middle River Power Scope for FES – December 20, 2018

Introduction Middle River Power, LLC (“MRP”) is a private equity sponsored asset management platform focused on US power generation assets. MRP currently manages ~2,000 MW of natural gas, coal, geothermal and solar power generation facilities across the US. MRP has a deep bench of power industry veterans with expertise in the acquisition, development, operations, management, financing and economic optimization of energy assets. We pride ourselves in having an operations-centric management team that takes an active, hands-on approach and partner closely with plant personnel and other key stakeholders and bring strong relationships with experienced industry contractors, advisors and consultants. In July of 2018, MRP was engaged to evaluate the FES Fossil business plan in support of a broad plan of reorganization to be delivered as part of the broader restructuring process. Our initial assessment focused on four key areas, framing the context, risks, and opportunities for the future business plan for FES Fossil Generation: Environmental, Operations and Maintenance, Fuel Supply and Commercial dispatch, SG&A and other shared-services support functions. MRP proposes to continue our engagement but work directly with FES (the Debtor) to implement some of the understand the challenges and opportunities associated with the assets in its portfolio (including Pleasants) as well as review and assess the business plan developed by the management team. The focus would be on the non-nuclear fleet and could also include assessment of synergies with the retail platform. The proposed scope of MRP’s engagement by the Debtors will include the following: MRP will provide consulting and advisory services as MRP and FES deem appropriate and feasible in order to advise FES in the course of the bankruptcy case. In providing services to the Ad Hoc Noteholder Group, MRP made various recommendations regarding the FES’s businesses and assets. MRP will work to implement certain recommendations, including working with FES’s management to negotiate fuel supply agreements across the fossil fleet, improving on existing plant business plans, including developing forced outage rate targets and related maintenance and capital spending plans, identifying opportunities to outsource existing shared services functions and implement cost reductions and assisting in the transfer and integration of the Pleasants plant, to the extent the Debtors determine to take ownership of the facility. MRP will also provide services as a declarant in making factual statements in motions in connection with the Pleasants plant and other of FES’s assets. Support Needs and Costs To accomplish these objectives, we will need continued access and collaboration with the FES management team, plant management, and corporate support personnel. We may also require access to outside consultants and contractors who play key roles in operations, maintenance and assessments of the plants. We would continue regular site visits to all the facilities to continue to work collaboratively with the plant managers and FES / FE leadership team. We would also expect continued access to a data room,

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responsiveness to future data requests and general support from FES/FE and their advisors to accomplish the evaluation. MRP will continue to prepare a combination of written diligence assessments, management business plan critiques, presentations to FES and their advisors, and other key stakeholders in the restructuring process and their advisors as required. MRP would also anticipate providing an Asset Management proposal to execute on the selected strategy, if applicable. Feedback and findings would be presented regular update calls. MRP would execute on the extended scope of the engagement for a fee of $300,000 per month commencing on November 1, 2018. Middle River’s engagement will be for an initial minimum term of 90 days, commencing with November 1, 2018, and thereafter may be terminated by FES upon 30 days advance written notice. MRP will continue to pass through any additional third party fees (such as environmental and fuel supply consultants) and out of pocket travel expenses. We look forward to an opportunity to work with the FES, the creditors and other key stakeholders on this engagement. Sincerely,

Mark Kubow President Middle River Power

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Potential Parties in Interest


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1 12280819.2\0550303

Schedule of Searched Parties


FirstEnergy Solutions Corp. FE Aircraft Leasing Corp. FirstEnergy Generation Mansfield Unit 1


Debtors' Affiliates

AE Supply Renaissance Southwest, LLC AET PATH Company, LLC Allegheny Energy Service Corporation Allegheny Energy Supply Company, LLC

Allegheny Energy Supply Renaissance, LLC Allegheny Generating Company Allegheny Pittsburgh Coal Company Allegheny Ventures, Inc.

American Transmission Systems, Incorporated

APS Constellation, L.L.C. AYE Series

Bay Shore Power Company Beaver Valley II Funding Corp Buchanan Energy Company of Virginia,


Buchanan Generation, LLC BVPS II Funding Corp CEI Funding LLC

CTC Beaver Valley Corp CTC Mansfield Funding Corp FELHC, Inc. FirstEnergy Corp. FirstEnergy Fiber Holdings Corp.

FirstEnergy Properties, Inc. FirstEnergy Service FELHC, Inc. Company FirstEnergy Services Corporation FirstEnergy Transmission, LLC

FirstEnergy Ventures Corp. GPU Nuclear, Inc. GPU, Inc. Green Valley Hydro, LLC

JC PNL Capital LP JCP&L Transition Funding II LLC

FirstEnergy Generation, LLC FirstEnergy Nuclear Generation, LLC FirstEnergy

Nuclear Operating Company Norton Energy Storage L.L.C.

JCP&L Transition Funding LLC

Jersey Central Power & Light Company Met-ED Capital LP

Metropolitan Edison Company Mid-Atlantic Interstate Transmission, LLC Monongahela Power Company MP Environmental Funding LLC MP Renaissance Funding, LLC

Nautical Limited Partnership

Norton Energy Storage L.L.C. OE Funding LLC

OES Ventures, Incorporated Ohio Edison Company Ohio Edison Financing Trust Ohio Edison Financing Trust II PATH — Allegheny Land Acquisition

Company PATH Allegheny Maryland Transmission

Company, LLC PATH Allegheny Transmission Company,

LLC PATH Allegheny Virginia Transmission

Corporation PATH West Virginia Transmission

Company, LLC PE Environmental Funding LLC PE Renaissance Funding, LLC

Penelec Capital Pennsylvania Electric Company Pennsylvania Power Company PNP II Funding Corp

Potomac-Appalachian Transmission Highline, LLC Suvon, LLC

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TE Funding LLC The Cleveland Electric

Illuminating Company

The Potomac Edison Company Potomac Edison Company Allegheny The Toledo Edison Capital Corporation The Toledo Edison Company The Waverly Electric Light and Power


D&O Debtors

Benyak, Darin M.

Bezilla, Mark B. Blickle, John Boland, Jim

Bologna, Richard D. Brown, Terry J. Gingo, Joseph Hamilton, David B.

D&O Debtors' Affiliates

Ahern, Anthony J. Aikens, Nicholas K.

Bailey, Joel D. Baker, Eric D. Barton, Lisa M. Belcher, Samuel L.

Benz, Gary D. Boyd, William J. Bridenbaugh, Carl J. Brown, Terry J.

Chack, Dennis M. Dargie, John C. Davis, Ted M. Donohue, Robert W.

Doty, William S. Dowling, Michael J. English, Carl L. Eppes, Kristine W. Evans, Raymond L.

Fakult, James V Frame, Randall A. Gaines, Bennett L. Grant, Gary W.

The West Virginia Power & Transmission Company Trans-Allegheny Interstate Line Company Warrenton River Terminal, Ltd.

West Penn Power Company West Penn Southwest, LLC West Virginia Series

Harden, Paul A. Kotsenas, Peter J. Lieb, Raymond A.

Mellody, James G. Moul, Donald A. Schneider, Donald R. Warvell, Kevin T.

Hall, Martin L. Halnon, Gregory H. Haney, James R. Jones, Charles E. Judge, John W.

Julian, Mark A. Karafa, David J. Kauffman, Holly C. Lasky, Charles D. Lese, William

Lisowski, Jason J. Lowery, Dolores J. Maley, Ernest N. Mavrinac, Wendy McDonald, David W.

McKeeman, Robert S. Mendenhall, Kelley E. Mikkelsen, Eileen M. Moss, Linda L.

Nelson, Steven K. O'Loughlin, Patrick W.

Pearson, James F. Prezelj, Irene M.

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Reffner, Robert P. Stephenson, Gary G. Reynolds, Brett W. Strah, Steven E. Rossero, Daniel T. Sweeney, Richard S. Sears, James A. Taylor, K. John Sekulich, Gretchan E. Thompson, Paul W.

Sestak, Kevin A. Vespoli, Leila Shuttlesworth, Edward L. Voyles, John N. Jr. Skory, John E. Whitlock, Charles Smith, Trent A. Wyman, Scott R.

Smyth, Antonio Yeboah-Amankwah, Ebony L. Stawikey, Mary S.

Bankruptcy Judges

Gustafson, John P Harris, Arthur I Kendig, Russ Koschik, Alan M

Price Smith, Jessica E Whipple, Mary Ann

Woods, Kay

U.S. Trustee Office and U.S. Attorney

Belhorn, Scott Brosko, Marion Brulia, Elizabeth

Cutwright, P. Elaine Donald, Monique Dugic, Tim Giannirakis, Maria D.

Gonzalez, Mary Ellen Good, Amy

Herdman, Justin E. (US Attorney) Loeb, Helayne Lowe, Sharon V Lowman, Catherine

Non Affilite EDCs

AEP-OHIO Ameren Illinois Company American Electric Power (Ohio Power and

Columbus Southern) Atlantic City Electric (Conectiv) (PHI -

Exelon) Baltimore Gas & Electric Company

ComEd (Exelon) Commonwealth Edison Company

Matras, David M. Mcdermott, Daniel

M. Montanez, Lizette Patton, Tiiara Rippy, Derrick Saenz, Anita

Simmons, Patrick Skowron, Sharon Sonson, Christopher Thayer, Cynthia

Thompson, Sherri Vara, Andy Weaver, John

Consumers Energy Company Dayton Power and Light Co.

Delmarva Power & Light Company Detroit Edison Company Duke Energy Ohio, Inc.

Duquesne Light Company PECO Energy Company PEPCO (PHI - Exelon) PPL Electric Utilities Corporation

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Public Service Electric and Gas Co.

Debtor Bankruptcy Professionals

Alvarez & Marsal North America, LLC Brouse McDowell LPA

Hogan Lovells ICF Resources, LLC KPMG LLP

Lazard Freres & Co. LLC

Other Bankruptcy Professionals

Alix Partners Baker & Hostetler LLP Crestview Capital Advisors Corp. GLC Advisors & Co., LLC Guggenheim Securities, LLC

Jones Day LLP Kilpatrick Townsend & Stockton LLP Kramer, Levin, Naftalis & Frankel LLP

Latham & Watkins LLP McDonald Hopkins LLP

Bank/Lender/UCC Lien Parties

Ameren Services Company Bachner, Kerni Ann Bailes, Anthony

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA/New York

Bank of America Bank of New York Mellon

Bank of Nova Scotia Barclays Bank Barclays Bank PLC BBVA

BNP Paribas BNP Paribas Securities Corp. Cantwell, Thomas CIBC Citibank NA

Citicorp Railmark, Inc. Citizens Bank CoBank ACB

Opportune (Dacarba LLC an Opportune Company)

Prime Clerk Stark & Knoll Co., L.P.A. Sitrick and Company Quinn Emanuel Urquhart & Sullivan, LLP

Willkie Fan- & Gallagher LLP

Moelis & Company O'Melveny & Myers LLP Pollock, Ann PriceWaterhouseCoopers LLP Reed Smith LLP

Repka, David A. Seward & Kissel, LLP Squire Patton Boggs

Credit Agricole Credit Agricole Corp. and Investment


Credit Suisse De Lage Landen Financial Services, Inc. Deutsche Bank AG, New York Branch Fifth Third Bank

First National Bank First National Bank of Pennsylvania FirstMerit GE Capital Commercial Inc.

Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs Bank USA Gorchock, Alisa M. Gorchock, Michael Ham, Alfred Neal

Huntington National Bank Industrial & Commercial Bank of China J. Andrew Associates

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JP Morgan Chase JP Morgan Chase Bank NA

JP Morgan Securities Key Equipment Finance Inc. KeyBank Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith

Mizuho Mizuho Bank Ltd Morgan Stanley Morgan Stanley Senior Funding

National Cooperative Services National Cooperative Services Corp Northeast Ohio Public Energy Council Ohio Department of Taxation Ohio Schools Council (OSC)

PNC PNC Bank PNC Capital Markets

Power 4 Schools RBS Securities Regions Bank

Regions Equipment Finance, Ltd. Royal Bank of Canada

Royal Bank of Scotland Rubin, Ryan Santander Santander Bank NA Schwebel Banking Company

Sumitomo Mitsui Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp/New York TD Bank, NA Teresa A. Miller Administratrix

The Bank of New York Mellon, Trust Company, N.A.

UMB Bank, National Association Union Bank, NA

Union Bank/Bank of Tokyo Mitsubishi US Bank, NA VMAC Energy I, LLC

Wells Fargo Wells Fargo Vendor Financial Services, LLC Yeager, Lee W.

Bondholders/Indenture Trustees

AllianceBernstein L.P. Allstate Insurance Company American Enterprise Investment Services

Inc. Apex Clearing Corporation Avenue Capital Group

Avenue Capital Management II, L.P. Bank of America, NA Barclays Capital Inc. BB&T Securities, LLC

Beaver County Industrial Development Authority

BlackRock, Inc. BMO Harris Bank, NA/Trust BNP Paribas, New York Branch

Brown Brothers Harriman & Co. Capital Research and Management


Cetera Investment Services LLC Charles Schwab & Co., Inc. Citadel Advisors LLC Citibank, N.A.

Citigroup Global Markets Inc. Comerica Bank COR Clearing LLC

Cove Key Management Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC Crews and Associates, Inc.

D. A. Davidson & Co. E*Trade Securities LLC Edward D. Jones & Co. Fidelity Management and Research


Fidelity Investments Money Management Inc.

Fiduciary SSB (State Street Bank and Trust

Company) Fifth Third Bank Goldman Sachs & Co. LLC Hilltop Securities Inc. Ingalls and Snyder, LLC

Interactive Brokers Retail Equity Clearing Intl Fcstone Financial Inc. J.P. Morgan Securities LLC

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J.P. Morgan Securities LLC/JPMC Janney Montgomery Scott LLC Jefferies LLC

JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association

Keybank, National Association Legal & General Investment Management

America Loomis, Sayles & Company, L.P. Lord. Abbett & Co. LLC LPL Financial Corporation

Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company Merrill Lynch Merrill Lynch Pierce Fenner & Smith/Fixed


Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Incorporated

MFS Investment Management Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC/II

Morgan Stanley Smith Barney LLC MUFG Union Bank, N.A. National Bank Financial Inc.

National Financial Services LLC Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance

Company Nuveen Asset Management Ohio Air Quality Development Authority

Ohio Water Development Authority Oppenheimer & Co. Inc. Pennsylvania Economic Development

Financing Authority

Pershing LLC P. Schoenfeld Asset Management Raymond James & Associates, Inc. RBC Capital Markets, LLC

Robert W. Baird & Co. Incorporated

Contract Counterparties

1-Way Linestriping Incorporated 2012 Fluke Electronics Corporations 2D Construction LLC 300 Madison Building, LLC

360training.Com Incorporated 3-D Service Ltd 3Division Technologies LLC dba Compu

Scotia Capital Inc. SEI Private Trust Company

Serengeti Asset Management SSB - Blackrock Institutional Trust SSB&T Co. State Street Bank and Trust Company Stephens Inc.

Stifel, Nicolaus & Company, Incorporated Stockcross Financial Services, Inc. Strategic Value Master Fund Ltd Strategic Value Opportunities Fund LP

Strategic Value Special Situations Master Fund III LP

TD Ameritrade Clearing, Inc. The Bank of New York Mellon Trust

Company, N.A. The Bank of New York Mellon/Mellon Trust

of New England, NA The Bank of New York Mellon/WFC

Holdings Corporation The Northern Trust Company U.S. Bancorp Investments, Inc. U.S. Bank, N.A.

UBS Financial Services Inc. UBS Securities LLC UMB Bank, National Association

USAA Asset Management Vanguard Group Inc. Wedbush Securities Inc. Wells Capital Management, Inc. Wells Fargo Bank, National Association

Wells Fargo Clearing Services, LLC Wells Fargo Securities LLC Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB

3E Company Environmental

3E Company Environmental, Ecological 3M Company 4 Star Electronics

4500 Dorr Street Holdings, LLC 4Imprint Incorporated 6670 Beta Drive Limited Partnership

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70E Solutions Incorporated 84 Lumber Company

8760 Incorporated A & A Hydraulic Repair Co A & H Equipment Company A B Powell LP A Blair Powell Company Incorporated

A C Moore Incorporated A J Goulder Electric Incorporated A K Nahas Shopping Center

A K 0 Incorporated A M Health and Safety Incorporated A 0 Grumney Company Incorporated A P Buck Incorporated A R Chambers & Son Incorporated

A Servedio Electric Motors Inc. A V Lauttamus Communications Inc. A-1 Lock & Key Services A2Z Supply Corporation

AA Blueprint Company Incorporated ABB Power ABB Power Distribution Incorporated ABC America

ABCO Fire Protection Incorporated Abresist Kalenborn Corporation ABS Building Systems Integrators LI

Absolute Process Instruments Inc. ABT Incorporated AC Service & Repair Incorporated ACA Engineering Incorporated

Accel Fire Systems Incorporated Accelerant Technologies LLC Access Inc.

Acco Brands Corporation Accu-Temp Incorporated ACE Bond Services ACE Group Holdings Inc. Achieva Support

ACI Controls Inc. Acopian Technical Company Acoustic Cleaning Systems Inc. ACS Human Resources Solutions Inc. dba

Buck Consultants LLC Action Electric Sales Incorporated

Action Supply Products Inc. Active Plumbing Supply Company

Actuator and Valves Services Inc. Acuity Brands Lighting Incorporated

Acuity Speciality Products Inc. Acuren Inspection Incorporated

Acurtech LLC ADA Carbon ADA Carbon Solutions (Red River) LLC ADA-ES Incorporated, BCSI LLC

Adalet/Scott Fetzer Company Adams Environmental Systems Inc. Adams, Michael P.

Adkins Fence Company Adkins Sanitation Admiral Insurance Company

ADT Security Services Advanced Controls & Distribution Advanced FME Products Advanced Power Technologies LLC

Advanced Rubber & Plastic Advanced Sealing Technology Inc.

Advanced Turbine Support Inc. AEP River Operations LLC

Aetna Plastics Corporation AFCO Premium Credit LLC Affiliated Researchers LLC AG Bevec Incorporated

Aggreko LLC Agilent Technologies AGT Services Ahlberg Cameras Incorporated AIG Financial Lines Claims

AIHA Proficiency Analytical Testing Air & Vacuum Process Incorporated Air and Liquid Systems Incorporated Air Cleaning Technologies Inc.

Air Compressor Parts Incorporated Air Dimensions Incorporated Air Technologies

Air Technologies Pittsburgh Airbus DS Communications Inc. Airgas Incorporated Airgas-Refrigerants Incorporated Airline Hydraulics Corporation

AIRTEK Incorporated

Airwaves Mobile Electronics AJG Coal, Inc.

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AJS Wide Range Diesel & Auto Repair AKE Laboratory Incorporated

Akron Baberton Cluster Railway Company Akron Rebar Co.

Alabama Power Company Alarmax Distributors Incorporated Alberta Power 2000 Ltd

Alden Research Laboratory Inc. Alex E. Paris Contracting Co Inc. Alfa Laval Incorporated Alicat Scientific Incorporated

Alion Science & Technology Corp. All Clear Screening Services Inc. All Crane of Pennsylvania All Dams Generation, LLC

All Partitions and Parts LLC Allegheny Asbestors Analysis Inc. dba

Allegheny Global Environmental

Allegheny Communications Connect, Inc. Allegheny Electric Cooperative Inc. Allegheny Global Environmental, Inc. Allegheny Medical Allegheny Pipe & Supply Co

Allegheny Ridge Wind Farm, LLC Alliance Scaffolding Incorporated Allied 100 LLC Allied Electronics Incorporated

Allied High Tech Products Inc. Allied Insurance Brokers Incorporated Allied Modular Building Systems Inc.

Allied Supply Company Incorporated Allison, Michael G. and Sharon H. Allison, Sharon H. Allison, Sondra L. and Jeffrey

Almashy, Adam ALP Industries Incorporated ALPHA Coal Sales Co., LLC Alphasource Incorporated

Altec Incorporated Altec Industries Incorporated Altech Environment USA Am Parts Incorporated Amacker Enterprises Incorporated

Amacker Enterprises Incorporated dba Turbo Training

Ambassador Tent Rental LLC

Amec Foster Wheeler Enviornment & Infrastructure Incorporated

Ameco USA Metal Fabrication Ameren Energy Marketing Company American Air Filter Company Inc. American Air Liquide Holdings Inc.

American Assoc for Laboratory American Centrifuge Enrichment, LLC

(Centrus) American Centrifuge Enrichment, LLC C/O

United States Enrichment Corporation American Ceramic Technology Inc.

American Coal Company American Crane & Equipment Corp American Electric Equip Co Inc.

American Energy Corporation American Energy Products Inc. American Environmental Group Ltd American International Group, Inc.

American Microsemiconductor Inc. American Nameplate American National Fleet Service Inc.

American Polywater Corporation American Power Seal LLC American Power Service Company American Power Services Inc.

American Trainco LLC Americrane & Hoist Corporation Ameridrives International Amerigas

Amerisafe Consulting & Safety Services, LLC

Ameritrust Company National Association Amertech Tower Services LLC Ames Incorporated Ametco Manufacturing Corporation Ametek Mansfield & Green Ametek Power Instruments

Ametek/Instrumentation Systems A-Mezz Industrial Structures Inc. Ampco/System Parking, Inc. Analysis and Measurement Services

Ancaster Conveying Systems Ltd Anchor Scientific Incorporated Anderson Bolds Incorporated Anderson Bros Tool Company Inc.

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Andrews Industrial Controls Inc. Andritz Incorporated Andritz Separation Incorporated

Angelelli, Roger M. Angelelli, Roger M. Anixter Incorporated Ann Green Communications Inc.

Anton Paar USA Aon Finance Services Group Aon Premium Finance, LLC Aon Risk Services, Inc. of Florida

Aon UK Limited AP Services LLC Apex Controls Corp

Apex Systems LLC API Heat Transfer Incorporated APLPD Holdco Incorporated Appendix R. Solutions Apple Mobile Leasing Incorporated

Apple Occupational Medical Svcs LLC Appliance Center Applied Health Physics Incorporated

Applied Industrial Technologies Applied US LP Applus Rtd USA Incorporated Applytech Incorporated

Aquaflow Pump and Supply Co. Inc. Aqua-Line Incorporated

Aquatech International Corporation Aquilex Hydrochem, Inc. Aquilex LLC

Aramark Refreshment Services LLC Aramark Uniform Services Arbor Press LLC

Arcadia Controls Incorporated Arcadia Controls Incorporated

Arcadis US Inc. Arch Coal Sales Company, Inc. Arch Energy Resources, LLC Arch Reinsurance Ltd.

