
Definitions:When the numbers of a species, or kind, of animals become very low, they

are facing a risk of becoming extinct.

Extinct: means there are no more left.

Critically Endangered: means that the species is facing an extremely high risk of being extinct very soon.

Endangered: means a species is in danger of becoming extinct.

Vulnerable or Threatened: means that the species is not yet classed as endangered, but numbers are continuing to drop.

Biodiversity: the variety of all life forms, and include the different plants, animals and micro-organisms, and the ecosystems of which they are a part.

Endangered and Vulnerable Australian Species‘Since European settlement began, just over 200 years ago, 18 species of

mammals and about 100 species of plants have become extinct. Currently about 40 species of mammals and many hundreds of species of plants are threatened with extinction. Australia has more endangered species than any other continent.’ (Australian Bureau of Statistics, 2009)

Some reasons why animals become endangered: Some Australian animals depend on a specific food or habitat, and if these

disappear, the animals will not survive. Many native animals are killed by introduced predators such as cats, dogs and

foxes. Other introduced animals such as cattle, rabbits and deer eat the food needed by

native animals. Loss of habitat as land is mined or cleared for houses or farms and forests logged

for timber.

Unit PurposeThe purpose of ‘Save our Animals’ unit is to empower yourself. It is easy to

become disheartened or sad at the rate at which Australia's biodiversity is being wiped-out. Through exploring and developing understandings of how and why species become endangered, we can develop strategies to help in the protection of biodiversity.

Key Understandings Plants, people and other animals are interdependent. Extinction is a natural process. However, human intervention has

added to the extinction rate. There are many ways in which we can help endangered species. Aims Understand the process of how species become endangered. Develop an understanding of strategies that are used or can be used to

help threatened species.

Why is this topic it important to you?It is important to learn about endangered species

because you are the future caretakers of the planet. Through learning and exploring, you will become aware of endangered animals and learn steps humans can take to save endangered species from extinction. By becoming environmentally smart and alert we can have hope for the survival of the animals in our world.

The most effective way to let others know about how to help endangered species is to be a good example. When others see that you care about animals and their habitats, they will follow your lead.

Assessment 1 – Blog Reflection1. Watch YouTube Clip “Saving the Kimberley’s Wildlife” as

a whole class (you can choose to take down notes during the clip)

2. After watching, we will discuss the clip – Your thoughts and ideas about the clip.

3. Using the guide question give to you write a reflection about the “Saving the Kimberley’s Wildlife” YouTube clip.

4. Post this reflection on the new “Save our Animals” class blog. The Teacher will help you access the blog.

*You will be assessed on the quality of your reflection and your ability to critically reflect on the clip and answer the guide questions.

Guide QuestionQuestions to help guide your thinking-1. What do you fell was the main ideas/key information in

the clip?2. Do you think the organisations idea to conserve or secure

the Kimberley's wildlife will work? Why/why not?3. What were some of the threats that the wildlife face? e.g.

Feral animals& weeds.4. Why is public education and Promoting awareness a key

ingredient to saving the Kimberley Wildlife?5. How could a person help support the AWC's mission to

preserve to Australian threatened or Endangered species.6. What does threatened and or endangered mean? -How

do wildlife Become endangered?

Assessment 2 - Webquest Explore the webquest task with the rest of the class

and your teacher (Your teacher will provide you with the website)

Ask any questions you have about the webquest and the task

Your teacher will place you in a small group of 3.

Work with your group to complete the webquest task

*You will be assessed on your ability to complete the webquest and your ability as a whole group to effectively present the webquestfinal task (presentation).

Assessment 3 - Campaign to save the animals 1. As a whole class we will Brainstorm ways in which endangered species can be

helped (Your teacher will place the ideas in an online concept mapping tool which will be posted on the class blog)

2. Research ways in which your chosen animal may or can be helped (You will have access to the computers, books and magazines in the library)

3. Using the information you found identify the important points you wish to inform others about.

4. Watch demonstration of how to create a brochure using Microsoft Publisher (Your teacher will show you how)

5. Create an eye-catching campaign brochure or poster to share with other how and what they can do to help save the animal (You will do this by using Microsoft Publisher)

6. Your brochure/poster will be uploaded to the class blog and also printed and displayed in the office to share your wonderful work and efforts with others.

*You will be assessed on you ability to research, identify appropriate and relevant information , plan, design and present factual and realistic strategies to help save your animal in an eye-catching campaign brochure/poster.

The Last Big Assessment Task

Assessment 4 – Movie or Audio Story Presentation

1. As a whole class brainstorm some story ideas and choose an idea

2. Write an imaginative story Story ideas: How the animal had and now lives being a threatened

species - Cause & Effect How the animal might adapt/evolve and survive – Prediction How the animal might survive by human intervention-

Prediction/invention Discovery of a once thought to been endangered species e.g.

Tasmanian Tiger.

Students can use knowledge and understandings of the animal so far to assist in constructing this story.

3. Revision – Parts of an narrative4. Begin writing your draft story5. When you have finished your draft story your teacher will

conference with you to help you begin editing, proof reading and make any final changes before publishing.

6. Once the drafting and editing has been done you can start creating your movie (using Microsoft MovieMaker) or audio story (creating a podcast/vodcast using podomatic).

7. Add any illustrations or images you like to tell your story (Use flickr, Google Images or even scan in your own drawings).

8. Prepare for oral presentation. Organise any equipment or props you may need.

9. You will present you finished story to the whole class (You must tell us the meaning behind your story and how you created the final movie or audio story).

10. Upload your Story to the class blog to share with others.11. Complete a self and peer assessment questionnaire.

*You will be assessed on you ability to plan and write a creative story, create a movie or audio story that makes sense, effectively present your movie or audio story to the rest of the class and your ability to self and peer assess.

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