Page 1: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now.

Page 2: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

( ) 1、My father __________football every week. A. played B. plays C. playing( ) 2、 I played basketball in the playground _______ weekend. A. last B. next C. this( ) 3、My grandparents __________ in the evenings. A. watches B. watch TV C. watched TV( ) 4、 Did Rose __________ last Sunday? A. went swimming B. read a book C. taking pictures( ) 5、 Tom __________ very happy last night.. A. looks B. is C. was( ) 6、 Three days _________ , I will be back to Shunde. A. before B. later C. soon







Page 3: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

If there are too many people what will happen ?

Page 4: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

Read and complete. Then listen.Complete the dialogue with the correct forms of the verbs in the box. You can use the verbs more than once.

be have live see travel walk

Reporter: So, where were you living when you were a child?Mrs Li: Here in Beijing.Reporter: What ______ Beijing like then?Mrs Li: It was very different. There _____ not so many people when I was a child. The streets _____ quieter. The roads were not as busy as they _____ now. We _______ or cycled everywhere. We didn’t go to places that were far away then.Now we _______by bus or car and we go to places that are far away.Reporter: What was your life like when you were a child?Mrs Li: When I was a child, we _____ in a house. We _____ a garden and our town was very quiet.Reporter: What is your life like now?



are workedtravel

lived had

Page 5: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

Mrs Li: Now I _____ in an apartment that is on the 22nd floor. It _____ very noisy. My family all _____ near me when I was young. Now there are many people in my family and they ______ far away from the city. Sometimes, I don’t _____ my grandchildren for a long time.

Now listen to the interviewbetween the reporter and Mrs Liand check your answers.


is lived



Page 6: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

yearWorld pop


World population

600AD 200 million 1950 2 million

1600 545 million 2004 6.3 billion

1850 1.1 billion

Look at the information in the table. Then complete the passage on the next page.

Page 7: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

In the year 600 AD, there were (1) _______ people in the world. One(2)_______years later, the population rose to about 545 million. 250 years later, the population was(3) ______billion. By 1950, that figure doubled to(4) ______.In 2004, the population(5) _______about (6)_______


2 billion was

6.3 billion

200 million


Page 8: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now


1. The sun always ________ (rise) in the east.2. Yesterday, I _______ (go) shopping with my mother.3. We ________ (lose) the game to a better team if we don’t train hard. 4. It ________ (be) important for us to protect our environment.5. Many scientists _________ (think) that there ________ (be) too many people in the world today.6. One of the reasons for overpopulation ________ (be) that people ________ (live) longer these days.7. There ________ (are) so many people at the beach yesterday that we ___________ (can not) find a place to sit.8. It ________ (be) my birthday today.

Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets to complete these sentences.


will lostis

think are

is live



Page 9: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

1.一般现在时与一般过去时共同点:①两者均可表示人的性格、特征、爱好,以及习惯性动作,常与频度副词:often,sometimes,seldom,usually,always,once a week,three times a month,等连用。Eg: I like singing . I liked singing when I was a child. I often sing . I often sang when I was a child. ②在条件和时间状语从句中,一般将来时要改为一般现在时,过去将来时要改为一般过去时。Eg: I am going to be a docter when I grow up . I am going to the zoo if it doesn’t rain .2. 一般现在时与一般过去时的不同点:①一般现在时表示现阶段发生的动作或状态,以及永恒不变的事实、真理和自然规律,常与时间状语 today, every day, on Sunday等连用。Eg: What day is today ? We sometimes go to the park on Sunday. They ride bikes to school every day.②一般过去时表示过去阶段发生的动作或状态,常与时间状语 yesterday,last year, the day before yesterday ,this morning,five days ago等连用。 Eg: What day was yesterday ? We sometimes went to the park on Sunday last year .

Page 10: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

3.一般现在时肯、否定句、一般疑问句及简短回答和特殊疑问句的变化规则。 “① ” “行为动词 与助动词 do”连用:Sometimes we go to the park on Sunday.Sometimes we don’t go to the park on Sunday.Do you sometimes go to the park on Sunday ? Yes,we do./ No, we don’t.Where do you sometimes go on Sunday ?When do you sometimes go to the park ?

“② ” “行为动词三单主语 与助动词 does”连用:Spring returns in March. Spring doesn’t return in March. Does spring return in March ? Yes, it does. / No, it doesn’t.When does spring return?

“③ be ”动词 可以兼助动词:The sun isn’t bigger than the moon .Is the sun bigger than the moon?Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.How is the sun than the moon?

Page 11: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

4.一般过去时肯、否定句、一般疑问句及简短回答和特殊疑问句的变化规则。 “① ” “行为动词 与助动词 did”连用: I got up at six thirty this morning . I didn’t get up at six thirty this morning .Did you get up at six thirty this morning ?Yes, I did. / No, I didn’t. When did you get up this morning ?

“② be ” 动词 可以兼助动词:It was Monday yesterday .It wasn’t Monday yesterday .Was it Monday yesterday ?Yes, it was. / No, it wasn’t.What day was yesterday ?

Page 12: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

visit ---            read ---         look ----          help ---      buy ---   go ---             eat ----            listen ---      try ---          walk ---

write down their past tense

visited read

looked helped

bought went

ate listened

tried walked

Page 13: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

Yesterday, Sarah and Jane went shopping. They ______ around allday at the shopping centre. They _______ some clothes and ______on some shoes. They ________ to some music and _______ at some CDs. They ______ lunch afterwards. They then _______ to a libraryand ______ some magazines. After that, they ________ a friend and they _______ him to cook dinner.


bought triedlistened looked

ate went

read visited


Page 14: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

You want to ask your aunt about her holiday. Use the notes to write the questions.Where did you go? (where/go)

_______________ (be/food/good)

___________________ (how long/stay/there)

__________________ (stay/in/hotel)

_____________________ (how/travel/there)

__________________________ (meet/interesting people)

Was the food good?

How long did you stay there?

Did you stay in a hotel?

How did you travel there?

Did you meet interesting people?

Page 15: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

Below are some things that can happen if there are too many people on the Earth.Which of these things are already happening now? Put a cross(×) or a tick(√ ) beside each statement.1. People will be very poor. ( )2. People will have no food. ( )3. People will die of diseases. ( )4. There will be no forests left. ( )5. People will fight to get resources. ( )6. There will be no oil left. ( )7. All the rivers will be polluted. ( )

Page 16: Unit 3 The roads were not as busy as they are now

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