Architectural Panels Corporation Arco Engineering Incorporated Arco Enterprises Incorporated

Ardmore Power Logistics LLC Area Wide Protective Ares, Inc.

AREVA NP Inc. Areva Nuclear Materials LLC

Argus Group Holdings LLC Arinc Incorporated Arise Arizona Instrument LLC Arizona Public Service Company

Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. Arvos Incorporated Arvos Ljungstrom LLC

ASE Industries Incorporated Ashtech Corporation

Associated Credit Services Inc. Associated Electric & Gas Services Limited Associated Steam Specialty Company Astro Chemical Company Incorporated ATA Defense Industries LLC Aterra Solutions LLC

Atlas Copco USA Holdings Inc. Atlas Industrial Manufacturing Atlas Manufacturing Company Inc. Auburn Career Center

Audio Visual Innovations Inc. Audiometric Baseline Consulting Auma Actuators Incorporated USA Aurora Environmental Inc.

Austin Hardware and Supply Authorized Parts Incorporated Autodesk Incorporated Automated Bus Machines Sales

Automated Card Systems Incorporated Automatic Valve Nuclear, Division of Automatic Valve Corp

Automation Direct.Com Automation Interface Ltd Automation Solutions Inc. Automotive Distributors Company Inc. Autonomy Incorporated

Auto-Tronic Control Company Avalon Integration Incorporated Avalotis Corporation Avanti Process Technologies Inc.

AVO Multi-Amp Corporation AWP Incorporated B & F Petroleum Installations Inc. B & H Foto & Electronics Corp

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B F Plastics Incorporated B M Kramer & Company Incorporated

Babbitt Steam Specialty Company Babcock & Wilcox Babcock & Wilcox Canada Ltd Babcock & Wilcox Company

Babcock & Wilcox Power Generation Babcock Power Babcock Services Incorporated Bachmann Industries Incorporated

Baden Steelbar & Bolt Corp. Badger Meter Incorporated Bailey Controls Company Bakercorp

Baldor Electric Company Baldwin Wallace College Baltimore Aircoil Company Banc of America Leasing & Capital, LLC Banc of America Securities LLC

Banctec Incorporated Banner Supply Company Incorporated Bar B Que Traveler Barnes, Sharon Lynn

Barnes, Sharon Lynn Baron And Associates Incorporated Barreto Investment Group, Inc., dba: Power

Plus Cleaning Systems Barry Sibul Company Barsplice Products Inc.orported Bartko, Blase T.

Basf Building Systems LLC Bass Electronics Incorporated Battery Warehouse Plus Bauman Office Equipment

BB&T Equipment Finance Corp BCG Resources LLC BCP Technical Services Incorporated Beaver Valley Main Warehouse Beck Suppliers Incorporated

Beckman Coulter Incorporated Beckwith Electric Company Inc. Behavioral Safety Services, Inc. Beier, Martin C.

Beier, Michelle D. Bell Supply Company LLC Belmont Aggregates, Inc.

Belmont Petroleum Corporation Beneficial Reuse Management LLC Benefit Design Specialists, Inc.

Benefits Resource Group Agency, LLC Benkart Rigging Bentley Canada Inc. Bentley Systems Incorporated

Bently Nevada Incorporated Beowulf Energy LLC Bergen Power Pipe Supports

Bergman Safety-Spanner Company Berlin Packaging LLC Bessemer & Lake Erie Railroad Company Bessemer Supply Incorporated Best Aire Compressor Services Inc.

Best Line Leasing Incorporated Bete Fog Nozzle Incorporated Bet-Tech Construction Company Beumer Kansas City LLC

BFI Pumps Company Incorporated BHA Altair LLC BHI Energy Power Services LLC

Bi State Rubber Incorporated Big Top Manufacturing Incorporated Binkelman Corporation Biosan Laboratories Incorporated Bioscience Management Incorporated

Bissnuss Incorporated Black Box Network Services Blackstone Management Partners LLC Bladewerx LLC

Blast All LLC Blaylock Robert Van LLC Blue Creek Wind Farm LLC Blue Creek Wind Farm LLC

Blue Ridge Energy Services Inc. Bluestone Energy Sales Corporation Bluewater Manufacturing LLC BNB Napoleon Solar, LLC

BNSF Railway Company Boardvantage, Inc. Boaters Emergency Service LLC Bohl Crane Incorporated

Boll Filter Corporation Bollfilter Protection Systems Bolttech Mannings Incorporated

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Bortek Industries Incorporated

Bortnick Tractor Sales Inc. Bosch Security Systems Incorporated Bovard-Anderson Company

Bowen ECM Solutions LLC Bowling Green State University BP-Husky Refining LLC Bradley Cleo Gardner Brady Worldwide Incorporated Brake Products Incorporated Brake Technique Incorporated

Brammall Incorporated Bray Controls USA Breen Energy Solutions LLC Brennan Industrial Truck Company

Bricker's Incorporated Brilliant Electric Sign Company Ltd Brimar Industries Incorporated Brindle Printing Co

Brinkmann Instruments Incorporated Brooks Equipment Company Inc. Brooks Incorporated

Brooks Utility Products Group Brown & O'Malley Company Browning Ferris of Ohio dba Republic


Bruce Mansfield Plant Brutcher, Alice BS&B Pressure Safety BS&B Safety Systems Incorporated

BSE Welding & Fabricating LLC Buckeye Power Sales Company Buffalo & Pittsburgh Railroad Bunting Bearings LLC

Burnham Industrial Contractors Burns & Mcdonnell Engineering

Busch Martec LLC Bushnell Incorporated Butler Fire Protection Corp

Buzzard Jr., Herbert K. BWI Eagle Incorporated BWXT Nuclear Energy Incorporated Byers, Warren H.

Byers, Warren H. C & F Filter Service Incorporated C & G Video Systems Incorporated

C & H Distributors LLC C & K Industrial Services

C & L Pumps Valves and Controls Inc. C & L Sanitation Incorporated C & W Tank Cleaning Co. Incorporated C A Short Company

C Barron & Sons Incorporated C H Reed Incorporated C K Enterprise LLC C L Smith Industrial Company

C W Wood Machinery Incorporated C&S Sports and Promotions LLC CAES Development Company LLC Cal Check LLC

Caldwell, Samuel T Caldwell, Samuel T

Cambridge Energy Solutions Camcor Incorporated Caminus Corporation Camp Creek Technologies Inc. Campbell Equipment Campbell Signs and Apparel LLC Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce

Canberra Industries Incorporated Candian Imperial Bank of Commerce Capital Markets Documentation Unit

Capp USA Carbon Vision, LLC

Cardello Electric Supply Cardiac Life Products Incorporated Cardiac Science Corporation Careerbuilder, LLC Caremark Pcs Health L.L.C. Cargill Incorporated Cargill Power Markets, LLC

Carlucci Construction Co Inc. Carmeuse Lime & Stone, Inc.

Carolyns Personalized Catering Carrig & Associates Incorporated Casco USA Case Western Reserve University Casselman Windpower LLC

Caster Connection Incorporated Casto Group Consulting Catching Fluid Power Incorporated Cattrell Companies Incorporated

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Cavanaugh Building Corporation CB Mining Incorporated CB&I Environmental &

CBP Engineering Corporation CDM Electronics Incorporated CE Power Solutions LLC

Ceco Environmental Corporation CED Mentor Electric Supply Co

Cede & Co. Ceeco Equipment Incorporated CEIA-USA Ltd Cement Board Fabricators Cemtek Environmental Incorporated Cemtek Systems Incorporated

Center for Creative Leadership Center for Resource Solutions Center for Resource Solutions

Central Business Equipment Co Central Masten-ail, Inc. Central Virginia Electric Cooperative

Centrifugal Technologies Inc. Century Instrument Company Ceradyne Incorporated Ceram Environmental Incorporated

Cerative Planning Risk Services Cerco LLC Ceresist Incorporated Certified Lift Specialists Inc. Certified Reducer Rebuilders

Cervis Incorporated Ceso Incorporated CF Industries Sales LLC CFM/VR-Tesco LLC CG Power Solutions USA Inc.

CH2M Hill Engineers Incorporated Chaffee Excavating Incorporated Chaltron Systems Incorporated

Charkit Chemical Corporation Charles Kennerly & Company Inc. Charles Machine Incorporated Chemical & Mechanical Contractors dba

Tuck Precast

Chemical Lime Co Chemiquip Products Co Incorporated Chempoint.Com Incorporated Chemrx Service Incorporated

Chemstress Consultanat Company

Chemtreat Incorporated Chenoweth Ford Incorporated Chesapeake Nuclear Services Chicago Blower Corporation Chiz Bros Incorporated Chlor Rid International Inc.

Christopher Resources Inc. Chromalox Incorporated Chubb & Son

Chucks Collision Shop Cid Associates Incorporated CIE Incorporated Cincinnati Bell Technology Solution

Cincinnati Valve Company Cinergy Marketing & Trading, LP Cintas Corporation Circle Valve Technologies Inc.

Ciresi & Morek LLC Citigroup Energy Inc.

Citizens Asset Finance f/k/a RBS Asset Finance, Inc.

Citizens Asset Finance Inc. City Glass Company Incorporated City of Lorain, Inc. CJ Betters Enterprise

Clark Baffone and Mathews Ins Agency Inc. Clark Laboratories LLC

Clarktel Tele-Communications Inc. Classic Ford Incorporated Clean Coal Service Company Clean Coal Solutions, LLC Clean Earth Technology Incorporated Clean Harbors PPM LLC

Clear Edge Filtration Clearspan Fabric Structures Clerac LLC dba Enterprise Rent-A-Car

Cleveland Gear Co Cleveland Industrial Recycling Inc. Cleveland Plumbing Supply

Cleveland Pump Repair & Svcs LLC Cleveland Wire Cloth Clinch River Corporation Clover Lane Farms Clyde Bergemann Bachmann Inc.

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Clyde Bergemann Power Group, Americas Inc.

Clyde Union Incorporated CMA Environmental Lab CMA Laboratory CMI Incorporated

CMS Energy Resource Management Company Coach Truck & Tractor LLC Coalmont Electrical Development

Codan Development LLC Coleman Instrument Company Colfax Fluid Handling Reliability Collins & Associates Corp.

Cologne Reinsurance Company (Dublin) Ltd.

Colonial Chemical Company Colt Atlantic Services Incorporated

Columbus Supply Columbus Temperature Control Combined Fluid Products Company

Combustion Technologies Corp. Commanche Peak Commerce Paper Company Commercial Glazing Systems Inc. Commercial Industrial Equipment Inc. Commercial Liability Partners LLC

Commercial Lines Commercial Wire Rope Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Department of Environment Resources Commonwealth of Pennsylvania,

Comptroller Operations Communication Supply Corp. Communications Supply Corporation Community Insurance Company dba

Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Compair Ohio

Comprehensive Computer Solutions In Compsource Incorporated

Compucharts Computer Products Compu-Fix Incorporated

Compunetix Incorporated Comtronics Incorporated

Conax Buffalo Technologies Conco Services Corp

Conexis Benefit Administrators LP Conkle, Robert L. & Elva

Connection Technology Center Inc. Conner & Winters LLP Consol Energy Inc. Consol Pennsylvania Coal Company LLC

Consolidated Energy Services Inc. Consolidated Graphics Group Inc. dba

Consolidated Solutions Consolidated Metal Services Inc.

Consolidated Plastics Co Inc. Consolidated Rail Corporation Construction Equipment & Supply Construction Systems Associates

Incorporated Construction Technology Labs Inc. Contemporary Insurance Services Continental Office Furniture Corp

Contingency Management Consulting Continuant Incorporated Contract Callers Incorporated Control Analytics Incorporated

Control Chief Corporation Control Components Company Control Components Incorporated

Control Measurement Incorporated Control Systems Company Controlco Incorporated

Controlled Access Incorporated Controlled Demolition Incorporated Controlling Factor Contura Coal Sales, LLC ConverDyn Conveyor & Caster

Conveyor Components Company Cook Paving & Construction Cooper Interconnect Incorporated Copltec Industries Inc.

Core Defense Solutions Incorporated Core Engineered Solutions Inc. Coretech Industrial Corporation Cornell Supply Cornfed George Enterprises LLC

Corporate Screening Services Inc. Corrosion Monitoring Services Inc. Cortape Incorporated

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Cosa Xentaur Corporation Cotton, Sherrie R Cotton, Sherrie R.

Counterforce Defense Countryside Truck Service Inc. Coupling Corporation of America

Cousin's Video Incorporated Crane 1 Services Inc. Craun Liebing Incorporated Crimson Engineered Solutions LLC Cristal USA Inc.

Cristal, Ashtabula Complex Criterion Tactical LLC Cross Match Technologies Inc.

Crystal Springs CSA (Construction Systems Associates,

Inc.) CSD Engineers LLC dba Carnegie Strategic Design Engineers LLC

Csiszar Service Cumberland Electronics Strategic Cummins Engine Co Incorporated

Curtis Berresford dba CMA Environmental Lab

Curwin Industries Incorporated Custom Materials Incorporated

Customer Care Solutions Inc. Cutsforth Incorporated Cutting Technologies Incorporated Cuyahoga Landmark Incorporated

Cvent Incorporated D & M Welding Incorporated D & W Diesel Incorporated D and G Machine Company, Inc. D L Peterson Trust

D S Nickels Incorporated Dac Group/Cleveland Incorporated Dairyland Power Cooperative Dalmatian Fire Equipment

Daltons Service Company LLC Daman Industrial Services Inc. Damman Paint Company Daniel Amansil Dover Land &

Daniel E. Popp d/b/a Colors Audio Daniel L Jerman Company Inc. Data Enterprises of Northwest

Database License Resellers LLC Datum Filing Systems Incorporated

David C. Kissig Enterprises Inc. Davies Ford Incorporated Davis Controls Corporation Davis Printing Company

Davis, David Andrew Dayton Associates of W R Hall Inc. DB Energy Trading LLC (Dbet-Macquarie) DC Group Incorporated

DCL Incorporated Dear John Trailer Rental Inc. Dearing Compressor & Pump Co. Deckman Company

Deep South Industrial Services Defcon Force LLC De-Ko Incorporated Dell Marketing LP

Delphi Control Systems Incorporated Delta Dental Plan of Ohio, Inc.

Delta Instrumentation Incorporated Delta Pump and Systems Incorporated Delta Railroad Construction Delta Scientific Corporation

Deltakon Industrial Sales Inc. Demark Incorporated Denoxdirect, LLC

Dering, Thomas W Dering, Thomas W Derkin & Wise Incorporated Derrick Corporation

Design Engineering Analysis Corp. Detroit Stoker Company Development Dimensions International Inc.

Dezurik Inc. dba Dezurik Apco Hilto DFT Incorporated Diagnostic Instruments Incorporated Diakont Advanced Technologies Inc.

Diamond Power a Mcdermott Co. a Division of Diamond Power Intl

Diamond Power Specialty Company Diamond Technical Services Inc. Dickman-Hines Lumber Company

Differential Pressure Instruments Digilube Systems Incorporated Digital Media Services LLC

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Direct Energy Marketing Inc. dba Direct Energy Business

Direct Metals Company LLC Distillata Company Diversified Air Systems Inc. Divesco Incorporated

Dixon Pumps Incorporated DJ Products Incorporated DLL Financial Solutions Partner DME Incorporated

Dockside Marine Services Inc. Docufax Solutions Incorporated Document Imaging Specialists LLC

Dodd Camera & Video Dollar Energy Fund Incorporated Donald R. Weaver Insurance, Inc. Dover Design & Management Group LLC

Dover Hydraulics Incorporated Downing Enterprises Incorporated DPO Acquisition Corp Dragon Valves Incorporated Dravo Lime Company

DRC Acquisition Incorporated Drillco National Group Incorporated

DSC Services Inc. & Subsidiaries DTE Energy Trading

Dublin Commercial Property Sery Inc. Duke & Duke Services Incorporated Duke Energy Indiana, Inc. Duke Energy Kentucky, Inc. Duke Farms LLC

Duke Power Company Dunbar Mechanical Incorporated Duramax Marine LLC

Dust Solutions Incorporated Dwight Alyn Howell

Dwyer Instruments Incorporated Dxp Enterprises Incorporated Dynamic Ratings Inc. E Dake Plumbing & Heating Limited E Meyer Company E Technologies Incorporated

E. J. Brooks Company dba Tydenbrooks EAG Inc. Eagleburgmann Industries LP East Hills Instruments

East Kentucky Power Cooperative Inc.

East Liverpool Auto Parts & Supply Eastern Controls Inc. of PA Eastern Engineering Supply

Eastern Fastener Company Easton, Deborah A. Echo Ultrasonics LLC Eckert & Ziegler Isotope Products Ecodyne MRM Ecolink Incorporated

Economy Welding & Industrial ECS Corporation

Ed Mccauslens Florists Incorporated EDF Trading North America, LLC

Edgetech Instruments Incorporated Edison Electric Institute Edmiston Tower Incorporated EDS Measurement Systems Inc.

Edvantage Incorporated EGC Operating Company LLC E-Hazard Management LLC Eire Insurance Group

EIS Incorporated Eisenhart, Stephen B Eisenhart, Stephen B

EJ Brooks Company EJ USA Incorporated Ekato Corporation Elastec Elecon Services Incorporated

Elect-A-Van Service LLC Electric Power Research Institute Electrical Builders Incorporated Electro Sensors Incorporated

Electro Switch Business Trust Electro-Chemical Devices Inc. Electro-MEC Incorporated Electronic Systems Group LLC

Element 1 Engineering Incorporated Elemental Scientific Incorporated Elite Pipeline Services Inc. Elliott Company Elliott Tool Technologies Ltd

Ellsworth Adhesives Specialty E-Max Instruments Incorporated EMD Millipore Corporation

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Emerson Process Management Power & Water Solutions, Inc.

Empire Refractory Services Employment Law Training Inc. Endress+Hauser Incorporated Endurance Professional Solutions

Enecon Corporation Enecon Ohio LLC Enerfab Process Solutions & Fabricated

Products Incorporated

Energy America, LLC Energy Piping WV Incorporated Energy Products Company Energy Research Company

Energy Steel & Supply Company Energy USA Incorporated Energysolutions LLC Enertech Dresser Inc. c/o Enertech

Flow Engineered Controls Incorporated Engineered Equipment Valves Engineered Processes, Ltd. Engineering & Technical Assoc Inc. Engineering Consultants Group

Engineering Planning & Engineering Planning and Management

Incorporated English, Bruce M.

Ennis Incorporated Entergy Nuclear Generation Entergy Nuclear Indian Point 3 LLC Entergy Nuclear Midwest Invest CoL

Envantage Incorporated Enviance Incorporated Enviro Pure Incorporated Enviromantal Systems Corporation

Environment One Corporation Environmental & Safety Training Environmental Compliance Services I

Environmental Management Specialist Environmental Systems Corporation Environmental Technology Corp Environments 4 Business LLC

Enviroserve Envirozone LLC Eon Products Incorporated Epic Incorporated

Epicor Incorporated EPRI Solutions, Inc. Equilar

Equiparts Corporation Erdmann Corporation Eric J Leeds dba Eric J Leeds Consulting

LLC Erico International Corporation Ericom Software Incorporated Erie Bearings Company

Erie Blacktop Incorporated Erie Mowers Erietec Incorporated Ernst Flow Industries

Ervin Industries Incorporated Esmark Steel Mill Services Inc. ESRI Essential Sealing Products Inc.

Essex/Brownell Products EST Group Incorporated Estabrook Corporation

Ethany Corporation ETS Acquisitions Incorporated dba ETS

Incorporated ETS Incorporated Eugene F. Schmuck dba Red Wing Shoe

Store Everest National Insurance Company

Everglades Direct, Inc. dba G. Neil Everpower Wind Holdings Inc. Excelsior Blower Systems Inc. Excidian LLC Exitech Corporation Experian Experis US Incorporated

Expro Incorporated

Extend Health Inc. D/B/A Towers Watson Extinguishing System Inc.

F & J Specialty Products Inc. F & M Mafco F B Wright Co of Pittsburgh F N Cuthbert Incorporated

F. C. Mencini & Accociates Inc. Fabenco Incorporated

Fairchance Construction Company Inc. Fairfield Industrial Sales

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Falcon Operations Group Inc.

Fallproof Networks Systems Inc. Fallsway Equipment Company Inc. Famous Industries Incorporated Far West Technology Incorporated Farrell Equipment & Controls Inc. Farris Engineering

Fassler, Gary W. Fastenal Company FCX Performance Incorporated

Federal Industrial Services Inc. Federal Signal Corporation FEMA Finance Center Fenner Dunlop Conveyor Services

Ferguson Waterworks Ferraro, Frank E. Fiala II, Anton J. Fickess Pumps Incorporated

Fidelity Workplace Services LLC Fieldglass Inc. Fifth Securities, Inc. Fifth Third Securities Inc. Filnor Incorporated

Filtech Incorporated Filtrexx International LLC Fire Force Inc. Fire Resq Incorporated

Fire Safety Services Incorporated Firefighter Sales and Service Co Fireresq Incorporated First Filter LLC

First Solar, Inc.C/O General Counsel First Telecom Services, LLC Firstpower Group LLC

Fischer Process Industries Fisher Equipment Company Fisher Safety FJW Investment Incorporated

Flexider USA Flir Commercial Systems Inc. Flo-2d Software Incorporated Flodraulic Group Incorporated

Florida Power & Light Company Florline Group Incorporated Flow Media Incorporated Flowserve US Incorporated

Flowserve US Raleigh Flowserve/IDP Regional Services Office

Flsmidth Incorporated Fluid Components Incorporated Fluid Dynamics Midwest Incorporated Fluid Engineering

Fluid Power Products Incorporated Fluid Process Control Corporation Fluid Systems Incorporated Fluidraulics Incorporated Flynn Metering Systems Incorporated

Focus Learning Corporation Fondriest Environmental Inc. Fontanesi & Kann Co. Ford Credit Commercial Leasing

Forked River Power LLC Forked River Power, LLC Formula Construction LLC

Forney Corporation Forsythe Solutions Group Inc. Fortis Energy Marketing & Trading Gp Fossil Energy Research Corp. Fossil Project Engineering Services

Fouty & Company Incorporated FPI Industries Incorporated FPL Qualtec, Inc. Fraco USA Incorporated

Francis Homes LLC Franklin Electric Franklin Fueling Systems Frederick, David A.

Freeman Manufacturing and Supply Freightliner of Toledo Incorporated Fuchs Lubricants Company

Fuji Electric Corp of America Fulmer Company LLC Furnace Parts LLC G & G Fitness Equipment Inc.

G Michaels Consulting Ltd G Neil G/O Corporation G4s Nssc

Gabriel, Edward A. GAI-Tronics Corporation

GAL Gage Company Galson Laboratories

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Gamma Irradiator Service Ganju, Deepak

Garlock Sealing Technologies LLC Gaskets Packings and Seals Gateway Recycling & Waste Reduction Gattuso, Stephen A.

GATX Rail Gaumer Company Incorporated GAW Associates Incorporated GCR Inc.

GCR Incorporated GD Supply Incorporated GDF Suez Energy Resources Na, Inc. GE Analytical Instruments Inc.

GE Capital Fleet Services GE Energy GE Energy Control Solutions Inc. GE Energy Parts Incorporated GE Grid Solutions LLC

GE Industrial Solutions

GE Infrastructure Sensing Inc. GE Inspection Technologies LP GE Intelligent Platforms Inc.

GE Mobile Water Incorporated

GE Packaged Power, Inc. Gelco Corporation

Gem Gravure Company Incorporated Gemini Valve Sales & Service Inc. Gems Sensors Incorporated General Atomics

General Cable Industries Inc. General Electric Energy Control General Electric Railcar Services Corporation

General Hydrogen Corporation General Monitors Incorporated General Pest Control Company General Supply & Services Inc. dba Gexpro

Generator Specialist Incorporated Generator Systems Incorporated Generator Systems LLC Generatortech Incorporated

Genesis Insurance Company Genscape Inc.

Genuine Parts Company dba Napa Hagerstown Automotive

Geo V Hamilton Incorporated George I Reitz & Sons Incorporated

George L Wilson & Co Incorporated George, Sean P. George, Sean P. Georgetown Sand And Gravel Inc. Geotech Environmental Equipment Inc.

Geotechnics Incorporated GE-Prolec Transformers Incorporated Gerace, Candy

GFS Chemicals Incorporated Gibson, David Gilchrist, Ronald V. Gilligan Technology Incorporated Ginger Bonfili Company

Giorgio, Michael J. Girard Development Incorporated Glaus Pyle Schomer Burns & Dehave

Glavin Specialty Company Glaxosmithkline Consumer Healthcare L.P. Gleason Reel Corporation Global Brass & Copper Inc.

Global Fitness Incorporated Global Test Supply LLC

GNB Industrial Power Godwin Pumps of America Inc.

Goodway Technologies Corporation Gorman Lavelle

Governor Control Systems Inc. GP Strategies Corporation GPE Controls Incorporated GPR Mckinley Manager LLC GPU Service, Inc. Gradeway Incorporated

Graver Water Systems LLC Graymont Dolime OH Incorporated

Great Lakes Architectural Great Lakes Testing LLC Greater Akron Deaf Services Inc. Greater Johnstown Career and Technology

Center Green Elevator Inspection Company

Greene Township Gregorsok Peerless of Ohio Inc. Greyline Instruments Incorporated Grid Solutions (US) LLC

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GRL Engineers Incorporated Ground Penetrating Radar Systems

Ground Tech Incorporated Group 8760 LLC Grove Engineering Incorporated Gruber Technical Incorporated

Grunau Company Incorporated GSE Performance Solutions Inc. GSE Systems Inc. Guard-It Corporation

Guys Mechanical Systems Inc. H & K Equipment Incorporated H Hansen Industries Incorporated H Johnson Trucking H K Mcjunkin Inc.

H T Lyons H V Diagnostics Incorporated H. Johnson Trucking, Inc.

Habsco Incorporated Habuda, James B. Hach Company Hadanich Machine Manufacturing Inc.

Hagemeyer North America Inc. Hajoca Corporation Haley & Aldrich Incorporated Hall Equipment LLC

Halls Welding Supply Incorporated Hanco Ltd Handi Products Incorporated Handwheels Incorporated

Hanes Supply Incorporated Haney, Robert Hanley, Stephen Hanley, Stephen

Hannon Electric Company Harbor Freight Tools Hardware Specialty Company Inc. Harland Technology Service

Harmon Sign Company Harney Team, Mesirow Insurance Services

Harper Control Solutions Inc. Harrel, Jr., James H. and Betsy J. Harrell, Betsy J. Harris Battery Company Incorporated

Harris Industrial Services LLC Harris Nuclear Plant

Harry Migdal Incorporated Hartig, Patrick A. Hartzell Fan Incorporated

Haser, David M. Hatzel & Buehler Incorporated Hay Group Incorporated

HD Supply Facilities Maintenance Lt HDR Engineering Incorporated Headco Industries Incorporated Headwaters Incorporated

Hearing Services Heartland Industrial Solutions LLC Heat Exchanger Systems Incorporated Heathland Hospitality Group

Heco Incorporated Held, David W. Hello Direct Incorporated Helmick Corporation

Henkel Corporation Henkels & Mccoy Henry Pratt Company LLC Herbert J. Roder dba EPG2 LLC

Herbert J. Roder, dba Erie Machine & Engineering LLC Heritage Environmental Heritage Global Partners Inc.

Heslin Steel-Fab Incorporated Hesse Equipment Company

Hewitt Associates LLC Heyl & Patterson Incorporated Hibbard Inshore LLC Hibon Incorporated High Trail Wind Farm LLC High Voltage Maintenance Corp

Highway Equipment Company Hill International Trucks Na LLC Hillcrest Enterprises Incorporated Hilltop Basic Resources, Inc.

Hilman Rollers Hinman Consulting Engineers Inc.

His Way Investments LLC Hissam, Connie

Hitachi T&D Solutions Incorporated Hi-Vac Corporation

Hodan Associates Incorporated Holcim Inc.

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Holt Ramsey Pump & Equipment Co Home City Ice Company

Home Office Claims Department Homewood Products Corporation Honda East Honeywell Sensotec

Hoosier Energy Rural Electric Cooperative Hope Industrial Systems Inc. Horizon Technology Incorporated Horsburgh & Scott

Horwitz & Pintis Company Hosch Company Houghton International Incorporated Hovanec, Stephen W.

Hovanec, Stephen W. Hovis Auto Supply Incorporated

Howard L. Bowers Contracting Co Inc. Howard Lewis Sumner Jr HP Products HTH Associates Hub City Incorporated Hughes Corporation

Hughes-Primeau Controls Inc. Hulcher Services Incorporated

Hull & Associates, Inc. Hunt Valve Company Incorporated Hunter Lift Ltd Huntington Investment Company Huron Industries Incorporated HY Tech Machine Incorporated Hydracrete Pumping Company

Hydratight Operations Incorporated

Hydratight Sweeney Product Sales Hydrazine Neutralizing Solutions In Hydril USA Distribution LLC Hydro Dyne Incorporated Hydro East Incorporated Hydro East, Inc.

Hydro Gate LLC Hydroaire Service Incorporated Hydrotech Incorporated HY-Tech Sales Incorporated Hytorc Division Unex Corpoartion

Hytorc Penn-Ohio Sales, LLC HZW Environmental Consultants LLC I W Tremont Co Incorporated

Ice Qube Inc.

IDC Industries Incorporated Ideal Electric Supply Identisys Incorporated Idreco USA Ltd Iepson Consulting Enterprises

Inc. IFM Efector Incorporated IGS Industries Incorporated Ihs Global Incorporated ILD Incorporated ILRT Incorporated

Imagetech Systems Incorporated Imo Industries Incorporated Imo Pump Imperial Hoist Incorporated Imperial Technologies Incorporated

IND Comm Sys Cobalt A/V Indelac Controls Incorporated Independence Conservancy Independent Safety Consultants

Inc. Indiana Michigan Power Company Industrial Biodynamics LLC Industrial Boiler Services Industrial Controls & Equipment

Industrial Info Resources Inc. Industrial Ladder & Supply Industrial Physical Capability Industrial Power & Control Inc.

Industrial Power Systems Inc. Industrial Products Industrial Pump & Equipment

Industrial Radiator & A/C Inc. Industrial Rubber Products Co Industrial Specialty Services LLC Industrial Supplies Company

Industrial Testing Laboratory Industrial Tools & Technology Inc. Industrial Training International Inc. Industrial Video

Industry Terminal & Salvage Co Industry Terminal & Salvage Co. Industry Terminal and Salvage Infinity Paving Company Infor (US) Inc. Ingram Barge Company

Inland Waters of Ohio Incorporated

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Inner-Tite Corporation Innovative Business Solutions, Inc.

Innovative Controls Corp Innovative Office Products Inc. Innovative Satellite Holdings Corp Inspectorate America Corporation

Instamation Systems Incorporated Institute of Nuclear Power Operations Instrument & Valve Services Company Integ Enterprise Consulting Inc.

Integrated Global Services Inc. Integrated Power Services LLC Intel Enterprise Consulting, Inc. Intelligent Electronic Systems Inc.

Interactive Marketing Services Inc. Interface Americas Incorporated Intergraph Corporation Interior Supply Interline Brands Incorporated

Intennec Technologies Corporation International Chimney Corporation International Electric Power, II, LLC International Paint LLC

International Swap Dealer Association Inc. Interstate Battery of Lake Erie Interstate Equipment Corporation

Interstate Power Systems Inc. Interstate Products Interstate Pump Company Inc. Interstate Safety & Service Co Inc.

Intertech Security LLC Intertek Caleb Brett

Intertek Technical Services Inc. Intertest Interview LLC

Intervoice LLC Intoximeters Incorporated Invensys Systems Inc.

Invensys Systems Incorporated IPS IPT Holdings LLC IR Services Incorporated Iris Power LP

Irwin Mine and Tunneling Supply ISCO Industries LLC ISOC

Isoflex USA Itac Systems Incorporated

Itin Scale Company Incorporated Itochu International Inc. ITS Partners LLC ITT Engineered Valves Co ITW

W Labs Incorporated J & E Sanitation Incorporated J & H Equipment Incorporated

J & J Industrial Sales Incorporated J & J Precision Machine Ltd J & L Door Service Incorporated J & L Professional Sales Inc.

J & L Septic Service JAN Services Industries dba Janco Service

Industries J D Cousins Incorporated

J D Stevenson & Associates Inc. J E Cichanowicz Incorporated J H Bennett and Company Inc. J 0 Galloup Company J W Didado Electric LLC

J&G Lightning Protection Inc. J. Aron & Company J.P Morgan Trust Company, NA

J.P. Morgan Securities LLC J.W. Didado Electric

Jacobs Investment Management Co Jacobs Sugar Warehouse, Inc. James Anthony Spina dba Spina Nuclear

Consulting James C White Company Incorporated James E Gray dba Videoworks Production

Company James M Cox Company Incorporated Jeffers Crane Service Incorporated Jelinek, Jerry A.

Jenkins Electric LLC Jersey Chrome Plating Co Jet Support Services, Inc. JGB Enterprises Incorporated

JJ Kane Associates JM Corporate Training LLC, Julie

Morgenstern Enterprises Jobsohio

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John B. Conomos Inc.

John Cooper & Associates PA John M. Ellsworth Company John M. Hill Incorporated John M. Hill Incorporated (Dba Air

Placement Cement Co)

John P. Coyne Jr. dba Precision John R. Robinson Incorporated

John Snell & Associates Inc. dba Snell Infrared/ The Snell Group

John Zink Company LLC

Johnston-Morehouse-Dickey Company

Joint Stock Company "Techsnabexport" Jonathon Golding dba OIC Group Jones & Bartlett Learning LLC Joseph B. Fay Co. Joseph Y Stuart and Associates

JP Morgan Ventures Energy Corporation JRS Wire Management Incorporated JSC Tenex Julian A. Mcdermott Corporation JWC Environmental LLC

K & S Industrial Services K Connelly Corporation Kahn & Company Incorporated Kalenborn Abresist Corporation Kaman Fluid Power LLC

Kaman Industrial Technologies Kaminskas, John Kanawha Scales & Systems

Kansas City Power & Light Company Kaminski Engineering Incorporated Kaufman, Gary G. Kay Toledo Tag Incorporated Kayline Company

Kazmarek Specialty Forms Inc. KCTG Holdings LP Keener, Shawn W.

Keener, Shawn W. Kellermeyer Building Services LLC Kellner Electronics Incorporated Kelly Industries Incorporated

Kenneth Lee James Associates Inc. Kentucky Utilities Company Kepco Incorporated Kepware Technologies

Kero International Incorporated Kerotest Manufacturing Company Kerry Company Incorporated

Ketchum and Walton Company Key Bellevilles Incorporated Keybanc Capital Markets

Keybank National Association Keysight Technologies Incorporated Keystone Components Incorporated Keystone Fluid Handling LLC

Keystone Rehabilitation System Keystone Rubber Corporation

Keystone Skidloader Sales & Service Kimco Distributing Corp

Kinectrics North America Inc. Cibc Toronto Kinectrics Us Incorporated King, Jeffrey A. King, Jeffrey A. & Linda F. King, Linda F.

Kinkade Incorporated Kissick Engineered Products Kissick Engineered Products & KLD Engineering Pc

Klenzoid Equipment Company Klindworth, Robert W. KMBS Knowledge Relay LLC

Koch Minerals Company

Konecrane Nuclear Equipment & Services LLC

Konecranes International Konecranes Nuclear Equipment & Services Konica Minolta Business Solutions Korn Ferry Leadership Consulting Corporation

Korn/Ferry International Kost, Lora L. Kozin, David W. Kramer, Paul S.

Kraus & Naimer Incorporated Krayn Wind LLC Krayn Wind, LLC C/O Everpower Wind Holdings, Inc.

Kristophel, Robert J.

Krystowski Tractor Sales Inc. KSB Incorporated

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Kucera International Inc. Kuester Implement Company Inc. Kufner Towing Incorporated

Kurt J. Lesker Company L & S Electric Incorporated L S Starrett Company

Label Master An American Labworks LLC Laco Incorporated Laface & Mcgovern Associates Inc.

Lake Balance Company Incorporated Lake County Glass Company Lake Erie Electric Incorporated Lake Health

Lake Hospital System Incorporated Lake Lynn Generation, LLC Lake, Richard & Leann Lake, Richard & Leann

Lakecraft Corporation Lakeland Auto & Marine Incorporated Lakeshore Industrial LLC Lakeside Supply Company

Lamison Energy Solutions Lamps Incorporated Lancs Industries Incorporated Landauer Incorporated Lanier Consulting LLC

Lanracorp Incorporated Lasalle Systems Leasing Inc. Lash, James H.

Laverne Wilson & Associates Lawson Products Incorporated Layne Christensen Company Lays Transmission Company

L-Com Incorporated Leaf Enterprises Incorporated

Leasetec Leboeuf, Thomas J. Leboeuf, Thomas J. Lechler Incorporated Leco Corp Lectrodryer LLC

Leeann Lake Legg Plastic Products Incorporated Lehigh University Lemsco Incorporated

Lenape Forged Products Corporation Lennon Smith Souleret Engineering I

Leppo Incorporated Leslie Controls Incorporated

Level One Global Solutions, Inc. Levy Paper Company Incorporated Lewis Lawn Care Lewis-Goetz And Company Inc. Lexinsnexis Risk Solutions Fl Inc. Lexisnexis

Lhoist North America of Missouri, Inc. Liability Mutual Insurance

Liberty Mutual Management (Bermuda) Ltd.

Lifting Technologies Incorporated Lift-It Manufacturing Company Inc.

Lighthouse Worldwide Solutions Inc. Limno Tech Inc. Limnotech Incorporated

Llnc.oln Electric Welding School Lindy Computer Connection Linkedin Lintern Corporation

Liquidmetal Coating Solutions LLC Liqui-Systems Incorporated Lisega Incorporated LND Incorporated

Loadspring Solutions Incorporated Loadspring Solutions, Inc. Logmein, Inc.

Longo Electrical-Mechanical Inc. Longo Industries

Lopetrone, Juan Louis Perry & Associates Inc. Louisiana Energy Services Louisiana Energy Services LLC

Louisiana Services, L.P. (Urenco -Les) Louisville Gas and Eletric Company Louken Lights Incorporated Loy Instrument Incorporated LTI Power Systems Incorporated Lubrication Engineers Incorporated Lucas Plumbing and Heating Inc.

Lucas, Mark Lufkin Industries LLC Luhring, Terry

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Lutz, James D. Lydey Automation Company

Lytton Sanitation Service Inc. M & M Control Service Incorporated M & R Woodworks Incorporated M L Ball Company Incorporated M W H Americas Incorporated

M&C Products Analysis Tech Inc. M.A.W.G. Incorporated Mac Calibrations LLC Maccaglia, Jeffrey

Machine Tool Repair Service Inc. Mack Industries Incorporated Mack Iron Works Co

Macomb Group Macquarie Bank Limited Macquarie Group of Companies Macquarie Physical Commodities UK


Macrosensors Magco Incorporated Magnetrol International Inc. Magnum Electronics Inc.

Magotteaux Incorporated Mahoning Valley Supply Co. Make It Plain Consulting

Makovich & Pusti Architects Inc. Management Associated Results Co. Management Compensation Group Northwest, LLC, dba M Benefit Solutions

Mancini Consulting Services Inc. Mann, Thomas A. Mann, Thomas A. Mannington Mills Incorporated Mansfield Maintenance Incorporated

Mansfield Refined Coal LLC Manufacturing Repair & Overstock In Maranda Incorporated

Marcero, Jeffrey P. Marcus Steven Effron dba The Talent Strategy Group LLC Marinescape NZ Limited

Mario Marsilio dba Procuts Lawncare Mark J. Avery dba Marketpay Associates

LLC Mark Scarborough dba Machine Tool

Marketing Tools Inc. Marketpay Associates LLC Marlin Manufacturing Corporation

Marmon Water Mars Electric Company Marsh

Marsh Ltd Marsh USA Inc. Marshall Instruments Incorporated Marsilio, Mario

Martek Industries Incorporated Martek Instruments Incorporated Martin Engineering and Equipment Martin Engineering Co. Martin, Kevin T.

Martin, Thomas T. Marvel Engineering Company Inc. Maryland Solar LLC Maryland Solar LLC

Mass Electrical Apparatus Service L Mass Spec Services Geonuclear Inc. Massmutual Asset Finance LLC

Master Control Systems Incorporated Master Lee Decon Services Inc. Master Lee Energy Services Inc. Master Magnetics Incorporated Masterflo Pump Incorporated

Master-Lee Engineered Products Inc. Matrix Technologies Incorporated Matt Canestrate Contracting, Inc.

Matthew & David Green Incorporated Matthews International Corporation Maumee Valley Fabricators Inc. Maurer Acquisitions Incorporated

Mau-Sherwood Supply Company Maxco LLC Maxim Crane Works LP Maxim Healthcare Services Inc. dba Maxim

Health Systems LLC Maxim Healthcare Services, Inc. dba Maxim

Staffing Solutions Maxon Corporation Maxwell Welding and Machine

Mayer Electric Supply Company Inc. Mazzella Lifting Technologies Inc. MB Equipment Finance LLC

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Mcarl's Incorporated Mccann Education Centers Inc.

Mcclymonds Supply & Transit Co. Inc. Mcclymonds Supply & Transit Company,

Inc. MCE Chemicals & Equipment Co Inc.

Mcelroy Coal Company Mcginley Maintenance Incorporated Mchenry Pressure Cleaning Sys Inc. Mckeel, Thomas D. Mckinley Inc.

Mckone Energy Consultants LLC Mcm Electronics Mcmanus & Miles

Mcnaughton-Mckay Electric Company Mcnichols Company Mcritchie, Brandon Meadville Land Service Incorporated

Mechanical Solutions Incorporated Medic Mowers Lawncare Medical Mutual Services, LLC

Medtech Biomedical Services Meggitt Safety Systems Incorporated Mei/Micro Center Meister International LLC Mellon Bank, N.A.

Mellott Company Menardi Mikropul LLC Mentor Incorporated dba Action Door Mepco Inc.

Mepco, LLC Meridian Compensation Partners LLC Merrick Corporation Merrill Lynch & Co. Merrill Lynch Commodities, Inc.

Mertens, Montgomery P. Mesa Industries Incorporated Metaltech Steel Company LLC

Metrex Valve Corporation Metro Wire & Cable Corporation

Metso Minerals Industries Inc. Mettler Toledo LLC Metts, John F.

Meyers Mobile Tire Service Inc. Meyersdale Windpower LLC MFR Securities, Inc.

MGP Instruments MIC Group Inc. Michael Baker International Inc.

Michael D Johnson Bond Moving & Storage LLC dba B & W Repair

Micro Center Microflex Incorporated

Micronics Incorporated Microsemi Frequency and Time Corp Mid Atlantic Environmental

Mid Atlantic Rubber Company Mid State Sales Incorporated

Mid West Instrument Mid-American Elevator Co Inc. Mid-American Gunite Incorporated

Mid-Atlantic Ravelco LLC Middlefield Farm & Garden Middough Incorporated

Mideast Tool & Manufacturing Co Inc. Midwest Minicranes Incorporated Midwest Ozone Group Midwest Process Controls Inc.

Migdal II, Thomas E. Millar Door Company Incorporated MillCraft Paper Company Miller Wire Works Incorporated Miller, Alice C.

Miller, Ronald W. & Deborah J. Miller, Walter C. Millipore Corporation Milosh, Samantha

Minahan, Stewart B. Mine Safety Appliances Company Mineral Labs Incorporated

Minnotte Contracting Corporation Minnotte Manufacturing Corp. Mirion Technologies (Canberra) Inc. Mirion Technologies (Imaging) LLC Mirion Technologies (Mgpi) Inc.

Mirion Technologies Conax Mistras Group Incorporated Mitsch, Dustin M.

Mizuho Corporate Bank USA MKF Enterprises Incorporated Mobile Medical Corporation Modany-Falcone Incorporated

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Modern Screenprint Incorporated Modular Protection Corp of Texas

Modular Space Corporation Modular Space Corporation dba Modspace Moldpro Incorporated Monarch Electric Service Company

Monarch Lathes LP Mondrella Process Systems LLC Monitor Technologies LLC Monitoring Solutions Incorporated

Montipower Incorporated Montrose Ford

Moody's Analytics Moody's of Dayton Inc. dba G.M. Baker &

Son Moore Industries International Inc. Moore Medical LLC Moore, John

Morehouse Instrument Company Inc. Moretrench American Corporation Morgan Schaffer Incorporated Morrow Control & Supply Inc.

Mosebach Manufacturing Mosier Fluid Power of Ohio Inc. Motion Industries Incorporated Motorola Solutions Incorporated

MPW Industrial Services Inc. MPW Industrial Water Services Inc. MR Emblem Incorporated MR Flush LLC MR Rooter Plumbing Corporation

MRC Global (US) Incorporated MS Consulting Services Incorporated MSA Systems Integration Inc.

MSA Systems Integration Inc. Muir Graphics Mulcahy, David G Mull Group Incorporated Municipal Signs and Sales

Munroe Incorporated Munters Corporation Murphy Tractor & Equipment Co Inc. Murray American River Towing, Inc.

Murray American Transportation, Inc. Murray Energy Corporation Mussun Sales Incorporated

Mutek, Rebecca

Mutek, Rebecca MV Group Incorporated MVP SC Incorporated MWH Americas Inc. Myers Tire Supply Distribution Inc. N C Sanitation Inc.

N C Sanitation Incorporated N P Energy Nevada Incorporated N.F. Mansuetto & Sons Inc.

Nadine Corporation NAES Power Contractors

Nalco Crossbow Water LLC dba Crossbow Water Crosslink Mftg

Nasatka Barrier Incorporated National Air Vibrator Company National Business Furniture National Colloid Company National Electric Coil Company

National Electric Coil Company Lp

National Electrical Carbon Products National Engineering Products Inc. National Filter Media

National Fire & Marine Insurance Company National Industrial Lumber Company National Institute of

National Instruments Corporation National Pump and Process Inc. National Waterworks Incorporated Nautica Aquarium LLC Nautica Peninsula Land Limited Partnership

Nautica Phase 2 LLC Nautica Phase 2 Partnership Navex Global Incorporated

Navigators Nazareth Machine Works Incorporated NCH Corporation NCI NURSING Corps

Nebraska Northwestern Railroad, Inc. Nebraska Public Power District NEC Corporation of America Neenah Foundry Company

Neff Group Distrib Inc. dba Fluidtr Neff Group Distributors Inc. Nelson Stud Welding Incorporated Neoteric Hovercraft Incorporated

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Neuco Incorporated Neumeyer Environmental Services Neundorfer Incorporated

New England Etching Company Incorporated

New Toledo Blue Print & Paper Co

New York Mellon Trust Company, N.A. Newing-Hall Incorporated Newport Scientific Incorporated Newton Research Labs Incorporated

Newville Construction Services Inc. Nexant Incorporated Nextera Energy Power Marketing, Inc. Nextera Energy Seabrook LLC

Nice Systems Nickel Systems Incorporated Nixon, Joyce and Robert A. Nixon, Joyce M. NJ Transit

Noble Americas Gas & Power Corp Nock Refractories LLC Nolan Door & Hardware Company Inc.

Nol-Tec Systems Incorporated Nolan Incorporated Norris Brothers Company Inc. Norris Service Specilaties Inc. Norstan Communications Inc.orporat dba

Black Box Network Services North Allegheny Wind, LLC North Allegheny Wind, LLC- Phase 3

North Allegheny Wind, LLC- Phase 4 North American Energy Services North American Seal & Supply Inc. North American Substation Svcs LLC

North American Switchgear Inc. North American Technical Sales LLC North Branch Energy Inc. North Branch Energy, Inc.

Northcoast Inc. Recycling Specialist dba Northcoast Shredding Services and Record Center

Northcoast Process Controls Inc.

Northcoast Systems LLC Northeast Projections Incorporated Northern Sales Inc. Northrich Company

Northridge Automotive Incorporated Norweco Inc. Nostan Communications Inc.orporate dba

Black Box Network Services NRG Energy Inc. NSF International Strategic

Nuclear Energy Customer Service Department

Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Energy Liability Insurance

Association Nuclear Suppliers Association Nuco Industries Incorporated Nukem Inc. Nutherm International Incorporated

Nuzum Enterprises Inc. Oak Harbor Hardware Company Obar Door & Gate Company Inc. Oceanmedix.Com LLC

Oem Controls Incorporated Ohio Air Products Incorporated Ohio Environmental Protection Agency,

Office of Fiscal Administration

Ohio Lumex Company Incorporated Ohio Pipe Valves & Fittings Inc. Ohio Power Company Ohio Realty Development Fund LLC

Ohio Tool Systems Incorporated Ohio Valley Electric Corporation Ohio-West Virginia Excavating Company OHI-Rail Corporation

Ohm-Labs Incorporated Oil Rite Corporation Oklahoma Safety Equipment Co Inc.

O'Leary, Thomas F. Olshefsky, Frank A. Olson Technologies Incorporated Olympus Scientific Solutions

Omega Door Company Incorporated Omni Controls Incorporated Omni Special Instruments Inc. O-N Minerals Company

Ondeo Degremont Onepump Global Enterprises LLC ONX USA LLC Open Systems International, Inc.

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Operation Technology Incorporated Operations Support Services Inc. Opswat Incorporated Optimal Leasing LLC Option LLC

Oracle America, Inc. Orbital Energy Services Corporation Orbital Engineering Incorporated Organ, Gary Lee

On Protection Systems Incorporated OSI Environmental LLC Osisoft Incorporated Osisoft, LLC

Osmic Incorporated OTE Services Incorporated Otis Elevator Company OTP Industrial Solutions

OV Scale Corporation OV Scale Corporation (Dba Ov Scale &

Instruments) Overly Hautz Motor Base Company

Overly Manufacturing Company Owens Community College

Owl Computing Technologies Inc. Oxford Instruments America Inc. P & R Communications Service Inc. P & W Painting Company Incorporated P F Sherman Co. Packaging Specialties Incorporated

Pacs Switchgear LLC Padgett, Sean M. Palfinger USA Inc./Palfleet Truck Palinkas, Joseph Palmer, Glen R.

Panelmatic Youngstown Incorporated Panzica Development Company Papco Industries Incorporated

Papsco Paramount Technologies Incorporated Park Company Park Metal Products Parker Seal Company

Parker, Ann Marie Parkson Corporation Par-Kut International Incorporated

Patriot Group Technologies Incorporated

Patriot Sensors and Controls Corp Paulich Specialty Company Inc. Paymentech, LLC (For JP Morgan Chase

Bank, N.A.) Payne, Frank PC Mckenzie Company

PCB Piezotronics Incorporated PCF Sales Corporation Pcm Sales Incorporated

Pcore Electric Company Incorporated PDMA Corporation

Pe Hydro Generation, LLC Peaker Services Incorporated Pearl Plumbing Pei Genesis Penn Line Service Incorporated Pennsylvania Department of Environmental

Resources Pennsylvania Power Company Pennsylvania Transformer Technology Inc. Pennwest Industrial Trucks LLC dba

Pennwest Toyota Lift Pentair Valves & Controls US LP Pentas Controls LLC

Peopleclick, Inc. dba Peoplefluent Peoplefluent, Inc. PER Holdings Incorporated Performance Contracting Inc. Performance Contracting Inc., dba PCI

Global Insulation Performance Improvement Performance Machining Incorporated Perkinelmer Health Sciences Inc. Perma-Pipe Incorporated

Perstorp Polyols Incorporated Peterson Thermal Equipment Co Petroleum Analyzer Company LP

Petroleum Equipment Service Inc. Petron Corporation Petty Group LLC PFE Corporation Phelan Insurance Agency, Inc.

Phenova Incorporated Philips Medical Systems Ultrasound Phillips Welding & Fab LLC

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Phillips, Dennis E. Phoenix Conveyor Belt Systems Gmbh Phoenix Partners LLC dba Renew Valve and

Machine Company Piedmont Plastics Pier Associates Incorporated Pine Ridge Lawncare Incorporated

Pioneer Motor Bearing Company Pipeline Software, Inc. Piper, Benjamin J.

Piping Technology & Products Inc. Pitney Bowes Credit Corp Pitney Bowes Global Financial Pitt Auto Electric Company

Pittsburg Maritime Club Pittsburg Tank & Tower Maintenance Pittsburgh Air Systems Incorporated Pittsburgh Maritime Club Pittsburgh Plumbing & Heating

Pittsburgh Process Equipment Pittsburgh Process Equipment Co Inc. Pittsburgh Specialty Cabinet

Pittsburgh Spray Equipment Company Pittsburgh Tire Service Inc. PKMJ Technical Services, Inc. D/B/A Rolls-


Plant Service Company Plassard, Gregory F. Plastic Sales & Service Inc. Plastocor Incorporated Platts

Plesh Industries Incorporated Plunkett, Gregory Lane & Joanna Leigh Plunkett, Joanne Leigh

PME of Ohio Incorporated PMF Rentals Poland Concrete Products Inc. Polar Leasing Company Incorporated

Pollock Research & Design Polycast Industrial Products Ltd Pomeroy It Solutions Sales Company Portersville PRD LLC

Portersville Value Company Positive Trades Group LLC Potter-Claiborn-Geelhood Inc. Power & Industrial Services Corp

Power and Grounding Solutions LLC

Power Cost, Inc. Power Costs Incorporated Power Equipment Associates Ltd Power Equipment Specialists Inc. Power House Tool Incorporated

Power Ignition and Controls LLC Power Line Supply Company Power Monitors Incorporated Power Piping Company

Power Plant Service Contracting Inc. Power Plant Services Power Products & Services Power Services Group

Powerflow Engineering Incorporated Powerhouse at Nautica Investment Limited

Partnership Powerhouse Technology

Powerlink Electrical Sales Inc. Powersys Incorporated Powerup Equipment Incorporated PPC Lubricants Incorporated PPG Industries Incorporated

PPL Energy Plus, LLC Praxair Distribution Mid-Atlantic L Praxair Surface Tech Incorporated Precision Environmental Company

Precision Maintenance Incorporated Precision Surveillance Corp Preferred Engineering Corp

Preferred Metal Technologies Preisz, Bernard L. Premier Air Center Incorporated Premier Automation LLC Premier Pump Incorporated

Premise Solutions LLC Prime Technology LLC Priority Based Control Engineering Prism Response Incorporated

Pro-Am Safety Incorporated

Probusiness Services, Inc. Procedure Solutions Management LLC Process Combustion Corporation Process Control Services Process Controls Corporation Process Dynamics Incorporated

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Process Engineering Company Process Software LLC

Process Technologies Incorporated Process Valve & Equipment Company Procon Technologies

Incorporated Producers Supply Company Inc. Professional Pump Incorporated Professional Service Industries Professional Training Assoc Inc. Professional Training Technologies Progress Wire Products

Company Progressive Sweeping Contractors Projectile Tube Cleaning Inc. Promag Limited

Promedica Health Systems Inc. Prominent Fluid Controls Inc. Propump Services LLC Prosci Incorporated

Protec Technical Services Inc. Protectoseal Proto Power Corp. Proudfoot, Lukas E. Provant Health Solutions LLC

Provantage Provil & Associates Incorporated Pruett-Schaffer Chemical Company

PSB Industries Incorporated PSC Industrial Services PSEG Energy Resources & Trade LLC PSEG Power LLC PSI Energy, Inc.

PTTGC America LLC Public Service Enterprise Group Inc. Pugh, Sean Pugh, Sean

Pullman Power LLC Pullman SST Incorporated Pulsafeeder Incorporated Pump Marketing Associates

Inc. Pump Systems LLC Pumping Services Incorporated Pumps Parts & Service Incorporated

Purchase Order Purdue University PVS Chemical Solutions Incorporated Pyrosoft Incorporated

Qdro Consultants Company Q-Mation Incorporated QSR Industrial Supply Inc.

Qualitec, Inc. Qualitest USA LC Quality Associates International

Quality Assurance Services LLC Quality Windows LLC Quest Integrity Group Quest Integrity USA LLC

Quest Software, Inc. Questar Solutions LLC R A Ross and Associates Ne Inc. R Brooks Associates Incorporated R E Gouker Company Incorporated

R E Warner & Associates Inc. R H Carbide and Epoxy Incorporated R L Holliday Company Incorporated R P Adams Company Incorporated

R R Brink Locking Systems Inc. R T Patterson Company Incorporated Radcom Inc.oporated Radeco Incorporated

Radeco LLC Radiation Protection Systems Inc. Radiation Safety Associates Inc.

Radwell International Incorporated Raf Automation Incorporated Raf Fluid Power Incorporated Ralph A. Hiller Company

Ram Industrial Services LLC Ram Sensors Incorporated Rapid 2-Way Incorporated Ray, Ashton M. RBS Asset Finance

RC Energy JCP1, LLC RDP Corporation Rea Plastik Tech Gmbh

Rebman Systems Incorporated Receivable Management Corp. Reco Equipment Incorporated Red D Arc Inc. Red-D-Arc Incorporated

Redkoh Industries Incorporated Redox Technology Group LLC dba Redox


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Redvector.Com, LLC

Reedy Engineering Incorporated Reef Industries Incorporated Refrigeration Sales Corporation Regulatory Affairs and Laboratory Services Rehabilitation Aquatics & Physical

Reinforcd Plastic Systems Inc. Reliance Rental & Leasing Inc. Rema Tiptop / North America Incorporated Remington Rose

Remote Ocean Systems Incorporated Renewal Parts Maintenance Inc. Rep Sales Incorporated

Repros Inc. Repros Incorporated Rescue Marine Research Cottrell Cooling Inc.

Retaqs Incorporated Reuland Electric Company Revenew International LLC Rexel Incorporated Rexnord Industries LLC

Rhino Energy, LLC Rich, Benjamin T. Richey, Marty Richwood Industries Incorporated

Right Management Incorporated Rio Tinto Uranium Riskwatch International LLC River Research & Design Inc.

River Salvage Company Incorporated River Technologies LLC Riverhawk Company Riverside Drives Incorporated

R1 Miller LLC RMB Consulting & Research Inc. RMF Nooter Incorporated Robert E Lamb Incorporated

Robert G. Ganser dba Transformer Consulting Service Robert H. Welf & Associates Inc.

Robert J. Brown Jr dba Three Rivers Diving Robindale Coal Sales, LLC Robinson Valves and Actuation Rockbestos Surprenant Cable Corp Rocore Holdings

Ro-Flo Compressors LLC

Rojemori LLC dba 4d Global Rojemori, LLC Rolled Alloys

Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Svcs Inc. Romisher, Richard A. Ronan Engineering Company

Rosebud Mining Company Rosemount Analytical Inc. Ross Controls Incorporated

Ross Maintenance Products Co. Rotating Equipment Repair

Rotating Equipment Services Roth Bros Inc. Roto Hammer Industries Incorporated Roto Rooter Sewer Cleaning Co Rotork Controls Incorporated

Rotronic Instrument Corporation Rozel R-S Matco Incorporated RTP Corporation RTP Environmental Associates Inc.

Rut Systems Incorporated Rubber & Accessories Incorporated Ruby, Richard D. Rudd Equipment Company

Ruggles-Klingemann Mfg Co Inc. Ruhlin Company Ruhrpumpen Incorporated Rumsey Electric Company

Runton Engineering Inc. Ruthrauff Sauer LLC Ryan Herco Products Corporation

S & S Dump & Dig Incorporated S & W Technologies Incorporated S A Comunale Co Incorporated S G Morris Company

S P Kinney Engineers Incorporated S. D. Nold Incorporated S3 Integration LLC Saab Training USA LLC Sabic Innovative Plastics US LLC

Safariland LLC Safe Harbor Access Systems Ii LLC Saferack LLC Safety Dynamics Incorporated

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Safety Main Stopper Company Inc. Safety Rail Company LLC

Safety Rail Source LLC Safety Sign Company Safety Sling Company Incorporated Safety Solutions Incorporated Safety-Kleen Corporation

Safety-Kleen Systems Incorporated Safway Services LLC Sage Fortware Incorporated Sage Software Inc.

Saint Lawrence Holdings LLC Salem Structures LLC Sammis Main Sammons, Phillip D.

Sample-Webtrol Incorporated Samsel Supply Company Sanchem Incorporated

Sand Beach Association C/O Charles Young Sanders Yamaha Suzuki Kawasaki Inc. Sanico Incorporated Santee Security Incorporated Santronics Incorporated

SAP Industries Incorporated SAS Intitute Incorporated Sauereisen Incorporated SAW Service & Supply

SAW Systems Incorporated Sayer, Robert J. SBK-Brooks Investment Corp. SBS Window Cleaning LLC

Scaccia, Mark A. Scantron Corporation Scaturro Brothers Incorporated Schelb, Ray

Schenck Trebel Corporation Schmidt Industries Schultz Fluid Handling Equipment, Inc.

Schweizer Dipple Incorporated Schwer, Daniel J. Schwer, James J. Scott Electric Company Scott Industrial Systems Inc.

Scottish Power Finance (US), Inc. SCR Tech Screening Systems International

Sea Box Incorporated Seagate Control Systems Seal Systems Inc.

Sealing Resources Sealing Specialists & Service Co Sealite USA LLC

SEC Bellefonte Sd Solar One, LLC SEC Besd Solar One, LLC Secure Gate Systems Securmar LLC

Sedgwick Claims Management Services, Inc.

SEI Incorporated dba Service Express Incorporated

Seigniory Chemical Products Ltd

Seitz Valve Technology Self-Powered Lighting Incorporated Seminole Electric Cooperative

Senasys Seneca Enterprises LLC Seneca Generation, LLC Senior Flexonics Pathway Division

Senior Operations Incorporated Senior Operations LLC Sensidyne LP Sentinel Fluid Controls

Servi-Sel Incorporated Sesquehanna Water Conditioning Setra Systems Incorporated SGS Galson Laboratories Inc. Shadyside Cartage Company Inc.

Shannon, Michael P Shel-B Environmental Emissions Shell Energy North America (Us) L.P.

Sheperd, Phd, Scott J. Sherwin Williams Shortage Control Incorporated Shortridge Instruments Incorporated

Shrader Tire & Oil Inc. Siemens Demag Delaval Siemens Energy Incorporated Sifco Applied Surface Concepts

Signature Control Systems LLC Simmers Crane Design & Services SKC Incorporated Skelly and Loy Incorporated

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Skillsoft Corporation Sloan, Kent F. Smart Signs LLC

SME Solutions Group Incorporated Smith Drilling Contractors Inc. Smith, James T. Smith, Lisa D.

Smith, Michael D. Smith, Michael M. Smith, Robin W. Smith, Stephanie M.

Smiths Detection Snap-On Inc. IDSC Holdings LLC Snook, Shawn P.

Soisson, Brad Solberg Manufacturing Incorporated Solidification Products Intl Inc. Solidstate Controls LLC Solon Manufacturing Company

Solution Dynamics Incorporated Sonic Solutions LLC Sor Testing Laboratories Inc. SOS International LLC

Sourcepro Inc. Southam Consulting LLC Southeast Security Corporation

Southern Indiana Gas and Electric Company Southern Research Institute Southside Garage Incorporated Southway Fence Company Southwest Microwave Incorporated

Southwest Research Institute Southwest Thermal Technology Inc. Southwestern Hearing Care, Inc.

Southwire Company Spacecraft Components Corp Sparton of Canada Limited SPC Specialty Products LLC

Special Response Corporation Specialty Coatings & Consulting Inc. Specialty Fitters Incorporated Specialty Hose Corporation Specified Supply Incorporated

Spencer Turbine Company Speranza Machining Incorporated Sperling Heating and Ventilating

Spider a Division of Safeworks LLC Spilltek Environmental Services Spina, James Anthony

Spirax Sarco Incorporated SPX Cooling Technologies Inc. SPX Corporation SPX Flow Us LLC

SPX Heat Transfer LLC Squire Sanders LLP Squires, Kimberly A. Squires, Larry G. & Kimberly A.

SR Technologies LLC SSM Industries Incorporated SSOE Incorporated

St Vincent Mercy Medical Center St. Paul Fire and Marine Insurance

Company Staco Systems Incorporated Stahl, Levi R.

Stahura Conveyor Products Inc. Stahura Industrial Solutions Inc. Staley Communication Inc. Stancor Incorporated

Standard Air & Lite Corporation Standard Laboratories Incorporated Standish Technologies Internation


Stanley M Proctor Company Stansley Industries Incorporated Staples Incorporated Star Field Fit Incorporated

Starwood Energy Group Global, Inc. State Industrial Products State of Ohio, Department of Natural

Resources State of West Virginia State Road Occupational Medical St-Augustin Canada Electric Inc.

Steag Gmbh Steag Scr-Tech Incorporated Steel City Equipment Corporation Steel City Fueling Systems Inc.

Stephen Campbell & Associates Inc. Stephenson Equipment Incorporated Steranko, Michael Stericycle Incorporated

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Steubenville Plate and Window

Stewart & Stevenson LLC dba Stewart STI Manufacturing Incorporated Stichler, Donald R. Stock Equipment Company Inc. Stock Fairfield Corporation Stoneage Incorporated

Storage & Ergonomic Equipment Co. Storm Technologies Incorporated Straight Up Equipment Company Strategic Packaging Systems LLC

Strobel, Brian G. Structural Integrity Associates Inc. Studer Industrial Sturm Incorporated

Suez Energy Marketing Na Inc. Summit Electronics Corporation Sungard Availability Services Lp Sungard Energy Systems, Inc.

Sunpro Sunsource/Fauver Suntrust Bank Suntrust Robinson Humphrey, Inc.

Superbolt Incorporated Superior Diesel Incorporated Superior Electric Supply Superior Industrial Insulation Co

Superior Lamp & Supply Company Superior Marine Services LLC Superior Oil Corporation Superior Speedie Portables, dba Waids

Rainbow Rentals Suprock Technologies LLC Survivor Fire & Safety Equipment SVM LP

Swan Analytical USA Incorporated Swissport USA Incorporated Switchgear Solutions Incorporated Sycamore & Main, Inc.

Synapp North Inc. Synergy Global Technology Inc. Syntech Products Corporation Syntron Material Handling LLC

Systecon Incorporated System Improvements, Inc. System One Holdings LLC

Systems Improvements Incorporated Szuch, David P. T & D Company Inc.

T R I Transmission & Bearing Corp Tabinowski, Craig F. Talisman International LLC

Talx Corporation Tank Corrosion Specialists Inc. Tank Integrity Services Inc. Tannehill International Industries

Taprogge America Corporation Tattletale Portable Alarm Systems Incorporated Taulia Inc. TC Communications Incorporated

TDS Automation Incorporated Team Industrial Services Techcorr USA Management LLC

Technical Assurance Incorporated Technical Construction Spec Inc. Technical Management Services Inc. Teco-Westinghouse Motor Company

TEI Construction Services Inc. Teikoku USA Incorporated Teknik US Limited Tekran Instruments Corporation Tekran Instruments Corporation

Tele Scan Incorporated Teledyne Instruments Incorporated Teledyne Optech Incorporated

Telelanguage Services Telvent Dtn Templar Technologies Incorporated Tenaska Power Services Co Tenex

Tenex "Techsnabexport" Tennessee Valley Authority Tenova Goodfellow Incorporated Terra Testing Incorporated

Terrasource Global Corporation Terry Tree Service LLC Test & Measurement Instrumentation

Testo Incorporated Tetra Tech Incorporated

Tetrasolv Services Texas Stainless Incorporated

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TG Advisers Incorporated The A J Gates Company

The American Coal Sales Company The Amfax Corporation The Apostolos Group Incorporated dba


The Arc Associates Corporation The Ariel Group Incorporated The Arnold Engineering Company The Arthur Louis Supply Company The Auto Shop

The Bilco Company The Borough of Mont Alto, Pennsylvania The Cary Company

The Center for Resource Solutions The Challenge Program Inc. The Cincinnati Gas & Electric Company, Columbus Southern Power Company

The Commercial Group Incorporated The Community Improvement Corporation

of Ottawa County The Courser Group LLC The Depository Trust Company The Doug Beat Company The Energy Authority, Inc. The Ess Group, Inc. dba Colonial Chemical

Company The Gel Group Incorporated

The Great Lakes Construction Co The Hartford (Pacific Insurance Company,

Limited) The Huntington Investment Company The Industrial Door People The Jensen Machine Company

The L C Whitford Company The Leadership Effect LLC The Legendary Service Group Inc.; dba Classic Cafe Management

The M Conley Company The Macomb Group The Mill Rose Company The Modal Shop Incorporated The National Board of Boiler

The New York Blower Company

The New York Central Railroad Company The 0 I C Group

The Ohio & Michigan Paper Company The Okonite Company Incorporated

The Pennsylvania State University The R L Wurz Company The River School Incorporated The Rowland Company The S& P Alliance of NW Ohio Inc.,

The Sand Beach Association, Inc. The Sapphire Group LLC The Shaw Group Incorporated

The Sherwin Williams Company The Simkiss Agency, Inc. The Simplex Group Incorporated The Smith & Oby Service Company The Tamis Corporation

The Titus Company Incorporated The Union Light, Heat and Power Company The William Powell Company

The Wilson Bohanna Company dba The Wilson Bohannan Padlock C The WW Williams Company LLC Theiss Aviation Incorporated Theiss UAV Solutions LLC

Thermal Engineering International Thermo Electric Pa Incorporated Thermo Fisher Scientific dba Eberline LLC Thermo Fisher Scientific dba Thermo

Eberline LLC Thermo Gamma-Metrics Thermo Labsystems Incorporated Thermo Process Instruments Lp

Thermo Vac Incorporated Thermosafe Technologies LLC Thomas & Betts Power Solutions LLC

Thomas & Muller Systems Ltd Thomas Fence Company Incorporated Thomas Scientific Thompson Electric Incorporated Thompson Gear & Machinecompany Inc.

Thorburn Flex Incorporated Thuemling Instrument Group Inc. Thunder Technologies LLC Tiefenthal, Kenneth A.

Tiger Material Handling Inc. Timbers Kovar Company Timken Motor & Crane Services LLC

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Timken NCT LLC dba Schulz Group Tinius Olsen Testing Machine Tip Plus Corporation

Tip Top Industrial Services, Inc. Tips Incorporated Titania Limited TKM Print Solutions Incorporated

TLG Services, Inc. TMP Worldwide Advertising & Communications, LLC TN Americas LLC

Tnemec Company Incorporated

Tobey-Karg Sales Agency Inc.orporate Toft's Dairy

Toledo Fence & Supply Company Toledo Flags LLC

Toledo Glass LLC Toledo Tarp Service Incorporated Tomko Equipment Company Inc. Torrence Sound Equipment Company Toshiba America Energy Systems Corp. Total Calibration Solutions

Total Equipment Company Total Laser Alignment LLC

Total Lubrication Management Co Total Temperature Instrumentation I Towers Watson Towlift Incorporated

Townley Manufacturing Company Toyota Material Handling Ohio Inc. TPS LLC

Tracer Industries Incorporated Track Star International Inc. Training Services International Tramont Manufacturing LLC

Trane Trane U S Incorporated Transcat Metermaster

Transcontinental Engineered Systems Transcore Transpara Corporation Transport Services Incorporated

Transtar Electric Travelers Bond & Specialty Insurance


Travelers Casualty and Surety Company of America Trax LLC

Traxys North America LLC TRC Engineers Inc. Trench Limited

Tri Motor Sales Incorporated Tri State Office Furniture Tri Tool Incorporated Triad Deaf Services Incorporated

Triad Technologies LLC Triangle Engineering Incorporated Trico Corporation Tricor Direct Incorporated Tri-Dim Filter Corporation

Tri-Fab Incorporated Trinity Industries Leasing Company Tripwire Incorporated

Tri-Sen Systems Corporation Tri-State Tool & Hoist Incorporated

Tri-State Valve & Instrument Inc. Triumph Controls LLC Triumph Group Incorporated dba Puroclean

Professional Servic Trombold Equipment Company Inc. Troski, Jeremy P.

True Industries Incorporated Trumbull Industries Incorporated Truqc LLC TSI Power Corporation T-S-K Electronics Incorporated

TTL Associates Incorporated

Tudi Mechanical Systems Inc. Tunnel Ridge Coal, LLC

Turbine Diagnostic Services Inc. Turbine Laser Alignment LLC Turbine Marine Incorporated Turbine Services Ltd Turbo Components & Engineering Inc.

Turbo Parts LLC Tuthill Vacuum & Blower Systems TWC The Valve Company LLC

Twenty First Century Communications Twin City Fan Companies Ltd Twin River Towing Company Twin Rivers Towing Company


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Tyndale Enterprises Incorporated U S Borax Incorporated

U.S. Bank Municipal Securities Group U.S. Bank National Association UBS Ag UE Systems Incorporated

Ul LLC Unconventional Solutions Inc. Underwater Engineering Svcs Inc. Underwater Marine Contractors Inc.

Unex Corporation dba Hytorc Unify Incorporated Unilytix LLC Union Electric Company dba Amerenue

Union Industrial Contractors Union Township Road District dba Union Township Unistrut Service Company of Ohio

United Commercial Cleaning Crew LLC United Concordia United Conveyor Corporation

United Conveyor Supply Company United Electric Supply Company Inc. United International Inc. United Refrigeration Incorporated United Roofing & Sheet Metal

United Security LLC United Servo Hydraulics Inc. United States Enrichment Corp United States Mineral Products Co

United Testing Systems Incorporated Universal Electronic Supply Co. Universal Manufacturing Corp. Universal Oil Incorporated

Universal Protection Service LP Universal Scaffold Systems Inc. UP Systems Incorporated Urenco

Urenco (Capenhurst) Ltd Urenco Deutschland Gmbh Urenco Enrichment Company Ltd Urenco Limited

Urenco Nederland BV Urenco Swu

Urenco UK Ltd Urenco, Inc.

URS Corp US Night Vision Corporation

US Safetygear Incorporated US Vacuum Pumps LLC US Water Services Incorporated USA Hoist Company

Uticom Systems Incorporated Utility Solid Waste Activities Group Utility Water Act Group Utility Workers Union of America Afl-Cio

V. 0. Baker Company VAG USA LLC Vaisala Incorporated Valcor Engineering Corporation

Valletto Construction Industries Ll Valmet Incorporated Valtek Incorporated Valtronics Incorporated

Valueoptions Incorporated Valve Reconditioning Service Co Van Air Incorporated Vandyne-Crotty Company

Vandyne-Crotty Company Vasu Commuications Incorporated Vatco Incorporated VC Displays

Vector Disease Control Intl LLC Vega Americas Incorporated Ventyx Inc. Veolia Environment NA Oper Inc. Veol

Veolia ES Technical Solutions Veolia ES Technical Solutions LLC Verizon Wireless Vernon Dell Tractor Sales

Vertical Access Solutions LLC Vesco Oil Corporation Vesuvius USA Corporation Veyance Industrial Services Inc.

Vibra Screw Incorporated Vibratechnica Reliability Virginia Electric and Power Company, d/b/a

Dominion Generation Viridian Energy, LLC

Virtual Hold Technology Vision Service Plan Vitol Inc.

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VM Systems Incorporated Vocational Services Inc. Vortox Air Technology Incorporated

VSP Vision Care W B Wells Company Incorporated W Born & Associates Incorporated

W C Weil Company W D Wright Contracting Incorporated W E Agler Products Company Inc. W P B M H Incorporated W S Molnar Company

W W Williams Midwest Incorporated WAB Fabricating Wabash Valley Power Association, Inc.

Wachovia Bank, National Association Wachovia Fixed Income Structured Trading

Solutions, LLC Wagner Electronic Products Inc.

WAI International Inc. Waltron Bull & Roberts LLC dba Walton Warren County Service Center Warren Fire Equipment Inc.

Washington Co Treasurer Washington, Jon Wasser Corporation Waste Management Strategic

Waters Edge Hydrology Inc. Waters Technologies Corporation Watson-Marlow Incorporated Wectec Global Project Services Inc.

Wedbush Morgan Securities Inc. Weed Instrument Company Inc. Weir Delta Industrial Wells Fargo Rail Corporation

Weltner, Albert R. & Carol A. Weltner, Carol A.

Weschler Instruments Wesco Aircraft Hardware Corp West Equipment Company West Mountain Radio West Notifications, Inc. D/B/A Twenty First Century Communications

West Point Paving Incorporated West View Cunningham Company Inc.

West Virginia University - State Of Westar Energy Inc.

Westchester Fire Insurance Company Westerman Incorporated Western Chemical International

Western Reserve Water Systems Inc. WEX Bank Wheeling Rubber Products Inc.

Whelco Industrial Ltd White House Artesian Springs Inc. Whiting Corporation Whiting Services Incorporated Wholesale Imprints Incorporated

Wiedenheft, Mildred 0. William W. Meyer & Sons Incorporated Williams Scotsman The Scotsman Group


Willis of North Carolina Inc. Willitt, Douglas B. Willoughby Supply Company Inc.

Wilson Works Inc. Wintech International LLC Wintrow Construction Corporation Wisconsin Public Service Corp

Wiss Janney Elstner Associates Inc. Wojanis Supply Company Inc.

Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Co Wolverine Power Supply Cooperative, Inc. Womed Incorporated Wood Mackenzie Incorporated

Woolsey, Geoffrey Stephen Work Skills First Incorporated

Work Technology Corp. Workforce Software LLC Workplace Consultants LLC Wright Express Wright Line LLC

Wright Technical Marketing Wurth Service Supply Incorporated WW Grainger Incorporated

Xact Spec Industries LLC Xchanger Manufacturing Corporation XO Communications Services, LLC Xylem Water Solutions USA Inc.

Yaro Dog Enterprises LLC Yerman & Young Painting Inc. Yesco New Brighton Yoe, James M.

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Yokogawa Corp of America Young Supply Company

Young Touchstone Company Young, Bryan R. Youngstown & Southeastern Railroad Youngstown Hard Chrome Youngstown Pipe & Supply Inc.

Z&Z Supply Company Inc. Zachry Nuclear Engineering Inc. Zachry Nuclear, Inc. Zappa-Tec LLC

Zayo Group Holdings Incorporated


Taxing Authorities

Ashtabula County Treasurer Beaver County Treasurer Belmont County Treasurer Berkheimer Tax Admin Big Beaver Borough

Bureau of Business Trust Fund Taxes Central Collection Agency - Division of

Taxation, City of Cleveland Central Collection Agency

Chippewa Township Tax Collector City of Akron City of Detroit Finance Department/Income

Tax Division

City of Green, Ohio City of Philadelphia Dept. of Revenue Cuyahoga County Treasurer Darlington Twp Tax Collector

Delaware Division of Revenue Delaware Division of Revenue, Gross Receipts Tax Department Department of Taxation Division of Taxation

Franklin Township Tax Collector Georgetwn Boro & SS District Green Twp Tax Collector

ZE Power Group Inc. Zeefax Incorporated Zenith Systems LLC

Zigler Tire and Supply Company Zinkan Zeolites LLC Zobian, Assef Zoho Corporation

Zoll Medical Corporation Zoological Society of Cincinnati Zorin Material Handling Company

Greene County Treasurer

Illinois Department Of Revenue Industry Boro Tax Collector Internal Revenue Service Internal Revenue Service Centralized

Insolvency Operations

Jefferson County Treasurer Koppel Boro Tax Collector Lake County Treasurer

Lorain County Treasurer Lucas County Treasurer Marion Twp Tax Collector Michigan Department of Treasury Michigan Department of Treasury

Monongahela Twp Tax Collector Montana Department of Revenue New Jersey Divison of Taxation

Nicholson Twp Tax Collector North Sewickley Twp Tax Collector Office of Tax and Revenue Ohio Attorney General

Ohio Department of Taxation Ottawa County Treasurer Pennsylvania Department of Revenue Raccoon Twp Tax Collector

1 Due to the sensitive and proprietary nature of this information, the Schedule of Customers as well as connections to such Customers will be provided solely to the office of the United States Trustee and counsel to

the Creditors' Committee.

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Regional Inc.ome Tax Agency Revenue Administration Division Sheriff of Hancock County

Sheriff of Marshall County Sheriff of Ohio County Shippingport Boro Tax Collector

South Beaver Twp Tax Collector State of New Jersey Department of The

Treasury State of New Jersey Division of Taxation State of Ohio - IRP

Regulatory Agencies

Ashtabula County Commissioners Beaver County Airport Authority Beaver County Emergency Mngmt Beaver Local School District

Beaver Volunteer Fire Department Borough of Ohioville Vfd Borough of Shippingport Brooke County EMA

Caroll Water & Sewer Dist Carroll Township City of Chester Police Department City of East Liverpool Water Works City of Painesville Utilities

City of Philadelphia Department of Revenue City of Steubenville City of Weirton Fire Department

Clean Air Fund Columbiana County Commissioners Comdata Network Inc. Commodity Futures Trading Commission Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Dept. of Transportation, Bureau of Motor Vehicles

County of Lake

Department of Labor & Industry Dept. of Environmental Protection Division of Water City of Cleveland East Liverpool City School District

East Palestine Amateur Radio Club Erie County Board of Commissioners Federal Energy Regulatory Commission


State of Ohio Treasurer Summit County Treasurer

Treasurer of State Fund 5C2 Virginia Department of Taxation Washington Dc Office of Tax and Revenue West Virginia State Tax Department

WV Department of Tax and Revenue West Virginia State Tax Department IFTA


Geauga County Board of Commissioners

Hancock Co Office of Emergency Svcs Hancock County Schools Public Sch Hancock County Sheriff Reserve Hookstown Volunteer Fire Dept.

Illinois Commerce Commission Industry Volunteer Fire Dept. Jefferson County Auditor

Jefferson County Health Dept. Jefferson County Ohio Treasurer Lake County Auditor Lake County Board of Commissioners

Lake County Department of Utilities Lake County General Health District Lake County Health District Lake County Treasurer Lawrenceville Volunteer Lawrenceville

Volunteer Lisbon Area Amature Radio Association Lorain County Auditor

Lucas County Auditor Lucas County Bd of Commission Lucas County Treasurer Maryland Department of Transportation

Maryland Department of Transportation Motor Vehicle Administration Maryland Public Service Commission MD Motor Vehicle Admin Midland 4th of July Organization

Midland Volunteer Fire Dept. Midland Water Authority National Labor Relations Board

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Negley Volunteer Fire Department

Association Incorporated New Cumberland Volunteer Fire

Department New Manchester Volunteer Fire Department NJ Division of Motor Vehicles

Northeast Ohio Regional Oakland District Volunteer Fire Department Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)

Office of the Ohio Consumers' Counsel Ohio Attorney General Ohio Board of Pharmacy Ohio Bureau of Workers' Compensation

Ohio Department of Agriculture Ohio Department of Commerce Ohio Department of Health Ohio Department of Job and Family

Services Ohio Emergency Management Agency Ohio EPA Ottawa County Auditor's office

Ottawa County Commissioners Ottawa County Emergency Mgmt Agency Ottawa County Treasurer PA Department of Environmental Protection PA Department of Revenue

Pennsylvania Emergency Management Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission Pension Benefit Guaranty Corporation Public Utilities Commission of Ohio

Raccoon Fire Department Regional Income Taxing Agency Revenue Administration Division Taxpayer

Service Section Salam Area Amateur Radio Association

Incorporated Sandusky County Commissioners SC DHEC - Bureau of Financial

Management Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)

Shippingport Volunteer Fire Company South Carolina Dept of Health State of Ohio - IRP

State of Ohio Treasurer State of Pennsylvania State of Tennessee Treasurer

Steubenville Weirton Amateur Radio Club Summit County Auditor Tennessee Department of Environment Tennessee Dept. of Environment

The National Board Three Rivers Pollution Response Treasurer of State Fund 5C2 Triangle Amateur Radio Club US Department of Energy

US Department of Homeland Security (FEMA - Federal Emergency Management)

US Department of Labor US Dept. of Homeland Security US Environmental Protection Agency US Nuclear Regulatory Commission Village of Lisbon Fire Department

Village of Oak Harbor Weir High School Hancock Co Board of


West Point Volunteer Fire Dept. Station 1 West Va Dept Health And Human Svcs -

Bureau For Public Health West Virginia Bureau for Public Health

West Virginia Department Health and Human Services - Bureau For Public Health West Virginia Div/Natural Resources West Virginia Division of Homeland -

Security & Emergency Mgmnt

West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles West Virginia Division of Motor Vehicles

Motor Carrier Services Office WV IRP Section

West Virginia State Fire Commission

Govenmental Agencies/Municipalities

Allen County Auglaize County Ashland County Center Township

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City of Akron City of Ashland

City of Aurora City of Barberton City of Bay Village City of Bellevue

City of Canal Fulton City of Canfield City of Cleveland Heights City of Cortland

City of Crestline City of Defiance

City of East Palestine City of Euclid City of Fairlawn

City of Girard City of Green City of Huron

City of Lancaster City of London

City of Mansfield City of Marietta City of Marion

City of Massillon City of Maumee City of Medina

City of Munroe Falls City of North Canton City of Northwood City of Norton

City of Ontario City of Oregon City of Parma City of Perrysburg

City of Ravenna City of Richmond Heights City of Rossford City of Salem

City of Sandusky City of Seven Hills City of Springfield City of Stow

City of Streetsboro City of Struthers City of Sylvania City of Tallmadge

City of Toledo City of Toronto City of Tremont

City of Troy City of Vermilion City of Washington Court House

City of Waterville City of Wauseon City of Westlake City of Xenia

City of Youngstown Defiance County Erie County Fulton County

Henry County Huron County

Lucas County Madison County Mahoning County Medina County Muskingum County Ottawa County

Preble County Putnam County (Dupont) Richland County Sandusky County

Summit County Township of Austintown Township of Ballville Township of Baughman Township of Bethlehem

Township of Blooming Grove Township of Boardman Township of Buck

Township of Burton Township of Butler Township of Canaan Township of Canfield Township of Cardington

Township of Center Township of Cessna Township of Chippewa Township of Darby

Township of Elkrun Township of Fairfield Township of Franklin

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Township of German Township of Gilead

Township of Goshen Township of Grafton Township of Grand Prairie Township of Green Camp Township of Hale Township of Hanover

Township of Jackson Township of Jefferson Township of Knox Township of Lake Township of Lawrence

Township of Lexington Township of Liverpool Township of Lynn Township of Mad River Township of Madison

Township of Marion Township of Marlboro Township of Middleton Township of Milton Township of Paris Township of Perry

Township of Perrysburg Township of Pike Township of Plain Township of Pleasant

Township of Poland

Insurance Carriers

ACE Bermuda Ins. Ltd./AON Bermuda Aegis Security Insurance Company/ AEGIS Insurance Services Inc.

Allied World Assurance Company Ltd./AON Bermuda

American Nuclear Insurers AON Risk Services Northeast, Inc.

Arch Ins. Bermuda Ltd./AON Bermuda Arch Insurance Company Aspen Specialty Insurance Company Associated Electric & Gas Ins Services Ltd AXIS Insurance Company

Berkshire Hathaway Specialty Insurance


Township of Radnor Township of Richland Township of Salem

Township of Sandusky Township of Smith Township of Springfield

Township of St. Clair Township of Sugar Creek Township of Sugarcreek Township of Troy

Township of Tuscarawas Township of Unity Township of Walnut Township of Washington

Township of West Township of Yellow Creek Trumbull County Village of Andover Village of Baltimore

Village of Bluffton, Allen County

Village of Delta Village of Fredericktown Village of Millersport

Village of Rushville

Village of Spencerville Village of Swanton Wayne County Williams County

Wood County

Continental Insurance Company Endurance American Insurance Company Energy Insurance Mutual Ltd

Energy Insurance Services Inc.

Federal Insurance Company Global Aerospace, Inc. Illinois National Insurance Company Lloyds of London Marsh LLC National Union Fire Insurance Company of

Pittsburgh, PA

Navigators Insurance Company Neil Specialty Insurance Company Nuclear Electric Insurance Limited

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Princeton Excess & Surplus Lines Insurance Co.

QBE Insurance Corporation Talbot Underwriting Services (US) Ltd.

Starr Indemnity & Liability Company U.S. Specialty Insurance Company

Water Quality Insurance Syndicate


Beaver County Airport Authority Cleveland Electric Illuminating Company

Greylock L.P. John's Towing Service, Inc. Norfolk Southern Corporation

Litigation Parties

3M Company A.W. Chesterton Company Adams, Doris Adams, Sharon Addair, Mary Adkins, Nora

Air & Liquid Systems Corporation Air Products and Chemicals, Inc.

Alberts, Helena Allegheny Ludlum LLC American Arbitration Association Ammon, Barbara Anderson, Annes Anthony Bailes, Inc.

Anzevino, Dominic Applegarth, Dorothy Arcaro, Barbara Arcidiacono, Carol J.

Arter, Doris Ashton, Bernice Associated Wholesalers, Inc.

Auer, Maxine Austin, Brenda Aveni, Clara AWI Delaware, Inc. Bachner, Kerni Ann

Bailey, Donna Balden, Ebell Baron, Peter J.

Westport Insurance Company XL Insurance Bermuda LTD./AON

Bermuda XL Specialty Insurance Company

Zurich American Insurance Company

Ohio Department of Natural Resources Ohio Edison Tower LLC

The Elmhurst Group The Toledo Edison Company

Bayer Cropscience, Inc., f/k/a Benjamin

Foster Company Bays, Ronald Bennett, Lee

Bevan & Associates Blakley, K. Girard Blystone, Frank BNSF Railway Company

Boardwine, Mary Bowen, Melvin Bringman, Harry Pete Brookman, Rosenberg, Brown & Sandler Brown, Robert L.

Bryant, James Burgdorf, William Burkiewicz, Thomas Burnette, Elizabeth F.

BWXT Canada, Ltd. Byler, Bobby Lynn Cantwell, Thomas Caroselli, Beachler, McTiernan & Canboy

Cartwright, George Caruloff, Thomas Chaffin, Nathaniel

Chapman, Mary Lou (Robert) Chester Willcox & Saxbe LLP Chitwood, Donnie Christain & Barton LLP

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Commonwealth of PA, Department of Transportation Conger, Pauline Copen, William

Crooks, Guinda Crowell & Moring, LLP

CSX Transportation Incorporated Cuevas, Juan Dalnoky, Joseph Davies, Regina Davis, John W. Dean, D Mark

DeMase Trucking Co., Inc. Dempsey, Brian Dennis, Harvie Denson, Howard (Executor of Estate)

Devin, Cecil DLZ Ohio, Inc. Drake, Dan Duckro, Mary Jo

Dulin, Mary Dunham, Nancy Dunmire, Thomas Dunn, Clarabelle

Earley, Cindy Eck, Jim

Edgar Snyder & Associates Edwards, Dorothy Edwards, Joseph (Executor of Estate) EEOC - Cleveland Eldred, David A Elliot, Lola

Emery, Harry Empire Die Casting Company Eno, Waunnetta Executor of the Estate of, Joyce Ellis

Farais, John & Helen Farkas, Frank (Executor of Estate) Farnsworth, Harry

Ferris-Dukovich, Theresa Finney, Juanita Firman, Mary Fite, Bonnie Fitzpatrick, Randy Flint Law Firm LLC

Flowers, Twatha

Fluker, Thommy Forman, Ernest Francis, Michael S. Franklin, Douglas

Friday & Cox, LLC George, John Gerson, Barry Gibson, Charles (Executor of Estate)

Gilardi, Oliver & Lamupo, P.A. Gongora, Luz

Goodyear Tire & Rubber Company Gorchock, Alisa M Gorchock, Michael Gori, Julian & Assoicates, P.C. Gray, Ivan

Grubbs, Don Ham, Alfred Neal Hambry, Alva Hamm, Tracy Hamm, William Murray Hampton, Marvin

Hannigan, John M.

Hansen, Stephanie M. Harp, Billy

Harris, George Larry Harrison, Ronald D. Hartley & O'Brien, PLLC Harwood, Gene

Haseleu, Mark S. Hawks, Buford Hawthorne, Howard

Hayes, Ronnie Haynes & Boone LLP Henderson, Curtis Hendrix, Phillip H. Henry, Terry M. and Sandy L.

Higgins, John Hill, Charles E. Hill, Travis Hobor, Chuck

Hodges, John Holbrook, Carma Holt, Joe

Hoover, Jackie D. Hopkins, Douglas C. Houston, Larry C.

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Hovis, Homer J. Howard, Johnny 0. Howard, Mary Jo Howell, Mike

Hower, Raymond D Hronek, Robert L.

Hulsey, Charles E. Humphries, Charlue Husman, Richard Hutchinson, Benjamin IBEW Local 272 Illinois Commerce Commission Indorf, Frederick

J. Anderw Associates Jackson, Alfred James, Herbert

Jenkins, James Jensen, Ferdinand Johnsey, Thomas Larry Johnson, Alexander A. Johnson, Billy R.

Johnson, Brianna Johnson, Dale

Jones, Charles Claud Jones, Priscilla J. Jones, William W. Julian, William K. Girard Blakley Kanteera Tepartimargorn

Kaylor, Thomas O. Kearns, Elizabeth Kelley, Madgie

Kelley, William E. King, Cecil Kirkland & Ellis LLP

Klinger, Alvin Kosonovich, Melia Kramer, Michelle Kuhar, Mark Kuhl, Frederick

Kuhn, Paul

Lahetta, James Lampe, Gerald A. Lane, Jimmy M Larsen, Robert D. Latham & Watkins LLP Lay, Dale

Lebold, Dennis Lefkowitz, Paul S. Legg, Douglas Lewis, Ruby Mae

Lewis-Goetz & Company, Inc. Little, Howard H.

Locker, Guy L. Lockhart, Murl L. Long, Frederick & Peggy Longshaw, John

Loughery, Darlene Love, William A.

Loveless, Elton B. Lowery, Robert W. Lucius, Peggy

Malanowski, Michael Mangano, Barbara and Anthony Mansour Gavin LPA

Marcotte, Gary Duane Marshman Jr, Herman

Martin, Bobby Joe Matrix PDM Engineering

May, Thomas Wayne McBrayer, McGinnis, Leslie & Kirkland,


McBrayer, Otis McCaa, Frank McElroy, Linda McFarren, Jerry

McGhee, Eddie McGhee, Pauline

McIntosh, Paul McIntyre, Dana McKinney, Randy McLain, Elmer Meincke, Mark

Melnor Graphics Merrill, Jerome (Executor of Estate)

Metz Lewis Brodman Must O'Keefe LLC Meyers, Roman, Friedberg & Lewis Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP Miles, Donald Miller, Franklin W. Miller, Mary Lee Miller, Teresa A.

Mills, Steven D.

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Milner, Gena Miner, Norval M.

Monongahela Power Company Moody, Walt Moore, Judy Motley Rice LLC

Mount, II, Dale (Executor of Estate) Mowery, Jack Moyer, Keni S. Muniz, Jorgie Myers, Judy Ann

Myers, Kenneth Myers, Lawrence National Union Fire Insurance Company

Needham, Robert P Neely & Callaghan Newsome, William Nicols, Gary Lee Nixon, Dan NLRB - Region 6

Norfolk Southern Corporation North Toledo Graphics, LLC

OCRC - Toledo 011ison, Grant Ottawa County CSEA Pacific Sunwear of California, Inc.

Pagano, Richard Parker, Harold Parrish, Cheryl Pastor, Varlee Peabody Energy

Peguero, Jose Peterman, Dean A. Pietragallo Gordon Alfano Bosick & Raspanti, LLP Plott, Gregg

Plucinski, Anthony Pocmont Properties, LLC Potomac Edison Comapny

Potter, John H. Purvis, Claudia Raymond, Cynthia Rebok, David

Reed Smith LLP Republic Powdered Metals, Inc. Rhoades, John L.

Richardson, Billy D. Rico, Edward Ritzler, Joseph G.

Rodriguez, Jose Rogers, Ron Rollo, Edmond J. Rupert, james E.

Rush, Peter (Executor of Estate) Santiago, Francisco Scalise, Kristen M. Schmitt, Michele L. Sheret, William L. Shildwachter, Richard

Shirley, Mildred (Executrix of the Estate) Shores, Eugene Shrader & Associates, LLP

Shropshire, Joseph Shuler, Brenda L. Shuler, George M. Sierra Club

Simonds, Mary Simonovich, William

Smith, Charles S Sommer, Elaine

Staikos, John Stanko, George Steading, Robert E. Steading, Ronald B.

Steele, Robert F. Steigers, Robert Frank Stottlemire, Harry Struchen, Norman

Suggs, Rosa

Swagelok Company Swann, Harold Swenson, Dennis Talley, William D. Tapley, S.J. Tarpley, Dea Taylor, Jackie

Taylor, John H.

Terretto, Nick Terry, Bluitt W. Terry, Donald A.

Terry, Franklin D. Terry, Jack H. The Bauer Law Firm, P.C.

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The Calwell Practice PLLc

The Standard Register Company

The State of West Virginia Division of Highways

Thornock, Leroy Timberlake, Herbert A. Tindall, Gary and Charlotte

Torres, Miguel Trail-Trans Allegheny Interstate Line

Company Trousdale, Raymond D.

Tunnel Ridge, LLC Turner, Carl William UWUA Local 270 UWUA Local 304

UWUA Local 457 VanWave, Jeffrey Vidal Jr, Jose A.

Vires, David Wagner, Kenneth Walker, Cole R. Warren, Billy Joe Wasserman, Bryan, Landry & Honold, LLP

Watson, Charlie I. Watson, Louise Webster, Vernon Jackson Weldon, John David

Sales Leaseback Parties

Alexander Hamilton Life Insurance Bank of America Corp. Barclays PLC Beaver Valley Inc. Beaver Valley Two PI L.P.

Beaver Valley Two Rho Beaver Valley Two Sigma L.P. BM1, LLC

Chrysler Chrysler Consortium Corporation Citigroup Inc. DaimlerChrysler AG

Edison International Ford Motor Credit GE Capital HSBC Holdings PLC

JP Morgan Chase & Co Mansfield 2007 Trust A

Wells, Marvin E. WesTech Whaley, Brenda

White, Donald Lee White, Edwin Ray White, Elbert Williams, Walter

Williamson, Robert E. Willingham, Dorothy Wilson, Edward J.

Wilson, Robert Ernest and Joan Catherine Wineland Legal Services, LLC Wilson, W. David Wolfe, Paul E.

Wood, Wayne Wright, Billy M. Wright, Johnnie L. Yeater, Phillip M. Yengich, Ronald S.

Young, Larry Eugene Yozwiak, William Yukovich, Elizabeth

Zsigo, James Zuch, Robert

Mansfield 2007 Trust B

Mansfield 2007 Trust C Mansfield 2007 Trust D Mansfield 2007 Trust E Mansfield 2007 Trust F

Met Life Capital, Limited Partnership Metlife Insurance Company Mission Funding Alpha

Mission Funding Beta Perry One Alpha L.P. Perry One Delta (Trust A) Perry One Delta (Trust B)

Perry One Delta L.P. (Trust I) Perry One Delta L.P. (Trust II) Perry One Gamma PNBV Capital Trust PNC Commercial

Security Pacific Leasing Corporation

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State Street Corp. The Bank of New York Trust Company,


The Marmon Group The PNC Commercial Services Group

Surety Bonds

ACE INA Group Borough of Shippingport Commonwealth of Pennsylvania

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, Department of Environmental Protection

Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission

District of Columbia Liberty Mutual Insurance Company New Jersey Board of Public Utilities

Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources

Third Party Sales Agents

Acclaim Energy Advisors Achieve Energy Solutions, LLC ADL High Voltage Inc. Advantage Services Inc.

Affiliated Power Purchase Intl. Agency Marketing Center Corporation dba

Buy Commercial Energy, Inc. Alliance for Competitive Energy Services

Alternative Utility Services, Inc. Alternative-Esco LLC Ameresco, Inc. Amerex Brokers LLC

Americaapproved.Com American Municipal Power, Inc. American Powernet Services AMGP Inc. Aspen Energy Corporation

Asset Energy LLC Atlas Commodities Belden Energy Solutions Inc. Services


Bidurenergy, Inc. Blue & Silver Energy Consulting, D/B/A

Pro-Star Energy Services

Union Bank of California, N.A. US Bank Trust National Association

Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB

Pennsylvania Public Utility Commission State of Illinois

Travelers Casualty and Surety Co. of America

Travelers Property Casualty Group U.S. Army Corp of Engineers

United States District Court Northern District of Ohio

US Department of Labor West Virginia Department of Transportation

Zurich American Insurance Company

Blue Flame Energy Services Bmark Energy, Inc. Buckeye Energy Brokers, Inc. CCAOSC Energy Solutions, LLC Chamber Energy Solutions, LLC

Choice Energy Resources, Inc. Choose Energy, Inc. Chrislynn Energy Services City of Cincinnati

City of Cleveland Commercial Utility Consultants, Inc. Community Energy Advisors

Consumer Energy Solutions Inc. Cost Reduction Services Council of Small Enterprises (Cose) Creativenergy Options

CUC Global Inc. Demand Response Partners, Inc. Dillon Energy Services Diversified Energy Associates, Inc. DJ Energy Consulting, LLC

Eagle Energy LLC Ecova, Inc. Edge Insights, Inc.

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Efficient Energy Solutions Electric Choice, Inc.

Emerald Energy, Inc. Emuna Energy, LLC Enercom Inc. Energy Auction Exchange DBA Energy

Energy Consultants LLC Energy Enablement LLC Energy Management Solutions, Inc. Energy Market Exchange

Energy Resources Group LLC Energy Savers, Inc. Energy Trust, LLC Energysolve LLC Enernoc, Inc.

Executive Energy Services, LLC Flex Energy Management, LLC Gabel Associates

Gandolfo Resources LLC Gem Energy, LLC Glenview Consulting Group, Nimec Global Energy Market Services LLC

Goldstar Energy Group, Inc. Good Energy, LP Great Lakes Energy HB Hayes & Associates LLC dba

Alternative Energy Source

Healthtrust Purchasing Group, L.P. Hospital Energy, LLC HP Technologies IEU

Illinois Energy Aggregation LLC Incite Energy LLC Independent Energy Consultants Integrity Energy Ltd.

International Marketing Business GR J. Andrew Associates Keytex Energy Solutions, LLC Lincoln Energy Group LLC

Live Energy Inc. Mid American Natural Resources, LLC Midwest Utility Consultants Inc.

Mobilenet Inc. MSI Utilities, Inc. Muirfield Energy Inc. Titan Energy - New England Inc.

MWV Consulting North Shore Energy Consulting, LLC

Northeast Energy Advisors LLC Ohio Manufacturer's Association Ohio School Pool: Buckeye Assoc of School

Administration (Basa)

Ohio School Pool: Ohio Association of School Business Officials (OASBO)

Ohio School Pool: Ohio School Boards Association (OSBA)

Ohio School Pool: Ohio School Council (OSC)

OML Energy Solutions Ondemand Energy, L.P.

Onyx Power & Gas Consulting, LLC Option Energy LLC Palmer Energy Co. Inc. Palmer Energy Company

Patriot Energy Group, Inc. Precept Energy LLC Premier Energy Group, LLC Premiere Marketing LLC

Progressive Energy Group LLC Quifidence Energy Reflective Energy Solutions, LLC Rock River Energy Services Satori Energy

Schneider Electric Scioto Energy, LLC Search Energy LLC Shipley Energy Company

Simec Energy SJ Cobb & Associates Inc. Sprague Energy Solutions, Inc. Star Energy Partners LLC

Step Resources Consulting LLC Strategic Aggregation Consultants, Summit Energy Services, Inc. Telco Pros. Inc.

Telecom Consulting Inc. The Eastern Energy Procurement The Eric Ryan Corporation

The Legacy Energy Group, LLC The Utilities Group Inc.

Total Energy Resources

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TPI Efficiency Trebel LLC

Unified Energy Services Unified Foodservice Purchasing Co-Op Usource, LLC Utilichoice International LLC

Watts Marketing World Energy Solutions, Inc. Xencom Green Energy, LLC

Your Choice Energy, LLC Zenergy

Office & Professional Employees International Union Local 0019

Utility Workers Union of America Local 0102

Utility Workers Union of America Local

0270 Utility Workers Union of America Local

0270PT Utility Workers Union of America Local

0350 Utility Workers Union of America Local


Utility Workers Union of America Local 0457

Utility Workers Union of America Local 304

Adams Elevator Equipment Company Adelphia

Adkins Sanitation ADT Security Services

Advanced Fiberglass Services Inc. AEP Pro Sery Incorporated Aerofin Corporation Aesseal Incorporated AFCO Credit Corporation

AFS Fiber Glass Aga Gas Inc. Aggreko Incorporated Agilent Technologies Aim Services Company

Air Control Products Incorporated Air Liquid Systems Incorporated


International Brotherhood of Electrical

Workers Local 0245 International Brotherhood of Electrical

Workers Local 0272

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 029A

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 029B

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1289

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 1413

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 2357

International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers Local 29MP

Accounts Payable 2

1R20 Material 8760 Incorporated

A J Goulder Electric Incorporated A&H Equipment A&J Fasteners Corporation A-1 Lock & Key Services ABB Enterprise Software Inc.

ABB Incorporated Abbott Valve and Fitting Company Abel Truck & Automotive Supply Inc.

ABM Electrical Power Solutions LLC ABS Consulting Inc./EQE International ABSG Consulting Incorporated Abtrex Industries Incorporated

ACF Environmental Action Supply Products Inc.

2 This category includes, among other parties, vendors and employees that may have outstanding expense


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Air Liquide America Specialty Gases Air Monitor Corporation

Air Products & Chemicals Inc. Air Relief Incorporated Air Technologies Airgas Great Lakes Incorporated

Airgas Incorporated Airgas Strategic Accounts Airport Systems Honeywell Inc. Airtech LLC

Aitken Products Incorporated AKE Environmental & Construction Al Xander Company Incorporated Albreco Incorporated Alin Machining Company Incorporated

All Clear Screening Services Inc. Allegheny Crane Rental Inc. Allen Refractories Co

Allen Sherman Hoff Alliance Coal LLC Allied Electronics Incorporated Allied Rubber & Supply Company

Alphasource Incorporated Alro Steel Corporation Alstom Power Incorporated Altran Solutions Corporation

Ambulance Service Incorporated Amec Foster Wheeler North America Ameren Services Company Amergen Energy Company LLC American Analytical Labs Inc.

American Bureau of Collections Inc. American Electric Power Company American Electric Power Service

Corporation American Exchanger Services Inc.

American Messaging Services LLC American Power Seal LLC American Power Systems American Printing Incorporated

American Waste Management Amerigas Propane LP

Ametek Solidstate Controls Inc. AMS Analysis and Measurement Services Anderson Greenwood Crosby

Anodamine Incorporated Anthony J Pirc Dba Pirc Company Anvil Attachments LLC

Anvil International Incorporated Anvil International LLC AP Services LLC APG Office Furnishings Incorporated

APO Pumps APO Pumps & Compressors LLC Appendix R Solutions

Apple Occupational Medical Svcs LLC Applied Industrial Technologies Applied Lubrication Technology Inc. Applied Specialties Incorporated Applied Technical Services, Inc.

Aqua Ohio Incorporated Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel Arc Associates Arcadia Controls Incorporated

Architectural Ceramics Products Archway Lighting Supply Inc. Ardmore Power Logistics LLC Areva Incorporated

Areva Nuclear Materials LLC Areva/Framatome Argo Sales Company Incorporated

Argo Turboserve Corporation Argus Group Holdings LLC Arinc Control & Information Arinc Control and Information Systems

Arinc Incorporated Around The Clock Maintenance Co Arrow Uniform Rental Artists Incorporated

Arvos Incorporated Asme- International AT&T Atlantic Group Inc.

Atlas Oil Company Atwell's Police & Fire Equipment Co

Audio Visual Innovations Inc. Ault, Jason M. Automated Valve & Equipment Co Avalotis Corporation Avantech Incorporated AVI

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AVI Foodsystems Incorporated AVO International Training Institute

Avon Lake Mechanical Services Inc. Aycock Incorporated Aysco Security Consultants Inc. B M Kramer & Company Incorporated Babcock & Brown Wind Portfolio LLC

Baca Stein White & Associates Inc. Badger Industries Incorporated Bainbridge Chemical Company Bainbridge International Inc.

Baker Bohnert Baker Hughes a GE Company LLC Baker II, Thomas A.

Baker Process Equipment Company Inc. Baker, Stanley F. Barclay Brand Ferdon Barno Electronics Incorporated

Bartec US Corporation Bartlett Nuclear Incorporated Basic PSA Incorporated Basic Wire & Cable

Battelle Pacific Northwest Lab Beacon Gasket & Seals Company Beacon Health Options Incorporated Beahon, Jr., James M. Beal, Richard G.

Bear Communications Incorporated Bearing Distributors Incorporated Bearing Service Company

Bechtel Bechtel Power Corporation Becker Pumps Corporation Beckwith Machinery Company

Bedeschi America Incorporated Beiling Belcher, Samuel L. Belt Maintenance Midwest Bench

Bender Communications Incorporated Benetech Incorporated Bently Nevada Incorporated Benyak, Darin M.

Berresford, Craig Berresford, Curtis Best Line Leasing Incorporated

Bet-Tech Construction Company BFI Cleveland BHA Altair LLC

Black & Veatch Corporation Black Box Corporation of PA Black Diamond Services Incorporated Blakeslee Equipment Company

Blevins & Sons Excavating, Ltd Blue Technologies Incorporated Blueline Rental LLC

Bluetarp Financial BNL Industries Incorporated Bobcat of Pittsburgh Incorporated Bobetich, Jeffrey A. Boiler Tube Company of America

Boise Cascade Office Products Boissoneault, Polly M. Boles, Brian D. Bollman, Mark A.

Bolttech Mannings Incorporated Bordley, Paul W. Borland, Robert J. Bostwick-Braun Company

Bosworth II, James D. Bowser-Morner Incorporated BP Energy Company Brand

Brand Energy Svcs LLC a Div of Brand Brand Scaffold Services LLC Braun Industrial Supply Company Bray Jr, Curtis

Britsch Incorporated Brna, Marian E. Brogan, Michael H.

Brohl & Appell Incorporated Brown, Terry J. Browning, Kevin L. Bruce & Men-flees Electric Co Inc.

Bruce Wish Management LP Bruss, Gerald A. Builders Hardware & Specialty Co In Burd, Linda Burger, Anthony R.

Burlington Northern & Santa Fe Burndy LLC Burnham

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Burnham Industrial Contractors Burns & Mcdonnell Engineering Burns Industrial Equipment

Butler Gas Products BWXT Nuclear Energy Incorporated C & D Technologies Incorporated

C & K Industrial Services C & K Wholesale Incorporated C & L Sanitation Incorporated

C & W Tank Cleaning Company Inc. Cablelan Nuclear Calfee Halter & Griswold LLP

Calvert Wire & Cable Corporation Camco Cameron Technologies US Inc. Campbell Transportation Co Inc. Canberra Industries Incorporated

Cannon Sline Canon Financial Services Inc. Canon Solutions America Inc.

Capp USA Carboline Company Carbone of America Carbonic Enterprises Inc.

Cardinal Safety Products Inc. Cardinal Tool Supply Incorporated Carlton Industries LP Carmeuse Lime Incorporated

Carothers, Frederick J. Carrier Corporation Carroll Water & Sewer Dist. Cartwrightdownes Incorporated Casey, Michael J.

Casselman Windpower LLC CB&I Laurens Incorporated CB&I Stone & Webster Inc. CBS Nuclear Services Incorporated

CCH Incorporated CDI Infrastructure LLC CDW Computer Centers Incorporated CDW LLC CEC

CED - Consolidated Electric Dist In Cellco Dec Cellco Partnership Cemtek Environmental Incorporated

Cemtek Systems Incorporated

Centimark Corporation Central Air Compressor Company Certrec Corporation Cerupp LLC CF Industries Sales LLC

CGI International LLC Chalmers & Kubeck Incorporated Change Analytix Incorporated Chemetrics Incorporated

Chemical Solvents Incorporated Chemsteel Construction Company Chicago Bridge & Iron Childrens Hospital Medical Ctr of A Cintar Incorporated

Cintas Corporation Cintas Corporation Loc 013 Citibank, NA

Citigroup Energy Inc. City Machine Technologies Inc. City of East Liverpool Civil & Environmental Consultants

Civil Dynamics Incorporated Classic Conveyor Clayton Engineering Company Clean Air Fund

Clean Combustion Clean Combustion and Energy Clean Harbors Environmental Clean Water Service Incorporated

Clement Communications Incorporated Cleveland Brothers Equipment Cleveland Communications Inc. Cleveland Door Controls Inc.

Cleveland Hermetic & Supply Inc. Cleveland Pump & Supply LLC

Cleveland Pump Repair & Svcs LLC Cleveland Valve and Gauge Co Climax Portable Machine Tools Inc. CLVG Clyde Bergemann Power Group CMT Inc.

Coal and Environmental Services Inc. Codan Development LLC Cogar Mine Products Coit Services Incorporated

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Cole-Parmer Instrument Company LLC Collingwood Water Co Incorporated

Colona Transfer LP Colonial Michigan Glove

Coltec Industries Incorporated Columbia Steel Casting Company Inc. Columbus Equipment Company Comcast Cable Comcast of California/Pennsylvania/ Commercial Ullman Lubricants Co

Commercial Wire Rope Commerzbank AG Commonwealth Lumber Company Communications Service / Spaulding

Community Markets Compucharts Computer Products Compucom Conco Services Corp

Connolly, Anthony P. Consolidated Chemical Corporation

Consolidated Graphics Group Inc. Consolidation Coal Company Construction Specialties Inc. Container Products Corporation Control Analytics Incorporated Control Components Company

Control Components Incorporated Contura Energy Inc. Cook, Shari A. Cope Farm Equipment Incorporated

Copes Vulcan SPX Cormetech Incorporated

Corrosion Fluid Products Inc. Corrpro Companies Incorporated Corys Thunder Incorporated Cothen,William C. Coucou Corporation Cowher, Thomas M.

Cox Flow Measurement Coyne Textile Services Incorporated CPM Technical Solutions Inc. Craigs Lawn Service LLC

Crane Control Systems Crane Nuclear Incorporated Crescent Electric Supply Company Crown Lift Trucks

CSD Engineers LLC CSX Transportation Incorporated

Culligan International Culligan Water Conditioning Company

Cumberland Industries Inc. Cummings Diesel Cummins

Cummins Bridgeway LLC Cunnings, John B. Curtiss Wright Flow Control Co

Curtiss Wright Flow Control Svc Cor Curtiss Wright Target Rock Division Custom Equipment Company CWC Surveying Company Incorporated

D & M Welding Incorporated D & R Sanitation D B Johnsen Company D W Dickey & Son Incorporated

Darnell, Gary S. Data Systems & Solutions LLC David C Kissig Enterprises Inc. Day & Zimmermann NPS

Dear John Incorporated Defelice Brothers Pizza Delmarva Power & Light Delta-Unibus Corporation

Delta-Unibus Inc. Demag Delaval Turbomachinery Dennis R. Spaulding Inc. Department of Environmental Protection

Dependable Products Incorporated Devonway Incorporated DH Instruments Diamond Power International Inc.

Diamond Power Specialty Company Diamond Technical Services Inc. Digi-Key Corporation Digital Networks

Dimensional Measurement Incorporate Dipietro, Nickolas J. Disc Environmental Service Inc. Distillata Company DMT Industries Incorporated

Doble Engineering Company Docufax Solutions Incorporated Dominion

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Dominion Engineering, Inc. Dominion Nuclear Connecticut Inc.

Dominion Virginia Power Don Brodies Thomas Limousine Svc In Don Moulds Plantation Incorporated Donaldson Company Incorporated

Donnelley Financial LLC Donwil Company Dresser Incorporated Dresser Industries

Dresser Rand Dresser Rand Services Div DS Services of America Inc. DTE Energy DTN LLC


Dubose National Energy Services Inc. Duke Energy Ohio Incorporated Duke Energy Renewable Incorporated Dunbar Mechanical Incorporated Dunford, Jerry D. Dunn Chevrolet Oldsmobile Inc.

Duquesne Light Company Duratek Services Inc. DXP Enterprises Incorporated Dynamic Sealing Systems LLC

Dynegy Gasco Holdings LLC E & R Industrial Sales Incorporated E J Rawson Trucking Company Inc. Eagon & Associates Incorporated

Ealer Electric Supply Company Inc. Eaton Corporation ECA Ecapital LLC Eckert & Ziegler Analytics

Ecological Laboratories Inc. Eden's Excavating Incorporated

Edwards Medical Supply Effox Incorporated El Sohly Laboratories Incorporated

Electric Power Research Inst Electric Power Systems Intl Inc. Electro Analytical Incorporated Element 1 Engineering Incorporated

Element Materials Technology Elgar Corporation

Elliott, Candace S. Ellis, James D.

Elmore Engineering Services, Inc. Elsohly Laboratory Emed Company Incorporated Emerson Process Management LLLP

Emerson Rosemount Emley, James E. Empire Dis Endevor LLC

Enerco Corporation Enercon Services Incorporated Enerfab Incorporated Enerfab Power & Industrial Inc.

Energy & Process Corp Energy Compliance Consultants LLC Energy Control Incorporated Energy Piping WV Incorporated

Energy Products Incorporated Energy Solutions LLC

Enertech Engine Systems Incorporated Engineering Solutions LLC Entergy Arkansas Incorporated Entergy Louisiana LLC Entergy Nuclear Operations

Entergy Operations Inc. Entergy Services Incorporated Enviance Incorporated Environmental Comfort LLC Environmental Express Incorporated

Environmental Inc. Environmental Inc. - Midwest Lab Environmental Resource Associates

Environmental Resources Mgmt Inc. Environmental Systems Research Environments 4 Business LLC Enviroscience Incorporated

EP Public Info Epic Incorporated Epicor Incorporated Equipco Sales & Rental Corporation

Equipment & Controls Inc. Eric Leeds - Cnrb Member ERM Consulting & Engineering Inc. ESI Acquisition Inc.

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Estherlee Fence Company Inc. E-Tank Ltd

Ethosenergy Power Plant Svcs LLC Evans, Timothy P. Evolution Markets Incorporated Evoqua Water Technologies LLC

Excel Services Corporation Executive Cleaners Limited Exelon Corporation Exelon Nuclear Generating Station

Exelon Powerlabs LLC Exeltech Incorporated Expansion Joint Systems Expro Incorporated

F N Cuthbert Incorporated Fab-Tec Industries Incorporated Fairbanks Morse Engineer Fairmont Supply Company Fallproof Systems LLC

Famous Distribution Incorporated Famous Enterprises Incorporated Farley Company Farmer, Samuel T.

Fastenal Company Fastenation Incorporated Fayette Parts Service Incorporated

FCX Performance / Simco Controls FCX Performance Incorporated Fenner Dunlop CSS Incorporated Ferguson Enterprises Inc. Ferguson Tire Service Company Inc.

Ferrellgas Fiber Instrument Sales Incorporated Fibrex Corporation

Fieldcrest Steel Corporation Filtech Incorporated Filtration Midwest Incorporated Finishmaster Incorporated Finley Fire Equipment Co Inc.

Fire Fighters Sales & Services Fire Tech Incorporated First Communications LLC

First Hospital Laboratories Inc. First Quality Solutions FIS Energy Systems Incorporated Fisher Controls Co.

Fisher It Incorporated Fisher Scientific Company Fl Smidth Incorporated

Flexisupply Company Flomin Coal Incorporated Flow Control US Holding Corp/Emerso

Flow Dynamics Incorporated Flowserve Corporation Flowserve Pump Corporation Flowserve US

Flowserve US Incorporated FLR & Associates LLC Flsmidth USA Inc. Fluid Flow Products Incorporated

Fluidraulics Incorporated Fluke Electronics Corporation Forberg Scientific Incorporated Forberg Scientific of Ohio

Forney Corporation Foster Wheeler Energy Corporation Foster Wheeler Zack Incorporated

Fox & Dole Technical Sales Fox, Jeffrey A. Framatome Incorporated Frames Pest Control Incorporated Franklin Imaging

Frham Safety Products Incorporated Fuel Tech Incorporated Fuellgraf Chimney & Tower Inc. G45 Secure Integration LLC

G45 Technology LLC GAI Consultants Incorporated GAI-Tronics Corporation Galls LLC

GA-Ma & Associates Incorporated Garcia Surveyors Inc.

Gardiner Service Company Gardiner Trane

Gardner Denver Nash LLC Garrett & Associates

Garver, Robert G. GCA Nuclear Facilities Services Inc. GCA Services Group of North GE GE Betz Incorporated GE Capital Commercial Incorporated

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GE Energy Parts Incorporated GE Energy Services GE International, Inc.

GE Mobile Water Incorporated GE Reuter Stokes GE Supply GE-Hitachi Nuclear Energy

Gem Industrial Incorporated Gem-Trim LLC General Building Prod Incorporated General Electric Company

General Electric Energy Services General Electric Hitachi Nuclear General Electric Industrial Systems General Electric International, Inc.

General Engineering Lab General Hydrogen Corporation General Pest Control Company

General Physics Corporation General Supply & Services Inc. Genesys Telecommunications Labs Gentry Partnership Incorporated Geo Gradel Company

Geo V Hamilton Incorporated Geocorp Industrial Controls Inc. Georgia Power Company

Georgia Western Incorporated Geosyntec Consultants Inc. Geosyntec Consultants Inc. Giannantonio, Rick C.

Gilbert Consulting Services Inc. Gilco Division Gilles, Paul R. Gilliam, Hope E.

Gilson Engineering Sales Inc. GIW Industries Incorporated Gladieux Lumber & Supply Co Inc. Glass, Christopher GLO Mark Systems Inc.

Global Access Control Systems Inc. Global Dosimetry Solutions Global Equipment Company Inc.

Global Nuclear Fuel Global Standards LLC Golightley, Robert M. Gordon Lumber

Goss Supply Company Incorporated Gotter, Lawrence D. Grace Consulting Incorporated

Grace Services Incorporated Grae-Con Grae-Con Construction Incorporated Grainger

Grainger Parts Operations Grant Industrial Controls Inc. Graphic Controls Graphic Sciences

Graybar Electric Company Inc. Great Lakes Petroleum Great Lakes Rail Service Inc.

Green, Tod J. Greene Township Griffin Griffing, David L.

Gross Electric Incorporated Grunau Company Incorporated Gruver, Daryl R. GSB Process

Guidant Group Incorporated Gutherman Technical Services Guttman Energy Incorporated Guttman Oil Guttman Oil Company

H & B Mat Rental Incorporated H E Lennon Incorporated H E Neumann Company

H Poll Electric Co H&B Mat Rental, Inc. / 0055121696 H3D Incorporated Hach Company

Hach Ultra Analytics Hall's Exclusive Courier Service Inc. Halnon, Gregory H. Halvorsen, John E. Hamilton Associates Incorporated

Hamilton, David B. Hand Held Products Incorporated Hank Bloom Services Inc. Dba Harden, Paul A.

Harold Beck & Sons Incorporated Harrington Industrial Plastics LLC Harsco Corporation

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Hartford Steam Boiler Inspectn and Insur Co Hartigan, Daniel J.

Havalo, Daniel C. Hayden and Company Hayward Tyler Holding Incorporated Hayward Tyler Incorporated

HD Supply Waterworks Ltd Headwaters Resources Incorporated Healey Fire Protection Incorporated Heath, Jacob D.

Heatons Tire Shop Incorporated Herc Rentals Incorporated

Heritage Clean Heritage Crystal Clean LLC Hero Family Partnership LLC Hersh Packing and Rubber Co Hertz Equipment Rental Corp Hetrick, Thomas F.

Hewlett Packard Enterprise Company High Trail Wind Farm LLC Highland Tank & Manufacturing Co Hilti Incorporated Hiltz, Bernard C.

Hite, Justin H. HLT Incorporated Hoffman-Kane Distributors Inc. Hogue, Tangela K.

Hoban, James Oliver Holmes, Michael R. Holtec International Holz, Charles

Honeywell International Inc. Hovland, Robert C Howard T. Moriarty Company Inc. Howden Fan Company

Howden North America Incorporated Hower, David J. Hoya Optical Lab

Hoya Optical Labs of America Inc. HP Inc. Hudson Incentives International Huey, Douglas B.

Hughes Supply Incorporated Hughes-Primeau Controls Inc. Huston Industrial Sales Company Inc. Huston, Gayle M.

Hydroaire Service Incorporated Hydrochem Industrial Services Hydrochem LLC

Hyperspring LLC Hy-Tech Machine Incorporated Hytorc Wind LLC

I & C Sales Corporation Iberdrola Renewables LLC ICAP Energy LLC ICD Holding Corporation

Ice Data LP ICI Dulux Paint Centers ICL-IP America Incorporated Iddeal Concepts Incorporated Ideal Electrical Supply Corporation

IDN Hardware Sales Incorporated Igus Incorporated Imaging & Sensing Technology Corp. Impact Environmental Services Inc.

IND Physical Cap Independence Excavating Inc. Indu Solar Holdings LLC

Industrial Analytics Corporation Industrial Commercial Elevator Industrial Fiberglass Specialties Industrial First Incorporated

Industrial Products LLC Industrial Safety Products Inc. Industrial Sales and Service Industrial Scientific Corporation Industrial Supply Company

Industrial Technical Sales & Industrial Utility Sales Industrial Valves & Fitting Inc. Industry Terminal & Salvage Co

Infrashield Inc. Ingersoll Rand Company Ingram Barge Company

Innovative Industrial Solutions Innovative Organizational Systems Innovative Technologies International / 0055125094

Institute of Nuclear Power Ops Integrated Power Services LLC Integrated Power Sources Inc. Integrated Security Corporation

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Integrity Print Solutions Inc. Intek Incorporated

Intellectual Property Enterprises L Intercontinental Exchange Inc. Interlab International Conveyor & Rubber LLC

International Quality Consultants International Sulphur Incorporated International Systems of America Ll Interquest Northwest Incorporated

Intertek USA Incorporated Intrasystems Consulting.Com LLC IPS Electromec Iron Mountain

ISN Software Corporation ITT Industries ITW Devcon Futura Coatings J & J Enterprises Incorporated

J & L Professional Sales Inc. J A Hansen Company

JAN Services Industries J C Ehrlich Company Incorporated

J F Good Supply J&L Septic J. M. Yoe, LLC Jackson-Hirsh Incorporated

Jaix Leasing Company Jay Industrial Controls LLC Jensen Hughes Incorporated Jett

Jewell, Stephen E. JNT Technical Services Incorporated John Crane Incorporated Johnson Controls Incorporated

Johnson Equipment Company Johnson, Michael L. Johnston Pump Company Johnstone Supply Incorporated

Jones & Henry Laboratories Inc. Joseph J. Brunner Incorporated

Joseph Y. Stuart and Associates LLC K M Sanford Co Incorporated Kahn & Company Incorporated Kalsi Engineering Incorporated Kano Laboratories Incorporated Kapernick, Jeffrey R.

Kaufman Container Company Kaufman, Gary G. Kellermeyer

Kellermeyer Bergensons Services LLC Kelley Industrial Sales Inc. Kelly, James B. Kendall Electric Incorporated

Kennedy Industries Incorporated Kerneos Incorporated Kerry Company Incorporated Kiemle-Hankins Co

Kiesler Police Supply Incorporated Kinemetrics Incorporated Kinnear, Kyle J. Kleinschmidt Associates

Kmiecik, Thomas J Knickerbocker Russell Company Inc. Ko, Jonathan J.

Kohrman Jackson & Krantz Komline-Sanderson Corporation Konecranes Incorporated Konecranes Nuclear Equipment

Konica Minolta Business Solutions Kooltronic Incorporated Kraft Fluid Systems Incorporated Krayn Wind LLC Tas# 550308 Kremer, Brian D.

Kruman Equipment Company KTA Tator Incorporated Kuhlman Concrete Corp / 55124665

Kuhlman Construction Prod Kuhlman Corporation Kuniak DO, Michael P. Kuntz, Marc D.

Kurt's BP Incorporated Laboratory Services a Division of Laird, Charles G. Lake Business Products

Lake County Telecommunications Lakehead Incorporated Landefeld Phd PC, Ralph E. Lands' End Corporate Sales

Lanier Consulting LLC Laracorp Inc. Lashley, Phil H.

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Launder (Eberline Services, Thermo

Nutech) Law Enforcement Targets Inc. LBP Leasing Incorporated LCDU LDC Funding LLC Dba

Lee Supply Company Incorporated LEM Products Incorporated Lennon Fluid Systems LLC Lentz, Thomas A. Lenzner Coach Lines

Level One LLC Lewis-Goetz and Company Inc. Lieb, Daniel J. Lifting Gear Hire Corporation

Lights Camera Action LLC Linde Gas LLC Linde Gas USA LLC

Liquidmetal Coatings Solutions LLC Lisega Incorporated

Lisowski, Jason J. Lopez Md, Francisco Louis Allis Lowe's Credit Services Luckey Farmers Incorporated Ludeca Incorporated

Lunar Services LLC LVR Incorporated M L Ball Company Incorporated M S Jacobs & Associates Inc.

M,artin, Thomas T. M.A.W.G. Incorporated M.E.S.O. Incorporated Macquarie Energy LLC

Mader Machine Company Inc. Magesco Incorporated

Magnetech Industrial Services Inc. Magnum Coal Company Magotteaux Incorporated Maintenance Equipment & Chemicals

Maintenance Systems of Northern Ohio, Inc. / 55125073 Mangan, Lawrence A. Manhattan Telecommunications Corp D Mansfield Maintenance Incorporated Manufacturers Education Council Inc.

Marathon Petroleum Company LP Marchant Enterprises Incorporated Marion Hill Associates Incorporated

Marko, John R. Marmon Wire & Cable Incorporated Maryland Solar Holdings Inc. Mascaro Construction Company LP

Masterflo Pump Incorporated Master-Lee Engineered Products Inc. Maumee Plumbing & Heating Maxcom Incorporated

Maxim Crane Works LP Mayer Pollock Steel Corporation Mazzella Wire Rope & Sling

Company Mccabe Corporation Mccarl's Incorporated Mcclymonds Supply & Transit Mccrary, Thomas J.

Mccreary, Dave M. Mccutcheon Enterprises Incorporated Mcguire, Jeffrey G. Mcguire, Lori L.

Mckeel Garage Mcmaster Carr Supply Company Meadville Meadville Land Service Incorporated Mechanical & Ceramic Solutions Inc.

Mechanical Dynamics & Analysis Ltd Mechanical Systems Incorporated Mechtell Incorporated Medtox Laboratories Incorporated Meier Transmission Ltd

Mellody, James G. Memorial Hospital

Mercer, Stephen M. Mestek Incorporated Met One Instruments Incorporated Metals Incorporated Metals USA Plates & Shapes Ne LP

Metaltech Steel Company LLC Metlife Metso Automation Inc. USA

Metso Minerals Industries Inc. Mettler-Toledo International Inc. Meyersdale Windpower LLC MFC LLC Ptr

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Michael D. Johnson Bond Moving & Michael, Gregory L. Micro Motion Incorporated

Micronics Filtration LLC

Midcontinent Independent System Operator Incorporated Midland Water Supply

Midwest Industrial Supply Inc. Mike Pusateri Excavating Inc. Miles Data Technologies LLC

Millcraft Paper Company Miller & Company Portable Toilet Sv Miller and Company Miller Pipetech Miller Wire & Cable

Miller-Stephenson Chemical Co Inc. Millipore Corporation Milton Roy Company Mingus, Cris S.

Miranda, Jeffrey Mirion Technologies Mirion Technologies (GDS) Inc. Mirion Technologies (Imaging) LLC

Mississippi Lime Company Mitsubishi Hitachi Power Systems Mobile Medical Corporation

Mobile Mini Incorporated Modern Auto & Truck Parts LLC Mohamed, Mohamed F. Molecular Repair Systems Inc.

Moore Industries Incorporated Moore Medical Corporation Moore, Terry D. Morgan Schaffer Incorporated Morgan Services Incorporated

Morgan Stanley Capital Group Inc. Morrison, Dale R. Morton Salt Incorporated

Mosaic Crop Nutrition LLC Motion Industries Incorporated

Mould's Landscaping Mountaineer Park Incorporated

Mouser Electronics MPR Associates Incorporated MPW Industrial Services Group Inc. MPW Industrial Water Services Inc.

Mr John of Pittsburgh MSA

MSC MSC Industrial Supply Co Inc. Mueller Jr, Anthony E. Muller, Sherry L.

Munksgard's Auto Repair Murray American River Towing Inc. Murray Sheet Metal Company Inc. MWH/Stantec

Myers & Co Incorporated Mykin Incorporated Nadine Corporation NAES Corporation NAES Power Contractors

Nagle Pumps Incorporated

Nalco Nalco Chemical Company Nalco Company LLC

Namco Controls Napa Auto Parts National Colloid Company National Gypsum

National Heat Exchange Cleaning National Lubricating Products Co National Technical Systems

Naylor, Thomas J. NCS Corporation Neff, James L. Nelson, Keith J.

Netco Incorporated New Pig Corporation Newark Corporation Newark Electronics

Newgreen Legacy Services, Inc. Nextera Energy Capital Holdings Inc. NF Mansuetto & Sons Incorporated NGC

Nightwine Valves & Actuation Nine Mile Point Nuclear Station Noble, Douglas L. Non Profit Emergency Service of Norgaard, Philip C.

North American Contract North American Energy / 0055123910 North Coast Container Corporation

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North Coast Instruments

North Penn Pipe & Supply Inc. North Shore Pump & Equipment Compan Northeast Filter & Equipment Co

Northeast Ohio Natural Gas Northeast Ohio Regional Northeast Parts Group LLC Northern Panhandle Pipe & Supply Northern Tool & Equipment Company Northwood Door

Nova Machine Products Incorporated NRC NSF International Strategic NTS Technical Systems

Nuclear Energy Consultants Inc. Nuclear Energy Institute Nuclear Information Technology Nuclear Logistics Incorporated

Nuclear Management Company LLC Nuclear Power Outfitters LLC Nuclear Security Services Corp Nucon International Incorporated

NUS Instruments NWS Technologies LLC NWT Corporation Oak Harbor Auto Parts Company Inc.

OCE North America Incorporated Office Depot Incorporated Office Max Ohio Cat Ohio Fire Shield Incorporated

Ohio Gratings Incorporated Ohio Machinery Company Ohio Paving & Construction Co Inc.

Ohio Transmission Corporation Ohio Valley General Hospital Ohio Valley Industrial Services Ohio-West Virginia Excavating

Omega Engineering Incorporated Ontko, John K.

Open Access Technology Int (Oati) Oprean, Jeffrey E. Orbital Engineering Incorporated Orkin Incorporated

OSI Software Inc. / 55123506 Osting, Steven J.

Oxbow Carbon & Minerals Inc. Pace Analytical Services Incorporated Pace, Danny L.

Pacer Service Center Pacific Rim Capital Incorporated Pac-Van Trailers / 0055125455

Pajarito Scientific Corporation Paladin Protective Systems Inc. Palisade Corporation Pall Corporation Pall Filtration & Separations

Pall Power Generation Div Pall Trincor Palmer Instruments Incorporated

Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration Papa, Brandon M. Papco Industries Incorporated Par Systems Incorporated Paragon Energy Solutions LLC

Parker Hannifin Corporation

Patent Construction Systems PCI Promatec Contracting Inc. Pemco Design Service Incorporated Pena-Plas Company Penn Power Pennsylvania Controls Company LLC

Pennsylvania Crusher Corporation Pennsylvania Tool Sales & Service

Pennwest Industrial Trucks LLC Penstan Supply Perkin Elmer LLC Incorporated Perko, Deborah M. Petrochoice Holdings Incorporated Petroleum Systems Incorporated

Petroleum Traders Corporation Petroliance LLC Philadelphia Tramrail Company Philip Services Corp. Phoenix Partners LLC

Pick Heaters Incorporated Pinguino Shop.Com Pipelines Incorporated Pittsburgh Fluid Systems LLC

Pittsburgh Trane Parts Center Pittsburgh Valve & Fitting Company RIM Settlement Inc.

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PKMJ Inc. PKMJ Technical Services Inc.

Planet Forward Energy Solutions LLC Plesh Industries Incorporated Plymale, Scott T. PNC Equipment Finance, LLC PNCEF LLC

Point Security Incorporated Polycom Pontoon Solutions Incorporated

Pooled Equipment Inventory Company Pooled Inventory Equipment Co Portersville Prd LLC Portersville Valve Company

Potter Volunteer Fire Dept. Powell Electrical Systems Inc. Power & Industrial Services Corp

Power Plus International Power System Sentinel Tech LLC Power Tools Sales & Service Inc. PPG Architectural Finishes Inc. Praxair Distribution Incorporated Precision Sign & Awning

Preiser Scientific Premier Safety & Service Inc. Presray Corporation

Prime National Steel Corp Process Engineering & Equipment Co

Process Instruments Incorporated Process Kana Incorporated Process Pump & Seal Incorporated Process Solutions Incorporated Proco Products Incorporated Producers Associates Incorporated

Professional Electric Products Co Professional Training Assoc Inc. Proftech LLC Progress Rail Services Corporation

Providence Fire Protection Inc. PSC Holdings Incorporated

PSC Industrial Holdings Corporation Pump Pros Incorporated Pump Repair Specialist Incorporated

Purolite Company PVS Chemical Solutions Incorporated PVS Minibulk Inc.

PWR Rp/Alara Association Pyco LLC

Pytash Tractor Sales Incorporated QSE Consulting LLC Qualitrol Company LLC Quality Code Consulting &

Qualtech NP Quest Diagnostics Incorporated R & J Trucking R C E Heat Exchangers LLC R E Dupill & Associates Ltd

R E Warner & Associates Inc. R E Yates Electric Incorporated R J Lang Sales Incorporated

R L Deppmann Company R S Hughes Company Incorporated R W Sidley Incorporated Radcal Corporation

Rader, Lorraine M. Radiological Solutions Incorporated Rail Scale Incorporated Railinc Corporation Rain for Rent Detroit

Rakes Flooring Incorporated Rawdon Myers Incorporated Rawhide Firehose LLC

Ray, Jonathon T. Raymond, Thomas J. REA Plastik Tech Gmbh Reco Equipment Incorporated

Red Wing Brands of America Inc. Redlon & Johnson Reed Oil Company Reese Tool & Supply

Reeves, Douglas C. Refrigeration Sales Corporation Renaissance Capital Alliance LLC Renewal Parts Maintenance Inc.

Reno Bros. Retaqs Incorporated Reuter Stokes Inc./GE Energy Reuter-Stokes LLC

Rexel Incorporated Rice Electric Company Richards, William A. Richeson, Eric E.

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Richmond Engineering Works LLC Richmond Mill Incorporated Richwood

Ridge Machine & Welding Company Ritter Technology LLC Ritzman, Robin A.

RJ Stacey Ltd RM Benney Technical Sales Inc. Roban Incorporated Robert Blevins Robert Half International Inc.

Robert James Sales Incorporated Roberts, Raymond J. Robinson Fans

Robinson Fans Service Inc. Robinson Industries, Inc. Robinson, Robert Rockbestos Rocker, Erica M.

Rohm and Haas Company Rolls-Royce Rolls-Royce Nuclear Field Svcs Inc.

Romar Equipment Incorporated Roney, Paul J. Rose Reinbrecht, Tracey Rosemount Analytical Incorporated

Rosemount Incorporated Rosemount Nuclear Instruments Inc. Rotating Equipment Repair Rotating Equipment Services Roth Bros Incorporated

ROV Technologies Incorporated RPS Composites Incorporated R-S Matco Incorporated RTF Consulting Incorporated

Rudolph Libbe Incorporated Russell Reed Contracting Inc. S & P Alliance Inc. / 0055116520 S & S Machine & Fab LLC

S Group Incorporated S&P Global/fka Mcgraw Hill Financial Safariland LLC / 0055122424

Safe Fire Detection Inc. Safety-Kleen Systems Incorporated Sager, Cary R. Saltz, Douglas C.

Samuel J. Collins (Consulting) Sandy Brae Laboratories Inc.

Sargent & Lundy LLC SAS Institute Incorporated Satcom Distribution Incorporated Satellite Shelters Incorporated

Sawtschenko, Steve Schindler Elevator Corporation Schmidt Industries Schneider Electric Systems USA Inc.

Schudel, Jeremy M. Schutte & Koerting Acquisition Co. Schutte Md, Norbert P. Schweitzer Engineering Lab Inc.

Scientech a Division of Curtiss Scientech Business Unit of Curtiss Scott Machine Development Corp Scott Specialty Gases SCR Tech

Screening Systems International Inc. Sealing Specialists & Service Co Seaway Scaffold & Equipment Co Securitas Critical Infrast Svcs Inc.

Securitas Security Services USA, Inc. Sensidyne LP Sentry Equipment Corporation

Sepco PA Incorporated Serveron Corporation Service Station Equpt Co Inc. Servo Kinetics Incorporated

Seton Identification Products SGS Herguth Laboratories Shadowtech Labs Shamrock Cleaners / 0055123718 Shamrock Gear Restoration LLC

Shamrock Hose & Fittings Inc. Shannon Optical Company Inc. Shay, Nikolas Sherwin Williams Shi International Corporation

Shippingport Boro Sholtis, Philip G. Sid Tool Company Incorporated Siemens Demag Delaval Siemens Energy

Siemens Energy & Automation

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Siemens Energy Incorporated Siemens Government Technologies Inc. Siemens Industry Incorporated

Sigma Incorporated Sigma-Aldrich Incorporated Simco Controls Simmers Crane Design & Services

SimplexGrinnell LP Simpson Reinforcing Incorporated Sines Incorporated SKM Systems Analysis Incorporated

Smartsolution Technologies LP Smith Instruments Sofis Company Incorporated

Sol Systems LLC Solomon Diving Incorporated Solvay Chemicals Incorporated Sor Incorporated

Sottile Enterprises South Bend Med Foundation Inc. South Carolina Electric And Gas Co Southern Nuclear Operations Co

Southern Parts & Engineering Co Southwest Solutions Group Inc. Spada, Brian Speakerbus Incorporated

Spirit Services SPL Houston Laboratory Spraying Systems Company SPX Flow Incorporated

SPX Heat Transfer LLC SPX Process Equipment SPX Valves and Controls Square D Company

St. Charles Mercy Health Foundation Standard Environmental Products Stansley Industries Incorporated Stantec Consulting Services Inc. Starbeam Lighting LLC

State of Ohio State of Ohio Treasurer Steam Turbine Alternative Resources Steed, Timothy F.

Steelcon LLC Stein Incorporated Sterling Infosystems Incorporated

Stevenson & Associates Stiles Marine & Maintenance Inc. Stock Equipment Company Inc.

Stoneco Incorporated STP Nuclear Operating Company Strayco Incorporated

Stress Center Structural Integrity Associates Inc. Structural Preservation Structural Preservation Systems LLC

Studer Industrial Tool Incorporated Studsvik Scandpower Incorporated Sub-Aquatics Incorporated Suez Treatment Solutions Incorporated Suez Water Technologies & Solutions

Sulzer Pump Company Sulzer Pumps (US) Incorporated Summers Acquisition Corporation Summers Rubber Company

Summit Advantage LLC Sunbelt Rentals Incorporated Sunray Electric Supply Company Sup R Die Incorporated

Superior Uniform Sales Incorporated Supreme Lawn Care LLC Systems & Software Incorporated Syzygy Group Incorporated

Szymanski, Erik J. T & L Ferguson Incorporated Tampa Armature Works Incorporated Tangent Energy Solutions Inc.

Target Rock Corporation Taylor, Eric N. Team Incorporated

Team Industrial Services Inc. Techniquip Incorporated Technology for Energy Corporation Tekran Instruments Corporation

Teledyne Lecroy Incorporated Telelanguage Inc. Telvent USA Holdings LLC Tennant Sales and Service Company Tensile Testing

Terrascience Systems Ltd Tess-Com Incorporated Testamerica Laboratories Inc.

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Testex Incorporated TFS Energy Futures LLC

The 84 Group Incorporated The A G Mauro Company The Andersons Incorporated The Atlantic Group The Atlantic Group Incorporated

The Babcock & Wilcox Company The Beaver Excavating Company The Charles E. Phipps Company The DS Brown Company

The Gordon Lumber Company The H. Leff Electric Company The Hartford Steam Boiler The Mcaulay Smith Firm Ltd

The National Board The Newdell Company The Paquin Company

The Receivable Management Svc Corp The UX Consulting Company LLC The Voto Manufacturers Sales Co The Wilson Bohannan Company Thermo Eberline LLC

Thermo Electron Thermo Electron Corporation Thermo Electron North America LLC Thermo Environmental Instruments

Thermo Fisher Scientific Thermo Orion Incorporated Thompson, Robert E. Tiffin Loader Crane / 0055125205

Tiger Direct Incorporated Timco Marine Tioga Pipe Supply Company Inc.

Tobey-Karg Service Agency Inc. Toledo Building Services Toledo Elevator & Machine Company Toledo Optical Lab Incorporated

Toledo Trane Service Inc. Tomlin Toledo Company Tool Sales & Service Co Top-Notch Janitorial Services

Total Energy Systems Technology Total Equipment Company Townley Manufacturing Company TPC Wire & Cable Corporation

Traichal Construction Company Inc. Trane US Incorporated Trans Union Corporation

Trans Union LLC Transcat Incorporated Transcat Metermaster

Transco Products Incorporated Transcon Industrial Service Inc. Travelstea Trentec Incorporated Tri County Tire Incorporated

Tri Nuclear Corporation Tri State Hose & Supply Tricor Industrial Incorporated Triple Tech Incorporated

Tri-State Hydraulics Incorporated Tri-State Industrial Solutions Inc. Tri-State Supply Company Inc.

Tri-State Technical Sales Corp Tri-State Waters True North Consulting LLC Trumbull Industries Incorporated Trust Manufacturing LLC

TSI Incorporated Tuckody Enterprises LLC Tuff Greens LLC

Tullett Prebon Americas Corp Turbine Marine Incorporated Turbine Services Incorporated Tyco Electronics Corporation

Tyco Valves & Controls LP TY-Flot Incorporated U S Safety Depot Uline Incorporated

Underwater Construction Corporation Unex Corporation Unifirst Corporation Unistructural Support Systems Ltd

Unitech Services Group Incorporated United Air Specialists Incorporated United Conveyor Corporation United Conveyor Supply Company United Rentals

United Rentals Incorporated United Rentals North America Inc. United Roofing & Sheet Metal

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United States Plastic Corporation Univar USA Incorporated Universal Analyzers Incorporated

URS Corporation Utilities Service Alliance Inc. V 0 George Company

Valley Industrial Valley Industrial Trucks Inc. Valley Steel Service Incorporated Valvtechnologies Incorporated

Velan Valve Corporation Ventfabrics Incorporated Verso Quinnesec LLC V-F Controls

WIG Labs Incorporated Viking Supply Net Virginia Electric & Power Company Vivid Learning Systems Incorporated Vnetek Communications LLC

VWR Funding Incorporated VWR Scientific VXI Global Solutions Incorporated W A Hammond Drierite Company

W R Meyers Co Incorporated Wageworks Incorporated Walgreen Company Walleman, Brian F.

Walsh Valve & Specialty Company Walter Gogel Company Inc. Waltron LLC

Warehouse Rack & Shelf LLC Warren Door Waste Management National Services Waste Management of Ohio / 0055123805

Waste Management Strategic Waterways Association of Pittsburgh Weaver, Leonard W. Weavertown

Weavertown Environmental Group Weavertown Transport Leasing Inc. Weber Electric Supply Incorporated Webert, Adam A.

Wectec Global Project Services Inc. Weed Instr Co Inc. dba Ultra Electro Weichert Workforce Mobility Inc.

Weingarten, Andy dba Weingarten Weather Consulting Weir International Inc.

Weir Slurry Group Inc. dba Weir Weir Valves And Controls USA Inc. Weiss Acquisition LLC Weldstar Company

Welltower Incorporated Wender W, Samuel A. Wesco Distribution Incorporated

West View Cunningham Company Inc. Westech Westech Engineering Incorporated Western Oilfields Supply Company Westinghouse Electric Company

Westinghouse Electric Company LLC Westinghouse Electric Corp Westinghouse Electric Supply

Westwind Group, Inc. Wetmore Specialized Plumbing Svcs I Whitehouse Artisian Springs Wilcosky, Raymond J.

Wiles, Richard M. Wiley, Jason A. William Powell Valve Company Williams Scotsman Incorporated Wingate Alloys Incorporated

Winston & Strawn Witmer Associates Incorporated Witmer Public Safety Group Inc.

WMG Incorporated Wolcott Water Systems Incorporated Woodville Road Surplus Incorporated Workplace Consultants LLC

Worksite Medical Wright Industrial Supply Inc. Wright Water & Waste LLC Wyle Laboratories Incorporated

Xylem Dewatering Solutions Inc. Yokogawa Corp. of America Young, Brian D. Young's Floor Covering & Youngstown Barrel & Drum Company

Youngstown Hearing & Speech Ctr Youngstown Pipe & Steel LLC Zalesny, Sean A.

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Zempleo Incorporated

5% Equity Holders

FirstEnergy Corp. FirstEnergy Generation, LLC FirstEnergy Solutions Corp.

Known 5% Equity Holders and Certain Other Equity Holders of First Energy Corp.

BlackRock, Inc.

BRC Special Situations III LLC (Bluescape Group Investor)

Cheyne Walk Investment Pte. Ltd. Cove Key Management, Lp, Asset


Elliott Associates, L.P. Elliott International Capital Advisors Inc. Elliott Management Corporation

Other Professionals

Alston & Bird LLP

American Arbitration Association Babst, Calland, Clements and Zomnir, P.C. Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff


Black, McCuskey, Souers & Arbaugh, LPA Brown Williams Moorhead & Quinn Inc. Calfee Halter & Griswold LLP Carpenter Mccadden & Lane LLP Civil & Environmental Consultants

CRA International Incorporated CT Corporation D4 LLC Davis Wright Tremaine LLP

Deloitte & Touche LLP Dewey Square Group Economists Incorporated Gibson Dunn & Crutcher LLP

Giffen & Kaminsky LLC Greenberg Traurig LLP Harrington Hoppe & Mitchell Ltd HBR Consulting LLC

Hepler Broom LLC Hunton & Williams LLP J E Ciechanowich Incorporated

GIC Pte. Ltd. Green Century Capital Management, Inc. LS Power Equity Partners Permian Investments S.a.r.l. State Street Global Advisors, Inc. T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc.

The Vanguard Group, Inc. Zimmer Partners, LP

Jackson Kelly PLLC

Jeffrey S Levine (Energy Data, LLC) Law Firm of Russell R Johnson III Law Office of Kathy Kolich Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP Litchfield Cavo LLP

Mansour Gavin LPA Marnen Mioduszewski Bordonaro Wagner

& Sinnott, LLC

Martin & Obermaier LLC Mcdermott Will & Emery LLP Mololamken LLP Morgan Lewis & Bockius LLP

Navigant Consulting Incorporated Penny Legal Group LLC Penny Legal LLC Persun & Hamlin PC Philip Elwell Troy, Esq.

Porter Wright Morris & Arthur LLP Post & Schell PC Powergem LLC Quanta Technology LLC

R L Banks & Associates Inc Rawle & Henderson LLP Roetzel & Andress, LPA

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Ross Brittain & Schonberg Co LPA

Scanlon Howley & Doherty PC Scanlon, Howley & Doherty, P.C. Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom LLP

and Affiliates Spillman, Thomas & Battle Steptoe & Johnson PLLC

Sustainability Funding Alliance

Significant Competitors

AEP Energy

Ares Energy Investors Fund V, L.P. Aspen Energy

Calpine Corporation Carlyle Investment Management L.L.C. CenterPoint Energy, Inc. Constellation NewEnergy Crius Energy LLC

Direct Energy Dynegy Inc. EDF Energy Services, LLC Energy Capital Partners III LLC

ENGIE Exelon Generating Company, LLC Green Mountain Energy

Hudson Energy Services, LLC Hudson Energy Services, LLC IGS Energy Integrys

Top 50 Unsecured Creditors

Areva Incorporated

Babcock & Brown Wind Portfolio LLC BNSF Railway Company BP Energy Company Brand Energy Svcs LLC a Div of Brand Commerzbank AG

CSX Transportation, Inc. Day & Zimmermann NPS Enerfab Power & Industrial Inc.

Energysolutions LLC General Electric International, Inc.

Grabnar, John J. High Trail Wind Farm LLC

The Brattle Group The Levicoff Law Firm

Tucker Arensbert PC Tucker Ellis LLP Van Ness Feldman LLP Whiteley BPS Planning Ventures LLC Wilkinson Barker Knauer LLP

Interstate Gas Supply, Inc. Just Energy Kindle Energy LLC

LS Power Equity Advisors, LLC MIP W Holdings L.P.

NextEra Energy Resources Acquisitions LLC

NRG Energy, Inc.

Platinum Equity Advisors, LLC PSEG Services Corporation Riverstone Investment Group LLC

Spark Energy, Inc. Starwood Energy Group Global, Inc. Tenaska Power Services Co. Tenaska, Inc.

Vistra Energy Corp. WGL Energy Services, Inc.

Manoleras, Mark A.

Midcontinent Independent System NAES Corporation Norfolk Southern Corporation PKMJ Technical Services Inc. Rinckel, Jeannie M.

The Atlantic Group The Bank of New York Mellon Trust

Company, N.A.

U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Westech Engineering Incorporated Westinghouse Electric Corp. Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB

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Members of the Official Committee of Unsecured Creditors

Schwebel Baking Company

Committee Professionals

FTI Consulting, Inc. PJT Partners, Inc. Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP

Notice of Appearance Parties as of April 19, 2018

ASHTA Chemicals Inc. MD Solar Ellwood Group, Inc. South Side Area School

District EnergySolutions, LLC

Parties Listed on Filed 2019 Statements, as of June 21, 2018

Citadel Equity Fund Ltd. Fidelity Institutional Asset Management FIAM, LLC Trust Company

Notice of Appearance Parties, as of September 24, 2018

ERM-West, Inc. PJM Interconnection, L.L.C. Marcus Thomas LLC Rupert, James E.

Lease Counterparties

Akron Barberton Cluster Railway Company Norfolk Southern Railway Company Beaver Valley Airport Authority

Rejected Contracts and Leases Parties

Central Montana Rail, Inc. GATX Financial Corporation

Kiski Junction Railroad Norfolk Southern Railway Company

Accounts Payable

Foresite Energy Huxtable Consulting, LLC Murray American Energy, Inc.

Transkentucky Transportation Railroad, Inc. Viper Rail Car Storage

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1. Due to the sensitive and proprietary nature of this information, the Parties Objecting to Retail Sale as well as connections to such Parties will be provided solely to the office of the United States Trustee and counsel to the Creditors' Committee.

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Parties Listed on Filed 2019 Statements, as of September 24, 2018

Canyon Capital Advisors LLC VR Capital Group Ltd. GoldenTree Asset Management LP

Claim Transferees

CRG Financial LLC Tannor Partners Credit Fund, LP HSBC Bank plc

Contract Counterparties

Louisiana Enrichment Services, LLC

Ordinary Course Professionals

Argent Group Ltd. Loomis, Ewert, Parsley, Davis & Day Pitney Gotting, P.C. Esty & Associates The Oxley Group, LLC

J E Cichanowicz Incorporated Van Meter, Ashbrook & Associates Kolich & Associates LLC

Parties Objecting to Retail Sale (Including Objections to the Assumption and Assignment

of Contracts in Connection Therewith) (Public List)

Barry, Justin & Gretchen Brubacher, Cathy Carsia, Diane, Executor for the Estate of Warchol Clubbs, Patty

Conrad, Brenda Conrad, Karl

Cook, Heather

Ferrari, Christine Funck, Clifford Gregory, Joseph

Jackson, Willena Jeanie's House & Hari Julian, Philip & Peggy Kanniard, Denise

Mainwaring, Steve

Parties Objecting to Retail Sale (Including Objections to the Assumption and Assignment

of Contracts in Connection Therewith) (Public List)1

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Middle River’s Connections with Potential Parties in Interest

Middle River serves as an independently contracted asset manager to companies which own certain power generation assets (such entities, herein “Clients”). Middle River has not been engaged to provide asset management or other services by any of the Potential Parties in Interest other than the certain engagements by affiliates of Avenue disclosed in the Declaration. However, in the interest of full disclosure certain of MRP’s Clients have contractual relationships with Potential Parties in Interest.

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